Aquamarine Gemstone: People Born in The Month of March and Hence Called
Aquamarine Gemstone: People Born in The Month of March and Hence Called
Aquamarine Gemstone: People Born in The Month of March and Hence Called
Aqua means water and marine means of the sea. The name obviously comes from the fact that all aquamarines are blue in color. The gem owes its name and popularity to the unique color that it has. This blue gemstone is the birthstone for the people born in the month of March and hence called as the March Birthstone. In India, the gem is now by it trade name !eru". It is the birth stone for the month of march and a quality is sought after gem. Aquamarine history and facts The aquamarine rough was first mined in #$## in !razil. %owever, history has it that it has been used in "ewelry much before this time. &ne of the first documented proofs of the use of aquamarine gemstones e'ists between ($) and *)) !+. This gem was used by the Greeks to make aquamarine jewelry. In the middle ages, people believed that this gem stone could magical overcome the effects of poison.
,irates and sailors used small opaque and translucent aquamarine roc s and -some times good quality aquamarine crystals too. as amulets and believed that it would protect them from the raging sea and ensure a safe return. In some parts of the world the aquamarine birthstone is considered to be a symbol of eternal youth, "oy and happiness. Composition of Aquamarine Gemstone The chemical formula for an aquamarine gem stone is beryllium aluminum silicate -*!e& Al/ &* 0 1i&/.. Its specific gravity is /.2# and refractive inde' ranges from #.32( to #.3$). Its hardness on 4ohs scale is between 2.3 and $. It has a vitreous polish luster. Varieties Aquamarine gemstone is a transparent variety of the mineral group beryl. Physical Properties Of Aquamarine Gemstone Aquamarine Color 5hile all the aquamarine gemstones are a lovely blue color, they can be
found in colors that are bluish6green, blue6green, light greenish6blue, greenish blue, light blue natural and beautiful light blue. The trace element in this case is iron. 7egardless of its luster, even the most well polished deepest blue genuine aquamarine gemstone does not match up to the royal blue e'cellent brilliance of the sapphire gemstone. Cut 1ince the supply of genuine natural aquamarine gemstone is large, the rough material with heavy inclusions are often used in carving. The good clear transparent crystals are faceted into various simple shapes li e oval, round and complicated ones li e square princess, heart shaped, trillion cut, pear cut etc. 8ems with different types of fancy cut and cushion cut are commonly used in fashion "ewelry li e rings, bracelets, earrings, pendants etc. Carat 9ot only these gemstones are available in abundance but also the sizes that they are available are in large. The mines of 4inas 8erais, !razil produced the largest aquamarine till
date in #::). It weighed ##) ;ilograms and was #: inches long with a diameter of #3 inches. Clarity Though aquamarine gemstones are not completely flawless, they do not have many natural inclusions. The trasparent rough crystals are usually eye clean. And those that are there are mainly faint natural inclusions. The most common eye visible inclusions are raindrop li e needles which can be clearly seen under magnification. Pricing and Buying of Aquamarine Gemstone Today aquamarine gemstone is not as e'pensive as it used to be earlier. Although it is still one of the popular gemstones used in "ewelry, its wide availability has resulted in a decline in prices. The main factor that affects the price of this gem is the color. 1econdary factors that affect price are its carat size and clarity. The cut of the gemstone is not an important factor when it comes to deciding the price since it is readily a ailable in arious cuts. A fine quality natural aquamarine gemstone with good luster that weighs a carat would
cost somewhere around </3. These gems are usually found in huge sizes so the basic rule of gemstones pricing! "the bigger the stone the more the per carat rate# does not apply here. A good quality aquamarine gem which is #3 carats is li ely to cost < *3 or less per carat and the weight of the stone does not really matter much here. =ight and pale aquamarine rough with visible yellow or white tint and which are translucent are cheaply available from <# per carat onwards. Markets and Producers 4ost of largest rough untreated -unheated. crystals of fine aquamarine in the world market today are from Bra$il. The !razilians now best how this gem is mined and since the gemstone was first mined in the country in #$##, Bra$il has been consistently producing fine natural aquamarine gemstones. &ther countries where aquamarine crystal is mined are India, ,a istan, 4ozambique, 9igeria, +hina, 4adagascar, 9amibia, >ambia, >imbabwe, 9orway, 9orth Ireland, 7ussia and the ?nited 1tates. Treatments on Natural Aquamarine Gemstone
The only special treatment that the natural aquamarine gemstone undergoes is heat treatment that is done to reduce the green tones that are present naturally. This treatment where the fine quality rough or green coloured beryl is heated, produces a purer and deeper blue aquamrine. The blue colour of this gemstone is usually a result of heating and it is not detectable even in gemological laboratories. In short unheated aquamarines are not commonly found. 1imulants The closest competitor to this gem is the treated blue topaz, which is much lower in terms of price. 1ince the color of aquamarine is unique, only close inspection is required to differentiate it from its simulants. &ther common simulants are synthetic and natural blue spinel,, zircon, sapphire, tourmaline and glass. nteresting Tri!ia and Aquamarine "acts Aquamarine gemstone is the official state gem of +olorado, ?1A. It is worn by people born in the month of 4arch and hence called as the March Birthstone.