Answer To Complaint BP 22
Answer To Complaint BP 22
Answer To Complaint BP 22
SALOME S. LIM, Complainant, ve !"! CHRISTINE JOY I. TENORIO Re!pon#ent$ %---------------------------------% CRIMINAL CASE. No. 3756 FOR: VIOLATION OF B.P. BLG. 22
EFEN ANT, &' t(e "n#e !i)ne# atto ne' an# to t(i! Hono a&le O**i+e e!pe+t*"ll' ave ! t(at, -$ S(e a#mit! pa a) ap(! - an# . /it( e)a #! t(e name!, e!i#en+e! an# !tat"! o* t(e pa tie!, &"t e*"te! po tion! o* ot(e pa a) ap(!, *o la+0 o* a#e1"ate 0no/le#)e to *o m a! to t(e t "t( t(e eo*$ .$ S(e #enie! pa ti+"la l' pa a) ap( *o" 234, +laimin) t(at t(e #e*en#ant a*te noti+e o* t(e #i!(ono e# +(e+0 p a+ti+all' a&an#one# to *"n# it$ 5e*en#ant, t( o")( t(e inte net eplie# #ate# M!" #7, 2$#3 !tatin) t(at !(e /a! not a&le to *"n# t(e !ai# +(e+0 #"e to t(e !e ie! o* lo!!e! !"**e e# &' (e &"!ine!!$ A! a !"&!tit"te, #e*en#ant /ill i!!"e anot(e +(e+0 *o t(e pa'ment o* t(e !ai# loan$ Mo eove , t(e #e*en#ant !e+" e# an o**e in) o* t/ent' t(o"!an# pe!o! 2P.6, 666$664 a! a * a+tional pa'ment *o t(e loan a++ommo#ation o&taine# on Ap il o* .6-7 &"t t(e +omplainant #enie# t(e !ame$ P(oto+op' o* !ai# epl' lette atta+(e# a! ANNE% &A'. 7$ S(e e8e+t! al!o t(e +ontention o* t(e plainti** t(at !(e emplo'e# #e+eit in t(e i!!"an+e o* a #i!(ono e# +(e+0$ In t(e +a!e o* People of the Philippines vs. Lea Sagan Juliano, t(e S"p eme Co" t (el# t(at in *ailin) to p ove t(e element o* #e+eit &' appellant, t(at p o!e+"tion *aile# to p ove &e'on# ea!ona&le #o"&t t(at appellant i! )"ilt' o* E!ta*a "n#e A ti+le 7-9, pa a) ap( . 2#4, o* t(e Revi!e# Penal Co#e$ :it( t(at, t(e appellant #i# not +on!tit"te * a"#"lent a+t!
WHEREFORE, #e*en#ant e!pe+t*"ll' p a'! t(at t(e +omplaint &e #i!mi!!e# #"e to la+0 o* me it, /it( +o!t! a)ain!t t(e +omplainant$
ATTY. (RISNA ATHENA (UTCHER Co"n!el *o t(e 5e*en#ant Commi!!ion Se ial No$ -37 Until 5e+em&e 7-, .6-3 Roll o* Atto ne' <6333 IBP No$ ... -6=>.->-7-5avao PTR No$ -.7-6=>76>-7-5avao
I, CHRISTINE JOY I. TENORIO, o* le)al a)e, #o (e e&' !tate t(at, I am t(e #e*en#ant in t(e +a!e *ile# &' SALOME S. LIM *o E!ta*a? in e!pon!e, I (ave +a"!e# t(e p epa ation o* t(i! An!/e ? I (ave ea# it! +ontent! an# a**i m t(at t(e' a e t "e an# +o e+t to t(e &e!t o* m' o/n pe !onal 0no/le#)e? I !pe+i*i+all' #en' t(e )en"inene!! an# #"e e%e+"tion a! /ell a! t(e &in#in) e**e+t o* t(e a+tiona&le #o+"ment! p e!ente# &' +omplainant? I (e e&' +e ti*' t(at t(e e i! no ot(e +a!e +ommen+e# o pen#in) &e*o e an' +o" t involvin) t(e !ame pa tie! an# t(e !ame i!!"e an# t(at, !(o"l# I lea n o* !"+( a +a!e, I !(all noti*' t(e +o" t /it(in *ive 294 #a'! * om m' noti+e$
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I (ave (e e"nto a**i%e# m' !i)nat" e t(i! .3 t( o* ;an"a ' .6-3 at Ta)"m Cit', P(ilippine!$
CHRISTINE JOY I. TENORIO A**iant>5e*en#ant Pa!!po t No$ [email protected] I!!"e# on Novem&e -9, .6-. 5avao Cit', P(ilippine! SUBSCRIBE AN SWORN to &e*o e me t(i! ;an"a ' .3, .6-3 in Ta)"m Cit',
Rep"&li+ o* t(e P(ilippine!, a**iant &ein) pe !onall' 0no/n to me, an# I +e ti*' t(at I (ave pe !onall' e%amine# t(e a**iant an# I am *"ll' +ontente# t(at !(e /ill*"ll' an# !pontaneo"!l' e%e+"te# (e a**i#avit an# *"ll' "n#e !too# all +ontent! t(e eo*$
(RISNA ATHENA (UTCHER 5o+$ No$ -3? Pa)e No$ 7 ? Boo0 No$ - ? Se ie! o* .6-3$ Nota ' P"&li+ Commi!!ion Se ial No$ -37 Until 5e+em&e 7-, .6-3 Roll o* Atto ne' <6333 IBP No$ ... -6=>.->-7-5avao PTR No$ -.7-6=>76>-7-5avao
Cop' o* t(e *o e)oin) ANS:ER /a! !e ve# to plainti**A! +o"n!el &' e)i!te e# mail #"e to time an# #i!tan+e +on!t aint! an# *o la+0 o* t(e "n#e !i)ne#A! !ta** /(o +an !e ve t(e !ame in pe !on$
I a+t +ont ite *o t(e #i!(ono o* !ai# +(e+0! #"e to in!"**i+ient *"n#! an# in!ta&ilit' o* m' &"!ine!!$ I am /illin) to i!!"e anot(e +(e+0 *o t(e !ai# loan amo"ntin) to Fi*t' T(o"!an# Pe!o! 2P96,666$664 #" in) t(e!e #a'!$