Annex D
Annex D
Annex D
!aran"a# Case No' ()*+,-*) For. Collection of /u0 of one# R$/TITUTO Y' &IGO Complainant against D$!T Y' !AYAD Respondent
C$RTIFICATION TO FI&$ ACTION This is to certify that: 1. There has been a personal confrontation bet een the parties before the !"nong #arangay$!ang%at ng Tagapag%as"ndo& '. A settlement as reached& (. The settlement has been rep"diated in a statement s orn to before the !"nong #arangay by R$/TITUTO Y' &IGO on gro"nd of non) f"lfillment of D$!T Y' !AYAD to pay the principal amo"nt pl"s interest on the day agreed "pon in the settlement. *. Therefore+ the corresponding complaint for the disp"te may no be filed in Co"rt. This ((th day of October1 )2(* at Ta"u0 Cit#+ !hilippines.