Project Report ON: Brand Awareness of Consumer Products Case Study of FMCG Products

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Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG)


We consider our proud privilege to express deep sense of gratitude to ..for his admirable and valuable guidance, keen interest, encouragement and constructive suggestions during the course of the project. We would also like to express our hearty gratitude to our faculty guides, . and of .. for their valuable guidance and sincere cooperation, which helped us in completing this Singapore business trip project. Last, but not the least, we sincerely thank all the members of our team for their immense support and assistance extended during the course of this project and in making it a valuable experience.


Table of Content
. !xecutive summary #. $ntroduction %. &verview of '()* +. '()* in #, % -. )omparison between '()* in #,,- . #, % /. Sector0s outlook 1. Scope of '()* 2. *rowth prospects 3. 4op players in '()* sector ,. Secondary players .5eview of literature #. 5esearch objectives %.5esearch methodology +.6nalysis /, -.)onclusion /# /.Suggestions . recommendations 1.5eferences /2.7uestionnaire //"/2 /% /+" / " # #" + /" 3 3" " #"% % + +"-"1 2 2"

Executive Summary
$n this research the researchers have put an effort to understand the buying behavior of the consumers towards $ndian '()* products in Singapore. . $n this report, the researchers have first of all given a brief review about '()* sector as a whole. #. 4hen we have given a review of the findings of some of the researches that has already been conducted by various researchers. %. 4hen we have enumerated our research objectives. +. 4hen we have given the panoramic view regarding the topic. -. 4hen we have described our research methodology i.e., the sample unit, sample si8e, sampling region, sampling procedure that we have used in our report. /. We have used stratified random sampling as our sampling procedure. 1. 4hen we have analy8ed the data which was collected by a 9uestionnaire. 2. 4hen we have concluded the findings of the survey. 3. 4hen finally, we have given few suggestions . recommendations regarding the topic.


4here was a time when the '()* companies ignored Singapore market, they took no any interest to produced or sell products in Singapore markets except $ndia. $t was the initial stage of '()* companies in $ndia. 6s per as the time had passed, the strategy and marketing style of '()* companies had been changed. 4he international market is the one of the best opportunity for the '()* sector in the $ndia. $t is wider for the '()*. 6s the income level of the international consumers increasing, the demand of '()* is increasing continuously abroad. 'ast moving consumer goods :'()*; are popularly named as consumer packaged goods. $tems in this category include all consumables :other than groceries<pulses; people buy at regular intervals. 4he most common in the list are toilet soaps, detergents, shampoos, tooth paste, shaving products, shoe polish, packaged food stuff, household accessories, extends to certain electronic goods. 4hese items are meant for daily or fre9uent consumption . have a high return. 6 major portion of the monthly budget of each household is reserved for '()* products. 4he volume of products circulated in the economy against '()* products is very high, as the number of products the consumer uses, is comparatively very high. )ompetition in '()* sector is very high resulting in high pressure on margins. '()* companies maintain intense distribution network. )ompanies spend a large portion of their budget on maintaining distribution networks. =ew entrants who wish to bring their products in the national level need to invest

huge sums of money on promoting brands. (anufacturing can be outsourced. 6 recent phenomenon in the sector was entry of multinationals and cheaper imports. 6lso the market is more pressuri8ed with presence of local players in Singapore markets.

verview of F!C" Sector

'()* is an acronym for 'ast (oving )onsumer *oods, which refer to things that we buy from local supermarkets on daily basis, the things that have high turnover . are relatively cheaper. 6fter + years of dull performance in both revenues . profits, '()* sector has now, i.e., since #,,-, gained the momentum, principally because of the smaller companies that have substantially improved their market shares at the cost of larger players, . in some cases, the regional players. $f we carefully observe the '()* index . >S! index, we would reali8e that the returns on money invested in '()* index are much lower than the returns in benchmark index. 4he '()* sector has under performed the benchmark >S! sensex in #, %. 4hough both the indices were close to each other till august #, %, however, in the later part of the year the sensex surpassed the '()* index by a reasonable margin.

Com#ari$on of %&'( and %&&)

6fter two years of sinking performance of '()* sector, the year #,,- has witnessed the '()*0s demand growing. Strong growth was seen across various segments in '?,/. With the rise in disposable income and the economy in good health, the urban consumers continued with their shopping spree. 4he international demand grew at around contributed to the highest growth in Singapore areas. depends on two factorsB

@, while both the *rowth in '()*

domestic sector registered a growth of around 2@. Aackets and sachets

$ncrease in penetration and consumption in Singapore markets )hange in aspirations and tastes of the urban population abroad

>oth these factors contributed to growth in #, %. >esides demand, prices also increased, because of which only the selected consumers moved up in the value chain. 4he large format retail stores in metros also stimulated sales, even if on a very small base. Some companies absorbed higher input prices, while others were able to pass on the cost to the consumers.



'()* is the fourth largest sector in the $ndian !conomy with a total market si8e of 5s./,,,,, crores. '()* sector generates -@ of total factory employment in the country and is creating employment for three million people, especially in small towns and rural $ndia. 6ccording to a )$$ C 6 4 Dearney 5eport, the '()* sector in $ndia is expected to grow at a compounded growth rate :)6*5; of 3@ to a si8e of 5s. ,+%,,,, crores by #, , from 5s. 3%,,,, crores at present. With a growth of -#.-@, the >S! '()* index has, during the last year

outperformed the sensex, which could manage a growth of + @ only. 6 well established distribution network, intense competition between the organi8ed . unorgani8ed segments, low operating costs, strong branding characteri8es the market. 4he large consumer base, particularly in Singapore market, and the growing middle class open up huge opportunities to '()* companies to take the consumers to branded products and offer new generation products. 4he sectorEs lack"luster performance in the last few years was due to price competition and increase in raw materials cost. Fowever, in the '?,/, the sector has witnessed a double"digit growth in profits and revenues. 4he sector has registered an up trend in growth across categories, such as health supplement, shampoo, toothpaste, hair oils, and mos9uito repellant, as shown in table belowB

Sale$ +alue "rowt, -




A#r.%&'(/Se#t. %&'( %(-

0ealt, Su##lement /)1C,yawan#ra$,2 S,am#oo Toot,#a$te 0air il$ '&)3'(-




!o$6uito 7e#ellant

Source: CII 8 A T 9earney 7e#ort: 1%&&&2

Sector Financial$

In million$

('/&(/%&'( ;et Sale$ Sale$ "rowt, <rofit after Tax <AT "rowt, !arket Ca#itali>ation Enter#ri$e +alue '4.:'34 '&.5'3:)3) '4.4=.:=.4 44%:).&

('/&(/%&&) '.5:%.' %.&'=:&&' /%..%4):5'& 4.):.== )'.&%=.'-

('/&(/%&&. '.):(5& / %':&&5 / 4(:&=% ))':3=' .).)%'.&-

7eturn on Ca#ital .=.'Em#loyed 17 CE2 <?E 7atio %4.=-

Source: CII 8 A T 9earney 7e#ort: 1%&&&2

Sco#e of t,e F!C" Sector

4he $ndian '()* sector has a market si8e of GS H %. billion. '()* sector is expected to grow by over /,@ by #, ,. 4hat will translate into an annual growth of ,@ over a period of - years. $t has been estimated that '()* sector will rise from around 5s. -/,-,, crores in #,,- to 5s. 3#, ,, crores in #, ,. Fair care, household care, male grooming, female hygiene, . the chocolates . confectionary categories are estimated to be the fastest growing segments, says an

FS>) 5eport. 4hough the sector witnessed a slower growth in #,,# C ,+, it has been to make a fine recovery since then. 'or example, Findustan Levers Limited :FLL; has shown a healthy growth in the last 9uarter. 6n estimated double"digit growth over the next few years shows that the good times are likely to continue.

"rowt, <ro$#ect$
'()* sector is also likely to benefit from growing demand in the international market. >ecause of the low per capita consumption for almost all the products in the country, '()* companies have immense possibilities for growth. 6nd if the companies are able to change the mindset of the consumers, i.e. if they are able to take the consumers to branded products and offer new generation products, they would be able to generate higher growth in the near future. $t is expected that the international income will rise in #,,1, boosting purchasing power in abroad. Fowever, international $ndian goods consumption accounts for more than +,@ consumption in major '()* categories such as personal care, fabric care, and hot beverages. $n Singapore, home and personal care category, including skin care, household care and feminine hygiene, will keep growing at relatively attractive rates. Within the foods segment, it is estimated that processed foods, bakery, and dairy are long"term growth categories in both domestic and Singapore.

$ndian )ompetitiveness and )omparison with the World (arketsB 4he following factors make $ndia a competitive player in '()* sectorB . 6vailability of raw materials

>ecause of the diverse agro"climatic conditions in $ndia, there is a large raw material base suitable for food processing industries. $ndia is the largest producer of livestock, milk, sugarcane, coconut, spices and cashew and is the second largest producer of rice, wheat and fruits .vegetables. $ndia also produces caustic soda and soda ash, which are re9uired for the production of soaps and detergents. 4he availability of these raw materials gives $ndia the location advantage. #. Labor cost comparison

Low cost labor gives $ndia a competitive advantage. $ndiaEs labor cost is amongst the lowest in the world, after )hina . $ndonesia. Low labor costs give the advantage of low cost of production. (any (=)Es have established their plants in $ndia to outsource for domestic and export markets. %. Aresence across value chain

$ndian companies have their presence across the value chain of '()* sector, right from the supply of raw materials to packaged goods in the food" processing sector. 4his brings $ndia a more cost competitive advantage. 'or example, 6mul supplies milk as well as dairy products like cheese, butter, etc.

To# <layer$ in F!C" Sector

. Findustan lever limited :FLL; #. $4) :$ndian 4obacco )ompany; %. =estle $ndia +. *)((' :6(GL; -. Iabur $ndia /. 6sian Aaints :$ndia; 1. )adbury $ndia 2. >ritannia $ndustries 3. Arocter . *amble Fygiene . Fealth )are ,. (arico $ndustries

Secondary <layer$
. )olgate"Aalmolive :$ndia; Ltd. #. *odrej )onsumers Aroduct Ltd. %. =irma Ltd. +. 4ata 4ea Ltd. -. Aarle 6gro /. F. J. Fein8


7eview of @iterature 7e$earc, obAective$

7eview of @iterature
$nternational market is one of the best opportunities for the '()* sector. $n some sense we can say that international market is future of '()*. '. Ba$u <urba 1%&&.2: $ugge$ted that the lifestyle of urban consumers is changing. Grban $ndian market and the marketing strategy have become the latest marketing bu88word for most of the '()* majors. She takes into consideration the study of =ational )ouncil for 6pplied !conomic 5esearch :=)6!5;. 6ccording to the =)6!5 projections, the number of middle and high"income households in international area is expected to grow from +, million to 3, million by #, %. $n urban $ndia, the same is expected to grow from /- million to 13 million. 4hus, the absolute si8e of international market is expected to be double that of urban $ndia.

6s per our concern of the research, it is a detail study of different '()* products used by international consumers. $t will provide detail information about consumer preferences towards a good number of '()* products which is too uni9ue and different from those previous researches.

7e$earc, obAective$

4o understand the demand pattern of '()* products in the international market. 4o know the amount of household income spent on the consumption of '()* products. 4o understand the image of the products in the eyes of the international consumers.

C!"#$%& -3


7e$earc, met,odology Cata collection

Sam#le unit:
. #. %. +. working people :including men . women; college students school students senior citi8ens

Sam#le $i>e:
. #. %. +. working peopleB %#@ college studentsB #3@ school studentsB #%@ senior citi8ensB /@

Sam#ling region:
. 4he researchers have selected Singapore, as their area of study. #. We have chosen 6ng (o Dio, Little $ndia, 4ampines and &rchard as her areas of research. $n these areas she can easily meet working people :both male . female;, school students, college students . senior citi8ens.

Sam#ling #rocedure:

4he researcher will take $tratified random $am#ling as the sampling procedure.

Cata collection met,od:


<rimary data:

it will be collected with the help of a self

administered 9uestionnaire. 4his 9uestionnaire aims to gather information related to various >randed products.


Secondary data: it will be collected with the help of books,

research papers, maga8ines, news papers, journals, internet, etc.

7e$earc, in$trument$: Due$tionnaire de$ign:

6s the 9uestionnaire is self administrated one, the survey is kept simple and user friendly. Words used in 9uestionnaire are readily understandable to all respondent. 6lso technical jargons are avoided to ensure that there is no confusion for respondents.

C!"#$%& -4


Analy$i$ (Considering only the buyers buying Indian Origin Goods And Data comprising only of Indian goods.)
. Which soap u prefer to useK 4he reaction of people towards various $ndian S&6A brands can be tabulated in the following mannerB Brand$ <ercentage @ux (4 Cettol %% @ifebuoy '5 ot,er$ %.

$n the survey that the researcher conducted, it could easily be concluded that LGL, the product of FGL was highly in demand. LGL, the product of FGL covers %/@ of the market share. 6fter LGL, the other brands :!L)!A4 LGL, I!44&L, L$'!>G&?; covers #+@ of the market share. 4his is then followed by I!44&L, the product of 5!)D$44 >!=)D$S!5 with a market share of ##@, which is then followed by L$'!>G&?, the product of FGL with a market share of 2@.

4his data can be graphically explained with the help of the following bar graphB

demand of soap brands

40 35 30 25 percentage 20 15 10 5 0 brands lux dettol lifebuoy others

#. Which pack u prefer to useK $n order to determine the income pattern of the consumers, it was necessary for the researcher to distribute the consumers on the basis

of their demand for the various packs of S&6A brands available in the market. Fowever, the reaction of people towards various packs of S&6A can be tabulated in the following mannerB <ack$ of $oa#$ <ercentage Single #ack )4 Family #ack 1( in '2 ..

$n the survey that the researchers conducted, they tried to differentiate amongst people, with below average household income, average household income . above household income. 4his classification can be done on the basis of the daily expenditure that people make. -/@ consumers demand single pack. ++@ consumers demand family packs i.e. % in pack.

4his data can be graphically explained with the help of the following bar graphB

demand of packs of soap

60 50 40 percentage 30 20 10 0 packs preferred by customers single pack family pack ( 3 in 1

. Which tea u prefer to useK 4he reaction of people towards various 4!6 brands can be tabulated in the following mannerB Brand$ Tata Tea Brooke TaA !a,al t,er$



Bond %5



$n the survey that the researchers conducted, it could easily be concluded that 4646 4!6, the product of 4646 has a market share of %#@. 4his is followed by, >5&&D! >&=I, with a market share of #2@. 'ollowed by other brands :!L)!A4 4646 4!6, >5&&D! >&=I, 46J (6F6L; with a market share of ##@. 4his is finally followed by 46J (6F6L, the product of FGL which holds 2@ of the market share.

4his data can be graphically explained with the help of the following bar graphB

demand of tea brands

35 30 25 percentage 20 15 10 5 0 brands tata tea brooke bond ta! mahal others

#. Which tea pack u prefer to useK $n order to determine the income pattern of the consumers, it was necessary for the researchers to distribute the consumers on the basis of

their demand for the various packs of 4!6 brands available in the market. Fowever, the reaction of people towards various 4!6 packs can be tabulated in the following mannerB TEA #ack$ #ercentage Sac,et .5 !edium #ack (% @arge #ack %&

$n the survey that the researcher conducted, she tried to differentiate amongst the people, with below average household income, average household income . above household income. 4his classification can be done on the basis of the daily expenditure that people make. Fowever, it can be concluded that sachets are most commonly used by the people .i.e., +2@ consumers demand sachet packs. %#@ consumers demand medium pack.#,@ consumers demand large pack.

4his data can be graphically explained with the help of the following diagramB

demand of tea packs

50 40 30 percentage 20 10 0 packs preferred by customers sachet medium pack large pack

%. Which tooth paste u prefer to useK

Fowever, the reaction of people towards various 4&&4F A6S4!S can be tabulated as followsB

Brand$ <ercentage

<e#$odent %=

Colgate ()

Clo$e E# %%

t,er$ '4

$n the survey that the researcher conducted, it could easily be seen that )&L*64!, the product of )&L*64! A6L(&L$M! is the market leader, which covers %-@ of the total market. 6fter that, A!AS&I!=4, the product of FGL is demanded by the customers, which covers #1@ of the market share. 'ollowed by )L&S! C GA, the product of FGL is demanded by the customers, which covers ##@ of the market share. Which is then followed by others brands :!L)!A4 A!AS&I!=4, )&L*64!, )L&S! " GA;, which covers /@ of the total market share.

4his data can be graphically explained with the help of the following bar graphB

demand of tooth paste

35 30 25 percentage 20 15 10 5 0 brands pepsodent colgate close up others

+. Which pack u prefer to useK $n order to determine the income pattern of the consumers, it was necessary for the researcher to distribute the consumers on the basis of

their demand for the various packs of 4&&4F A6S4! brands available in the market. Fowever, the reaction of people towards various 4&&4F A6S4! packs can be tabulated in the following mannerB Toot, #a$te #ack <ercentage

Small #ack (.

!edium #ack .5

Family #ack '5

$n the survey that the researcher conducted, she tried to differentiate amongst the people, with below average household income, average household income . above household income. 4his classification can be done on the basis of the daily expenditure that people make. Fowever, it can be concluded that %+@ consumers demand small packs. +2@ consumers demand medium packs. 2@ consumers demand large pack.

4his data can be graphically explained with the help of the following graphB

demand of packs of tooth paste

50 40 30 percentage 20 10 0 packs preferred by customers small pack medium pack family pack

-. Which detergent u prefer to useK 4he reaction of people towards various I!4!5*!=4 brands can be tabulated in the following mannerB

Brand$ <ercentage

Surf %=

7in ()

Tide %%

t,er$ '4

$n the survey that the researcher conducted, it could be easily concluded that 5$=, the product of FGL captures %-@ of the total market share. 4his is followed by SG5', the product of FGL which has a market share of #1@. 4his is followed by 4$I!, the product of A5&)4!5 . *6(>L! which has a market share of #1@. 4his is finally followed by other brands :!L)!A4 SG5', 5$=, 4$I!; which captures /@ of the market share.

4his data can be graphically explained with the help of the following bar graphB

demand of detergents

35 30 25 percentage 20 15 10 5 0 brands surf rin tide others

/. Which pack u prefer to useK $n order to determine the income pattern of the consumers, it was necessary for the researcher to distribute the consumers on the basis of

their demand for the various packs of I!4!5*!=4 brands available in the market. Fowever, the reaction of people towards various I!4!5*!=4 packs can be tabulated in the following mannerB Cetergent #ack$ <ercentage Sac,et .( !edium #ack %= Family #ack (&

$n the survey that the researcher conducted, she tried to differentiate amongst the people, with below average household income, average household income . above household income. 4his classification can be done on the basis of the daily expenditure that people make. Fowever, +%@ consumers demand sachet packs. %,@ consumers demand family packs. #1@ consumers demand medium packs.

4his data can be graphically explained with the help of the following bar graphB

demand of detergent packs

45 40 35 30 25 percentage 20 15 10 5 0

sachet medium pack family pack

packs preferred by customers

1. Which shampoo u prefer to useK 4he reaction of people towards various SF6(A&& brands can be tabulated in the following mannerB

Brand$ <ercentage

Clinic #lu$ ((

Sun$ilk %)

0ead F $,oulder$ %5

t,er$ '.

$n the survey, that the researcher conducted it can easily be concluded that )L$=$) ALGS, the product of FGL, captures the major portion of the market with a market share of %%@. 4his is followed by F!6I . SF&GLI!5S, the product of A5&)4!5 . *6(>L! which holds #2@ of the market share. 4his is followed by SG=S$LD, the product of FGL which holds #-@ of the market share. 'inally followed by other brands :!L)!A4 )L$=$) ALGS, SG=S$LD, F!6I . SF&GLI!5S; with a market share of +@.

4his data can be graphically explained with the help of the following bar graphB

demand of shampoo

35 30 25 percentage 20 15 10 5 0 brands clinic plus sunsilk head " shoulders others

2. Which pack u prefer to useK $n order to determine the income pattern of the consumers, it was necessary for the researcher to distribute the consumers on the basis of

their demand for the various packs of SF6(A&& brands available in the market. Fowever, the reaction of people towards various SF6(A&& packs can be tabulated in the following mannerB S,am#oo #ack$ <ercentage !edium #ack %5

$ac,et %(

Small #ack (%

Family #ack '=

$n the survey that the researcher conducted, she tried to differentiate amongst the people, with below average household income, average household income . above household income. 4his classification can be done on the basis of the daily expenditure that people make. Fowever, %#@ consumers demand S(6LL A6)D. #2@ consumers demand medium pack. 1@ consumers demand large packs.

4his data can be graphically explained with the help of the following bar graphB

demand of shampoo packs

35 30 25 percentage 20 15 10 5 0 packs preferred by customers sachet small pack medium pack large pack

3. Which biscuits u prefer to useK 4he reaction of people towards various >$S)G$4S brands can be tabulated in the following mannerB

Brand$ <ercentage

!arie gold %.

"ood Cay (5

<arle " %'

t,er$ '=

$n the survey, that the researcher conducted, it can easily be concluded that *&&I I6?, the product of >5$46==$6 holds a major market share of %2@. 4his is followed by (65$! *&LI, another product of >5$46==$6 which holds #+@ of the market share. 6fter that, A65L!" *, the product of A65L!, holds # @ of the market share. 4his is followed by other brands :!L)!A4 (65$! *&LI, *&&I I6?, A65L!" *; which hold a market share of 1@.

4his data can be graphically explained with the help of the following bar graphB

demand of biscuits

40 35 30 25 percentage 20 15 10 5 0 brands marie gold good day parle # others

,.which hair oil u prefer to useK 4he reaction of people towards various F6$5 &$L brands can be tabulated in the following mannerB

Brand$ <ercentage

<arac,ute (=

Cabur Amla %3

Cabur +atika '3

t,er$ ')

$n the survey, that the researcher conducted, it can easily be concluded that A656)FG4!, the product of (!5$)& captures %1@ of the total market share. 4his is followed by I6>G5 6(L6, the product of I6>G5 which captures #3@ of the total market share. 4his is followed by I6>G5 M64$D6, another product of I6>G5 which captures 3@ of the market. 6nd after that, followed by other brands :!L)!A4 A656)FG4!, I6>G5 6(L6, I6>G5 M64$D6; captures -@ of the market share.

4his data can be graphically explained with the help of the following bar graphB

demand of hair oil

40 35 30 25 percentage 20 15 10 5 0 brands parachute dabur amla dabur $atika others

.Which pack u prefer to useK $n order to determine the income pattern of the consumers, it was necessary for the researcher to distribute the consumers on the basis

of their demand for the various packs of F6$5 &$L brands available in the market. Fowever, the reaction of people towards various F6$5 &$L packs can be tabulated in the following mannerB 0air oil #ack$ <ercentage Small #ack (% !edium #ack .' @arge #ack %=

$n the survey that the researcher conducted, she tried to differentiate amongst the people, with below average household income, average household income . above household income. 4his classification can be done on the basis of the daily expenditure that people make. Fowever, + @ consumers demand medium packs. 6fter that, %#@ consumers demand small pack. #1@ consumers demand large packs.

4his data can be graphically explained with the help of the following bar graphB

demand of packs of hair oil

45 40 35 30 25 percentage 20 15 10 5 0

small pack medium pack large pack

packs preferred by customers

#.Which cream u prefer to useK 4he reaction of people towards various )5!6( brands can be tabulated in the following mannerB

Brand$ <ercentage

<ond*$ %5

Fair F lovely (%

Ayur '.

t,er$ %4

$n the survey, that $ conducted, it can easily be concluded that '6$5 . L&M!L?, the product of FGL, holds the major market with a share of %#@. 4his is followed by, A&=I0s, another product of FGL, which holds #2@ of the market share. 4his is followed by, other brands :!L)!A4, A&=I0s, '6$5 . L&M!L? . 6?G5;, which captures #/@ of the market share. 4his is followed by 6?G5, the brand of 6?G5 6)6I!(? &' =64G56L >!6G4? :66=>; which holds +@ of the total market share.

4his data can be graphically explained with the help of the following bar graphB

demand of creams

35 30 25 percentage 20 15 10 5 0 brands ponds fair " lo$ely ayur others

%.Which coffee u prefer to useK 4he reaction of people towards various )&''!! brands can be tabulated in the following mannerB

Brand$ <ercentage

Bru %4

;e$tle (%

;e$cafe (%

t,er$ '&

$n the survey, that the researcher conducted, it can be easily concluded that all the brands are facing tough competition. =!S4L!, the product of =!S4L! S.6. . =!S)6'!, another product of =!S4L! S.6., shares e9ual market share of %#@ each. 4his means that they are in a very tough competition. 4his is followed by >5G, the product of FGL which holds, #/@ of the market share. While the other brands hold only ,@ of the market share.

4his data can be graphically explained with the help of the following bar graphB

demand of coffee

35 30 25 percenatge 20 15 10 5 0 brands bru nestle nescafe others

C!"#$%& -'

Conclusions Suggestions & recommendations References Questionnaire

$n this report, it can very easily be concluded that FGL, holds major portion of the '()* market. $t holds major shares in the soap, detergent, shampoo . cream0s category. FGL0s products are mainly in demand, because they provide these products in different packs.. So, they prefer buying the small or the medium packs. Fowever, large or family packs are still been bought by few consumers, who are from a well C off families. $n the case of 4!6, 4646 holds a major share. $n the case of )&''!!, =!S4L! . =!S)6'! holds the major share. 5ural consumers favor 4646 because it is an old organi8ation . it has gained a lot of >56=I !7G$4? which finally creates >56=I L&?6L4?. $n these products, consumers do get brand loyal, because they do not want to take a risk with their tastes. So they prefer sticking to one brand. 4hese organi8ations supply their products in various packs :small, medium . large;, considering the buying capacity of their consumers. 6s in the case of >$S)G$4S, >5$46==$6 holds the major market share. 5ural consumers favor >5$46==$6 because it is an old organi8ation . it has gained a lot of >56=I !7G$4? which finally creates >56=I L&?6L4?. $n case of >$S)G$4S, consumers do get brand loyal, because they do not want to take a risk with their tastes. So they prefer sticking to one brand. 4hese organi8ations supply their products in various packs :small, medium . large;, considering the buying capacity of their consumers.

$n the case of 4&&4F A6S4!S, )&L*64! A6L(&L$M! holds a major market share. )onsumers are very concerned about their health, so if any product suits them they prefer sticking to that product. 6nd this product is also available in various packs, so various consumers can use it according to their buying capacity. $n the case of F6$5 &$LS, (!5$)& holds the major market share. (!5$)& is a much known organi8ation . its product A656)FG4! has reached all the places. So it is a known product, which has created a good amount of goodwill for the organi8ation. )onsumers have confidence . trust in their product. 4herefore, they prefer buying it.

Sugge$tion$ F recommendation$
4he researchers would like to suggest the following points, so that the organi8ations can easily sell their products to their consumersB

. Fowever, the demand of a product is also affected by its life cycle. $f the product is in the introduction stage, then it will definitely take some time to capture the market, because in the introduction stage, consumers are not much aware about the product. 4herefore, it0s the responsibility of the organi8ation to create awareness amongst the consumers. #. 4hey should adapt rigorous marketing strategies, in order to sustain in the market. %. 4here is immense competition in this sector. 4herefore, the organi8ations should try to gain competitive advantage against their competitor0s. +. 4hey should try to reach as many people as possible. -. 'or the organi8ations that are not much popular amongst the consumers, should adopt Sales Aromotion, as their marketing strategies. /. 6pplication of +60s has also become an important task for all the organi8ations.

1G.AH Availability: Affordability: Acce#tability: Awarene$$2

7eference$ .
Dearney, 6 4, )$$ C 5eport, :#,,,;

#. %. +. 5.

)enter for (onitoring $ndian !conomy :)($!; Statistical &utline of $ndia :#,, ",#;, =)6!5 =ational )ouncil of 6pplied !conomic 5esearch :=)6!5; $ndian readership survey :$5S; <cen, " .htm

/. httpB<<<upinfo<census, 1. Lucknow Ievelopment 6uthority

8. httpB<<<india<fmcg<overview< 3. httpB<<<wiki<'astNmovingNconsumerNgoods ,.
O+6P 6vailability, 6ffordability, 6cceptability, 6wareness

Due$tionnaire . #. %. +. -. nameB occupationB monthly salaryB addressB phone no.B

/. which soap u prefer to useK a. Lux b. dettol c. lifebuoy d. others 1. which pack u prefer to useK a. single b. family pack : % in ; 2. which tea u prefer to useK a. tata tea b. brooke bond c. taj mahal d. others 3. which pack u prefer to useK a. sachet b. medium pack c. large pack

,.which tooth paste u prefer to useK a. pepsodent b. colgate c. close C up d. others .which pack u prefer to useK a. small pack b. medium pack c. family pack #.which detergent u prefer to useK a. surf

b. rin c. tide d. others %.which pack u prefer to useK a. sachet b. medium pack c. large pack +.which shampoo u prefer to useK a. clinic plus b. sunsilk c. head . shoulders d. others -.which pack u prefer to useK a. sachet b. small pack c. medium pack d. large pack

/.which biscuits u prefer to useK a. marie gold b. good day c. parle " * d. others 1.which hair oil u prefer to useK a. parachute b. dabur amla c. dabur vatika d. others 2.which pack u prefer to useK a. small pack b. medium pack

c. large pack 3.which cream u prefer to useK a. ponds b. fair . lovely c. ayur d. others #,.which coffee u prefer to useK a. bru b. nestle c. =escafe d. others

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