Lesson Plan 6A

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SCHOOL: N. C. CONSTANTIN CANTACUZINO TARGOVISTE TEACHER: VSII ELENUA SUBJECT: ENGLISH GRADE: 6TH A COURSE BOOK: SNAPSHOT ELEMENTARY NB.OF HOURS/WEEK: 2 UNIT: 8TH TOPIC: PAST SIMPLE TITLE OF THE LESSON: GIRLS SCREAMED AND WEPT TYPE OF LESSON: GRAMMAR TEACHING SKILLS INVOLVED: WRITING AND SPEAKING COMPETENCES: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Ss will be able to speak about one of their past experience Ss will be able to identify the way past simple is formed Ss will be able to use the past simple of the irregular and regular verbs Ss will be able to recognize the irregular verbs in the past Ss will be able to make the difference between regular and irregular verbs Ss will be able to create a story by inventing answers to questions Ss will be able to write the answers down

AIDS: white board, course book, language booster, handouts, video projector, computer CLASS MANAGEMENT: PAIR WORK, GROUP WORK, INDIVIDUAL


ACTIVITY 1 WARM-UP PRE-TEACHINGCOMPETENCES: 1. Ss will be able to speak about one of their past experience CLASS MANAGEMENT: INDIVIDUAL, TEACHER-STUDENTS INTERACTION AIDS: white board TIME: 5 PROCEDURE: The teacher announces the objectives of the lesson and writes down the title and the date on the white board .The teacher has a free conversation with students and they may be asked questions like: How was your evening? Did you sleep well? What about your morning? What did you do in the morning? The students answer freely.

ACTIVITY 2 LEAD IN -WHILE-TEACHINGCOMPETENCES: 1. Ss will be able to identify the way past simple is formed 2. Ss will be able to use the past simple of the irregular and regular verbs CLASS MANAGEMENT: INDIVIDUAL, TEACHER-STUDENTS INTERACTION AIDS: DVD, VIDEO PROJECTOR, HANDOUTS TIME: 10


PROCEDURE: The teacher announces that the students are going to complete an exercise about Kellys morning using verbs in the past. The teacher distributes handouts to students drawing attention that while completing the task they have to be attentive to the way they form past simple tense. The students check the answer with the teacher.

ACTIVITY 3 DEVELOPMENT -AFTER- TEACHINGCOMPETENCES: 1. Ss will be able to recognize the irregular verbs in the past 2. Ss will be able to make the difference between regular and irregular verbs CLASS MANAGEMENT: INDIVIDUAL WORK, TEACHER-STUDENTS INTERACTION AIDS: WHITE BOARD, HANDOUTS TIME: 10 PROCEDURE: The teacher creates a chart with the headings Regular verbs and one with Irregular verbs on the whiteboard. The teacher puts some sheets of paper on which she writes verbs in the present and in the past in a bag. The students come and pick up a verb and place it under the proper section.

ACTIVITY 4 DEVELOPMENT COMPETENCES: 1. Ss will be able to create a story by inventing answers to questions 2. Ss will be able to write the answers down


TIME: 20 PROCEDURE: The teacher divides the class in groups of five or six students. The teacher tells students that they are going to write a story about one stormy night by imagining answers to some questions. The students sit in circles. They receive a copy of the worksheet and they are asked to write their name at the top and fold the paper as indicated. The students should hand their paper to the person on their right. The student on the right answers the first question (Who was the man?) by inventing details and writing the answer in the space provided. The student then folds the paper and passes the paper to the person on the right who answers the next question and so on. The teacher makes sure the students fold the paper correctly. They shouldn't be able to see what was written before. This continues until all the questions have been completed. The teacher encourages the students to be as imaginative or as amusing as they like. When the last question has been answered, the teacher asks the students to give the story back to the person whose name is at the top of the worksheet. This person corrects any mistakes they find, and then reads the story to the group. When everyone has finished, ask each group to choose the best story from their group. This story can be read aloud to the class. The class then votes for the best story. ACTIVITY 7 FEED BACK COMPETENCE: 1. Ss will be able to recognize the irregular verbs in the past CLASS MANAGEMENT: INDIVIDUAL WORK AIDS: HANDOUTS TIME: 5


PROCEDURE: The teacher appreciates the students performance and resumes the competences specifying the activity where they have been developed and the act they produced. The teacher appreciates the students performance and asks students to fill in feedback files about the lesson, the teachers performance, the range of their ability in using irregular verbs.



1. Who was the man?

Fold 2. Where did he go? ........................................................................................................... Fold 3. Who did he go with? ............................................................................................................. Fold 4. What did they eat? ............................................................................................................ Fold 5. What did they drink? ........................................................................................................... Fold 6. What did they talk about? ............................................................................................................ Fold 7. What did they watch? .............................................................................................................. Fold 8. What did they do after that? .............................................................................................................. Fold 9. What did the man say to the other person? ................................................................................................................ Fold 10. What did the man decide to do? ................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................


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