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Refratechnik Steel GmbH

Schiessstrasse 58
40549 Dsseldorf
Phone: +49 211 5858 0
Fax: +49 211 5858 49
[email protected]

Processing instructions V 3.5

Note: Please read the product information sheet first, to ensure that these are the right
processing instructions for your product. This document describes the application procedure for dense, cement-free REFRAJET refractory gunning concretes of type NC.
The instructions contained in this document must be complied with during processing and
installation of the respective refractory concrete. Modification of or deviations from the
processing instructions can lead to major problems during installation, and possibly to
total failure of the installed refractory material. These instructions provide general guidelines for storage, processing, and installation of the specific refractory material. If, due to
specific site conditions, it appears necessary to deviate from the procedures described
here, please consult Refratechnik Steel GmbH before starting work.

In general: Store under cool, dry, and
frost-free conditions.

Also standing water, e.g. due to inadequate drainage of the storage area, can
damage the material.

The shelf life stated in the product information sheet is valid from the production date, and only if storage is in accordance with our recommendations.
The production date is stated on the
packaging label.

Stacking of the goods supplied by us (in

sacks, Big Bags, etc.) is done under the
sole responsibility of the shipping company or customer. Refratechnik Steel
GmbH accepts no liability for possible
consequential damage (damaged packaging, personal injury, etc.).

Under certain circumstances, material

that has been properly stored may still
be usable even after expiry of the stated
shelf life. In such a case, conduct a setting test with a sample before using the
material. In case of doubt, the expired
material can be checked by Refratechnik
Steel GmbH.
Incorrect storage can greatly reduce
shelf life, and can impair product quality.
However, the foil is not a substitute for
storage under cover. The original pallet
wrapping foil should be left intact for as
long as possible to protect the product.

Health and safety

Always wear suitable safety goggles,
dust mask, protective clothing, and
working gloves.
Always wash thoroughly after working
with the material.
Observe the information in the safety
data sheet.
General information
This product is an inorganicallychemically setting refractory concrete
for gunning applications. Delivered dry
in 25 kg sacks or in Big Bags, suitable
equipment on site is used to convey the

dry material through a hose to the gunning nozzle. In the gunning nozzle, the
dry material is mixed with water before
it is ejected from the nozzle at high pressure. The material is gunned exclusively
onto hot surfaces (> 500 C hot repair
compound). Curing is carried out by
means of applied heat.
Only use clean drinking water, as otherwise the setting behaviour may be affected.
Please take the expansion of the refractory material for your specific furnace
application into account. The reversible
and irreversible expansion values and
the respective material properties are
given in the product information sheet.
Depending on the furnace operating
conditions and the specific characteristics of the refractory material, any arising stresses and pressures must be
compensated by suitably designed expansion joints.
During installation of the monolithic refractory material, please ensure correct
anchoring to the existing furnace structure and/or to the existing or adjacent

Processing instructions V 3.5


refractory material (e.g. with steel anchors, ceramic anchoring systems, etc.).
Suitable measures must be taken to ensure that the water or water vapour
generated during the drying & heating
up process is removed from the refractory lining without pressure build-up.
With certain furnace structures and refractory linings, the drying process can
cause water or water vapour to diffuse
outwards in the direction of the furnace
shell instead of inwards to the hot side
(furnace chamber). Therefore, suitable
measures must be taken to ensure that
the water or water vapour can escape to
atmosphere. For this purpose, 10-mm
holes drilled into the outer furnace surface (at least 5 per m) have proved to
be successful.
In order to ensure a continuous drying
process, the entire furnace chamber
must always be flushed with an adequate amount of fresh air during the entire drying and heating up procedure.
The air circulating in the furnace chamber may never be saturated with moisture.
Processing is done with suitable gunning equipment operating either with
the rotor principle or a two-chamber system. Common to both processes is that
they use compressed air to convey the
dry mixture through hoses into a jet
mixer chamber. The amount of water required for the setting process is applied
to the dry material as a fine spray via a
separate hose connected to the mixer
nozzle. Depending on the gunning requirement, the precise amount of water
is set manually by the gun operator via a
control valve on the nozzle.
The gunning unit requires a constant
supply of water and air at a sufficient
pressure. For this reason, separate air
compressors and water pumps should
be used.

For correct operation, the gunning unit

requires an air pressure of at least 7.5
bar and an air quantity of 7,5 m/min.
The water pressure must be constant,
and higher than the material pressure at
the spray nozzle. Experience has shown
that for short distances at ground level,
a water pressure of 6 bar is sufficient,
but if greater height differences must be
overcome, pressures of 20...60 bar might
be necessary.
In order to avoid pressure drops, the
gunning unit should be positioned as
close as possible to the place of installation. However, to ensure as even a flow
of dry mixing material as possible, the
overall length of the delivery hose
should not be less than 20 m, particularly for rotor gunning units.
The design of the nozzle mixing chamber
is decisive for obtaining a homogeneous
and complete wetting of the dry material
in the nozzle. We recommend an 18-hole
water ring with hole diameters of 1.2
mm, and a spray angle of 45 in the
gunning direction. For the most precise
and sensitive control of water injection
possible, we recommend using a needle
valve. The mixing section (distance between the water ring and the nozzle outlet) should have a length of more than
60 cm to ensure the greatest possible internal mixing.

gunned. This procedure minimizes rebound and achieves a uniform material

Only walls and ceilings may be gunned.
If floors are gunned, the material compaction will suffer, because rebound
material will inevitably be mixed in. If
possible, rotate/position a floor section
into an upright position.
On no account may rebound material be
Prevent layering.
Setting and curing
REFRAJET NC only sets if heat is applied.
A significant increase in strength is obtained at temperatures above 800 C.
Drying and heating up
REFRAJET NC is gunned exclusively
onto hot surfaces (> 500 C hot repair
compound). Therefore, a separate drying
and heat-up procedure is usually not

If possible, the diameter of the mixing

section should taper down from 32 mm
at the water ring to 24 mm at the nozzle
For optimum material compaction, combined with the least possible water content, and taking the spray characteristics
(rebound, formation of dust etc.) into account, the gunning pressure should be
as high as possible.
The distance between nozzle outlet and
the surface being gunned should not
greater than 1 m. Perform circular
movements with the nozzle, keeping it
perpendicular to the surface being

Author: LSM / Date: 4/2015

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