RDBMS - Exercises for Hands on ER / CORP / CRS / DB07 / 004 Education and research department, infosys. Document contains the assignments to be completed as part of the hands on for the subject RDBMS (Course code: DB07) Note: All assignments in this document must be completed in the sequence in this document in order to complete the course.
RDBMS - Exercises for Hands on ER / CORP / CRS / DB07 / 004 Education and research department, infosys. Document contains the assignments to be completed as part of the hands on for the subject RDBMS (Course code: DB07) Note: All assignments in this document must be completed in the sequence in this document in order to complete the course.
RDBMS - Exercises for Hands on ER / CORP / CRS / DB07 / 004 Education and research department, infosys. Document contains the assignments to be completed as part of the hands on for the subject RDBMS (Course code: DB07) Note: All assignments in this document must be completed in the sequence in this document in order to complete the course.
RDBMS - Exercises for Hands on ER / CORP / CRS / DB07 / 004 Education and research department, infosys. Document contains the assignments to be completed as part of the hands on for the subject RDBMS (Course code: DB07) Note: All assignments in this document must be completed in the sequence in this document in order to complete the course.
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RDBMS Exercises for Hands on
ER/CORP/CRS/DB07/004 Education & Research Department
Infosys Technologies Limited 1 of 27 RDBMS Exercises for Hands-on
Author(s) Anubhav Pradhan, Umesha Murthy, Hanumesh V.J, Seema Acharya Authorized by Dr. M.P. Ravindra Creation Date Version 1.00b
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Background This document contains the assignments to be completed as part of the hands on for the subject RDBMS (Course code: DB07).
Note: All assignments in this document must be completed in the sequence in this document in order to complete the course.
Day 1 Assignment 1
Draw an ER diagram to capture the requirements as stated below: A Company has several business units. Each business unit has multiple projects. Employees must be assigned to one business unit. One or more employees are assigned to a project, but an employee may be on vacation and not assigned to any projects. One of the assigned employees will be project manager for that project.
Assignment 2
Draw an ER diagram to capture the requirements as stated below: In a hospital there are different departments. Patients are treated in these departments by the doctors assigned to patients. Usually each patient is treated by a single doctor, but in rare cases they will have two or three. Healthcare assistants will also attend to patients; every department has many healthcare assistants. Each patient is required to take a variety of drugs during different parts of the day such as morning, afternoon and night.
Assignment 3
Draw an ER diagram to capture the requirements as stated below: A toy manufacturing company manufactures different types of toys. The company has several manufacturing plants. Each plant manufactures different types of toys. A customer can place the order for these toys. Each order may contain one or more toys. Each customer has multiple ship-to addresses. To promote the business, the company offers different schemes based on the order value.
RDBMS Exercises for Hands on ER/CORP/CRS/DB07/004 Education & Research Department Infosys Technologies Limited 3 of 27 Day 2 Assignment 4
Convert the ER model into a relational Schema
RDBMS Exercises for Hands on ER/CORP/CRS/DB07/004 Education & Research Department Infosys Technologies Limited 4 of 27 Assignment 5 Let us find out the Primany Key and highest normal form for this relation: R{a,b,c,d,e,} a,e c, d e, a,eb, a,ed Solution: Determining primary key : From above stated functional dependencies, it is evident that a,e determines c and d . d determines e and hence a,e determines all the non-key attributes (b,c,d) of the relation. Thus a,e is the primary key for relation R. Highest normal form: All the attributes are atomic in nature therefore Relation R is in 1NF. All non-key attributes (b,c,d) are fully functionally dependent on the primary key (a,e). Therefore the relation in is 2NF. All the non-key attributes (b,c,d) are non-transitively depending on primary key (a,e). Therefore the relation is in 3NF. e is a part of the primary key, therefore its dependence on d does not violate 3NF definition. Relation R is not in BCNF because d determines e and d, although a determinant is not a candidate key.
Assignment 6 Find the primary key and the highest normal form of following relations a. R{a,b,c} a,bc and ca b. R{a,b,c,d} ab, ad and bc c. R{a,b} ab and ba d. R{a,b,c,d,e} a,bc, a,bd and de
RDBMS Exercises for Hands on ER/CORP/CRS/DB07/004 Education & Research Department Infosys Technologies Limited 5 of 27 Assignment 7 Convert following table to 3NF table. Please add appropriate columns in normalized tables to make 3NF compliant.
Assignment 8
Draw the E-R diagram for above normalized Relational schema.
CustomerID Customer_Name Customer_Address Product_Name Product_Brand Product_Category Sell Price Date_of_Transaction Qty 101 Lawrence 21, Lion Blvd, St Peter Excel Surf Detergent and Powder 43 11-Feb-05 2 102 Jagan 29, Tiger Blvd, Burbank GlucoBis Goodday Cookies and Confectionaries 8 22-Mar-05 12 103 Bobby 213,Parliament Blvd, Petas Rotomax KingTime Watch and clocks 120 27-Mar-05 8 104 Ramsey 401,Gazipura Blvd,Gulbarga SouthernStar CoolPlus Garments 63 5-Apr-05 3 105 Chang Hu 101,Marshal Blvd,Kingston Winner Fusion Stationary 3 22-Apr-05 27 RDBMS Exercises for Hands on ER/CORP/CRS/DB07/004 Education & Research Department Infosys Technologies Limited 6 of 27
Day 3 Assignment 9 Configuring ORACLE net service on your machine Objective: To learn how to create host string using net service to connect oracle client to the oracle server. Background: Although on your machine net service is pre configured but please follow these steps to get a feel of how actually this has been configured.
Step 1:
Reach OracleNet8 Assistant via : Start->All programs->oracle-orahome81->networkadministration->net8assistant
RDBMS Exercises for Hands on ER/CORP/CRS/DB07/004 Education & Research Department Infosys Technologies Limited 7 of 27 Step2:
You will get an interface like Click on service Naming and click the + button to the left
RDBMS Exercises for Hands on ER/CORP/CRS/DB07/004 Education & Research Department Infosys Technologies Limited 8 of 27 Step 3:
After clicking + wizard appears
Enter Net Service Name as training (If it already exists chose any other name)
RDBMS Exercises for Hands on ER/CORP/CRS/DB07/004 Education & Research Department Infosys Technologies Limited 9 of 27 Step 4:
Click the next button Choose TCP/IP as the protocol and click next
Step 5:
Enter Host Name given to you and dont change port number (default is 1521)
RDBMS Exercises for Hands on ER/CORP/CRS/DB07/004 Education & Research Department Infosys Technologies Limited 10 of 27 Step 6:
Click next
Choose (oracle8i) and service name is training
Step 7:
Test the connection by clicking the test button
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Default it will test with the userid as scott and password as tiger,but you give your UserID and password and test that also
Click on change login button and give your userid and password
For example userid is trng180 password is Infosys
RDBMS Exercises for Hands on ER/CORP/CRS/DB07/004 Education & Research Department Infosys Technologies Limited 12 of 27 Once again test the connection after giving username and password
Now configuration is tested
Step 8:
After that login into SQL plus by following the set of links as given below
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Enter your username ex trng180 password is Infosys and host string is training
you will get SQL prompt and start working Summary of this exercise: You have just learnt Net 8 is the service for communication between oracle client and server How to configure Net service. RDBMS Exercises for Hands on ER/CORP/CRS/DB07/004 Education & Research Department Infosys Technologies Limited 14 of 27
Assignment 10 Solving simple queries
Create two tables - EMP & DEPT
EMP Column name Data type Description
EMPNO Number Employee number ENAME Varchar Employee name JOB Char Designation MGR Number Managers Emp. number HIREDATE Date Date of joining SAL Number Basic Salary COMM Number Commission DEPTNO Number Department Number
DEPT Column name Data type Description
DEPTNO Number Department number DNAME Varchar Department name LOC Varchar Location of department
Data for EMP 7369 Smith Clerk 7902 17/12/80 800 20 7499 Allen Salesman 7698 20/2/81 1600 300 30 7521 Ward Salesman 7698 22/2/81 1250 500 30 7566 Jones Manager 7839 2/4/81 2975 20 7654 Martin Salesman 7698 28/9/81 1250 1400 30 7698 Blake Manager 7839 1/5/81 2850 30 7782 Clark Manager 7839 9/6/81 2450 10 7788 Scott Analyst 7566 9/12/82 3000 20 7839 King President 17/11/81 5000 10 7844 Turner Salesman 7698 8/9/81 1500 0 30 7876 Adams Clerk 7788 12/1/83 1100 20 7900 James Clerk 7698 3/12/81 950 30 7902 Ford Analyst 7566 4/12/81 3000 20 7934 Miller Clerk 7782 23/1/82 1300 10
Data for DEPT table 10 Accounting New York 20 Research Dallas 30 Sales Chicago 40 Operations Boston RDBMS Exercises for Hands on ER/CORP/CRS/DB07/004 Education & Research Department Infosys Technologies Limited 15 of 27
Assignment 11
Perform the following queries on the EMP and DEPT table:
a) List the names of analysts and salesmen.
b) List details of employees who have joined before 30 Sep 81.
c) List names of employees who are not managers.
d) List the names of employees whose employee numbers are 7369, 7521, 7839, 7934, 7788.
e) List employees not belonging to department 30, 40, or 10.
f) List employee names for those who have joined between 30 June and 31 Dec. 81.
g) List the different designations in the company.
h) List the names of employees who are not eligible for commission.
i) List the name and designation of the employee who does not report to anybody.
j) List the employees not assigned to any department.
k) List the employees who are eligible for commission.
l) List employees whose names either start or end with S.
m) List names of employees whose names have i as the second character.
n) List the number of employees working with the company.
o) List the number of designations available in the EMP table.
p) List the total salaries paid to the employees.
q) List the maximum, minimum and average salary in the company.
r) List the maximum salary paid to a salesman.
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Assignment 12
Understanding a simple query
Objective: To visualize how a simple query works.
Problem Statement: Let us try to understand how the following query works:
List employees not belonging to department 30, 40, or 10
The solution is:
SELECT ename FROM emp WHERE deptno NOT IN (30, 40, 10);
Let us explore how this query is working.
Step 1: The query filters those tuples which do not belong to deptno 30, 40 or 50, because of the operator NOT IN, from the emp table.
Step 2: Finally it displays only the employee names of the filtered tuples because we specify only ename in the SELECT clause.
Summary of this exercise: You have just learnt How a simple query works. RDBMS Exercises for Hands on ER/CORP/CRS/DB07/004 Education & Research Department Infosys Technologies Limited 17 of 27 Day 4 Assignment 13 Objective: To visualize how group by and having works. Problem Statement: Let us try to understand how the following query works:
List the total salary, maximum and minimum salary and average salary of the employees jobwise, for department 20 and display only those rows having an average salary > 1000
The solution is:
SELECT job, avg(sal) from emp where deptno=20 group by job having avg(sal) > 1000 order by job; Let us explore how this query is working.
Note: All columns in the column clause of your select statement that are not in a group function must be listed in the group by clause. However a column listed in the group by clause neednt appear in the column clause.
Step 1: First thing first we have to select (filter) data only for dept 20. For this we have to put WHERE deptno=20 Step 2: Now, we have to find average salary of the employees job wise. Therefore we have to group our selected (filtered) data using group by clause.
GROUP BY job Step 3: Now, we have to display only those rows having an average salary > 1000. Therefore we have to put
HAVING avg(sal) > 1000
Note: When you are using where, group by and having together than the order should be as follows: where, group by and having.
Step 4: For getting the final output in ascending order of job we have to put order by clause.
Note: Order by clause should be the last clause in the query otherwise you will get the error as follows (In oracle): ORA-00933: SQL command not properly ended.
Summary of this exercise: You have learnt Where to use where and having and there differences. The order of group by, having and where. The placement of order by. RDBMS Exercises for Hands on ER/CORP/CRS/DB07/004 Education & Research Department Infosys Technologies Limited 18 of 27
Assignment 14
14. Perform the following queries against EMP and DEPT tables:
Note: Use sysdate to get the systems date. For example : select sysdate from emp;
a) List the number of employees and average salary for employees in department 20. b) List name, salary and PF amount of all employees. (PF is calculated as 10% of basic salary) c) List names of employees who are more than 2 years old in the company. d) List the employee details in the ascending order of their basic salary. e) List the employee name and hire date in the descending order of the hire date. f) List employee name, salary, PF, HRA, DA and gross; order the results in the ascending order of gross. HRA is 50% of the salary and DA is 30% of the salary. g) List the department numbers and number of employees in each department. h) List the department number and total salary payable in each department. i) List the jobs and number of employees in each job. The result should be in the descending order of the number of employees. j) List the total salary, maximum and minimum salary and average salary of the employees jobwise. k) List the total salary, maximum and minimum salary and average salary of the employees, for department 20. l) List the average salary of the employees job wise, for department 20 and display only those rows having an average salary > 1000
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Assignment 15
The following questions pertain to a database with the following tables. Suppliers S# SName Status City S1 Smith 20 London S2 Jones 10 Paris S3 Blake 30 Paris S4 Clark 20 London S5 Adams 30 Athens
Parts P# PName Color Weight City P1 Nut Red 12.0 London P2 Bolt Green 17.0 Paris P3 Screw Blue 17.0 Rome P4 Screw Red 14.0 London P5 Cam Blue 12.0 Paris P6 Cog Red 19.0 London
Projects J# Jname City J1 Montago London J2 Cat Paris J3 Box London J4 Montago Rome J5 Eagles Athens
RDBMS Exercises for Hands on ER/CORP/CRS/DB07/004 Education & Research Department Infosys Technologies Limited 20 of 27 15. The significance of an SPJ record is that the specified supplier supplies the specified part to the specified project in the specified quantity (and the combination S#-P#-J# uniquely identifies such a record). a) Get full details of all projects in London. b) Get S# for suppliers who supply project J1. c) Get all part-color/part-city combinations. d) Get all S#/P#/J# triples such that all are co-located. e) Get al S#, P#, J# triples such that they are not all co-located. f) Get P# for parts supplied by a supplier in London. g) Get all pairs of cities such that a supplier in the first city supplies to a Project in the second city. h) Get J# for projects supplied by at least one supplier not in the same city. i) Get all pairs of part numbers such that some supplier supplies both the indicated parts. j) Get the total quantity of part P1 supplied by S1. k) For each part supplied to a project, get the P#, J# and corresponding total quantity. l) Get P# of parts supplied to some project in an average quantity > 320. m) Get project names for projects supplied by supplier S1. n) Get colors of parts supplied by S1. o) Get J# for projects using at least one part available from supplier S1. p) Get supplier numbers for suppliers supplying at least one part supplied by at least one supplier who supplies at least one red part. q) Get supplier numbers for suppliers with a status lower than that of supplier S1. r) Get project numbers for projects not supplied with any red part by any London supplier.
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Assignment 16
Objective: To visualize how an inner query works.
Problem Statement: Let us consider the following query:
Get supplier numbers for suppliers with a status lower than that of supplier S1
The solution is:
SELECT S# FROM Suppliers WHERE Status < (SELECT Status FROM Suppliers WHERE S#=S1);
Let us explore how this query is working.
Step 1: The inner query is executed first which selects the status of supplier s1 from suppliers table.
Step 2: Now the query looks like this:
SELECT S# FROM Suppliers WHERE Status < 5
(Considering the status of S1 is 5).
Step 3: Above query is again executed as a simple query i.e. tuples are selected for those suppliers whose status is less than 5 and finally there s# is being displayed.
Summary of this exercise: You have just learnt Inner query executes first and once only. RDBMS Exercises for Hands on ER/CORP/CRS/DB07/004 Education & Research Department Infosys Technologies Limited 22 of 27 Day 5 Assignment 17 Objective: To visualize how correlated query works.
Background: Let us consider the following query:
List drivers who have delivered shipments to every city
The solution is:
SELECT a.driver_name FROM truck a WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM city b WHERE NOT EXISTS( SELECT * FROM shipment c where c.destination=b.city_name and a.truck# = c.truck#));
Let us explore how this query is working.
Step 1: The outermost query is executed first and for the first driver_name in truck relation NOT EXISTS condition is being verified.
Step 2: Against the first driver_name all the cities are selected and again one by one for each city shipment destination is being checked with the city_name in the innermost query.
NOTE: This is a correlated query because the innermost query is referring to a column in the next outer query.
Step 3: If the condition c.destination=b.city_name become false for any of the tuple than NOT EXISTS returns false and hence that city and henceforth that driver is not being considered in the final output.
Step 4: Step 1 to step3 will be repeated for all the turck drivers in the truck relation.
Summary of this exercise: You have just learnt Working of NOT EXISTS. A sample correlated query.
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Assignment 18 18. Now solve the following set of queries according to given schema:
Write the SQL commands to create a database schema for the following relational schema:
CUSTOMER (CUST_ID, CUST_NAME, ANNUAL_REVENUE, CUST_TYPE) CUST_ID must be between 100 and 10,000 ANNUAL_REVENUE defaults to $20,000 CUST_TYPE must be manufacturer, wholesaler, or retailer
SHIPMENT (SHIPMENT_#, CUST_ID, WEIGHT, TRUCK_#, DESTINATION, SHIP_DATE) Foreign Key: CUST_ID REFERENCES CUSTOMER, on deletion cascade Foreign Key: TRUCK_# REFERENCES TRUCK, on deletion set to null Foreign Key: DESTINATION REFERENCES CITY, on deletion set to null WEIGHT must be under 1000 and defaults to 10
Data for SHIPMENT table
SHIPMENT_# CUST_ID WEIGHT TRUCK_# DESTINATION SHIP_DATE 100 100 500 100 London Null 101 101 100 102 Paris Null 102 101 300 103 London Null 103 101 10 102 Panama City 12-Dec-03 104 101 20 101 Los Angeles Null 105 102 200 102 Rome Null 106 100 50 101 Sioux City 18-Sep-03 107 104 500 100 Manhattan Null 108 103 50 103 San Francisco Null 109 104 25 101 San Francisco Null 110 102 200 103 London 11-Oct-98 111 103 100 101 London 09-Sep-99 112 104 500 100 London 18-Jun-88 113 104 200 100 London 11-Oct-98 114 104 50 103 Manhattan 29-May-03 115 100 75 103 Los Angeles 17-Sep-02 RDBMS Exercises for Hands on ER/CORP/CRS/DB07/004 Education & Research Department Infosys Technologies Limited 24 of 27 116 101 55 102 Baltimore 01ul-02 117 103 45 101 Paris Null 118 103 45 100 Rome Null 119 103 45 102 Los Angeles Null 120 104 45 102 London Null 121 100 150 102 Sioux City Null 122 101 500 102 Manhattan Null 123 102 250 102 San Francisco 31-Jul-02 124 311 0.5 102 Denver Null 125 311 100 102 St. Louis Null
CITY_NAME POPULATION London 100000000 Paris 120000000 Rome 200000000 Panama City 1230000000 San Francisco 20000000 Sioux City 5000000000 Manhattan 10000000 Los Angeles 7000 Baltimore 2000 Denver 1000 St. Louis 5000
RDBMS Exercises for Hands on ER/CORP/CRS/DB07/004 Education & Research Department Infosys Technologies Limited 25 of 27 Perform the following queries:
a) What are the names of customers who have sent packages (shipments) to Sioux City? b) To what destinations have companies with revenue less than $1 million sent packages? c) What are the names and populations of cities that have received shipments weighing over 100 pounds? d) Who are the customers having over $5 million in annual revenue who have sent shipments weighing less than 1 pound? e) Who are the customers having over $5 million in annual revenue who have sent shipments weighing less than 1 pound or have sent a shipment to San Francisco? f) Who are the drivers who have delivered shipments for customers with annual revenue over $20 million to cities with populations over 1 million? g) List the cities that have received shipments from customers having over $15 million in annual revenue. h) List the names of drivers who have delivered shipments weighing over 100 pounds. i) List the name and annual revenue of customers who have sent shipments weighing over 100 pounds. j) List the name and annual revenue of customers whose shipments have been delivered by truck driver Jensen. k) List customers who had shipments delivered by every truck. ( use NOT EXISTS) l) List cities that have received shipments from every customer. ( use NOT EXISTS) m) List drivers who have delivered shipments to every city. (use NOT EXISTS) n) Customers who are manufacturers or have sent a package to St. Louis. o) Cities of population over 1 million which have received a 100-pound package From customer 311. p) Trucks driven by Jake Stinson which have never delivered a shipment to Denver. q) Customers with annual revenue over $10 million which have sent packages under 1 pound to cities with population less than 10,000. r) Create views for each of the following: a. Customers with annual revenue under $1 million. b. Customers with annual revenue between $1 million and $5 million. c. Customers with annual revenue over $5 million.
s) Use these views to answer the following queries: a. Which drivers have taken shipments to Los Angeles for customers with revenue over $5 million? b. What are the populations of cities which have received shipments from customers with revenue between $1 million and $5 million? c. Which drivers have taken shipments to cities for customers with revenue under $1 million, and what are the populations of those cities? RDBMS Exercises for Hands on ER/CORP/CRS/DB07/004 Education & Research Department Infosys Technologies Limited 26 of 27 Day 6 Assignment 19 Objective: To learn about the exclusive lock.
Background: The different locking mechanisms have been explained to you in the class. For practice, we will use EMP table (which you have used in Assignments for Day3).
Note: In Oracle the default locking is row exclusive lock for Update/Delete/Insert
Step 1: Open two instances of SQLPLUS on your machine and login with your Oracle ID in both the instances.
Step 2: Go to first instance. Write the following query:
update emp set sal=9000 where empno=7369;
Step 3: Go to the second instance. Write the following query:
update emp set sal=6000 where empno=7369;
Note: The second instance is hanged. The reason is the first transaction has issued the update statement for the empno 7369 and it acquires the exclusive(X) lock. The second transaction is also trying to update the same but because of the X lock acquired by the first transaction it has to wait.
Step 4: Go to the first instance and issue COMMIT/ROLLBACK.
Step 5: Go to the second instance. You get the SQL prompt.
Note: As soon as you Commit/Rollback the transaction in second instance the X lock is released.
Step 6: Issue COMMIT/ROLLBACK in the second instance as well.
Summary of this exercise: You have just learnt Update/Delete/Insert DML statement acquire a row exclusive lock The X lock is released only at the end of transaction which is marked by Commit/Rollback. RDBMS Exercises for Hands on ER/CORP/CRS/DB07/004 Education & Research Department Infosys Technologies Limited 27 of 27 Assignment 20
Objective: To visualize how deadlock occurs.
Step 1: Open two instances of SQLPLUS (If you have closed the previous ones) on your machine and login with your Oracle ID in both the instances.
Step 2: Go to first instance. Write the following query:
update emp set sal=7000 where empno=7900;
Step 3: Go to the second instance. Write the following query:
update emp set sal=6000 where empno=7902;
Step 4: Go to first instance. Write the following query:
update emp set sal=7000 where empno=7902;
Note: The first instance is hanged. What is the reason? Do you remember the last hands on?
Step 5: Go to the second instance. Write the following query:
update emp set sal=6000 where empno=7900;
Note: This situation is deadlock. Oracle is smart enough and detect the same and it rollbacks the statement of Step 4. Check the Oracle message: ORA-00060: deadlock detected while waiting for resource
Step 6: Issue COMMIT/ROLLBACK in both the instances.
Summary of this exercise: You have just learnt How to visualize the deadlock. Oracle intelligently determines the deadlock situation