Spiritualism:: of God, Angels, Demons and So Much More..

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Of God, Angels, Demons And So Much More...

By Ken Raggio "Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world," 1 John :1! "Regard not them that have familiar spirits, neither see" after wi#ards, to be defiled by them: $ am the %&R' your God!" %eviticus 1(:)1!

You and I live in a world full of spirits. God is present. Angels are present. Satan is present. Demons are present. And human spirits are present. &h, yes! *pirits are real! +ave no doubt! *pirits influence virtually every aspect of our lives for good or for bad! 'uring the course of this very day, unseen spirits, good and bad, have accompanied and watched over you and me, and in many cases, have effected our lives in profound, influential ways! ",he angel of the %&R' encampeth round about them that fear him, and delivereth them," -salms ) :.! /es, if you are a God0fearing man or woman, +is holy angels are assigned to watch over you as "ministering spirits," 1+ebrews 1:1 2! But at the same time, *atan is called "the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now wor"eth in the children of disobedience," 13phesians 4:42! ,he spirits that are 5&, of God are variously called, "evil spirits," 1%u"e .:412, "familiar spirits" 1$saiah 6:1(2, "seducing spirits," 11 ,imothy :12, "unclean spirits," 17atthew 18:12, "lying spirits," 14 9hronicles 16:412, "spirits of devils," 17atthew 6:1:, Revelation 1::1 2, "wic"ed spirits," 17atthew 14: ;2, and more! <hether you are aware of it or not, you +=>3 been influenced this very day by invisible spirits! -erhaps you have been influenced by good spirits from God, but you may also have been influenced by evil spirits from hell! 'o you "now what spirits have influenced you today? ,he problem is that most people do 5&, "now how to discern good spirits from evil spirits! 'o you reali#e that you are being influenced by spirits right now? ,he big @uestion is: "<hat spirits are influencing you?" Are ou a!le to discern spirits" <ill you give me Aust a few moments of your precious time to teach you some very basic, but very critical and essential lessons about spirits? =bove all else, you must learn that the B$R*,, &R$G$5=% *-$R$, is God 1/+<+, Jehovah2! ,hin" about it! $n the blac" nothingness of eternity, nothing but the singular *pirit of God eCisted! God was the first and only spirit! 3ventually, all other spirits 1i!e!, the spirits of angels and men2 were spawned by +im! +e is called ",he Bather of spirits," in +ebrews 14:(! %ong ago, sin and rebellion among +is created spirits introduced tragic chaos into the spiritual universe!

Dntil this present time, enormous conflict rages between the +&%/ spirits that are of God and the D5+&%/ spirits that are in rebellion and opposition against God! #he essence of the conflicts !etween clean and unclean spirits is called Spiritual $arfare. =n incomprehensible amount of hostility, subversion and deception ta"es place every minute of every day in that unseen world of spirits! /ou =R3 affected by these spirits every single day, whether or not you believe they eCist! 3vil spirits constantly strive to overthrow everything that pertains to God and +is "ingdom, and they are only come "to steal, "ill and destroy," 1John 18:182! Bor your eternal security, you need to "now with certainty what spirits are in the world, and which of them are good and which are bad! ,his is a vast subAect, and ignorance is 5&, bliss! $f you allow unholy spirits to have unrestrained influence in your life, you <$%% be destroyed! ,hat is why you should study this subAect with me! #a%e a loo% into the spirit realm with me right now. $ will introduce you to the universe of spirits and will teach you "nowledge that is utterly foreign to most people! But be warned! Knowledge is responsibility! ,o "now is to be responsible for "nowledge! But 5&, ,& K5&< is deadlyE $f you do not "now how to discern the difference between a holy spirit and an unholy spirit, you will be unable to Audge righteous Audgment with respect to the spirits you entertain, and you will be eCposed to the worst of evils! Scan through this glossar to familiari&e ourself with the names and definitions of spiritual entities. ,hen $ will have more to say! G'OSSA(Y O) #*(MS A+O,# S-I(I#S God 0 +e is the only 3ternal *pirit, and +e is the original Bather of all other spirits 1John :4 2! Angels 0 =ngels are spiritual creatures made by God! ,wo0thirds of them remain in obedience to God, either in +eaven or in ministering to the *aints! &ne0third of them were cast down to the earth when %ucifer, a chief angel, rebelled against God, 1see Revelation 14:)0 2! &ne hundred million angels surround the ,hrone of God 1'aniel .:18F Revelation ;:112! =ngels also serve as ministering spirits to those who shall be the heirs of salvation 1+ebrews 1:1 2! =ngels also include cherubim, seraphim and other uni@ue heavenly creatures! ,he ,hrone of God rides on a 9herubim0powered "chariot," 1see 3#e"iel 12! =ngels are ase.ual and cannot procreate with humans! Demons, or Devils 0 *inful, rebellious, fallen angels! 3very demon was once a holy angel in the presence of God, but was cast out because of his participation in %uciferGs rebellion 1Revelation 14: 2! God never created an evil spirit! =ll evil spirits willfully rebelled and sinned against God! ,here is no salvation or redemption for a fallen angel 1Jude 1::2! Satan, 'ucifer, #he Devil 0 ,he first sinner and first fallen 9reature =ngel! +e was the leader of all sin, rebellion, and murder, and is the father of all lies 1John 6: 2! +e is called the -rince of this world! )amiliar Spirit 0 = demon that studies and becomes familiar with human behavior, and often poses or imposters as a person, or as the soul of one deceased! <hile many people believe that the deceased linger or return as ghosts, the Biblical reality is that the spirits of men 53>3R return to earth! ,hese "ghosts" are only familiar spirits 1demons2 who pose as the souls or spirits of the deceased! Bor more

eCplanation, see my article #he $itch Of *ndor! Initiate 0 &ne who has been introduced to a spiritualistic encounter Master, or Sage 0 = familiar spirit purporting to be, or impostering a deceased person, especially one considered to be ancient and wise! S/ance 0 = meeting in which a spiritualist purportedly communicates with the spirits of dead people or other spirits, but is actually communicating with familiar evil spirits -oltergeist 0 = ghostHspirit that allegedly causes physical disturbances 1i!e!, rattling windows, sounds of footsteps, etc!2 Medium 0 1hannel 0 Guru 0 = human through whom spirits supposedly communicate to other people 2ecromancer 0 Spiritualist 0 &ne who allegedly communicates with and is obsessed with the dead, ghosts! =ctually, they are communicating with demons, not the spirits or souls of the dead! 3igh -riest, -riestess 0 1oven 0 $itch 0 $arloc% 0 M stic 0 &ne who has power or influence with evil spirits and conducts spiritual activities by that authorityF sometimes conducting sacrifices, offerings, prayers, etc! 3 pnotism 0 Mesmerism 0 Spell 0 1harm 0 *nchantment 0 3oodoo 0 1urse 0 -otions 0 Incantations 0 Mind 1ontrol 0 Sorcer 0 Magic 0 ,he practice of altering a personGs behavior so that the subAect can be controlled or influenced by the hypnotist, spiritist, witch, priest, sorcerer, etc! Shamanism 0 *pirits controlled by shamans 1Buddhist or other priests, as in 3s"imo and $ndian beliefs2 Occultism 0 1a!alism 0 *soterics 0 =n esoteric or secret doctrine, ritual or practice 1lairvo ant 0 Soothsa er 0 Diviner 0 Auger 0 Mantic 0 )ortune4teller 0 1r stal +all Ga&er 0 1ard, -alm, #ea 'eaf (eader 0 -s chic 0 &ne who foretells by occult 1secret2 means 5oodoo 0 *orcery using charms, fetishes, incantations Astrolog 0 3oroscopes 0 $llicit beliefs purporting the supernatural influence of stars, sun, moon on human affairs #ranscendentalism 0 *uperhuman thought 0 the purported ability to see past, present, or future Mental #elepath 0 *.tra Sensor -erception 0 ,he supposed transfer of thoughts outside GnormalG sensory channelsF "psychic" phenomenon -rophet 0 Seer 0 one who sees 1past, present, future2 happenings! *ome prophets are of GodF others are false prophets, operating by evil spirits! -s chometr 0 -sychic divining through physical contact -s cho%enesis 0 Mind4over4matter 0 ,hought affecting physical obAects 1i!e!, bending a spoon by thought2 5ision 0 Dream 0 3allucination 0 Impression 0 7ental eCperiences having psychic or spiritual connotations or influence! 9an be godly or evil! De6a vu 0 =n eCperience thought to have previously occurred

$i&ard 0 1on6urer 0 Magician 0 Sorcerer 0 &ne who eCercises power in witchcraft, magic and sorcery Satanist, Satanism 0 Dia!olism 0 Belief in and worship of *atan or other devils *.orcism 0 ,he act of commanding demons to remove from habitations, human or otherwise Astral -ro6ection 0 Out4of4+od *.periences 0 *upposed occurrences at a GhigherG level than normal human perception Oui6a 0 = tool supposedly for communicating messages between the physical and spirit realms 1i!e!, &uiAa board2 *ctoplasm 0 = vaporous, luminous glow allegedly appearing on a medium during a spiritualistic trance Spiritual $arfare 0 conflicts between Godly and demonic forces Signs, $onders, Miracles 0 *upernatural occurrences in nature 7esus 1hrist 0 God incarnate in the man born of the virgin 7ary Sons of God 0 +umans in which GodGs +oly *pirit dwells, and in some cases, a reference to the holy angels! $ord of God 0 ,he infallible order of God, spo"en or written 3eaven 0 ,he realm of God, +is =ngels, and all righteous spirits 3ell 0 ,he place of eternal captivity for all who reAect GodGs authority *arth 0 ,he battle #one between +eaven and +ell, occupied by creatures from both regions! 5ow, the reason that $ listed and defined all the various spiritual items above is to focus your attention upon the fact that we live in a very dynamic spiritual environment in which *-$R$,* play a maAor role! Before God ever created anything in the universe, +e was a *olitary, +oly, $nfinite, $nvisible *pirit! ,hat was before even the angels were created! =s far as we "now, +e created +is angels before +e created anything material! Before atoms and molecules, God created angels 0 spirit creatures! 9an $ demonstrate from the scriptures that angels were already in eCistence before the worlds began? /es! God en@uired of Job, "<here wast thou when $ laid the foundations of the earth? !!!<hen the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for Aoy?" Job )6: 0.! ,hese "morning stars sang!" ,he natural stars were not created until the fourth day of 9reation! ,hese "sons of God shouted!" GodGs first human son, =dam, was not created until the siCth day of 9reation! *o the *,=R* and *&5* in Job )6: 0. must have been the angels! 5othing else could fulfill this saying! Before the material heavens and earth were formed, and before man was created, "all the sons of God 1angels2 shouted for Aoy" as they witnessed 9reation ta"ing place! *o angels were reAoicing in the presence of God as the 9reation of the material universe began!

Before God formed the first man =dam from the dust of the earthF before *atan rebelled, and before any devil ever sinned or rebelledF the holy angels of God observed 9reation ta"ing place! Do ou %now that Satan and Adam +O#3 shared the Garden of *den +*)O(* either of them sinned" #he scripture plainl tells us so. God created the Garden of 3den =B,3R =dam was created! ,his is a very important point! 9onsider this evidence: "=nd the %&R' God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of lifeF and man became a living soul! =nd the %&R' God planted a garden eastward in 3denF and there he put the man whom he had formed," Genesis 4:.06! ,hose two verses clearly show us that God made =dam B3B&R3 +3 7='3 ,+3 G=R'35 &B 3'35! <hy is that important to "now? Because &,+3R >3R*3* elsewhere in the Bible reveal that %D9$B3R was in the Garden of 3den B3B&R3 +3 *$553'E ,hin" about thatE %ucifer was in the Garden with =dam before he sinnedE +ere is the proof!!! 3#e"iel 46 contains an allegory about the King of ,yre which most theologians agree reveals the history of %D9$B3R himself 0 *atan 0 the 'evil! ",hou hast been in 3den the garden of GodF !!!,hou art the anointed cherub that coverethF and $ have set thee so: !!!,hou wast perfect in thy ways from the day that thou wast created, ,$%% $5$ID$,/ <=* B&D5' $5 ,+33," 3#e"iel 46:1)01;! +ere is proof that %ucifer 0 "the anointed cherub" 0 was $5 3'35, the Garden of God, D5,$% $5$ID$,/ <=* B&D5' $5 +$7E <hy is that significant? Because it proves to us that *atan <=* *,$%% = +&%/ =5G3% when =dam was created! Burthermore, *atan was *,$%% = +&%/ =5G3% when God created the Garden of 3den! Burthermore, *atan committed his first $5$ID$,/ $5 ,+3 G=R'35 &B 3'35E /es! *atan was &5 3=R,+ when he committed his first sins! ,herefore, we can conclude from this reading that *atan =5' =dam were B&,+ in the Garden of 3den, B&,+ <$,+&D, *$5! %ucifer committed the first sin entirely by himself! +ere is the record of what he did that was evil! $saiah 1 contains another allegory, comparing the fate of the evil King of Babylon with the fate of %ucifer himself! "+ow art thou fallen from heaven, & %ucifer, son of the morningE how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst wea"en the nationsE Bor thou hast said in thine heart, $ will ascend into heaven, $ will eCalt my throne above the stars of God: $ will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: $ will ascend above the heights of the cloudsF $ will be li"e the most +igh! /et thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit! ,hey that see thee shall narrowly loo" upon thee, and consider thee, saying, $s this the man that made the earth to tremble, that did sha"e "ingdomsF ,hat made the world as a wilderness, and destroyed the cities thereofF that opened not the house of his prisoners? =ll the "ings of the nations, even all of them, lie in glory, every one in his own house! But thou art cast out of thy grave

li"e an abominable branch, and as the raiment of those that are slain, thrust through with a sword, that go down to the stones of the pitF as a carcase trodden under feet! ,hou shalt not be Aoined with them in burial, because thou hast destroyed thy land, and slain thy people: the seed of evildoers shall never be renowned," $saiah 1 :14048! <hat is revealed in these verses? 1! %ucifer is fallen from heaven! 4! %ucifer is cut down to the ground! )! %ucifer wea"ened the nations! ! %ucifer said in his heart, =! "$ will ascend into heaven!" B! "$ will eCalt my throne above the stars of God!" 9! "$ will sit upon the mount of the congregation!" '! "$ will ascend above the height of the clouds!" 3! "$ will be li"e the 7ost +igh!" ;! *atan will be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit! :! ,hose who see him will narrowly loo" upon him! .! 1,he King of Babylon2 will be cast out of his grave li"e an abominable branch! 6! ,he seed of evildoers shall never be renowned 1considered famous2! *o you can see in the verses above that for all of time, *atan 1%ucifer2 has coveted to overthrow GodGs creation, particularly man"ind, and ta"e dominion over the Kingdom of God! *atan was the -R$7=R/ 3>$% *-$R$,, before all other evil spirits! *atan is the biggest loser in all of GodGs 9reation! Get this!!! The devil was a sinner when there were no other sinners in the universe! *atan is a usurper! +e wants everything God has 0 from the heavenly throne to the smallest earthly entity! *atan wants to ta"e everything he can ta"e from God! *atan is also a 7DR'3R3R and a %$=R! Jesus revealed these facts +imself, when he slammed the hypocritical -harisees: "/e are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do! 3e was a murderer from the !eginning, and a!ode not in the truth, !ecause there is no truth in him. $hen he spea%eth a lie, he spea%eth of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it," John 6: ! *o *atan =5' every evil spirit under +is influence are D*DR-3R*, 7DR'3R3R*, and %$=R*! Dltimately, the most devastating damage that *atan and his minions can inflict upon the Kingdom of God is to overthrow man"ind, by seducing men away from God and deluding them to believe in evil spirits rather than the one +oly *pirit of God! *atan cannot inflict damage to the throne of God! *atan cannot defile the streets of gold or the gates of pearl! *atan cannot destroy the remaining angels! +e can only operate in the earth realm among other devils and among men! +e is the ruler and the prince

of the air! +is strata is earth! +e cannot destroy the earth, because God has reserved that for a particular time and place! *atanGs worst blow to the Kingdom of God is to deprive men of their relationship with God! ,herefore, *atan and his forces are obsessed with overpowering men, by interfering with their communications with God, subverting men, lying to men, misrepresenting God ! emplo ing seducing spirits and false doctrines and a variet of supernatural means intended to deceive ! +ut Satan is 2O#3I2G compared to the Great God who 1reated us all. 3e has A'' -O$*( in heaven and in earth. #here is no spirit in an dimension that can e8ual or compete with the Spirit of God. %oo" at the evidence! God is the only truly *overeign *pirit! God is the only genuine *pirit of ,ruth 0 there are no lies in God! ,his *pirit called light out of dar"ness, and set the sun, moon and stars in their places! ,his *pirit made birds and bees, and flowers and trees, and mountains and seas, and formed a man out of dust! ,his *pirit sent Audgments upon an evil generation, covering the earth with a flood, miraculously saving 5oah and his family in the ar"! +e called childless =braham from a pagan country, and miraculously created a child for him in the ninety year0old womb of *arah! GodGs angel named $saac before he was conceived, then prevented =braham from wielding a "nife on him on 7ount 7oriah! +e touched JacobGs thigh, setting it out of Aoint, then +is angel changed JacobGs name 1*upplanter2 to $srael 1-rince with God2! +e gave prophetic dreams to Joseph, the Butler, the Ba"er, and -haraoh, "ing of 3gypt! ,he *pirit of God was the fire and the voice spea"ing in a desert bush to 7oses, and the God who turned a shepherdGs rod into a serpent! ,hat same *pirit God also turned the 5ile River into blood, sent pestilences of frogs, and flies, and grievous boils! -assing over 3gypt, +e "illed the subAects of the rebellious 3gyptian "ing! +e opened the Red *ea and made dry land for the children of $srael to escape 3gyptian bondage! +is *pirit was the fire that led $srael by night and the cloud that led them by day! $n the wilderness, +e brought water out of a roc", and sent rain, fire, whirlwinds and bread from the s"ies as signs of +is power! +e buried alive, Korah and his band of rebels, and put leprosy on 7iriamGs flesh! +is angel gave supernatural battle plans to Joshua, and sun" the walls of Jericho!

,his God poured down fire from heaven onto 3liAahGs altar, and later carried 3liAah into heaven in a chariot of fire! +e withered JeroboamGs arm, preserved three men in a fiery furnace, and turned 5ebuchadne##ar into a raving maniac! GodGs *pirit revealed the sins of 3li the priest to the child *amuel! +e revealed the thoughts of *aulGs heart! +e chose 'avid from the sheepfolds to be the "ing of $srael, and filled *olomonGs temple with glory clouds! ,he *pirit of God revealed great future sights to $saiah, 3#e"iel, 'aniel and 7icah! +is angel guided Jechariah and 3li#abeth and 7ary and Joseph! +is star guided the wise men, and his angels instructed the shepherds in their way! +is *pirit discerned =ndrewGs name at Galilee, "new JacchaeusG desire when he climbed the sycamore tree, and eCposed the *amaritan womanGs sins! +e formed eyeballs in the soc"ets of a blind man, touched the dumb manGs tongue to miraculously spea" in the local language, and made a crippled manGs legs wal"! +is *pirit fore"new JudasG betrayal, -eterGs shame, and -ilateGs verdict! +is =ngel announced +is resurrection from the dead, and +is *pirit transfigured +im! +e is the God of supernatural visions, dreams, and angelic visitations! ,he same *pirit spo"e do#ens of languages on GalileansG lips at -entecost! +is *pirit foretold =nanias of *aulKs name and address and sic"ness, and foretold *aul of =naniasG name and healing powers! GodGs *pirit told 9ornelius of -eterGs name, city, address, and landlord! ,hen +e told -eter that three men were on their way! +is =ngel assured -aul that the storm wouldnGt cost his shipmatesG lives, and unloc"ed the prison doors for -eter! <hile GodGs *pirit has always brought life and Aoy, peace and comfort, and healing to those who were obedient, *atanGs spirit has always brought panic, despair and tragedy to those who were obedient to him! $hat did SA#A2 ever do, ! comparison" *atanGs lies caused 3ve to parta"e of the forbidden fruit, 9ain to murder =bel, and his parents to be cast out of the Garden! *atan caused 5oahGs generation and *odom and Gomorrah to be destroyed! *atanGs spirits led Balaam to his demise, filled *aul with a murderous heart, and deceived him by the witch of 3ndor! *pirits of idolatry used *olomonGs wives to destroy him, lured Jeroboam into rebellion against God, and filled =hab and Je#ebel with wic"edness and murdering! *atan has caused sin and sic"ness all throughout the history of manF murder, hate, Aealousy, strife, war, death in every form and fashion! ,he witches and soothsayers of evil times deprived men of their relationship with God! -haraohGs magicians helped cause his hard, hard heart, and prevented him from believing 7oses and the true power of God!

,he idolatrous priests of heathen nations turned GodGs peopleGs hearts away from +im many times, and good never came of it! ,he witch of 3ndor was terrori#ed when she reali#ed King *aul had discovered her, because she "new that *aulGs great God was much more to be feared than her own foul, demonic powers with familiar spirits! ,he false prophets of =ha# satisfied his itching ears, but Jeroboam "new that evil would come of it! <hile Jeroboam reAected their counsel in favor of a true man of God, =ha# listened to their demonic advice, and was "illed in battle that day! ,he demons that possessed the maniac of Gadara would have never given him rest, but JesusG power and authority over them gave the man total release and soundness of mind! 7eanwhile, the animals into which the spirits fled immediately committed suicide! ,he demon in the boy child made him deaf and dumb till Jesus loosed him from them! ,he unclean spirit of the young woman in =cts 1: would have deceived her forever as to the true saving power of the Gospel, until -aul rebu"ed the spirit, commanding it to come out of herF then she truly believed the Gospel! ,he seven sons of *ceva did not reali#e the awesome destructive force of demons until they tempted them by lightly using the name of Jesus! ,hey were rent sorely! So again, I sa : #here is no spirit in an dimension that can e8ual or compete with the Spirit of God. =ll *pirits of God are greater in power and force than the powers of *atan and the demons! 5o men will ever have a relationship with demons that can compare in any way with the wonderful way of the *pirit of God on their lives! ,herefore, $ ta"e my stand with the one, true, living God! $ stand upon +is <ord! $ claim cleansing and protection in the sacrificial blood of Jesus 9hrist! $ live by the authority of the holy name of Jesus, empowered by +is +oly *pirit that lives in me, and $ resist and rebu"e every single spirit that is not of God! ,he *pirit of the %ord raises up a standard against every evil spirit! +e rebu"es every power that comes against me and my family while $ live in the name of Jesus! $ resist every devil around about me and rebu"e every unclean spirit that attempts to influence, subvert and destroy my life or the lives of all my loved ones! $n the name of Jesus, $ command authority over the powers of spiritual dar"ness, that they be stayed, stopped, hindered, bound, and defeated! $ revo"e every liberty that every unclean spirit attempts to usurp in our lives! $ will henceforth be free to live in the presence of the *pirit of God! $ have absolutely no reason to fear *atan or any unclean spirit beneath him! $ will not be defeated by any evil force! ,he *pirit of God living in me is greater than any other spirit $ will ever encounter! $ claim all my rights, liberties and victories over those spirits in the name of Jesus!

Regardless of anything any evil spirit will ever attempt to accomplish against me, $ declare my faith in Jesus 9hrist, whose +oly *pirit dwells in me! Greater is +e that is in me than he that is in the world! 11 John : 2

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