Characteristics of Dark Romanticism

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Characteristics of Dark Romanticism

English 11 Mr. Durrett

Dark Romantics were known to use a lot of symbol in their work like the bird in the poem
The Raven: and the white whale in the novel Moby-Dick.

For the Dark Romantics, spiritual facts lie behind appearances of nature. These spiritual
facts were not always positive or friendly.

Similar to the belief of the Puritans, the Dark Romantics thought that because of
Original sin man is sinful and imperfect

Dark Romantics exaggerated the sinfulness, evilness, darkness of human existence as

the other Romantic writers we studied in class did with what was ideal.

"Behind the pasteboard mask of social respectability, the Dark Romantics saw the
blankness and the horror of evil.

Authors during the Romantic period, which includes the Dark Romantics, were creating a
new national identity through the literature.

Dark Romantics, like Romantics, believed that the individual was more important than a
collective or society. Like all Dark Romantic beliefs, they also thought that the individual
was oftentimes flawed.

Dark Romantics shun the artificiality of civilization and seek unspoiled nature.

Dark Romantics find beauty and truth in exotic locales, the supernatural realm, and the
inner world of the imagination.

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