Delete Errors
Delete Errors
Delete Errors
Anytown, CA 10000 Re: Complaint Letter to Delete Errors Dear Sir Madam: ! re"ei#ed a "opy o$ my "redit report and $ind t%e $ollowin& items to 'e in error. See t%e atta"%ed "opy o$ t%e "redit report, wit% t%ese item num'ers written ne(t to t%e pro'lem entries. )Des"ri'e* Item #1 A""ount s%ows a +0 day late payment, ,"to'er -00.. /%is is a mista0e and t%e a""ount was timely paid, see en"losed letter $rom "reditor, A""ount s%ould read wit% no late payments e#er. By t%e pro#isions o$ Se"tion 111 o$ t%e 2air Credit Reportin& A"t o$ 1340, ! demand t%at t%ese items 'e rein#esti&ated and deleted $rom my re"ord. Send me names and addresses o$ indi#iduals you "onta"ted so ! may $ollow up. ! s%all assume t%at +0 days "onstitutes 5reasona'le time6 $or re7#eri$i"ation o$ t%ese entries unless you noti$y me ot%erwise immediately. !t s%ould 'e understood t%at $ailure to re7#eri$y t%ese items wit%in +0 days "onstitutes reason to promptly drop t%e in$ormation $rom my $ile a""ordin& to Se"tion 111)a*. Also, pursuant to Se"tion 111)d* o$ t%e 2air Credit Reportin& A"t, please send me noti$i"ation t%at t%e items %a#e 'een deleted. 8ou may send an updated "opy o$ my "redit report to t%e address 'elow. A""ordin& to t%e pro#isions o$ Se"tion 11-, t%ere s%ould 'e no "%ar&e $or t%is noti$i"ation. Sin"erely, 9999999999999999999999 Si&ned 9999999999999999999999 :ame );rinted* 9999999999999999999999 Address 999999999999999999999 City, State, <ip 9999999999999999999999 So"ial Se"urity :um'er
FORM 2 Date Credit Bureau 500 Main St. Anytown, CA 10000 Re: Re=uest to Mer&e !n=uiry wit% A""ount Dear Sir Madam: ! re"ently re"ei#ed my "redit report and lo"ated t%e $ollowin& pro'lems o$ ina""urate reportin&. A "opy o$ t%e "redit report is atta"%ed, wit% t%e item num'er mar0ed on t%e report. /%e presen"e o$ t%e in=uiries as entries separate $rom t%e resultin& a""ounts ina""urately dupli"ates in$ormation. /%e in=uiries re$le"t an in"omplete and ina""urate pro"essin& o$ in$ormation in my $ile. /%e in=uiry entries s%ould 'e remo#ed or at least mer&ed into t%e a""ounts to w%i"% t%ey 'elon&. >nder t%e pro#isions o$ 2air Credit Reportin& A"t Se"tion 111)a*, please rein#esti&ate and delete t%ese disputed in=uiries. Send me names and addresses o$ persons "onta"ted. ! s%all assume t%at +0 days "onstitutes a 5reasona'le time6 to "omplete t%ese a"tions unless you noti$y me ot%erwise immediately. !t s%ould 'e understood t%at $ailure to re#eri$y wit%in t%is time "onstitutes non7#eri$i"ation and t%e items must 'e promptly deleted a""ordin& to Se"tion 111. Also, pursuant to Se"tion 111)d* o$ t%e 2air Credit Reportin& A"t, please send me noti$i"ation t%at t%e items %a#e 'een deleted. 8ou may send an updated "opy o$ my "redit report to t%e address 'elow. A""ordin& to t%e pro#isions o$ Se"tion 11-, t%ere s%ould 'e no "%ar&e $or t%is noti$i"ation. Sin"erely, 9999999999999999999999 Si&ned 9999999999999999999999 :ame );rinted* 9999999999999999999999 Address 999999999999999999999 City, State, <ip 9999999999999999999999 So"ial Se"urity :um'er
FORM 3 Date Credit Bureau 500 Main St. Anytown, CA 10000 Re: Re=uest to Delete A""ounts Dear Sir Madam: ! re"ently re"ei#ed my "redit report and lo"ated t%e $ollowin& pro'lems o$ ina""urate reportin&. A "opy o$ t%e "redit report is atta"%ed, wit% t%e item num'er mar0ed in pen on t%e report. >nder t%e pro#isions o$ 2air Credit Reportin& A"t Se"tion 111)a*, please rein#esti&ate and delete t%ese disputed in=uiries. Send me names and addresses o$ persons "onta"ted. ! s%all assume t%at +0 days "onstitutes a 5reasona'le time6 to "omplete t%ese a"tions unless you noti$y me ot%erwise immediately. !t s%ould 'e understood t%at $ailure to re#eri$y wit%in t%is time "onstitutes non7#eri$i"ation and t%e items must 'e promptly deleted a""ordin& to Se"tion 111. Also, pursuant to Se"tion 111)d* o$ t%e 2air Credit Reportin& A"t, please send me noti$i"ation t%at t%e items %a#e 'een deleted. 8ou may send an updated "opy o$ my "redit report to t%e address 'elow. A""ordin& to t%e pro#isions o$ Se"tion 11-, t%ere s%ould 'e no "%ar&e $or t%is noti$i"ation. Sin"erely, 9999999999999999999999 Si&ned 9999999999999999999999 :ame );rinted* 9999999999999999999999 Address 999999999999999999999 City, State, <ip 9999999999999999999999 So"ial Se"urity :um'er
FORM 4 Date Credit Bureau 500 Main St. Anytown, CA 10000 Re: Re=uest to >pdate A""ount Dear Sir Madam: ! re"ently re"ei#ed my "redit report and lo"ated t%e $ollowin& pro'lems o$ ina""urate reportin&. A "opy o$ t%e "redit report is atta"%ed, wit% t%e item num'er mar0ed in pen on t%e report. >nder t%e pro#isions o$ 2air Credit Reportin& A"t Se"tion 111)a*, please rein#esti&ate and delete t%ese disputed in=uiries. ! s%all assume t%at +0 days "onstitutes a 5reasona'le time6 to "omplete t%ese a"tions unless you noti$y me ot%erwise immediately. !t s%ould 'e understood t%at $ailure to re#eri$y wit%in t%is time "onstitutes non7#eri$i"ation and t%e items must 'e promptly deleted a""ordin& to Se"tion 111. Also, pursuant to Se"tion 111)d* o$ t%e 2air Credit Reportin& A"t, please send me noti$i"ation t%at t%e items %a#e 'een deleted. 8ou may send an updated "opy o$ my "redit report to t%e address 'elow. A""ordin& to t%e pro#isions o$ Se"tion 11-, t%ere s%ould 'e no "%ar&e $or t%is noti$i"ation. Sin"erely, 9999999999999999999999 Si&ned 9999999999999999999999 :ame );rinted* 9999999999999999999999 Address 999999999999999999999 City, State, <ip 9999999999999999999999 So"ial Se"urity :um'er
FORM 5 Date Credit Bureau 500 Main St. Anytown, CA 10000 Re: Reminder to Respond Dear Sir Madam: /%irty days a&o, you re"ei#ed my letter disputin& se#eral items listed in my "redit report issued 'y your $irm. /%e items were ina""urate and in"omplete. ! %a#e atta"%ed t%e ori&inal letter. :ote t%at +0 days is "onsidered a 5reasona'le time6 under t%e 2air Credit Reportin& A"t, Se"tion 111)a* $or respondin& to my re=uest $or re#eri$i"ation o$ t%e erroneous items. Sin"e you did not immediately write to in$orm me o$ t%e need $or additional time, ! presume you a""epted t%e +07day time limit. ! %a#e not re"ei#ed a reply $rom you wit%in t%is +0 days. /%ere$ore, it must 'e t%at t%e in$ormation on my report was eit%er ina""urate, or it "ould not 'e re#eri$ied. !n eit%er "ase, a""ordin& to t%e pro#isions o$ Se"tion 111)a* t%e items must 'e deleted immediately. ;lease respond immediately so t%at ! do not need to pursue my le&al ri&%ts under Se"tion 111 or 114, w%i"% re=uire your "omplian"e to t%e law. Also, pursuant to Se"tion 111)d* o$ t%e 2air Credit Reportin& A"t, please send me noti$i"ation t%at t%e items %a#e 'een deleted. 8ou may send an updated "opy o$ my "redit report to t%e address 'elow. A""ordin& to t%e pro#isions o$ Se"tion 11-, t%ere s%ould 'e no "%ar&e $or t%is noti$i"ation. Sin"erely, 9999999999999999999999 Si&ned 9999999999999999999999 :ame );rinted* 9999999999999999999999
Address 999999999999999999999 City, State, <ip 9999999999999999999999 So"ial Se"urity :um'er FORM 6 Date Credit Bureau 500 Main St. Anytown, CA 10000 Re: 2inal 2ollow7>p on 2ailure to Respond Dear Sir Madam: ,n 9999999999999,-00-, ! sent you a $ollow7up letter pointin& out t%at you %ad $ailed to respond to my disputes o$ "ertain items $ound on my "redit report, issued 'y your "ompany. Copies o$ t%at letter, my "redit report and t%e ori&inal dispute letter are atta"%ed. /o date, you still %a#e not $ul$illed t%e intent and letter o$ t%e 2air Credit Reportin& A"t w%i"% re=uires your 'ureau, as a "onsumer reportin& a&en"y, to maintain and insure t%at in$ormation 5is $air and e=uita'le to t%e "onsumer6. Also, t%e law stipulates t%at 'ureaus will maintain 5a""ura"y, rele#an"y, and proper utili?ation o$ su"% in$ormation6 )Se"tion 10-, @'*. /%ese re=uirements %a#e not 'een met 'y your a"tions. 8ou %a#e not &i#en my e#iden"e t%at you %a#e a"ted in a prompt or 5$air and e=uita'le6 manner. 1* 8ou %a#e not su'mitted e#iden"e o$ in#esti&ation 'y &i#in& me names and addresses o$ persons "onta"ted, nor %a#e you remo#ed anyt%in& $ound ina""urateA -* 8ou %a#e not remo#ed any item $or w%i"% no #eri$i"ation "ould 'e $ound wit%in t%e +0 days 5reasona'le time6A +* 8ou %a#e not ta0en "are to maintain t%e a""ura"y, rele#an"y, and proper use o$ in$ormation in my $ile. ! still dispute t%e items &i#en on my atta"%ed letter. ! e(pe"t an appropriate response on or 'e$ore 9999999)date* $or ea"% item, ot%erwise, ! must "onta"t t%e 2ederal /rade Commission. ! also e(pe"t t%e names and addresses o$ indi#iduals you "onta"ted to #eri$y t%e in$ormation, so t%at ! may $ollow up on any item. Sin"erely, 9999999999999999999999 Si&ned
9999999999999999999999 :ame );rinted* 9999999999999999999999 Address 999999999999999999999 City, State, <ip 9999999999999999999999 So"ial Se"urity :um'er FORM 7 Date Credit Bureau 500 Main St. Anytown, CA 10000 Re: Demand $or Corre"ted Credit Report Dear Sir Madam: ,n 99999999, -00-, ! wrote to tell you ! %ad not %eard any spe"i$i" a"tions ta0en to re#eri$y t%e items ! %ad identi$ied as ina""urate or in"omplete in my "redit report. Copies o$ my "orresponden"e are atta"%ed $or your re#iew. Sin"e you %a#e not &i#en me names or persons you "onta"ted $or re#eri$i"ation o$ t%e in$ormation, nor %a#e you "omplied wit%in a 5reasona'le time6 to my re=uest $or re#eri$i"ation, ! assume t%at you %a#e not 'een a'le to re#eri$y t%e in$ormation ! %a#e disputed. /%ere$ore, you must "omply wit% t%e pro#ision o$ t%e 2air Credit Reportin& A"t, Se"tion 111, and drop t%e disputed items $rom my "redit report. ! demand t%at you send me a "opy o$ my updated "redit report s%owin& t%e elimination o$ items w%i"% ! disputed on t%e atta"%ed letters. /%is "opy must 'e pro#ided $ree, a""ordin& to Se"tion 111)d*. ! demand t%at it 'e postmar0ed wit%in $i#e days a$ter si&nin& t%e "erti$ied mail re"eipt $or t%e letter you are %oldin&. !$ ! do not re"ei#e an updated "opy o$ my "redit report, wit% t%e disputed items dropped, my attorney will pursue my le&al ri&%ts under Se"tion 111 o$ t%e 2air Credit Reportin& A"t, 5Ci#il lia'ility $or will$ul non"omplian"e6. 8our "redit 'ureau may 'e lia'le $or: 1* -* +* any a"tual dama&es ! sustain 'y you $ailure to delete t%e itemA puniti#e dama&es as t%e "ourt may allowA and "osts o$ t%e "ourt a"tion, plus attorneyBs $ees.
! %a#e $orwarded a "opy o$ t%is letter to t%e 2ederal /rade Commission. Sin"erely,
9999999999999999999999 Si&ned 9999999999999999999999 :ame );rinted* 9999999999999999999999 Address 999999999999999999999 City, State, <ip 9999999999999999999999 So"ial Se"urity :um'er FORM 8 Date Credit Bureau 500 Main St. Anytown, CA 10000 Re: Re=uest $or Addition o$ Supplementary Credit Cistory !n$ormation Dear Sir Madam: ;lease in"lude in my "redit report t%e $ollowin& supplemental in$ormation atta"%ed. A""ordin& to t%e 2air Credit Reportin& A"t )2CRA*, Se"tion 10-)'*, 5!t is t%e purpose o$ t%is title )2CRA* to re=uire t%at "onsumer reportin& a&en"ies adopt reasona'le pro"edures $or meetin& t%e needs o$ "ommer"e $or "onsumer "redit, personnel, insuran"e, and ot%er in$ormation in a manner w%i"% is $air and e=uita'le to t%e "onsumer, wit% re&ard to t%e "on$identiality, a""ura"y, rele#an"y, and proper utili?ation o$ su"% in$ormation in a""ordan"e wit% t%e re=uirements o$ t%is title6. /%e intent o$ t%e 2CRA in"ludes re"ordin& supplementary "redit in$ormation i$ re=uested 'y a "onsumer. A""ordin&ly, ! %ere'y re=uest t%at you add t%e atta"%ed %istory o$ payments, a""ordin& to t%e RCRA, Se"tion 10-)'*. /%an0 you $or your attention. ;lease in$orm me wit%in +0 days o$ your "omplian"e wit% t%e Se"tion 111 re=uirements t%at a "onsumerBs "redit report s%ould re$le"t 5"ompleteness and a""ura"y6 wit%in a 5reasona'le6 time a$ter noti$i"ation 'y t%e "onsumer. Sin"erely, 9999999999999999999999 Si&ned 9999999999999999999999
:ame );rinted* 9999999999999999999999 Address 999999999999999999999 City, State, <ip 9999999999999999999999 So"ial Se"urity :um'er
FORM 9 Date Credit Card Company 500 Main St. Anytown, CA 10000 Re: E(planation $or Delin=uent ;ayment Dear Sir Madam: !t %as re"ently "ome to my attention t%at se#eral o$ my payments to your a""ount %a#e 'een la'eled 5late6 on my "redit report. ! %a#e 'een prompt in payin& in t%e past, and missed t%e payment due to: /emporary layo$$ $rom wor0. /%is a""ount was promptly paid as soon as ! resumed wor0. Sin"e t%e late payments o""urred $or t%e a'o#e e("usa'le reason, please "orre"t t%e payment %istory $or my a""ount at t%e $ollowin& "redit 'ureaus w%i"% "arry your a""ount %istories: ABC Credit Bureau 500 Main St. Anytown, CA 10000 !t is important t%at my "redit report re$le"t t%e &ood relations ! %a#e %ad wit% your "ompany in t%e past and t%e "orre"tions in t%e "redit report will ma0e it more representati#e o$ my $inan"ial %a'its. ! appre"iate your assistan"e. Sin"erely,
9999999999999999999999 Si&ned 9999999999999999999999 :ame );rinted* 9999999999999999999999 Address 999999999999999999999 City, State, <ip 9999999999999999999999 So"ial Se"urity :um'er FORM 10 Date Credit Bureau 500 Main St. Anytown, CA 10000 Re: Consumer Statement Dear Sir Madam: A""ordin& to t%e 2air Credit Reportin& A"t Se"tion 111)'*, ! %a#e t%e ri&%t to enter a 5"onsumer statement6 in my "redit report. ! %a#e disputed t%e a""ura"y and "ompleteness o$ t%e items "ir"led in pen on t%e atta"%ed "redit report. Sin"e rein#esti&ation %as not resol#ed my dispute, ! want t%e $ollowin& statement in"luded in my "redit report to set $ort% t%e nature o$ my dispute $or ot%ers to see. ! assume t%at +0 days represents a 5reasona'le time6 $or "ompletin& t%is dispute, unless you noti$y me immediately. 5/%at payment to A"me Co. was not made 'e"ause &oods were deli#ered in a de$e"ti#e "ondition and t%at A"me re$used to repair or repla"e said items.6 A""ordin& to t%e 2air Credit Reportin& A"t, Se"tion 111)'*, please send me a $ree updated "opy o$ my "redit report wit% t%e a'o#e 5statement6 in"luded. Sin"erely, 9999999999999999999999 Si&ned 9999999999999999999999
:ame );rinted* 9999999999999999999999 Address 999999999999999999999 City, State, <ip 9999999999999999999999 So"ial Se"urity :um'er