Delete Errors

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The letters provide templates for consumers to dispute inaccuracies on their credit reports and request corrections from credit bureaus and creditors under the Fair Credit Reporting Act.

The letters address issues like late payments, duplicate inquiries, requests to delete accounts, and adding supplementary payment histories.

The Fair Credit Reporting Act gives consumers the right to dispute inaccuracies on their reports, request reinvestigations, add consumer statements, and receive free copies of their credit reports after disputes.

FORM 1 Date Credit Bureau 500 Main St.

Anytown, CA 10000 Re: Complaint Letter to Delete Errors Dear Sir Madam: ! re"ei#ed a "opy o$ my "redit report and $ind t%e $ollowin& items to 'e in error. See t%e atta"%ed "opy o$ t%e "redit report, wit% t%ese item num'ers written ne(t to t%e pro'lem entries. )Des"ri'e* Item #1 A""ount s%ows a +0 day late payment, ,"to'er -00.. /%is is a mista0e and t%e a""ount was timely paid, see en"losed letter $rom "reditor, A""ount s%ould read wit% no late payments e#er. By t%e pro#isions o$ Se"tion 111 o$ t%e 2air Credit Reportin& A"t o$ 1340, ! demand t%at t%ese items 'e rein#esti&ated and deleted $rom my re"ord. Send me names and addresses o$ indi#iduals you "onta"ted so ! may $ollow up. ! s%all assume t%at +0 days "onstitutes 5reasona'le time6 $or re7#eri$i"ation o$ t%ese entries unless you noti$y me ot%erwise immediately. !t s%ould 'e understood t%at $ailure to re7#eri$y t%ese items wit%in +0 days "onstitutes reason to promptly drop t%e in$ormation $rom my $ile a""ordin& to Se"tion 111)a*. Also, pursuant to Se"tion 111)d* o$ t%e 2air Credit Reportin& A"t, please send me noti$i"ation t%at t%e items %a#e 'een deleted. 8ou may send an updated "opy o$ my "redit report to t%e address 'elow. A""ordin& to t%e pro#isions o$ Se"tion 11-, t%ere s%ould 'e no "%ar&e $or t%is noti$i"ation. Sin"erely, 9999999999999999999999 Si&ned 9999999999999999999999 :ame );rinted* 9999999999999999999999 Address 999999999999999999999 City, State, <ip 9999999999999999999999 So"ial Se"urity :um'er

FORM 2 Date Credit Bureau 500 Main St. Anytown, CA 10000 Re: Re=uest to Mer&e !n=uiry wit% A""ount Dear Sir Madam: ! re"ently re"ei#ed my "redit report and lo"ated t%e $ollowin& pro'lems o$ ina""urate reportin&. A "opy o$ t%e "redit report is atta"%ed, wit% t%e item num'er mar0ed on t%e report. /%e presen"e o$ t%e in=uiries as entries separate $rom t%e resultin& a""ounts ina""urately dupli"ates in$ormation. /%e in=uiries re$le"t an in"omplete and ina""urate pro"essin& o$ in$ormation in my $ile. /%e in=uiry entries s%ould 'e remo#ed or at least mer&ed into t%e a""ounts to w%i"% t%ey 'elon&. >nder t%e pro#isions o$ 2air Credit Reportin& A"t Se"tion 111)a*, please rein#esti&ate and delete t%ese disputed in=uiries. Send me names and addresses o$ persons "onta"ted. ! s%all assume t%at +0 days "onstitutes a 5reasona'le time6 to "omplete t%ese a"tions unless you noti$y me ot%erwise immediately. !t s%ould 'e understood t%at $ailure to re#eri$y wit%in t%is time "onstitutes non7#eri$i"ation and t%e items must 'e promptly deleted a""ordin& to Se"tion 111. Also, pursuant to Se"tion 111)d* o$ t%e 2air Credit Reportin& A"t, please send me noti$i"ation t%at t%e items %a#e 'een deleted. 8ou may send an updated "opy o$ my "redit report to t%e address 'elow. A""ordin& to t%e pro#isions o$ Se"tion 11-, t%ere s%ould 'e no "%ar&e $or t%is noti$i"ation. Sin"erely, 9999999999999999999999 Si&ned 9999999999999999999999 :ame );rinted* 9999999999999999999999 Address 999999999999999999999 City, State, <ip 9999999999999999999999 So"ial Se"urity :um'er

FORM 3 Date Credit Bureau 500 Main St. Anytown, CA 10000 Re: Re=uest to Delete A""ounts Dear Sir Madam: ! re"ently re"ei#ed my "redit report and lo"ated t%e $ollowin& pro'lems o$ ina""urate reportin&. A "opy o$ t%e "redit report is atta"%ed, wit% t%e item num'er mar0ed in pen on t%e report. >nder t%e pro#isions o$ 2air Credit Reportin& A"t Se"tion 111)a*, please rein#esti&ate and delete t%ese disputed in=uiries. Send me names and addresses o$ persons "onta"ted. ! s%all assume t%at +0 days "onstitutes a 5reasona'le time6 to "omplete t%ese a"tions unless you noti$y me ot%erwise immediately. !t s%ould 'e understood t%at $ailure to re#eri$y wit%in t%is time "onstitutes non7#eri$i"ation and t%e items must 'e promptly deleted a""ordin& to Se"tion 111. Also, pursuant to Se"tion 111)d* o$ t%e 2air Credit Reportin& A"t, please send me noti$i"ation t%at t%e items %a#e 'een deleted. 8ou may send an updated "opy o$ my "redit report to t%e address 'elow. A""ordin& to t%e pro#isions o$ Se"tion 11-, t%ere s%ould 'e no "%ar&e $or t%is noti$i"ation. Sin"erely, 9999999999999999999999 Si&ned 9999999999999999999999 :ame );rinted* 9999999999999999999999 Address 999999999999999999999 City, State, <ip 9999999999999999999999 So"ial Se"urity :um'er

FORM 4 Date Credit Bureau 500 Main St. Anytown, CA 10000 Re: Re=uest to >pdate A""ount Dear Sir Madam: ! re"ently re"ei#ed my "redit report and lo"ated t%e $ollowin& pro'lems o$ ina""urate reportin&. A "opy o$ t%e "redit report is atta"%ed, wit% t%e item num'er mar0ed in pen on t%e report. >nder t%e pro#isions o$ 2air Credit Reportin& A"t Se"tion 111)a*, please rein#esti&ate and delete t%ese disputed in=uiries. ! s%all assume t%at +0 days "onstitutes a 5reasona'le time6 to "omplete t%ese a"tions unless you noti$y me ot%erwise immediately. !t s%ould 'e understood t%at $ailure to re#eri$y wit%in t%is time "onstitutes non7#eri$i"ation and t%e items must 'e promptly deleted a""ordin& to Se"tion 111. Also, pursuant to Se"tion 111)d* o$ t%e 2air Credit Reportin& A"t, please send me noti$i"ation t%at t%e items %a#e 'een deleted. 8ou may send an updated "opy o$ my "redit report to t%e address 'elow. A""ordin& to t%e pro#isions o$ Se"tion 11-, t%ere s%ould 'e no "%ar&e $or t%is noti$i"ation. Sin"erely, 9999999999999999999999 Si&ned 9999999999999999999999 :ame );rinted* 9999999999999999999999 Address 999999999999999999999 City, State, <ip 9999999999999999999999 So"ial Se"urity :um'er

FORM 5 Date Credit Bureau 500 Main St. Anytown, CA 10000 Re: Reminder to Respond Dear Sir Madam: /%irty days a&o, you re"ei#ed my letter disputin& se#eral items listed in my "redit report issued 'y your $irm. /%e items were ina""urate and in"omplete. ! %a#e atta"%ed t%e ori&inal letter. :ote t%at +0 days is "onsidered a 5reasona'le time6 under t%e 2air Credit Reportin& A"t, Se"tion 111)a* $or respondin& to my re=uest $or re#eri$i"ation o$ t%e erroneous items. Sin"e you did not immediately write to in$orm me o$ t%e need $or additional time, ! presume you a""epted t%e +07day time limit. ! %a#e not re"ei#ed a reply $rom you wit%in t%is +0 days. /%ere$ore, it must 'e t%at t%e in$ormation on my report was eit%er ina""urate, or it "ould not 'e re#eri$ied. !n eit%er "ase, a""ordin& to t%e pro#isions o$ Se"tion 111)a* t%e items must 'e deleted immediately. ;lease respond immediately so t%at ! do not need to pursue my le&al ri&%ts under Se"tion 111 or 114, w%i"% re=uire your "omplian"e to t%e law. Also, pursuant to Se"tion 111)d* o$ t%e 2air Credit Reportin& A"t, please send me noti$i"ation t%at t%e items %a#e 'een deleted. 8ou may send an updated "opy o$ my "redit report to t%e address 'elow. A""ordin& to t%e pro#isions o$ Se"tion 11-, t%ere s%ould 'e no "%ar&e $or t%is noti$i"ation. Sin"erely, 9999999999999999999999 Si&ned 9999999999999999999999 :ame );rinted* 9999999999999999999999

Address 999999999999999999999 City, State, <ip 9999999999999999999999 So"ial Se"urity :um'er FORM 6 Date Credit Bureau 500 Main St. Anytown, CA 10000 Re: 2inal 2ollow7>p on 2ailure to Respond Dear Sir Madam: ,n 9999999999999,-00-, ! sent you a $ollow7up letter pointin& out t%at you %ad $ailed to respond to my disputes o$ "ertain items $ound on my "redit report, issued 'y your "ompany. Copies o$ t%at letter, my "redit report and t%e ori&inal dispute letter are atta"%ed. /o date, you still %a#e not $ul$illed t%e intent and letter o$ t%e 2air Credit Reportin& A"t w%i"% re=uires your 'ureau, as a "onsumer reportin& a&en"y, to maintain and insure t%at in$ormation 5is $air and e=uita'le to t%e "onsumer6. Also, t%e law stipulates t%at 'ureaus will maintain 5a""ura"y, rele#an"y, and proper utili?ation o$ su"% in$ormation6 )Se"tion 10-, @'*. /%ese re=uirements %a#e not 'een met 'y your a"tions. 8ou %a#e not &i#en my e#iden"e t%at you %a#e a"ted in a prompt or 5$air and e=uita'le6 manner. 1* 8ou %a#e not su'mitted e#iden"e o$ in#esti&ation 'y &i#in& me names and addresses o$ persons "onta"ted, nor %a#e you remo#ed anyt%in& $ound ina""urateA -* 8ou %a#e not remo#ed any item $or w%i"% no #eri$i"ation "ould 'e $ound wit%in t%e +0 days 5reasona'le time6A +* 8ou %a#e not ta0en "are to maintain t%e a""ura"y, rele#an"y, and proper use o$ in$ormation in my $ile. ! still dispute t%e items &i#en on my atta"%ed letter. ! e(pe"t an appropriate response on or 'e$ore 9999999)date* $or ea"% item, ot%erwise, ! must "onta"t t%e 2ederal /rade Commission. ! also e(pe"t t%e names and addresses o$ indi#iduals you "onta"ted to #eri$y t%e in$ormation, so t%at ! may $ollow up on any item. Sin"erely, 9999999999999999999999 Si&ned

9999999999999999999999 :ame );rinted* 9999999999999999999999 Address 999999999999999999999 City, State, <ip 9999999999999999999999 So"ial Se"urity :um'er FORM 7 Date Credit Bureau 500 Main St. Anytown, CA 10000 Re: Demand $or Corre"ted Credit Report Dear Sir Madam: ,n 99999999, -00-, ! wrote to tell you ! %ad not %eard any spe"i$i" a"tions ta0en to re#eri$y t%e items ! %ad identi$ied as ina""urate or in"omplete in my "redit report. Copies o$ my "orresponden"e are atta"%ed $or your re#iew. Sin"e you %a#e not &i#en me names or persons you "onta"ted $or re#eri$i"ation o$ t%e in$ormation, nor %a#e you "omplied wit%in a 5reasona'le time6 to my re=uest $or re#eri$i"ation, ! assume t%at you %a#e not 'een a'le to re#eri$y t%e in$ormation ! %a#e disputed. /%ere$ore, you must "omply wit% t%e pro#ision o$ t%e 2air Credit Reportin& A"t, Se"tion 111, and drop t%e disputed items $rom my "redit report. ! demand t%at you send me a "opy o$ my updated "redit report s%owin& t%e elimination o$ items w%i"% ! disputed on t%e atta"%ed letters. /%is "opy must 'e pro#ided $ree, a""ordin& to Se"tion 111)d*. ! demand t%at it 'e postmar0ed wit%in $i#e days a$ter si&nin& t%e "erti$ied mail re"eipt $or t%e letter you are %oldin&. !$ ! do not re"ei#e an updated "opy o$ my "redit report, wit% t%e disputed items dropped, my attorney will pursue my le&al ri&%ts under Se"tion 111 o$ t%e 2air Credit Reportin& A"t, 5Ci#il lia'ility $or will$ul non"omplian"e6. 8our "redit 'ureau may 'e lia'le $or: 1* -* +* any a"tual dama&es ! sustain 'y you $ailure to delete t%e itemA puniti#e dama&es as t%e "ourt may allowA and "osts o$ t%e "ourt a"tion, plus attorneyBs $ees.

! %a#e $orwarded a "opy o$ t%is letter to t%e 2ederal /rade Commission. Sin"erely,

9999999999999999999999 Si&ned 9999999999999999999999 :ame );rinted* 9999999999999999999999 Address 999999999999999999999 City, State, <ip 9999999999999999999999 So"ial Se"urity :um'er FORM 8 Date Credit Bureau 500 Main St. Anytown, CA 10000 Re: Re=uest $or Addition o$ Supplementary Credit Cistory !n$ormation Dear Sir Madam: ;lease in"lude in my "redit report t%e $ollowin& supplemental in$ormation atta"%ed. A""ordin& to t%e 2air Credit Reportin& A"t )2CRA*, Se"tion 10-)'*, 5!t is t%e purpose o$ t%is title )2CRA* to re=uire t%at "onsumer reportin& a&en"ies adopt reasona'le pro"edures $or meetin& t%e needs o$ "ommer"e $or "onsumer "redit, personnel, insuran"e, and ot%er in$ormation in a manner w%i"% is $air and e=uita'le to t%e "onsumer, wit% re&ard to t%e "on$identiality, a""ura"y, rele#an"y, and proper utili?ation o$ su"% in$ormation in a""ordan"e wit% t%e re=uirements o$ t%is title6. /%e intent o$ t%e 2CRA in"ludes re"ordin& supplementary "redit in$ormation i$ re=uested 'y a "onsumer. A""ordin&ly, ! %ere'y re=uest t%at you add t%e atta"%ed %istory o$ payments, a""ordin& to t%e RCRA, Se"tion 10-)'*. /%an0 you $or your attention. ;lease in$orm me wit%in +0 days o$ your "omplian"e wit% t%e Se"tion 111 re=uirements t%at a "onsumerBs "redit report s%ould re$le"t 5"ompleteness and a""ura"y6 wit%in a 5reasona'le6 time a$ter noti$i"ation 'y t%e "onsumer. Sin"erely, 9999999999999999999999 Si&ned 9999999999999999999999

:ame );rinted* 9999999999999999999999 Address 999999999999999999999 City, State, <ip 9999999999999999999999 So"ial Se"urity :um'er

FORM 9 Date Credit Card Company 500 Main St. Anytown, CA 10000 Re: E(planation $or Delin=uent ;ayment Dear Sir Madam: !t %as re"ently "ome to my attention t%at se#eral o$ my payments to your a""ount %a#e 'een la'eled 5late6 on my "redit report. ! %a#e 'een prompt in payin& in t%e past, and missed t%e payment due to: /emporary layo$$ $rom wor0. /%is a""ount was promptly paid as soon as ! resumed wor0. Sin"e t%e late payments o""urred $or t%e a'o#e e("usa'le reason, please "orre"t t%e payment %istory $or my a""ount at t%e $ollowin& "redit 'ureaus w%i"% "arry your a""ount %istories: ABC Credit Bureau 500 Main St. Anytown, CA 10000 !t is important t%at my "redit report re$le"t t%e &ood relations ! %a#e %ad wit% your "ompany in t%e past and t%e "orre"tions in t%e "redit report will ma0e it more representati#e o$ my $inan"ial %a'its. ! appre"iate your assistan"e. Sin"erely,

9999999999999999999999 Si&ned 9999999999999999999999 :ame );rinted* 9999999999999999999999 Address 999999999999999999999 City, State, <ip 9999999999999999999999 So"ial Se"urity :um'er FORM 10 Date Credit Bureau 500 Main St. Anytown, CA 10000 Re: Consumer Statement Dear Sir Madam: A""ordin& to t%e 2air Credit Reportin& A"t Se"tion 111)'*, ! %a#e t%e ri&%t to enter a 5"onsumer statement6 in my "redit report. ! %a#e disputed t%e a""ura"y and "ompleteness o$ t%e items "ir"led in pen on t%e atta"%ed "redit report. Sin"e rein#esti&ation %as not resol#ed my dispute, ! want t%e $ollowin& statement in"luded in my "redit report to set $ort% t%e nature o$ my dispute $or ot%ers to see. ! assume t%at +0 days represents a 5reasona'le time6 $or "ompletin& t%is dispute, unless you noti$y me immediately. 5/%at payment to A"me Co. was not made 'e"ause &oods were deli#ered in a de$e"ti#e "ondition and t%at A"me re$used to repair or repla"e said items.6 A""ordin& to t%e 2air Credit Reportin& A"t, Se"tion 111)'*, please send me a $ree updated "opy o$ my "redit report wit% t%e a'o#e 5statement6 in"luded. Sin"erely, 9999999999999999999999 Si&ned 9999999999999999999999

:ame );rinted* 9999999999999999999999 Address 999999999999999999999 City, State, <ip 9999999999999999999999 So"ial Se"urity :um'er

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