Comparative Analysis of Conventional, Real and Complex Wavelet Transforms For Face Recognition
Comparative Analysis of Conventional, Real and Complex Wavelet Transforms For Face Recognition
Comparative Analysis of Conventional, Real and Complex Wavelet Transforms For Face Recognition
\ .
. Then, the feature vector can be formed by
concatenating the rows or columns of all the subbands at J
level. For example, the feature vector size for conventional
DWT, R-DT-DWT, and C-DT-DWT at 4 J = will be
2 2
N N | |
\ .
, 2 4
2 2
N N ( | |
| (
\ .
2 2 4
2 2
N N ( | |
| (
\ .
respectively. For our
experiments, the input images are initially scaled to 64 64
. Independent analysis of DWT, R-DT-DWT and C-DT-DWT
was done at third and fourth level.
The R-DT-DWT and C-DT-DWT subbands of a face image
are shown in Figure 7.
3.4 Similarity Measures
The similarity measures used in our experiments to evaluate
the efficiency of different representation and recognition
methods include Euclidean distance, city block distance, and
cosine distance. If,
X: mx-by-n data matrix treated as mx (1 ) n row vectors x
, ..., x
, and
Y: my-by-n data matrix treated as my (1 ) n row vectors y
, ..., y
then, the similarity measures between the vectors x
and y
defined as follows:
A. City Block distance (L1 distance):
st sj tj
d x y
(a) Input face image
(b) R-DT-DWT subbands of input image
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 8887)
Volume 39 No.6, February 2012
(c) C-DT-DWT subbands of input image
Fig 7: R-DT-DWT and C-DT-DWT subbands of a face
B. Euclidean distance (L2 distance):
( )( )'
st s t s t
d x y x y = (5)
C. Cosine distance:
' '
( )( )
s t
s s s s
x y
x x y y
| |
| =
\ .
3.5 Results
For each subject of each database, about half of the images
were used for training purpose and remaining others for
testing. The results are tabulated in Table 1. The efficiency of
recognition can be calculated as follows,
correctly recognized face images
total number of input face images
The results show that no particular distancemetric
combination is the best across all standard benchmark face
databases. However, overall performance for city block
distance measure is found to be better as compared to the
Euclidean and Cosine distance in many cases. Also, the
performance of R-DT-DWT and C-DT-DWT based features
are found to be about equally efficient in many cases.
This paper presented an independent, comparative study of
DWT, R-DT-DWT and C-DT-DWT based face recognition
methods with their accompanied three distance metrics (L1,
L2 and cosine), at different levels, and in completely equal
working conditions.
Our comparative research shows that no particular distance
metric combination is the best across all standard benchmark
face databases. This verifies the contribution made by Delac
et al. [26]. In addition, however, overall performance for city
block distance measure was found to be better as compared to
the Euclidean and cosine distance in many cases. Also, the
performance of R-DT-DWT and C-DT-DWT based features
were found to be about equally efficient in many cases.
Although C-DT-DWT has the benefit of being both oriented
and approximately analytic, the overall performance of R-DT-
DWT and C-DT-DWT based features are found to be about
equally efficient in many cases for face recognition. So taking
redundancy into consideration, it may be suggested to opt for
R-DT-DWT for efficient face recognition.
The authors would like to thank the teaching, non-teaching
staff members and M.Tech students from Electronics
department of Shri Guru Gobind Singhji Institute of
Engineering and Technology, Nanded (Maharashtra, India)
for their cooperation in creating the SGGSIET face database.
The authors would like to thank those researchers who have
kindly provided the public face databases such as FERET,
ORL, Yale, JAFFE, IITK, CVSR, University of Bern, and
Georgia Tech. Authors would also like to thank Dr.
Kingsbury (Cambridge University) and Prof. Selesnick
(Polytechnic University, NY, USA) for answering the queries.
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 8887)
Volume 39 No.6, February 2012
Table 1: Face Recognition Results.
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Efficiency (%)
J = 3 J = 4
FERET 74.33 73.33 73.33 73.33 73.66 73.66
ORL 93.50 93.50 93.50 92.50 94.00 94.00
Yale 87.77 88.88 88.88 85.55 85.55 85.55
92.00 91.00 91.00 90.00 91.00 91.00
University of Bern 92.00 91.33 91.33 90.66 92.00 92.00
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POSTECH 72.88 73.33 73.11 63.77 64.00 64.00
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FERET 77.66 79.33 78.33 74.66 75.33 75.33
ORL 95.00 96.00 96.50 95.00 95.55 95.50
Yale 94.44 95.55 95.55 93.33 93.33 94.44
95.00 97.00 97.00 97.00 96.00 96.00
University of Bern 94.00 94.66 95.33 94.66 95.33 95.33
IITK (Male) 75.00 77.50 77.50 74.16 76.66 76.00
IITK (Female) 86.66 88.33 88.33 89.16 90.00 89.16
CVSR (Grimace) 96.66 96.66 96.66 96.66 96.66 96.66
Georgia Tech. 72.75 72.75 73.00 72.00 72.25 72.75
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POSTECH 82.44 82.66 83.33 75.11 72.88 73.77
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FERET 84.00 84.33 84.33 83.00 82.00 82.33
ORL 98.83 92.00 92.00 93.00 83.50 94.00
Yale 91.11 92.22 92.22 87.77 90.00 90.00
96.00 96.00 96.00 98.00 98.00 97.00
University of Bern 90.00 90.66 90.66 88.00 88.00 88.00
IITK (Male) 69.16 67.50 67.50 70.83 70.00 69.16
IITK (Female) 87.50 87.50 87.50 89.16 89.16 89.16
CVSR (Grimace) 96.66 96.66 96.66 96.66 96.66 96.66
Georgia Tech. 65.75 65.75 65.75 67.75 68.50 68.75
SGGS 72.56 71.53 71.53 69.74 69.48 69.23
POSTECH 72.44 72.66 72.66 62.22 63.33 63.55
Average Efficiency 84.00 83.34 83.34 82.37 81.69 82.53
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