J. R. G. R. 0. Wells, M. R.: Tian, Baruniuk, JR., Tun and H. Wu
J. R. G. R. 0. Wells, M. R.: Tian, Baruniuk, JR., Tun and H. Wu
J. R. G. R. 0. Wells, M. R.: Tian, Baruniuk, JR., Tun and H. Wu
ABSTRACT decomposed into its low and high frequency parts, and
The discrete wavelet transform (DWT) gives a compact so on, t o produce a multiscale representation of the
multiscale representation of signals and provides a hi- original signal 2. From L and H , the inverse discrete
erarchical structure for signal processing. It has been wavelet transform (IDWT) will reconstruct x as
assumed the DWT can fairly well decorrelate real-world
signals. However a residual dependency structure still xn = + ,
( L - ~ ~ L E~ - 2 k ~ k ) (3)
remains between wavelet coefficients. It has been ob- kEZ
served magnitudes of wavelet coefficients are highly cor-
related, both across the scale and at neighboring spatial where and i jare the synthesis scaling filter and wavelet
locations. In this paper we present a wavelet folding filter, respectively. In an orthogonal case, h = h, g = 9.
technique, which folds wavelet coefficients across the The success of the DWT can be attributed t o its
scale and removes the across-the-scale dependence to a three primary properties [3]:
larger extent. It produces an even more compact sig- Locality: Each wavelet coefficient is localized simul-
nal representation and the energy is more concentrated taneously in time and frequency.
in a few large coefficients. It has a great potential in
applications such as image compression. Mult iresolution: Wavelet coefficients are compressed
and dilated t o analyze a t a nested set of scales.
1. I N T R O D U C T I O N Compression: The wavelet transforms of real-world
signals tend to be sparse.
Ever since the terminology “wa~elet”was first intro-
duced, in the context of a mathematical transform, by Based on the above three properties, it has been as-
A. Grossmann and J. Morlet [I]in 1984, wavelet theory sumed that the DWT can decorrelate real-world sig-
and its applications have grown tremendously. The dis- nals fairly well. However a residual dependency struc-
crete wavelet transform (DWT) and its fast implemen- ture still remains between wavelet coefficients. It has
tation was introduced by S. G. Mallat [2] in 1989. For been observed [3, 4, 5, 6 , 7, 8, 91 that magnitudes of
a discrete signal 2 = {xn}, the DWT of 2 consists of wavelet coefficients are actually highly correlated, i.e.,
two parts, the low frequency part (scaling coefficients) large values of wavelet coefficients tend t o propagate
L = { L I , }and the high frequency (wavelet coefficients) at the same relative spatial locations across the scale,
part H = { H k } , and a t neighboring spatial locations a t the same scale.
In this paper we present a wavelet folding technique,
LI, = xhn--2kxn, (1) which folds wavelet coefficients across the scale and re-
moves the across-the-scale dependence to a larger ex-
HI, gn--2kxn, (2) tent.
nEZ This paper is organized as follows. In Section 2
where h and g are the (analysis) scaling filter and wavelet we give a brief overview of a data folding method for
filter, respectively. The L component can be further the discrete cosine transform (DCT). We introduce the
wavelet folding technique in Section 3. Beginning with
J. Tian, R. G. Baraniuk, and R. 0. Wells, Jr. were sup-
ported in part by AFOSR/DARPA, Exxon Production Re-
a simple example, we compute the wavelet packet of
search, NSF, and Northrop Grumman Corporation. Web sites: the data and construct a wavelet folding matrix. Then
www.cml.rice.edu, www.csse.monash.edu.au we apply the DWT on the scale direction of this matrix
0-7803-6293-4/001$10.0002000IEEE 544
to obtain a more compact representation. We conclude
the paper in Section 4. 8x8 pixel sub-blocks
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