Parish Newsleter Sunday 13th September 2009
Parish Newsleter Sunday 13th September 2009
Parish Newsleter Sunday 13th September 2009
So everything is back to normal again. Fr John has returned from his holiday, and I am happy, along with all of you, that he
came back in good health and condition. There is always a lot of work for a priest in a parish and I am sure that you will no t leave Fr
John alone. But please remember also that he is only a man and sometimes he needs to rest
This postcard is a joke of course, but I am really glad that Fr John is with you again and
don‟t worry about our fridge, it is full again.
“The sound of her footsteps was like a stream falling gently away downhill over cool
stones in the quiet of night” (J.R.R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings). So I should take this example
and go away quietly, telling you “Goodbye” very gently. But I can‟t. I would like to thank all the
good people I have met in this parish. During this time I have had many new experiences and I
have had an interesting time. I visited about 40 villages and towns, and have been to a lot of
places I have never seen before. I don‟t want to put here all names, but I carry these people in my
memory and heart. If there will be another opportunity, I hope we will see each other again
(maybe not in UK). Thank you and please remember me in your prayers.
Praised be Jesus Christ! Fr. Peter/ks. Piotr
I hope most people have had a chance to take a holiday and
DIVINE MERCY PRAYER GROUP enjoy a change of scene. I know that there will be those who
after the 9.30am Mass on Tuesdays. Prayers of may have had to curtail their normal holiday plans or who have
intercession for various needs and silent not been able to take a holiday at all. I realise, therefore, how
adoration of the Blessed Sacrament till 10.30am. fortunate I am that I was able to take just over three weeks for a
CHOIR PRACTICE THURSDAYS 7.30PM total change and break. I was able to spend a week with Fr Ben
Newcomers always welcome Kiely, parish priest at Stowe, Vermont, whose mother Bernadette
sings in our choir. I was then joined by my priest-brother
BIBLE STUDY WEDNESDAYS 7.30PM Stephen. We spent 10 days staying with the Bishop of
Studying the Acts of the Apostles. Marquette, Michigan, the Most Rev. Alexander Sample, who was
Newcomers always welcome. a classmate of mine in Rome, followed by 6 days in New York.
YEAR OF PRAYER FOR PRIESTS While away I have not failed to remember all my parishioners
Come and pray the Rosary for our priests 20 minutes before the daily. One of the anchors for me when on holiday is daily prayer
morning Masses, Monday to Friday. All are welcome to join. and the daily celebration of Mass. Thank God I was able to
celebrate or concelebrate Mass every day in different chapels
YEAR OF PRIESTHOOD and churches. As I had no particular intentions for most of those
A special prayer calendar has been produced by the Southwark Masses, they were offered for you, for all who support me with
diocesan Vocations Office to help us pray for all the priests of their prayers, as well as for family and friends. Daily Mass when
our diocese. Please take one and say the prayer daily. Thank on holiday, far from getting in the way of „having a good time‟,
you. gave each day its meaning and contributed to true rest. Each
day is, after all, a gift from God. We should therefore try to offer
VISIT OF RELICS OF ST THÉRÈSE OF LISIEUX some of that day back to Him. In the various parishes I visited in
AYLESFORD 10 OCTOBER the US, I was impressed by the number of people and families
The coach has been booked; price £8 per adult, £4 per child and „on vacation‟ as they say there, including some from the UK, who
will leave the church at 9.00am. If you would like to go by coach had taken the trouble to find out the times of Masses and make
or can offer a lift in your car please sign up on the notice board sure they attended. Another interesting point is that distances
as soon as possible. Leaflets containing further information are much greater. Father Sebastian‟s brother, for example, looks
about the visit are available in the church foyer. after four parishes near Lake Huron and might travel over 40
HAVE WE FORGOTTEN WHAT IT IS TO BE CATHOLIC? (12) miles from his home parish to get to one of his churches, one of
(From Fit for Mission? Church by Bishop Patrick O‟Donoghue) which is on an island which involves catching a ferry. One retired
Those employers who exploit their workforce forget they are gentleman, an ex American footballer, who lives on that island
Catholic. would travel these distances daily to whichever church Mass was
being celebrated in on that particular day. If the priest could do it,
PARISH AUTUMN FAYRE 31 OCTOBER 2009 so could he! The devotion of parishioners of St Simon‟s to the
Raffle tickets for the Draw are now available in the church Mass is what gives strength to our parish.
entrance. Please take books to buy and to sell to you family or Fr Peter leaves us this week. People tell me he has been an
friends. Please take a jar from the table in the entrance and fill it excellent pastor and I know that he has looked after you all very
with anything that you think would be suitable to sell at the fayre. well. However, when I returned I found the emptiest fridge I have
If you have any items that you think suitable for the fayre and ever seen! (Maybe Fr Peter hasn‟t needed to buy much food
would like them collected please let Eileen Conn or Thereza because so many people have invited him for meals.) Anyway,
Baker know. Thank you. one of my first tasks on my return was a shopping spree. I would
like to thank Fr Peter for being with us once again and, on your
DIVINE MERCY GROUP behalf, renew our invitation to him to come again next summer.
Will meet for prayer and social at Teresa Davies‟, 16 Gravelly May God bless him and keep him faithful. May the Madonna of
Field, Singleton, tel: Ashford 625799 this coming Wednesday Czestochowa protect him. Fr. John
16 from 10 am finishing at approximately 11.30. New members
are always welcome to come along.