Souls of Distortion Part 2 Healing The Leylines

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6 January 2014 Message of knowledge in Cooperation with the Ashtar Command/Montague and Veroni a !

een" After reading Montague !een#s $ %anuary Message today&http'//www"montaguekeen" om/page14(0"html)* + would like to go ,a k to the - de em,er 201. message' http'//www"montaguekeen" om/2010/ 201./page210"html 0he do ument is written in a simple style""for many to understand&+ did this deli,eratly) and wake up1+t s ientifi ally pro2es our true history* the ultimate o ult inorgani plan&intention for humanty) and therefore why our planet is surrounded ,y spa eships to end all gala ti wars in our planetary system"+t took me $0 years to onne t the dots and it will take you one read to 3get it3111All topi s mentioned in the do ument you an resear h"""it#s all there for e2ery,ody to 3see31Just google untill you find someone who you an e4plain it the way you an understand""don#t always look for titles*et "

5675+86 89:6;' leylines are the meridian system of the planet and transports light through the ristalgrid towards all life forms"0his is mentioned in the - de em,er message"""please inform yourself*we are all in this together"""<umanity"=e ha2e to ,eat the dark this time with knowledge/ onsiousness and lo2e"All knowledge and sym,ols ome from the same sour e"""it is all a,out the intentions of the ,eings using it and dire ting energy":o you use energy for power or do you use use it for lo2e and healing>0here are no ,la k or white sym,ols"?ead more than one arti le a,out these things"""A8: :+;C6?8 5eyline nodes are points in the ristal grid were leylines ome together and share ea h others energy""like rounda,outs were highways ome together"0hese leyine nodes ha2e a strong 2erti al input and spread the light hori@ontally o2er the planet" Airamids are ,uilt on these nodes after the destru tion of atlantis to keep the planet sta,le" =e also ha2e other sa red sites like this"" for instan e stonehenge""""and there are many more"Just google leylines in you area*it#s all on the internet"0he earth ,eneath stone henge is strong enough to do without a piramid ,ut has the same energy"7ou an see them as a upun ture points on Baia#s ,ody""planet earth"""and sometimes they get ,eamed in ""as many

foto#s an pro2e" 0hese leylines a ti2ate you :8A for your awakening pro es"+f you an see this"""you an also on lude that the a,al would do anything to keep these leylines 2i,rating on a low freCuen y";o after they learned from the indigenous religions were these sa red pla es were&pla es where people ha2e had message from a,o2e or had an en ounter with mother Mary or an angel et ") the a,al onfis ated these area#s and ,uilt Chur hes*industries and Arena#s on these sa red sites like the sa red Manhatton island"0he ,uildings all ha2e metal frames a ting as huge antennes&re ei2ers and transmitters)"DeCuen ies from omputer*radio wa2es and telephones""" all 2i,rations that do not resonate with you hakra system and the s humann resonan e of the uni2erse"+n you ,ody you also ha2e transmitters and re ei2ers"7ou willingly let them in%e t these hips into you ,ody through fear of getting infe ted ,y 2iruses"""" alled 2a inations"Again they ontroled you ,y your fear of death or fear of loss"=ithout resear hing you do anything they want"5ook at the following pi ture'

A8: 0<68 0<+;'

0his is already esta,lished1111<+056?; :?6AM +; D9?D+556:1And + warned people and %ust get the message """7ou are spreading negati2e news"""""8o + am not1+f you know how it works"""you know what you an do a,out it10o heal""to heal gaia ,a k to health"""with little a upun ture needles'people""""<EMA8+07FF=6 A?6 0<6 986; =6 <AV6 G668 =A+0+8B D9?110<6?6 A?6 2 A?9B?AMM; ?E88+8B <6?6 98 6A?0<'0<6 5+B<0/686?B7 B+V+8B ;7;06M A8: 0<6 5+B<0/686?B7 :?A+8+8B ;7;06M A8: 0<67 G90< ME;0 G6 ?6V6A56:111

http'//www"youtu,e" om/wat h>2HpM.g2tdfays

;o the 3low32i,rating pla es need the most 3help3 and these pla es are really not the pla es were you will find the most lightworkers" V+;+0+8B A C<E?C< +f a group of lightworkers go to the hur h and attend the ser2i e with lo2ing intend they will in%e t the leyline node with lo2ing intend"""like little a upun ture needle to a ti2ate the leyline"Gy doing this you will also a ti2ate the dna of the people who li2e on this leyline" 5i2e is a,out e2olution and gathering onsiousness"may,e you ha2e to ,ur a ti ket to go to these pla es""",ut ,y doing this you will gain more knowledge&open :na) than reading a ,ook"Dor gi2ing your energy you re ei2e onsiousness""it always is a two way system" +f you say 8o way""+ am not going into a hur h"""you are no ,etter than some people who go to hur h e2ery week" and %udge you1the people who go to hur h are usually afraid of death and hell" <655 +; 890 ;9M6=<6?6 65;6"" +0 +; <6?6 on earth"""!+55+8B +8:+B689E; A69A56 =<9 =9?! =+0< 0<6 5675+86;' https'//www"google"nl/sear h> CH;0A?V+8BIA69A56JhlHnlJCs rlH1Jrl@H1048:!GKnl85$6085$60Jsour e HlnmsJt,mHis hJsaHLJeiHDCA!Eu6,!4!<tMa/ oo<oAMJ2edH0CA MKAEoAMJ,iwH1440J,ihH(21 0?+G6; 0<A0 9857 0A!6 D?9M 8A0E?6 =<A0 0<67 866:10<6;6 A69A56""" C98:E+0; 9D 5+B<0 A?6 G6+8B !+556: 9? 09?0E?6:"""0<6 +55EM+8A0+/CAGA5 :96; 6V6?70<+8B 09 B60 A69A56 9D 9E0 0<6 ;C<EMA88 ?6;98A8C6""D?9M 0<6 <6A?0 GAC! 09 0<6 86BA0+V6 M+8:11 0<67 :9 890 =A80 79E 09 G6 +8 J97*<AAA+86;;*6MAA0<7 60C" 0<6 7 MA!6 E; 59= V+G?A0+8B ACEAE8C0E?6 866:56;1111 this is how the CAGA5 ontrolled A5;9 ontrolled people in the hur h""",ut the 2isiters are there with a lo2ing intend and ,elie2e in %esus&who you know is sannanda) and his words"0heir intent is positi2e and they ha2e ,een denied truth"0he prea hers tell them to %udge other religions"""to send negati2e 2i,rations""";99999 load yourself with ristals and ha2e fun """laugh111!89= 0<A0 A55 ?65+B+98; B+V6 79E BE+:65+86; 09 ;0A7 +8 0<6 ;C<EMA88 ?6;98A8C6 """+8 59V6 A8: E8+07 =+0< 79E? 6A?0< G?90<6?; A8: ;+;06?;11 %ust know your are hanging the matri4 in the hur h and later on the others who do not know will ,e thankfull""""GE0 JE;0 :9 +0 D9? BA+A"Just sneek in and ,e in lo2e"""a%ust your lothing to a2oid negati2e 2i,rations towards you1Aut your ristal skulls in your ,ags et "hide a ristal in the walls"""use your lo2ing imagination"G5AN6 0<6 V+9560 D5AM6111111 0<+8!'=<A0 =9E5: J6;E; :9>!89= 0<A0 0<67 !66A 0<6 A69A56 +8 D6A?

=<9 V+;+0 0<6 C<E?C<"A?9M+;+8B 0<6M <655 +D 0<67 :9 890 5+;0681 D6A? +; 9857 A ;+B8 0<A0 0<6?6 +; 89 <6A?0C9886C0+98/890 0?E6&V6?+CA5 +8AE0)";9 5+B<0 EA 0<6;6 A5AC6;"+0 +; 0<6+? +80680+98 0<A0 =6 ;0A7 9E01;+8B A ;98B 9D B59?7 A598B =+0< 0<6 E8A=A!686: A8: ;A?6A: 79E 5+B<0 09=A?:; 0<6M111this will open their :8A11B60 +0 =<68 0<67 ;A7 J6;E; ;A?6A: <+; 5+B<0111=6 A?6 0<6 C<?+;0 +8 ?60E?811 0<6 B?9E8:C?6= =9?!+8B 0<6 5675+86; ABA+8FFF5+!6 J6;E; A8: MA?7 MAB:A5+8 98C6 :+:109 AC0+VA06 A8: !66A +8 0<6 5+B<0 D9? 0<6 B686?A0+98; 09 C9M610<6 <+B<6;0 D?6ME68C+6; 9V6??+:6 0<6 ?6A0+5+A8 MA0?+L1 0<6 C<E?C< A?6V680+8B E; D?9M G?+8B+8B 9E? 686?B7 09 0<6;6 A5AC6;"go in nature to upload and ,ring that energy to the hur h and hold it"""dont get mad a,out what the prea her man is saying """%ust know he will ,e sitting in the ,a k of the lassroom later in 30ime3&freCuen e)"""G6 A GE::<A +8 0<6 C+07 A8B <95: 0<6 5+B<0 D9? 986 ;6?V+C6 A8: 79E =+55 A8C<9? 0<6 5+B<0 686?B7 "=hile you are there praying/meditating """imagine your light flowing towards all hur hes and spiral of light and rain,ow olours reating an upwards spiral shooting out of the roof of all hur hes""""a ti2ating 2orte4 energy again1111 :9 890 G6 ;E?A?+;6: 09 ;66 5+B<0; AG9V6 0<6 C<E?C<""A?906C0+8B 79E =+0< 0<6+? 5+B<0""""5+!6 0<6 957MA+C; +8 598:98"the olympi s was an o ult eramony"B99B56 A8: ;6A?C<111 you an also attend a ,all game as likeworkers"""A56A;6 86V6? D9?B60 +0 +; A55 AG9E0 +8068:+8B =+0< <6A?0" 0<67 :65+G6?0A57 AE0 C<E?C<6; 98 5675+86 89:6; A8: C980?956 79E A+86A5 B5A8:""79E? +MAB+8A0+98""79E? C?6A09?; A9=6?; 09 C?6A06 0<6?6 9=8 MA0?+L

A+?AM+:;' + am taking the piramids of ;outh Ameri a as an 64ample"there are a lot more ,eneath the surfi e that look like mountains"Just use your imagination and and google" 62ery,ody who 2isits the piramids of south ameri a&famous pla es) knows that they are not allowed to lim, the piramids"0he authorities say they are afraid the will eroded and are trying to prote t them"""and we do as they say and ,elie2e it"=ell """does any,ody know Jose Arguelles>>>let#s here what happened to him on top of the piramid of the sun in 0eotihua an& ity of the gods)"""take some time to listen""' http'//www"youtu,e" om/wat h>2H1o79/Ea.Ay6 CA8 79E +MAB+86 0<A0 0<67 :9 890 =A80 0<A0 09 <AAA68 09 09999

MA87 A69A56111 0690+<EACA8""""means the pla e were people ,e ome B9:#s """gain knowledge when in silen e""" ity of the gods

=ell if you want to heal in these piramid pla es there is no need to get them pissed off and lim, the piramids"" 5ets see what you CA8 :9 ,y not fighting' 7ou an gather around the piramid and reate a ,ig ir le holding hands"""then you ha2e the same energy as for instan e stonehenge"""0hen the whole group must ha2e 986 intent and fo us there energy towards the entre of the ir le ""in whi h the piramid stands

feel the energy flowing towards the entre and ,e aware of your onne tion with the sun of <ollow 6arth""""and the sun a,o2e your head""your own personal onne tion 0<68 +MAB+86 0<6 A+?AM+: :9+8B 0<+;'

when people ome together with the lo2ing intent to esta,lish this as the ground rew lightfor e"""+ think it would ,e 2ery wise to aim amera#s at the sky to re ord the lightships who will esta,lish the downward spiral" +n this manner it will ,e pro2en that lo2e o2errides the system and that they are here to answer our reCuest in helping to heal the planet""""+8 59V6111=e do not ha2e to wait for 3+MA9?0A803people to do this"""=6 A?6 A55 986 A8: 0<6 ;AM6"you an re ord this and put it on youtu,e for many to see111you will ,e an a ti2e mem,er of dis losure ,y your lo2ing intent to heal the planet"""and they for es of light will ,e wel omed in to share their lo2e"" 0his is what montague keen means when he say#s we are not as well organi@ed as they&illuminati/ a,al) are""""they know that the power of the many is stronger"0hey ha2e the same sym,ols ,ut their intent is ego minded and destru ti2e""""e2en the lower ranking illuminati mem,ers do not e2en know a,out this""they also %ust do what their master tells them to do"""and we are all one """and they ha2e ,e ome so ,y la k of 59V6""""and therefore the responsi,ility of all humanity""" who empowered them ,ased on free will"""without resear hing"""and making up your own mind a,out things" =e are the OOP and only ha2e to share lo2e in these pla es"" and plan a ni e trip together" +f you are not mo,ile"""you an %ust imagine ,eing there""or seeing your

energy flowing through you feet into the ristalgrid and dire t it towards pla es where healing is needed"""and imagining all piramids infused with light for the ,enefit of A55 A69A5611 it is already happening"",ut we must make the final push""""to show the world that the ,eings on the spa eships are friendly"""something like lose en ounters of the third kind&ste2en spiel,erg)

+n ;outh Ameri a we ha2e a ristagrid that runs up from ,ra@il towards me4i o &please sear h for the leylines here) and follow it#s path through the Enited states"""think of the forte4es hier and or e4ample the arkansas ristal2orte4" 0ornado Valley =hy are all these destru ting tornados here" +n ertain seasons and eCuino4es the earth re ei2es new energies for the y le to ome" the people do no not gather anymore to wel ome the new energies in"""to dire t then into the earth#s generators""the piramids"0hey leyline still needs the energy"""so the 2orte4 enegy follows it#s path along the leyline to upload it with new energu for the y le to ome"""gaia#s ha2ing her as ension if we like it or not"""and if the freCuen y of the surfi e doesn#t mat h the interior we will ha2e earth Cuakes"""" +f the radio puts into our heads we will ha2e a storm""then we will olle ti2ely intend it to happen""",y using our imagination and the powers of the pineal gland" the earth is hanging ,a k to paradise""2$ degrees e2erywhere with no seasons"seasons were reated ,y the atomi ,last of atlantis that tilted the a4is"=hen we align so will they a4is"""it is a gradual pro es""+8 59V6 0he sun was ,lo ked ,y the atomi ,last of atlantis and mu h 2egetation was destroyed"=e ,egan to eat meat to gain energy to sur2i2e"Aeople who still eat meat are slowing down there e2olution pro es"+t takes more energy to get meat out of your system than that you gain from it"7ou are eating someone elses ,ody who is here for the same reason as you'as ension earth"""",ringing light in"""assisting Baia"""souls taking an em,odiment to ,ring light/lo2e in"""0hey ha2e the same red ,lood as us and the same hrist odes10he dark ha2e mu h money in2ested in the meat industry""",y eating meat you are eating some,ody elses :8A and this will distort your own energy,ody""+f + was not a 2egatarian + would not ,e telling you this"9ur Damily in hollow earth are fruitarians""",e ause that is the intention of fruit""we eat and spread the seeds"""as intended after first onta t repli ators will ,e a,le to suit your need and no/,ody has to die for it"

9,elisks" As you an read in the do ument in luded in Montague !een#s - de em,er message"""9,elisks are also re ei2ers and transmitters and are ristalline"0heir freCuen ies rea h us in a hori@ontal manner and are onne ted to the ristalline grid"""and again a two way system"""working together with humanity"<ow do you let an o,elisk lower it#s 2i,ration"you %ust make sure that people send negati2e emotions towards it1111Gy doing this for instan e' on .0 april whi h is the pegan feast G650A86* you let a ar rask against an o,elisk""where many people were in%ured"62ertime people hear the name of the pla e were it happened'AA65:99?8"""the people send low 2i,rating freCuen ies/emotions of pain and suffering towards this o,elisk*whi h again is onne ted to the ristalgrid and onne ted to the leylines""" reating negati2e emotions towards the people who li2e on it" Geltane holiday'purpose'integrating higher freCuen ies for the ne4t y le ,y thanking gaia" https'//www"google"nl/sear h>sour eidHna2 lientJhlHnlJieHE0D/ -Jrl@H1048:!GKnl85$6085$60JCHaprilI.0IpaganIholiday

And =hat the Matriar h of the o ult Gilder,erg group arranged on that day"""what she alls Cueensday""".0th april"""e2ery year" 0he o,elisk stands ,efore her pala e' http'//www"youtu,e" om/results> sear hKCueryHprins%esIdagIapeldoornIdeInaaldJsmH. 9,elisks ha2e a torodial field and they often keep them low ,y putting them in the middle of a rouda,out""with low 2i,rations from ars"

<9= 06 <6A5' ABA+8 BA0<6? A?9E8: 0<6M A8: C9886C0""0<67 A?6 5+!6 79E'C?+;0A55+86"""A8: C<A8B6 0<6 MA0?+L"""0<6 <+B<6;0 D?6ME68C+6; :606?M+86 0<6 9E0C9M6111111 +MAB+86 A 5+B<0 09?9:+A5 D+65:111 =<A0 79E G?+8B +8 0<67 CA8 86V6? C<A8B6"""0<67 <AV6 G668 <+:+8B 0<+; D?9M 79E D9? ;9 598B" Gring your light in where war and suffering is or on e was""or in the middle of ities""pla e ristals ,a k into gaia#s ,ody"""they are hers"""

0hese ristal#s will ser2e as lo2e satellites for the a turians""they know what you do and an onne t to these transmitters and re ei2ers from the motherships"

0<6 9G65+;!; A8: A+?AM+:; =6?6 GE+50 AD06? 0<6 A09M+C G5A;0 9D A05A80+; 09 B+V6 A; A C<A8C6 ABA+8 09 =A!6 EA"0<6 5+B<0 <A; G668 0E?8 0<6 D?6ME68C+6; EA"";9 685+B<068 9E? :8A""";9 0<A0 =6 G6C9M6 0<6 ;AM6 A; 5+D6 98 90<6? A5A860;""0<A0; 5+V+8B +8 59V6 A8: E8+07 =+0< 79E? B?+: A8: ;E?9E8:+8B;""""A; 986 D9? D?66:9M A8: 59V6"

Veroni a and + are 2ery aware of the fa t that the a,al is ,oy otting these messages"+ would like to ask you te share this message through you onne tions&fa e,ook/mailing list/newsletter*et )" +f you %ust like ""the message will go no further""and dis losure will take a ,it longer"9ur planet has to mat h the freCuen ies of the planets that ha2e already as ended to onne t the stargates ,elow the leyline nodes" ;o + ask you with all my heart to spread this knowledge and most towards people like :runa2lo mel hi@edek*:a2id + ke* :a2id =il o k and many more you an think of who will get it"""so that we an form a lightfor e of knowledge to inform people"

=ith lo2e and light" <ilda

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