CO Template

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Course Outline Service, CLEAR, CUHK

Course Outline Template

Introduction The course outline template is provided as a checklist and form for you to use in preparing course outlines for undergraduate and/or postgraduate courses. The template will give you a road map of what can be included in each section. The main rationale is to benefit students with useful information about the course in the form of course outlines. The template is not intended to be prescriptive but only provides guidance on writing course outlines. Please feel free to adopt and adapt this current template format to suit the needs of your course(s). Further information (key points and exemplars) on course outline can be found in another help document on course outlines: Guidelines and Procedures for Writing Course Outlines. Course title and description Explain concisely in your statement(s) what the course is about and how the overall course will support student learning in the discipline(s) of the programme. Provide a holistic view of your course to your students. It will help if the description also explains briefly how the course relates to the other courses, some prior knowledge the students have, and/or some common objectives that the knowledge will assist to achieve. Course Title: Description:

Content, highlighting fundamental concepts List the topics and also highlight the fundamental concepts involved in each topic to help students better understand what is and what is not covered in the course. Topic Contents/fundamental concepts

Course Outline Service, CLEAR, CUHK Learning outcomes State clearly what you expect/ intend students to achieve in the course. This is usually more helpful than stating what the teacher is planning to teach. Teachers can indicate different levels of students expected learning outcomes. Learning outcomes may involve students ability in analyzing and applying the learnt concepts in solving problems rather than being able to describe facts or procedures only. However, we acknowledge that courses may have varied emphases on students levels of learning depending on how different courses are designed to function in a programme. Outcomes can relate to students understanding of certain subject topics and concepts, or to their improved ability to learn and perform professionally in the field. These various types of expectations need to be specified. Learning outcomes:

Learning activities Outline the variety of the learning activities students are expected engage in (e.g. lecture, interactive tutorial, laboratory, discussion of case, field trip, projects, web teaching and other) which are able to align with/ support the learning outcomes that you expect students to attain. Students can also be informed of the expected time allocation of each of these learning activities during the course so that they can better timetable their learning. Students by and large have only 50 hours to spend on learning activities each week and these hours have to be shared by the 3 to 4 courses (on average) they attend. Types of activity should be customised to suit the nature of teaching in a department.
Lecture (hr) in /out class Interactive tutorial (hr) in /out class Lab (hr) in /out class Discussion of case (hr) in /out class Field-trip (hr) in /out class Projects (hr) in /out class Web-based teaching (hr) in /out class Other (hr) in /out class

















M: Mandatory activity in the course O: Optional activity NA: Not applicable

Course Outline Service, CLEAR, CUHK Assessment scheme Select assessment task(s) which are able to provide evidence on the attainment of the desired learning outcomes. Explain the rationale, procedures, instructions, guidelines on format and content, and marking schemes of these assessment components. Task nature Description Weight

Learning resources for students State the textbook required (if any). List suggested/required additional readings or textbooks including title, publisher, edition, year of publication, and/or links to the readings if they are accessible online. Some of these resources may be eBooks. List any recommended online web pages with the appropriate URL addresses.

Feedback for evaluation Provide a brief statement to welcome students comments and feedback on the course. Describe clearly the channel(s) through which the feedback is to be collected. You may use different evaluation modes such as questionnaires, and qualitative feedback from students through focus-group meetings or email exchanges to gather feedback. Feedback for evaluation:

Course Outline Service, CLEAR, CUHK Course schedule Create a matrix for the course schedule including class, date, and activities of each topic such as online activities, relevant readings or other reference materials so that students can prepare their own learning before classes.

Class/ week




Teachers or TAs contact details List both the teachers and TAs contact details such as name, office location, phone number and email address in order to help students easily locate your contact information. Additional information such as personal background and research interest of the teachers and/or the TAs may also be included to improve understanding and relationships between teachers/TAs and the students. Professor/Lecturer/Instructor: Name: Office Location: Telephone: Email: Teaching Venue: Website: Other information: Teaching Assistant/Tutor: Name: Office Location: Telephone: Email: Teaching Venue: Website: Other information:

Course Outline Service, CLEAR, CUHK A facility for posting course announcements Include a brief statement informing students what facilities are available for the posting of course announcements and materials. Such facilities can include an open website and/or any of the platforms: iHome, CUForum and WebCT hosted by the University. More information on setting up course websites can be found at:

Academic honesty and plagiarism Provide link(s) to information regarding the academic honesty and plagiarism policy in the University for students. Relevant information can be allocated via: Your course outline may also include subject-specific requirements about avoiding plagiarism.

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