Example Document Course Syllabus

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NMLS Sample Course Syllabus

Introduction to this Model Document:

The course syllabus is a tool for communicating what the instructor wants students
to know and do. It acts as a road map for the class and puts the students on the same
path as the instructor. By setting the tone and describing the course structure, the
syllabus is critical in implementing effective learning. Because of its importance in
guiding learning, all NMLS approved courses are required to have and distribute a course
syllabus at the beginning of each course offering. This document contains four syllabi
examples; one version for each course format (online instructor-led, online self-study,
classroom, classroom equivalent) which have been provided for reference.
The sample syllabi are based on a fictional course. The fictional course teaches
course providers how to use the 2012 Functional Specifications for All NMLS Approved
Courses to build courses that provide effective and lasting learning. There are several
different ways to format a syllabus and many different teaching methods. NMLS is not
promoting one structure or strategy over another, NMLS is simply providing examples
which can be used to guide the structure of your own course syllabus. You are more than
welcome to use the sample syllabus as a model or template for your own.
Things to note in each sample syllabus:


Notice how the course flows in the syllabus. The module assignments support
and measure the learning objectives, and the learning objectives support the
course objectives. The syllabus can be used as a snapshot of the course at a
high level to ensure that your content and assignments flow together and
support each other. This flow sets the students up for a good learning
Notice how the syllabus clearly manages students expectations on time
allocations, what will be taught, what the students will learn, completion
expectations, contact information, etc. Many of the basic questions a student
will have can and should be answered in the syllabus.
The same course can be offered in each format, but note how the structure,
requirements, activities, etc. change depending on the format.

syllabi must have basic information such as:

Course Description
Course Date(s) and Times
Instructor Contact Information (if applicable)
Course Objectives / Goals
Learning Objectives to meet the Course Objectives/Goals
Topical Outline with Time Allocations
Course Completion Requirements
Requirement(s) for Text and or Other Materials
School Policies
Any Technology Requirements (if applicable)
Technical support (if applicable)

NMLS Sample Course Syllabus 5/21/12 V2

Page 1

Table of Contents:
Online Instructor-Led Sample

Pages 3-8

Online Self-Study Sample

Pages 9-13

Classroom Sample

Pages 14-19

Classroom Equivalent Sample

NMLS Sample Course Syllabus 5/21/12 V2

Pages 20-25

Page 2

Conference of State Bank Supervisors

1129 20th Street, NW, 9th Floor
Washington, DC 20036

3 Hour SAFE PE Putting the 2012 Functional Specifications into Motion

(NMLS ID 1234)

Course Syllabus
Course Purpose:
For many, the American Dream is home ownership. A critical role in making that
dream possible is the Mortgage Loan Originator (MLO) and the NMLS Approved Course
Providers who educate these MLOs. The Secure and Fair Enforcement for Mortgage
Licensing Act of 2008 (SAFE Act) requires that state-licensed MLOs complete NMLS
approved pre-licensure education and annual continuing education. In order to meet
this mandate, NMLS has set forth functional specifications for all NMLS approved
courses in an effort to establish good administration standards and ensure education
is offered in accordance with the intent of the SAFE Act. NMLS approved education
sets the groundwork for MLOs across the nation to help people reach their dream of
home ownership, thus making the education you, as the course provider, are
providing a critical role in the health of the mortgage industry.
Course Description:
This course brings the 2012 NMLS Course Functional Specification to life. Through
discussions, activities, real world examples, and short presentations, this course will
bring forth some of the components of the newest functional specifications and also
answer some of the questions or concerns that course providers have regarding
implementation. While gaining an understanding of the newest functional
specifications, you will gain an understanding of how these specifications can be used
to build an engaging course that promotes effective learning that your students will
remember for years to come.
Course Dates and Times:
March 16, 2012; readings and assignments due to instructor by midnight
March 17, 2012; readings and assignments due to instructor by midnight
Instructor Contact Information:
Instructor: John Smith
Email: [email protected]
Phone number: 202-296-2840
Office Hours: M-F 8am-4pm; and I regularly check my email
Instructor Background:
Instructor and CEO of Mortgage Learning School 2005-present
Mortgage Loan Originator Training 2000-2009
Mortgage Loan Originator 1990-2000
Mortgage Loan Originator Intern 1990
NMLS Sample Course Syllabus 5/21/12 V2 Online Instructor Led

Page 3

Course Objectives:

Recognize how different perspectives influenced the specifications and the

intended effect on education
Demonstrate how to achieve similar learning objectives across different course
Show proficiency in critically reading, analyzing, comparing, evaluating, and
discussing the functional specifications and apply learning to their own courses

Required Course Material:

2012 NMLS Course Functional Specifications
Grading Policy:
In order to receive credit for the course, participants must complete 100% of the
course activities with satisfactory responses and spend the required minimum time in
the course. If an assignment is found to be unsatisfactory, the student must revise
and re-submit by the due date given by the instructor. Course activities are comprised
of discussion board postings, readings, study groups, activities and short quizzes. End
of module quizzes must be passes with 100%. You may take the quizzes as many
times as needed to pass. The written part of the final assessment will be graded with
a pass/fail by the instructor and the final exam must be passed with a minimum score
of 70%. You will have 3 attempts to pass both portions of the final assessment. After 3
attempts, you will be required to enroll in a new course and retake the course in its
This course is online instructor-led and must be taken in accordance with the schedule
below. Course information, activities and assignments will be made available for the
specified dates. Students WILL NOT be allowed to move ahead of course assignments
or activities without the advancement of the entire cohort, or class, as a whole.
Assignments are to be completed and turned in by the due dates as posted. Failure to
meet deadlines may result in receiving a Fail in the course. Any student who fails
the course must re-enroll to complete course again with another class.
Upon completion all students will receive a course completion certificate and 3 hours
of education credit.
Course Policies:
All students must be honest and forthright in their academic studies. To falsify the
results of one's research, to steal the words or ideas of another, to cheat on an
assignment, or to allow or assist another to commit these acts corrupts the
educational process. Students are expected to do their own work and neither give nor
receive unauthorized assistance. Any violation of this standard could lead to
automatic withdrawal from the course without credit or refund.
Course should be taken in a quiet, distraction free area.
Technical Requirements/ Support:
NMLS Sample Course Syllabus 5/21/12 V2 Online Instructor Led

Page 4

Course is compatible with all major web browsers. A high speed internet
connection is recommended.
Technical Support is available Mon.-Sat. 8am 8pm at 188-555-5555

Course Outline:
This course is an online instructor-led course. This means the instructor will
facilitate and encourage the class to get to know each other, foster a sense of
community in the class, and help students learn from each other. To get us started,
please tell us on the discussion board your name, where you are taking the course
geographically, and your professional interest in this course. Please also review
what your classmates have said and respond to at least two of them by asking a
question and/or sharing an observation.
Section 1: Requirement for All Course Types
Details specific requirements for all course formats, including key terms, time
requirements, requirements for interaction, and end of course assessments.
Learning Objectives:
Define keys terms in the functional specifications in order to communicate
concisely with peers and NMLS on compliance
Describe how the perspectives of key players (regulator, student, course
provider) influence the requirements in the functional specifications.
Demonstrate how the specifications can be tools for implementing meaningful
- 1.1 Glossary of Terms (5 min)
- 1.2 Whats New in Version 3 of the functional specifications (5 min)
- 1.3 Time Requirements: Ensuring Seat Time (10 min)
- 1.4 Course Materials: Keys for Student Success (5 min)
- 1.5 Course Content Organization: Organizing for Effective Learning (5 min)
- 1.6 Interaction: Active Learning for Lifetime Success (10 min)
- 1.7 Reviewing Content: Matching Objectives, Materials and Assessment (10
- 1.8 End of Course Assessment: Evidence of Understanding (5 min)
#1.A In your own words, provide a scenario that illustrates the terms at the end
of module 1.1. Submit to instructor using the message board (5 min)
#1.B Describe an activity that encourages each of the following types of
interaction: instructor to student, student to student, and student to content
interaction. Post to the Discussion Board. Read your classmates postings and
respond to at least two other people. (5 min)

NMLS Sample Course Syllabus 5/21/12 V2 Online Instructor Led

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#1.C Explain from the perspective of the regulator, course provider, or student
why the updates to the functional specifications were implemented in version 3.
Post to the discussion board and respond to one other person (5 min)
#1.D Review the sample course provided at the end of Module 1 and identify the
strategies used in that course to meet the NMLS requirements. Then evaluate in
your own words if you feel the course implements meaningful learning. Be sure to
reference the functional specifications. Post response to discussion board and
respond to one other person (10 min)

Section 2: Requirements for Online Courses

Provides information on course interactivity requirements, course design, LMS
requirements, and outlines the process for online instructor-led and online selfstudy formats.
Learning Objectives:
Compare and contrast the requirements for the online instructor-led and the
online self-study format and provide an explanation for the difference.
Demonstrate how the specifications can be tools for implementing meaningful
learning in an online environment
- 2.1
- 2.2
- 2.3
- 2.4
- 2.5

General Course Set-up: The LMS (5 min)

Course Design: Making the Online Platform Work (10 min)
Time Requirements: Ensuring Seat Time Online (10 min)
Interaction: Active Learning Online (15 min)
End of Course Assessment: Evidence of Understanding (5 min)

#2.A Compare and Contrast the requirements for an online instructor-led course and
an online self-study course and elaborate on the different strategies in learning.
Submit to instructor for review through the message board. (10 min)
#2.B -- Post to the discussion board which of the requirements for online instructorled courses best helps to facilitate interaction. Why or why not? Respond to at least
one of your classmates postings. Be certain to include in your reply why or why not
you think that his or her suggestion(s) would work. (5 min)
#2.B -- Post to the discussion board which of the requirements for online self-study
best helps to facilitate interaction. Why or why not? Respond to at least one of your
classmates postings. Be certain to include in your reply why or why not you think
that his or her suggestion(s) would work. (5 min)
End of Course Assessment
Part One: Written Assessment (10 min)
What configuration changes would you need to make in order to move a course
from an online self-study to an online instructor-led? Be sure to include information
on time requirements, end-of-course assessments, course design and interaction.
Submit to instructor for review using the Message Board.
NMLS Sample Course Syllabus 5/21/12 V2 Online Instructor Led

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Part Two: Multiple Choice Exam (20 min)

You will have 20 minutes to complete a 25 question multiple choice exam. You
must receive a 70% score to pass.

Course Schedule:
The course will be offered over two days. Below are the readings and assignments with
due dates, and an estimation of the time needed to complete each module. Please be
advised that the time for completion is estimated; it may take you more or less time to
complete the material and assignments. ALL modules invite class participation.

Course Outline and Schedule (Readings and Assignments Due by Midnight

Each Day)


Reading Due

Assignments Due

March 16,



Introduce Yourself
in the Discussion

1.1: Glossary of

Module 1.1
Presentation and
Pages 33-34 in

Assignment 1.A


1.2: Whats New in

Version 3 of the

Module 1.2
Presentation and
Pages 4-5 in

Pass Module 1.2


NMLS Sample Course Syllabus 5/21/12 V2 Online Instructor Led

Instruction Time

Page 7

March 17,

1.3: Time
Ensuring Seat
2.1: General
Materials: Keys for
Student Success

Module 1.3
Reading Due and
Pages 11-12 in
Module 2.1
1.4 and
Presentation and
Pages 12-13 in
Module 2.2
1.5 and
& 29Presentation and
Page 15 of
Module 2.3
Presentation and
Pages 26
1.6& 31-32
Presentation and
2.4 in
Presentation and
Pages 26-27 & 31Specifications
Module 2.5
Presentation and
Pages 17-18 & 26

2.2: Course
Platform Work
2.3: Time for
Time Learning
Online for
2.4: Interaction:
Active Learning
1.7: Reviewing
2.5: EndMatching
Evidence of
End of Course Module 1.8
End of Course
Evidence of
Pages 17-18 in
Estimated Total Course Time (Minutes)
End of Section 1

Pass Module 1.3


Estimated Instruction
Time (Minutes)

Pass Module 2.1

Pass Module 1.4


Pass Module 2.2

Pass Module 1.5


Pass Module 2.3

Assignment 1.B


Assignment 2.A


Pass Module 1.7



Pass Module 1.8

Quiz Assessment
Part 1 and 2


Assignments 1.C
and 1.D

NMLS Sample Course Syllabus 5/21/12 V2 Online Instructor Led



Page 8

NMLS Sample Course Syllabus 5/21/12 V2 Online Instructor Led

Page 9

Conference of State Bank Supervisors

1129 20th Street, NW, 9th Floor
Washington, DC 20036

2 Hour SAFE CE Putting the 2012 Functional Specifications into Motion

(NMLS ID 5678)

Course Syllabus
Course Purpose:
For many, the American Dream is home ownership. A critical role in making that
dream possible is the Mortgage Loan Originator (MLO) and the NMLS Approved Course
Providers who educate these MLOs. The Secure and Fair Enforcement for Mortgage
Licensing Act of 2008 (SAFE Act) requires that state-licensed MLOs complete NMLS
approved pre-licensure education and annual continuing education. In order to meet
this mandate, NMLS has set forth functional specifications for all NMLS approved
courses in an effort to establish good administration standards and ensure education
is offered in accordance with the intent of the SAFE Act. NMLS approved education
sets the groundwork for MLOs across the nation to help people reach their dream of
home ownership, thus making the education you, as the course provider, are
providing a critical role in the health of the mortgage industry.
Course Description:
This course brings the 2012 NMLS Course Functional Specification to life. Through
activities, real world examples, and short presentations, this course will bring forth
some of the components of the newest functional specifications and also answer
some of the questions or concerns that course providers have regarding
implementation. While gaining an understanding of the newest functional
specifications, you will gain an understanding of how these specifications can be
used to build an engaging course that promotes effective learning that your
students will remember for years to come.
Course Dates and Times:
You must complete this course no later than December 23, 2012 in order to
receive the course credit in time for 2012 license renewal period. This allows 7
calendars for your credits to be reported and a day for the CE restriction for license
renewal to be lifted. This time ensures you can complete your renewal process in
NMLS before the renewal deadline.
Course Objectives:

Recognize how different perspectives influenced the specifications and the

intended effect on education
Demonstrate how to achieve similar learning objectives across different course
Show proficiency in critically reading, analyzing, comparing, evaluating, and
discussing the functional specifications and apply learning to their own courses

NMLS Sample Course Syllabus 5/21/12 V2 Online Self-Study

Page 10

Grading Policy:
Course activities are comprised of end of module quizzes, readings, and activities. In
order to receive credit for the course, participants must complete 100% of the course
activities, earn 100% on each end of module quiz, and earn a minimum score of 70%
on the final exam.
This course is online self-study. This means that you will guide yourself through the
material and activities under no set schedule. You must be engaged and active in the
course for the requisite amount of time in each module before you can move on to the
next module. If inactivity is detected, you will be logged out of the course and will be
sent to the beginning of the unit of instruction you were last on and no time will be
granted for that unit.
Upon completion all students will receive a course completion certificate and 2 hours
of education credit.
Course Policies:
All students must be honest and forthright in their academic studies. To falsify the
results of one's research, to steal the words or ideas of another, to cheat on an
assignment, or to allow or assist another to commit these acts corrupts the
educational process. Students are expected to do their own work and neither give nor
receive unauthorized assistance. Any violation of this standard could lead to
automatic withdrawal from the course without credit or refund.
Course should be taken in a quiet, distraction free area.
Technical Requirements/ Support:
Course is compatible with all major web browsers. A high speed internet
connection is recommended.
Technical Support is available Mon.-Sat. 8am 8pm at 188-555-5555
Required Course Material:
2012 NMLS Course Functional Specifications
Course Outline:
This course is an online self-paced meaning that you will be moving through
the course on your own. To help provide some guidance, please watch the
LMS tutorial which will provide you with the instructions you will need to
navigate the course. (5 min)

NMLS Sample Course Syllabus 5/21/12 V2 Online Self-Study

Page 11

Section 1: Requirement for All Course Types

Details specific requirements for all course formats, including key terms,
time requirements, requirements for interaction, and end of course
Learning Objectives:
Define keys terms in the functional specifications in order to
communicate concisely with peers and NMLS on compliance
Describe how the perspectives of key players (regulator, student, course
provider) influence the requirements in the functional specifications.
Demonstrate how the specifications can be tools for implementing
meaningful learning
- 1.1 Glossary of Terms (5 min)
- 1.2 Whats New in Version 3 of the functional specifications (5 min)
- 1.3 Time Requirements: Ensuring Seat Time (5 min)
- 1.4 Course Materials: Keys for Student Success (10 min)
- 1.5 Course Content Organization: Organizing for Effective Learning (5
- 1.6 Interaction: Active Learning for Lifetime Success (10 min)
- 1.7 Reviewing Content: Matching Objectives, Materials and Assessment
(10 min)
- 1.8 End of Course Assessment: Evidence of Understanding (5 min)
#1.A Match the scenario provided with the appropriate glossary term. (5
#1.B Organize the course materials provided into sections, modules, and
units of instruction. Then match the appropriate learning objectives. (5 min)
#1.C Review the sample course provided at the end of Module 1, and in the
check-list provided, mark off the tools that you see implemented in the
course. Then match the tools to the learning strategy that best describes its
accomplishment for effective learning. (5 min)
Section 2: Requirements for Online Courses
Provides information on course interactivity requirements, course design,
LMS requirements, and outlines the process for online instructor-led and
online self-study formats.
Learning Objectives:
Compare and contrast the requirements for the online instructor-led and
the online self-study format and provide an explanation for the
Demonstrate how the specifications can be tools for implementing
meaningful learning in an online environment
- 2.1
- 2.2
- 2.3
- 2.4

General Course Set-up: The LMS (5 min)

Course Design: Making the Online Platform Work (10 min)
Time Requirements: Ensuring Seat Time Online (10 min)
Interaction: Active Learning Online (15 min)

NMLS Sample Course Syllabus 5/21/12 V2 Online Self-Study

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2.5 End of Course Assessment: Evidence of Understanding (5 min)

#2.A Review each scenario provided and decide whether it relates to online
instructor-led, online self-study, or both. (5 min)
Final Assessment
Multiple Choice Exam (20 min)
You will have 20 minutes to complete a 25 question multiple choice exam. If
you do not receive a passing score, you may take re-take the exam after 1
hour wait period in which you are encouraged to review the materials.
Course Schedule:

Course Outline and Schedule



Assignments Due

Instruction Time
Allocation (Minutes)


Course Navigation


1.1: Glossary of Terms

Module 1.1
Presentation and
Pages 33-34 in

Assignment 1.A
End of Module 1.1 Quiz


1.2: Whats New in

Version 3 of the
1.3: Time
Ensuring Seat Time

Module 1.2
Presentation and
Pages 4-5 in Functional
Module 1.3
Presentations and
Pages 11-12 in

End of Module 1.2 Quiz

End of Module 1.3 Quiz

NMLS Sample Course Syllabus 5/21/12 V2 Online Self-Study

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1.4: Course Materials:

Keys for Student
1.5: Course Content
Organizing for
Effective Learning
1.6: Interaction: Active
Learning for Lifetime
1.7: Reviewing
Content: Matching
Objectives, Materials
and Assessment
1.8: End of Course
Assessment: Evidence
of Understanding

Module 1.4
Presentation and
Pages 12-13 in
Module 1.5
Presentation and Page
15 of Functional
Module 1.6
Presentation and
Pages 15-16 in
Module 1.7

End of Module 1.4 Quiz


End of Module 1.5 Quiz

Assignment 1.B


End of Module 1.6 Quiz


End of Module 1.7 Quiz


Module 1.6
Presentation and
Pages 17-18 in

End of Module 1.8 Quiz

Assignment 1.C


Below are the readings and assignments with an estimation of the time needed to
complete each module. Please be advised that the time for completion is
estimated; it may take you more or less time to complete the material and


Reading Due

Assignments Due

Instruction Time
Allocation (Minutes)

2.1: General Course

Set-up: The LMS

Module 2.1
Presentation and
Pages 24-32 in
Module 2.2
Presentation and
Pages 25-26 & 29-31
Module 2.3
Presentation and
Pages 26 & 31-32

End of Module 2.1 Quiz

End of Module 2.2 Quiz


End of Module 2.3 Quiz


Module 2.4
Presentation and
Pages 26-27 & 31-32
Module 2.5
Presentation and
Pages 17-18 & 26

Assignment 2.A
End of Module 2.4 Quiz


End of Module 2.3 Quiz

2.2: Course Design:

Making the Online
Platform Work
2.3: Time
Ensuring Seat Time
2.4: Interaction: Active
Learning Online
2.5: End of Course
Assessment: Evidence
of Understanding

NMLS Sample Course Syllabus 5/21/12 V2 Online Self-Study

Page 14

End of Course


Final Exam

Total Course Time (Minutes)

NMLS Sample Course Syllabus 5/21/12 V2 Online Self-Study


Page 15

Conference of State Bank Supervisors

1129 20th Street, NW, 9th Floor
Washington, DC 20036

3 Hour SAFE PE Putting the 2012 Functional Specifications into Motion

(NMLS ID 8910)

Course Syllabus
Course Purpose:
For many, the American Dream is home ownership. A critical role in making that
dream possible is the Mortgage Loan Originator (MLO) and the NMLS Approved Course
Providers who educate these MLOs. The Secure and Fair Enforcement for Mortgage
Licensing Act of 2008 (SAFE Act) requires that state-licensed MLOs complete NMLS
approved pre-licensure education and annual continuing education. In order to meet
this mandate, NMLS has set forth functional specifications for all NMLS approved
courses in an effort to establish good administration standards and ensure education
is offered in accordance with the intent of the SAFE Act. NMLS approved education
sets the groundwork for MLOs across the nation to help people reach their dream of
home ownership, thus making the education you, as the course provider, are
providing a critical role in the health of the mortgage industry.
Course Description:
This course brings the 2012 NMLS Course Functional Specification to life. Through
discussions, activities, real world examples, and short presentations, this course will
bring forth some of the components of the newest functional specifications and also
answer some of the questions or concerns that course providers have regarding
implementation. While gaining an understanding of the newest functional
specifications, you will gain an understanding of how these specifications can be used
to build an engaging course that promotes effective learning that your students will
remember for years to come.
Course Dates, Times, Locations:
March 17, 2012; 9:00am 12:00pm ET
29 Main Street
Washington, DC 11111
Instructor Contact Information:
Instructor: John Smith
Email: [email protected]
Phone number: 202-296-2840
Office Hours: M-F 8am-4pm; and I regularly check my email
Instructor Background:
Instructor and CEO of Mortgage Learning School 2005-present
Mortgage Loan Originator Training 2000-2009
Mortgage Loan Originator 1990-2000
NMLS Sample Course Syllabus 5/21/12 V2 Classroom

Page 16

Mortgage Loan Originator Intern 1990

Course Objectives:

Recognize how different perspectives influenced the specifications and the

intended effect on education
Demonstrate how to achieve similar learning objectives across different course
Show proficiency in critically reading, analyzing, comparing, evaluating, and
discussing the functional specifications and apply learning to their own courses

Required Course Material:

2012 NMLS Course Functional Specifications
Grading Policy:
In order to receive credit for the course, participants must complete 100% of the
course activities with satisfactory responses and spend the required minimum time in
the class. Course activities are comprised of discussions, readings, study groups, and
activities. The final exam must be passed with a minimum score of 70%. You will have
3 attempts to pass the final assessment. After 3 attempts, you will be required to
enroll in a new course and retake the course in its entirety.
All students are expected to be in their seats by the course start time. Tardiness may
result is a fail in the course. Students are required to present photo ID and sign the
attendance sheet upon arrival. If a student leaves the classroom, he or she must sign
out and back in. You must be present and attentive for the full course time in order to
receive course credit.
Upon completion all students will receive a course completion certificate and 3 hours
of education credit.
Course Policies:
All students must be honest and forthright in their academic studies. To falsify the
results of one's research, to steal the words or ideas of another, to cheat on an
assignment, or to allow or assist another to commit these acts corrupts the
educational process. Students are expected to do their own work and neither give nor
receive unauthorized assistance. Any violation of this standard could lead to
automatic withdrawal from the course without credit or refund.
Please be courteous and respectful to your instructor and classmates.

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Course Outline:
The instructor will facilitate and encourage the class to get to know each other,
foster a sense of community in the class, and help students learn from each other.
To get us started, please tell us your name, and your professional interest in this
Section 1: Requirement for All Course Types
Details specific requirements for all course formats, including key terms, time
requirements, requirements for interaction, and end of course assessments.
Learning Objectives:
Define keys terms in the functional specifications in order to communicate
concisely with peers and NMLS on compliance
Describe how the perspectives of key players (regulator, student, course
provider) influence the requirements in the functional specifications.
Demonstrate how the specifications can be tools for implementing meaningful
- 1.1 Glossary of Terms (5 min)
- 1.2 Whats New in Version 3 of the functional specifications (5 min)
- 1.3 Time Requirements: Ensuring Seat Time (5 min)
- 1.4 Course Materials: Keys for Student Success (5 min)
- 1.5 Course Content Organization: Organizing for Effective Learning (5 min)
- 1.6 Interaction: Active Learning for Lifetime Success (10 min)
- 1.7 Reviewing Content: Matching Objectives, Materials and Assessment (5 min)
- 1.8 End of Course Assessment: Evidence of Understanding (5 min)
#1.A Explain from the perspective of the regulator, course provider, or student
why the updates to the functional specifications were implemented in version 3.
Class Discussion. (5 min)
#1.B Describe an activity that encourages each of the following types of
interaction: instructor to student, student to student, and student to content
interaction. Answers will be discussed in class. (5 min)
#1.C Review the sample course provided at the end of Module 1 with your team
and identify the strategies used in that course to meet the NMLS requirements.
Then discuss with your teammates if you feel the course implements meaningful
learning. Be sure to reference the functional specifications. Team answers will be
shared and discussed in class. (10 min)

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Section 2: Requirements for Online Courses

Provides information on course interactivity requirements, course design, LMS
requirements, and outlines the process for online instructor-led and online selfstudy formats.
Learning Objectives:
Compare and contrast the requirements for the online instructor-led and the
online self-study format and provide an explanation for the difference.
Demonstrate how the specifications can be tools for implementing meaningful
learning in an online environment
- 2.1
- 2.2
- 2.3
- 2.4
- 2.5

General Course Set-up: The LMS (5 min)

Course Design: Making the Online Platform Work (10 min)
Time Requirements: Ensuring Seat Time Online (10 min)
Interaction: Active Learning Online (10 min)
End of Course Assessment: Evidence of Understanding (5 min)

#2.A With your team, discuss which of the requirements for online instructor-led
courses best helps to facilitate interaction. Then, discuss which requirements for
online self-study best helps to facilitate interaction. Why or why not? Answers will be
shared and discussed in class. (5 min)
#2.B Compare and Contrast the requirements for an online instructor-led course and
an online self-study course and elaborate on the different strategies in learning.
Answers will be discussed in class. (5 min)
End of Course Assessment
Part One: Written Assessment (10 min)
What configuration changes would you need to make in order to move a course
from an online self-study to an online instructor-led? Be sure to include information
on time requirements, end-of-course assessments, course design and interaction.
Class discussion; Participation Required.
Part Two: Multiple Choice Exam (20 min)
You will have 20 minutes to complete a 25 question multiple choice exam. You
must receive a 70% score to pass.

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Course Schedule:
Below is the course schedule. Please be advised that the time for completion is estimated
and may vary from this outline. ALL modules invite class participation.

Course Outline and Schedule






1.1: Glossary of Terms


1.2: Whats New in Version 3 of the Functional Specification; Assignment 1.A


1.3: Time Requirements: Ensuring Seat Time


1.4: Course Materials: Keys for Student Success


1.5: Course Content Organization: Organizing for Effective Learning


1.6: Interaction: Active Learning for Lifetime Success; Assignment 1.B


1.7: Reviewing Content: Matching Objectives, Materials and Assessment

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1.8: End of Course Assessment: Evidence of Understanding


Assignment 1.C



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2.1: General Course Set-up: The LMS


2.2: Course Design: Making the Online Platform Work


2.3: Time Requirements: Ensuring Seat Time Online


2.4: Interaction: Active Learning Online; Assignment 2.A


2.5: End of Course Assessment: Evidence of Understanding; Assignment 2.B


End of Course Assessment

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Conference of State Bank Supervisors

1129 20th Street, NW, 9th Floor
Washington, DC 20036

3 Hour SAFE PE Putting the 2012 Functional Specifications into Motion

(NMLS ID 8910)

Course Syllabus
Course Purpose:
For many, the American Dream is home ownership. A critical role in making that
dream possible is the Mortgage Loan Originator (MLO) and the NMLS Approved Course
Providers who educate these MLOs. The Secure and Fair Enforcement for Mortgage
Licensing Act of 2008 (SAFE Act) requires that state-licensed MLOs complete NMLS
approved pre-licensure education and annual continuing education. In order to meet
this mandate, NMLS has set forth functional specifications for all NMLS approved
courses in an effort to establish good administration standards and ensure education
is offered in accordance with the intent of the SAFE Act. NMLS approved education
sets the groundwork for MLOs across the nation to help people reach their dream of
home ownership, thus making the education you, as the course provider, are
providing a critical role in the health of the mortgage industry.
Course Description:
This course brings the 2012 NMLS Course Functional Specification to life. Through
discussions, activities, real world examples, and short presentations, this course will
bring forth some of the components of the newest functional specifications and also
answer some of the questions or concerns that course providers have regarding
implementation. While gaining an understanding of the newest functional
specifications, you will gain an understanding of how these specifications can be used
to build an engaging course that promotes effective learning that your students will
remember for years to come.
Course Dates and Times:
March 17, 2012; 9:00am 12:00pm ET
Use the username and password you created upon registration
Instructor Contact Information:
Instructor: John Smith
Email: [email protected]
Phone number: 202-296-2840
Office Hours: M-F 8am-4pm; and I regularly check my email
Instructor Background:
Instructor and CEO of Mortgage Learning School 2005-present
Mortgage Loan Originator Training 2000-2009
Mortgage Loan Originator 1990-2000
Mortgage Loan Originator Intern 1990
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Course Objectives:

Recognize how different perspectives influenced the specifications and the

intended effect on education
Demonstrate how to achieve similar learning objectives across different course
Show proficiency in critically reading, analyzing, comparing, evaluating, and
discussing the functional specifications and apply learning to their own courses

Required Course Material:

2012 NMLS Course Functional Specifications
Grading Policy:
In order to receive credit for the course, participants must complete 100% of the
course activities with satisfactory responses and spend the required minimum time in
the class. Course activities are comprised of discussions, readings, polls, and end of
module quizzes. End of module quizzes must be passed with 80%. You may retake the
quizzes as many times as needed. The final exam must be passed with a minimum
score of 70%. You will have 3 attempts to pass the final assessment. After 3 attempts,
you will be required to enroll in a new course and retake the course in its entirety.
All students are expected to be logged in and ready by the course start time.
Tardiness may result is a fail in the course. Students are required to answer several
personal information questions upon login to verify their identity. You must be present
and attentive for the full course time in order to receive course credit. The instructor
will use these personal information questions throughout the course to ensure you are
Upon completion all students will receive a course completion certificate and 3 hours
of education credit.
Course Policies:
All students must be honest and forthright in their academic studies. To falsify the
results of one's research, to steal the words or ideas of another, to cheat on an
assignment, or to allow or assist another to commit these acts corrupts the
educational process. Students are expected to do their own work and neither give nor
receive unauthorized assistance. Any violation of this standard could lead to
automatic withdrawal from the course without credit or refund.
Please be courteous and respectful to your instructor and classmates.
Technical Requirements/ Support:
Course is compatible with all major web browsers. A high speed internet
connection is recommended.
Technical Support is available Mon.-Sat. 8am 8pm at 188-555-5555
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Course Outline:
The instructor will facilitate and encourage the class to get to know each other,
foster a sense of community in the class, and help students learn from each other.
To get us started, please tell us your name, and your professional interest in this
Section 1: Requirement for All Course Types
Details specific requirements for all course formats, including key terms, time
requirements, requirements for interaction, and end of course assessments.
Learning Objectives:
Define keys terms in the functional specifications in order to communicate
concisely with peers and NMLS on compliance
Describe how the perspectives of key players (regulator, student, course
provider) influence the requirements in the functional specifications.
Demonstrate how the specifications can be tools for implementing meaningful
- 1.1 Glossary of Terms (5 min)
- 1.2 Whats New in Version 3 of the functional specifications (5 min)
- 1.3 Time Requirements: Ensuring Seat Time (5 min)
- 1.4 Course Materials: Keys for Student Success (5 min)
- 1.5 Course Content Organization: Organizing for Effective Learning (5 min)
- 1.6 Interaction: Active Learning for Lifetime Success (10 min)
- 1.7 Reviewing Content: Matching Objectives, Materials and Assessment (5 min)
- 1.8 End of Course Assessment: Evidence of Understanding (5 min)
#1.A Explain from the perspective of the regulator, course provider, or student
why the updates to the functional specifications were implemented in version 3.
Class Discussion. (5 min)
#1.B Describe an activity that encourages each of the following types of
interaction: instructor to student, student to student, and student to content
interaction. Answers will be shared in class. (5 min)
#1.C Review the sample course provided at the end of Module 1 and identify the
strategies used in that course to meet the NMLS requirements. Then evaluate in
your own words if you feel the course implements meaningful learning. Be sure to
reference the functional specifications. Answers will be shared and discussed in
class. (10 min)
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Section 2: Requirements for Online Courses

Provides information on course interactivity requirements, course design, LMS
requirements, and outlines the process for online instructor-led and online selfstudy formats.
Learning Objectives:
Compare and contrast the requirements for the online instructor-led and the
online self-study format and provide an explanation for the difference.
Demonstrate how the specifications can be tools for implementing meaningful
learning in an online environment
- 2.1
- 2.2
- 2.3
- 2.4
- 2.5

General Course Set-up: The LMS (5 min)

Course Design: Making the Online Platform Work (10 min)
Time Requirements: Ensuring Seat Time Online (10 min)
Interaction: Active Learning Online (10 min)
End of Course Assessment: Evidence of Understanding (5 min)

#2.A In your opinion, which of the requirements for online instructor-led courses do
you think best helps to facilitate interaction. Which requirements for online self-study
courses do you think best helps to facilitate interaction. Why or why not? Answers
will be shared and discussed in class. (5 min)
#2.B Compare and Contrast the requirements for an online instructor-led course and
an online self-study course and elaborate on the different strategies in learning.
Answers will be shared in class. (5 min)
End of Course Assessment
Part One: Discussion Assessment (10 min)
What configuration changes would you need to make in order to move a course
from an online self-study to an online instructor-led? Be sure to include information
on time requirements, end-of-course assessments, course design and interaction.
Class discussion; Participation Required.
Part Two: Multiple Choice Exam (20 min)
You will have 20 minutes to complete a 25 question multiple choice exam. You
must receive a 70% score to pass.

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Course Schedule:
Below is the course schedule. Please be advised that the time for completion is estimated
and may vary from this outline. ALL modules invite class participation.

Course Outline and Schedule






1.1: Glossary of Terms; Quiz


1.2: Whats New in Version 3 of the Functional Specification; Assignment 1.A


1.3: Time Requirements: Ensuring Seat Time; Quiz


1.4: Course Materials: Keys for Student Success: Quiz


1.5: Course Content Organization: Organizing for Effective Learning: Quiz


1.6: Interaction: Active Learning for Lifetime Success; Assignment 1.B

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1.7: Reviewing Content: Matching Objectives, Materials and Assessment; Quiz


1.8: End of Course Assessment: Evidence of Understanding; Quiz


Assignment 1.C



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2.1: General Course Set-up: The LMS; Quiz


2.2: Course Design: Making the Online Platform Work: Quiz


2.3: Time Requirements: Ensuring Seat Time Online: Quiz


2.4: Interaction: Active Learning Online; Assignment 2.A


2.5: End of Course Assessment: Evidence of Understanding; Assignment 2.B


End of Course Assessment

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