QAQC Guidelines
QAQC Guidelines
QAQC Guidelines
2.1 2.2 Project Team em!ers Project Team "esponsi!ilities # Authorit$
3.1 3.2 3.3 3.) 3.+ 3., Desi%n Coordination Site &or' (nstruction QA/QC eetin%s eetin%s Pre*(nstallation Qualit$ Audits Qualit$ Trainin%
!"#$%!& A !"#$' (A) A*$ M++&, & S+"& C+"-.,%-$"/ QA/QC T!,0.
1.1 P1. +&! +2 -3! Q1,*$-4 C+"-.+* / Q1,*$-4 A&&1.,"%! G1$#!*$"!& The o!jecti/e of the Qualit$ Assurance / Qualit$ Control Guidelines is to pro/ide a frame0or' for the mana%ement of the e2ecuted 0or's in compliance 0ith prescri!ed desi%n standards3 statutor$ re4uirements3 and project dra0in%s # specifications. The QA/QC %uidelines outline the e2ecution strate%$ as 0ell as the s$stem and procedures throu%h 0hich this conformance is implemented3 documented3 administered and audited. These Qualit$ Control / Qualit$ Assurance 5QA/QC6 Guidelines are de/eloped to pro/ide the %eneral frame0or' and %uidance for the follo0in%7 a6 !6 c6 d6 e6 Qualit$ o!jecti/es and accepta!le re4uirements for the project. Processes3 documents3 and resources specified for the project and the criteria for acceptance. Procedures for /erification3 monitorin%3 inspection and test acti/ities specific to the project3 and the criteria for acceptance. 8sta!lishment of records as re4uired. To maintain a proper s$stem as per (S9 :;;1*52;;;6
The purpose is to unif$ and document the QA/QC procedures to !e applied !$ all parties 0ithin the Project Team< define the responsi!ilit$ and authorit$ of all project entities< and ensure that the 4ualit$ of all operations e2ecuted on the project meet the prescri!ed standards. The Pro%ram ana%er 0ill !e responsi!le for the o/erall mana%ement and coordination
of the Qualit$ Assurance / Qualit$ Control Plan and o/ersee the performance of the Consultants and the Contractors in meetin% their o!li%ations. The Construction and ana%er 0ill re/ie0 and supplement3 as necessar$3 the QA/QC Plan
anual that 0ill %o/ern QA/QC on all desi%n and construction contracts.
The Consultants shall ensure that the Contractors compl$ full$ 0ith all the prescri!ed procedures 0ith respect to 4ualit$ control and assurance3 and conduct inspections to ensure that the construction acti/ities are !ein% performed in accordance 0ith desi%n documentation and re4uirements. The Contractor is responsi!le for the preparation and implementation of his Qualit$
m6 Continuous (mpro/ement 1.2 S%+ ! +2 -3! QA/QC G1$#!*$"!& This document addresses all 4ualit$ control 0or' in conjunction 0ith project specifications includin% all applica!le re%ulations and standards3 and 0ith contractor>s pro%rams %o/ernin% acti/ities and %ood en%ineerin% practices re%ardin% assurance aspects related to the follo0in%7 a6 !6 c6 d6 e6 f6 %6 h6 i6 j6 l6 Temporar$ ?acilities Documentation Procedures # Controls Pre*4ualification of Su!*contractors3 Su!mittal of Shop Dra0in%s3 Construction ethodolo%ies Plant and 84uipment ethod Statements Stores and Stora%e S$stems aterial Deli/er$ # 1andlin% (nspection of aterials # oc'*ups anufacturers3 Suppliers aterial Data3 Samples
'6 (nspection of Acti/ities # &or's Commissionin% # 1ando/er easurement # Continuous (mpro/ement m6 Performance
2.2.3 T3! C+"&1*-,"The primar$ responsi!ilities of the Consultant include !ut are not limited to the follo0in%7 a6 !6 c6 d6 e6 f6 %6 8sta!lishin% site super/ision re4uirements pertainin% to 4ualit$ acti/ities. (ssue re/ised dra0in%s3 specifications and other related documents follo0in% proper re/ie0 and appro/al. Coordinate re%ulator$ su!missions # appro/als. "e/ie0 and appro/e su!mittals and shop dra0in%s to ensure conformance to contract documents. Super/ise and inspect all 0or's to ensure that the 4ualit$ of 0or' and materials meet the re4uirements of contract documents. Conduct all t$pes of inspections includin% field inspection and factor$ tests. (dentif$ non*compliances and issue .on*Conformance "eports 5.C"6 as part of the dail$ 4ualit$ acti/ities. 82pedite the resolution of .C">s and monitor correcti/e 0or'. h6 i6 j6 '6 9r%ani=e3 conduct and document site inspections in accordance 0ith appro/ed procedures. Control of shop dra0in%s and re/isions of all desi%n documents. onitor Contractor implementation of its 4ualit$ control re4uirements. "e/ie03 comment and appro/e/disappro/e all 4ualit$ related su!missions includin% pre*4ualification su!missions3 reports3 materials/product data3 method statements and test reports su!mitted !$ Contractors3 Su!* Contractors and Suppliers to determine compliance 0ith the contract re4uirements.
2.2.4 T3! C+"-.,%-+.& The Contractor>s prime responsi!ilit$ is e2ecutin% the project in accordance 0ith the dra0in%s3 specifications and other contractual re4uirements and handin%*o/er the project to the Client in accordance 0ith the contract 4ualit$ re4uirements. The Contractor>s responsi!ilities include !ut are not limited to the follo0in%7 a6 Su!mit the Contractor>s Qualit$ Control Plan3 clearl$ indicatin% the 4ualit$ control team or%ani=ation3 the responsi!ilities3 the 4ualit$ control procedures and the associated documentation. !6 c6 d6 e6 82ecutin% the project in accordance 0ith the dra0in%s and specifications. 8nsurin% that the 4ualit$ of materials and the installation of 0or' are in accordance 0ith the criteria identified for the project. onitorin% all Su!contractor>s and Supplier>s 0or' / products closel$ to ensure that the 4ualit$ of the 0or' is as per specification. 8nsurin% that all technical documents are properl$ produced3 re/ie0ed3 controlled3 su!mitted in accordance 0ith the project specific re4uirements and appro/ed !$ the Consultants. f6 %6 8nsurin% that coordination of all materials3 dra0in% su!mittals and other documents ha/e !een conducted and properl$ documented. Preparation of the project specific 4ualit$ plan3 inspection and test plans3 chec' sheets and related procedures.
3.2 QA/QC M!!-$"/& The Construction ana%er 0ill con/ene QA/QC meetin%s once a month and ana%er3 These monthl$ attendees at this meetin% shall include the Consultant3 the Pro%ram the Contractor3 Su!*contractors and others as re4uired. Contractor 4ualit$ acti/ities3 documentation and field acti/ities. Additional technical or coordination meetin%s re4uired !$ the Pro%ram ana%er3
Consultant or the Contractor ma$ !e re4uested 0ith full details of a%enda and names of the attendees. Such meetin%s 0ill !e chaired !$ the Construction ana%er # attended !$ the Consultant and Pro%ram ana%er as re4uired.
3.4 Q1,*$-4 A1#$-& Qualit$ Audits are intended to ensure that all acti/ities are !ein% carried out as prescri!ed in the Qualit$ Control Plan. The Contractor shall perform3 at the least3 a monthl$ 4ualit$ control audit of the 4ualit$ control procedures. The audits are intended to accomplish the follo0in% o!jecti/es7 a6 Berif$ the implementation of the 4ualit$ mana%ement procedures and re4uirements. !6 easure the performance of the 4ualit$ mana%ement s$stem in meetin% the re4uirements of the Client and the contractual re4uirements.
audit conducted !$ Contractors. Contractor shall record the audit results and ana%er / Consultant.
The Contractor shall ta'e timel$ correcti/e action on the deficiencies found durin% the audit and follo0*up to /erif$ and record the implementation and the effecti/eness of the correcti/e action ta'en. re4uirements. The Contractor shall audit the 4ualit$ control reportin% documentation to ensure compliance 0ith the contract
The Contractor shall pro/ide continuous trainin% to staff and la!or at site 0hich shall include7 1 2 3 ) (nduction trainin% for ne0 staff co/erin% jo! descriptions and procedures related to the indi/idual>s scope of 0or'. 82ternal trainin% as re4uired follo0in% recommendations of staff appraisals (nternal trainin% !$ 4ualified staff in rele/ant areas. Tool !o2 tal's on a re%ular !asis that include 4ualit$ related issues.
I"$-$,* I"& !%-$+"&5 The initial inspection shall !e performed as per the appro/ed 4ualit$ control pro%ram esta!lished !$ the Contractor. "e4uest for (nspection and Appro/al 5"?(A6 forms are used to re4uest inspections. This document must !e su!mitted 2) hours prior to the re4uested time in order to allo0 the Consultant to coordinate super/ision staff. A hi%hli%hted la$out plan for area to !e inspected and specific details re%ardin% time and procedures shall !e included 0ith the "?(A3 as re4uired. The initial inspection includes a re/ie0 of e4uipment3 0or'shops3 stora%e s$stems3 materials3 0or'manship3 and safet$ measures. Procedures3 method statements3 inspection and testin% plans3 QC forms3 and other 4ualit$ control documentation shall !e prepared and su!mitted !efore startin% the e2ecution of the particular acti/it$. ;+**+<:U I"& !%-$+"&5 These are the dail$ routine inspections performed to ensure continuin% compliance 0ith contract re4uirements. Contractor>s Qualit$ Control staff shall perform these inspections re%ularl$ until completion of the particular phase of construction. The Contractor>s Qualit$ Control procedures shall ma'e reference to the appro/ed QA/QC procedures and related techni4ues. These inspections ma$ include addressin% issues identified in field memorandum or non*conformance reports. 4.3 S%3!#1*! +2 T!&-& & I"& !%-$+"& The Schedule of Tests # (nspections associated 0ith the project identifies the tests and inspections for the project as 0ell as the associated code references and the acceptance criteria. The schedule is de/eloped throu%hout the course of the project to include the fre4uenc$ of tests and identif$ the specific part$ 5includin% independent testin% la!oratories or 3rd parties6 responsi!le for performin% the test inspection. The schedule 0ill include information included 0ithin Section 1)+; of the contract specifications as 0ell as specific re4uirements else0here in the specifications and contract documents7 Specific testin% and inspection re4uirements and acceptance criteria 0ill !e included in indi/idual method statements and discussed at pre*installation meetin%s. 9ff*site inspections for items fa!ricated or assem!led off*site 0ill !e clearl$
implementation !$ the Contractor. The content of the forms 0ill !e controlled !$ the Construction ana%er and ma$ !e re/ised as and 0hen re4uired to suit the re4uirements of the project. The project communication procedures 0ill !e de/eloped !$ the Pro%ram ana%er for all su!mittals3 includin% pre*4ualifications3 shop dra0in%s3 material data3 samples3 reports3 schedules3 and all other documents related to the 0or's performed !$ the Contractors and their Su!*contractors3 and mana%ed !$ the Consultants / Construction ana%ers.