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health observances recognition days

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2013 by the Society for Healthcare Strategy and Market Development of the American Hospital Association. This calendar or parts thereof may not be reproduced in any form without written permission from SHSMD.

DESIGN Wainscot Media | Art Direction: KIJOO KIm | Art Intern: ALaNNa GIaNNaNtONIO

155 NORth WaCkER, SUItE 400 | ChICagO, IL 60606 | www.shsmd.ORg


This publication is intended to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard to the subject matter covered. Dates, descriptions, and contact information have been provided by the sponsoring organizations. With the exception of National Hospital Week and the recognition events of the Personal Membership Groups of the American Hospital Association, the events listed are neither endorsed nor sponsored by the American Hospital Association or the Society for Healthcare Strategy and Market Development. To place an order, call 312.422.3888, or order online at

about SHSMD
The Society for Healthcare Strategy and Market Development (SHSMD) of the American Hospital Association is the premier organization for healthcare marketers, planners, and communications and public relations professionals. A Personal Membership Group of the American Hospital Association, SHSMD serves more than 4,000 members and is the largest organization in the nation devoted to serving the needs of healthcare strategy professionals. SHSMD is committed to helping its members meet the future with greater knowledge and opportunity as their organizations work to improve health status and quality of life in their communities. For more information, visit

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January February March April May June July August September October November December Index



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2 January


Birth Defects Prevention Awareness Month (National)

Women of childbearing age and their care providers need to know that folic acid promotes good health before, during, and after pregnancy. Daily consumption of the B vitamin folic acid beginning before pregnancy is crucial, as birth defects of the brain and spine known as neural tube defects (NTDs), including spina bida, can occur in the early weeks following conception, often before a woman knows she is pregnant. CONTaCT: March of Dimes | 914.428.7100 | [email protected] | or http:/ / JANUARY 1-31

800.685.5531 | [email protected] | JANUARY 1-31

Glaucoma Awareness Month (National)

More than 2.2 million Americans age 40 and older suffer from glaucoma. Nearly half do not know they have the diseaseit causes no early symptoms. Prevent Blindness America will provide insightful information about this Sneak Thief of Sight. CONTaCT: Prevent Blindness America | 800.331.2020 | [email protected] | JANUARY 19-25

Healthy Weight Week

Healthy Weight Week celebrates healthy lifestyles that last a lifetime and prevent eating and weight problems. This annual celebration is a time for people of all sizes to live actively, eat well, and feel good about themselves and others. On Tuesday of Healthy Weight Week, Rid the World of Fad Diets and Gimmicks Day is celebrated and the annual Slim Chance Awards are announced for the worst diet products of the year. CONTaCT: Francie Berg | Healthy Weight Network | 701.567.2646 | [email protected] | JANUARY 23

MONTH-LONG OBsERVANcEs Birth Defects Prevention Awareness Month (National) Blood Donor Month (National) Cervical Cancer Screening Month Cervical Health Awareness Month Glaucoma Awareness Month  WEEK-LONG OBsERVANcEs 19-25 Healthy Weight Week REcOGNITION DAYs | EVENTs 23  Womens Healthy Weight Day 25 IV Nurse Day (National)

Blood Donor Month (National)

Blood is traditionally in short supply during the winter months, especially January, due to the holidays, travel schedules, inclement weather, and illness. A reduction in turnout can put our nations blood inventory at a critical low. January has been designated as National Blood Donor Month to encourage donors to give or pledge to give blood. CONTaCT: Association of Donor Recruitment Professionals | 512.658.9414 | JANUARY 1-31

Womens Healthy Weight Day

This day honors American women of all sizes and afrms that beauty, talent, and love cannot be weighed. Winners of the Womens Healthy Weight Day awards will be announced, recognizing businesses that portray size diversity and reject the national obsession with thinness that is shattering the lives of women, young girls, and their families. CONTaCT: Francie Berg | Healthy Weight Network | 701.567.2646 | [email protected] | JANUARY 25

Cervical Cancer Screening Month

The Foundation for Womens Cancer, the National Cervical Cancer Public Education Campaign, and its partner organizations promote the message that cervical cancer is preventablevaccinate early, Pap test regularly, and HPV test when recommended. CONTaCT: Marsha Wilson | Foundation for Womens Cancer | 312.578.1439 | [email protected] | JANUARY 1-31

Cervical Health Awareness Month

During January, issues are highlighted relating to cervical cancer, human papillomavirus (HPV), and the importance of early detection, along with personal stories of women and caregivers battling persistent HPV, precancer, or cervical cancer. In addition, recent advances and research in the prevention, detection, and treatment of cervical cancer and HPV, and the success of local early detection cervical cancer screening and treatment programs are acknowledged. CONTaCT: National Cervical Cancer Coalition | International HPV Cancer Coalition |

IV Nurse Day
Every year since 1981, National IV Nurse Day has honored the commitment shown and the outstanding patient care practiced by infusion nurse professionals. Contact the Infusion Nurses Society (INS) to learn more about IV Nurse Day, nd out about local IV Nurse Day celebrations in your area, or search for commemorative IV Nurse Day gifts and products. CONTaCT: INS | 781.440.9408 | [email protected] |


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4 January February



Age-Related Macular Degeneration / Low Vision Awareness Month

Age-related macular degeneration is a leading cause of vision loss, affecting more than two million Americans age 50 and older. Low vision aids can make the most of remaining vision. Information on eye disease warning signs and treatment will be available. CONTaCT: Prevent Blindness America | 800.331.2020 | [email protected] | FEBRUARY 1-28

Kids ENT Health Month

Kids ENT Health Month is designed to offer parents and caregivers the latest information about the care, diagnosis, and treatment of pediatric ear, nose, and throat disorders. CONTaCT: Communications Business Unit | American Academy of OtolaryngologyHead and Neck Surgery | 703.535.3762 | [email protected] | FEBRUARY 1-28

Recreational Therapy/Therapeutic Recreation Month (National)

The purpose of National Recreational Therapy/Therapeutic Recreation Month is to enhance public awareness of therapeutic recreation programs and recreational therapy (RT) services, promote inclusive recreation opportunities for individuals with disabilities, and recognize the National Council for Therapeutic Recreation Certication as the qualied provider of RT services. CONTaCT: Toni Lee | American Therapeutic Recreation Association | 601.450.2872 | [email protected] | FEBRUARY 1-28

Childrens Dental Health Month (National)

The American Dental Association (ADA) sponsors National Childrens Dental Health Month to raise awareness about the importance of childrens oral health. CONTaCT: American Dental Association | 800.621.8099 | [email protected] | FEBRUARY 1-28 MONTH-LONG OBsERVANcEs Age-Related Macular Degeneration / Low Vision Awareness Month Childrens Dental Health Month (National) Condom Month (National) Heart Month (American) Kids ENT Health Month Recreational Therapy/Therapeutic Recreation Month (National) Wise Health Care Consumer Month WEEK-LONG OBsERVANcEs 28 Burn Awareness Week 39 Perianesthesia Nurse Awareness Week


Condom Month (National)

If one of Cupids arrows nds its way to you this month (or any other time), the American Social Health Association (ASHA) wants you to be safe. Each year in the United States, there are approximately 19 million new cases of sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Condoms are inexpensive and reduce the risks for STIs. ASHA is celebrating its 100th anniversary in 2014 and will highlight both our organization and how sexual health has evolved over the last century. CONTaCT: Fred Wyand | American Social Health Association | [email protected] | or FEBRUARY 1-28

Wise Health Care Consumer Month

The goal of National Wise Health Care Consumer Month is to help consumers receive the right care at the right time in the right place. It involves teaching consumers how to become more active in their own healthcare, which entails knowing which symptoms require professional assistance and which can be treated at home with self-care. The event also focuses on helping consumers understand how to interact most effectively with the healthcare system to receive proper care. CONTaCT: Hope Lawless | American Institute for Preventive Medicine | 248.539.1800, ext. 238 | [email protected] | fEBRUARY 2-8

Heart Month (American)

During February, the American Heart Associations Go Red for Women movement and its latest Hispanic movement, Go Red Por Tu Corazn, work to beat heart disease, the number-one killer of women. Each year, cardiovascular diseases claim the lives of nearly half a million womenalmost one per minute. Show support for the women in your life on National Wear Red Day, February 7, by wearing red, and join the thousands of women who are choosing to reduce their personal risk for heart disease. CONTaCT: American Heart Association | 888.MY.HEART (694.3278) |

714 Congenital Heart Defect Awareness Week 915 915 Cardiac Rehabilitation Week (National) Cardiovascular Professionals Week

Burn Awareness Week

Burn Awareness Week is Shriners Hospitals for Childrens annual kick-off of a year-long educational campaign to raise awareness of burn injuries and ways to prevent them. Free educational materials designed to be a resource for reghters, teachers, parents and others concerned with the safety of children are provided via our website and/or CONTaCT: Public Relations Department | Shriners Hospitals for Children | 813.281.8162 | [email protected] |

233/1 Eating Disorders Awareness Week (National) REcOGNITION DAYs | EVENTs 7 Wear Red Day (National) 11 Day of the Sick (World)

February January


Perianesthesia Nurse Awareness Week

Perianesthesia Nurse Awareness Week is observed the rst full week in February and is designed to celebrate and promote the vital practice of perianesthesia nursing. CONTaCT: American Society of PeriAnesthesia Nurses | 847.963.8100 | [email protected] | fEBRUARY 7-14


Cardiovascular Professionals Week

Cardiovascular Professionals Week celebrates the contributions cardiovascular professionals make to healthcare. The Alliance of Cardiovascular Professionals (ACVP) offers a complete guide for the week to help identify activities and recognition ceremonies and provides novelties and celebratory items for both individuals and institutions. CONTaCT: Peggy McElgunn | ACVP | 804.632.0078 | [email protected] | fEBRUARY 11

Congenital Heart Defect Awareness Week

Congenital Heart Defect (CHD) Awareness Week is an annual effort to help educate the public about CHDs. Participants include individuals, local support groups, national and local organizations, and congenital cardiology centers throughout the world. CONTaCT: Mona Cristol Barmash | Congenital Heart Information Network | 609.823.4507 | [email protected] | http:/ / fEBRUARY 7

Day of the Sick (World)

The World Day of the Sick is a feast day of the Roman Catholic Church that was instituted on May 13, 1992, by Pope John Paul II. Celebrated every year on the commemoration of Our Lady of Lourdes, it seeks to be a special time of prayer and sharing, of offering ones suffering. CONTaCT: David Lichter | National Association of Catholic Chaplains | 414.483.4898 | [email protected] | FEBRUARY 23-MARCH 1


Wear Red Day (National)

Go Red in your own fashion! Whether its a red dress, a red t-shirt, a red dress pin, or red lipstick, show the world you passionately support Go Red For Women, the American Heart Associations initiative to save womens lives. CONTaCT: American Heart Association | 888.MY.HEART (694.3278) | fEBRUARY 9-15

Eating Disorders Awareness Week (National)

National Eating Disorders Awareness (NEDAwareness) Week provides opportunities for eating disorders organizations, mental health professionals, educators, families, and concerned individuals around the world to join together to distribute information and plan events to educate people on the seriousness of eating disorders and how to nd help. CONTaCT: Diana Kalogridis | National Eating Disorders Association | 212.575.6200 | [email protected] |

Cardiac Rehabilitation Week (National)

National Cardiac Rehabilitation Week focuses attention on cardiac rehabilitations contribution to improving the health and physical performance of people at risk for heart disease, as well as those who have been diagnosed with heart disease or dysfunction. Special events will be held in hospitals, exercise facilities, and outpatient rehabilitation centers throughout the country. CONTaCT: American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation | 312.321.5146 | [email protected] |

February January

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7 January March


Athletic Training Month (National)

Celebrate with local and national activities to raise awareness of some 35,000 athletic trainers, from youth leagues through professional sports, and recognize their work in hospitals, physician ofces, schools, and clinics as healthcare professionals specializing in the prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation of injuries and illnesses. Unlike personal trainers, they must have a minimum of a bachelors degree to maintain certication through the Board of Certication for athletic trainers. CONTACT: Public Relations | National Athletic Trainers Association | 214.637.6282 | MARCH 131

Cancer Foundation | 703.837.3692 | [email protected] | http:/ / MARCH 131

Eye Donor Month (National)

Each year, the Eye Bank Association of America (EBAA) promotes March as National Eye Donor Month to raise awareness of the need to donate eyes. President Ronald Reagan proclaimed the rst National Eye Donor Month in 1983, and since then, a member of Congress has read a proclamation into the Congressional Record each March to note this special occasion. CONTACT: Patricia Hardy, Manager of Communications | EBAA | 202.775.4999, ext. 118 | [email protected] | MARCH 131

Brain Injury Awareness Month

MONTH-LONG OBsERVANcEs Athletic Training Month (National) Brain Injury Awareness Month Child Life Month Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month (National) Eye Donor Month (National) Kidney Month (National) Nutrition Month (National) Professional Social Work Month (National) Save Your Vision Month Workplace Eye Wellness Month 

Brain Injury Awareness Month is an annual observance of the causes and consequences of brain injury. It recognizes the need for greater prevention, research, education, and advocacy on behalf of individuals who sustain a life-changingsometimes devastating brain injury and their family caregivers. CONTACT: Rob Traister, Director of Communications | Brain Injury Association of America | 703.761.0750 | [email protected] | MARCH 131

Kidney Month (National)

During National Kidney Month, the National Kidney Foundation (NKF) urges Americans to get to know two humble, hardworking organs: the kidneys. To help raise awareness of and appreciation for all the vital functions the kidneys perform, the NKF is encouraging Americans to learn more and take steps now to preserve kidney health, including taking advantage of free kidney health checks in March. CONTACT: NKF | 212.889.2210 | MARCH 131

Child Life Month

During Child Life Month, child life programs around the world will join the Child Life Council in educating healthcare colleagues and the public about the psychosocial needs of children in pediatric settings. Research has demonstrated that child life interventions reduce the anxiety that children and families experience in a medical setting. Child Life Month is designed to honor child life specialists as they work to ensure high quality, family-centered, and developmentally appropriate care for children. CONTACT: Genevieve Finn | Child Life Council, Inc. | 301.881.7090, ext. 1716 | [email protected] | MARCH 131

Nutrition Month (National)

National Nutrition Month is a nutrition education and information campaign held annually by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. The campaign focuses attention on the importance of making informed food choices and developing sound eating and physical activity habits. CONTACT: Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics | [email protected] | MARCH 131

Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month (National)

During this month, cancer groups, hospitals, and communities focus attention on preventing, treating, and curing colorectal cancer. Education is provided to the public and colorectal screenings are encouraged. CONTACT: Jim Wood, Senior Director, Marketing and Communications | Prevent

Professional Social Work Month (National)

Many social workers in healthcare settings work in hospitals where they counsel clients and their families about illnesses and treatment options. Social workers are trained listeners, providing help through support groups and community health centers. The most important role of a healthcare social worker is to help the client and his or her family understand the clients illness, work

March January

through the emotions of a diagnosis, and provide counsel about the decisions that need to be made. CONTACT: Kyle Northam | National Association of Social Workers | 202.408.8600 | or MARCH 131


Patient Safety Awareness Week

Patient Safety Awareness Week is an annual education and awareness campaign for healthcare safety led by the National Patient Safety Foundation (NPSF). Each year, healthcare organizations around the world take part in the event by prominently displaying the NPSF campaign logo and promotional materials within their organizations, creating awareness in the community, and utilizing NPSF educational resources with hospital staff and patients. CONTACT: NPSF | 617.391.9900 | MARCH 915

Save Your Vision Month

Save Your Vision Month is held to remind Americans of the importance of eye health and regular exams. CONTACT: Public Relations | American Optometric Association | 800.365.2219 | [email protected] | MARCH 131

Workplace Eye Wellness Month

WEEK-LONG OBsERVANcEs 17 Aplastic Anemia and MDS Awareness Week 28 Dental Assistants Recognition Week 28 915 Patient Safety Awareness Week Pulmonary Rehabilitation Week (National)

When it comes to eye health, the more vision ailments employees have, the more medical care they use, increasing healthcarerelated expenses. Employers are encouraged to contact Prevent Blindness America for information on the Healthy Eyes Vision Wellness Program, promoting vision care services in the workplace. CONTACT: Prevent Blindness America | 800.331.2020 | [email protected] | MARCH 1-7

Pulmonary Rehabilitation Week (National)

This observance focuses national attention on pulmonary rehabilitations contribution to enhancing the lives of people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Special events will be held throughout the country at hospitals, exercise facilities, and outpatient rehabilitation centers. CONTACT: American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation | 312.321.5146 | [email protected] | MARCH 1016

Aplastic Anemia and MDS Awareness Week

Aplastic Anemia and Myelodysplastic Syndrome (MDS) Awareness Week was created to raise awareness about acquired bone marrow failure diseases, which are diagnosed in more than 15,000 people each year in the United States alone, and tens of thousands more around the world. Bone marrow failure disease can strike any person, of any age, any gender, or any race, anywhere in the world. CONTACT: Patient Education and Information | Aplastic Anemia & MDS International Foundation | 301.279.7202 | [email protected] | MARCH 28

Brain Awareness Week

Brain Awareness Week (BAW) is the global campaign to increase public awareness of the progress and benets of brain research. BAW unites the efforts of universities, hospitals, K-12 schools, research labs, government agencies, and advocacy and service groups worldwide in a week-long celebration of the brain. Participating organizations sponsor lab tours, school programs, lectures, exhibits, health fairs, media efforts, and other special events. CONTACT: Brain Awareness Week Campaign Headquarters | The Dana Alliance for Brain Initiatives | 212.401.1689 | [email protected] | MARCH 12

1016 Brain Awareness Week 1622 Health Care Human Resources Week 1622 Poison Prevention Week (National) 30-4/5 Root Canal Awareness Week REcOGNITION DAYs | EVENTs 12 Registered Dietitian Day 22 Walk for Epilepsy (National) 25 American Diabetes Association Alert Day 30 Doctors Day (National)

Dental Assistants Recognition Week

Dental Assistants Recognition Week is a tribute to the commitment and dedication dental assistants exhibit throughout the year. Its a time for dental assistants to receive greater recognition for their unique and diverse contributions to the dental profession and the dental healthcare of the public. CONTACT: American Dental Assistants Association | 312.541.1550 |

Registered Dietitian Day

Registered Dietitian Day increases awareness of registered dietitians as the indispensable providers of food and nutrition services and recognizes registered dietitians for their commitment to helping people enjoy healthy lives. CONTACT: Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics | [email protected] |

March January

MARCH 1622


Health Care Human Resources Week

This week has been set aside to commend human resources professionals who work in hospitals and nonhospital healthcare organizations across the nation. They will be recognized for the daily issues they face in areas such as workforce, compensation and benets, employee relations, talent management, and wellness. The American Society for Healthcare Human Resources Administration (ASHHRA) encourages everyone to get involved in this weeklong celebration. CONTACT: Member Relations Department | ASHHRA | 312.422.3720 | [email protected] | MARCH 1622

Root Canal Awareness Week

Root Canal Awareness Week, established by the American Association of Endodontists (AAE), was created to educate the public about misconceptions about root canal treatments and the true benets of this virtually painless procedure, which is performed an average of 25 times each week and can have important implications for overall health. Root canal treatment saves more than 16 million natural teeth each year, making the procedure more hero than villain. CONTACT: Public Relations Department | AAE | 800/872.3636 | [email protected] | MARCH 30

Poison Prevention Week (National)

Doctors Day (National)

National Doctors Day recognizes societys debt of gratitude to physicians for their contributions to enlarging the reservoir of scientic knowledge, increasing the number of scientic tools, and expanding the ability of health professionals to use both knowledge and tools effectively in the never-ending ght against disease. It also celebrates the compassion of physicians in administering to the sick and alleviating human suffering. CONTACT: Nancy Mullins | Southern Medical Association Alliance | 205.421.4135 | [email protected] |


National Poison Prevention Week was established by Congress in 1961 to raise awareness about how to prevent poisonings. More than two million poisonings are reported each year to the nations 57 poison centers, and more than 90 percent of these poisonings occur in the home. While the majority of nonfatal poisonings occur in children younger than six years old, poisoning fatalities are currently the leading cause of unintentional injury in adults. CONTACT: Poison Prevention Week Council | 703.894.1858 | [email protected] | MARCH 22

Walk for Epilepsy (National)

The annual National Walk for Epilepsy is a noncompetitive walk to draw awareness to a condition that affects nearly three million Americans. The event raises funds to help overcome the challenges created by epilepsy and nd cures. The Epilepsy Foundation continues to lead the ght to stop seizures. CONTACT: Special Events | Epilepsy Foundation | 866.433.9255 | [email protected] | MARCH 25

American Diabetes Association Alert Day

American Diabetes Association Alert Day, which is held every fourth Tuesday in March, is a one-day wake-up call for the American public. It asks individuals to take the Diabetes Risk Test to nd out if they are at risk for developing type 2 diabetes. CONTACT: American Diabetes Association | 800.342.2383 |


March January

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11 January April


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Alcohol Awareness Month

Since 1987, the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (NCADD) has encouraged communities to focus awareness during April on alcoholism, which is a treatable, chronic disease from which people can recover, not a moral weakness. The rst weekend of the month is Alcohol Free Weekend, designed to highlight the use of alcohol and how it may be affecting society and the individual drinker. CONTACT: Robert Lindsey | NCADD | 212.269.7797, ext. 19 | [email protected] | APRIL 130

Foot Health Awareness Month

The aim of Foot Health Awareness Month is to encourage everyone to be mindful that foot health has an overall impact on total body health, and that a podiatrist is key to ensuring optimal foot health. CONTACT: Angela Berard | American Podiatric Medical Association | [email protected] | APRIL 1-30

Hepatitis Awareness Month

During Hepatitis Awareness Month, the Hepatitis Foundation International (HFI) provides information and educational materials and conducts train the trainer sessions for healthcare providers and the public. The HFI is dedicated to promoting liver wellness and reducing the incidence of preventable, liver-related, chronic diseases and lifestyle choices that negatively impact the liver, including hepatitis, diabetes, obesity, substance abuse, HIV/AIDS, cardiovascular disease, fatty liver, and liver cancer. The HFI also promotes vaccination for hepatitis A and B. CONTACT: Education Department | HFI | 301.879.6891 | [email protected] | APRIL 130

Autism Awareness Month (National)



MONTH-LONG OBsERVANcEs Alcohol Awareness Month Autism Awareness Month (National) Child Abuse Prevention Month Facial Protection Month (National) Foot Health Awareness Month Hepatitis Awareness Month Humor Month (National) March for Babies Minority Health Month (National) Occupational Therapy Month Sexually Transmitted Infections Awareness Month Sports Eye Safety Month Womens Eye Health and Safety Month

In order to highlight the growing need for concern and awareness about autism, the Autism Society has celebrated National Autism Awareness Month since the 1970s. This is a special opportunity for knowledgeable people and organizations to educate the public about autism and issues within the autism community. CONTACT: Autism Society | 301.657.0881 | [email protected] | APRIL 130

Child Abuse Prevention Month

Child Abuse Prevention Month seeks to raise awareness about healthy child development and motivate the public to play a greater role in the prevention of child abuse and neglect, while encouraging local prevention activities and events throughout the country. CONTACT: Child Welfare Information Gateway | preventingpreventionmonth APRIL 130

Humor Month (National)

We honor those who make us laugh, professionals and amateurs alike, as well as friends, neighbors, teachers, and relatives, including your Uncle Fred and Aunt Tillie. This is the time to share ideas about how to celebrate humor and information about the ancient roots of humor and the myriad contemporary expressions of humor. We encourage humor in everyones life around the world, all year long. CONTACT: National Humor Month | 800.NOW.LAFF (669.5233) | [email protected] | APRIL 130

Facial Protection Month (National)

The simple act of wearing a mouth guard when playing contact sports saves tens of thousands of teeth annually, while other safety equipment such as helmets and face shields protect wearers from facial injuries. Each April, the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons (AAOMS), American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, American Association of Orthodontists, Academy for Sports Dentistry, and American Dental Association team up to enhance awareness of protection from and specialized treatment for facial injuries. CONTACT: Janie Dunham | AAOMS | 847.678.6200 | [email protected] |

March for Babies

The March of Dimes is committed to reducing the toll of premature birth by funding research to nd the answers and providing comfort and information to families who are affected. The funds raised by March for Babies events help women to have full-term pregnancies and healthy babies, reducing health costs to employers. To join March for Babies, visit our website and register in an area near you.


April January

CONTACT: Education Health Promotion Department | March of Dimes | 914.428.7100 | [email protected]| http:/ /


Minority Health Month (National)

National Minority Health Month (NMHM) is held annually to raise awareness of minority health disparities and to prompt the implementation of initiatives to address these disparities during the rest of the year. NMHM is an inclusive initiative that addresses the health needs of AfricanAmericans, Hispanics, Asians, Native Americans, Pacic Islanders, Alaskan Natives, and Native Hawaiians. CONTACT: Information Specialist | Ofce of Minority Health | 800.444.6472 | [email protected] | http:/ / APRIL 130

injury is for athletes to wear appropriate, sport-specic, protective eyewear properly tted by an eye care professional. See your eye care professional for appropriate eyewear for your sport. CONTACT: Communications Division | American Academy of Ophthalmology | 415.447.0258 | [email protected] | APRIL 130

Womens Eye Health and Safety Month

Hormonal changes, age, and smoking can all endanger sight in women, who often manage family health concerns. Do you know how to protect your sight? This is the time to get information on womens and family eye-health issues. CONTACT: Prevent Blindness America | 800.331.2020 | [email protected] | APRIL 612



Occupational Therapy Month

Each April, occupational therapy (OT) practitioners, researchers, educators, and students host a month-long celebration of the value of OT and the professions dedication to helping people of all ages preventor live better withillness, injury, or some form of disability. OT helps older drivers remain independent, wounded warriors with TBI and PTSD reintegrate into their communities, stroke victims relearn everyday tasks, children with autism create meaningful relationships with friends, and so much more. CONTACT: Katie Riley, Media Relations | American Occupational Therapy Association | 301.652.6611 | [email protected] | APRIL 130

Healthcare Access Personnel Week (National)

Established in 1982 to mark the anniversary of the founding of the National Association of Healthcare Access Management (NAHAM), Access Week celebrates people serving in the patient access profession. We are often the patients rst contact, becoming the face of the entire healthcare facility, and we set every healthcare visit in motion. It all starts and ends with patient access services. CONTACT: NAHAM | 202.367.1125 | [email protected] | APRIL 613

WEEK-LONG OBsERVANcEs 612 Healthcare Access Personnel Week (National) 613 Healthcare Volunteer Week (National) 711 713 Cancer Registrars Week Public Health Week (National)

2026 Healthcare Administrative Professionals Week 2026 Neurodiagnostic Week 2125 Medical Laboratory Professionals Week (National) 2127 Medical Fitness Week REcOGNITION DAYs | EVENTs 7 Health Day (World) 10 Alcohol Screening Day (National) 1113 Youth Service Day (Global) 12 Radiologic and Imaging Nurses Day (National) 16 Healthcare Decisions Day (National) 16 Transplant Nurses Day 16 Voice Day (World) 17 Hemophilia Day (World) 30 Noise Awareness Day (International)

Healthcare Volunteer Week (National) Sexually Transmitted Infections Awareness Month

There are 20 million new sexually transmitted infections each year. April is set aside to highlight education, support, and awareness of these diseases. CONTACT: Fred Wyand | American Sexual Health Association | [email protected] | APRIL 130 National Healthcare Volunteer Week recognizes the support that volunteers and auxilians provide to hospital staff, their patients, family members, and the community at the local, state, and national levels. This is the perfect occasion to focus on the many signicant contributions your volunteers make on a daily basis. CONTACT: Association for Healthcare Volunteer Resource Professionals | 312.422.3939 | [email protected] | APRIL 711

Sports Eye Safety Month

Sports are the leading cause of eye injuries in children. More than 40,000 sportsrelated eye injuries occur annually in the United States. The American Academy of Ophthalmology reminds the public that the only way to prevent a sports-related eye

Cancer Registrars Week

National Cancer Registrars Week (NCRW) was established by the National Cancer Registrars Association as an annual celebration to promote the amazing work of



cancer registry professionals. However, these professionals should be celebrated yearround for their incredible dedication toward quality cancer data management. CONTACT: Director, Education & Communications | National Cancer Registrars Association | 703.299.6640 | APRIL 713

Public Health Week (National)

Since 1995, communities across the country have celebrated National Public Health Week (NPHW) to recognize the contributions of public health and highlight issues that are important to improving the publics health. The American Public Health Association (APHA) serves as the organizer of NPHW and develops a national campaign to educate the public, policymakers, and practitioners about issues related to that years theme. CONTACT: Afliate Affairs | APHA | 202.777.2742 | [email protected] | APRIL 7

of the year through service and learning. Established in 1988, GYSD is the largest service event in the world and is now celebrated in more than 100 countries, where young people address the worlds most critical issues in partnership with families, schools, community and faithbased organizations, businesses, and governments. CONTACT: Outreach Department | Youth Service America | 202.296.2992 | [email protected] | APRIL 12

Radiologic and Imaging Nurses Day (National)


This day recognizes those working in the specialty practice of radiologic and imaging nursing to advance the standard of care in the imaging environment. CONTACT: Association for Radiologic and Imaging Nursing | 866.486.2762 | [email protected] | APRIL 16

Healthcare Decisions Day (National) Health Day (World)

World Health Day is celebrated on April 7 to mark the anniversary of the founding of the World Health Organization (WHO) in 1948. Each year a theme is selected for that highlights a priority area of concern for the WHO. CONTACT: WHO | 716.583.0521 | [email protected] | APRIL 10 All adults can benet from thinking about what healthcare choices they would want made on their behalf if they were unable to speak for themselvesand writing those decisions down in an advance directive so that others know what they are. National Healthcare Decisions Day is a nationwide event to encourage the public and providers to take action on advance directives. CONTACT: Nathan Kottkamp | National Healthcare Decisions Day Initiative | 804.775.1092 | [email protected] | APRIL 16

Alcohol Screening Day (National)

National Alcohol Screening Day is an outreach, education, and screening program that raises awareness about alcohol misuse and refers individuals with alcohol problems for further treatment. Thousands of colleges, community-based organizations, and military installations provide the program to the public each year. CONTACT: Katherine Cruise | Screening for Mental Health, Inc. | 781.239.0071 | [email protected] | APRIL 1113

Transplant Nurses Day

The International Transplant Nurses Society (ITNS) is committed to creating more opportunities to celebrate transplant nurses thoughtful and compassionate care and the ways they greatly impact patients lives. Transplant Nurses Day is commemorated with an annual essay contest that allows patients to nominate a transplant nurse who has made a difference in their lives. CONTACT: Allison Begezda | ITNS | 847.375.6340 | [email protected] |

Youth Service Day (Global)

Global Youth Service Day (GYSD) is an annual campaign that celebrates and mobilizes the millions of young people who improve their communities each day




APRIL 2125

Voice Day (World)

World Voice Day is a celebration observed across the globe by physician specialists who treat the medical disorders that affect voice quality and allied health providers who teach voice preservation and rehabilitation for damaged voices. CONTACT: Communications Business Unit | American Academy of OtolaryngologyHead and Neck Surgery | 703.535.3762 | [email protected] | APRIL 17

Medical Laboratory Professionals Week (National)

National Medical Laboratory Professionals Week is an annual celebration of the medical laboratory professionals and pathologists who play a vital role in every aspect of healthcare but often work behind the scenes. We honor the more than 300,000 medical laboratory professionals around the country who perform and interpret more than 10 billion laboratory tests in the United States every year. CONTACT: American Society for Clinical Pathology | APRIL 2127

Hemophilia Day (World)

Started in 1989, World Hemophilia Day is an international observance held annually by the World Federation of Hemophilia (WFH) to foster awareness of hemophilia and other bleeding disorders. April 17 was chosen in honor of WFH founder Frank Schnabel, who was born on that day. CONTACT: Sarah Ford | WFH | 514.875.7944 | [email protected] | APRIL 2026

Medical Fitness Week

The goal of Medical Fitness Week is to promote an increase in physical activity levels in all ages and to highlight the medical tness difference. During this international event, medical tness centers and communities offer programming that focuses on teaching families the skills they need to develop healthy lifestyle habits, including health fairs, educational seminars, and open houses; many facilities choose to enter the Worldwide Walking Challenge: 70,000 Steps in 7 Days. CONTACT: Medical Fitness Association | 804.897.5701 | [email protected] | APRIL 30


Healthcare Administrative Professionals Week

Healthcare Administrative Professionals Week promotes the professional development, leadership, value, and excellence of healthcare administrative professionals. It is set aside each year to celebrate, honor, and recognize those who create and maintain the seamless operation of healthcare organizations. CONTACT: Association for Healthcare Administrative Professionals | 888.320.0808 | [email protected] | APRIL 2026

Noise Awareness Day (International)

The Center for Hearing and Communications Noise Center sponsors International Noise Awareness Day each April to educate the public about the harmful effects of noise on hearing, health, and quality of life. CONTACT: Nancy Nadler | Center for Hearing and Communications Noise Center | 917.305.7810 | [email protected] |

Neurodiagnostic Week
Neurodiagnostic technologists provide a valuable contribution to quality patient care through recording and study of the electrical activity of the brain and nervous system. They have many areas of expertise and act as eyes and ears for specially trained physicians. The eld of neurodiagnostic technology is expanding every year and so is the number of professionals who practice it. We honor and celebrate them during Neurodiagnostic Week. CONTACT: Mandy Gist | American Society of Electroneurodiagnostic Technologists | 816.931.1120 | [email protected] |



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MAY 131

Arthritis Awareness Month (National)

National Arthritis Awareness Month was initiated by the Arthritis Foundation in 1972 to raise awareness and reduce the impact of arthritis, which strikes one in every ve adults and some 300,000 children and is the nations leading cause of disability. To conquer this painful, debilitating disease, the Arthritis Foundation supports education, research, advocacy, and other vital programs and services. CONTACT: Public Relations | Arthritis Foundation | 404.872.7100 | [email protected] | MAY 131

means of transportation and recreation, the league provides valuable education programs, helps create better cycling environments, and works to create bicyclefriendly communities. CONTACT: Carolyn Szczepanski | League of American Bicyclists | 202.822.1333 | [email protected] | MAY 131

Critical Care Awareness and Recognition Month (National)

The Society of Critical Care Medicine (SCCM), partnering with the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses, the American College of Chest Physicians, the American Thoracic Society, and the American Association for Respiratory Care, recognizes the devoted professionals whose compassion and dedication to the care of the critically ill and injured have made a difference in the lives of so many patients and families. Participants are encouraged to wear blue on the third Friday in May (May 16). CONTACT: Melissa Nielsen | SCCM | 847.827.7405 | [email protected] | MAY 131

Arthritis Walk

Arthritis Walk

MONTH-LONG OBsERVANcEs Arthritis Awareness Month (National) Better Hearing and Speech Month Better Sleep Month Bike Month (National) Critical Care Awareness and Recognition Month (National) Employee Health and Fitness Month (Global) Healthy Vision Month High Blood Pressure Education Month (National) Huntingtons Disease Awareness Month Liver Awareness Month Lupus Awareness Month Melanoma/Skin Cancer Detection and Prevention Month Mental Health Month Motorcycle Safety and Awareness Month Neurobromatosis Awareness Month Older Americans Month Oncology Nursing Month Osteoporosis Month (National) Stroke Awareness Month (National) Stroke Month (American) Teen Pregnancy Prevention Month (National) Trauma Awareness Month (National) Ultraviolet Awareness Month 

The Arthritis Walk is the Arthritis Foundations signature event, which supports public awareness and raises funds to ght arthritis, the nations most common cause of disability. The Arthritis Walk is an annual event that generally takes place during the month of May in conjunction with National Arthritis Awareness Month. To nd a walk in your area, visit CONTACT: Public Relations | Arthritis Foundation | 404.872.7100 | [email protected] | MAY 131

Employee Health and Fitness Month (Global)

Global Employee Health and Fitness Month is dedicated to encouraging employers from all sectorspublic, private, and nonprot to promote tness and inspire employees and their families to be physically active on a regular basis. CONTACT: National Association for Health and Fitness | 716.583.0521 | [email protected] | MAY 131

Better Hearing and Speech Month

May is Better Hearing and Speech Month, dedicated to two essential communication tools that can be affected by medical conditions. CONTACT: American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery | 703.535.3762 | [email protected] | MAY 131

Better Sleep Month

Each May, Better Sleep Month is dedicated to educating consumers about the importance of sleep to health and quality of life. CONTACT: Karin Mahoney | Better Sleep Council | 703.683.8371 | [email protected] | MAY 131

Healthy Vision Month

More than 20 million Americans suffer from severe vision loss. While not all eye diseases can be prevented, there are simple steps everyone can take to help their eyes remain healthy now and reduce their chances of vision loss in the future. Eye conditions, diseases, and injury can destroy your familys healthy visionpreventive care is important for everyone. CONTACT: Communications Division | American Academy of Ophthalmology | 415.447.0258 | [email protected] |

Bike Month (National)

National Bike Monthdesignated in 1956 by the League of American Bicyclists to promote cycling, cycling education, and bike eventsis the perfect time for new or returning riders to get back in the saddle and ride their bikes to work. In addition to promoting bicycling as a smart and fun


May January

MAY 131

High Blood Pressure Education Month (National)

High blood pressure is a serious condition that can lead to coronary heart disease, heart failure, stroke, kidney failure, and other health problems. The purpose of this observance is to increase awareness about the prevention and treatment of this lifethreatening condition. CONTACT: Health Information Center | National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute | 301.592.8573 | [email protected] | MAY 131

and Prevention Month

The American Academy of Dermatology established Melanoma/Skin Cancer Detection and Prevention Month to raise awareness about skin cancer and to encourage Americans to practice sun-safe behaviors. CONTACT: American Academy of Dermatology | MAY 131

Mental Health Month

The goal of Mental Health Month is to educate the public about mental health conditions and the importance of mental health to overall health and wellness. CONTACT: Steve Vetzner | Mental Health America | 703.797.2588 | [email protected] | MAY 131

Huntingtons Disease Awareness Month


WEEK-LONG OBsERVANcEs 211 Run A Mile Days (National) 410 Anxiety and Depression Awareness Week (National) 410 Childrens Mental Health Awareness Week 612 Nurses Week (National) 1117 Alcohol and Other Drug-Related Birth Defects Week (National) 1117 Food Allergy Awareness Week 1117 Hospital Week (National) 1117 Neuroscience Nurses Week 1117 Womens Health Week (National) 1118 Nursing Home Week (National) 1218 Stuttering Awareness Week (National)

The Huntingtons Disease Society of America (HDSA) celebrates May as a time to raise greater awareness of HD and the valuable work HD scientists and clinicians do to ght all diseases, not just neurodegenerative and genetic afictions. CONTACT: Fred Taubman | HDSA | 212.242.1968 | [email protected] | MAY 131

Motorcycle Safety and Awareness Month

In 2011, a total of 4,612 motorcyclists died in trafc crashes. Motorcycle Safety and Awareness Month focuses on warning motorists that motorcycle use increases signicantly during warmer months and that they should be more cautious of motorcyclists on the road. Additionally, motorcyclists are encouraged to ride responsibly during the riding season and wear full protective gear, including a DOT-compliant motorcycle helmet. CONTACT: Jeremy Gunderson | United States Department of Transportation | 202.366.0521 | [email protected] | MAY 131

Liver Awareness Month

Liver Awareness Month focuses attention on the need to maintain a healthy liver through a healthy lifestyle, the types and seriousness of liver disease, and the urgency to be tested for liver disease if one has risk factors. CONTACT: Communications Department | American Liver Foundation | 212.668.1000 | [email protected] | or MAY 131

Neurobromatosis Awareness Month

The Childrens Tumor Foundation recognizes May as Neurobromatosis (NF) Awareness Month to educate the public about the disorder. Neurobromatosis is more common than cystic brosis, Duchenne muscular dystrophy, and Huntingtons Disease combined, yet is underrecognized by the public and underdiagnosed by the medical community. NF causes tumors to grow on nerves throughout the body and can lead to deafness, blindness, bone deformities, and certain forms of cancer. CONTACT: Childrens Tumor Foundation | 212.344.6633 | [email protected] | MAY 131

Lupus Awareness Month

Lupus Awareness Month serves as a nationwide call to action for the public to learn the early warning signs and health effects of this unpredictable and potentially fatal autoimmune disease and to rally support for those who suffer from its brutal impact. World Lupus Day (May 10, 2014) provides a forum for people living with lupus to share their personal stories and call attention to the need for new, more tolerable, and effective treatments. CONTACT: Lupus Foundation of America | 202.349.1155 | [email protected] | MAY 131

1824 Emergency Medical Services Week (National) 1824 Medical Transcriptionist Week (National)

Older Americans Month

Celebrated across the country through ceremonies, events, fairs, and other activities, Older Americans Month is a time to acknowledge the many contributions of

Melanoma/Skin Cancer Detection 18 May January

older persons. CONTACT: Ofce of External Affairs | US Administration for Community Living/ Administration on Aging | 202.619.0724 | [email protected] | MAY 131

888.4.STROKE (478.7653) | MAY 131

Teen Pregnancy Prevention Month (National)

Observed each May by states and communities throughout the country, National Teen Pregnancy Prevention Month seeks to involve communities in promoting and supporting effective teen pregnancy prevention initiatives. CONTACT: Suzette Brann | Advocates for Youth | 202.419.3420 | [email protected] | MAY 131

Oncology Nursing Month

Cancer care is truly an artone that requires many talents and skills. Oncology nurses are caregivers with clinical knowledge and technical expertise, but theyre also teachers, listeners, and shoulders to lean on. They help people through some of the most trying times of their lives. Now its time to celebrate the work oncology nurses do and the difference they make. CONTACT: Customer Service | Oncology Nursing Society | 412.859.6100 | [email protected] |

Trauma Awareness Month (National)

The American Trauma Society (ATS) was instrumental in having May of each year designated as National Trauma Awareness Month in 1988. Since then, we have worked with other trauma organizations to develop injury prevention and trauma awareness materials for use by our members in their communities. Each year, we focus on a new issue relating to injury prevention and raising trauma awareness. CONTACT: ATS | 800.556.7890 | [email protected] | index.aspx MAY 131

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MAY 131

Osteoporosis Month (National)

Half of all women and up to one in four men over age 50 will break a bone in their lifetime due to osteoporosis. To raise awareness of osteoporosis and the steps to prevent it, the National Osteoporosis Foundation (NOF) celebrates National Osteoporosis Month each May, during which time it encourages the public to take action to build, maintain, and protect their bones at every life stage. CONTACT: Valerie Patmintra | NOF | 202.320.6388 | [email protected] | MAY 131

REcOGNITION DAYs | EVENTs Melanoma Monday 7 Allergy and Asthma Day Capitol Hill School Nurse Day 8 Childrens Mental Health Awareness Day (National) 12 Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/ Myalgic Encephalomyelitis Awareness Day (International) 12 25 28 Fibromyalgia Awareness Day (National) Missing Childrens Day (National) Senior Health and Fitness Day (National)

Ultraviolet Awareness Month

Exposure to UV rays can burn delicate eye tissue and raise the risk of developing cataracts and cancers of the eye. Protecting your eyes from UV dangers and choosing the right sunglasses will be the topic of the month. CONTACT: Prevent Blindness America | 800.331.2020 | [email protected] | MAY 211

Stroke Awareness Month (National)

Since 1987, the National Stroke Association has celebrated National Stroke Awareness Month each May. The goal of the annual campaign is to raise public awareness about the full continuum of stroke and the need to manage stroke risk factors, enhance stroke symptom recognition and response, and improve the quality of life during recovery for millions of stroke survivors in the United States. CONTACT: National Stroke Association | 303.754.0919 | [email protected] | MAY 131

Run a Mile Days (National)

National Run a Mile Days is the American Running Associations (ARA) public outreach campaign to elementary and middle schools, as well as community groups, to increase the physical activity of youth; it is keyed to the anniversary of Roger Bannisters record-breaking mile run on May 4, 1954. The ARA and its professional division, the American Medical Athletic Association, is seeking corporate sponsors for the campaign and community volunteer hosts for Run a Mile Days events at schools. CONTACT: David Watt | ARA | 800.776.2732 | [email protected] |

Stroke Month (American)

Every 40 seconds, someone in America has a stroke. Its the fourth leading cause of death in the United States and a leading cause of long-term disability, but stroke is also largely preventable, treatable, and beatable. American Stroke Month brings us together to heighten public awareness of stroke warning signs and risk factors. CONTACT: Communications Department | American Stroke Association |


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MAY 410

Anxiety and Depression Awareness Week (National)

To raise awareness of the signs and symptoms of anxiety and depressive illnesses and to assist individuals in nding help, Freedom From Fear partners with organizations around the nation to hold events during National Anxiety and Depression Awareness Week. Anxiety and depressive illnesses are serious public health concerns that not only impair individuals but impact the lives of their family and friends. CONTACT: Freedom From Fear | 718.351.1717, ext. 19 | [email protected] | MAY 410

Asthma Network Mothers of Asthmatics. The event features complimentary asthma and allergy screening and consultations with board-certied allergists. CONTACT: Tonya Winders, COO | Allergy & Asthma Network Mothers of Asthmatics | 703.641.9595, ext. 1126 | [email protected] | MAY 7

School Nurse Day

Since 1972, the Wednesday of National Nurses Week (May 6-12) has been set aside as National School Nurse Day, meant to recognize school nurses and foster a better understanding of their role in the educational setting. CONTACT: Sharon Conley | National Association of School Nurses | 240.821.1130 | [email protected] | MAY 8

Childrens Mental Health Awareness Week


Childrens Mental Health Awareness Week is sponsored by the National Federation of Families for Childrens Mental Health every year. CONTACT: Sandra Spencer | National Federation of Families for Childrens Mental Health | 240.403.1901 | [email protected] | MAY 5

Childrens Mental Health Awareness Day (National)

National Childrens Mental Health Awareness Day is the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administrations premier activity to raise awareness about the fact that positive mental health is essential to a childs healthy development from birth. CONTACT: Vanguard Communications | MAY 1117

Melanoma Monday
In 1995, the American Academy of Dermatology established the rst Monday in May as Melanoma Monday to raise awareness about this potentially fatal type of skin cancer and to encourage Americans to practice sun-safe behaviors and examine their skin for suspicious moles and lesions. CONTACT: American Academy of Dermatology | MAY 612

Alcohol and Other Drug-Related Birth Defects Week (National)

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) are the leading cause of preventable mental retardation and the most serious form of drug-related birth defects. National Alcohol and Other Drug-Related Birth Defects Week highlights the harmful effects of prenatal alcohol exposure on a fetus and the full range of FASD. CONTACT: Robert Lindsey | National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, Inc. | 212.269.7797, ext. 19 | [email protected] | MAY 1117

Nurses Week (National)

Held annually during the week of Florence Nightingales birthday in 1820, National Nurses Week was founded by the American Nurses Association to celebrate the critical work that nurses provide to improve healthcare delivery around the world. This is a time for all of us to reect on the contributions nurses make to patients, families, and communities. CONTACT: Elise Swinehart, Director of Marketing | American Nurses Association | 301.628.5045 | [email protected] MAY 7

Food Allergy Awareness Week

In 1997, the Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Network (FAAN) created Food Allergy Awareness Week to educate others about food allergies, which include potentially lifethreatening medical conditions affecting 15 million Americans. CONTACT: FAAN | 800.929.4040 | [email protected] |

Allergy and Asthma Day Capitol Hill

This day marks the annual conversation with Congress about issues affecting healthcare for families with allergies, asthma and related conditions, held by the Allergy &


May January

MAY 1117

MAY 1218

Hospital Week (National)

National Hospital Week (NHW), the nations largest healthcare event, is a celebration of the history, technology, and dedicated professionals that make hospitals beacons of condence and care. NHW has been celebrated since 1921, when a magazine editor suggested that more information about hospitals might alleviate public fears about the shrouded institutions of the day. CONTACT: Texas Hospital Association | 512.465.1000 | [email protected] | MAY 1117

Stuttering Awareness Week (National)

National Stuttering Awareness Week is a special nationwide commitment to educate people about this complex disorder, to work toward the prevention of stuttering in children, to let people know that help is available, and to promote research into the causes of stuttering. CONTACT: Joan Warner | The Stuttering Foundation | 800.992.9392 | [email protected] | MAY 12

Neuroscience Nurses Week

Neuroscience Nurses Week is celebrated the third full week of May each year to recognize those who care for the most vulnerable patients and families. Join the American Association of Neuroscience Nurses in holding activities to recognize the impact of neuroscience nursing care and highlight its inuence on patient care to hospital administrators, allied health professionals, and the community. CONTACT: Allison Begezda | American Association of Neuroscience Nurses | 847.375.4733 | [email protected] | MAY 1117

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Myalgic Encephalomyelitis Awareness Day (International)

This day is designed to increase understanding about chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), also known as myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME). Information on symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment will be widely disseminated to the media, the public, healthcare professionals, and government ofcials. Fewer than 20 percent of Americans with this illness have been diagnosed, so efforts in 2014 will focus on spreading the word about the impact, severity, and prevalence of ME/CFS. CONTACT: Patient Alliance for Neuroendocrine-immune Disorders Organization for Research and Advocacy (PANDORA Org) | 231.360.3680 | MAY 12


Womens Health Week (National)

National Womens Health Week is coordinated by the US Department of Health and Human Services Ofce on Womens Health. It brings together communities, businesses, government, health organizations, and other groups in an effort to promote womens health, recognize its importance, and empower women to make their health a priority. It also encourages them to take steps to improve their physical and mental health and lower their risks of certain diseases. CONTACT: Ofce on Womens Health | US Department of Health and Human Services | MAY 1118

Fibromyalgia Awareness Day (National)

National Fibromyalgia Awareness Day is observed worldwide with activities to increase awareness of bromyalgiahelping patients and organizations educate the general public, healthcare professionals, government ofcials, and legislative bodies. It is the occasion of the National Fibromyalgia & Chronic Pain Associations (NFMCPA) annual Walk to CURE FM (Campaign for Understanding, Research and Education of Fibromyalgia), a chance for patients and supporters to make their collective voice heard. CONTACT: Jan Chambers | NFMCPA | [email protected] | MAY 1824

Nursing Home Week (National)

Skilled nursing facilities set aside this week as a time to honor residents/patients and families for contributions to the community and recognize staff for their dedication to caring for seniors and persons with disabilities. CONTACT: Tom Burke | American Health Care Association | 202.898.2814 | [email protected] |

Medical Transcriptionist Week (National)

Established in 1985 by proclamation from then President Ronald Reagan, National Medical Transcriptionist Week is celebrated annually in the third week of May to


May January

bring public and industry-wide attention to the role and contribution of medical transcriptionists in healthcare delivery and clinical documentation. CONTACT: Member Services | Association for Healthcare Documentation Integrity | 800.982.2182 | [email protected] | MAY 1824

Emergency Medical Services Week (National)

Since 1974, innovative emergency medical services (EMS) providers across the nation have used the EMS Week Guide to educate the public about EMS, injury prevention, and what to do in an emergency. We hope this guide will help you educate residents about the continuum of care for patients in your community. CONTACT: Debra Fly | American College of Emergency Physicians | 972.550.0911 | [email protected] | MAY 25


Missing Childrens Day (National)

National Missing Childrens Day is designed to create awareness of the plight of missing, abducted, and runaway children through media outreach, including newspaper, radio, television, and school programs. On this date, many of these partners across the nation run awareness ads with photos of missing children and educational information provided by Child Find of America. CONTACT: Donna Linder | Child Find of America | 845 883 6060 | [email protected] | MAY 28

Senior Health and Fitness Day (National)

National Senior Health and Fitness Day, a part of Older Americans Month and Physical Fitness and Sports Month celebrations, is the nations largest health promotion event for older adults: in 2014, its 21st year, more than 1,200 organizations will host health and wellness activities for 100,000+ seniors across the country on the same day. To participate, you must register in order to legally use the event name and logo, which are federal trademarks. CONTACT: Gary Ford | Mature Market Resource Center | 800.828.8225 | [email protected] |


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JUNE 130

Aphasia Awareness Month (National)

Aphasia is an acquired communication disorder that impairs a persons ability to process languageincluding speaking, understanding others, reading, and writingbut does not affect intelligence. National Aphasia Awareness Month seeks to raise awareness of this common but littleknown disorder. CONTACT: National Aphasia Association | 800.922.4622 | [email protected] | JUNE 130

have been diagnosed with migraine. Although 47 percent of the adult population experiences headache annually, these disorders are poorly recognized and inadequately treated. This is why the National Headache Foundation is standing up to show purple throughout June. We challenge everyone else to stand up with us, let people with migraine know they are not alone, and show unity and strength as we move forward together. CONTACT: Mary Franklin | National Headache Foundation | 312.274.2653 | [email protected] | JUNE 130

Cataract Awareness Month

Cataracts are the leading cause of blindness in the world. There are close to 22.3 million Americans age 40 and older with cataracts, and more than half of all Americans will have them by age 80. Prevent Blindness America will offer tips about prevention and information about surgery during June. CONTACT: Prevent Blindness America | 800.331.2020 | [email protected] | JUNE 130

Scleroderma Awareness Month

For more than 20 years, the Scleroderma Foundation, its chapters, and support groups have recognized June as Scleroderma Awareness Month, marking it with annual awareness and fundraising events, including governmental proclamations. We have joined the Federation of European Scleroderma Associations, and other international scleroderma organizations in recognizing June 29 as World Scleroderma Awareness Day. CONTACT: Communications Department | Scleroderma Foundation | 800.722.4673 | [email protected] | JUNE 17


MONTH-LONG OBsERVANcEs Aphasia Awareness Month (National) Cataract Awareness Month Hernia Awareness Month Mens Health Month Migraine and Headache Awareness Month (National) Scleroderma Awareness Month  WEEK-LONG OBsERVANcEs 17 17 915 Community Health Improvement Week Sun Safety Week (National)

Hernia Awareness Month

Each year, approximately 750,000 Americans seek treatment for a hernia, yet experts believe that hundreds of thousands more choose to suffer in silence primarily because they fear surgery. The Hernia Resource Center focuses on providing the public with information about the latest available hernia treatments during Hernia Awareness Month. CONTACT: C. R. Bard, Inc. | 800.HERNIAS (437.6427) | [email protected] | JUNE 130

Community Health Improvement Week

To raise awareness and increase understanding of community health improvement activities and the people and organizations that lead them, the Association for Community Health Improvement (ACHI), an American Hospital Association afliate, has established Community Health Improvement Week. CONTACT: Berna Grifn | ACHI | 312.422.2193 | [email protected] | JUNE 17

814 Vascular Nursing Week Mens Health Week (National) 1219 Nursing Assistants Day and Week (National) 1620 Healthcare Risk Management Week 2228 Helen Keller Deaf-Blind Awareness Week REcOGNITION DAYs | EVENTs 1 Cancer Survivors Day (National) 3 Health Care Recruiter Recognition Day (National)

Mens Health Month

Anchored by National Mens Health Week (June 1016), a special awareness period signed into law by President Clinton in 1994, Mens Health Month is celebrated across the country with screenings, health fairs, media appearances, and other health education and outreach activities. CONTACT: Mens Health Network | 202.543.6461, ext. 101 | [email protected] | JUNE 130

Sun Safety Week (National)

The Center for Skin Cancer Prevention (CSCP) is dedicated to reducing the incidence of skin cancer by creating national awareness of this important health issue the only way to change generations of behavior and lifestyles. CSCP is a Center of the Entertainment & Media Communication Institute, a division of the Entertainment Industries Council (EIC), which brings the

Migraine and Headache Awareness Month (National)

More than 37 million people Americans


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power and inuence of the entertainment industry to bear on communication about health and social issues. CONTACT: Skylar Jackson | CSCP | 703. 481.1414 | [email protected] | or http:/ / JUNE 1

boys. This is an opportunity for healthcare providers, public policymakers, the media, and individuals to encourage men and boys to seek regular medical advice and early treatment for disease and injury. CONTACT: Mens Health Network | 202.543.6461, ext. 101 | [email protected] | JUNE 1219

Cancer Survivors Day (National)

National Cancer Survivors Day (NCSD), now in its 27th year, is a treasured, worldwide celebration of life that is held in hundreds of communities. Participants unite to show the world that life after a cancer diagnosis can be meaningful and productive. In most areas, NCSD is traditionally observed on the rst Sunday in June, although this is not always possible because of scheduling conicts and time differences. CONTACT: Paula Chadwell | National Cancer Survivors Day Foundation | 615.794.3006 | [email protected] | JUNE 3

Nursing Assistants Day and Week (National)

National Career Nursing Assistants Week (NAW) begins on Career Nursing Assistants Day, a time to recognize the contributions of nursing assistants and other direct care workers who provide daily care in nursing homes, home care, and other long-term care settings. Projects developed for NAW are designed to continue throughout the year to address issues of care and caring. CONTACT: Genevieve Gipson | National Network of Career Nursing Assistants | 330. 825 9342 | [email protected] | JUNE 1620


Health Care Recruiter Recognition Day (National)

National Health Care Recruiter Recognition Day, which always falls on the rst Tuesday in June, is a great way to promote the profession and the contribution healthcare recruiters make to their organizations each and every day. CONTACT: National Association for Health Care Recruitment | 919.459.2167 | JUNE 814

Healthcare Risk Management Week

Every year, the American Society for Healthcare Risk Management (ASHRM) celebrates its profession Healthcare Risk Management (HRM) Week. This special time of year helps raise awareness about the value risk managers bring to their organizations. ASHRM develops tools, materials, resources, and more to assist organizations that wish to hold their own celebrations, including a special HRM Week Webinar offered as a lunch-and-learn event. CONTACT: ASHRM | 312.422.3986 | [email protected] | JUNE 2228

Vascular Nursing Week

The Society for Vascular Nursing (SVN) was established in 1982 to promote excellence in caring for patient with vascular disease. SVN members represent a wide scope of nursing expertise, with members practicing at the bedside in acute care settings, operating rooms, and clinics and functioning as staff nurses, advanced practice nurses, educators, and researchers. Celebrate all vascular nurses and their many accomplishments during this week in June. CONTACT: SVN | 978.927.7800 | [email protected] | JUNE 915

Helen Keller Deaf-Blind Awareness Week

Helen Keller Deaf-Blind Awareness Week celebrates the diversity and accomplishments of the deaf-blind community and reminds the public that people who are deaf-blind can overcome and conquer challenges with the right information, resources, and services. The Helen Keller National Center for Deaf-Blind Youths and Adults in Sands Point, New York, assists people who are deaf-blind, their families, and service providers. CONTACT: Information Services | Helen Keller National Center for Deaf-Blind Youths and Adults | 516.944.8900, ext. 310 | [email protected] |

Mens Health Week (National)

The purpose of National Mens Health Week (now celebrated around the globe as International Mens Health Week) is to heighten awareness of preventable health problems and promote early detection and treatment of disease among men and


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JULY 131

Cord Blood Awareness Month

The goal of Cord Blood Awareness Month is to raise awareness of the medical value of newborn stem cells from umbilical cord blood, which have been used successfully for more than 20 years with demonstrated safety and efcacy to treat over 80 diseases. By providing balanced information on the cord blood options of public donation, family storage, or discarding, we strive to empower individuals to make an informed choice regarding their familys future health. CONTACT: Frances Verter, PhD | Parents Guide to Cord Blood Foundation | [email protected] | http:/ / jULY 131

added value to the hospitals and medical centers whose thousands of patients and families are served annually. CONTACT: Healthcare Hospitality Network | 800.542.9730 | [email protected] | JULY 28

Hepatitis Day (World)

World Hepatitis Day is observed on July 28 every year to raise awareness of viral hepatitis and to encourage prevention and treatment. CONTACT: Communications Department | American Liver Foundation | 212.668.1000 | [email protected] | or


Fireworks Safety Month

Activities during this period will alert parents and children to the dangers of playing with reworks. Prevent Blindness America will offer safer ways to celebrate the Fourth of July. CONTACT: Prevent Blindness America | 800.331.2020 | [email protected] | JULY 131

MONTH-LONG OBsERVANcEs Cord Blood Awareness Month Fireworks Safety Month Juvenile Arthritis Awareness Month  WEEK-LONG OBsERVANcEs 1619 Nurses in Staff Development Week 2026 Healthcare Hospitality Week REcOGNITION DAYs | EVENTs 28 Hepatitis Day (World)

Juvenile Arthritis Awareness Month

Juvenile arthritis affects nearly 300,000 children in the United States. Juvenile Arthritis Awareness Month spotlights this disease in an effort to educate the public about the seriousness of arthritis in kids and its impact on the lives of children, teens, and families. CONTACT: Public Relations | Arthritis Foundation | 404.872.7100 | [email protected] | JULY 1619

Nurses in Staff Development Week

This week advances the specialty practice of nursing staff development for the enhancement of high-quality healthcare outcomes. CONTACT: National Nursing Staff Development Organization | 800.489.1995 | [email protected] | JULY 2026

Healthcare Hospitality Week

Thousands of families and patients of all ages and walks of life have found a haven within the warm, home-like environments provided by hospitality houses and host home programs. Homes that help and heal have become community assets that bring


July January

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28 January August


Cataract Awareness Month

Cataracts are a common cause of vision loss, especially as we age, but they are treatable. The American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO) now recommends that adults with no signs or risk factors for eye disease get a baseline eye disease screening at age 40, the time when early signs of disease and changes in vision may start to occur. CONTACT: Communications Division | AAO | 415.447.0258 | [email protected] |


Spinal Muscular Atrophy Awareness Month

Families of Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) is dedicated to nding a treatment and cure by funding and advancing a comprehensive research program; supporting SMA families through networking, information, and services; improving care for all SMA patients; educating health professionals and the public about SMA; enlisting government support for SMA; and embracing all touched by SMA in a caring community. CONTACT: Colleen McCarthy OToole | Families of SMA | 800.886.1762 | [email protected] |

Childrens Eye Health and Safety Month

Prevent Blindness America will feature information about amblyopia, a condition that can affect two to three percent of children and cause permanent vision loss. We will also provide tips about preventing eye injuries in children, signs of possible eye problems, and general eye health. CONTACT: Prevent Blindness America | 800.331.2020 | [email protected] |


KidsDay (National)
National KidsDay was created in 1994 by KidsPeace to encourage adultsparents, grandparents, relatives, neighbors, teachers, and other caregiversto spend more meaningful time with children. In this way, we can build a nation of strong, resilient, happy children who know that they are loved by caring adults and can enjoy just being kids. CONTACT: Director of Public Relations | KidsPeace | 610.799.7797 | [email protected] |


MONTH-LONG OBsERVANcEs Cataract Awareness Month Childrens Eye Health and Safety Month Neurosurgery Outreach Month Psoriasis Awareness Month Spinal Muscular Atrophy Awareness Month  WEEK-LONG OBsERVANcEs 1016 Health Center Week (National) REcOGNITION DAYs | EVENTs 3 KidsDay (National) 23 Health Unit Coordinator Day

Neurosurgery Outreach Month

Although most people think of them as brain surgeons, neurosurgeons actually spend a lot of their time providing surgical and nonsurgical care for patients with back and neck problems. They also are leaders in diagnosing and treating head and neck injuries, including traumatic brain injuries and concussions. The focus this years public outreach campaign is on the vital role neurosurgical practitioners play in ensuring patient safety. CONTACT: Department of Member and Public Outreach | American Association of Neurological Surgeons | 847.378.0500 | AUGUST 131


Health Center Week (National)

The second full week of August each year is dedicated to recognizing the service and contributions of community, migrant, homeless, and public housing health centers in providing access to affordable, high-quality, cost-effective healthcare for medically vulnerable and underserved people. CONTACT: National Association of Community Health Centers | [email protected] | AUGUST 23


Psoriasis Awareness Month

Each August, the National Psoriasis Foundation sponsors Psoriasis Awareness Month, dedicated to raising awareness about psoriasis, educating the public, and dispelling myths about the disease. Psoriasis is the most common autoimmune disease in the country, affecting 7.5 million Americans. It appears on the skin, often as red, scaly patches that itch, crack, and bleed. Up to 30 percent of people with psoriasis develop psoriatic arthritis, an inammatory joint and tendon disease. CONTACT: National Psoriasis Foundation | 800.723.9166 | [email protected] |

Health Unit Coordinator Day

Each year since 1980, August 23 has been declared Health Unit Coordinator Day by many mayors and governors nationwide. The National Association of Health Unit Coordinators (NAHUC), Inc. is dedicated to promoting health unit coordinating as a profession through education, certication, and compliance with the NAHUC standards of practice, standards of education, and code of ethics. CONTACT: NAHUC | 815.633.4351 | [email protected] |


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30 January September


Baby Safety Month

September is Baby Safety Month, sponsored annually by the Juvenile Products Manufacturers Association (JPMA). JPMA helps educate parents and caregivers on the importance of safely using juvenile products such as car seats, cribs, and other baby gear. CONTACT: JPMA | [email protected] | SEPTEmBER 130

physically, socially, mentally, and nancially. CONTACT: Information Specialist | Healthy Aging | 610.793.0979 | [email protected] | SEPTEmBER 130

Leukemia, Lymphoma and Myeloma Awareness Month

The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) is a beacon of help and guidance to those touched by blood cancer. Each September, LLS observes Leukemia, Lymphoma and Myeloma Awareness Month to shed light on these diseases and let the public know that there are resources available for blood cancer patients and their families. CONTACT: Information Resource Center | LLS | 800.955.4572 | [email protected] | SEPTEmBER 130

Cholesterol Education Month (National)

To know their cholesterol status, all adults should have their cholesterol measured, learn their cholesterol numbers and their risk for heart disease, and follow a hearthealthy lifestyle to lower their risk and keep it down. CONTACT: Health Information Center | National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute | 301.592.8573 | [email protected] | SEPTEmBER 130 MONTH-LONG OBsERVANcEs Baby Safety Month Cholesterol Education Month (National) Craniofacial Acceptance Month Gynecologic Cancer Awareness Month Healthy Aging Month Leukemia, Lymphoma and Myeloma Awareness Month Pain Awareness Month Prostate Cancer Awareness Month Prostate Health Awareness Month Reyes Syndrome Awareness Month Sports Eye Safety Month Thyroid Cancer Awareness Month 


Pain Awareness Month

First established in 2001 by the American Chronic Pain Association (ACPA), Pain Awareness Month is a time when various organizations work to raise public awareness of issues in the area of pain and pain management. Eighty healthcare professional and consumer organizations, including the NAACP, support ACPAs Partners for Understanding Pain. CONTACT: Penney Cowan | ACPA | 800.533.3231 | [email protected] | http:/ / SEPTEmBER 130

Craniofacial Acceptance Month

Craniofacial Acceptance Month seeks to widen the circle of acceptance for individuals with facial differences. The goal is to create awareness that beyond the face is a heart. CONTACT: Annie Reeves | Childrens Craniofacial Association | 800.535.3643 | [email protected] | SEPTEmBER 130

Gynecologic Cancer Awareness Month

During Gynecologic Cancer Awareness Month, the Foundation for Womens Cancer promotes awareness of the risks, prevention, early detection, and optimal treatment of gynecologic cancers, including cervical cancer, endometrial or uterine cancer, and ovarian cancer. We urge women who suspect or have been diagnosed with a gynecologic cancer to seek care rst from a gynecologic oncologist. CONTACT: Marsha Wilson | Foundation for Womens Cancer | 312.578.1439 | [email protected] | SEPTEmBER 130

Prostate Cancer Awareness Month

Each September, the Prostate Conditions Education Council organizes hundreds of free or low-cost screening events across the nation and now, worldwide. As a result of our efforts, nearly ve million men have received early detection screenings for prostate cancer and other prostate conditions. Many of our screening sites screen not only for PSA and DRE, but other mens health issues as well. CONTACT: Renee Savickas | Prostate Conditions Education Council | 303.999.2574 | [email protected] | SEPTEmBER 130

Healthy Aging Month

Healthy Aging Month is an annual observance focusing national attention on the positive aspects of growing older. The main objective is to encourage local wellness events that promote taking personal responsibility for ones health

Prostate Health Awareness Month

Prostate Health Month seeks to increase public awareness of the importance of prostate health and encourage communities to provide easily accessible prostate health screenings. The Urology Care Foundation


September January

also advocates for education about risk factors and symptoms of prostate-related diseases (enlarged prostate, cancer, and prostatitis) and for further research in prostate health. CONTACT: Urology Care Foundation | 800.828.7866 | [email protected] | SEPTEmBER 130

Association of Suicidology | 202.237.2280 | [email protected] | SEPTEmBER 7

Grandparents Day (National)

National Grandparents Day falls on the rst Sunday after Labor Day every year. It was founded for the purpose of enhancing the bond of love between grandparents and grandchildren and heightening awareness of the needs of the elderly in nursing homes. The Forget-Me-Not program encourages classrooms to adopt residents of nursing homes and bring them entertainment on Grandparents Day. The motto of the holiday is Make Every Day Grandparents Day! CONTACT: National Grandparents Council | 619.585.8259 | [email protected] | SEPTEmBER 814

Reyes Syndrome Awareness Month

Reyes Syndrome, a deadly disease, strikes swiftly and can attack any child, teen, or adult without warning. All body organs are affected, the liver and brain most seriously. While the cause and cure remain unknown, research has established a link between Reyes Syndrome and the use of aspirin and other salicylates containing medications and over the counter products. Visit www. for free awareness and education packages. CONTACT: National Reyes Syndrome Foundation | 800.233.7393 | [email protected] | SEPTEmBER 130

713 WEEK-LONG OBsERVANcEs Suicide Prevention Week (National) 814 Environmental Services and Housekeeping Week 814 Nephrology Nurses Week 1420 Child Passenger Safety Week 1420 Surgical Technologist Week (National) 2127 Farm Safety and Health Week (National) 2127 Hearing Aid Awareness Week 2810/4Gerontological Nursing Week REcOGNITION DAYs | EVENTs 7 Grandparents Day (National) 10 Youth Suicide Prevention Day (National) 15 Neonatal Nurses Day 17 20 24 27 School Backpack Awareness Day (National) Seat Check Saturday (National) Womens Health and Fitness Day (National) Family Health and Fitness Day USA

Environmental Services and Housekeeping Week

The Association for the Healthcare Environment (AHE) celebrates Environmental Services and Housekeeping Week not just for the directors, leaders, and supervisors of environmental services (EVS) but to recognize the extraordinary teamwork required to care for the healthcare environment. AHE invites you to join EVS professionals nationally and internationally to honor the remarkable environmental services teams in all healthcare facilities around the world. CONTACT: AHE | 312.422.3860 | [email protected] | SEPTEmBER 1418

Sports Eye Safety Month

There are thousands of eye injuries a year related to sports. Check out tips on how to protect yourself and your children. CONTACT: Prevent Blindness America | 800.331.2020 | [email protected] | SEPTEmBER 130

Thyroid Cancer Awareness Month

Thyroid Cancer Awareness Month is sponsored by ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors Association to educate the public about thyroid cancer, which has increased in incidence. The event focuses on the importance of early detection, treatment, lifelong monitoring, and the resources available for people with thyroid cancer and their families. CONTACT: Publications Department | ThyCa | 877.588.7904 | [email protected] | SEPTEmBER 713

Nephrology Nurses Week

To honor the dedicated nephrology nurses who care for patients with kidney disease, the American Nephrology Nurses Association (ANNA) has designated the second full week in September each year as Nephrology Nurses Week. Employers and others are encouraged to take this opportunity to recognize and reward nephrology nurses for their work and dedication. CONTACT: ANNA | 888.600.2662 | [email protected] | SEPTEmBER 10

Suicide Prevention Week (National)

Suicide is a major public health concern, claiming more than 38,000 lives in the United States each year. Suicidal behavior affects individuals of all ages, genders, races, and religions. CONTACT: Justin Ferrese | American

Youth Suicide Prevention Day (National)

According to the most recent data available (2010), suicide was the third leading cause of death for 1524 year olds in the United States, killing 4,600 youths that year.


September January

CONTACT: Amy Kulp | National Center for the Prevention of Youth Suicide | 202.237.2280 | [email protected] |

CONTACT: Katie Riley, Media Relations | American Occupational Therapy Association | 301.652.6611 | [email protected] |



Child Passenger Safety Week

Every year, thousands of children are tragically injured or killed in vehicle crashes. In fact, it is a leading cause of death for children ages 1 to 13. Child Passenger Safety Week focuses on keeping Americas children safer on the road. September 20 marks National Seat Check Saturday, a day when communities nationwide offer free car seat checks by certied child passenger safety technicians. CONTACT: Elizabeth Graziosi | National Highway Trafc Safety Administration | 202.366.3587 | [email protected] | SEPTEmBER 1420

Seat Check Saturday (National)

On Saturday, September 20, 2014the last day of Child Passenger Safety Week communities nationwide will offer free car seat checks. Stop by a local event to have a certied child passenger safety technician check your childs safety seat to ensure it is properly installed and get tips on how to secure your child in the seat for optimal protection. CONTACT: National Highway Trafc Safety Administration | 888.327.4236 | SEPTEmBER 2127


Surgical Technologist Week (National)

National Surgical Technology Week provides a great opportunity to educate the general public about the role of the surgical technologist (ST). Many people have never heard of the profession, let alone what STs do in the operating room on a day-to-day basis. Make those around you aware of the signicance of STs and advocate for the advancement of supportive legislation across the country. CONTACT: Member Services | Association of Surgical Technologists | 800.637.7433, option 3 | [email protected] | SEPTEmBER 15

Farm Safety and Health Week (National)

Every sitting US president since Franklin D. Roosevelt has signed a proclamation recognizing the importance of keeping our nations production agricultural workers safe and healthy. Agriculture employs about two percent of the nations workforce and consistently ranks in the top three industries for work-related injuries and death. The third full week in September is National Farm Safety and Health Week and focuses on protecting farm workers and their families. CONTACT: Charlotte Halverson | National Education Center for Agricultural Safety | 563.557.0354 | [email protected] | SEPTEmBER 2127

Neonatal Nurses Day

Neonatal Nurses Day provides an opportunity to celebrate the accomplishments of individual neonatal nurses and the National Association of Neonatal Nurses (NANN) community. CONTACT: Emily Petraglia | NANN | 800.451.3795 | SEPTEmBER 17

Hearing Aid Awareness Week

Insufcient consumer awareness of state-ofthe-art hearing instrument technology and a general tendency to deny the presence of a hearing problem motivated the International Hearing Society to dedicate an entire week to public education about the hearing help available to those in need. Hearing Aid Awareness week started in 1995 and is celebrated nationally. CONTACT: Kara Nacarato | International Hearing Society | 734.522.7200 | [email protected] | SEPTEmBER 24

School Backpack Awareness Day (National)

How much does your childs backpack weigh? Chances are, its more than the recommended 10 percent of his or her body weight. Occupational therapists, occupational therapy assistants, and students teach others how to properly choose, pack, lift, and carry various types of bagsincluding backpacks, purses, briefcases, and suitcasesto prevent pain and injury.

Womens Health and Fitness Day (National)

National Womens Health & Fitness Day is the nations largest womens health and wellness event, always held the last


September January

Wednesday in September. More than 800 organizations will host local womens health events, with more than 80,000 women of all ages attending these events across the country on the same day. Organizations interested in participating must register in order to legally use the event name and logo, which are federal trademarks. CONTACT: Gary Ford | Health Information Resource Center | 800.828.8225 | [email protected] | SEPTEmBER 27

Family Health and Fitness DayUSA

Family Health and Fitness DayUSA is the nations largest family health promotion event. Now in its 18th year, the event is always held on the last Saturday in September. Thousands of families will participate in local health and wellness events hosted by more than 600 organizations across the country on the same day. Organizations interested in participating must register in order to legally use the event name and logo, which are federal trademarks. CONTACT: Gary Ford | Health Information Resource Center | 800.828.8225 | [email protected] | SEPTEmBER 28OCToBER 4


Gerontological Nursing Week

This week promotes the specialty practice of gerontological nursing to improve the care and well-being of older adults. CONTACT: Brian Doty | National Gerontological Nursing Association | 800.723.0560 | [email protected] |


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35 January October


Breast Cancer Awareness Month (National)

National Breast Cancer Awareness Month is committed to increasing awareness of breast cancer issues, including early detection, and encouraging women to take charge of their own breast health by practicing regular breast self-exams, scheduling annual mammograms, adhering to prescribed treatment, and knowing the facts about recurrence. CONTACT: breast-cancer-awareness-month OCToBER 131

CONTACT: Carol Dunlap | USDOL Ofce of Disability Employment Policy | 202.693. 7902 | [email protected] |


Domestic Violence Awareness Month

Domestic Violence Awareness Month, rst observed in 1987, evolved from the Day of Unity held in October 1981 and conceived by the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence. The intent was to connect advocates across the nation who were working to end violence against women and their children. The Day of Unity soon became an entire week, and later month, devoted to a range of activities conducted at the local, state, and national levels. CONTACT: National Resource Center on Domestic Violence and the Domestic Violence Awareness Project | 800.537.2238 | [email protected] | OCToBER 131

Chiropractic Health Month (National)

Each October during National Chiropractic Health Month, the American Chiropractic Association (ACA), along with doctors of chiropractic nationwide, will educate consumers about chiropractic and its relationship to the preservation of good health. Planned activities will highlight doctors of chiropractic as effective healthcare providers who are important members of a patients healthcare team. CONTACT: Communications Department | ACA | 703.276.8800 | [email protected] | OCToBER 131

MONTH-LONG OBsERVANcEs Breast Cancer Awareness Month (National) Chiropractic Health Month (National) Dental Hygiene Month (National) Disability Employment Awareness Month (National) Domestic Violence Awareness Month Eye Injury Prevention Month Health Literacy Month Home Eye Safety Month Medical Librarians Month (National) Medical Ultrasound Awareness Month Patient-Centered Care Awareness Month Pharmacists Month (American) Physical Therapy Month (National) SIDS, Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month Talk About Prescripitons Month  WEEK-LONG OBsERVANcEs

Eye Injury Prevention Month

Annually, 2.5 million Americans suffer eye injuries, more than 52 percent of them occurring at home. Accidental eye injury is the leading cause of visual impairment, and 90 percent of these injuries could be prevented if individuals wore protective eyewear with ANSI Z87.1 marked on the frame or lens. CONTACT: Communications Division | American Academy of Ophthalmology | 415.447.0258 | [email protected] | OCToBER 131

Dental Hygiene Month (National)

The purpose of National Dental Hygiene Month is to increase public awareness about the importance of preventive services in maintaining good oral hygiene and to encourage people to develop and maintain a daily oral health routine. CONTACT: Communications Division | American Dental Hygienists Association | 312.440.8900 | [email protected] | OCToBER 131

Health Literacy Month

Be a Health Literacy Hero! Join with advocates worldwide to raise awareness about the need for understandable health information. And then take action to improve how we communicate about health. Together we can, and do, make a difference. CONTACT: Helen Osborne | Health Literacy Consulting | 508.653.1199 | [email protected] | OCToBER 131

Disability Employment Awareness Month (National)

National Disability Employment Awareness Month is a culmination of year-long efforts by the Ofce of Disability Employment Policy to raise awareness about the value of employing people with disabilities and about their contributions to the workplace. Working along a common theme, communities throughout the nation plan announcements and activities, including proclamations, public awareness programs, and job fairs that enhance understanding, create opportunities, or showcase the abilities and talents of workers with disabilities.

Home Eye Safety Month

Approximately half of all eye injuries occur in or around the home. Information will be provided on how to keep the eyes safe while at home. CONTACT: Prevent Blindness America | 800.331.2020 | [email protected] |


October January



Medical Librarians Month (National)

The Medical Library Association (MLA) created the National Medical Librarians Month (NMLM) observance to raise awareness of the important role of the health sciences information professional. Patients and others in the healthcare community need the specialized services that medical librarians provide now more than ever before. Each year, MLA also conducts the Creative Promotion Award Contest in honor of NMLM. CONTACT: Tomi Gunn | MLA | 312.419.9094 | [email protected] | OCToBER 131

Physical Therapy Month (National)

National Physical Therapy Month is hosted by the American Physical Therapy Association each October to celebrate the important roles that physical therapists and physical therapist assistants play in restoring and improving motion in peoples lives. CONTACT: American Physical Therapy Association | OCToBER 131

SIDS, Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month

During this month, take time to acknowledge the families that have been affected by SIDS, stillbirth, and sudden unexpected infant death (SUID). First Candle focuses on continuing our mission to provide education, research, advocacy, and training to ensure every baby survives and thrives to his/her rst birthday and beyond. CONTACT: First Candle | 443.640.1049 | [email protected] | OCToBER 131

Medical Ultrasound Awareness Month

511 Emergency Nurses Week 511 511 Mental Illness Awareness Week Midwifery Week (National) 511 Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging Week 612 Fire Prevention Week 612 Healthcare Foodservice Workers Week 612 Physician Assistants Week 613 Healthcare Supply Chain Week (National) 1218 Case Management Week (National) 1218 Healthcare Security and Safety Week 1219 Central Service Week 1317 Dialysis Technician Recognition Week (National) 1925 Health Care Facilities and Engineering Week (National) 1925 Healthcare Quality Week 1925 Hospital and Health-System Pharmacy Week (National) 1925 Infection Prevention Week (International) 1925 Pastoral Care Week 1925 Respiratory Care Week (National) continued...

Celebrate Sonography! Every October, the Society of Diagnostic Medical Sonography (SDMS) and other sonography organizations join together to promote Medical Ultrasound Awareness Month to increase the publics knowledge about sonography. Products and a media kit are available to help you promote sonography awareness in your workplace and community. CONTACT: SDMS | 214.473.8057 | OCToBER 131

Talk About Prescriptions Month

October 2014 will be the National Council on Patient Information and Educaitons 29th annual Talk About Prescriptions Month observance. The goal is to stimulate public attention to the role that high quality communication can play in promoting safe and appropriate medicine use, improved medication adherence, and better health outcomes. CONTACT: Ray Bullman | National Council on Patient Information and Education | 301.340.3940 | [email protected] | OCToBER 511

Patient-Centered Care Awareness Month

Planetree invites healthcare organizations to showcase their patient-centered approaches to care by communicating with stakeholders, including media and the community. An online toolkit with logo, press release templates, proclamation, and educational resources can be downloaded for free at our website. CONTACT: Danielle Swift | Planetree | 203.732.1365 | [email protected] | OCToBER 131

Emergency Nurses Week

Emergency Nurses Week is a national celebration of the hardworking nursing professionals who stand ready 24 hours a day to care for those people most in need. CONTACT: Marketing | Emergency Nurses Association | OCToBER 511

Pharmacists Month (American)

American Pharmacists Month is a time to recognize pharmacists for the vital contributions they make to healthcare in the United States as medication experts and as integral parts of the healthcare team. It also aims to educate the public, policymakers, and other healthcare professionals about the key role pharmacists play in the reduction of overall healthcare costs and the safe and effective management of medications. CONTACT: American Pharmacists Association | 202.628.4410 | [email protected] |

Mental Illness Awareness Week

Held each year during the rst full week of October, Mental Illness Awareness Week consists of grassroots observances to promote broader public awareness and understanding of mental illness, elimination of stigma, and support for treatment and recovery. Local events are diverse, including, for example, walks, candlelight vigils, speakers, or lms. It is a good time for media


October January

to run stories about mental health conditions as well as the experiences of individuals and families. CONTACT: Bob Carolla | National Alliance on Mental Illness | 703.524.7600 | [email protected] | OCToBER 511

Midwifery Week (National)

National Midwifery Week is a time for midwives and the women they serve to celebrate midwives contributions to womens healthcare, including pregnancy, childbirth, and gynecologic and reproductive health. CONTACT: American College of NurseMidwives | 240.485.1800 | [email protected] | OCToBER 511

that its importance has been established and well-documented. This week is an excellent opportunity to honor and thank the dedicated individuals who provide food and nutrition services in healthcare. CONTACT: Maria Chapman | Association for Healthcare Foodservice | 888.528.9552 | [email protected] | OCToBER 612

Physician Assistants Week

National Physician Assistants (PA) Week is intended to support, celebrate, highlight and recognize PAs and the important roles they play in increasing access to high-quality healthcare. PAs are nationally certied and state-licensed to practice medicine and are valuable members of the healthcare team, and this is the time for PAs, employers and PA students to raise awareness of the profession and salute its outstanding growth and future. CONTACT: American Academy of Physician Assistants | 703.836.2272 | OCToBER 613

2024 Medical Assistants Recognition Week 2024 Nuclear Science Week (National) 2024 School Bus Safety Week (National) 2331 Red Ribbon Week (National) REcOGNITION DAYs | EVENTs 8 Stop Americas Violence Everywhere (SAVE) Today 10 Depression Screening Day (National) 12 Arthritis Day (World) 1215 SHSMD Connections Annual Conference 22 Lung Health Day 22 29 Stuttering Awareness Day (International) Psoriasis Day (World)

Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging Week

Each year, the Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging and its Technologist Section join forces with the nuclear medicine and molecular imaging community to gain recognition and support for the eld. Celebrated during the rst full week of October, the event encourages community members to take pride in their profession recognizing their colleagues for their hard work and promoting nuclear medicine to the entire medical community as well as to the public. CONTACT: Joanna Spahr | Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging | 703.652.6785 | [email protected] | OCToBER 612

Healthcare Supply Chain Week (National)

National Healthcare Supply Chain Week is an opportunity to recognize and honor supply chain professionals and departments for their exceptional contributions to the success of healthcare organizations. CONTACT: Association for Healthcare Resource & Materials Management | 312.422.3840 | [email protected] | OCToBER 8

Fire Prevention Week

The National Fire Protection Association has been the ofcial sponsor of Fire Prevention Weekthe longest-running public health and safety observance on recordsince 1922. The President of the United States has signed a proclamation proclaiming a national observance during that week every year since 1925. CONTACT: National Fire Protection Association | 800.344.3555 | [email protected] | OCToBER 612

Stop Americas Violence Everywhere (SAVE) Today

Although the SAVE campaign is a yearround effort, the American Medical Association (AMA) Alliance celebrates SAVE Today on the second Wednesday in October. It is a day when physicians spouses across the country work together to reduce violence. Many state and county alliances use SAVE Today to kick off new elements of their SAVE projects, such as working with a new school or a new age group. CONTACT: Executive Staff Associate | AMA Alliance | 800.549.4619 | OCToBER 10

27 Lock Your Meds Day

Healthcare Foodservice Workers Week

In 1985, the US Congress declared the rst week in October to be a time to recognize the integral role of foodservice staff in helping the employees and patients of healthcare facilities stay well-nourished and healthy. Excellent nutrition is even more critical today, now

Depression Screening Day (National)

National Depression Screening Day is the nations oldest, voluntary, community-based


October January

screening program for depression and related mood and anxiety disorders. The event gives people access to a validated screening questionnaire and provides referral information for treatment. CONTACT: Katherine Cruise | Screening for Mental Health, Inc. | 781.239.0071 | [email protected] | OCToBER 1215

for surgeries to be performed without delay, and for patient safety to be observed at all times. Central Service Week recognizes these committed specialists that ll central service departments and make a difference in patient care throughout the United States. CONTACT: International Association of Healthcare Central Service Materiel Management | OCToBER 12

SHSMD Connections Annual Conference

Healthcare marketing, planning, and communications/public relations professionals will gather in San Diego for SHSMD Connections 2014, the nations biggest and best education and networking event for healthcare strategy professionals. Visit for details and to register. CONTACT: Society for Healthcare Strategy and Market Development (SHSMD) | 312.422.3888 | [email protected] OCToBER 1218

Arthritis Day (World)

World Arthritis Day, established in 1996, is observed each year on October 12. Coordinated in the United States by the Arthritis Foundation, the event joins together people with rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases from around the world to raise awareness and reduce the impact of arthritis. CONTACT: Public Relations | Arthritis Foundation | 404.872.7100 | [email protected] | OCToBER 1317


Case Management Week (National)

National Case Management Week (NCMW) recognizes the dedication, compassion, and patient-care outcomes achieved by hospital case managers. The American Case Management Association (ACMA) encourages you to use NCMW to celebrate with your team and honor case managements achievements within healthcare. CONTACT: ACMA | 501.907.2262 | [email protected] | OCToBER 1218 (TENTATIVE)

Dialysis Technician Recognition Week (National)

This week-long event is celebrated to increase awareness of nephrology professionals involved in patient care, dialyzer reuse, equipment maintenance, kidney transplantation, and administration. It recognizes the contributions dialysis professionals make to the healthcare eld and to their patients quality of life. CONTACT: National Association of Dialysis Technicians/Technologists | 877.607.NANT (6268) | [email protected] | OCToBER 1925

Healthcare Security and Safety Week

Healthcare security and safety ofcers set the standard for providing safety in organizations. Their professionalism provides comfort in often uneasy times. This week is the opportunity to say thank you for everything they do. CONTACT: Evelyn Meserve | International Association for Healthcare Security and Safety | 888.353.0990 | [email protected] | OCToBER 1219

Healthcare Quality Week

Celebrate the dedication of healthcare quality and patient safety professionals during National Healthcare Quality Week their work and their inuence on improved patient care outcomes and healthcare delivery systems. You are encouraged to alert administrators, allied health professionals, and the public about the impact of healthcare quality through special events during this special week. CONTACT: National Association for Healthcare Quality | 847.375.4720 | [email protected] | OCToBER 1925

Central Service Week

Thanks to their tireless dedication, due diligence, dependable equipment/process monitoring, and unwavering adherence to industry standards and best practices, central service professionals make it possible for patients to count on sterile instruments being delivered consistently when needed,

Hospital and Health-System Pharmacy Week (National)

National Hospital and Health-System Pharmacy Week acknowledges the invaluable contributions that pharmacists and technicians make to patient care in


October January

our nations healthcare institutions. It is an ideal time for pharmacy departments to recognize and celebrate their achievements in ensuring safe and effective medication use in their institutions, and to share those accomplishments with patients, other health professionals, and the community. CONTACT: Aretha Hankinson | American Society of Health-System Pharmacists | 301.664.8799 | [email protected] | OCToBER 1925

understanding of lung health. Local events include lung health education programs aimed at encouraging early detection of lung disease, particularly asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. CONTACT: American Association for Respiratory Care | 972.243.2272 | [email protected] | OCToBER 2024

Medical Assistants Recognition Week

Registered Medical Assistants and the American Medical Technologists (AMT) will be celebrating Medical Assistants Recognition Week this week. Please join us in promoting this important event that recognizes medical assistings vital role, contributions, and efforts in healthcare and help us begin raising awareness of the profession today. CONTACT: Cathie Casey | AMT | 847.823.5169 | [email protected] | OCToBER 2024

Health Care Facilities and Engineering Week (National)

This observance recognizes the important role that healthcare facility managers and engineers play in ensuring safe and functional environments for all patients, visitors, and staff. The contributions made by these individuals are critical to the healthcare team and in optimizing the healthcare physical environment. CONTACT: American Society for Healthcare Engineering | 312.422.3800 | [email protected] | OCToBER 1925


Nuclear Science Week (National)

National Nuclear Science Week is a broadly observed celebration to focus local, regional, and national interest on all aspects of nuclear science. Each day will provide learning about the contributions, innovations, and opportunities that can be found by exploring nuclear science. CONTACT: National Museum of Nuclear Science & History | 505.245.2137 | OCToBER 2024

Infection Prevention Week (International)

International Infection Prevention Week provides a focal point for infection preventionists, consumers, healthcare professionals, organizations, and industry partners to shine a light on infection prevention and its power to save lives. October is seen as the kick off for a yearround campaign to bring infection prevention awareness to the public and healthcare professionals around the globe. CONTACT: Education Department | Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology | 202.789.1890 | [email protected] | OCToBER 1925

School Bus Safety Week (National)

National School Bus Safety Week is an active, evolving, and successful public education program designed to promote and encourage school bus safety. Thousands of school districts in most states participate in the poster contest and even more support the general principles of improved school bus safety. CONTACT: Lynn Martin | National Association for Pupil Transportation | 800.989.6278 | [email protected] | OCToBER 22

Pastoral Care Week

Pastoral Care Week provides opportunities for organizations and institutions of all kinds to recognize the spiritual caregivers in their midst and the ministry they provide. CONTACT: Chaplain Linda Walsh-Garrison | COMISS Network: The Coalition on Ministry in Specialized Settings | 917.597.6319 | [email protected] | OCToBER 1925

Lung Health Day

Lung Health Day is celebrated on Wednesday of Respiratory Care Week to promote the importance of lung health and build awareness about diseases and conditions that adversely affect lungs. Respiratory care professionals plan special events that reach out to neighbors, family, friends, businesses, and community leaders to teach them what it takes to maintain

Respiratory Care Week (National)

During National Respiratory Care Week, respiratory therapists celebrate their fast-growing profession while raising


October January

strong lung health. CONTACT: American Association for Respiratory Care | 972.243.2272 | [email protected] | OCToBER 22

Stuttering Awareness Day (International)

International Stuttering Awareness Day is a special time to educate both the public and professionals about stuttering and the many effective options available for those who stutter. CONTACT: Joan Warner | The Stuttering Foundation | 800.992.9392 | [email protected] | OCToBER 2331

Red Ribbon Week (National)


National Red Ribbon Week, celebrated by an estimated 80 million people in homes, schools, and communities across the United States, is the oldest and largest drug prevention program in the nation. Sponsored by the National Family Partnership, Red Ribbon Week began in 1985 when people began wearing red ribbons to symbolize a drug-free lifestyle after the tragic and brutal death of DEA agent Kiki Camarena in Mexico. CONTACT: The National Family Partnership | 305.856.4886 | [email protected] | OCToBER 27

Lock Your Meds Day

Lock Your Meds Day is a day for parents to pledge to talk to their kids about the dangers of taking medications without a prescription. Parents should secure their medicines to prevent children from accessing them, regularly taking stock of their medicine cabinets. CONTACT: National Family Partnership | 800.705.8997 | [email protected] | OCToBER 29

Psoriasis Day (World)

Each year on October 29, we celebrate World Psoriasis Day, a global day of recognition for people with psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis. It is designed to raise awareness and give voice to the 125 million people with psoriasis worldwide, with activities that help increase understanding, improve access to treatments, and build unity among the psoriasis community. CONTACT: National Psoriasis Foundation | 800.723.9166 | [email protected] |


October January

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42 January November

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NoVEmBER 130

Alzheimers Disease Awareness Month (National)

In 1983, nearly 20 years before he died of the disease, President Ronald Reagan helped to create greater awareness of Alzheimers disease, declaring November National Alzheimers Disease Awareness Month. The Alzheimers Association is the worlds leading voluntary health organization in Alzheimer care, support, and research. CONTACT: Alzheimers Association | 800.272.3900 | NoVEmBER 130

Diabetic Eye Disease Month

During this observance, Prevent Blindness America will offer information to help 4.5 million Americans age 40 and older who suffer from diabetic eye disease and to raise public awareness that it can often be prevented with proper care. CONTACT: Prevent Blindness America | 800.331.2020 | [email protected] | NoVEmBER 130

Epilepsy Awareness Month (National)

Epilepsy affects nearly three million Americans; 200,000 are diagnosed with the condition each year. During November, the Epilepsy Foundation promotes epilepsy awareness to dispel common myths about seizure disorders. Epilepsy can be a debilitating condition not only because of seizures but too often because of ignorance, fears, and prejudice. CONTACT: Epilepsy Foundation | 800.332.1000 | NoVEmBER 130

American Diabetes Month

November is American Diabetes Month, a time to communicate the seriousness of diabetes and the importance of diabetes prevention and control. For years, the American Diabetes Association has used this month as an opportunity to raise awareness of the disease and its complications. CONTACT: American Diabetes Association | 800.342.2383 | NoVEmBER 130

MONTH-LONG OBsERVANcEs Alzheimers Disease Awareness Month (National) American Diabetes Month Bladder Health Awareness Month (National) COPD Awareness Month Diabetic Eye Disease Month Epilepsy Awareness Month (National) Family Caregivers Month (National) Healthy Skin Month (National) Home Care and Hospice Month (National) Hospice/Palliative Care Month (National) Lung Cancer Awareness Month Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month (National) Prematurity Awareness Month Sexual Health Month (National) Jingle Bell Run/Walk for Arthritis

Family Caregivers Month (National)

National Family Caregivers Month is organized each year by the Caregiver Action Network (CAN) to thank, support, educate, and empower family caregivers. Becoming effective advocates for themselves and their loved ones is one of the rst steps to making their lives more manageable. Family caregivers need to become empowered, proactive, creative, and resourceful in acquiring the information and the help they need. CONTACT: Caregiver Action Network (formerly the National Family Caregivers Association) | 301.942.6430 | [email protected] | NoVEmBER 130

Bladder Health Awareness Month (National)

The Urology Care Foundation supports National Bladder Health Awareness Month to increase public awareness of the importance of bladder health, educate the public about common bladder conditions and diseases, and advocate for further research on bladder diseases. CONTACT: Urology Care Foundation | 800.828.7866 | [email protected] | NoVEmBER 130

COPD Awareness Month

As the fourth leading cause of death in America, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), which includes emphysema and chronic bronchitis, affects more than 12 million Americans. Although there is no cure for COPD, there is much that can be done to treat and help manage the disease when detected and diagnosed early. The American Lung Association is working to save lives by improving lung health and preventing lung disease. CONTACT: Mike Townsend | American Lung Association | 202.715.3450 |

Healthy Skin Month (National)

National Healthy Skin Month was created to encourage people to protect and care for their skin, hair, and nails. CONTACT: American Academy of Dermatology | 866.503.SKIN (7546) | NoVEmBER 130

Home Care and Hospice Month (National)

November is National Home Care and Hospice Monththe time of year when we honor the nurses, therapists, social workers, and administrators who make such a


November January

difference in their patients lives. CONTACT: Public Relations Department | National Association for Home Care & Hospice | 202.547.7424 | [email protected] | NoVEmBER 130

World Prematurity Day on November 17. CONTACT: Phyllis Williams-Thompson | March of Dimes | 914.428.7100 | [email protected] | and NoVEmBER 130

Hospice / Palliative Care Month (National)

November is National Hospice / Palliative Care Month, a time to raise awareness about care for people coping with serious and lifelimiting illness. Every year, more than 1.5 million patients receive care in US hospices; hospice and palliative care programs provide pain management, symptom control, psychosocial support, and spiritual care for them and their families. CONTACT: Communications Team | National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization | 703.837.1500 | [email protected] | NoVEmBER 130

Sexual Health Month (National)

National Sexual Health Month is an awareness campaign that promotes understanding of female and male sexual dysfunction and diseases that affect sexual health. This national event aims also aims to encourage those experiencing such problems to seek treatment. CONTACT: Urology Care Foundation | 800.828.7866 | [email protected] | NoVEmBER 1DECEmBER 31

17 17 WEEK-LONG OBsERVANcEs Medical-Surgical Nurses Week Urology Nurses and Associates Week 28 Diabetes Education Week (National) 28 Emerging Nurse Leader Week 28 Healthcare Patient Transportation Week (National) 28 Medical Staff Services Awareness Week (National)

Jingle Bell Run/Walk for Arthritis

Each holiday season, thousands of runners and walkers of all ages come together at hundreds of sites across the country to share their support for the Arthritis Foundation mission to prevent, control, and cure arthritis and related diseasesthe nations most common cause of disability. Participants wear holiday-themed costumes and tie jingle bells to their shoes. CONTACT: Public Relations | Arthritis Foundation | 404.872.7100 | [email protected] | NoVEmBER 17

Lung Cancer Awareness Month

Lung cancer is a tragic disease that takes a terrible toll on patients as well as their loved ones. It is the leading cancer killer in both women and men in the United States. The American Lung Association is working to save lives by improving lung health and preventing lung disease. CONTACT: Mike Townsend, Manager, Public Relations | American Lung Association | 202.715.3450 | NoVEmBER 130

Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month (National)

This month-long observance encourages Americans to be heroes in the ght against pancreatic cancer and help increase awareness and visibility about pancreatic cancer in communities across the country. CONTACT: Marketing Communications | Pancreatic Cancer Action Network | 877.272.6226 | [email protected] | NoVEmBER 130

Medical-Surgical Nurses Week

The medical-surgical nursing specialty encompasses a diverse spectrum of patient care and work environments, marked by the compassion and commitment to excellence that is recognized by patients every day. This week is set aside for med-surg nurses to recognize and celebrate themselves and their ongoing labor and leadership in compassionate care, evidence-based practice, quality improvement, patient advocacy, coordination of care, healthcare reform, and healthy work environments. Join AMSN in honoring med-surg nurses everywhere. CONTACT: Sue Stott | AMSN | 866.877.2676 | [email protected] | http:/ / NoVEmBER 17

28 Radiologic Technology Week (National) 37 Patient Blood Management Awareness Week 39 Allied Health Professions Week (National) 915 Home Care Aide Week 915 Mental Health Wellness Week

REcOGNITION DAYs | EVENTs 20 Great American Smokeout 2* Lung Cancer Walk for Hope

Prematurity Awareness Month

Prematurity Awareness Month is a time when the March of Dimes mobilizes volunteers and parents to draw attention to premature birth, a serious health problem and the leading cause of newborn death: to build a concerned constituency and provide opportunities for people to become volunteers and advocates and to donate to support research and programs. This year we will commemorate our third annual

Urology Nurses and Associates Week

During Urology Nurses and Associates Week, employers, colleagues, and patients are encouraged to celebrate these caregivers and raise the visibility of



November January

the critical role that urologic healthcare providers play in hospitals, doctors ofces, and other settings. CONTACT: Society of Urologic Nurses and Associates | 888.TAP.SUNA (827.7862) | [email protected] | NoVEmBER 28


Medical Staff Services Awareness Week (National)

In 1992, President George Bush signed Congressional House Joint Resolution #399 proclaiming the rst week in November as National Medical Staff Services Awareness Week. Since then, the National Association Medical Staff Services (NAMSS) has partnered with hospitals, MCOs, doctors ofces, university health systems, and government agencies to promote awareness of medical services professionals. CONTACT: Andrew Miller | NAMSS | 202.367.1196 | [email protected] | NoVEmBER 28

Diabetes Education Week (National)

National Diabetes Education Week was created to encourage people with diabetes to work with a diabetes educator to learn how to self-manage their diabetes using the self-care behavior framework: healthy eating, being active, monitoring, taking medication, problem solving, reducing risks, and healthy coping. CONTACT: Communications Team | American Association of Diabetes Educators | [email protected] | NoVEmBER 28


Radiologic Technology Week (National)

National Radiologic Technology Week is celebrated annually to recognize the vital work of radiologic technologists across the nation. The occasion commemorates the anniversary of the x-rays discovery by Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen on November 8, 1895, and brings attention to the important role medical imaging and radiation therapy professionals play in patient care and health care safety. CONTACT: Anthony Acree | American Society of Radiologic Technologists | 505.298.4500 | [email protected] | NoVEmBER 2 (TENTATIVE)

Emerging Nurse Leader Week

The American Organization of Nurse Executives (AONE) organizes Emerging Nurse Leader Week as a time for nurse leaders around the world to recognize emerging nurse leaders in their hospitals and health care facilities. We celebrate the future of nursing leadership and encourage interested nurses to work with other nurse leaders to advance in their own careers and learn more about the exciting career paths available to them. CONTACT: AONE | 312.422.2800 | NoVEmBER 28

Lung Cancer Walk for Hope

CancerCare provides free support services for anyone affected by cancerpeople with cancer, their caregivers, friends, loved ones, and the bereaved. Professional oncology social workers provide including counseling, support groups, nancial help, education, and practical support, completely free of charge. The Annual Lung Cancer Walk for Hope, held the rst Sunday in November, raises awareness and funds for CancerCares National Lung Program. CONTACT: CancerCare | 800.813.HOPE (4673) | [email protected] | NoVEmBER 37

Healthcare Patient Transportation Week (National)

In recognition and appreciation of the dedication of hospital-based patient transporters and porters from throughout the continental United States and Canada, the members of the National Association of Healthcare Transport Management (NAHTM), Inc. take extra care to reward, recognize, and appreciate our staff during National Patient Transport Week. We acknowledge that patient transport staff are the hard working feet of any healthcare organization and deserve a week of their own to celebrate their unique successes. CONTACT: Deborah Cox | NAHTM, Inc. | 508.334.8054 | [email protected] |

Patient Blood Management Awareness Week

The Society for the Advancement of Blood Management (SABM) invites healthcare organizations worldwide to participate this week in educating patients and healthcare professionals about patient blood management. SABM is a nonprot society


November January

of physicians, nurses, and technicians with expertise in patient blood management and a mission to improve health outcomes for everyone. We provide public education, advance best practices, and develop learning tools and evidence based clinical pathways. CONTACT: Jonathan Williams | SABM | 434.977.3716 | [email protected] | NoVEmBER 39

Great American Smokeout

The American Cancer Society held its rst Great American Smokeout in 1976 as a way to inspire and encourage smokers to quit for a day; one million people did so in California. The Great American Smokeout encourages smokers to commit to making a long-term plan to quit smoking for good. CONTACT: American Cancer Society | 800.227.2345 | [email protected] |

Allied Health Professions Week (National)

National Allied Health Professions Week honors the three million healthcare providers working in more than 80 allied health professions. Allied health practitioners greatly inuence healthcare delivery by supporting, facilitating, and complementing the roles of physicians and other healthcare specialists. The focus of Allied Health Professions Week is to promote the celebration of allied health careers by providers, educators, and accrediting organizations. CONTACT: Association of Schools of Allied Health Professions | 202.237.6481 | NoVEmBER 915


Home Care Aide Week

The second full week in November, Home Care Aide Week honors heroes who make a remarkable difference in the lives of patients and the families they serve. CONTACT: Public Relations Department | National Association for Home Care & Hospice | 202.547.7424 | [email protected] | NoVEmBER 915

Mental Health Wellness Week

Mental health is how people think, act, and cope with life and the challenges that are part of the human experience. The state of peoples mental health can inuence the ways in which they look at themselves, their lives, and others around them, strongly inuencing their potential for achieving goals and obtaining and maintaining a feeling of well-being. Mental Health Wellness Week brings awareness of and creates venues for public education about mental health wellness. CONTACT: Freedom From Fear | 718.351.1717, ext. 19 | [email protected] | NoVEmBER 20


November January

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47 January December


Safe Toys and Celebrations Month

The holiday season is a time for family, fun, and festivity, but it can also be a time of danger. Each year, many people suffer from eye injuries caused by unsafe toys and celebrations. Watch those tree branches, chill your champagne bottles, cover the cork while releasing it, and celebrate safely. If you experience an eye injury, seek medical attention immediately. CONTACT: Communications Division | American Academy of Ophthalmology | 415.447.0258 | [email protected] | DECEmBER 131

Safe Toys and Gifts Month

MONTH-LONG OBsERVANcEs Safe Toys and Celebrations Month Safe Toys and Gifts Month  WEEK-LONG OBsERVANcEs 15 Older Driver Safety Awareness Week (National) REcOGNITION DAYs | EVENTs 1 AIDS Day (World)

What are the most dangerous toys to childrens eyesight? Tips on how to avoid those toys in favor of age appropriate and safe toys will be distributed. CONTACT: Prevent Blindness America | 800.331.2020 | [email protected] | DECEmBER 15

Older Driver Safety Awareness Week (National)

Through Older Driver Safety Awareness Week, the American Occupational Therapy Association aims to promote understanding of the importance of mobility and transportation to ensure older adults remain active in the community with the condence that transportation will not be the barrier to strand them at home. Each day provides a different focus, from tips to approaching family conversations to adaptations to ensure safety to other community mobility options. CONTACT: Katie Riley, Media Relations | American Occupational Therapy Association | 301.652.6611 | [email protected] | DECEmBER 1

AIDS Day (World)

In 1988 the World Health Organization (WHO) established World AIDS Day. December 1 focuses global attention on the continuing impact of the epidemic and encourages each of us to take action to expand our collective response to it. CONTACT: Ofce of HIV / AIDS and Infectious Disease Policy | US Department of Health and Human Services | 202.690.5560 | [email protected] |


December January

05  Age-Related Macular Degeneration/Low Vision Awareness Month 48  AIDS Day (World) 20  Alcohol and Other Drug-Related Birth Defects Week (National) 12  Alcohol Awareness Month 14  Alcohol Screening Day (National) 20  Allergy and Asthma Day Capitol Hill 46  Allied Health Professions Week (National) 43  Alzheimers Disease Awareness Month (National) 10  American Diabetes Association Alert Day 43  American Diabetes Month 37  American Pharmacists Month 19  American Stroke Month 20  Anxiety and Depression Awareness Week (National) 24  Aphasia Awareness Month (National) 09  Aplastic Anemia and MDS Awareness Week 17  Arthritis Awareness Month (National) 39  Arthritis Day (World) 17  Arthritis Walk 08  Athletic Training Month (National) 12  Autism Awareness Month (National)


05 Childrens Dental Health Month (National) 20 Childrens Mental Health Awareness Week 36 Chiropractic Health Month (National) 31 Cholesterol Education Month (National) 21 Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Myalgic Encephalomyelitis Awareness Day (International) 08 Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month (National) 24 Community Health Improvement Week 05 Condom Month (National) 06 Congenital Heart Defect Awareness Week 43 COPD Awareness Month 27 Cord Blood Awareness Month 31 Craniofacial Acceptance Month 17 Critical Care Awareness and Recognition Month (National)

06  Day of the Sick (World) 09  Dental Assistants Recognition Week 36  Dental Hygiene Month (National) 38  Depression Screening Day (National) 45  Diabetes Education Week (National) 43  Diabetic Eye Disease Month 39  Dialysis Technician Recognition Week (National) 36  Disability Employment Awareness Month (National) 10  Doctors Day (National) 36  Domestic Violence Awareness Month

31  Baby Safety Month 17  Better Hearing and Speech Month 17  Better Sleep Month 17  Bike Month (National) 03  Birth Defects Prevention Awareness Month (National) 43  Bladder Health Awareness Month (National) 03  Blood Donor Month (National) 09  Brain Awareness Week 08  Brain Injury Awareness Month 36  Breast Cancer Awareness Month (National) 05  Burn Awareness Week

06 Eating Disorders Awareness Week (National) 22 Emergency Medical Services Week (National) 37 Emergency Nurses Week 45 Emerging Nurse Leader Week 17 Employee Health and Fitness Month (Global) 32 Environmental Services and Housekeeping Week 43 Epilepsy Awareness Month (National) 08 Eye Donor Month (National) 36 Eye Injury Prevention Month

13 Cancer Registrars Week 25 Cancer Survivors Day (National) 06 Cardiac Rehabilitation Week (National) 06 Cardiovascular Professionals Week 39 Case Management Week (National) 24 Cataract Awareness Month 29 Cataract Awareness Month 39 Central Service Week 03 Cervical Cancer Screening Month 03 Cervical Health Awareness Month 12 Child Abuse Prevention Month 08 Child Life Month 33 Child Passenger Safety Week 29 Childrens Eye Health and Safety Month 20  Childrens Mental Health Awareness Day (National)

12  Facial Protection Month (National) 43  Family Caregivers Month (National) 34  Family Health and Fitness DayUSA 33  Farm Safety and Health Week (National) 21  Fibromyalgia Awareness Day (National) 38  Fire Prevention Week 27  Fireworks Safety Month 20  Food Allergy Awareness Week 12  Foot Health Awareness Month



34  Gerontological Nursing Week 03  Glaucoma Awareness Month (National) 32  Grandparents Day (National) 46  Great American Smokeout 31  Gynecologic Cancer Awareness Month

44 Jingle Bell Run/Walk for Arthritis 27 Juvenile Arthritis Awareness Month

08  Kidney Month (National) 05  Kids ENT Health Month 29  KidsDay (National)


40  Health Care Facilities and Engineering Week (National) 10  Health Care Human Resources Week 25  Health Care Recruiter Recognition Day (National) 29  Health Center Week (National) 14  Health Day (World) 36  Health Literacy Month 29  Health Unit Coordinator Day 13  Healthcare Access Personnel Week (National) 15  Healthcare Administrative Professionals Week 14  Healthcare Decisions Day (National) 38  Healthcare Foodservice Workers Week 27  Healthcare Hospitality Week 45  Healthcare Patient Transportation Week (National) 39  Healthcare Quality Week 25  Healthcare Risk Management Week 39  Healthcare Security and Safety Week 38  Healthcare Supply Chain Week (National) 13  Healthcare Volunteer Week (National) 31  Healthy Aging Month 43  Healthy Skin Month (National) 17  Healthy Vision Month 03  Healthy Weight Week 33  Hearing Aid Awareness Week 05  Heart Month (American) 25  Helen Keller Deaf-Blind Awareness Week 15  Hemophilia Day (World) 12  Hepatitis Awareness Month 27  Hepatitis Day (World) 24  Hernia Awareness Month 18  High Blood Pressure Education Month (National) 46  Home Care Aide Week 43  Home Care and Hospice Month (National) 36  Home Eye Safety Month 44  Hospice/Palliative Care Month (National) 39  Hospital and Health-System Pharmacy Week (National) 21  Hospital Week (National) 12  Humor Month (National) 18  Huntingtons Disease Awareness Month

31 Leukemia, Lymphoma and Myeloma Awareness Month 18 Liver Awareness Month 41 Lock Your Meds Day 44 Lung Cancer Awareness Month 45 Lung Cancer Walk for Hope 40 Lung Health Day 18 Lupus Awareness Month

12  March for Babies 40  Medical Assistants Recognition Week 15  Medical Fitness Week 15  Medical Laboratory Professionals Week (National) 37  Medical Librarians Month (National) 45  Medical Staff Services Awareness Week (National) 22  Medical Transcriptionist Week (National) 37  Medical Ultrasound Awareness Month 44  Medical-Surgical Nurses Week 18  Melanoma/Skin Cancer Detection and Prevention Month 20  Melanoma Monday 24  Mens Health Month 25  Mens Health Week (National) 18  Mental Health Month 46  Mental Health Wellness Week 37  Mental Illness Awareness Week 38  Midwifery Week (National) 24  Migraine and Headache Awareness Month (National) 13  Minority Health Month (National) 22  Missing Childrens Day (National) 18  Motorcycle Safety and Awareness Month

40 Infection Prevention Week (International) 03 IV Nurse Day

33 Neonatal Nurses Day 32 Nephrology Nurses Week 15 Neurodiagnostic Week 18 Neurobromatosis Awareness Month 21 Neuroscience Nurses Week 29 Neurosurgery Outreach Month



15 Noise Awareness Day (International) 38 Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging Week 40 Nuclear Science Week (National) 27 Nurses in Staff Development Week 20 Nurses Week (National) 25 Nursing Assistants Day and Week (National) 21 Nursing Home Week (National) 08 Nutrition Month (National)


13 Occupational Therapy Month 19 Older Americans Month 48 Older Driver Safety Awareness Week (National) 19 Oncology Nursing Month 18 Osteoporosis Month (National)

31  Pain Awareness Month 44  Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month (National) 40  Pastoral Care Week 45  Patient Blood Management Awareness Week 09  Patient Safety Awareness Week 45  Patient Transport Week (National) 37  Patient-Centered Care Awareness Month 06  Perianesthesia Nurse Awareness Week 37  Pharmacists Month (American) 37  Physical Therapy Month (National) 38  Physician Assistants Week 10  Poison Prevention Week (National) 44  Prematurity Awareness Month 08  Professional Social Work Month (National) 31  Prostate Cancer Awareness Month 31  Prostate Health Awareness Month 29  Psoriasis Awareness Month 41  Psoriasis Day (World) 14  Public Health Week (National) 09  Pulmonary Rehabilitation Week (National)

09  Save Your Vision Month 33  School Backpack Awareness Day (National) 40  School Bus Safety Week (National) 20  School Nurse Day 24  Scleroderma Awareness Month 33  Seat Check Saturday (National) 22  Senior Health and Fitness Day (National) 44  Sexual Health Month (National) 13  Sexually Transmitted Infections Awareness Month 39  SHSMD Connections Annual Conference 37  SIDS, Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month 29  Spinal Muscular Atrophy Awareness Month 13  Sports Eye Safety Month 32  Sports Eye Safety Month 38  Stop Americas Violence Everywhere (SAVE) Today 19  Stroke Awareness Month (National) 19  Stroke Month (American) 41  Stuttering Awareness Day (International) 21  Stuttering Awareness Week (National) 32  Suicide Prevention Week (National) 24  Sun Safety Week (National) 33  Surgical Technologist Week (National)

37  Talk About Prescripitons Month 19  Teen Pregnancy Prevention Month (National) 32  Thyroid Cancer Awareness Month 14  Transplant Nurses Day 19  Trauma Awareness Month (National)

19 Ultraviolet Awareness Month 44 Urology Nurses and Associates Week

25  Vascular Nursing Week 15  Voice Day (World)

14 Radiologic and Imaging Nurses Day (National) 45 Radiologic Technology Week (National) 05 Recreational Therapy/Therapeutic Recreation Month (National) 41 Red Ribbon Week (National) 09 Registered Dietitian Day 40 Respiratory Care Week (National) 32 Reyes Syndrome Awareness Month 10 Root Canal Awareness Week 19 Run A Mile Days (National)

10  Walk for Epilepsy (National) 06  Wear Red Day (National) 05  Wise Health Care Consumer Month 13  Womens Eye Health and Safety Month 03  Womens Healthy Weight Day 34  Womens Health and Fitness Day (National) 21  Womens Health Week (National) 09  Workplace Eye Wellness Month

51 Index
48  Safe Toys and Celebrations Month 48  Safe Toys and Gifts Month

14  Youth Service Day (Global) 33  Youth Suicide Prevention Day (National)

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