Budget Approval System
Budget Approval System
Budget Approval System
Certified that this project work titled 6A 78an98: /i;cal #i;38r;e:en9 < is the bonafide work of TARA!A RAGHURAM !OYA"AMU#I $Y%CS&'()= PRAVEEN PATCHA"A $Y%CS&(%)= SIVA NAGES*ARARAO JAMPANI $Y%CS&&+)= who carried out the work under y supervision and sub itted in partial
fulfill ent of the re!uire ents to CS4>(,? PROJECT during the acade ic year "##$% "##&'
,he -uantu
by which
the e ployees in the +rgani.ations sub its the bills to the sub itted can be of various types and
scanned i ages of the bills along with the re!uest to superiors' ,he bills that are ay contain various a ounts' ,he e ployee in anager/s na e to which the bill is to an organi.ation sub its the bill along with the
be sub itted' ,he bill will pass through a workflow process and the e ployee who is sub itting the bill can view the status of the bill that is sub itted at any ti e' ,he status of the bill can be inti ated to the concerned e ployee with an 010 for every "2hrs' Also the details of the past records can be viewed by bar charts' ,he syste also generates the pay slips to the e ployee of an organi.ation' Auto atic calculation of the 3ross salary and the deduction of 4nco e ta5 can be perfor ed while generating the pay slip' ,he 0yste also ai s in developing the syste by which the e ployees in the organi.ation can sub it the reports about resources in the organi.ation to their devices re!uired in the organi.ation' alfunctioning of the devices or lack of
,he 0uccessful co pletion of any task would be inco plete without a proper suggestion6 guidance and environ ent' Co bination of these 7 factors acts like backbone to our 8A 7UANTUM /ISCA" #ISSBURSEMENT9 (roject'
:e e5press our 0incere thanks to our principal of ;'<';') ='C College of >ngineering #r. P.S.San@ara Rao6 who provides us a pleasant >nviron ent and >5cellent ?ab facility'
:e are greatly indebted to our (;+F>00+; ) *+D Dept' of Co puter 0cience ) >ngineering #r. B.Ra1een2ra Ba386 for his valuable suggestions during our course period'
:e specially surrender hu ble thanks to our guide Mr. M.SRI#HAR6 who helped us a lot' :ho guided in e5cellent way by keeping us always in positive ood ) our wills alive'
"IST O/ /IGURES "IST O/ TAB"ES "IST O/ ABBREVATIONS CHAPTER 5? 4N,;+DUC,4+N @'@ Current 0cenario @'" (roble Definition " 7 @'7 (roposed 0olution @'2 Features of the syste @'A 0cope CHAPTER ,? ?4,>;A,U;> 0U;<>B "'@ Fiscal disburse ent "'" ;oot na e space "'7 (rocess "'2 0ervers CHAPTER A? 0B0,>1 ANA?B040 7'@ re!uire ents specification 7'" 1odules 7'7 4dentification of actors 7'2 4dentification of use cases and sub use cases 7'A Activity diagra s 7'D 0e!uence diagra s 7'C Collaboration diagra s CHAPTER >? D>043N 2'@ Classes identification 2'@ Class Diagra 2'7 Functional re!uire ents 2'2 >%; diagra s "# "7
@ @ "
2 2 A C & @# @" @2 @C
2'A Diagra s 2'D Database design CHAPTER %? D><+?+(1>N, (;+C>DU;> A'@ 0yste A'7 Coding A'2 0creen designE3U4 re!uire ents A"
72 2$
A# A@
A'" ,echnology
CHAPTER (? ,>0,4N3 D'@ ?ogin D'" ;egistration D'7 Co posing D'2 4nbo5 D'A (ast records D'D 0ending a 010 CHAPTER +? C+NC?U04+N CHAPTER &F FU,U;> :+;G BIBI"OGRAPHY? APPEN#IB DA DD DC D$ D& C# C@ C" C7 C2