Commission Open Calls - September 2013
Commission Open Calls - September 2013
Commission Open Calls - September 2013
Deadline for submissions: 30/10/2013 Introduction: The Daphne programme is aimed at contributing to the prevention and combating of violence against children, young people and women and to protect victims and groups at ris ! Target groups: The main target groups of the call shall be, inter alia, families, men, teachers and educational staff, social wor ers, police and border guards, local, national and military authorities, medical and paramedical staff, "udicial staff, #$%s, trade unions and religious communities! The call shall benefit children, young people and women who are, or ris becoming, victims of violence! Duration: &ro"ects must not e'ceed 2( months! Priorities: )upport for victims of violence *iolence lin ed to harmful practices +hildren as victims and/or witnesses of violence in close or intimate relationships +hildren as victims of bullying at school &erpetrator intervention and victim protection measures &revention of violence against children, young people and women through pro"ects targeting attitudinal and behavioural changes in the conte't of se'ualisation ,wareness raising on violence against women
Financial Provisions: The minimum limit for a grant is -./!0000 the grant cannot cover more than 102 of the eligible pro"ect costs! Other information: &ro"ects must score at least 21 points for the relevance criterion and at least .0 points overall in order to be considered for a grant!
Deadline for submissions: 02/10/2013 Introduction: The pro"ects must concern "udicial training in 34 law, and must promote "udicial cooperation based on mutual recognition and mutual confidence, the compatibility in rules applicable in the 5ember )tates as may be necessary to improve "udicial cooperation, improve contacts, e'change of information, best practices and mutual trust! Target groups: The pro"ects must concern "udicial training in 34 law, targeted mainly to "udges and prosecutors! 6owever, 3uropean "udicial training may also target, as a second step, training of "udicial court staff, lawyers, bailiffs, mediators and notaries from the 34 5ember )tates and/or acceding or candidate countries providing that they have fulfilled the conditions for eligibility! Duration: &ro"ects must not e'ceed 12 months! Priorities: Training of legal practitioners in 34 law 34 "udicial cooperation instruments &romoting and reinforcing 34 national legal systems
Financial Provisions: The minimum limit for a grant is -./!0000 the grant cannot cover more than 102 of the eligible pro"ect costs! Other information: 78n this call, priority will in particular be given to activities of 3uropean9level "udicial networ s, who should continue their activities at the beginning of 201(!:
Deadline for submissions: 01/10/2013 Introduction: &ro"ects must support the 34 employment and social solidarity programme, set up to provide financial support for the attainment of the 3uropean 4nion;s ob"ectives in employment, social affairs and e<ual opportunities as set out in the )ocial ,genda, as well as to the ob"ectives of the 3urope 2020 )trategy! This
new strategy, which has a strong social dimension, aims at turning the 34 into a smart, sustainable and inclusive economy delivering high levels of employment, productivity and social cohesion! Duration: The initial duration of the pro"ect must not e'ceed 12 months! Priorities: &ro"ects must target only one of the following: #on9discrimination and =oma integration, with the following sub9priorities: 9 &romoting the interest of one or more groups at ris of discrimination on the basis of their ethnic origin or race, religion or belief, disabilities, age, se'ual orientation0 &romoting integration of =oma communities0 Developing the >business case> for diversity across the 340 &romoting the integration of non9discrimination and e<ual opportunities initiatives in other policies, such as employment, social inclusion, education, etc! ?i!e! mainstreaming approach@!
9 9 9
3<ual rights for persons with disabilities, with the following sub9priorities: 9 8mplementation of the 3uropean Disability )trategy 201092012 and the 4# +onvention on the =ights of &ersons with Disabilities and promoting of the involvement of the national member organisations in the implementation0 8ncluding different aspects of disability matters in 34 and national policies ?mainstreaming approach@, particularly in the areas of employment, education, social inclusion, health, human rights, development cooperation, etc!0 8mproving accessibility to goods and services0 &romoting the interest of people with disabilities and the full en"oyment of their rights, in particular enhancing e<uality of opportunities for people with disabilities, and combating discrimination on the basis of disability0 Developing the business case for disability across the 34
9 9
3<uality between women and men, with the following sub9priorities: 9 supporting the implementation of the +ommissionAs )trategy for e<uality between women and men 20109201/ and contributing to the promotion of gender e<uality in the 340
promoting e<uality between women and men in the implementation of the 3urope 2020 )trategy and promoting the economic case for gender e<uality across the 340 promoting e<uality between women and men in 34 and national policies ?mainstreaming approach@ and supporting national member organisationsA involvement, at national level, in the promotion of the gender e<uality aspects of the main 34 policies0 strengthening the capacity of national member organisations and their nowledge of 34 gender e<uality policies0 improving the nowledge and understanding of discrimination and ine<ualities between women and men in 5ember )tates0 contributing to an effective legal protection against discrimination on the basis of the various 349directives implementing the principle of e<ual treatment between women and men and ma ing international commitments on gender e<uality and womenAs rights better nown and respected ?e!g! Bei"ing Declaration and &latform for ,ction@!
9 9 9 9
Financial Provisions: The grant cannot cover more than 102 of the eligible pro"ect costs! Other information: &roposals not attaining an overall .0 points will not be considered for the award of a grant even in case the available budget of the priority is not consumed fully!
Deadline for submissions: 31/10/2013 Introduction: This +all aims at intensifying the 34 efforts to wor ing towards the eradication of traffic ing in human beings! The +all is consistent with 34 policy priorities, and should lead to better implementation of legislative and non9legislative actions in this area, and to more coherence while ensuring no duplication of efforts at the 34 level! Duration: +annot e'ceed 2( months! Priorities:
=eduction of demand and supply for products and services provided by victims of traffic ing, including measures aimed at reducing demand for traffic ing for se'ual e'ploitation, corporate social responsibility, and awareness raising amongst employers, in particular in high ris sectors such as agriculture, construction, travel and tourism, domestic wor , te'tile, transport and health care! &rotection of, support and assistance to victims including by civil society ?service providers and grassroots organisations@! &rosecution and investigation of offenders including increased operational cooperation between law enforcement agencies as well as with other actors, including on financial investigation and recruitment and advertisement of services of victims of traffic ing via the internet! =esearch into, and development of tools to prevent and address different forms of traffic ing in human beings! These could include new forms of ?or recruitment for@ traffic ing for the purpose of se'ual e'ploitation, labour e'ploitation, criminal activities, forced marriages, the removal of organs and other forms of e'ploitation! 5ore nowledge needed on the use of internet and social networ s for recruitment@ of all forms of traffic ing in human beings! &revention of traffic ing in human beings, in particular through education programmes and targeted training for officials with a main focus in bringing together various actors in order to increase policy coherence 5easures to monitor and evaluate of anti9traffic ing actions, through further wor with civil society organisations active in the field!
Expected Results: 5ore comprehensive and sustainable systems or framewor s for assistance, support and protection of victims of traffic ing in human beings, which include governmental and non9governmental actors, at all stages of relevant procedures 3stablishment of partnerships between all relevant actors at all levels ?private, public, nongovernmental@ addressing traffic ing in human beings from a wide perspective with the aim of e'changing good practices on identification of traffic ing cases and establishing guidelines on cooperation agreements for investigation, prosecution and victims protection and support , reduction of the demand and supply for goods and services provided by victims of traffic ing in human beings, for e'ample through measures/tools to raise awareness amongst potential buyers/users of such goods/services and
development of guidelines or codes of conducts for businesses to address traffic ing in human beings0 the establishment of public9private partnerships is encouraged! Development of initiatives to better prevent traffic ing in human beings and protect, assist and support victims of human traffic ing ?victims9centred approach@0 increase the nowledge on groups vulnerable to traffic ing in human beings, especially women and children at ris , domestic wor ers, =oma communities and undocumented wor ers0 all this ta ing into account a victim centred approach, the gender perspective and the childAs best interest! 8ncreased cooperation with and among law enforcement authorities ta ing into account their operational needs and the fundamental rights re<uirements, e!g! implement innovative measures to investigate and prosecute the recruitment of victims and the advertising of services by victims of traffic ing in human beings via the internet, enhanced use of financial investigations in traffic ing in human beings cases! 8ncreased nowledge and awareness of new or less investigated forms of traffic ing, such as traffic ing for the purpose of domestic servitude, forced begging or forced criminal activities, forced marriages, and/or traffic ing for the purposes of removal of organs etc Development of comprehensive training programmes for actors li ely to come into contact with victims or potential victims of traffic ing in human beings and bringing the different actors together in training programmes, among others law enforcement, "udiciary, labour inspectors, victim service providers, child and health care wor ers, human rights organisations and non9governmental organisations!
Financial Provisions: The minimum limit for a grant is -100!0000 the grant cannot cover more than C02 of the eligible pro"ect costs! Other information: &roposals must score a minimum of D/ in order to be considered!
2) +adicalisation leading to terrorism and the role o' !ictims o' terrorism in pre!enting radicalisation
Deadline: 0C/10/2013 Introduction: The call envisages pro"ects concerning upstream actions which will need to be carried out at a level closest to the most susceptible individuals to terrorism in the most affected communities! 8t re<uires close cooperation with local
authorities and civil society as well as empowering communities! Duration: +annot e'ceed 2( months Priorities:
ey groups in vulnerable
initiatives that encourage people to give up their engagement in terrorist and violence promoting e'tremist groups0 development and e'change of specific operational tools among 5ember )tates government institutions, local actors, civil society including victims groups, and the +ommission0 initiatives aimed at developing or encouraging credible role models to voice positive messages offering alternatives to terrorist propaganda0 initiatives aimed at supporting the role of victims of terrorism in order to prevent terrorism and violence promoting e'tremism!
Expected results: 8mproved operational cooperation, coordination and e'changes of staff in order to strengthen networ ing, mutual confidence and understanding in tac ling radicalisation and violent e'tremism in places of increased vulnerability through: 9 development and e'change of specific operational tools between sta eholders wor ing with most susceptible individuals and vulnerable communities in the security, law9enforcement and prison sector as well as among policy9planners, and in other relevant security policy0 better training and awareness raising for practitioners whose wor contributes to prevent radicalisation and recruitment to violence promoting e'tremist groups e!g! youth and social wor ers, teachers, local authorities, law9enforcement officials including prison and probation staff, and other relevant actors!
8ncreased effectiveness of measures and policies designed to prevent and tac le radicalisation and violent e'tremism through the development of analytical, monitoring and evaluation tools! 3nhanced understanding of how the 8nternet is used in the process of individual radicalisation! 8ncreased resilience among vulnerable communities and target groups through e!g!:
9 9
disengagement and de9radicalisation programmes and programmes challenging violence promoting ideologies with the use of role models0 enhancing nowledge, awareness and critical thin ing, particularly among the youth, on the nature of terrorism and violence promoting groups and the underlying propaganda0 increased response capacity of citiEens and civil society to tac le the phenomenon more effectively at grass9roots level by e!g! providing media s ills and platforms to mainstream voices, victims and others to challenge the propaganda of terrorists and violence promoting groups0 devising/promoting effective channels for addressing ?perceived or real@ grievances, e'clusion also through improved communication and outreach activities0 Better e'plaining our policies to target audiences, 5edia9training for moderate opinion9leaders who counter terrorist and violent e'tremist propaganda, establishing platforms for the e'change and debate contributing to more pluralistic discourse within target audiences0 devising support to the dissemination of terrorist victimsA testimonies and providing local platforms for victims in order to prevent terrorism and violence promoting groups in particular by delegitimiEing their propaganda and offering positive messages based on the 34 values!
9 9 9
3mpowered pluralist discourse by facilitating creation of networ s of influential religious and secular opinion leaders ?i!e! religious authorities, scholars, professionals, community leaders etc!@ who have the charisma and nowledge to challenge terrorist and violent e'tremist propaganda and stimulate critical thin ing among the most susceptible individuals and communities!
Financial Provisions: The minimum limit for a grant is -100!0000 the grant cannot cover more than C02 of the eligible pro"ect costs! Other information: &roposals must score a minimum of D/ in order to be considered!
Deadline: C/10/2013
Introduction: The +all aims at supporting the implementation of the 34 +B=# ,ction &lan and should lead to the improvement of the capabilities of the 5ember )tates and relevant international organisations to prepare for, detect and respond to +B=# incidents! Duration: +annot e'ceed 2( months Priorities: 3stablishment of a permanent training facility simulating aviation environment for law enforcement personnel engaged in aviation security in9 flight missions and counter9terrorism operations Development of +B=# training modules to increase awareness, contingency and procedures in the field of aviation security with the view to be used in the 34 wide conte't! Development of standards and procedures for areas which include training, certification and deployment of innovative detection techni<ues for e'plosive detection dogs, in particular detection of home9made e'plosives! Development of appropriate detection methodologies and procedures, for use with mobile +B=#3 detection technologies with the aim to detect and prevent terrorist attac s in the field of public mass events, transport hubs, soft targets and critical infra structures!
Expected Results: The proposed pro"ects should provide for a concrete contribution to the implementation of the actions identified in the 34 +B=# ,ction &lan, either in the form of direct implementation or in the form of activities aimed at the preparation of their implementation! The proposed pro"ects should provide for a concrete contribution to the implementation of the actions identified in the 34 ,ction &lan on 3nhancing the )ecurity of 3'plosives, as far as these have not yet been implemented The proposed pro"ects should provide for a concrete contribution to the implementation of the actions identified in the 34 ,ir +argo )ecurity ,ction &lan, in particular as regards enhancement of 5) capability to detect high9 ris materials ?+, B, =#, e'plosives and precursors@!
Financial Provisions: The minimum limit for a grant is -100!0000 the grant cannot cover more than C02 of the eligible pro"ect costs! Other information: &roposals must score a minimum of D/ in order to be considered!
Deadline: 1//10/2013 Introduction: The present call invites proposals that address violations of media freedom and pluralism not only with a theoretical approach but also by providing practical support to "ournalists! The activities should be anchored in structures that are independent from the +ommission and 5ember )tates and accessible to "ournalists and other professionals from the media sector across all types of media in 3421 and +andidate countries! Priorities:
monitor and document violations of media freedom and pluralism, Fwith a particular focus on impeding or restricting "ournalistic activitiesG prepare reports of such violations ta ing account of the need ensure anonymity where appropriate raise awareness for violations of media freedom and pluralism, including through organisation of public events and dissemination of information inter alia through a website provide a point of contact for "ournalists Fand other professionals from the media sectorG who e'perience or e'perienced violations of media freedom and pluralism e'plore ways to provide support to "ournalists facing challenges from such violations and organise support as appropriate prepare written documentation of organising and providing such support organise related training successful approaches towards
Duration: The ma'imum duration of pro"ects under this call is 12 months! Financial Provisions: The minimum limit for a grant is -.00!0000 the grant cannot cover more than .02 of the eligible pro"ect costs!
Deadline: 2(/10/2013 Introduction: The aim of the programme is to implement the +ommission;s ,ction &lan on 4naccompanied 5inors! The action plan puts forward an 349wide approach in this area, the primordial aim being the protection of the interests of the child! The submitted pro"ects must contribute to the application of the ,ction &lan! Duration: The indicative duration of pro"ects is 11 months! Priorities: 8dentifying prevention actions and policies vis9H9vis the group to which the 4naccompanied 5inors belong ?e!g! asylum see ers, victims of traffic ing, children who enter illegally into the 4nion@ and/or the country or region of origin! 8dentifying good practices in measures to support protection programmes for 4naccompanied 5inors in third countries! 8dentifying best practices on child reception and protection, and in particular on issues such as procedures at first encounter, legal representation, appointment of a guardian, access to and ade<uacy of reception facilities, initial interviews, education and medical care! 8dentifying good practices in specific measures and procedural guarantees for 4naccompanied 5inors in the 3uropean 4nion! 3valuating the various e'periences of combating the phenomenon of unaccompanied minors going missing and identifying best practices! 8dentifying best practices on restoring family unity and reintegration of 4naccompanied 5inors in their countries of origin
Financial Provisions: The minimum limit for a grant is -200!0000 the grant cannot cover more than C02 of the eligible pro"ect costs!
Deadline: 22/10/2013 Introduction: The rehabilitation centres for victims of torture in 34 are at an increased ris of not providing service to the victims! )evere problems were identified with the 5ember )tatesA ability to identify victims of torture and very few 5ember )tates offer the instructed rehabilitation, many have no assistance to offer at all! The diversity of origins of victims leads to difficulties to organise themselves and increases their isolation, ma ing them even more vulnerable! This pilot pro"ect is to prevent physical and mental suffering to these survivors! Duration: The indicative duration of pro"ects is 11 months! Priorities: To create rehabilitation centres for victims of torture or to support the e'isting ones by providing funds for their rehabilitation costs ?premises, therapeutical staff, administrative staff, etc!@ and their other activities ?prevention, advocacy, training, legal support, etc!@, to provide access to multidisciplinary support and counselling, including physical and psychotherapeutic treatment, psycho9social counselling, legal services, and socioeconomic support to the victims, to support international networ ing between rehabilitation centres in order to build capacities, support the e'change of good practices among specialists, allow peer supervision as a means of prevention of vicarious trauma, etc!, to support activities which aim to empower torture victims themselves and, in general, to support the ability of torture victims to integrate into society in 3uropean countries!
Financial Provisions: The minimum grant under the programme is -1./!000 and the ma'imum grant is -300!0000 the grant cannot cover more than C02 of the eligible pro"ect costs!
3) $et2or( o' contacts and discussion "et2een targeted municipalities and local authorities on e3periences and "est practices in the resettlement and integration o' re'ugees
Deadline: 1//10/2013
Introduction: The main ob"ective of the programme is to establish a networ of contacts and discussion between targeted municipalities and local authorities in 34 5ember )tates which have "ust started refugee resettlement programmes, or wish to participate in a near future0 and 34 5ember )tates which are e'perienced in resettlement, drawing on 4nited #ations 6igh +ommissioner for =efugees and nongovernmental organisations e'periences and best practices in the resettlement and reintegration of refugees! Duration: The indicative duration of the pro"ects is 11 months! Priorities: identifying municipalities or local authorities in 34 5ember )tates that have "ust started resettlement programmes or are about to do so and arranging meetings with selected municipalities or local authorities in resettlement countries with a view to strengthening Inew; resettlement programmes and ensuring that they are of a high <uality and sustainable, identifying municipalities or local authorities or #$%s in 34 5ember )tates not yet participating in resettlement programmes, but wishing to "oin the networ with a view to future participation in such programmes, holding meetings of representatives of the targeted local authorities and municipalities involved, along with the 4#6+=, participating #$%s and representatives of resettled refugees, to lay down the activities to be developed "ointly, including visits, e'changes of e'perience, training and thematic meetings focusing on issues such as housing, education and employment, designing a form for collecting information from the various sta eholders on procedures, types of monitoring prior to resettlement, types of information creating a tas force, with the necessary human and technical resources, to ma e the practical arrangements for the pro"ect and in particular to provide for the necessary meetings, collect available information, create a website and content for it, thus increasing the e'change of information between the sta eholders in the resettlement process, and create lin s with e'isting resettlement9related pro"ects and/or websites! This website will also allow information on past and future meetings between municipalities or local authorities to be made available to all interested parties on a systematic basis, collating the information gathered by the tas force, which will then circulate for discussion on the networ , in order to draw conclusions on best practices
Financial Provisions: The minimum grant under the programme is -200!000 and the ma'imum grant is -/00!0000 the grant cannot cover more than C02 of the eligible pro"ect costs! Other information: &roposals must obtain at least D02 of the total available points to be considered for funding!
Deadline: 11/10/2013 Introduction: The ob"ective of the Jund is to contribute to the development of a common 3uropean integrated border management system! 8t was established as a part of financial solidarity mechanisms to support 5ember )tates that endure, for the benefit of the 3uropean 4nion, a lasting financial burden arising from the implementation of common standards on control and surveillance of e'ternal borders and visa policy! Priorities: further +ommunity cooperation in implementing +ommunity law and good practices0 support the setting9up of transnational cooperation networ s and pilot pro"ects based on transnational partnerships between consular services from two or more 5ember )tates designed to stimulate innovation and facilitate the e'change of e'perience and good practice0 support studies, dissemination and e'change of information on best practices and all other aspects of the general ob"ective of contributing to enhancement of the activities organised by the consular services of the 5ember )tates in third countries and the cooperation between 5ember )tates in this field, including on the use of state9of9the9art technology0 support pro"ects and studies e'ploring the possibility of new forms of +ommunity cooperation and +ommunity law in this area, in particular common application centres0 support to the development and application by 5ember )tates of common statistical tools, methods and indicators for measuring policy developments in the field of visa policy and consular cooperation!
Eligible activities:
)etting up and developing of common visa application centres, with the effective participation of at least two 5ember )tates! +onsular co9operation and training for consular staff, involving the consular activities of at least three 5ember )tates and covering at least three third countries!
Duration: The ma'imum duration of the pro"ect varies according to the type of activity the pro"ect refers to! Jor pro"ects setting up and developing common visa application centres, the ma'imum duration is 2( months! Jor pro"ects aimed at consular staff, the ma'imum duration is 12 months! Financial Provisions: Jor pro"ects setting up and developing common visa application centres, the minimum cost of the pro"ect is -/00!000! Jor pro"ects aimed at consular staff, the minimum cost is -1/0!000! The re<uested amount cannot e'ceed C02 of the total eligible costs of the pro"ect! Other Information: ,ttention has to be paid to ensure optimal synergy with programmes carried out at 4nion and national level by Jronte', the 5ember )tates and 8nternational %rganisations!
7) .re!ention, .reparedness and Conse8uence -anagement o' Terrorism and Other ecurit#-+elated +is(s
Deadline: 30/0C/2013 Introduction: This +all for &roposals invites applications for financial support for actions in the field of critical infrastructure protection! ,ctions funded under this &rogramme have to be based on an all9haEards approach, while considering threats from terrorism as a priority! The pro"ects must be aimed at ensuring public order during crisis situations! Duration: &ro"ects cannot be scheduled to last for more than 2( months! Priorities: )upporting the development of concepts as well as the implementation of a reshaped 3uropean initiative on critical infrastructure protection )upporting the identification and analysis of 3uropean sectorial and cross9 sectorial criticalities ?including facilitating the implementation of Directive 2001/11(/3+@0
&romoting ris analysis and the development of measures to enhance the security and resilience of critical infrastructures, assets, networ s and systems, as well as a common understanding in relation to sectorial, intersect oral and cross9border ris management0 )upporting 5ember )tates by enhancing communication in order to strengthen cooperation between the public and the private sector ?regular meetings to discuss issues of common interest@ as well as by improving international cooperation and a cross9border e'change of information between these sta eholders and the relevant institutions at 3uropean level0 8nterdependency analysis on a multi9sectorial level0 Developing tools and concepts to integrate critical infrastructure protection into the crisis management set9up 8ncreasing the security awareness of critical infrastructure operators0
8mproving information management with regard to critical infrastructures0 8ncreasing critical infrastructure protection capability in the transport, energy, 8+T, chemical, financial, water, food, health, space, research, nuclear, government or any other relevant sector0 8ncreasing mutual nowledge of the 5ember )tatesA security capabilities specific to terrorist crises in view to enhance preparedness and response capabilities in case of terrorist attac s re<uiring mutual assistance at 34 level0 Developing ris assessment tools and methodological models related to malicious intentional threats!
Expected results: The development of instruments ?at 34 level@, strategies and activities/measures in the field of the effective protection of critical infrastructure ?at both 34 and 5) levels@0 The development of a common framewor for the effective protection of critical infrastructure at 34 level0 The development of methods, techni<ues and instruments for operational or training use in this particular field0
The e'change and dissemination of information, e'perience and best practices between 5ember )tates and between the different organisations or bodies responsible for the protection of critical infrastructures0 The development and improvement of the relationship between public authorities and private sector in the field covered by the &rogramme0 The improvement of mutual nowledge of the 5ember )tatesA protection systems0 The improvement of mutual nowledge of the 5ember )tatesA security capabilities specific to terrorist crises0 The improvement of mutual nowledge of the 5ember )tatesA ris assessment methodologies and practices0 The enhancement of the capacity to share good practices0 The creation of informal contact networ s between authorities0 The development of a culture of trust and cooperation!
Financial Provisions: The grant cannot cover more than C02 of the eligible pro"ect costs! Other Information: &roposals must obtain a minimum of D/ of the available points in order to be considered for funding!