Newseum Pilipinas

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Morning, Noon till Night Nationwide!


Lian Las Pinas updated the description. The launching of Morning, Noon till Night Nationwide on February 1, 1986. A pro ect of !residential "o##unications $perations $ffice, National Media !roduction "enter %now !hilippine &nfor#ation Agency' and (apisanan ng #ga )roadcaster ng !ilipinas was the *ision for !hilippine #edia and entertain#ent sector in the last +, years.

/ / 0et Notifications / 1epte#ber +6 at +239a#

1een by 9

Lian Las Pinas 4!N59 launched the station &62 74!N The Networ.7 in $ctober 1, 1998 after the 9AA! finals.
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / 1epte#ber +6 at :211a#

1een by 9

Nelson ;ohn )aylon ;r. this.

Nelson John Baylon Jr. Fourth Anni*ersary of Typhoon $ndoy %+<<9' and 1e*enth Anni*ersary of Typhoon Milenyo %+<<6'.
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / 1epte#ber +6 at 1<28+p# near Manila

1een by 8

Nelson ;ohn )aylon ;r. this.

Lian Las Pinas Masigasig sa !agbabalita...6i #atatawarang .redablidad..... &to ang pwersa ng balita ay sasainyo sa buong #ag5hapon si#ula ngayong !ebero= (a#i ang inyong Telebisyon ng )ayan====
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / 1epte#ber +6 at :2<:a#

Newseum Pilipinas

Lian Las Pinas Na.aligo .a na ba sa dagat ng basura, nag5!as.o .a na ba sa gitna ng .alsada> ?an ang tanong na#in, tunay .a bang isa sa a#in> Nala#an #o na bang #apapag5aral .a nya, tutulungan tayo para #ag.a5trabaho at .anyang plano@y #ag.a5bahay tayo> 1i Aillar ang tunay na #ahirap, si Aillar ang tunay na #ay, 1i Aillar ang #ay .a.ayahan at gu#awa ng sariling pangalan= 1i Manny Aillar ang #agtatapos ng ating .ahirapan=
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / ;uly +9, +<1+ at :2<,a# near Ma.ati

1een by 3<

Nelson John Baylon Jr. updated the description. 1ite focusing on the Bistory, personalities and progra##ing on Manila, 1ingapore, Bong (ong and (uala -u#pur )roadcasting fro# roughly 19+6 to +<11. To preser*e as #uch as is possible the history, photographs, audio and *ideo of local Tele*ision and 4adio in the !hilippines, Bong (ong, 1ingapore and Malaysia area. The se*en5le*el, +3<,<<<5sCuare5foot %+:,<<< #+' #useu# features 13 theaters and 18 galleries. The Newseu#Ds )erlin Eall 0allery includes the largest display of sections of the )erlin Eall outside of 0er#any. The TodayDs Front !ages 0allery presents daily front pages fro# #ore than siF !hilippine, four 1ingapore, two Bong (ong and three Malaysian Newspapers. -ocation2 Ayala A*enue corner , <<<8 Ma.ati !roducts2 AB1 tapes, 95Matic, 17, )etaca#, A"6, 6A6, newspapers on #icrofil# !hone2 9:156,98 Follow us2"lassics Eebsite2 http2GGwww.#trcb.go*.phG

-i.e / / 0et Notifications / ;uly +9, +<1+ at 1+2+,p#

1een by 3<

Nelson ;ohn )aylon ;r. this.

Nelson John Baylon Jr. The *ideo of the !hilippine National Anthe# produced by !hilippine Airlines in 1991 to 6ece#ber 1998 The *ideo is aired on sign5on and sign5off of Tele*ision stations2 Abs5"bn5+, !TA58, A)"53

%now TA3', 0MA Networ.5,, 4adio !hilippines Networ., &nc. 4!N9 %New Aision59', &)" 1: %&slands TA51:', 1)N5+1 %Eorld TA5+1', 4;TA +9 and "TA5:1 and the audio *ersion on 4adio stations2 6HI- %4MN Manila' 338, 6H)) %4adyo )isig5)ayan' 398, 6HMM 4adyo !atrol 6:<, 6H4B 666, 6HM) 9<.,, 6E(" 9:.9 %9:.9 E("', 6E-1 9,.1 %"a#pus 4adio', 6E1T 1<1.1 %1<1.1 1howbiJ Tis#is', 6E44 1<1.9 %1<1.9 4adio 4o#ance', 6E1M 1<+., %1<+., 1TA4 FM' and 6EKT 1<6., %The )ig MiF (ool 1<6'.>*LK*#l a8M&-8

PAL Inflight National Anthem To co##e#orate our &ndependence 6ay, please en oy this classic &nflight National Anthe#.

/ / 1hare / 0et Notifications / ;uly +9, +<1+ at 1+2:1p#

1een by 3< Nelson ;ohn )aylon ;r. this.

Nelson John Baylon Jr. The Nuirino 0randstand Millenniu# "elebration 1pecialty5Made 1tage designed by 6rea# Eea*er Aisual KFponents, &nc. since 1988 and again fro# 199+ to 1998 and 199, to +<11.

-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / ;uly +9, +<1+ at 1+2:6p#

1een by 3< Nelson ;ohn )aylon ;r. this.

Nelson John Baylon Jr. !4A?K4 $F "$MM&TMKNT A Million 4oses for the Eorld 5 Filipinos at !rayer, !eace for All Nations Al#ighty 0od, we adore you and we praise you for blessing Mary a#ong all wo#en and for creating her full of grace. Through Mary, we recei*ed ;esus, your 1on whose birth has #ade all things new for us here on earth. Ee see. your blessing through her praying hands, so that peace #ay reign in the world and har#ony #ay be established a#ong all nations. & co##it #yself to pray the 4osary e*ery day, as #uch as possible with #y fa#ily, for each and e*ery nation on earth so that war #ay end, fa#ine #ay cease, terroris# #ay stop, ustice #ay reign and only your lo*e and #ercy #ay pre*ail. & co##it #yself to li*e in the state of grace, to a*oid all occasions of sin and to recei*e Boly "o##union as freCuently as #y situation #ay allow so that your na#e #ay be glorified and all peoples #ay .neel down before you, 0od of peace, in worship, adoration, and than.sgi*ing, now and fore*er. A#en.
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / ;uly +9, +<1+ at 1+2:9p#

1een by 3<

Nelson ;ohn )aylon ;r. this.

Lian Las Pinas

!4A?K4 $F "$MM&TMKNT A Million 4oses for the Eorld 5 Filipinos at !rayer, !eace for All Nations Al#ighty 0od, we adore you and we praise you for blessing Mary a#ong all wo#en and creating her full of grace. Through Mary, we recei*ed ;esus, your 1on whose birth has #ade all things new for us here on earth. Ee see. your blessing through her praying hands, so that peace #ay reign in the world and har#ony #ay be established a#ong all nations. & co##it #yself to pray the 4osary e*ery day, as #uch as possible with #y fa#ily, for each and e*ery nation on earth so that war #ay end, fa#ine #ay cease, terroris# #ay stop, ustice #ay reign and only your lo*e and #ercy #ay pre*ail. & co##it #yself to li*e in the state of grace, to a*oid all occasions of sin and to recei*e Boly "o##union as freCuently as #y situation #ay allow so that your na#e #ay be glorified and all peoples #ay .neel down before you, 0od of peace, in worship, adoration, and than.sgi*ing, now and fore*er. A#en.

/ /


0et Notifications

;uly +9, +<1+ at 6231p# near Ma.ati

1een by 3<

Rene Diaz & suspended using this e#ail address. ?ou #ay ha*e recei*ed notices about #y new e#ail address. "heers=

;uly +9, +<1+ at 623+p# *ia / -i.e

Lian Las Pinas Knchong 6ee, another -a 1alle swi##er, was the last athlete to win se*en gold #edals in the +<<9 9AA! season.
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / ;uly +9, +<1+ at ,239p# near Ma.ati

1een by 3<

Lian Las Pinas &tDs where you belong, 05M5A= &tDs where you, you, you, itDs where you belong=
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / ;uly +9, +<1+ at 82+6p# near Ma.ati

1een by 3<

Lian Las Pinas A5)515"5)5N, the !hilippinesD largest networ.=

-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / ;uly +9, +<1+ at 82+6p# near Ma.ati

1een by 3<

Bero A Noble this.

Lian Las Pinas

(atotohanan, Magpapalaya sa )ayan=

-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / ;uly +9, +<1+ at 82+,p# near Ma.ati

1een by 3<

Nelson John Baylon Jr. Abs5"bn should re*i*e 7The 1tar Networ.7 tagline and station &6. A)15")N TA re*i*es the 198, slogan The 1tar Networ. and station &6 with 198, orchestral5 type ingle by 4yan "ayabyab, and 6HMM5AM 4adio re*i*es 7Ang Bi#pilan ng Malayang Ma#a#ayan7 slogan *oiced by Krnie Angeles.

/ /


0et Notifications

;uly +9, +<1+ at 1+2:,p#

1een by 3<

+ people li.e this.

Nelson John Baylon Jr. This is a>*L6*J5<AieM*.

;uly :<, +<1+ at 12+8p# / -i.e / 1

Nelson John Baylon Jr. 0MA Networ. -ogo %199851993'

GMA Logos Before Kapuso ra !"#$%&'((') The logos of 0MA Networ. before the .apuso era.http2GGen.wi.ipilipinas.orgGindeF.php> titleL0MAMNetwor.M-ogos )y2 !inoy Nostalgia
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / ;uly :<, +<1+ at 1286p#

1een by 3<

Nelson ;ohn )aylon ;r. this

Nelson John Baylon Jr. 1ana #ay #ag5post sa youtube nung farewell special ng A)"...sad as it is, it will be the first ti#e since ))"5+Ds shutdown in 1986 na #ay networ. na 7#agsasara7 %i put it in Cuotation #ar.s .asi in reality, hindi na#an talaga #agsasara ang A)" at #agbabagong5anyo lang the neFt day55.u#baga, 7end of an era7'...parang, another #o#ent in TA history Dyang 7final sign5off7 ng A)"... napanood .o yung reopening ng channel 3 twenty5two years ago. with4adio !hilippines Networ., &nc. 4!N9 and &)" 1: %the for#er big networ.s fro# the #arcos era' slowly declining bac. then, TA3 was the neFt best alternati*e to Abs5"bn and 0MA Networ....and iD# sure their neFt #o*e co#e August 9 will be really pro#ising.

/ /


0et Notifications

;uly :<, +<1+ at 128,p# near Manila

1een by 3<

Nelson ;ohn )aylon ;r. this.

Nelson John Baylon Jr. (ung #ay the#e song ang pa#bansang .asiyahan tuwing tanghalian, #arahil, ito na ngayon2 7 &sang liboDt isang tuwa, buong bansa.... Kat )ulaga=7

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0et Notifications

;uly :<, +<1+ at :218p#

1een by 3<

Nelson ;ohn )aylon ;r. this.

Lian Las Pinas K-M$ Magalona is the son of late co5host Francis Magalona as a new co5host of Kat )ulaga since +<1<

/ /


0et Notifications

;uly :<, +<1+ at :2+<p# near Ma.ati

1een by 3<

Nelson ;ohn )aylon ;r. this.

Nelson John Baylon Jr. &)" 1: %bac. in their 7islands t* 1:7 days', for eFa#ple, had so#e ti#echec.s sponsored by hanabishi, ni.on appliances, and by55coincidentally55island sardines. !eopleDs Tele*ision Networ., &nc. na#an always had a ti#e chec. after their station &6 sponsored by certain watch brands55i re#e#ber it distinctly li.e this2 the screen would show an analog cloc., tapos the *oiceo*er announcer %then dr. buddy bryan M6 of the old 6E("' would say 7%na#e of watch brand' and sei.o were so#e of the brands i re#e#ber. of 4adio !hilippines Networ., &nc. 4!N9Ds trade#ar. on5screen cloc., whose original font was used for soooooooo #any years> i thin. they still had it e*en up to the ti#e when solar bought so#e of their broadcast hours...iD# pretty sure wala na ito ngayon, though...

/ /


0et Notifications

;uly :<, +<1+ at :2+1p#

1een by 3<

Nelson ;ohn )aylon ;r. this.

Lian Las Pinas !a5upload po ang 7Mga Nagbabagang )alita2 +3 Taon ng TA !atrol7 %full show in high Cuality7
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / ;uly :<, +<1+ at 32:8p# near Ma.ati

1een by 3<

Bero A Noble this.

Nelson John Baylon Jr. 6EI& 1:18 .BJ AM MAN&-A2

&to ang 6)1, 6elta )roadcasting 1yste#. 6EI& Bi#pilan ng Mabuting )alita, Bi#pilang !inagpala= %Awit' 76EI&, Ehere ;esus is -ord7 Me#ber2 ()!=
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / ;uly :1, +<1+ at 92::a#

1een by 3<

Nelson ;ohn )aylon ;r. this.

Lian Las Pinas TeeAeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeyyyyyy.. !AT4$-=


/ / 1hare / 0et Notifications / ;uly :1, +<1+ at 623+p# near Ma.ati

1een by 3<

Bero A Noble this.

Nelson John Baylon Jr.>*L<8<6cp1d*1o A Million 4oses for the Eorld %Music by' O 4yan "ayabyab 1ung by Ms.-oudette )anson -yrics by The Most 4e*. 1ocrates ). Aillegas Music by 4yan "ayabyab Ee drea# Ee drea# Ee drea# A world at of a world at peace. of a world of lo*e. of a world at prayer. peace, in lo*e with 0od=

& ha*e a #other in hea*en & ha*e a Cueen in #y heart. My #other@s na#e is Mary )lessed hand#aid of 0od= Ee pledge to pray her rosary That peace #ay reign supre#e A #illion roses of prayer A #illion roses for peace= Ee pledge to pray her rosary That peace #ay reign supre#e A #illion roses of prayer A #illion roses for peace= Ee pledge to pray her rosary That peace #ay reign supre#e A #illion roses of prayer A #illion roses for peace= A #illion roses of prayer A #illion roses for peace=

A*e Maria=

A Million Roses for the *orl+ !,ith Lyri-s) -yrics2 Ee drea# of a world at peace. Ee drea# of a world of lo*e. Ee drea# of a world at prayer. A world at peace, in lo*e with 0od= & ha*e a #other in hea*...

/ / 1hare / 0et Notifications / ;uly :1, +<1+ at ,288p#

1een by 3< Nelson ;ohn )aylon ;r. this.

Nelson John Baylon Jr. 7&sang liboDt isang tuwa, buong bansa... Kat )ulaga=7

/ /


0et Notifications

August +, +<1+ at 112<:p#

1een by 89

Nelson ;ohn )aylon ;r. this.

Nelson John Baylon Jr. & as. e*ery fa#ily, !lease pray the 4osary. The fa#ily that prays together stays together.
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / August +, +<1+ at 112<8p#

1een by 89

Nelson ;ohn )aylon ;r. this.

Nelson John Baylon Jr. 45!5N !hilippines= 45!5N &nfor#s= 45!5N Kntertains= 45!5N 1er*es 4...!...N... The Networ.=
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / August +, +<1+ at 112<8p#

1een by 89

Nelson ;ohn )aylon ;r. this.

Nelson John Baylon Jr. The new the#e of 7TA !atrol7 when Noli beca#e sole anchor in 199,, the newscast adopted 0ari "o##unicationsD 7Allegro7 fro# (!&I5TA, a ")15owned TA station in 1an Francisco, "alifornia.
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / August +, +<1+ at 112<3p#

1een by 89

Nelson ;ohn )aylon ;r. this.

Lian Las Pinas ta#a ba yung narinig .o ang the#e song ng Kat )ulaga > 7Mula )atanes hanggang ;olo, saan .a #an ay halina .ayo7 a.ala .o Aparri...h### P with Archie !aredes.
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / August +, +<1+ at 112<6p# near Ma.ati

1een by 89

Nelson John Baylon Jr. 0MA Networ. is the third pro*ider of do#estic satellite technology %6o#1at'. The 0MA is a #e#ber of 6$M1AT and (apisanan ng #ga )rod.aster ng !ilipinas.

/ /


0et Notifications

August +, +<1+ at 112<6p#

1een by 89

Lian Las Pinas 7&sang liboDt isang tuwa, buong bansa... Kat )ulaga=7

/ /


0et Notifications

August +, +<1+ at 112<6p# near Ma.ati

1een by 89

Diego .r Reyes /or+ero Buli "a# o ""TA !atrol o )idyo )andido>

-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / August 8, +<1+ at 62<3p#

1een by 89

Nelson ;ohn )aylon ;r. this.

Diego .r Reyes /or+ero &to ang sa#a5sa#a paging 1A(1&= %+<<+5+<<8'

-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / August 8, +<1+ at 6211p#

1een by 89

Nelson John Baylon Jr.>*L+hnu0i:f#Ho This is the newest 1tation &6 of 0MA Networ.this year== The new rendition of 0MA@s the#e song is a #ore dra#atic duet by Asia@s 1ongbird 4egine AelasCueJ5Alcasid and (apuso pop sensation ;9-&K ANNK 1AN ;$1K %4egine sang the original

*ersion of the the#e song for a al#ost in a 1< years since $ctober +,, +<<+'. P with -ian -as !inas and 9 others.

0he GMA Net,or1 2tation ID 1a#a5sa#a nating ipahayag ang nilala#an ng ating puso=
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / August 8, +<1+ at 12+8p# nearManila

1een by 8, Nelson ;ohn )aylon ;r. this.

Diego .r Reyes /or+ero i posted that,

August 8, +<1+ at 6283p# / -i.e / 1

Diego .r Reyes /or+ero !lease upload 9nang )alita The#e 2 7Top of the Bour7 %;uly 13, +<<+ 5 March 1+, +<<8'
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / August 8, +<1+ at 6286p#

1een by 8,

Diego .r Reyes /or+ero !lease upload The#e 2 79lti#ate Nuest7 by "raig !al#er %;une 8, +<<1 5 ;uly 1+, +<<+'

/ /


0et Notifications

August 8, +<1+ at 6288p#

1een by 86

Diego .r Reyes /or+ero 0eorge E. )ush The +<<: 1tate Aisit 2 A 0MA News Q !ublic Affairs 1pecial "o*erage
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / August 8, +<1+ at ,213p#

1een by 86

Nelson ;ohn )aylon ;r. this.

Diego .r Reyes /or+ero "NN& !artnership 2 0MA, A)15")N

-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / August 8, +<1+ at ,218p#

1een by 86

Nelson John Baylon Jr.>*LAs<13aKe#"K The full Ani#ated Music Aideo of the !hilippine National Anthe# %pefor#ed by 4adioacti*e 1ago !ro ect and produced by National Bistorical "o##ission of the !hilippines and 4oc. Kd !hilippines' last ;une 11 )efore the &ndependence day "elebration last ;une 1+, +<1+.

Lupang 3inirang4 0he Philippine National Anthem Animation for In+epen+en-e Day '("' The National Bistorical "o##ission of the !hilippines and 4oc. Kd 4adio present this fully ani#ated #usic *ideo of the !hilippine National Anthe#. A4N$-6 A44...

/ / 1hare / 0et Notifications / August 1<, +<1+ at 1213p#

1een by 86

Nelson ;ohn )aylon ;r. this.

Nelson John Baylon Jr. After the second re*olution, she re#o*ed Hoe )roadcasting Networ.%"hannel 11', a )ro. Kddie Aillanue*a5owned 1ingaporean news and general entertain#ent tele*ision channel broadcasting in 1ingapore Mandarin affiliated with T"1 Kighth FreCuency originally ceased trans#itting on ;anuary 19, +<<1 to replace a new networ. under the brand na#e Nuality Tele*ision in April +<<1. &n +<<8, NTAN #ade a co##ercial TA channel for the first ti#e under 4.A. ,:<6 when it was signed. Arroyo also encouraged the touris# sector to boost the national econo#y. 9nder her first ter#, the 6epart#ent of Touris# launched a progra# called Eow !hilippines in +<<+, offers tourist *isits in the country to show their natural wonders, to protect their indigenous peoples, to preser*e heritage sites and to contribute historical i#portance.

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0et Notifications

August 1<, +<1+ at 8239p#

1een by 86

Nelson ;ohn )aylon ;r. this.

Lian Las Pinas The biggest and brightest A)15")N stars spearheaded a #o*e#ent that ai#s to encourage registered *oters to be wise and *igilant in the co#ing May +<1< National Klections. The R4un for "hange@ fun run was held early #orning of 1unday, March 18, at the Mc(inley Bills in Fort )onifacio where (apa#ilya stars, participants of the A)15")N News and "urrent Affairs@ )oto Mo &5patrol Mo #o*e#ent, and students raced to the finish line to show the public that we are all one in praying for an honest, orderly, and peaceful election this May. Aside fro# sending out a *ery i#portant #essage, all the stars also happily attended the e*ent to be with their belo*ed peers. 0i*en their respecti*e busy schedules, it had been *ery difficult for all these stars to get together in one e*ent, forget wor. for a while, and basically ust ha*e fun and catch up on each other. Fitness buffs were also eFcited to get all sweaty for a worthy cause.

This #eaningful e*ent was #ade possible by 1tar Magic@s ;ohnny Manahan and (eren !ascual and participants include (apa#ilya stars li.e !iolo !ascual, ;a.e "uenca and 6iether $ca#po. The runners co#peted in two e*ents, the three5.ilo#eter race and the fi*e5 .ilo#eter race. Einners in these categories were gi*en #edals through a cere#ony at the Aenice !iaJJa in Mc(inley Bills. &n the three5.ilo#eter category, the girls who snatched the #edals were !inoy )ig )rother 1eason + eF5house#ates 0ee5Ann Abrahan %:rd !lace' and )eatriJ 1aw %+nd !lace' and young star Beidi 0riego %1st !lace'. Meanwhile the boys who conCuered the finish line were "o*erboy ;on A*ila %:rd !lace', and 0iggerboys@ 4obi 6o#ingo %+nd !lace' and A; !ereJ %1st !lace'. $n the other hand the fi*e5.ilo#eter category were ruled by "arlos Agassi %:rd !lace', Nico Antonio %+nd !lace', Knchong 6ee %1st !lace' in the #ale category and "hes.a $rtega %:rd !lace', 0e# 4a#os %+nd !lace', and Maricar 4eyes %1st !lace' in the fe#ale category.

/ / 1hare / 0et Notifications / August 1<, +<1+ at 32:+p# near Ma.ati

1een by 86

Diego .r Reyes /or+ero "o#e +<1: or neFt year A)15")N faceboo. page will put up a ti#eline fro# 193:5+<1:
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / August 11, +<1+ at 1+233a#

1een by 83

Lian Las Pinas>*L36Hpr#c(5t< 5 "ha#pion &nternational "igarettes "o##ercial %1996' %Aoiced by !eter Musngi2' Ang balitang pa#pala.asan ay inahatid sa inyo ng "ha#pion "igarettes2 The )rand of "ha#pions=

/hampion /igarettes /ommer-ial '((5 "ha#pion "igarettes "o##ercial circa +<<6 taped during 4!N newswatch TA" brea. 0$AK4NMKNT EA4N&N02 "igarette is dangerous to your health.

/ / 1hare / 0et Notifications / August 11, +<1+ at :289a# nearMa.ati

1een by 83

Lian Las Pinas 7This is #y Fortune, #a.e it yours too.7 5 4ichard 70$MA7 0o#eJ

/ /


0et Notifications

August 11, +<1+ at :289a# near Ma.ati

1een by 83

Lian Las Pinas "ha#pion "igarettes TA" %1996' 1a*or your winning #o#ents with "ha#pion "igarettes Taste the fla*or of success with "ha#pion (ings The brand for the brand of #an enough, "ha#pion "igarettes= "ha#pion "igarettes2 The )rand of "ha#pions=
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / August 11, +<1+ at :286p# near Ma.ati

1een by 83

Nelson John Baylon Jr. )agong Milenyo, )agong -ogo %Abs5"bn5+ 7(apa#ilya and A)"53 %nowTA3' 7(apatid7' new logo of post51986 K61A tele*ision broadcasting networ.s were launched on 1515+<<<

6Bagong Milenyo64 /ount+o,n to 7'K & Philippines Midnight #illenniu# countdown to ;anuary 1, +<<< at the -uneta %4iJal !ar.' in Manila and other sites in the !hilippines. New ?earDs K*e countdown is led by ...
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / August 11, +<1+ at ,23<p#

1een by 88

Nelson ;ohn )aylon ;r. this

Lian Las Pinas $n March 9, +<<1, Noli de "astro steps down as anchor#an of TA !atrol and is replaced by (orina 1ancheJ on Monday.
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / August 1+, +<1+ at +2:6p#

1een by 88

Lian Las Pinas The $pening )illboard of TA !atrol in 199, features a blue and yellow graphic 5 blue with the !hilippine Map and yellow with the world #ap and a blue circle with yellow border, TA in &#pact and !AT4$- in hel*etica font The newscast begins with a headlines 79lo ng #ga )alita7 )efore the report starts they use May report si %insert reporter' Q after the report !ara sa TA !atrol %insert reporter' A)15")N News
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / August 1+, +<1+ at :2<8p#

1een by 88

Lian Las Pinas Bello Newseu# !ilipinas 5 1i Krnie Aniano at Mario de -ayola ay *ideo librarians ng Abs5"bn

/ /


0et Notifications

August 18, +<1+ at 1218a# near Ma.ati

1een by 88

Lian Las Pinas The !-6T56!" Museu#, a oint *enture of !hilippine -ong 6istance Telephone "o#pany %!-6T' and 6irectories !hilippines "orporation %6!"' %for#erly 0TK 6irectories "orporation' to be built at the third floor of National -ibrary of the !hilippines. A collection of old telephone sets and !-6T telephone directories fro# 193, to present The $ld Telephone )oo.s -ibrary is the oint *enture of telephone co#panies Tele.o# )runei )erhad, "hina Teleco#, !""E -i#ited %!""E', !hilippine -ong 6istance Telephone "o#pany %!-6T', 1ingapore Teleco##unications -i#ited %1ingTel', 1ri -an.a Teleco# %1-T', Tele.o# Malaysia )erhad %TM' and telephone directory publishers Tele 6irectories %)' 1dn )hd, "hina Teleco# ?ellow !ages &nfor#ation "o. -td., !""E Media -i#ited, 0etit &nfoser*ices !ri*ate -i#ited, TM &nfo5Media 1dn )hd, 6irectories !hilippines "orporation, ?ellow !ages %1ingapore' -i#ited and 6irectories -an.a %!AT' -td. as a collection of old telephone directories of cities of "hina, Bong (ong, &ndia, Malaysia, !hilippines, 1ingapore and 1ri -an.a fro# 19<<s to +<1+, and it is located at the third floor of National -ibrary of the !hilippines building in Manila.
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / August 18, +<1+ at 82:6p#

1een by 8:

Lian Las Pinas 6!" 6!" was incorporated on ;une +<, 1989 to assu#e the business of the !hilippine )ranch of 0TK 6irectories %0TKG6"'. The for#er is ,<S owned by Filipinos and 0TKG6" %Asia' -td. owns the re#aining :<S of the capital stoc.. The co#pany was for#erly operating as !hilippine )ranch of 0TK 6irectories "orporation, a wholly5owned foreign corporation, and the largest publisher of yellow pages directories in the world. After the 198, !hilippine "onstitution too. effect disallowing wholly5owned foreign corporations to be engaged in #edia, 0TK 6irectories %!hilippines' "orporation, a ,<S Filipino corporation too. o*er the operations of the !hilippine )ranch. The co#pany was organiJed pri#arily to publish telephone directories for !-6T and !ilipino Telephone

"o#pany. The co#pany@s na#e, 0TK 6irectories %!hilippines' "orporation, was e*entually changed to 6irectories !hilippines "orporation %6!"' as appro*ed by the 1ecurities and KFchange "o##ission on April 6, 199:. As of August 199:, 0TK ceased to be a stoc.holder of 6!" fro# which the co#pany e*ol*ed into a wholly owned Filipino fir# it is today. 1ince 1989, when 6!" was organiJed, it has e#erged as the do#inant leader in the directories ad*ertising industry in the !hilippines today. &t is the leading seller of ?ellow !ages ad*ertise#ents. As of +<<9, it has officially published +8 directories co*ering -uJAiMin areas. 6!" is also the founder and a charter #e#ber of the Asian 6irectory !ublishers Association, &nc. %A6!A&', which is a non5profit association, co#posed of +< countries in the Asian region.

1een by 8: Nelson John Baylon Jr. The 0MA Networ. has close ties with N)" and has used a #a ority of the networ.Ds i#aging and slogans since the 19,<s.

/ / 1hare / 0et Notifications / August 13, +<1+ at 82::p# near Ma.ati

/ /


0et Notifications

August 13, +<1+ at 928<p# near Manila

1een by 8:

Nelson ;ohn )aylon ;r. this.

Nelson John Baylon Jr. 19362 7This is 6H))5TA "hannel ,, Manila7 196<56:2 7The -eadership 1tation7 19662 7The 1tation ThatDs 1elling...4eally 1elling7 19695,<2 7This is "hannel 1e*en, 1pearhead of Australian Tele*ision7 1u##er 19,8G,92 71e*en 1u##er7 19,92 70MADs 4eaching for the 1tars7 198<2 7"hannel ,Ds !roud in 1ydney= %EeDre !roud'7 %borrowed ele#ents fro# N)"Ds 7!roud as a !eacoc.7' 19812 7?ouDre Eatching "hannel , Manila7 198358,2 7-etDs All )e There7 %based on N)"Ds 7N)", -etDs All )e There7 of 198851986' 19862 7Manila ")67 %used alongside 7-etDs All )e There7' 1986 %No*.'2 7Thirty ?ears Together, "hannel , and ?ou7 %based on ETT0Ds 1983 &6 7Forty ?ears Together, "hannel 3 and ?ou7' 198,2 7?ouDre &n*ited on a ;ourney7 199<5962 7Nobody (nows Manila -i.e 0MA7 +<<62 7"elebrating 3< ?ears of Tele*ision in Manila7 %9sed to celebrate 3< ?ears of 0MA Tele*ision'

/ / 1hare / 0et Notifications / August 13, +<1+ at 9281p# near Manila

1een by 8: Nelson ;ohn )aylon ;r. this.

Diego .r Reyes /or+ero +<<6>

August 16, +<1+ at +288a# / -i.e / 1

Diego .r Reyes /or+ero AN" 6ateline !hilippines "urrent The#e 2 7&n51in. A.:7 613 Music
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / August 16, +<1+ at :2:6a#

1een by 8:

Lian Las Pinas The "hinese and Knglish Bong (ong TA and 4adio Eee. is e*ery 1unday since 193, in The Manila Ti#es and since 1963 in the Manila )ulletin, 6ece#ber 13, 1983 to present %!hilippine 6aily &nCuirer' !age + 5 the "hinese and Knglish Bong (ong 1unday TA 0uide2 ti#e %M2MM', progra# na#e in "hinese and Knglish and !age 8, Monday to 1aturday TA -istings "hannel -isting in the 1ection colu#n 1 for TA) ;ade colu#n + for ATA Bo#e colu#n : for TA) !earl colu#n 8 for ATA Eorld.
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / August 16, +<1+ at :23<a# near Ma.ati

1een by 8:

Lian Las Pinas 1uddenly, this word is being nudged into our consciousness and we@*e forgotten what it@s all about. Ehat, honestly and truly, is nationalis#>. $.ay, the easy answer. &t@s lo*e of country. &t@s a return to the *alues of yesteryear when the notion of nation drew us close together, particularly the war years. Fear and loathing of the ;apanese in*ader and occupant. The tra#p of his hobnailed boot, the terrors of Fort 1antiago. )ataan and "orregidor. The 6eath March. Filipinos dying by the #ultitudes. The sword of 6ai Nippon plunged ruthlessly into their entrails. That is the only ti#e & personally re#e#ber, outside of the !hilippine re*olution against 1pain and the insurgency against the 9nited 1tates, that #any Filipinos were ready and willing to die for this entity called )ayan .ong !ilipinas. The Filipino nation. !ilipinas .ong #ahal. Bundreds of thousands did perish if not a couple of #illions. Then and only then did lo*e of country surge into the Filipino soul li.e #olten la*a. -a patria was the re*ered fatherland. And a brace of Filipino heroes at the end of the 19th century ga*e their li*es O willingly, courageously, indo#itably. Then the patriotic songs O )ayang Magiliw, )ayan (o, !ilipinas (ong Mahal.
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / August 16, +<1+ at ,21<p#

1een by 8:

Diego .r Reyes /or+ero !ara sa 9nang )alita %insert reporters na#e' 4eporting
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / August 16, +<1+ at ,238p#

1een by 8:

Lian Las Pinas the patriotic songs O )ayang Magiliw, )ayan (o, !ilipinas (ong Mahal and-$46, heal our land
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / August 16, +<1+ at ,23,p#

1een by 8:

Lian Las Pinas -ord Beal our -and is a patriotic song by ;a#ie 4i*era

/ /


0et Notifications

August 16, +<1+ at ,23,p#

1een by 8:

Bero A Noble this.

Nelson John Baylon Jr. Ee wish the Kl 1haddai %6wFi !pfi' a happy +8th anni*ersary and to )ro. Mi.e Aelarde a happy ,:rd birthday on August +<, +<1+ 5 fro# Newseu# !ilipinas and A Million 4oses for the Eorld 5 Filipinos at !rayer==

/ /


0et Notifications

August 16, +<1+ at 1<2<<p#

1een by 8:

Nelson ;ohn )aylon ;r. this.

Lian Las Pinas !re#iere telecast of TA !atrol. 4adio #ainstay Noli de "astro and actress5personality AngeliCue -aJo oin )alita Ngayon anchors 4obert and Mel. Eee.s later, TA !atrolDs 4obert and news anchor Fran. K*angelista of Magandang 9#aga %A)15")NDs #orning show in the 198<Ds' swapped. Newscast featured #ore reports on actions of authorities on peace and order in and out of Manila %!ulis 4eport', #ore news ite#s on celebrities and personalities %1tar News' besides the dayDs headlines in and out of Manila %9lo ng Mga )alita'. The new seg#ents that caught the public eye2 the group co##entary !9-1$ %!ang.alahatang 9lat -aan 1a $pinyon' and the public ser*ice report -ing.od )ayan.
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / August 16, +<1+ at 1<2<,p#

1een by 8:

Bero A Noble this.

Diego .r Reyes /or+ero i found the photo of The 1tar Networ. 198, March 1, at flic.r )alita Ngayon still at A)15 ")N at 82<<a# b8 Magandang 9#aga !o,

August 16, +<1+ at 112<+p# / -i.e

Lian Las Pinas -in.>

August 16, +<1+ at 112<+p# / -i.e

Diego .r Reyes /or+ero donDt worry itDs here at A)15")N 1y#bol 1968 %ne*er b8 seen= #ust see'

August 16, +<1+ at 112<:p# / -i.e

Diego .r Reyes /or+ero The Ne*er )efore 1een A)15")N -ogo after the #erger=

AB2 /BN 2ym8ol "#59

-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / August 16, +<1+ at 112<3p#

1een by 8:

Bero A Noble this.

Diego .r Reyes /or+ero New Ti#e 1lot )alita Ngayon Ang inyong diyaryo sa telebisyon. 82<<a#
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / August 16, +<1+ at 112<,p#

1een by 8:

Lian Las Pinas Abs5"bn + 1chedule %198,' Monday to Friday 8a# 5 )alita Ngayon 82:<a# 5 Magandang 9#aga !o

/ /


0et Notifications

August 16, +<1+ at 112<8p#

1een by 8:

Bero A Noble this.

Diego .r Reyes /or+ero TA !atrol was a tabloid newscast it was in 6< #inutes up to April 1996 anchored by Noli de "astro, Mel Tiangco Q 4obert Are*alo. The First 1eg#ents are2 Eanted, -ing.od )ayan, Boy 0ising=, Q 1tar News
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / August 16, +<1+ at 11213p#

1een by 8:

Bero A Noble this.

Diego .r Reyes /or+ero !re#ieres To#orrow TA !atrol The first e*er 6<5#inute daily tabloid on5the5air Mondays thru Fridays 6!M
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / August 16, +<1+ at 112<9p#

1een by 8:

Bero A Noble this.

Lian Las Pinas Ang the#e #usic nila 5 7!ulstar7 by Aangelis

August 16, +<1+ at 11211p# / -i.e

Diego .r Reyes /or+ero Aoiced by !eter 4abbit %before it changes to !eter Musngi' 2 7May init na balita sa... TA !atrol=7

August 16, +<1+ at 1121+p# / -i.e

Lian Las Pinas the opening intro and the 7pa#bungad na pabati7 by Noli de "astro2

August 16, +<1+ at 1121:p# / -i.e

Lian Las Pinas !a#bungad na pabati 5 refers to a opening greeting line of (abayan Noli2

August 16, +<1+ at 11213p# / -i.e

Lian Las Pinas &t says 5 7Magandang 0abi, )ayan=7

August 16, +<1+ at 11218p# / -i.e

Diego .r Reyes /or+ero in 1996, (abayan goes 1olo one hour was cut into :< #inutes +<<<, TA !atrol launched TA !atrol "ara*an Q in +<<1, (abayan left the newscast to run as 1enator in the upco#ing +<<1 elections
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / August 16, +<1+ at 112+1p#

1een by 8:

Bero A Noble this.

Lian Las Pinas 7-uJon5Aisayas at Mindanao, handa na ba .ayo sa isang oras na balita>7 5(orina 1ancheJ
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / August 16, +<1+ at 112++p#

1een by 8:

Bero A Noble this.


.r Reyes /or+ero

+<<1, (orina 1ancheJ is now the new anchor of TA !atrol later Benry $#aga 6iaJ Q Al o )endi o who ca#e fro# TA !atrol 1outhern Mindanao also the new anchors. The newscast :< #inute turns to 6< #inutes.
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / August 16, +<1+ at 112+6p#

1een by 8:

Bero A Noble this.

Diego .r Reyes /or+ero -i*e #ula sa A)15")N Newscenter ito ang TA !atrol=
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / August 16, +<1+ at 112+8p#

1een by 8:

Bero A Noble this.

Lian Las Pinas April +1, +<<: 5 (orina 1ancheJ and ;ulius ". )abao on TA !atrol

/ /


0et Notifications

August 16, +<1+ at 112+9p#

1een by 8:

Bero A Noble this.

Lian Las Pinas 7Magandang 0abi, !ilipinas7 5 (orina 1ancheJ


/ /


0et Notifications

August 16, +<1+ at 112+9p#

1een by 8:

Bero A Noble this.

Diego .r Reyes /or+ero before Krnie )aron dies he choose (i# AtienJa to be the new TA !atrol Eeather#an. after 7The Kncyclopedia7 died AtienJas now the new TA !atrol Eeather#an
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / August 16, +<1+ at 112:+p#

1een by 8:

Diego .r Reyes /or+ero Marc -ogan was hired in 1996

-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / August 16, +<1+ at 112::p#

1een by 8:

Bero A Noble this.

Diego .r Reyes /or+ero ;anuary +<<1, 0MA Networ. aired the docu#entary sa (asaysayan7 %not to be confused' about the &#peach#ent Trial of Krap Q the K61A &&. $ne year after sa (asaysayan7 was aired, the docu#entary can seened again on AB1 sales
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / August 16, +<1+ at 11283p#

1een by 8:

Diego .r Reyes /or+ero Frontpage Ang ulat #ula .ay %insert reporters na#e' !ara sa Frontpage %insert reporters na#e' 0MA News 1i %insert reporters na#e' ang ating 1A(1&= A.o si %insert reporters na#e' ang inyong naging 1A(1&=

/ /


0et Notifications

August 18, +<1+ at 1+2<+a#

1een by 8: Diego .r Reyes /or+ero 9nang )alita The#e %+<<+5+<<8' 2 7Top of the Bour7 Frontpage2 9lat ni Mel Tiangco The#e %+<<+5+<<8' 2 > The#e %+<<+5+<<8' 2 7The "hase7

1een by 8: Lian Las Pinas Banggang ), alas5diyes y #edya ng gabi, Mel Tiangco po, nag5uulat.
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / August 18, +<1+ at 1+2<6a#

/ /


0et Notifications

August 18, +<1+ at 1+2<3a#

1een by 8:

Diego .r Reyes /or+ero Banggang ), alas5seis y #edya ng gabi, 6ito parin sa 0MA, Mel Tiangco po, nag5uulat.
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / August 18, +<1+ at 1+2<9a#

1een by 8:

Lian Las Pinas Frontpage was cancelled due to low ratings and it is replaced by +8 $ras on Monday, March 13, +<<8

/ /


0et Notifications

August 18, +<1+ at 1+21<a# nearMa.ati

1een by 8:

Lian Las Pinas 1ancheJ Kra %March 1+, +<<1 to No*e#ber 19, +<<8' The studio sa#e as (abayanDs era, re*erting to a #ultiple for#at %: anchors'
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / August 18, +<1+ at 1+2+<a# nearMa.ati

1een by 8:

Bero A Noble this.


.r Reyes /or+ero

This is how +8 $ras starts in March 13, +<<8 +8 $ras Beadlines narrated by ;oel 4eyes Hobel %insert headlines' +8 $ras The#e2 7+8 $ras7 co#posed Q arranged by ;i##y Antiporda +<<85+<<8 Mula sa 0MA Networ.... Narito= Ang walang .in.ilingan, walang pinoprote.ahan, walang .asinungalingan. Mel Tiangco= Mi.e KnriCueJ= Magandang gabi po, ito ang +8 $ras, 6ahil hindi natutulog ang )alita. -i*e #ula %insert location' na.atuto. %insert reporters na#e' Mara#ing 1ala#at %insert reporters na#e' %insert headlines' na.atuto. si %insert reporters na#e' %insert report' %insert reporters na#e' na.atuto. +8 $ras. 1usunod %insert headlines' tuto. lang dito... sa +8 $ras. At yan ang balitang a#ing sa #a.alipas na +8 $ras, Mara#ing sala#at sa inyong pagtitiwala, Banggang bu.asGsa lunes, a.o po inyong .apuso Mel Tiangco, a.o po inyong .apuso Mi.e KnriCueJ at ito ang 0MA, Ealang .in.ilingan, Ealang pinoprote.ahan, Ealang .asinungalingan. 1erbisyong Totoo la#ang, at dahil hindi natutulog ang balita, natuto. .a#i +8 $ras.
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / August 18, +<1+ at 1+281a#

1een by 8: )asal Afuang and Nelson ;ohn )aylon ;r. li.e this.

Lian Las Pinas That is the only ti#e & personally re#e#ber, outside of the !hilippine re*olution against 1pain and the insurgency against the 9nited 1tates, that #any Filipinos were ready and willing to die for this entity called )ayan .ong !ilipinas. The Filipino nation. !ilipinas .ong #ahal. Bundreds of thousands did perish if not a couple of #illions. Then and only then did lo*e of country surge into the Filipino soul li.e #olten la*a. -a patria was the re*ered fatherland. And a brace of Filipino heroes at the end of the 19th century ga*e their li*es O willingly, courageously, indo#itably. Then the patriotic songs O )ayang Magiliw, )ayan (o, !ilipinas (ong Mahal, A.o ay !ilipino. Today> The songs still rouse us, so#eti#es. The #e#ories still rouse us, so#eti#es. The #yth of nationalis# and nationhood still rouse us, so#eti#es. )ut e*en when it was supposed to resurge li.e a great redee#ing flood, and set out hearts pounding li.e tripha##ers O li.e K61A & and K61A && O it ust wasn@t there any#ore. Ehen we toppled the dictator Ferdinand Marcos and the pretender ;oseph Kstrada, it was not because of nationalis#. Ee swept these two dastards out of power because we hated their guts. Ee didn@t bring out the flags. Ee pealed no nationalistic bells. There was no notion of nation to the heights li.e starshells.
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / August +1, +<1+ at ,23,p#

1een by 8:

Lian Las Pinas

& end with the bra*e and noble refrain of our National Anthe#2 -upa ng araw ng luwalhatiDt pagsinta, buhay ay -angit sa !iling Mo. A#ing ligaya na pag #ay #ang5aapi, ang #a#atay ng dahil sa iyo.
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / August +1, +<1+ at 82<+p# near Ma.ati

1een by 8:

Diego .r Reyes /or+ero TA !atrol Mula sa A)15")N Newscenter, Narito si (abayan... Noli de "astro=P with Bero A Noble.


/ / 1hare / 0et Notifications / August 1,, +<1+ at 112+<p#

1een by 8: + people li.e this.

3ero A No8le !a5tag na#an po sa profile .o sala#at po 2'''

August +1, +<1+ at 1<239a# / -i.e

Diego .r Reyes /or+ero donDt post it on !NTA due to the incident

August ++, +<1+ at ,233p# / -i.e


.r Reyes /or+ero

This is how +8 $ras starts in March 13, +<<8 +8 $ras Beadlines narrated by ;oel 4eyes Hobel %insert headlines' +8 $ras The#e2 7+8 $ras7 co#posed Q arranged by ;i##y Antiporda +<<85+<<8 Ani#ation features with 2 %font Ti#e 4o#an' 7Ta#balang di #apapantayan Mel T&AN0"$ #ay puso Tapat Mi.e KN4&N9KH Mapag.a.atiwalaan Matapat Mi.e Mel7 +8 $ras logo 6ahil hindi natutulog ang balita Joo#ing closer to 0MA Networ. "enter Kntrance Q Newsroo# :6 -ogo of +8 $ras Q 0MA News BeadCuarters Mula sa 0MA Networ.... Narito= Ang walang .in.ilingan, walang pinoprote.ahan, Mel Tiangco= Mi.e KnriCueJ= Magandang gabi po, ito ang +8 $ras, 6ahil hindi natutulog ang balita. %insert headlines' na.atuto. si %insert reporters na#e' -i*e #ula %insert location' na.atuto. si %insert reporters na#e' Mara#ing sala#at, %insert reporters na#e' %insert headlines' na.atuto. si %insert reporters na#e' %insert report' %insert reporters na#e' na.atuto. +8 $ras. 1usunod %insert headlines' tuto. lang dito... sa +8 $ras. At yan ang balitang a#ing sa #a.alipas na +8 $ras, Mara#ing sala#at sa inyong pagtitiwala, Banggang bu.asGsa lunes, a.o po inyong .apuso Mel Tiangco, a.o po inyong .apuso Mi.e KnriCueJ at ito ang 0MA, Ealang .in.ilingan, Ealang pinoprote.ahan, Ealang .asinungalingan. 1erbisyong Totoo la#ang, at dahil hindi natutulog ang balita, na.atuto. .a#i +8 $ras.
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / August ++, +<1+ at 821+p#

1een by 88

Diego .r Reyes /or+ero 1tar !atrol The#e No*e#ber +<<85;une +<1<> *L+rIgT,EAtA?

0: Patrol 2oun+tra-1 & 2tar Patrol !'((5) 1ong2 Find Another -o*e by Moody &nc %either Ta.e your Ti#e by -o*e )ite' TM Q T +<<65+<1+ A)15")N "orporation G A)15")N &nteracti*e. All 4ights 4eser*ed.

/ / 1hare / 0et Notifications / August +8, +<1+ at 1<2<8p#

1een by 8: Bero A Noble this.

Lian Las Pinas Ee Eant 0MA Networ. to bring bac. the #e#bership of the (apisanan ng #ga )rod.aster ng !ilipinas==== 0MA TA Networ. as re5instated the new #e#ber of ()! again===


/ /


0et Notifications

August +3, +<1+ at +2+3a# near Manila

1een by 8:

Nelson ;ohn )aylon ;r. this.

Nelson John Baylon Jr.>*Lr4y18bp8n N 5 The *ideo of !hilippine National Anthe# %produced by )!& and Ayala "orporation in 6ece#ber 1998' during their sign5onGsign5off of Abs5"bn, !TA, A)" 3 %now TA3', 0MA Networ., 4adio !hilippines Networ., &nc. 4!N9, Hoe )roadcasting Networ.,&)" 1:, 1)N +1, 1tudio +:, NKT +3 Feed ?our Mind, "itynet +,, 4;TA +9 and "TA :1 in 199851998.

Philippine National Anthem; 4a#os Ad#inistration broadcast #edia adaptation of D-upang BinirangD to co##e#orate the !hilippine "entennial 7(alayaan7 the#e %189851998'. http2GGwww.#sc.ed...

/ / 1hare / 0et Notifications / August +3, +<1+ at 1<21,a# nearManila

1een by 8+Nelson ;ohn )aylon ;r. this.

Nelson John Baylon Jr.

-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / August +3, +<1+ at 1+2<1p#

1een by 8+

Nelson ;ohn )aylon ;r. this.

Nelson John Baylon Jr. 4eaders are -eaders, Eealth beyond #easure, &n*est in your #ind.
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / August +3, +<1+ at 1+2<+p#

1een by 8+

+ people li.e this.

Lian Las Pinas !atuloy ang pagdagsa ng #ga .aibigan, tagasuporta at #ga dating .asa#ahan sa burol ng yu#aong &nterior and -ocal 0o*ern#ent 1ecretary ;esse 4obredo. 1a i.alawang araw ng burol sa Mala.anyang, agad nagbigay5pugay ang bagong talagang chief ustice na si Maria -ourdes 1ereno. Matapos ang .aniyang sa 4iJal Ball ng palasyo, nagpunta si 1ereno sa (alayaan Ball .ung saan .asalu.uyang na.alaga. ang labi ng .alihi#. (asa#a nitong du#alaw sa burol si ;ustice 1ecretary -eila 6e -i#a at iba pang #ahistrado ng (orte 1upre#a. Na#ataan ding du#alaw si dating !angulong Fidel A. 4a#os at dating senador Ni..i "oseteng. 6u#alaw din ngayong araw si A)15")N News and "urrent Affairs Bead 0ing 4eyes, The Eorld Tonight anchor and )antay )ata 16: head Tina MonJon5!al#a, dating Metropolitan

Manila 6e*elop#ent Authority %MM6A' "hair#an )ayani Fernando, !hilippine 4ed "ross go*ernor actress 4osa 4osal and 1TA4 MA0&" talent young actor and cha#pion swi##er Knchong 6ee. 6u#agsa rin ang #ga #iye#bro ng diplo#atic corps para #agbigay5pugay .ay 4obredo gaya nina "anadian A#bassador "hristopher Thornley, Bonorary "onsul of 0abo# Kd 6e 0uJ#an, 1panish A#bassador ;orge 6o#ecC, 91 !olitical "ounselor ;oy ?a#a#oto, asawa ni !olish Bonorary "onsul Fernandino -ising, Kgyptian A#bassador Ah#ed Mah#oud Maher Abbas, Angolan "hargU dDAffaires Fernando Miguel at 1audi Arabian A#bassador Abdullah Al Bassan 1a labas na#an, dagsa pa rin ang #ga ordinaryong #a#a#ayan na nagnanais #agbigay5 pugay .ay 4obredo.
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / August +3, +<1+ at ,23<p# near Manila

1een by 8+

Nelson ;ohn )aylon ;r. this.

Nelson John Baylon Jr. !A0BABAN6$0 Ang hi#ig #o ang awit #o, lahat ng itoDy nag#ula sa &yo. Muling ihahandog sa D?o, )uong puso .ong inaalay sa D?o. (oro2 $ 6Dyos, $ !anginoon, -ahat ay biyayang ina#pon buhay at .a.ayahan. &toDy para la#ang sa D?ong .alwalhatian. Ang tanging ninanais .o, ay #ata#o la#ang ang pag5ibig Mo. -ahat ay iiwanan .o, wala nang .ailangan sapat na ito. %(oro'

/ / 1hare / 0et Notifications / August +3, +<1+ at 112:<p# nearManila

1een by 8+

Nelson John Baylon Jr. !ANANA09TAN Ealang sinu#an ang nabubuhay, !ara sa sarili la#ang Ealang sinu#an ang na#a#atay, !ara sa sarili la#ang (oro2 Tayong lahat ay #ay pananagutan sa isaDt5isa Tayong lahat ay tinipon ng 6iyos na .apiling NDya 1a ating pag#a#ahalan, At pagliling.od .anino #an Tayo ay nagdadala ng balita ng .aligtasan %(oro' 1abay5sabay ngang #ag5aawitan, Ang #ga bansa TayoDy tinuring ng !anginoon, )ilang #ga ana. %(oro'

1een by 8+ Nelson John Baylon Jr. Bandog ng !ilipino sa Mundo by ;i# !aredes !roduced by EKA records %!hilippines', &nc. Mag.aisa by T&T$ 1KN !roduced by Aicor Music "orporation

/ / 1hare / 0et Notifications / August +3, +<1+ at 112:<p# nearManila

/ /


0et Notifications

August +3, +<1+ at 112:1p# nearManila

1een by 8+

+ people li.e this.

Nelson John Baylon Jr. !A1($ NA NAMAN G AN0 !A1($ A? 19MA!&T !as.o na na#an, $ .ay tulin ng araw nagdaan, tila ba .ung .ailan lang, ngayon ay pas.o dapat pasala#atanngayon ay pas.o tayo ay #agawitan.!as.o, pas.o, pas.o na na#ang #ulitanging araw nating pina.a#i#ithipas.o, pas.o, pas.o na na#ang #uliang pag5ibig naghahari. 1a #ay bahay ang a#ing bati Merry "hrist#as na #al@walhati ang pag5ibig pag s@yang naghari araw5araw ay #agiging pas.o lagi. Ang sanhi po ng pagparito, hihingi po ng aginaldo .ung sa.ali@y .a#i@y perwisyo pasensiya na .ayo@t .a#i@y na#a#as.o. Ang pas.o ay su#apit, tayo ay #angagsiawit ng #agagandang hi#ig, dahil sa 6@yos ay pag5ibig ng si (risto@y isilang, #ay tatlong Baring nagsidalaw at ang bawat isa ay nagsipaghandog ng tanging alay. )agong taon ay #agbagong buhaynang lu#igaya ang ating bayan tayo@y #agsi.ap upang #a.a#tan natin ang .asaganahan. Tayo ay #agsiawit habang ang #undo@y tahi#i. ang araw ay su#apit ng 1anggol na dulot ng langit tayo ay #ag#ahalan ating sundin ang gintong aral. At #agbuhat ngayon .ahit hindi pas.o ay #agbigayan

/ / 1hare / 0et Notifications / August +3, +<1+ at 112:1p#

1een by 8+

Nelson John Baylon Jr. E4&TTKN &N TBK 1AN6 The !hilippine Millenniu# Anthe# %Music2 6anny TanG -yrics2 1ica# "aballa' 4egine AelasCueJ ?ou hold within your hands The future of our li*es The light that you there beyond the bend &tDs written in the sand, where the past had all began The to#orrow is here within your hand The lo*e thatDs in your heart As child of 0od and Man Eill burn and light your way until the end &tDs written in the sand, where the past had all began The to#orrow is here within your hand

?ou #ust hold on and drea# of a place that is safe and peacefull and free Through a thousand years and #ore let it be A bright new world that shine, with lo*e for hu#anity A world thatDs ho#e for you and #e ?ou hold within your hands The future of our li*es The light that you there beyond the bend &tDs written in the sand, where the past had all began The to#orrow is here within your hand ?ou #ust hold on and drea# of a place that is safe and peacefull and free Through a thousand years and #ore let it be A bright new world that shine, with lo*e for hu#anity A world thatDs still for you and #e Nations rise up and cheer Ee are bound by what we gi*e to one another 4eaching out too far and near &n a world of lo*e that brings us all together here This great new year ?ou hold within your hands The future of our li*es The light that you there beyond the bend &tDs written in the sand, where the past had all began The to#orrow is here within your hand ?ou #ust hold on and drea# of a place that is safe and peacefull and free Through a thousand years and #ore let it be A bright new world that shine, with lo*e for hu#anity A world thatDs ho#e for you A world thatDs ho#e for you A world thatDs ho#e for you and #e yeah.. and #e.....
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / August +3, +<1+ at 1128,p# nearManila

1een by 8:

Diego .r Reyes /or+ero $n 1epte#ber 1 +<<:, 0MA Networ. withdrawn its #e#bership fro# the (apisanan ng #ga )rod.aster ng !ilipinas %()!', after incidents in*ol*ing host 4osanna 4oces, alleged co##ercial o*erloading and interfering when news anchor Mi.e KnriCueJ aired his co#plaints o*er his radio progra#, sa 6obol ), against -opeJ5owned cable fir# 1.y"ableDs distortion of 0MADs signal on its syste#, and a lost *ideotape containing e*idence that the cable fir# had *iolated the rule on soliciting ads for cable TA.
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / August +,, +<1+ at 1+2++a#

1een by 8+

Lian Las Pinas At Dyan po ang headlines ngayong gabi, #ga balitang walang .ini.ilingan. A.o po si (aren 6a*ila .asa#a ang buong A)15")N news tea#, sala#at at #agandang gabi=

-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / August +,, +<1+ at ,2:3p# near Ma.ati

1een by 8+

Diego .r Reyes /or+ero +8 $ras The#e %March 13, +<<85August +<<8' co#posed Q arranged by ;i##y Antiporda i##yantG+85oras5original5soundtrac.

'% <ras !<riginal 2oun+tra-1) "o#posed, Arranged, !roduced, MiFed Q Mastered by ;i##y Antiporda for 0MA , News Q !ublic Affairs

/ / 1hare / 0et Notifications / August +8, +<1+ at 6283p#

1een by 81

Lian Las Pinas NescafU Morning News

-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / August +8, +<1+ at ,2:,p# near Ma.ati

1een by 8+

Nelson ;ohn )aylon ;r. this.

Lian Las Pinas -uJon, Aisayas at Mindanao, sea#less na===========

-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / August +9, +<1+ at +283a# near Ma.ati

1een by 81

Nelson ;ohn )aylon ;r. this.

Nelson John Baylon Jr. http2GGyoutu.beGo1yJE*NIEeK

6Panata sa Bayan6 !,ith lyri-s) The 0MA News and !ublic Affairs Anthe# -yrics by (ris 0ebilaguin Q 1ugarfree "o#posed, arranged and perfor#ed by 1ugarfree
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / August +9, +<1+ at 1<219a#

1een by 81 Nelson ;ohn )aylon ;r. this.

Diego .r Reyes /or+ero !anata sa )ayan Full -ength>*LN9w?J8+s*ho

6Panata sa Bayan6 /MMA A,ar+ee for Best 2ong !,ith su8title) Einner )est 1ong %secular' :+nd "atholic Mass Media Awards

/ / 1hare / 0et Notifications / August +9, +<1+ at 8238p#

1een by 81

Nelson John Baylon Jr. The *ideo of !hilippine National Anthe# %produced by )!& and Ayala "orporation in 6ece#ber 1998' during their sign5onGsign5off of Abs5"bn,!TA, A)" 3 %now TA3', 0MA Networ., 4adio !hilippines Networ., &nc. 4!N9,Hoe )roadcasting Networ., &)" 1:, 1)N5 +1, 1tudio +:, NKT +3 Feed ?our Mind, "itynet +,, 4;TA +9 and "TA :1 and first screening and last full shows of 1M "ine#a in 6ece#ber :<, 1998 to 1998.

/ /


0et Notifications

August +9, +<1+ at 328<p#

1een by 8+

Nelson ;ohn )aylon ;r. this.

Diego .r Reyes /or+ero The $fficial B.$.T. TA Faceboo. page is$TTA,


/ /


0et Notifications

August :<, +<1+ at 82:6p#

1een by 81

Nelson John Baylon Jr. Abs5"bn 83th Anni*ersary 1tation &6 %February 8, 1998 5 ;anuary 1999'

"### AB2 /BN %= 7ears 2ID 1ource2 1999 A)1 ")N 83 ?ears 1tation &6 "elebrating 83 years of !hilippine TA T 1999 A)1 ")N &NTK4A"T&AK, &N" G A)1 ")N "$4!.
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / August :1, +<1+ at 1+2<6a#

1een by 8+ + people li.e this.

Nelson John Baylon Jr.

-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / August :1, +<1+ at 1+2<3a#

1een by 81

+ people li.e this.

Diego .r Reyes /or+ero i saw this in the 1998 webpage of go to* its a 0&F

August :1, +<1+ at 1+231a# / -i.e

Diego .r Reyes /or+ero TA !atrol updated itDs studio Q graphics in +<<:. The studio features "ity sunset bac.ground Q a net globe
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / 1epte#ber 1, +<1+ at 821+p#

1een by 8+

Bero A Noble this.

Lian Las Pinas 0lobal News is a late5night Knglish newscast of the Filipino tele*ision networ. A)15")N )roadcasting "orporation and was produced by "NN fro# 1998 to +<<:, The show aired e*ery Tuesday to 1aturday at 12:< to +a# after Martin -ate V Nite and right before sign5off. The#e #usic2 7Mo*e "loser To ?our Eorld7, co#posed by Al Ba# and published by Mayoha# Music 1ponsor2 0K Appliances
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / 1epte#ber :, +<1+ at 1+23<a# nearMa.ati

1een by 81

Nelson ;ohn )aylon ;r. this.

Nelson John Baylon Jr. $ 1aint !edro "alungsod, Faithful child of 0od, )e to us a guide, -ead us to the light of ;esus "hrist, $ 1aint !edro "alungsod, $ur young inspire in the dar.est hour, -oo. down on us fro# where you are.
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / 1epte#ber :, +<1+ at 92+8a#

1een by 81

Nelson ;ohn )aylon ;r. this.

Nelson John Baylon Jr.

Narito A.o, !ilipino Narito ang .a#ay ) ang hirap ng buhay 6ala pa rin ang tagu#pay At ang pag5Asa na tunay Narito ang .o !asan ang bigat ng #undo Banda pa ring su#a.lolo 1a oras na .ailangan #o. "B$491 Narito a.o, Narito a.o, Narito a.o, Narito a.o, !ilipino, !ilipino, !ilipino, !ilipino, Eag Eag Eag Eag #ong #ong #ong #ong sabihin, sabihin, sabihin, sabihin, isigaw #o= isapuso isigaw #o= isapuso

Narito and labi .o, Ngiti .oDy di nagbabago 1u#asala#ing totoo, 1a la#an ng puso Narito pa rin a.o ang sigla .o ay buong5buo &lang pagsubo., ilang bagyo Nandito pa rin at na.atayo Narito Narito Narito Narito Narito Narito Narito Narito a.o, a.o, a.o, a.o, a.o, a.o, a.o, a.o, !ilipino, !ilipino, !ilipino, !ilipino, !ilipino, !ilipino, !ilipino, !ilipino, Eag Eag Eag Eag Eag Eag Eag Eag #ong #ong #ong #ong #ong #ong #ong #ong sabihin, sabihin, sabihin, sabihin, sabihin, sabihin, sabihin, sabihin, isigaw #o= isapuso isigaw #o= isapuso isigaw #o= isapuso isigaw #o= isapuso

%&nsert Francis M Mga .ababayan .o' Eag ta.asan ang pag .u.ulang .asalanan ay panagutan Mag #alinis ay iwasan Na.a.inis #aru#i rin na#an Ang #ga .aaway, ipagbati 0u#itna .a at wag .u#a#pi -ahat ay #ag.a.apatid Ano #ang #ali ay ituwid Magdasal sa 6iyos #ay.apal Maging banal at wag hangal &tong tula ay alay .o 1a bayan .o at sa bung #undo "redits2 !roduced by !ANA, Music by2 $gie Alcasid -yrics by2 4ussell Molina

/ / 1hare / 0et Notifications / 1epte#ber :, +<1+ at 92:8a#

1een by 8+

Lian Las Pinas The 4epublic of the !hilippines was born, and Manuel 4oFas was inaugurated as its first !resident. Forty5eight years after the 9nited 1tates had first clai#ed the islands as an A#erican territory, 9.1. !resident Barry 1. Tru#an issued a for#al procla#ation that 7$n behalf of the 9nited 1tates of A#erica, & do hereby recogniJe the independence of the !hilippines as a separate and self5go*erning nation and ac.nowledge the authority and control o*er the sa#e of the go*ern#ent instituted by the people thereof, under the constitution now in force.7 !resent at the raising of the !hilippine flag were 0eneral 6ouglas MacArthur and 9.1. 1enator Millard Tydings, and K#ilio Aguinaldo, who had begun the fight for independence in 1898.
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / 1epte#ber :, +<1+ at 8286p#

1een by 81

Nelson ;ohn )aylon ;r. this.

Lian Las Pinas

7The Minister of Bealth ad*ises that 1M$(&N0 &1 6AN0K4$91 T$ BKA-TB7 5 That was used in cigarette ad*ertise#ents on TA, 4adio, Newspapers and MagaJines in the !hilippines fro# ;uly 1, 19,8 to March :1, 198,
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / 1epte#ber 8, +<1+ at 12<8a# nearMa.ati

1een by 8<

Lian Las Pinas 1epte#ber +1 5 Martial law was declared by !resident MarcosW1X as !rocla#ation No. 1<81 signed by law led to the establish#ent of his dictatorship and was si#ulcasted through national radio and tele*ision broadcasts nationwide by #idnight of 1epte#ber +:, causing series of round5ups by police and #ilitary forces, forced ban on public rallies, tight security and strict censorship on all for#s of #ass #edia. 1epte#ber +: 5 Associated )roadcasting "orporation and A)15")N shut down radio5 tele*ision operations due to Martial law. Manila "hronicle shuts down newspaper operations.
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / 1epte#ber :, +<1+ at 828,p#

1een by 8< + people li.e this.

Bro Ryan A. Ameri-a 0rabeng sinapit niyan

1epte#ber 8, +<1+ at 12+1a# *ia #obile / -i.e

Lian Las Pinas A)15")N Beadlines was a late night news progra# aired on A)15")N fro# +<<1 to +<<: anchored by (aren 6a*ila and Tony AelasCueJ. -i*e #ula %insert location' #ay ulat si %insert reporters na#e' Mara#ing sala#at, %insert reporters na#e' %insert headlines' May ulat si %insert reporters na#e' %insert report' %insert reporters na#e' A)15")N News 1a pagbabali. ng Beadlines %insert headlines' At yan po ang headlines ngayong gabi, #ga balitang walang .ini.ilingan. A.o po si (aren 6a*ila .asa#a ang buong A)15")N news tea#, sala#at at #agandang gabi=

/ / 1hare / 0et Notifications / 1epte#ber 8, +<1+ at :2<8a# nearMa.ati

1een by 8<

Lian Las Pinas & Eish 0MA Networ. to bring bac. 1ine No*ela====

/ /


0et Notifications

1epte#ber 8, +<1+ at :218a# nearMa.ati

1een by 8<

Lian Las Pinas

1ine No*ela !resents %4e*i*al' 9na (ong Nada#a 1aDyo Ang !ag5ibig 1aan Nagtatago Ang !ag5ibig> 1a 6ulo ng Ealang Banggan ) (ay Tagal ng 1andali> 6e.ada D,< Muling )u.san ang !uso Madrasta Buling ?ugto ng )uhay (o Ang -ahat ng &toDy !ara 1aDyo !aano )a Ang Maging &sang &na>

/ / 1hare / 0et Notifications / 1epte#ber 8, +<1+ at :2+<a# nearMa.ati

1een by 8<

Lian Las Pinas 0MA Networ. Afternoon !ri#e 1+2<<p# 5 Kat )ulaga 12:<p# 5 6aisy 1iete %re*i*al, brought sa inyo ng Focus Kntertain#ent, &nc.' +2<<p# 5 1ine No*ela %re*i*al'

/ /


0et Notifications

1epte#ber 8, +<1+ at :2:,a# nearMa.ati

1een by 81

Bro Ryan A. Ameri-a A5)515"5)5N Eatch us do it a5gai5n.

-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / 1epte#ber 8, +<1+ at ,2++a#


1een by 8<

Bro Ryan A. Ameri-a ;une +, 19985 !resident Fidel A. 4a#os signed the 4epublic Act Nu#ber ,,+: or "ongressional Franchise of 6elta )roadcasting 1yste#, &nc., a corporate entity to install, construct, operate and #aintain the radio and tele*ision station in the 4epublic of the !hilippines.

-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / 1epte#ber 8, +<1+ at ,2+8a#


1een by 8<

Lian Las Pinas A)15")N Beadlines was a late night news progra# aired on A)15")N fro# +<<< to +<<: anchored by (aren 6a*ila and Tony AelasCueJ. &t was replaced by A)15")N &nsider in +<<:. )efore the report starts they use May ulat si %insert reporter' Q after the report %insert reporter' A)15")N News And during the co##ercial brea., 71a pagbabali. ng Beadlines %insert headlines'7

At the end of newscast2 At Dyan po ang headlines ngayong gabi, #ga balitang walang .ini.ilingan. A.o po si (aren 6a*ila .asa#a ang buong A)15")N news tea#, sala#at at #agandang gabi=
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / 1epte#ber 8, +<1+ at 62+<p# nearMa.ati

1een by 8<

Lian Las Pinas )ro, &.aw Ang 1tar ng !as.o %+<1+ 4e*i*al' 5 ang +<1+ "hrist#as 1tation &6 ng A)15")N para sa hagupit ng habagat, 0ener at Belen
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / 1epte#ber 8, +<1+ at 8288p# nearMa.ati

1een by 8<

Lian Las Pinas !ilipinas +<1: 5 6< ?ears of !hilippine Tele*ision %193:5+<1:' Malapit na=
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / 1epte#ber 3, +<1+ at 1238a# nearMa.ati

1een by 8<

Bero A Noble this.

Lian Las Pinas &n !ilipinas +<1:2 6< ?ears of !hilippine Tele*ision, flashbac. to the old station &6s of !hilippine TA channels Flashbac. to the station &6s 199+2 "o#e Bo#e to A)" "hannel 3 1tation &6 %February +1, 199+' 19982 &)"51: !inoy ang 6ating 1tation &6 %May +8, 1998' 4!N59 The Networ. 1tation &6 %$ctober 1, 1998' 19932 !TA2 Ang Networ. !ara sa !ilipino 1tation &6 %$ctober 1, 1993'

/ / 1hare / 0et Notifications / 1epte#ber 3, +<1+ at +2<1a# nearMa.ati

1een by 8<

Lian Las Pinas ;ollibee "haracter 1ongs2 Aolu#es $ne and Two 5 released by EKA 4K"$461 %now 9ni*ersal 4ecords !hilippines', under license fro# ;$--&)KK F$$61 "$4!$4AT&$N

/ /


0et Notifications

1epte#ber 3, +<1+ at :211a# nearMa.ati

1een by 81

Lian Las Pinas pwedo #o i5upload ung #ga station &6 ng A)15")N fro# 198,5+<<: %as in lahat' lalo na ung +<<+ christ#as, yun tapos abs5cbn logo na dinadaanan ni santa claus tsa.a yung #ga reindeer tapos yung tunog yata ng abs5cbn.0usto .o din yung #illeniu# station &6.
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / 1epte#ber 3, +<1+ at 8281p# nearMa.ati

1een by 81

+ people li.e this.

Lian Las Pinas TA !atrol studio fro# +<<< to +<<: P with Hachary 6eneal and Hachary 6eneal Madrinan.


/ / 1hare / 0et Notifications / 1epte#ber 6, +<1+ at +21,a#

1een by 8<

+ people li.e this.

Lian Las Pinas B&M&0 BAN6$0 -$AK 1$N01 %+<<+' 1. TB&1 09?@1 &N -$AK E&TB ?$9, !A4K %Michael Angelo AillegasGAllan Feliciano' !erfor#ed by "hito Miranda %now re*i*ed by 4egine AelasCueJ in & Beart ?ou !are' +. B&N6& NA )A-K %;i##y Antiporda' !erfor#ed by ;essa HaragoJa %now re*i*ed by )ugoy 6rilon in Tanging ?a#an' :. 1A)& NA N0A )A %Arnie Mendaros' !erfor#ed by Tootsie 0ue*ara 8. -$AK BA1 "$MK M? EA? %-eonardo Nuinitio' !erfor#ed by Beart K*angelista 3. )A(&T> %Aristotle !olliscoGMi.e Aillegas' !erfor#ed by 0loc59 and "oo.y "hua 6. $N-? & %)rian "ua and ;ason &casiano' !erfor#ed by2 6ianne 6e la Fuente ,. BAN00AN0 %0igi Q 4onaldo M. "ordero' !erfor#ed by Eency "orne o %the#e of 6e.ada D,<' 8. (A&-AN!AMAN %Mi.e Aillegas' !erfor#ed by (e*in 4oy 9. (9N0 A($ NA -AN0 1ANA %1ocrates Aillanue*a' !erfor#ed by )ituin Kscalante %now re*i*ed by 1haron "uneta in the +<<: #o*ie' 1<. (9N0 A($ )A 1&?A> %Arnold 4eyes' !erfor#ed by !iolo !ascual %now re*i*ed by (halil 4a#os in !rincess and &'
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / 1epte#ber 6, +<1+ at :28+a# nearMa.ati

1een by :9

Lian Las Pinas Music Festi*als on TA Metro Manila !opular Music Festi*al %19,851983' Metropop 1ong Festi*al %19965present' Bi#ig Bandog %+<<<5present'
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / 1epte#ber 6, +<1+ at 112:8p# nearMa.ati

1een by 8<

Nelson ;ohn )aylon ;r. this.

Nelson John Baylon Jr. "redits Music 4e5arrange#ent2 1i#on Tan Acoustic 0uitar trac.2 ;ere#iah Manuel Aocals2 4egine AelasCueJ5Alcasid and ;9-&K ANNK 1AN ;$1K -yrics2 !relude2 (apuso, #a.ulay ang buhay (apuso #agsa#asa#a (aisa tayo sa isip (aisa tayo sa da#da#in &isa ang ating pangarap Ma.ulay na #undo Maging lalong #a.ulay Ang buhay laging #a.ulay 0u#aganda ng tunay (u#i.inang -u#ilinaw (apuso anu#ang .ulay ng buhay Noon at ngayon Tahanang !ilipino Ealang .asingsaya $ .ay sarap Nadara#a 1a#ahan at $ .ay ta#is 1u#isidhi !usong nag#a#ahalan (aisa tayo sa isip (aisa tayo sa da#da#in &isa ang ating pangarap Ma.ulay na #undo Maging lalong #a.ulay 1a 0MA #a.ulay 1a 0MA ang buhay

(u#i.inang -u#ilinaw (apuso anu#ang .ulay ng buhay %counterpoint' (apuso . . .
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / 1epte#ber ,, +<1+ at 112:3p# nearManila

1een by :9

+ people li.e this.

Nelson John Baylon Jr. The !ilipinas +<1:2 6< ?ears of Tele*ision in the !hilippines launch andFaceboo., ?ouTube and twitter pages launching and .ic.5off party on $ctober 1, +<1+ at the !eninsula Manila in Ma.ati "ity=== $rganiJed by (apisanan ng #ga )rod.aster ng !ilipinas, Mo*ie And Tele*ision 4e*iew And "lassification )oard and !ANA======

/ /


0et Notifications

1epte#ber ,, +<1+ at 1128,p# nearManila

1een by 8<

Nelson ;ohn )aylon ;r. this.

Nelson John Baylon Jr. TBK MT4") 4AT&N01 &N KN0-&1B2 4ATK6 02 The Following progra# is 4ated 707. &t is suitable for all audiences. 4ATK6 !02 This progra# is 4ated 7!07. &t contains scenes and the#es which #ay be not suitable for *ery young audiences. !arental 0uidance is ad*ised. 4ATK6 1!02 This progra# is 4ated 71!07. &t contains scenes with The#es %T', -anguage %-', Aiolence %A', 1eF %1', Borror %B', or 6rugs %6' which #ay not suitable for children. 1trong !arental 0uidance is ad*ised. TBK MT4") 4AT&N01 &N F&-&!&N$2 4ATK6 0 AK41&$N 1 NAT94A-2 Ang susunod na progra#a ay 4ated 707. &to ay puwede sa lahat ng #anonood. 4ATK6 0 AK41&$N + MA)&-&12 Ang susunod na progra#a ay 4ated 707. &to ay puwede sa lahat ng #anonood. 4ATK6 !0 AK41&$N 12 Ang susunod na progra#a ay 4ated 7!07. &to ang nangangailangan ng !atnubay at 0abay ng Magulang para sa #ga batang #anonood. 4ATK6 !0 AK41&$N +2 Ang susunod na progra#a ay 4ated 7!07. !atnubay at 0abay ng Magulang ay .ailangan sa #ga batang #anonood.

4ATK6 1!02 Ang progra#ang ito ay 4ated 71!07. 1tri.tong !atnubay at 0abay ng Magulang ang .ailangan. Maaaring #ay #aseselang Te#a %T', -enggwahe %-', (arahasan %(', 1e.swal %1', Borror %B', o 6roga %6' na hindi ang.op sa #ga bata.

/ / 1hare / 0et Notifications / 1epte#ber 8, +<1+ at +231p# nearManila

1een by 8< Nelson ;ohn )aylon ;r. this.

Lian Las Pinas &n !hilippines +<1:2 6< ?ears of !hilippine Tele*ision, flashbac. to the old station &6 ingle the#e songs of !hilippine free5to5air and cable tele*ision channels Flashbac. to the station &6 the#e songs as to be uploaded in ?ouTube2 A)15")N The 1tar Networ. The#e Free by 4oselle Na*a %1u##er, +<<+' 1u.ob Na by 1,2+8 %+<<+' 1abay Tayo, (apa#ilya= by !iolo !ascual %1u##er, +<<8' 1abay Tayo, (apa#ilya= by 0ary A., Hsa Hsa !adilla, Martin Nie*era, (uh -edes#a and (apa#ilya All51tar %"hrist#as, +<<8' 1abay Tayo, !ilipinas= by 1heryn 4egis %+<<8' Angat ang !inoy by "e)a-o %+<<,' Ealang Mag5&isa Ngayong !as.o $ne Tea#, $ne 1u##er, Tea# (apa#ilya Tayo $ne Tea#, $ne Eorld (apa#ilya May (atuparan ang Biling sa (apa#ilyang (apiling 0alaw50alaw 1a Tag5Araw= )ro, &.aw ang 1tar ng !as.o 1u##er ang 1i#ula Ngayong !as.o, Magniningning Ang !ilipino )ida )est sa Tag5Araw 6a )est (ang (asa#a 1a Tag59lan 6a )est ang !as.o ng !ilipino 6a )est ng !lipino !inoy 1u##er, 6a )est Fore*er Masarap ang Feeling, Dpag &.aw ang (apiling 0MA Ehere ?ou )elong by the Men and Eo#en of 0MA 4adio5Tele*ision Arts (apuso ng !a#ilyang !ilipino, Anu#ang (ulay ng )uhay by 4egine AelasCueJ, The "o#pany (apuso, (ayo ang 1tar ng A#ing !as.o= Ang 1arap ng ! (apuso 4egalo ng (apuso by ;olina Magdangal (apuso ng )awat )atang !ilipino ngayong !as.o by ;ulie Anne 1an ;ose 1abay 1abay Tayo by Marian 4i*era 1a#a51a#a Tayong Mag5!asalo*e Ngayong !as.o &sang !ag.ilala sa !uso ng !ilipino Ngayong !as.o 0MA (apu1ong !as.o

/ / 1hare / 0et Notifications / 1epte#ber 9, +<1+ at 1<28:p# nearMa.ati

1een by :9

+ people li.e this.

Lian Las Pinas Knchong 6ee The swi##ing pool@s loss is the entertain#ent world@s gain= Knchong was part of the national tea# and co#peted abroad, but it loo.s li.e he@s en oying his new career as a TA and #o*ie star now. Eith lots of pro ects, including endorse#ent deals, plus hordes of fans, how can he not, right>
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / 1epte#ber 9, +<1+ at 1<238p# nearMa.ati

1een by :9

Nelson John Baylon Jr.>*L+0c)HdN:-M8 !hilippine National Anthe# Music Aideo %1991 to 6ece#ber +9, 1998' by!hilippine Airlines.

>9 tri8ute Phil Airlines

-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / 1epte#ber 9, +<1+ at 1121:p#

1een by 8<

Nelson ;ohn )aylon ;r. this.

Nelson John Baylon Jr. 7BA!!? , BA!!?,BA!!? )&4TB6A? A!$ MA"$?=7 $94 9N6?&N0 04AT&T96K F$4 1B$E&N0 91 ?$94 9N6?&N0 -$AK F$4 ?$94 "$9NT4?. EK 1A-9TK ?$9 !res. Ferdinand K##anuel K. Marcos. 7 TB&1 NAT&$N 1BA-- )K 04KAT A0A&N )? +<16=7 )agong )ansang Malaya sa +<16=

/ /


0et Notifications

1epte#ber 11, +<1+ at 1<238a#

1een by 8<

+ people li.e this.

Nelson John Baylon Jr. 1986 Aersion &tDs a place that you co#e ho#e to &tDs where e*erythingDs ust fine

A secret shared together To pass away the ti#e Mo#ents that you treasure, a s#ile that you canDt hide The pro#ise of to#orrow, ust building up inside &tDs where you belong, 0MA &tDs the place where you belong &tDs where you belong, 0MADs where you belong 0ood friends, old and new Friends you .now are always true &tDs where you belong, 0MA &tDs where you, you, you, itDs where you belong. 1998 Aersion &tDs a good feeling to .now where you belong &tDs a good, good feeling, to .now where your friends are 1ights and sounds to war# our hearts To change those blues away &tDs all right here, itDs 0MA &tDs a s#ile across your day &tDs where you belong %0MA' &tDs a place where you belong &tDs where you belong &tDs a place where you belong &f your after co#edy, or ad*entureDs what you really need The shows are great, the stars so bright "atch a feeling e*ery night &tDs where you belong %?es it is' &tDs a place where you belong %0MA' &tDs where you, you, you, itDs where you belong.
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / 1epte#ber 11, +<1+ at 82+8p#

1een by :9

Bero A Noble this.

Nelson John Baylon Jr. My country#en, as of the twenty5first of this #onth, & signed !rocla#ation Y 1<81 placing the entire !hilippines under Martial -aw... 5!res. Ferdinand K##anuel K. Marcos, 1epte#ber +1, 19,+
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / 1epte#ber 13, +<1+ at +2<6p#

1een by :9

Nelson ;ohn )aylon ;r. this.

Lian Las Pinas Magandang gabi, !ilipinas, .a#i ang inyong !atrol ng !ilipino.
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / 1epte#ber 1+, +<1+ at 1+28:a#

1een by 8<

+ people li.e this.

Basal Afuang Nagbabalita at nagliling.od sa inyo saan #an sa Mundo.

1epte#ber 18, +<1+ at ,2<8p# / -i.e

Lian Las Pinas tagline ng TA !atrol Eorld

1epte#ber 13, +<1+ at 32+8p# / -i.e

Nelson John Baylon Jr. Ang flashbac. #e#ories sa ?ouTube "hannel %under the na#e !inoyTA6<?ears' 5 ang high5 Cuality, high5sound %louder 1<<S *olu#e' 1998 !hilippine "entennial National Anthe# Music Aideo ng -upang Binirang sa !TA 8, A)"53, 0MA Networ., 4adio !hilippines Networ., &nc. 4!N9, Hoe )roadcasting Networ., &)" 1:, 1)N5+1, 1tudio +:, NKT +3 Feed ?our Mind, 4;TA5 +9 at "TA5:1 noong 1998 na5iupload ito fro# AB1 to 6A6 con*erter

/ /


0et Notifications

1epte#ber 16, +<1+ at 1+218p#

1een by 8<

Eilbert 4ola and Nelson ;ohn )aylon ;r. li.e this.

Bro Ryan A. Ameri-a 6EI&2 %Aoiced with Kcho by )ro. 4esty Talain' %&ntro #usic' &to ang 6)1 6elta )roadcasting 1yste#. May )agong, )agong 1igla, upang pagling.uran ang sa#bayanang !ilipino. 6EI& %;esus "hrist 1uperstar &ntro Music' &to ang Bi#pilan ng Mabuting )alita, ang Bi#pilang !inagpala= 6EI& %Knd of intro #usic' %Fer#ine choir' 6EI& Ehere ;esus is -ord, Bal5lelu5 ah5 -etDs !raise the -or5d, 6EI& Ehere ;esus is -ord, 6EI& Ehere ;esus is -ord %Aoiced by )ro. Min Buertas' Me#ber ()! %Music ended'

-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / 1epte#ber 16, +<1+ at 828:p#


1een by :9

Nelson ;ohn )aylon ;r. this.

Nelson John Baylon Jr. 1i Faith "uneta ang itinuturing na (oreano*ela the#e song di*a dahil siya ang paboritong .unin para .u#anta ng the#e song ng #ga na (oreano*ela na ipinapalabas sa 0MA5,. 1iya ang u#awit ng the#e song ng Kndless -o*e 1 na pina#agatang 7&.aw7 ganoon din sa part + ng Kndless -o*e na 76i (o Na (aya7 at part : ng Kndless -o*e na 71u.o Na Ang !uso (o7 na pawang adaptation ng #ga (orean the#e songs. !ang5apat na the#e song ang 7Asa#7 para sa -o*e -etters at original co#position na#an ang 7!ag5ibig (o@y !ansinin7 na siyang gina#it na the#e song ng 71tairway to Bea*en7. &to@y sariling .o#posisyon ni Kl#er )lancaflor. !alabas ngayon ang pina.abagong (oreano*ela na ;ewel in the !alace at si Faith din ang naatasang .antahin ang local the#e song nito, ang 7!angarap na )ituin7 na .o#posisyon ni Eilly "ruJ at unang inawit at ni 1haron "uneta. First cousin ni 1haron and yu#aong dad ni Faith na si Al*in "uneta.
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / 1epte#ber 1,, +<1+ at 9219a#

1een by :9

Nelson ;ohn )aylon ;r. this.

Nelson John Baylon Jr. :<th 6eath Anni*ersary of for#er senator Ninoy ACuino %August +1, +<1:' 83th Anni*ersary of !hilippine -ong 6istance "o#pany %!-6T' %No*e#ber +8, +<1:'

/ /


0et Notifications

1epte#ber 18, +<1+ at 9238p# nearManila

1een by 8<

Nelson ;ohn )aylon ;r. this.

Nelson John Baylon Jr. and also the 6<th anni*ersary of Abs5"bn.

1epte#ber 1,, +<1+ at 92+1a# / -i.e / 1

Lian Las Pinas Fro# the Filipino people and the rest of the world. 0ra*e it in your own i#age and li.eness. Eorthy to be called, ?our children. Not only in this New Milleniu#, but for A-- T&MK1. 5 Mi.e KnriCueJ
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / 1epte#ber 19, +<1+ at 32:+p# nearMa.ati

1een by 8<

Nelson ;ohn )aylon ;r. this.

Lian Las Pinas &n partnertship with 0oogle News Archi*e, the bac. issues of 1outh "hina Morning !ost dating bac. fro# No*e#ber 6, 19<: to be accessed. The Newspaper, which had considered securing the rights for a local *ersion of the News archi*e search for the past three years, started for#al negotiations with 0oogle News Archi*e in April +<1+, with appro*al gi*en in August +<1+.

/ /


0et Notifications

1epte#ber 19, +<1+ at 1<2<6p# nearMa.ati

1een by :9

Nelson ;ohn )aylon ;r. this.

Nelson John Baylon Jr. &f they@re seriously going to clash against Abs5"bn and 0MA Networ., changing logos is a step in the right direction if & #ay say.

/ /


0et Notifications

1epte#ber +<, +<1+ at 1<2::a#

1een by 8<

+ people li.e this.

Nelson John Baylon Jr. )ig, )eautiful "ountry Eelco#e world to this big beautiful country, Find your drea#s, gi*e us your heart.

Bere we are the rainbow people, 4eaching out to sunshine people, 1inging out, co#e share our laughter, brother. ?ou@re bound to lo*e this big beautiful country, "o#e and li*e and you shall see. Ee pro#ise you a new horiJon, bright as bright can be 1o welco#e world to our big beautiful country. Ein your heart in this big beautiful country, "o#e and li*e each great new day, 4ainbow country, in this is where its at, 4ainbow country, here in a new era, Ear# and friendly people where*er you go. %where*er you go' -ose yourself, it@s here you@re a celebrity, Ma.e yourself a part of the fa#ily, Treat yourself in this big beautiful country.

/ / 1hare / 0et Notifications / 1epte#ber 1,, +<1+ at 1+239p#

1een by :9

+ people li.e this.

John /hristian /an+a Domingo "orrection2 &t should be 7lea*e7, not 7win7, and 7loose7, not 7lose7.

1epte#ber +<, +<1+ at 92::p# / -i.e / 1

Nelson John Baylon Jr. Mula !ilipinas hanggang &ndonesia, )uong Asya at )uong Mundo, sabay5sabay nating salubungin natin ang bagong taong +<1:=
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / 1epte#ber +1, +<1+ at 82:+p#

1een by :9

Nelson ;ohn )aylon ;r. this.

Nelson John Baylon Jr. A)15")NDs 6HAN5TA "hannel + and 6HI-5TA "hannel 8 and 6HAN 6+<.BJ both cease airing on 1epte#ber ++, 19,+
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / 1epte#ber +1, +<1+ at 82:+p#

1een by 8<

+ people li.e this.

Nelson John Baylon Jr. 8< years ago today, TA3 %then .nown as A)"53', together with #ost tele*ision stations, were closed when Martial -aw was declared, pa*ing the way for the longest 7station brea.7 in !hilippine broadcast history. TA3 re5opened +< years after, on +1 February 199+.

/ /


0et Notifications

1epte#ber ++, +<1+ at 828,p#

1een by :9

Nelson ;ohn )aylon ;r. this.

Nelson John Baylon Jr. K61A 4e*olution 1986 %February ++5+3, 1986' K61A 6os %;anuary 1,5+<, +<<1' Krap !lunder "ase $n Trial "o*erage %+<<,' Man $n The Moon %1969' Michael ;ac.son Me#orial "o*erage %+<<9' Ninoy ACuino )urial 1pecial "o*erage %August +15:1, 198:' Noynoy5)inay !rocla#ation "o*erage %;une 9, +<1<' !apal Aisit D81 %February 1981' !apal Aisit D93 %;anuary 1< to 13, 1993' !hilippines +<<< New ?ear Millenniu# "o*erage !hilippine "entennial "elebration "o*erage %;une 1+, 1998' !hilippine &ndependence 6ay "elebration "o*erage %196<5present' !ope ;ohn !aul && )urial "ere#onies %+<<3' !ope )enedict IA& &nagural "o*erage %+<<3' !res. "ory ACuino )urial "o*erage %+<<9' $n Trial2 A Nation in "risis %No*e#ber 1:, +<<<5;anuary 1,, +<<1' Ang Na.asa.dal2 The "hief ;ustice on Trial %;anuary 165May :1, +<1+' !rincess 6iana )urial "o*erage %1epte#ber 159, 199,' 1tate $f The Nation Address %196<5present'

/ / 1hare / 0et Notifications / 1epte#ber ++, +<1+ at 11281p#

1een by :9 + people li.e this.

Nelson John Baylon Jr. The A1KAN EA? W A1KAN Anthe# X 4aise our flag high, s.y high K#brace the pride in our heart A1KAN we are bonded as one -oo.5in out5ward to the world. For peace, our goal fro# the *ery start And prosperity to last. Ee dare to drea# we care to share. Together for A1KAN we dare to drea#, we care to share for itDs the way of A1KAN.

/ / 1hare / 0et Notifications / 1epte#ber +:, +<1+ at 32:8p#

1een by 8<

Nelson ;ohn )aylon ;r. this.

Nelson John Baylon Jr. ?as#ien (urdi ?as#ien is award5winning Filipina singer, songwriter and actress. 1he was one of the Final Four in the first season of 1tar1truc., a reality5based talent search show by 0MA Networ. in the !hilippines where she finished first runner up. 1he bagged the title of the !hilippinesD !op 1weetheart and .nown for the roles of Mira in the hit fantasy series Kncantadia, 1al*e 6iJon

de -eon in the re#a.e of )abangon A.oDt 6udurugin (ita, 1hayne 4odrigo in the hit re#a.e 1aan 6arating Ang 9#aga> a role originated by Maricel 1oriano.

/ /


0et Notifications

1epte#ber +6, +<1+ at 82<,p#

1een by :9

Nelson ;ohn )aylon ;r. this.

Nelson John Baylon Jr.>*L."E#Jb#F.68

L?PANG 3INIRANG4 0he Philippine National Anthem !?P /on-ert /horus) )ac. in the day %around the late 8<Ds and early 9<Ds', TA networ.s and cine#as used to broadcast the !hilippine National Anthe# arrange#ent of National Artis...
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / 1epte#ber +6, +<1+ at 11218p#

1een by 8<

Nelson ;ohn )aylon ;r. this. 1 share

Nelson John Baylon Jr. produced by !hilippine Airlines

1epte#ber +6, +<1+ at 11213p# / -i.e / 1

Nelson John Baylon Jr. Ala# #o (uya, suggestion .o collage ng #ga peli.ula na .inuha ang pa#agat sa ating pa#bansang awit ng 1ingapore2 Mari .ita ra.yat 1ingapura sa#a5sa#a #enu u bahagiaZ "ita5cita .ita yang #ulia, ber aya 1ingapura. Marilah .ita bersatu dengan se#angat yang baruZ 1e#ua .ita berseru Ma ulah 1ingapura

Ma ulah 1ingapura Marilah .ita bersatu dengan se#angat yang baru 1e#ua .ita berseru Ma ulah 1ingapura Ma ulah 1ingapura eto po panoorin niyo to sa ?ouTube...>*LpFM:$:dftaw

2ingapore NDP & Ma.ulah 2ingapura !NDP Remi@) 1ingaporeDs 88th National 6ay !arade, +<<9. The national anthe# of 1ingapore played at the closing of +<<9Ds N6!, 7Ma ulah 1ingapura7 or 7$nward 1ingapore7.
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / 1epte#ber +,, +<1+ at 112::a#

1een by :9 Nelson ;ohn )aylon ;r. this.

Nelson John Baylon Jr. Ala# #o (uya, suggestion .o collage ng #ga peli.ula na .inuha ang pa#agat sa ating pa#bansang awit Balos .u#pleto iyan2 )ayang #agiliw, !erlas ng 1ilanganan Alab ng puso 1a dibdib #o@y buhay. -upang hinirang, 6uyan .a ng #agiting 1a #anlulupig 6i .a pasisiil. 1a dagat at bundo., 1a si#oy at sa langit #ong bughaw May dilag ang tula at awit 1a paglayang #ina#ahal. Ang .islap ng watawat #o@y Tagu#pay na nagniningning Ang bituin at araw niya (ailan pa #a@y di #agdidili#.

-upa ng araw ng luwalhati@t pagsinta )uhay ay langit sa piling #o A#ing ligaya na pag #ay #ang5aapi Ang #a#atay ng dahil sa Ryo. P with (aren -ourdes (eren !ascual and : others.
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / 1epte#ber +,, +<1+ at 112:8a#

1een by :9

Nelson ;ohn )aylon ;r. this.

Nelson John Baylon Jr. Mga (aibigan, (apuso, (apa#ilya at (apatid, (anselahin ang 7Knd ng Eorld +<1+7 sa )iyernes, 6isye#bre +1, +<1+ at sa #aliligayang pagdating na#in sa taong +<1: na #ay isang puto.= (aya, sa Martes, 6isye#bre +3, ang &.a5+<1: Anibersaryo ng ng ating !anginoong Tagapagligtas na si ;esu5"risto at ng !a#bansang at !andaigdigang !agdiriwang ng Araw ng !as.o at sa Martes, Knero 1, +<1:, Araw ng !agdiriwang sa )uong )ansa at sa )uong #undo ng )agong Taon===
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / 1epte#ber +8, +<1+ at ,2<:p#

1een by :9

Nelson ;ohn )aylon ;r. this.

Nelson John Baylon Jr. Mula !ilipinas hanggang &ndonesia, buong asya at buong #undo, letDs celebrate +<1:= "ancel the end of the world and doo#sday on 6ece#ber +1, +<1+====
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / 1epte#ber +8, +<1+ at ,2<:p#

1een by :9

Nelson ;ohn )aylon ;r. this.

Nelson John Baylon Jr. The entire world will cancelled the end of the world and the eFploding resulting in destruction on 6ece#ber +1st +<1+. The !hilippine Tele*ision &ndustry will celebrate their 6<th anni*ersary, the !hilippine Teleco##unications &ndustry will celebrate their 83th anni*ersary, Ninoy ACuinoDs :<th death anni*ersary and AndrUs )onifacioDs 13<th birth anni*ersary.
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / 1epte#ber +8, +<1+ at ,2<8p#

1een by :9

Nelson ;ohn )aylon ;r. this.

Nelson John Baylon Jr. the 6oo#sday will cancel on 6ece#ber +1 and the entire nation will celebrate "hrist#as and New ?ear on +85+3 and 6ece#ber :1 to ;anuary 1.
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / 1epte#ber +8, +<1+ at ,2<8p#

1een by :9

+ people li.e this.

Nelson John Baylon Jr. The entire !hilippines will celebrate the year +<1:=
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / 1epte#ber +8, +<1+ at ,2<3p#

1een by 8<

+ people li.e this.

Nelson John Baylon Jr. 198, "$N1T&T9T&$N $F TBK 4K!9)-&" $F TBK !B&-&!!&NK1 A4T&"-K &&& )&-- $F 4&0BT1 1ection 8. No law shall be passed abridging the freedo# of speech, of eFpression, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to asse#ble and petition the go*ern#ent for redress of grie*ances.
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / $ctober :, +<1+ at 1<231a#

1een by :9

Nelson ;ohn )aylon ;r. this.

Nelson John Baylon Jr. MA1 MAA0A... MA1 MA1A?A... MA1 MA4AM&N0 1$4!4K1A.. MA1 1A1A4A! !A AN0 TAN0BA-&AN 112:< $"T$)K4 6, KAT )9-A0A=

/ / 1hare / 0et Notifications / $ctober 6, +<1+ at 12+8p# near Manila

1een by :9 + people li.e this.

Nelson John Baylon Jr. Magliliwanag ang !as.o... The +<1+ A)15")N "hrist#as 1tation &6 1oon...
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / $ctober 6, +<1+ at 12+3p# near Manila

1een by :9

Nelson ;ohn )aylon ;r. this.

Lian Las Pinas

0reetings %1epte#ber :<, +<1+' Bappy birthday to our celebrators today, !hilippine 6aily &nCuirer -ifestyle editor Thel#a 1ioson51an ;uan, for#er 1en. -eticia 1hahani, for#er Touris# 1ecretary 0e##a "ruJ5 Araneta, 4e*. Fr. Mario 1obre uanite, 11!, Airigilo 0onJales, 0erry "ontreas, Arthur 4. -ingad, )aby "ansales51anta Maria, -eonida Andrade, 6r. Adora !. Aeol, Aida Areco, Theresita )raJil, )aby Aidal Na*arro, 4uben 1il*estree, Ma. "ristina Maralit, 1ari !aJ Aillar5Tan, "harie Ailla, Kdwin 0. Tru#peta, Mi.e 1ande as, 4aCuel MonteJa, 6anny ;a#ora and 6enise -aurel of 1TA4 MA0&".
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / $ctober ,, +<1+ at 1233a# near Ma.ati

1een by 8<

Nelson John Baylon Jr. Mega Manila TA 1tations %+<1+' A)15")N + !TA 8 TA3 0MA , 4!NGKT" 9 0MA NKE1 TA 11 &)"GA(TA 1: 1)NGTal.t* +1 1tudio +: Net +3 4;TAG+nd A*enue +9 )KAM :1 -&0BT TA :: 9NTA :, 1MN& :9 A.syonTA 81 :A)NGBope "hannel -uJon 83 0KM TA 89
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / 1epte#ber +6, +<1+ at 82<8p#

1een by :9

Nelson ;ohn )aylon ;r. this.

Bro Ryan A. Ameri-a Beto ang .u#pletong "hannel sa Mega Manila2 A)15")N + !TA 8 TA3 0MA , 4!N 9GKT" 0MA News TA 11 &)" 1:GA(TA 1)N +1GTal.t* 1tudio +: Net +3 "itynet +, %&nacti*e'

4;TA +9G+nd A*enue )KAM :1G"haseG;ac. TA -ight TA :: 6)1 TA :3 %1oon to be aired' 9NTA :, 1MN& :9 A.syon TA 81 Mareco TA 8: %&nacti*e' 0)N 83G:A)NGBope "hannel !hilDs. A)" 8, %&nacti*e' 0KM TA 89 TA3 4iJal 31 &nter*ision 68 %&nacti*e'

$ctober ,, +<1+ at 92<6a# *ia #obile / -i.e

Diego .r Reyes /or+ero upload TA !atrol March +, 198, *ia ;eepney TA

-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / $ctober 8, +<1+ at 82++p#

1een by :9

Bero A Noble this.

Lian Las Pinas 19,9 Kat )ulaga !hilippines was started to air. Kat )ulaga= pre#iered on ;uly :<, 19,9.W11X TA;, along with "hiCui Boll#anW9X and 4ichie 4eyes %a...a. 4ichie dD Borsie' were the original hosts of the show.W1+X 6uring its first few #onths on the air, the show was in danger of cancellation. Not only did it face co#petition against the longest5running noonti#e show at that ti#e, 1tudent "anteen, but it also lac.ed ad*ertisers The showDs the#e song, co#posed by Tito 1otto, Aic 1otto, ;oey de -eonand arranged by Bo#er Flores.

/ /


0et Notifications

$ctober 8, +<1+ at 82+,p# near Ma.ati

1een by :9

Diego .r Reyes /or+ero AN" 1tation &6 +<<15+<<:>*LF16C8B30a"? the#e 2 abs5cbn sign onGoff the#e

?sapang Business 9sapang )usiness "lip


/ / 1hare / 0et Notifications / $ctober 8, +<1+ at 8238p#

1een by :9

Nelson ;ohn )aylon ;r. this.

Lian Las Pinas &bali. ang Magandang Tanghali )ayan dahil sa popular seg#ents na 7!era $ )ayong7, 7"alendar 0irl7, 1a !ula o 1a !uti, Munting Miss 9, 71uper -olo7, ;apor#s, Ano (a Bilo>, Eansa Funny Tay#, 71ing &t7, and Einner Ta.e All.
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / $ctober 9, +<1+ at 32<+p#

1een by :9

Nelson John Baylon Jr. 0MA Networ. ,

-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / August 18, +<1+ at 1<2+<a#

1een by 88

+ people li.e this.

Lian Las Pinas 7EBK4K ?$9 )K-$N0=7

$ctober 9, +<1+ at 9239p# / -i.e

Lian Las Pinas 1TA4 M$A&K1 &NTK4NAT&$NAThe Knglish5language channel offers +8 5hours of the best international fil# entertain#ent a*ailable. All progra##ing on 1TA4 M$A&K1 &NTK4NAT&$NA- is subtitled in )ahasa &ndonesia for &ndonesia. &t can also be seen in Thailand co#plete with Thai subtitles, and subtitles in "hinese for the Taiwanese audiences under the na#e 1TA4 M$A&K1 0$-6.

The channel offers an enor#ous range of Cuality product fro# around the globe. Much of the library is deri*ed fro# +<th "entury FoF and other distributors, 1TA4 M$A&K1 &NTK4NAT&$NA- offers its *iewers an eclectic taste of so#e of the biggest boF5office s#ashes e*er to ha*e been produced.
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / $ctober 9, +<1+ at 1<2<1p#

1een by :9

Lian Las Pinas &n5house [ 1B$! TA [ 1MA4T 1B$!!&N0 "BANNK[ )&--)$A46 AN6 A61 "BANNK[ TIT NKTE$4( [ T$94&1M AN6 &NTK4K1T "BANNK- %A-1$ E&TB NA&A Q M$4K 1"BK69-K' [ "$MM9N&T? "BANNK[ 04KKT&N01 "BANNK[ 1B$!!&N0 "BANNK[ &NF$ "BANNK[ !4KA&KE "BANNK-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / $ctober 1+, +<1+ at ,28:p# nearMa.ati

1een by 8<

Nelson John Baylon Jr. K- 1BA66A& !4$)K6 $N "BANNK- 11 F4AN"B&1K Manila, ;an. 16, 1998 5 $#buds#an Aniano 6esierto has created a special panel to in*estigate the graft charges against National Teleco##unications "o##ission head 1i#eon (intanar and Kl 1haddai leader Mi.e Aelarde o*er The latterDs alleged illegal ta.e5 o*er and operation of "hannel 11. According to charges filed by ri*al charis#atic preacher Kddie Aillanue*a of ;esus &s -ord "hurch Eorldwide, (intanar and other NT" officials co##itted undue in ury when they allowed AelardeDs 6elta )roadcasting 1yste# to construct a TA station and purchase TA broadcasting eCuip#ent. Aelarde and Aillanue*a are both clai#ing legal ownership of a congressional franchise to operate "hannel 11.
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / $ctober 13, +<1+ at 62+8p#

1een by :9

Nelson ;ohn )aylon ;r. this.

Nelson John Baylon Jr. ;9-&K ANNK 1AN ;$1K singing the !hilippine National Anthe# at the 3+nd 4a#on Magsaysay Awards in August :1, +<1< and it was also the proper rendition for the first ti#e.

httprtAm goA ph ='n+ Ramon Magsaysay A,ar+s

-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / $ctober 13, +<1+ at 62+3p#

1een by :9 Nelson ;ohn )aylon ;r. this.

Nelson John Baylon Jr. Assassination of ;ohn ;oseph 7;o o7 Eenceslao in (atorse2 Attac.2 1niper style assassination Eeapon%s' 2 6.3 \ 3+ ## &talian "arcano M91G:8 bolt5action rifle 6eaths2 1 .illed %;ohn ;oseph 7;o o7 Eenceslao' ;o o Eenceslao %played by Knchong 6ee'2 0A))?, halos buong highschool #ag bestfriend tayo. (asa#a .ita sa .atarantaduhan, away tsa.a saya hindi .ita iniwan.. 0inawa #o .ong babysitter ng ana. #o, pero hindi a.o Nung #alala#an #ong #a#atay .a na,pinasa #o sa si Nene para #aging #alaya .ayo ni #arissa, at 6ahil #ahal .o si Nene, nang #ala#an #ong hindi .a na #a#atay so binawi #o siya Tinraydor #o pa nga a.o eh, -u#aban a.o pero hindi a.o nanalo, ala# #o .ung> 6ahil .ahit anong gawin .o ang tatay ng ana. niya. 0abby na.atali si Nene sayo. 6alawang taon. 6alawang taon .o .ayong hindi inistorbo. 6alawang taon .ayong #ag.asa#a. 0abby, hindi .a niya #inahal sa dalawang taon na iyon> Ngayon a.o ba ang salot o> 0abby2 Bayop .a=== ;o o2 !are anong proble#a #o> 0abby2 Buwag na huwag #o #atawag na pare dahil hindi .ita .aibigan. &.aw ang salot sa buhay .o. ;o o2 Kh tanga .a pala. (ung salot a.o sa buhay #o #o a.o ini#bita> Anong ginagawa .o saDyo> 0abby2 &nagaw #o sa si Nene= ;o o2 )inigay #o sa si Nene= 0abby2 6ahil saDyo .ung hindi nya a.o .ayang #ahalin= ;o o2 6ahil saDyo .aya hindi .anya .ayang #ahalin= 0abby2 Ano bang #eron .a na wala a.o ha> ;o o2 Ano bang #eron a.o na wala .a> 0abby2 Ano bang pina.ain #o .ay Nene .ung hindi .a nya #a.ali#utan> ;o o2 Ano bang pina.ain #o .ay Nene at hindi .a nya .ayang #ahalin> 1u.ang su.a sya saDyo na hindi .a nya .ayang pa.asalan= 0abby2 Bayop .a=== Ehen 0abby Arcangel %K ay Falcon' refused, one of the #en he get #ad. Be holds a gun to

;o oDs head and bla#es hi# for stealing Nene away fro# hi#. At this point, Eenceslao was shot fi*e ti#es in the left side of his chest and .illed. Nene2 ;$;$============================ Tulungan po==== Nene 4eyes %Krich 0onJales' also hugged ;o o Eenceslao %Knchong 6ee' was he was shot and .illed during NeneDs 18th birthday party. Be was rushed to the Ma.ati Medical "enter.
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / $ctober 13, +<1+ at 1<21<p#

1een by :9 Nelson ;ohn )aylon ;r. this.

Lian Las Pinas The #erchandise such as, but li#ited to, t5shirts, caps, sweatshirts, *isors, bac.pac.s, sunglasses, writing i#ple#ents and u#brellas, #ay be distributed, sold or offered, directly or indirectly, with the na#e, logo or other indicia of a cigarette brand displayed so as to be *isible to others when worn or used. "lothing ite#s #ust be in adult siJes only.
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / $ctober 16, +<1+ at +211a# nearMa.ati

1een by :9

Lian Las Pinas The na#e, logo, or other indicia of a cigarette brand or ele#ent of a brand5related #ar.eting acti*ity, #ay appear on ite#s that are #ar.eted to or li.ely to be used by #inors such as, but li#ited to, sports eCuip#ent, toys, dolls, #iniature replicas of racing *ehicles, *ideo ga#es, and food. The #anufacturer or co#pany #ust ta.e all a*ailable #easures to pre*ent third parties fro# using the co#pany@s brand na#es, logos, or other proprietary #aterial on products that are directed toward #inors.
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / $ctober 16, +<1+ at +21+a# nearMa.ati

1een by :9

Lian Las Pinas 1K"T&$N +8. Na#ing 4ights.P1ub ect to the pro*isions of this Act2 a. The #anufacturer #ay enter into any agree#ent pursuant to which pay#ent is #ade or other consideration is pro*ided by such #anufacturer to any sports league, or any tea# in*ol*ed in any such league, in eFchange for use of a tobacco product brand. b. The #anufacturer #ay enter into any agree#ent for the na#ing rights of any stadiu# or arena using a tobacco product brand na#e or otherwise cause a stadiu# or arena to be na#ed with such a brand na#e.
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / $ctober 16, +<1+ at +21+a# nearMa.ati

1een by :9

Lian Las Pinas )eginning 1 ;uly +<1:, cigarette and tobacco co#panies are hereby to lifting the ban fro# sponsoring any sport, concert, cultural or art e*ent, as well as indi*idual and tea# athletes, artists or perfor#ers where such sponsorship shall reCuire or in*ol*e the ad*ertise#ent or pro#otion of any cigarette or tobacco co#pany, tobacco product or tobacco use, na#e, logo or trade#ar.s and other words, sy#bols, designs, colors or other depictions co##only associated with or li.ely to identify a tobacco product2 !ro*ided, That the attribution only to the na#e of the co#pany in the roster of sponsors shall be allowed2 !ro*ided further, That

no #anufacturer #ay register a tobacco brand na#e as a co#pany na#e after the passage of this Act.
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / $ctober 16, +<1+ at +21:a# nearMa.ati

1een by :9

Lian Las Pinas !resident )enigno ACuino &&& to lift the ban the T$)A""$ A6AK4T&1&N0 in the !hilippines, because bring bac. the 199: health warning on the side panel of cigarette pac.s= all for#s of tobacco ad*ertising in #ass #edia would re*i*ed, so tobacco ad*ertising would be used in #agaJines, billboards, posters, strea#ers, hand bills, leaflets, #ails and the li.e. all cine#a and outdoor ad*ertising would re*i*ed and it aired during #o*ie brea.s. all tobacco ad*ertising on free5to5air tele*ision, cable tele*ision and radio would re*i*ed and it aired during co##ercial brea.s of tele*ision and radio progra#s. 1o, Tobacco !ro#otions carrying the use of 6$B5F6A per#it nu#ber. !ro#otions #ust be directed only to persons at least eighteen %18' years old. !ersons below eighteen %18' years old or who appear to be below eighteen %18' years old #ay participate in such pro#otions. The participants in pro#otions #ust be reCuired to pro*ide proof of age. The place#ent shall be #ade by any #anufacturer, distributor, or retailer of any tobacco product or tobacco product pac.age or ad*ertise#ent as a prop in any tele*ision progra# or #otion picture produced for *iewing by the general public or in a *ideo, optical disc or on a *ideo ga#e #achine.
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / $ctober 16, +<1+ at +21<a# nearMa.ati

1een by :9

Bro Ryan A. Ameri-a (ahit lifted na yang tobacco ban na yan, deli.ado pa rin sa .alusugan ng tao. (aya huwag na.

$ctober 16, +<1+ at +213a# *ia #obile / -i.e / 1

Lian Las Pinas Ad*ertisers of Abs5"bn, !TA, A)"53, 0MA Networ., 4!N 9 %etc', NTA511, &)" 1: %A(TA' during co##ercial brea.s2 Fortune Tobacco 5 Bope, More, Einston ;apan Tobacco 5 Mild 1e*en -a 1uerte 5 Marlboro and !hilip Morris 1<<s
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / $ctober 16, +<1+ at +2+,a# nearMa.ati

1een by :9

Nelson ;ohn )aylon ;r. this.

Lian Las Pinas "igarette co##ercials2 Bope, More &nternational, "ha#pion, Einston, Mar. !re#iu# Menthol, Fortune &nternational by Fortune Tobacco "orporation were aired and the lifting the ban of cigarette co##ercials on TA by +<1:.

-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / $ctober 16, +<1+ at +213a# nearMa.ati

1een by :9

"a*in Fiel MartineJ No*ida this.

Lian Las Pinas anong show ipinalabas dating TA" ng "anesten noong +<<9>
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / $ctober 16, +<1+ at :2+8a# nearMa.ati

1een by 8<

+ people li.e this.

Nelson John Baylon Jr. Noong Marso 198,, #ula sa pagiging pina.ahuli sa #ga nangungunang hi#pilan sa Metro Manila at nagdusa sa #ga lugi, ang A)15")N ay #uling nilunsad bilang 7The 1tar Networ.2 Ang !agbabali. ng )ituin7.
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / $ctober 19, +<1+ at 112++p#

1een by 8<

+ people li.e this.

Lian Las Pinas A)15")N Beadlines was a late night news progra# aired on A)15")N fro# +<<< to +<<: anchored by (aren 6a*ila and Tony AelasCueJ. &t was replaced by A)15")N &nsider in +<<:. The#e Music A)15")N Beadlines The#e, co#posed and arranged by ;essie -ucas. The the#e is a co#bination of Beadlines by "raig !al#er fro# Networ. Music %the#e fro# 0MA Networ.Ds in*estigati*e #agaJine progra# )rigada 1iete' and the 198, siF5note 7A5)515"5)5N7 instru#ental ingle. 1ponsors Marlboro "igarettes !hilip Morris 1<<Ds 0row 0ain !lus

/ / 1hare / 0et Notifications / $ctober +<, +<1+ at 323<p# nearMa.ati

1een by :9

+ people li.e this.

Diego .r Reyes /or+ero upload A)15")N Beadlines -ogo

$ctober +<, +<1+ at 6281p# / -i.e

Diego .r Reyes /or+ero A)15")N Beadlines The#e2 7Beadlines7 co#posed Q arranged by ;esse -ucas %$ctober +, +<<< O ;uly +3, +<<:'

A)15")N &nsider The#e2 7K#ergency )eat7 %;uly +8, +<<: O +<<3' A)15")N &nsider The#e2 7Beadlines7 co#posed Q arranged by ;esse -ucas %+<<3 O ;une :<, +<<6'
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / $ctober +<, +<1+ at 6289p#

1een by :9

Nelson John Baylon Jr. A)15")N +<<+2 7&sang !a#ilya, &sang !uso Ngayong !as.o7 +<<:2 76isye#b4egalo7 +<<82 71abay Tayo, (apa#ilya7 +<<32 7Magpasaya ng (apa#ilya7 +<<62 7Angat ang -igaya ng !as.o7 +<<,2 7Ealang #ag5iisa ngayong !as.o7 +<<82 7May (atuparan ang Biling sa (apa#ilyang (apiling7 +<<92 7)ro, &.aw ang 1tar ng !as.o7 +<1<2 7Ngayong !as.o Magniningning Ang !ilipino7 +<112 76a )est Ang !as.o Ng !ilipino7 +<1+2 7Magliliwanag ang Mundo sa (wento ng !as.o7 TA3 +<<9 5 71ha.e, 1aya, !as.o Na=7 +<1< 5 7Bappy "hrist#as fro# the Bappy Networ.7 +<11 5 7(ris#as Mas Mas Masaya, (apatid7 0MA Networ. +<<: 5 7(apuso, (ayo Ang 1tar Ng A#ing !as.o=D +<<8 5 7Maligayang !as.o, (apuso=7 +<<3 5 70MA !as.o !analo7 +<<6 5 7Ang 1arap ng ! (apuso7 +<<, 5 74egalo ng (apuso7 +<<8 5 7(apuso ng )awat )atang !ilipino ngayong !as.o 7 +<<9 5 71a#a51a#a Tayong Mag5!asalo*e Ngayong !as.o7 +<1< 5 7&sang !ag.ilala sa !uso ng !ilipino Ngayong !as.o7 +<11 5 70MA (apusong !as.o7
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / $ctober ++, +<1+ at 112:8a#

1een by 8<

+ people li.e this.

Lian Las Pinas A)15")N + 5 A5)515"5)5N The !hilippines -argest Networ. TA3 5 !ara saDyo .apatid= !ara saDyo .apatid= !ara saDyo, !ara saDyo, !ara saDyo, !ara saDyo, (apatid= 0MA , 5 (apuso, #a.ulay ang buhaay= 1a 05M5A ang )uhay, sa 05M5A ang (ulay,, lu#ilinaw,, .apuso anu#ang .ulay ng buhay= (apusong 05M5A======
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / $ctober +:, +<1+ at 62<1p# nearMa.ati

1een by :9

: people li.e this.

Diego .r Reyes /or+ero +8 $ras the#e2 7+8 $ras7 co#posed Q arranged by ;i##y Antiporda, released by 0MA News Q !ublic Affairs %March 13, +<<8 5 August 8, +<<8'
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / $ctober +9, +<1+ at 82<8p#

1een by :8

Lian Las Pinas AN" +8G,2 Abs5"bn News "hannel%anc'

-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / $ctober +8, +<1+ at 3288p#

1een by :8

-uigi !egollo !e]alba this.

Diego .r Reyes /or+ero >

$ctober +9, +<1+ at 82<8p# / -i.e

Lian Las Pinas The 1enate co##ittee on #ass #edia has reco##ended appro*al of the new charter of the Nuality Tele*ision %NTA' "hannel 11 which will allow the co##ercial5owned free5to5air channel to air ^Cuality entertain#ent progra#s_ and generate funds by selling co##ercials. )efore "ongress went on recess, 1en. 0regorio Bonasan, chair#an of the co##ittee on #ass #edia and public infor#ation, reported to the plenary "o##ittee 4eport No. 838 on 1enate )ill No. :166 that proposes a new charter for the co##ercial5run TA station. 1) :166 is a substitute bill for proposed #easures on re*i*ing NTA authored separately by 1en. -oren -egarda and 1en. Teofisto 0uingona &&&. 9nder the proposal endorsed by Bonasan@s co##ittee, NTA would start airing progra#s aside fro# those featuring public affairs, public ser*ice, educational, li*elihood and wo#en and youth issues. &t would start airing as well trade, ser*ice and #anufacturing industry progra#s and those that inspire nationalis#. 1) :166 also a#ends the old NTA charter by allowing bloc.5ti#ers to air Cuality entertain#ent progra#s and those that pro#ote the national interest ^sub ect to the Cuality standards set by the board of directors._ At present, bloc.5ti#ers are only allowed to air educational and sports progra#s. ^&nstead of ust go*ern#ent propaganda, we want to pro*ide public ser*ice broadcasting,_

said 1ecretary Ber#inio "olo#a, head of the !residential "o##unications and $perations $ffice, who has super*ision o*er co##ercial #edia installations. ^Ee want to pro*ide educational progra#s that are at the sa#e ti#e entertaining,_ "olo#a said. $n the business side, the proposed charter authoriJes the TA networ. to again generate funds fro# ad*ertising and airti#e sales. NTA steadily suffered losses in audience share and in finances after its charter li#ited its shows to public affairs and educational progra#s and its bloc.5ti#ers to airing only educational, sports and entertain#ent progra#s.

/ / 1hare / 0et Notifications / $ctober +9, +<1+ at 82:9p# nearMa.ati

1een by :9

Lian Las Pinas 6HMM Tele4adyo

-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / $ctober +8, +<1+ at 328:p#

1een by :8

Kdison )andilla this.

Lian Las Pinas That was launched on 1 March 1993, and re5launched on 1 $ctober +<<1 %with TeFt #essaging ser*ices', 1 6ece#ber +<<, %with Faceboo. and Twitter co##ents'

$ctober :<, +<1+ at :283a# / -i.e

Lian Las Pinas Merong lu#ang A)15")N logo

$ctober :<, +<1+ at :283a# / -i.e

Nelson John Baylon Jr. 4adio !hilippines Networ., &nc. 4!N9

-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / August 18, +<1+ at 1<2+<a#

1een by 88 "a*in Fiel MartineJ No*ida this.

Lian Las Pinas 74!N, The Networ.7

$ctober :<, +<1+ at :28,a# / -i.e

Lian Las Pinas +<1<Ds hit shows 1ur*i*or !hilippines Tween Bearts Mara "lara Minsan -ang (ita &ibigin 1<< 6ays To Bea*en )udoy My )inondo 0irl A#aya Ealang Banggan !rincess Q & $ne True -o*e !)) Teen Kdition 8 6ahil sa !ag5&big &na, (apatid, Ana. -orenJoDs Ti#e A )eautiful Affair (ahit !usoDy Masugatan Aaliente Nandito A.o Knchanted 0arden TA3


1een by :9 Lian Las Pinas Noong 199<Ds, ang naging sponsor ng #ga newscasts ng A)"53 %)alitang )alita, -i*e on 3, The )ig News' ay #ga sigarilyo %Fortune &nternational, Bope, "ha#pion, etc.'
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / No*e#ber 1, +<1+ at +218a#

/ / 1hare / 0et Notifications / $ctober :1, +<1+ at 6239p# nearManila

1een by :8

Bro Ryan A. Ameri-a Two %+' Free5to5Air Tele*ision Networ. are launching2 1olar News "hannel on 1)N +1 %$ctober :<, +<1+' &N" TA 89 %$ctober :1, +<1+'

-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / No*e#ber 1, +<1+ at ,219a#


1een by :9

Nelson ;ohn )aylon ;r. this.

Nelson John Baylon Jr. Abs5"bn + P with Minnie 1olite.


/ / 1hare / 0et Notifications / August 18, +<1+ at 1<2+<a#

1een by 88 Kdison )andilla and -uigi !egollo !e]alba li.e this.

Lian Las Pinas A)15")N, &n the 1er*ice of the Filipino

$ctober :<, +<1+ at :289a# / -i.e

Diego .r Reyes /or+ero 198651989

No*e#ber +, +<1+ at 623:p# / -i.e

Nelson John Baylon Jr. This is the old logo of A)15")N %198651999'

No*e#ber +, +<1+ at ,211p# / -i.e

Diego .r Reyes /or+ero Frontpage aired its final broadcast, aired a report entitled 7Frontpage says farewell, #a.e way for +8 $ras7 Q got ceased on March 1+, +<<8. Meanwhile, anchor Mi.e KnriCueJ will be replaced by 9nang Birit host Arnold "la*io on March 13, +<<8. $n March 1:, +<<8, 0MA News BeadCuarters starts to re5paint to 4ed into ?ellow %which will be +8 $ras first set' 6ue to this refor#att, 0MA Flash 4eport 1pecial Kdition goes li*e outside 0MA Networ. "enter. March 13, +<<8 9nang Birit gi*es a new set, Q new graphics started at 32:<a# Q still hosted by Arnold "la*io, Arn5Arn, 4hea 1antos, -yn "hing, 1uJi Kntrata5Abrera, 6aniel 4aJon, -o*e Ano*er, T; Manotoc, Kagle and -har 1antiago, 1eg#ent titled 79nang )alita7 gi*es a new the#e entitled 7!ower to 1pare7 which was fro# Networ. !roduction Music !ublishing of 91A Q co#posed by "raig !al#er, The shows slogan was 7Ealang pagod na nagliling.od=7 6213p# 0MA Networ. launched a new newscast entitled 7+8 $ras7 Frontpage anchor Mel Tiangco was oined by 1a.siDs Mi.e KnriCueJ, re oining the# in one newscast since they co5 anchored fro# 1996 to 1998, Q !ia 0uanio who is now (apuso hosts the showbiJ news seg#ent of the progra#, 7"hi.a Minute7. 1pecial wee.end editions are also being aired when it dee#ed necessary, The first special edition was hosted by 0MA News reporter ;essica 1oho for Kle.syon +<<8, The the#e #usic was co#posed by ;i##y Antiporda Q The set was fro# by ;uly 13, +<<+ 5 March 1+, +<<8. and at 1<2:<p# gi*es a new set, new graphics Q new the#e co#posed by 6itoy Aguila which the newscast for#er the#e #usic 7The "hase7 was re5co#posed in a different .ey sound, hosted by Arnold "la*io Q Aic.y Morales, The set placed a city bac.ground at the left.
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / No*e#ber +, +<1+ at 9218p#

1een by :8

Diego .r Reyes /or+ero what day did Frontpage Q refor#att>

-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / No*e#ber +, +<1+ at 92+8p#

1een by :8

/aAin Biel Martinez NoAi+a typhoon son tinh %ofel' #ade category : in southeast china and *ietna# after #ade a tropical stor# in the philippines is better than hurricane sandy #ade category + in the 91, canada and the caribbean>

-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / No*e#ber +, +<1+ at 1<236p#


1een by :9

Lian Las Pinas please bring bac. Kcclesia in Asia on 0MA "hannel , e*ery 1unday at 3 a#=
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / No*e#ber :, +<1+ at 328<p# nearMa.ati

1een by :8

Nelson John Baylon Jr. Noong Bulyo +,, +<1< si ?as#ien (urdi ay na.i.iisa sa 1elebrasyon ng &.a596 na Anibersaryo ng &glesia Ni "risto %"hurch of "hrist' $fficial Fanpage sa .auna5unahang pag.a.ataon.

IN/on-ert & 2in-e I Boun+ 7ou & IN/ #5th AnniAersary &N"oncert 5 1ince & Found ?ou 5 &N" 96th Anni*ersary 5 ;uly +,, +<1<, Araneta "oliseu#

-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / No*e#ber :, +<1+ at 328:p#

1een by :8 Nelson ;ohn )aylon ;r. this.

Lian Las Pinas Balina at sa#ahan ninyo .a#i sa 7K""-K1&A &N A1&A2 AN0 M&1A7, ang progra#ang pang5 lingo ng (A6&EA 1A !A0(A!A4& F$9N6AT&$N, &N".
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / No*e#ber :, +<1+ at 328:p# nearMa.ati

1een by :8

Nelson John Baylon Jr. & hope we can see Ms. ?as#ien (urdi on !hilippine Tele*ision soon.....
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / No*e#ber :, +<1+ at 3233p#

1een by :8

Nelson ;ohn )aylon ;r. this.

Al+rine Poli+o TBK 04KATK1T MKNGE$MKN $F 0$6 EB$ A&1&TK6 TBK !B&-&!!&NK1 F$4 TB4$90B TBK ?KA41. 1. )KNN? B&NN +. ;$?"K MK?K4 :. M$44&1 "K49--$ 8. "&N6? ;A"$)1 3. ;&-- 1BANN$N 6. 6$N "-$EK41 ,. 4A-!B MAB$NK? 8. !AT 4$)K4T1$N 9. MA4( BAN(&N1 1<. T4&NA BAN(&N1 11. 6AN&K- Mc"A4T? 1+. MKN$4AB Mc"A4T? 1:. TK44? MATTBKE1 18. )&-- BAM$N 13. "B9"( !&K4"K 16. )&--? 04ABAM 1,. F4AN(-&N 04ABAM "AN ?$9 0&AK 1$MK $F TBK 04KATK1T !A1T$41GM&11&$NA4&K1 EB$ A&1&TK6 TBK !B&-&!!&NK1 F$4 TB4$90B TBK ?KA41 "$MMKNT $N M? 1TAT91.


/ / 1hare / 0et Notifications / No*e#ber 8, +<1+ at 1286p#

1een by :9

Lian Las Pinas

"igarette pac.s now re*erted bac. to the rotation on the side panel, including the printed warning labels and displace it fro# front of the pac. using the words 7N$T F$4 1A-K T$ M&N$417 and the go*ern#ent warning 7"igarette is dangerous to your health7
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / No*e#ber 6, +<1+ at :2<8a# nearMa.ati

1een by :9

/aAin Biel Martinez NoAi+a )arac. $ba#a is 4e5elected 91 !resident.

-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / No*e#ber ,, +<1+ at 92:8p#

1een by :8 /aAin Biel Martinez NoAi+a )arac. $ba#a5:<: Aotes Mitt 4o#ney5+<6 Aotes


-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / No*e#ber ,, +<1+ at 92:6p#


1een by :9

/aAin Biel Martinez NoAi+a !resident Noynoy ACuino suppports !resident $ba#a as a +nd ter# 91 !resident.

-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / No*e#ber 9, +<1+ at ,2:+a#


1een by :8 Nelson ;ohn )aylon ;r. this.

Nelson John Baylon Jr. Mga (aibigan, Bindi na #ag5.a.atapusan ang Mundo Ngayong taon. dahil #ay "hrist#as and New ?earDs "elebrations, pinag5hahanda na==
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / No*e#ber 9, +<1+ at 92<9a#

1een by :8

+ people li.e this.

/aAin Biel Martinez NoAi+a Filipino5A#erican !olitician supports !resident $ba#a as a +nd ter# 91 !resident.
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / No*e#ber 9, +<1+ at 1<2+,p#

1een by :8

Nelson ;ohn )aylon ;r. this.

/aAin Biel Martinez NoAi+a 70angna# 1tyle7 in*ades -atin A#erica.

-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / No*e#ber 9, +<1+ at 1<283p#

1een by :9

/aAin Biel Martinez NoAi+a An earthCua.e off the !acific coast of 0uate#ala .ills at least 3+ people.
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / No*e#ber 1<, +<1+ at 32:9p#

1een by :9

Nelson John Baylon Jr. Mga (aibigan, Bindi na #agugunaw ang #undo= Ang pag5hahanda sa pag5papalapit na Millenniu# New ?earDs "elebrations sa buong !ilipinas at )uong Mundo ay narito na= &to sa ating conceptualiJion for the New ?earDs K*e5New ?earDs 6ay "elebrations all o*er the !hilippines===
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / No*e#ber 11, +<1+ at 6213p# nearManila

1een by :,

+ people li.e this.

Nelson John Baylon Jr. created a doc.

21y/a8le /hannel line&up in "##'

1.y"able channel line5up in 199+

1. 3 5 1(? &nfo "hannel +. 6 5 A)15")N + :. 8 5 !TA 8 8. 1< 5 A)"53 3. 11 5 Media"orp "hannel 8 %also .nown as 1)" 8' 6. 1+ 5 0MA , ,. 18 5 4!N 9 %also .nown as New Aision 9' 8. 13 5 &)" 1: %also .nown as &slands TA51:' 9. 16 5 F?& "BANNK1<. 1, 5 4KA- K1TATK "BANNK11. 18 5 NA&A "BANNK1+. 19 5 A&65$( %1ing5along #usic5*ideo channel' 1:. +< 5 1(?MA-- %1hopping channel' 18. +1 5 1.y News 13. ++ 5 1.y Mo*ies 16. +: 5 KK" +: 1,. +6 5 6&1"$AK4? "BANNK- %!hilippine feed' 18. +, 5 "NN &nternational %Asia5!acific feed' 19. +8 5 !ri#e 1ports +<. +9 5 K1!N %!hilippine feed' +1. :< 5 B)$ %Asia feed'

++. :1 5 MTA A1&A +:. :+ 5 ))" 4A6&$

-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / No*e#ber 11, +<1+ at 6219p#

1een by :8

8 people li.e this.

Lian Las Pinas 4e#e#bering 7A)15")N Beadlines7 with Tony AelasCueJ and 0el 1antos 4elos %+<<<5+<<1' G (aren 6a*ila %+<<15+<<:' and 7A)15")N &nsider7 with 6ong !uno and "es 6rilon %+<<35 +<<6' The#e Music2 7A)15")N Beadlines The#e7, co#posed and arranged by ;essie -ucas. The the#e is a co#bination of Beadlines by "raig !al#er fro# Networ. Music %the#e fro# 0MA Networ.Ds in*estigati*e #agaJine news progra# )rigada 1iete' and the 198, siF5note 7A5)5 15"5)5N7 instru#ental ingle. %$ctober +, +<<<5;uly +3, +<<:, ;une +,, +<<35;une :<, +<<6' 1logan2 &nsider2 7sa gitna ng a.syon, sa loob ng balita7 %;une +,, +<<35;une :<, +<<6'
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / No*e#ber 1+, +<1+ at 828<p# nearMa.ati

1een by :,

Bero A Noble this.

Nelson John Baylon Jr. Noong Agosto :1, +<1< sa unang pag.a.ataon si ;ulie Anne 1an ;ose ay inaawit ng 7-upang Binirang7 sa 3+nd 4a#on Magsaysay Awards.
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / $ctober :1, +<1+ at 921<a#

1een by :8

+ people li.e this.

Nelson John Baylon Jr. &to po ayon sa isang> *L)9F8;6NNw!AQfeatureLshare

httprtAm goA ph ='n+ Ramon Magsaysay A,ar+s No*e#ber 1+, +<1+ at 828,p# / -i.e / +

Lian Las Pinas 0usto .o, eto talaga .aagad ang #agiging #ga satellite radio stations ng Tiger++ Media "orporation %secondary na#e ng The 4adio !artners, &nc.', one of the# behind the stations Magic 89.9 and 99.3 4T, di ba. And also, gusto .o, .ayo talaga ang partner ng #ga yan, and also, gusto .o, #ay #ga radio ads, and #ore %such as, too #any seg#ents ha, o.'. At sa.a, gusto .o, eFclusi*ely a*ailable yan talaga sa "ignal, at sa.a, gusto .o yang #ga yan, gusto .o, gawin din ninyo talaga yan bilang #ga future B6 4adio stations ng #ga Tiger++ FM stations %na#ely ;a# 88.:, Ea*e 891, Magic 89.9, 99.3 4T and 1<:.3 Eow FM',at sa.a, gusto .o, #ay li*e strea#ing talaga yan sa internet ha, o.. Kto talaga ang #ga yan na susundin .o talaga sa inyo, gusto .o, #eron talagang2 `"itylite 4adio %gusto .o, re*i*al talaga yan ng dating "itylite 88.:' `Kasy listening station talaga na parang Beart 1<:3 dati. At sa.a, gusto .o, si ;oe 6D Mango talaga ang #ag#a#ando dyan since #ay -o*e Notes na talaga sya dun sa 4adyo3 9+.: News FM %si#ulcast sa A.syon TA'. `Alternati*e Q pop5roc. station %with house #usic progra#' na #ala51<:.3 (5-ite fro# +<<:5+<<6 at ang ;a# 88.: during their ?our (ind of MiF era. 0usto .o, si ;oe 6D Mango din ang #ag#a#ando nyan. `"lub #usic radio na #ala5IFM 9+.: fro# +<<,5+<<8. `"lassic hits radio %Music fro# the golden era up to the #id5#illeniu#, and beyond', at sa.a, gusto .o, gawin nyo din yan as a satellite de facto *ersion ng 4; 1<<. `Music station na #ala51<:.3 (5-ite fro# 19935+<<:, at sa.a, 1<:.3 MaF FM fro# +<<,5+<<9 talaga. At sa.a, gusto .o, si 1gt. !epper %Nelson "apulso' din talaga ang #ag#a#ando, and, gusto .o, ang #ga na.a5on air talagang #ga 6;s dyan ay yung #ga selected na #ga eF56;s talaga ng 1<:.3 MaF FM, at sa.a, gusto .o, #ay #ga unti talagang #ga bagong 6;s dyan ha, o.. `)lood Type 4adio %gusto .o, all Asian #usic talaga ang tugtog, at sa.a, gusto .o, .apangalan talaga yan ng dating progra#a ng ;a# 88.:, which is )lood Type A'. `"hildrenDs radio `) !ilipinas 4adio %gusto .o, +8 hour talaga ito na spo.en5word radio, at sa.a, gusto .o, gwin nyo din talaga ito na #ala5))" 4adio 8 dun sa -ondon, 9('. `4adyo 4onda %gusto .o, together talaga yan ng "ignal, 1olar Kntertain#ent "orporation, Tiger++, at sa.a, ang 4!N. At sa.a, gusto .o, ala5)o#bo 4adyo talaga yan, but, satellite feed, at sa.a, gusto .o, gawin nyo din talaga yan as a +8 hour na all5Tagalog na news and tal. station ha, o.. At sa.a, gusto .o, lahat talaga ng #ga 4adyo 4onda stations sa #ga lalawigan, gusto .o, i5ere talaga ang #ga progra#a talaga galing talaga dun sa satellite feed ng 4adyo 4onda, si#ultaneous -&AK talaga *ia satellite, pero, it will be still airing the localiJed progra#s, o.'. ?un lang po. At sa.a, gusto .o, lahat talaga yan eFcept 4adyo 4onda, gusto .o, lahat talaga ng #ga future website page talaga ng #ga yan, gusto .o, lahat talaga yan, HA!!K6 ha, with li*e *ideo strea#ing on the internet ha, o.. ?un lang po. Than.s and #ore power.

/ / 1hare / 0et Notifications / No*e#ber 1:, +<1+ at +23<a#

1een by :,

Lian Las Pinas Bi again, gusto .o, ipalabas nyo din talaga .aagad yung2 `)est of Eow Mali %also, ipalabas nyo din talaga yung Eow Maling Mali, Te.a Mona, at sa.a, yung Eow Meganon' `1hall Ee 6ance> %ni -ucy Torres50o#eJ' `)est of -o.o#o.o %pati na rin yung -o.o#o.o Bigh, at sa.a yung -o.o#o.o 9' `&spup

`1ing 0aling `)itag "lassics `#o*ies fro# 1a#paguita !ictures and -AN !ictures, and also, A&AA Fil#s and 4egal Fil#s `Kat )ulaga= "lassics %and also, as a re#iF' `(uya 0er#sD classic inter*iews and perfor#ances %0MA 1upershow, Master 1how#an !resents and Ealang Tulugan with the Master 1how#an' %also, as a re#iF' `ThatDs Kntertain#ent `)ubble 0ang "lassics `)est of Magpa.ailan#an `(apwa (o, Mahal (o "lassics `1$! %fro# 1$! to 1$! 4ules to 1$! Fully "harged to 1$!' %also, as a re#iF' `$riginal TA series %gusto .o, F$I Filipino5produced ha, o.' `TA!K, &nc. and A&AA Tele*ision5produced shows `Music *ideo brea. and #usic *ideo show %foreign and !inoy2 current and classic' `0MA yearly "hrist#as specials #arathon `Metro Manila Fil# Festi*al yearly !arade of 1tars and Awards Night #arathon `1unday TA Mass %gusto .o, si#ulcast yan talaga fro# TA3' `encore of the ;esus &s -ord "hurch5produced progra#s %such as Adyenda' `!ulsong !inoy %as an encore' `6apat #ag.aroon din talaga .ayo ng news depart#ent, at itawag nyo dyan as F$I Filipino News, %lahat, Tagalog ha', o., 0usto .o, yung F$I Filipino News na yan, #ala51olar News at A)15")N News din ito ha, lahat ay Tagalog, o.> ?un lang po. Than.s and #ore power.

/ / 1hare / 0et Notifications / No*e#ber 1:, +<1+ at +238a#

1een by :8

Lian Las Pinas Anu5ano ang #ga ga#e portions Q seg#ents sa Kat )ulaga nung nasa 4!N 9, A)15")N + and 0MA , na ang Kat )ulaga noong ;uly 19,9 up to present>
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / No*e#ber 1:, +<1+ at :211p# nearMa.ati

1een by :8

Nelson ;ohn )aylon ;r. this.

Nelson John Baylon Jr. The 4e*ised Mega Manila TA )roadcast 1tations A)15")N + !TA 8 TA3 0MA , 4!N 9GKT" 0MA News TA 11 &)" 1:GA(TA 1)N +1G1olar News "hannel 1tudio +: Net +3 9ni*ersiTA %"o#ing 1oon to Test )roadcast' 4;TA +9G+nd A*enue )KAM :1G;A"( "ity -ight TA ::

6)1 TA :3 %1oon to be Aired' 9NTA :, 1MN& :9 A.syon TA 81 Mareco TA 8: %&nacti*e' 0)N 83GBope "hannel !hils. A)N 8, %&nacti*e' &N" TA 89 &nter*ison 68 %&nacti*e'

/ / 1hare / 0et Notifications / No*e#ber 13, +<1+ at 823:p#

1een by :, 8 people li.e this.

Nelson John Baylon Jr. KF5(apusos, now (apatids 1haron "uneta 4uffa 0utierreJ ;" de Aera Nadine 1a#onte Arci Mu]oJ 6ere. 4a#say $yo )oy 1otto !aolo )ediones Tessa !rieto5Aaldes

/ / 1hare / 0et Notifications / No*e#ber 16, +<1+ at 1121<a# nearManila

1een by :6 Nelson ;ohn )aylon ;r. this.

Lian Las Pinas Knchong5Krich #o*ie with K ay Falcon and Iian -i# 5 (atorse %this Aalentines +<1:' by A)15 ")N Fil# !roductions &nc. %1tar "ine#a' and 4egal Kntertain#ent &nc.2 The scenes in the +<<9 TA series including NeneDs 18th )irthday in the No*e#ber :< to 6ece#ber +, +<<9 episodes of +<<9 TA series (atorse. Fil#ing of the debut party scenes in the #o*ie *ersion of the (atorse were shot in The Manila !olo "lub in Taguig "ity. Naalala ba ang e.senang ito> %fro# the 6ece#ber +, +<<9 episode of (atorse'2 Assassination of ;ohn ;oseph 7;o o7 Eenceslao in (atorse2 Attac.2 1niper style assassination Eeapon%s' 2 6.3 \ 3+ ## &talian "arcano M91G:8 bolt5action rifle 6eaths2 1 .illed %;o o Eenceslao' ;o o Eenceslao %played by Knchong 6ee'2 0A))?, halos buong high school #ag best friend tayo. (asa#a .ita sa .atarantaduhan, away tsa.a saya hindi .ita iniwan.. 0inawa #o .ong babysitter ng ana. #o, pero hindi a.o Nung #alala#an #ong #a#atay .a na, pinasa #o sa si Nene para #aging #alaya .ayo ni #arissa, at 6ahil #ahal .o si Nene, nang #ala#an #ong hindi .a na #a#atay so binawi #o siya Tinraydor #o pa nga a.o eh, -u#aban a.o pero hindi a.o nanalo, ala# #o .ung> 6ahil .ahit anong gawin .o ang tatay ng ana. niya. 0Abby na.atali si Nene sayo. 6alawang taon. 6alawang taon .o .ayong hindi inistorbo. 6alawang taon .ayong #ag.asa#a. 0abby, hindi .a niya #inahal sa dalawang taon na iyon> Ngayon a.o ba ang salot o>

0abby %played by K ay Falcon'2 Bayop .a=== ;o o2 !are anong proble#a #o> 0abby2 Buwag na huwag #o #atawag na pare dahil hindi .ita .aibigan. &.aw ang salot sa buhay .o. ;o o2 Kh tanga .a pala. (ung salot a.o sa buhay #o #o a.o ini#bita> Anong ginagawa .o saDyo> 0abby2 &nagaw #o sa si Nene= ;o o2 )inigay #o sa si Nene= 0abby2 6ahil saDyo .ung hindi nya a.o .ayang #ahalin= ;o o2 6ahil saDyo .aya hindi .anya .ayang #ahalin= 0abby2 Ano bang #eron .a na wala a.o ha> ;o o2 Ano bang #eron a.o na wala .a> 0abby2 Ano bang pina.ain #o .ay Nene .ung hindi .a nya #a.ali#utan> ;o o2 Ano bang pina.ain #o .ay Nene at hindi .a nya .ayang #ahalin> 1u.ang su.a sya saDyo na hindi .a nya .ayang pa.asalan= 0abby2 Bayop .a=== Ehen 0abby Arcangel %K ay Falcon' refused, one of the #en he get #ad. Be holds a gun to ;o oDs head and bla#es hi# for stealing Nene away fro# hi#. At this point, Eenceslao was shot fi*e ti#es in the right side of his chest and .illed. Nene2 ;$;$============================ Tulungan po==== Nene 4eyes %Krich 0onJales' also hugged ;o o Eenceslao %Knchong 6ee' was he was shot 3 ti#es and .illed during NeneDs 18th birthday party.
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / No*e#ber +,, +<1+ at 12+6a# nearMa.ati

1een by :,

/aAin Biel Martinez NoAi+a Typhoon )opha , .nown as 7!ablo7 in the !hilippines, landfall on the island of Mindanao.
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / 6ece#ber 6, +<1+ at ,283p#

1een by :,

Nelson ;ohn )aylon ;r. this.

Nelson John Baylon Jr. 0MA Manila 0MA +<1+ 1tation Notice with +<1+ (apuso ;ingle instru#ental *ersion *oiced by Al Torres This is 0MA 6H))5TA "hannel ,. A co##ercial TA station with 1<<,<<<5watt trans#itter power, authoriJed under te#porary licensed nu#ber )165<39<5+<1<, issued by the National Teleco##unications "o##ission *alid until 6ece#ber :1, +<1:. 0MA 1tudios and $ffices are located at 0MA Networ. "enter, K61A corner Ti#og A*enue, )arangay 1outh Triangle, 6ili#an, NueJon "ity, 0MA )roadway "entru# 1tudios, Aurora )oule*ard corner )roadway A*enue, )arangay Aalencia, New Manila, NueJon "ity and 0MA 1agittarius )uilding, B.A. dela "osta 1treet, 1alcedo Aillage, Ma.ati "ity. The 0MA trans#itter station is located at )arangay "uliat, Tandang 1ora, NueJon "ity.

0MA Kngineering is headed by 0ilberto 4. 6ua*it ;r. 0MA Trans#ission !ersonnel is the co#posed of Klectronic and "o##unications Kngineers, Technicians and First "lass 4adio and Telephone $perators with -icense Nu#ber issued by the !rofessional 4egulations "o##ission and the National Teleco##unications "o##ission. Tho#as 1ales2 Klectronics Kngineer No. :<1< Kl*is Ancheta2 Klectronics Kngineer No. :3,3 4icardo -. "abral2 !rofessional Klectronics Kngineer No. 9+ Krwin Ti#bre2 Klectronics Kngineer No. :63< 4iniel dela "ruJ2 Klectronics Kngineer No. 13,81 )enito Manarin2 Klectronics Kngineer No. +16+, ;onathan 1al*o2 Klectronics Kngineer No. 19,<3 Kricson -oJada2 Klectronics Kngineer No. :386< -ouie 1iapengco2 Klectronics Kngineer No. 13386 4odrigo "uiJon2 Klectronics Kngineer No. :168, 4ey.el Kspiritu2 Klectronics Tech No. :<6 ;oel Agu2 Klectronics Kngineer No. 8,<+, 4e#egio Apostol2 9:51!N"453368 4oel A. "astro2 9851!N"451+++8 4enato 0onJales2 9851!N"451<8<8 4afael A. 4acelis2 9851!N"45119,, Al#ario -ontoc2 9651!N"4516688 4obert Maniego2 9351!N"4513<+9 "hito Naboarda2 9351!A&&51::13 Alan Mangubat2 9,51!I&5+<:89 All progra#s telecast on this station ha*e been apro*ed by the Mo*ie and Tele*ision 4e*iew and "lassification )oard, seen *ia satellite in o*er 31 stations nationwide= -uJon2 0MA5, Manila TA5, )atanes TA5, Tuguegarao TA51: Aparri TA5, 1antiago, &sabela TA53 Mt. !ro*ince TA5, Abra TA53 &locos Norte TA51< )enguet TA51< 6agupan TA53 )ayo#bong TA53 )aler TA51< $longapo TA51+ )atangas TA5, Naga TA51+ -egaspi TA5, 4o#blon TA5, Masbate TA51: $ccidental Mindoro TA51: "atanduanes TA51+ !uerto !rincesa TA56 )roo.eDs !oint !alawan TA58 "oron, !alawan TA588 ;ala5;ala, 4iJal

TA588 )antay, &locos 1ur Aisayas2 TA53 "albayog TA58 )orongan TA51< Tacloban TA51< "apoocan, -eyte TA51+ &sabel, -eyte TA5+ (alibo TA53 4oFas TA56 &loilo TA51: )acolod TA5:< )acolod TA5, "ebu TA51< 1ipalay TA511 )ohol TA53 6u#aguete Mindanao2 TA5+ Tandag TA51< 1urigao TA5, )utuan TA51+ "agayan 6e $ro TA5:3 "agayan de $ro TA58 6ipolog TA53 $Ja#is TA51+ (itanglad TA53 6a*ao TA511 &ligan TA58 0eneral 1antos TA5: !agadian TA51+ "otabato TA59 Ha#boanga TA51+ ;olo This is 0MA, the !hilippines -argest )roadcasting Networ.= Now 1igning $n G $ff.

/ / 1hare / 0et Notifications / 6ece#ber ,, +<1+ at 1<2+3p#

1een by :6

Nelson ;ohn )aylon ;r. this.

Nelson John Baylon Jr. !TA This is the !eople@s Tele*ision Networ., &nc. %!TA', with studios and trans#itter located at )roadcast "o#pleF, Aisayas A*enue, 6ili#an, NueJon "ity. )roadcasting with the power of 6<,<<< watts duly licensed by the National Teleco##unications "o##ission. The !eople@s Tele*ision Networ., &nc. is operated and #aintained by duly licensed Klectronics and "o##unications Kngineers2 Aergel ". "leofas2 K"Ka 1<1,8 And First "lass 4adio Telephone $perators2 Freddie )inonggon2 NT" -icense a 9951!BN5+18+: 6erric. )ornilla2 NT" -icense a 9951!BN5+8<18 4a#on "ier*o2 NT" -icense a :88,5458, "yril "ollan2 NT" -icense a 9851!BN5+1++9

4ic.y 0aleJa2 NT" -icense a 9351!N"4518<8: "ash#era A. )alisa2 NT" -icense a <,51!BN5+::,9 %6igital TA' !eople@s Tele*ision Networ., &nc. ser*es the entire nation through its si#ulcast pro*incial stations2 !TA !TA !TA !TA !TA !TA !TA !TA !TA !TA !TA !TA !TA !TA !TA !TA !TA !TA !TA !TA !TA !TA !TA !TA !TA !TA !TA !TA !TA !TA !TA !TA !TA !TA !TA !TA !TA !TA !TA !TA !TA !TA !TA !TA !TA 8 Manila 8 )aguio 11 -aoag 8 Aigan 11 Tuguegarao, "agayan 8 &lagan, &sabela 3 "auayan 11 "alapan, $riental Mindoro : -ucena 8 !uerto !rincesa 1: 4o#blon 11 6aet 8 Naga 8 -egaspi 8 0oa, "a#arines 1ur , "ara#oran, "atanduanes 9 !anganiban, "atanduanes + 1an Miguel, "atanduanes 3 1orsogon + ;ordan, 0ui#aras + &loilo + )acolod + 1ipalay 1: "adiJ 1< 6u#aguete 9 Toledo 11 "ebu 1< 6u#aguete 8 Tacloban 1+ "albayog 8 )orongan 8 Na*al, )iliran , Ha#boanga 11 !agadian 11 6ipolog 8 "agayan 6e $ro 11 Malaybalay, )u.idnon 11 6a*ao 3 0eneral 1antos 9 )utuan : )islig, 1urigao del 1ur 8 "otabato 8 (idapawan 8 Marawi , ;olo

!eopleDs Tele*ision is now signing onGoff.

All progra#s and #aterials shown on this channel ha*e been pre*iew and appro*ed by the Mo*ie and Tele*ision 4e*iew and "lassification )oard.

/ / 1hare / 0et Notifications / 6ece#ber ,, +<1+ at 1<2+6p#

1een by :6

Nelson John Baylon Jr. A)15")N Manila A)15")N Manila +<1+ 1tation Notice with +<<< &nstru#ental ;ingle This is A)15")N )roadcasting "orporation, 6EEI5TA "hannel +. A co##ercial Tele*ision station trans#itting on a :86.+5.ilowatt trans#itter output, with per#it nu#ber )165<38,5+<11 %4KNGM$6', authoriJing this station to operate until 6ece#ber :1, +<18. "hannel + trans#itter are located at the A)15")N )roadcast "enter, 1gt. Ksguerra A*e., 6ili#an, NueJon "ity. A)15")N "hannel + $perates 9nder the 1uper*ision of the following Klectronics and "o##unications Kngineers duly licensed by the !rofessional 4egulation "o##ission2 Kngr. )ernando M. Acosta2 K"K No. 66,+ Kngr. Krwin -. Francisco2 !K"K5<8+8 And carried out by the following personnel duly licensed by the !rofessional 4egulation "o##ission and the National Teleco##unications "o##ission2 Kngr. ;ose 4iJalde 9#ipig2 K"K No. +889 Kngr. Mel*in ". Acosta2 !K"K5<8<, Kngr. 4oland !. 0aralibes2 !K"K5<83: Kngr. 4ussell !. 1antos2 K"K No. ++3:: Kngr. Francis M. de 1il*a2 K"K No. :9,36 Kngr. 4onnie ). 1agad2 K"K No. 86:33 Kngr. ;ayson T. !al#a2 K"K No. 86:86 Kngr. 4ene Francis A. -arraJabal2 K"K No. 83898 Kngr. 4o#ulo ". Tataro, ;r.2 K"K No. ::98 Kngr. 4yan ). Aigil2 K"K No. 88+18 Fran.lin A. Mira2 1!N"451<:86 6anilo !. Ano5os2 9351!A51+9,: ;ose !. )uban2 9351!&&&5+386 4yan "hristopher ;. 4i*era2 9:51!N"4511893 "arlos 4. !ring &&&2 9851!BN"45+893, Michael 6. 6ela "ruJ2 9851!N"45+11<8 1oriano A. Abecia, ;r.2 9651!N"451638< 0erald ). "abrillos2 9951!BN5+136: Andresito !. 1eCuena2 995!N"45+83,< $rlando M. -ogarta2 9:51!N"45:<16 4ene Agra*ante2 9:51!A53,13 This is A)15")N "hannel +, Now 1igning $nG$ff.
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / 6ece#ber ,, +<1+ at 1<2+,p#

1een by :6

Minnie 1olite this.

Nelson John Baylon Jr. 1tudio +: This is 6EA"5TA "hannel +:, a co##ercial 9BF TA )roadcast 1tation owned and operated by AM"A4A )roadcasting Networ., &nc., with per#it nu#ber )16O<833O+<1+ %4KNGM$6', effecti*e until May 8, +<18. "hannel +: broadcast facility is located at the A)15")N )roadcast "enter, 1gt. Ksguerra A*e., corner Mother &gnacia 1t., 6ili#an, NueJon "ity, !hilippines. The operations of "hannel +: are super*iJed by the following Klectronics and "o##unications Kngineers duly licensed by the !rofessional 4egulations "o##ission. Kngr. )ernando M. Acosta2 K"K No. 66,+ Kngr. Krwin -. Francisco2 !KK No. <8+8 $perated by the following )roadcast Kngineers and First "lass 4adio Telephone $perators duly licensed by the National Teleco##unications "o##ission. Kngr. ;ose 4iJalde 9#ipig2 K"K No. +889 Kngr. Mel*in ". Acosta2 !K"K5<8<, Kngr. 4olando !. 0arabiles2 !K"K5<83: Kngr. 4ussell !. 1antos2 K"K No. ++3:: Kngr. 4onnie ). 1agad2 K"K No. 86:33 Kngr. ;ayson T. !al#a2 K"K No. 86:86 Kngr. 4ene Francis A. -arraJabal2 K"K No. 83898 Kngr. 4o#ulo ". Tataro, ;r.2 K"K No. ::98 Kngr. 4yan ). Aigil2 K"K No. 88+18 6anilo !. Ano5os2 9351!A51+9,: ;ose !. )uban2 9351!&&&5+386 4yan "hristopher ;. 4i*era2 9:51!N"4511893 "arlos 4. !ring &&&2 9851!BN"45+893, Michael 6. 6ela "ruJ2 9851!N"45+11<8 1oriano A. Abecia ;r.2 9651!N"451638< 0erald ). "abrillos2 9951!BN5+136: Andresito !. 1eCuena2 995!N"45+83,< $rlando M. -ogarta2 9:51!N"45:<16 4ene Agra*ante2 9:51!A53,13 "hannel +: is now signing onGoff=

/ / 1hare / 0et Notifications / 6ece#ber ,, +<1+ at 1<2+8p#

1een by :6

Nelson John Baylon Jr. 0MA News TA This is 0MA News TA "hannel 11. 6H$K5TA "hannel 11. A co##ercial TA station, with 1<<,<<< watt trans#itting power, owned and operated by Hoe )roadcasting Networ., &nc., with NT" per#it nu#ber )165<1615+<1<, issued by the National

Teleco##unications "o##ission effecti*e March 1+, +<1< to March 11, +<1:. 0MA News TA studios are located at the ++GF, 1trata +<<< )ldg. K#erald A*e., $rtigas "enter, !asig "ity and 0MA Networ. "enter, K61A corner Ti#og A*e., 6ili#an NueJon "ity. Eith trans#itters at Tandang 1ora, )rgy. "uliat, NueJon "ity. 0MA News TA is operated and #aintain by the following Klectronics and Technicians duly license by the !rofessional 4egulations "o##ission and the National Teleco##unications "o##ission. !rofessional Klectronics Kngineers2 Antonio T. 1oriano2 !K"K a <<<8+ 4icardo -. "abral2 !K"K a <<<9+ Klectronics Kngineers2 !atric. 0. Teodoro2 K"K a :81,+ (athleen Mae ". Aalerio2 K"K a :8,96 "hristian A. "utaran2 K"K a :99<+ Aincent 0. 4onCuillo2 K"K a 8,::6 Mar. ;ordan A. Abe2 K"K a 8,:<+ "hristine F. 1al#orin2 K"K a 891+1 )onnie 4ay A. 9lang2 K"K a 8,899 First "lass 4adio Telephone $perators2 Ariel A. Aricheta2 9:51!N"45661, "harlie F. !ereJ2 <651!BN5+:+3, 0regorio A. de Afria, ;r.2 <651!N"45+::+3 !eter M. )asallote2 <651!N"45+:+,: 0erard -orenJo A. 1andangon2 <651!A5+::1: Nathaniel F. 1antiago2 1151!BN5+86+1 Arnold 0. "abran2 1151!BN5+86+3 All progra#s telecast on this station ha*e been appro*ed by the Mo*ie and Tele*ision 4e*iew and "lassification )oard. 1een *ia satellite in "hannel 11 Manila "hannel +, "ebu Q 6a*ao 0MA News TA is now signing onGoff=

/ / 1hare / 0et Notifications / 6ece#ber ,, +<1+ at 1<2+8p#

1een by :6

Nelson John Baylon Jr. KT" This is KT", The flagship station of the 4adio !hilippines Networ. &nc. KT" 1tudios are -ocated at )roadcast "ity, $ld )alara, "apitol Bills, 6ili#an, NueJon "ity and 1olar Media "enter, Eorldwide "orporate "enter )uilding, K61A corner 1haw )oule*ard, Mandaluyong "ity, and our Trans#itter are located at !anay A*enue, NueJon "ity. 6H()5TA a co##ercial TA station with the power of 1<<5.ilowatts trans#itting power, authoriJed under te#porary with licensed nu#ber )165<:3:5+<1< %4KN' by the National

Teleco##unications "o##ission. effecti*e on ;anuary 1, +<11 *alid until to 6ece#ber :1, +<18. KT" is operated and #aintain by the following 4adio Kngineers and $perators and First "lass 4adio Telephone $perators duly license by the !rofessional 4egulations "o##ission and the National Teleco##unications "o##ission. !rofessional Klectronics Kngineers2 Ar#ando A. 6e 0uJ#an2 !K"K a <<++: Klectronics and "o##unications Kngineer2 $li*er ;i#eneJ2 K"K a 1668< )ien*enido Niles2 K"K a 68: First "lass 4adio and Telephone $perators2 )en -andingin2 9851!N"45+988, )ien*enido !itpit2 9651!N"45:868< Ber#ando "ue*as2 9:51!N"451+,86 4ichard Fla*iano2 9:51!N"45+389, 4obert Apostol2 <<51!N"45+3896 Kdgardo 1an !edro2 9651!A&51+891

/ / 1hare / 0et Notifications / 6ece#ber ,, +<1+ at 1<2+9p#

1een by :6

Nelson John Baylon Jr. TA3 Manila TA3 +<1+ 1tation Notice with +<1< (apatid ;ingle instru#ental *ersion This is the Associated )roadcasting "o#pany TA3, 6EKT5TA. TA3 is a co##ercial broadcast station, authoriJed by the National Teleco##unications "o##ission with licensed nu#ber )165<<165+<11 %M$6' <::6, to eFpire on No*e#ber +1, +<18. TA3 trans#itter and studio co#pleF are located at the ,6+ Nuirino Bighway, 1an )artolo#e, No*aliches, NueJon "ity. TA3 operates fro# 82<< AM to 12<< AM, with the power of 6< .ilowatts. TA3 Kngineering is headed by following !rofessional Klectronics Kngineers2 !rofessional Klectronics Kngineers2 4odrigo A. "arandang2 !K"K a <<<<<<3 Bernando ". Manoguid2 !K"K a <<<<8+: TA3 is #aintain and operated by the following Klectronics and "o##unications Kngineers and First "lass 4adio and Telephone $perators, duly licensed by the !rofessional 4egulation "o##ission and the National Teleco##unications "o##ission2 ;ose Kl#er 1. -orenJo2 K"K No. 8:+6 4alph Allan !. )achar2 K"K No. 83838 Nelson N. )allo2 K"K No. 11839 4ussell !. 1antos2 K"K No. ++3::

First "lass 4adio Telephone $perators2 Ar#ando 0. Ar#ada2 9351!N"451:661 "risanto -. )or a2 9:51!BN5616: 4ay#undo N. Aningat2 9:51TN"451<18 Krnesto ). )arrientos2 9351!BN51+69+ Fredric. ). Ailla#or2 9+51!N"45:16 4olando ;. Nabong2 9951!N"45+8<11 Febwin K. Aillaceran2 <,51!BN5+:8,+ Michael ". $rtiJ2 9851!N"45:8:9 ;onathan -. Bipulan2 1<5!&5+6:68 0erald ). "abarillos2 9951!BN5+136: Adolfo M. 0aray2 9,51!N"45191<, Miracle ? . )alais2 <,51!BN5+:888 4obert A. Kspano2 +(51!N"45+8<96 )illy ;ay F. de -eon2 K"K No. :1::: and Kugene N. delos Angeles2 K"K No. 11<,, -adies and 0entle#en, this is the TA3, 6EKT5TA is now signing onGoff=

/ / 1hare / 0et Notifications / 6ece#ber ,, +<1+ at 1<2+9p#

1een by :6

Nelson John Baylon Jr. 1olar News "hannel This is 1olar News "hannel2 "hannel +1, 6E"!5TA "hannel +1. A co##ercial 9BF TA station with 6<.<<< watts trans#itting power, owned and operated by the 1outhern )roadcasting Networ.. with per#it nu#ber )165<8+:5+<11 %M$6' to eFpire on August +1, +<18. 1olar News "hannel studios are located at 1olar Media "enter, Eorldwide "orporate "enter, K61A corner 1haw )l*d., Mandaluyong "ity. with trans#itter are located at 1trata +<<< )uilding, F. $rtigas ;r. 4oad, $rtigas "enter, !asig "ity. 1olar News "hannel is headed by the following personnel duly licensed by the !rofessional 4egulations "o##ission and the National Teleco##unications "o##ission. !rofessional Klectronics Kngineers2 Ar#ando A. 6e 0uJ#an2 !K"K a <<++: Klectronics and "o##unications Kngineers2 $li*er ;i#eneJ2 K"K no. 1668< )ien*enido Niles2 K"K a 68: First "lass 4adio and Telephone $perators2 ;ose Ta#parong2 9851!N"453366 ;oey ?ares2 9+51!N"45,,89

Florante MartineJ2 9651!BN5,8<: Kugenio Flores2 9351!N"45888 All progra#s telecast on this station ha*e been apro*ed by the Mo*ie and Tele*ision 4e*iew and "lassification )oard, seen *ia satellite in o*er 9 !ro*incial TA stations nationwide= TA TA TA TA TA TA TA TA TA +1 Manila +1 -aoag +1 -egaspi 3 )acolod ++ Tacloban 6 "ebu 8 "agayan 6e $ro , 6a*ao +, Ha#boanga

This is 1olar News "hannel Now 1igning $nG$ff=


/ / 1hare / 0et Notifications / 6ece#ber ,, +<1+ at 1<2:<p#

1een by :6

Nelson John Baylon Jr. +nd A*enue This is the +nd A*enue "hannel +9, 6H4;5TA. +nd A*enue is a co##ercial broadcast station autoriJed by the National Teleco##unications "o##ission with licence a )165<3135+<11 %4KN' to eFpire on April 16, +<18. +nd A*enue studio co#pleF are Aentures & )ldg., Ma.ati A*e., cor. 0en. -una 1t., Ma.ati "ity. and 1olar Media "enter, Eorldwide "orporate "enter, K61A corner 1haw )oule*ard, Mandaluyong "ity. Eith trans#itters at )rgy. 1an 4oCue, !uro. 19, 1an -orenJo 4uiJ 1t., Antipolo "ity. +nd A*enue is authoriJed to operate +8 hours a day with the power of :<,<<< watts. +nd A*enue is authoriJe by the following personel Klectronics and Technicians duly license by the !rofessional 4egulations "o##ission and the National Teleco##unications "o##ission. !rofessional Klectronics Kngineers2 Ar#ando A. 6e 0uJ#an2 !K"K a <<++: Klectronics and "o##unications Kngineer2 ;i##y Nabas2 K"K a :63,+ $li*er ;i#eneJ2 K"K no. 1668< )ien*enido Niles2 K"K a 68: First "lass 4adio Telephone $perators2 4oger 1eranilla2 9:51!N"451<86, ;ulius Tacusal#e2 9651!BN569186 ;ai#e )alde*ia2 9:51TN"45+936 Allan ACuino2 9651!BN5+981 ;onar 6ela 4osa2 9+51!N"45191 They donDt go off the air and broadcasts +8G, +nd A*enue is Now 1igning $nG$ff

/ / 1hare / 0et Notifications / 6ece#ber ,, +<1+ at 1<2:<p#

1een by :6

Nelson John Baylon Jr. ;ac. "ity This is ;ac. "ity "hannel :1, 6E(" TA "hannel :1, a co##ercial TA station, authoriJed by the National Teleco##unications "o##ission with licensed nu#ber )165<1385+<11 to eFpire until on August 1+, +<18. ;ac. "ity studios and offices are located at the 9nit 3<, Taipan !lace, F. $rtigas ;r. 4oad, $rtigas "enter, !asig "ity and 1olar Media "enter, Eorldwide "orporate "enter, K61A corner 1haw )oule*ard, Mandaluyong "ity. Eith trans#itters at 1t. )ernice Kstates, )rgy. 6alig, Antipolo "ity, 4iJal. ;ac. "ity is authoriJed to operate +85Bours a day with the power of 3<5(ilowatts ;ac. "ity is Maintain and operated following personnel duly license by the !rofessional 4egulations "o##ission and the National Teleco##unications "o##ission. !rofessional Klectronics Kngineer2 Antonio T. 1oriano2 !K"K a <<<8+ Klectronics Kngineers2 &*an Kscudero2 K"K a 1+,3 Martin FernandeJ2 K"K a +113< 4ichard 1oledad2 K"K a 1+8,< 6a*id 1ueco Anie*as2 K"K a 18,83 !atric. "onceptcion2 K"K a +36:< First "lass 4adio Telephone $perators and Klectronics Technicians2 4yan M. 1e*illa2 9+51!N"45+,88 "arlo K*angelista ;r.2 9951!BN5:81,3 Adrian 6el 4osario2 9351!N"451831+ ;ac. "ity is now 1igning $nG$ff

/ / 1hare / 0et Notifications / 6ece#ber ,, +<1+ at 1<2:<p#

1een by :6

Nelson John Baylon Jr. A.syonTA This is A.syonTA 6EN)5TA "hannel 81. A.syonTA is a co##ercial broadcast station, owned and operated by Nation )roadcasting "orporation, as authoriJed by the National Teleco##unications "o##ission. Eith licensed nu#ber )165<<815+<11 %M$6', to eFpire on $ctober 18, +<18. A.syonTA studio co#pleF are located at the ,6+ Nuirino Bighway, 1an )artolo#e, No*aliches, NueJon "ity. and trans#itter are located at K#erald Bills beside Bacienda Antipolo, 1u#ulong Bighway, Antipolo "ity, 4iJal.

A.syonTA is authoriJed to operate +85hours and , days, with the power of 6< .ilowatts. A.syonTA Kngineering is headed by Kngr. 4odrigo A. "arandang, !rofessional Klectronics Kngineer %!K"K' with licensed a <<<<<3 Kngr. Bernando ". Manoguid, !rofessional Klectronics Kngineer %!K"K' with licensed a<<<8+: &ssued by the !rofessional 4egulation "o##ission. A.syonTA is #aintain and operated by the following personnel, duly licensed by the !rofessional 4egulation "o##ission and the National Teleco##unications "o##ission2 Klectronics Kngineer2 Nelson N. )allo2 K"K No. 11839 4ussell !. 1antos2 K"K No. ++3:: First "lass 4adio and Telephone $perators2 0erald ). "abarillos2 9951!BN5+136: Adolfo M. 0aray2 9,51!N"45191<, -adies and 0entle#en, A.syonTA is now signing onGoff=

/ / 1hare / 0et Notifications / 6ece#ber ,, +<1+ at 1<2:1p#

1een by :6

Nelson John Baylon Jr. Net +3 +<1+ 1tation Notice with )righten 9p This is Net +3 6HK"5TA "hannel +3. A co##ercial 9BF tele*ision station, owned and operated by the Kagle )roadcasting "orporation, trans#itted on a 3<5.ilowatt output, with per#it nu#ber )165<<885+<1+5<6:<, authoriJing the station to operate until ;uly 1+, +<1:. Net +3 studios and trans#itter are located at Nu#ber +3 "entral A*enue, New Kra, NueJon "ity. Net +3 is headed by the following personnel duly license by the !rofessional 4egulations "o##ission and the National Teleco##unications "o##ission. Kngr. Kngr. Kngr. Kngr. Kngr. Kngr. Kngr. Kfren T. !ineda2 !K"K No. 898 4andy A. Aelasco2 !K"K No. 333 ;esus -. Augusto, ;r.2 K"K No. 1313< ;unwel A. ?aneJ2 K"K No. 1689: 4o##el !. 6ulce2 K"K No. 163+6 "esar F. Ailladiego2 K"K No. :<98 )ernard N. !agulayan2 K"K No. 9<86

First "lass 4adio Telephone $perators2 Mario A. Aalle os2 9351!N"451:<1: Fernando M. -opeJ2 9851!N"451<391 Klias M. )anting2 9651!N"451638: Florante M. Arcena2 9:51!N"458+::

-orna T. 0oJu#2 9:51!N"45+18: Modesto A. de Aera2 9651!N"4518898 !erlita A. "arpio2 9:51!N"45+:68 FretJ ". Mollena2 9:51!A&56331 "risosto#o 0. Nar*aeJ, ;r.2 9651!&&51,6+8 -adies and 0entle#en, 0et 4eady To Feed ?our Mind.G&t was a pleasure being at your ser*ice %These words are used to ha*e an energiJing start or end of their trans#ission.' This is Net +3, Now 1igning $n G 1igning $ff.

/ / 1hare / 0et Notifications / 6ece#ber ,, +<1+ at 1<2:+p#

1een by :6

Nelson John Baylon Jr. 9NTA 9NTA $perates +8 Bours A 6ay. &nstead They -eft A 9NTA 1lide That Bas A 1logan 7?our !ublic 1er*ice "hannel7 &n "ase Ehere There Are No "o##ercials )eing !layed 6uring &tanong Mo (ay 1oriano 1MN& They donDt go off the air and broadcasts +8G,. &N" TA This is &N" TA, The &glesia Ni "risto Tele*ision 6H"K5TA "hannel 89. A co##ercial 9BF tele*ision station, owned and operated by the "hristian Kra )roadcasting 1er*ice, &nc. trans#itted on a 1,<<<5watt output, with per#it nu#ber )165<+395+<<3 %4KN', authoriJing the station to operate until No*e#ber +1, +<18. &N" TA studios and trans#itter are located at 4edee#er 1treet, Milton Bills 1ubdi*ision, NueJon "ity. &N" TA is headed by the following personel duly license by the !rofessional 4egulations "o##ission and the National Teleco##unications "o##ission. Klectronics and "o##unications Kngineering2 Kngr. ;esus -. Augusto, ;r.2 K"K a 1313< Kngr. ;unwel A. ?aneJ2 K"K a 1689: Kngr. 4andy A. Aelasco2 K"K a 1<83, Kngr. )ernard N. !agulayan2 K"K a <9<86 First "lass 4adio Telephone $perators2 Mario A. Aalle os2 9351!N"451:<1: Florante M. Arcena2 9:51!N"458+:: Modesto A. de Aera2 9651!N"4518898 This is &N" TA, 1igning $nG$ff.
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / 6ece#ber ,, +<1+ at 1<2:+p#

1een by :6

Nelson John Baylon Jr.

-ight TA This is 6H$H5TA 9BF TA "hannel ::. A co##ercial TA station, with :<5.ilowatt trans#itting power, owned and operated by Hoe )roadcasting Networ., &nc. -ight TA :: trans#itter is )rgy. 1an 4oCue, Antipolo "ity, 4iJal with NT" per#it nu#ber )165 <+635+<<9, issued by the National Teleco##unications "o##ission on May 13, +<1+ *alid until May 18, +<13. -ight TA :: trans#itter is operated and #aintain by the following Klectronics and "o##unications Kngineers and Tecnicians duly license by the !rofessional 4egulations "o##ission and the National Teleco##unications "o##ission. !rofessional Klectronics Kngineer2 Antonio T. 1oriano2 !K"K a <<<8+ Klectronics Kngineers2 Aincent 0. 4onCuillo2 K"K a 8,::6 Mar. ;ordan A. Abe2 K"K a 8,:<+ First "lass 4adio Telephone $perators and Klectronics Technicians2 Arnel A. Aricheta2 9:51!N"45661, %K"T a <<,+' 0regorio A. de Afria, ;r.2 <651!N"45+::+3 %K"T a <<6,' "harlie F. !ereJ2 <651!BN5+:+3, %K"T a <<,:' -ight TA :: 1tudios are located at the ++GF, 1trata +<<< )ldg. K#erald A*e., $rtigas "enter, !asig "ity. This is -ight TA :: is now signing onGoff=
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / 6ece#ber ,, +<1+ at 1<2:1p#

1een by :6

Bro Ryan A. Ameri-a For correction2 )165<13<5+<1+ %4KN', and This is -ight TA "hannel :: now signing onGoff. For re#o*al2 Mar. ;ordan A. Abe Arnel A. Aricheta 0regorio A. 6e Afria, ;r. For additional2 )onnie 4ay A. 9lang K"K a 8,899 (ristine F. 1al#orin K"K a 891+1 0erard -orenJ $. 1andagon <651!A5+::1: !eter N. )asallote <651!N"45+:+,: Nathaniel F. 1antiago 1151!BN5+86+1

6ece#ber ,, +<1+ at 1<238p# *ia #obile / -i.e / 1

Lian Las Pinas Bappy )irthday sa ating 0MA Networ. "hair#an and "K$ Atty Felipe 0oJon, at .ay !ia Arcangel and "onnie sison

/ /


0et Notifications

6ece#ber 8, +<1+ at 1+2+<a# nearMa.ati

1een by :,

Diego .r Reyes /or+ero A)15")N 1999 &6 the#e 2 7A)15")N 199: &67 199956ece#ber :1, +<<< A)15")N &n the 1er*ice of the Filipino... Eorldwide7
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / August 16, +<1+ at 112:8p#

1een by 8:

: people li.e this.

Minnie 2olite A*ail na sa Eindows Mo*ie, Media !layer at Media "enter.

6ece#ber 8, +<1+ at 1+28,a# / -i.e / +

/aAin Biel Martinez NoAi+a Typhoon )opha %!ablo' lashes Mindanao region in the !hilippines .illing 8,3 persons says Associated !ress.

/ /


0et Notifications

6ece#ber 8, +<1+ at 1<28:p#

1een by :,

Nelson ;ohn )aylon ;r. this.

/aAin Biel Martinez NoAi+a first ti#e to hit the typhoon in the !hilippines. &t was the sister of Burricane 1andy to hit in the A#erican Kast "oast.

6ece#ber 8, +<1+ at 1<283p# / -i.e / 1

/aAin Biel Martinez NoAi+a Magnitude ,.: off ;apanese coast, but no report da#aged.

-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / 6ece#ber 9, +<1+ at 82+3p#


1een by :6

/aAin Biel Martinez NoAi+a A#erican ;aJJ legend 6a*e )rubec. dies V 91.5?ahoo !hilippines

-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / 6ece#ber 9, +<1+ at 82+,p#


1een by :6 Minnie 1olite this.

/aAin Biel Martinez NoAi+a 6uring a protest against Kgyptian president Moha##ed Morsi .illing se*en people and a hundreds of people say 4euters.

-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / 6ece#ber 9, +<1+ at 82:,p#


1een by :6

/aAin Biel Martinez NoAi+a (yoto !rotocol announced to eFtend this year.

-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / 6ece#ber 1<, +<1+ at ,2:+a#


1een by :,

/aAin Biel Martinez NoAi+a Typhoon )opha %!ablo' upgrades 6<< death toll rates.
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / 6ece#ber 11, +<1+ at 11213a#

1een by :6

/aAin Biel Martinez NoAi+a &ndian "lassical #usician 4a*i 6ies at 9+.
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / 6ece#ber 1+, +<1+ at 1<286p#

1een by :6

/aAin Biel Martinez NoAi+a !B- AJ.als %!hilippine National Football Tea#' fells 1ingapore 15<.

/ /


0et Notifications

6ece#ber 1+, +<1+ at 1<23<p#

1een by :,

/aAin Biel Martinez NoAi+a +8 persons were .illed during Kle#entary 1chool shooting in "onnecticut, 91A.
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / 6ece#ber 16, +<1+ at 1<28<a#

1een by :,

Nelson John Baylon Jr. Eowowee is officialy airing its final episode to#orrow ;uly :<, +<1< %coincidentally is Kat )ulagaDs :1st anni*ersary' after about 6 years on air. A new noonti#e show is replacing Eowowee, itDs !ilipinas Ein na Ein. A lot of people would surely #iss Eowowee.

/ /


0et Notifications

6ece#ber 1,, +<1+ at 9218a#

1een by :6

Nelson ;ohn )aylon ;r. this.

/aAin Biel Martinez NoAi+a +: persons were.illed during a .nife attac. in a preschool in Benan !ro*ince in "hina.

-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / 6ece#ber 18, +<1+ at 1<231a#


1een by :6

/aAin Biel Martinez NoAi+a 4B )ill announces the Third and Final 4eading for the "a#era Aotes 185:.

-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / 6ece#ber 18, +<1+ at 1<238a#


1een by :6

/aAin Biel Martinez NoAi+a Nonito 6onaire defeats MeFican )oFer ;orge Arce on 4ound :. 5A)15")N News.

-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / 6ece#ber 18, +<1+ at 1<233a#


1een by :6

Nelson John Baylon Jr. 0MA Networ. New ?ear "ountdown 2Eelco#e the New ?ear with 0MA5,Ds DEin na Ein sa +<1:D ;oin the (apuso networ. on 6ece#ber :1, +<1+ as it ushers in positi*e energy and good *ibes for the co#ing year through Ein na Ein sa +<1:. &t is not ust a celebration of the networ.Ds success in +<1+ but will also be a showcase of different s.ills and talents. This two5hour New ?ear countdown special will also ser*e as a launchpad of the networ.Ds newest shows and freshest faces. The celebration starts with light show using up5to5date laser technology. 1o#e of the #ost talented (apuso stars will also oin the opening nu#ber, including Mar. Berras, 0laiJa de "astro, ;ulie Anne 1an ;ose, Mar. )autista, ;aya, ;a.e Aargas, )ea )inene, Alden 4ichards, -ouise delos 4eyes, Al ur Abrenica, with the special participation of 0loc59. The showdown will actually happen *ia *arious seg#ents throughout the night. There will be four categories2 1tand 9p "o#edy, which is open to all solo or duo co#ediansZ 6ance5$ff, for pairs or groupsZ 1ing5$ff, for singers of all agesZ and 6< 1econds of Fa#e, which is open to all (apuso wannabes who can show off an eFtraordinary talent or s.ill in one #inute. "ontestants were pre5selected through a series of auditions and will be gi*en two #inutes each to perfor#. Fi*e to ten se#i5finalists will be chosen fro# each category before the li*e show, and will then co#pete on 6ece#ber :1. The top two finalists will go head to head in an 9lti#ate 1howdown during the show, in a production nu#ber led by a (apuso artist. Einners will be announced on the dawn of ;anuary 1, +<1:. )efore the nu#eric countdown to +<1:, the 1ayaw !ilipinas group, !rotege finalists, Teen 0en cast, and 0MADs newest artists will lead a two5#inute nu#ber. Also watch out for an 7$ppa 0angna# 1tyle7 flash #ob, which will help introduce a new (apuso dance craJe choreographed by the li*ing dance legend, Ms. 0eleen Kugenio.

Also highlighted in this New ?ear special are the upco#ing shows of 0MA in +<1:, as well as lo*e and career predictions for your fa*orite (apuso artists. Bosted by 0eoff Kigen#ann, "arla Abellana, Mi.ael 6aeJ, and Andrea Torres, Ein na Ein sa +<1: will be held at the 1M Mall of Asia 1easide )oule*ard, !asay "ity on 6ece#ber :1, +<1+, at 1<2:< p.#. and will also be broadcast li*e on 0MA5,. )e part of this once5in5a5 lifeti#e celebration=
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / 6ece#ber +1, +<1+ at ,2:1p#

1een by :8

+ people li.e this.

/aAin Biel Martinez NoAi+a ;anine Marie Tugonon is +<1+ Ms. 9ni*erse +<1+ 1st runner up.

-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / 6ece#ber ++, +<1+ at ,281p#


1een by :,

Nelson ;ohn )aylon ;r. this.

Nelson John Baylon Jr. A )-K11K6, F49&TF9-, BA!!?, MK44?, !4$1!K4$91, AN$&NTK6 AN6 A&"T$4&$91 "B4&1TMA1 AN6 )-K11K6, F49&TF9-, BA!!?, MK44?, !4$1!K4$91, AN$&NTK6 AN6 A&"T$4&$91 NKE ?KA4 T$ A-- $F ?$9. Fro# your Newseu# !ilipinas 0roup and Fan page. 0od )less the a!hilippines===

/ /


0et Notifications

6ece#ber +3, +<1+ at 11219a# nearManila

1een by :,

Nelson ;ohn )aylon ;r. this.

/aAin Biel Martinez NoAi+a created a doc.

*hat happen+ to the Dooms+ay pre+i-tionsC

The 6oo#sday !redictions will be possibly on 6ece#ber +1, +<1+, according to Mayan "alendar. Archeologist says that the ba.tuns in the the 1: long counts in the Meso A#erican ong calendar.

-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / 6ece#ber +,, +<1+ at 1<21,p#

1een by :6 Nelson ;ohn )aylon ;r. this.

Nelson John Baylon Jr.

193: Fro# where it happens, we see it happen. 196<s A)12 The !hilippinesD !re#ier "hannel ")N2 The Aiewing is Fine on "hannel 9 196, A)1O")N2 The !hilippinesD -argest Networ. A)1O")N2 First in "$-$4 Tele*ision 1969 A)1O")N2 "hannel + O The Fa#ily "hannel A)1O")N2 0$ 8 19,: ))"2 The )ig )old "hannel 19,8 ))"2 The )ig New !ower 1tation 19,6 ))"2 )roadcast "ity + O 1oon to air with )ig New !ower= %&t EonDt be -ong' 19,8 ))"2 )uy Filipino 198< "ity+ Tele*ision 1986 ))"2 )ig )eautiful "ountry A)1O")N2 Eatch 9s 6o &t Again= A)1O")N2 1haring A New -ife Eith ?ou 198, A)1O")N2 The 1tar Networ. O Ang !agbabali. ng )ituin 1988 A)1O")N2 1atellite %6$M1AT' 1i#ulcast Nationwide 1989 A)1O")N2 &n the 1er*ice of the Filipino 199+ A)1O")N2 &n the 1er*ice of the Filipino Eorldwide A)1O")N2 All the )est 1hows "o#e fro# the )rightest Networ. 199: A)1O")N2 )ringing +1st "entury Tele*ision to the Filipino 1998 A)1O")N2 83 ?ears of !hilippine Tele*ision +<<:

A)1O")N2 3< ?ears of !hilippine Tele*ision +<<8 A)1O")N2 33 ?ears of !hilippine Tele*ision +<1< A)15")N2 )ilib sa !inoy= +<112 )&6A)est +<1+2 6a )est ang !ilipino
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / 6ece#ber 1,, +<1+ at 92+1a#

1een by :,

8 people li.e this.

Bro Ryan A. Ameri-a Kh ang ibang channel gaya ng !TA 8, A)" 3 na ngayoDy TA3, &)" 1:, )KAM :1, H$K5-&0BT TA :: #ay #ga ti#eline ba>

6ece#ber 1,, +<1+ at 9286a# *ia #obile / -i.e / 1

Nelson John Baylon Jr. at tsa.a yun #ay ident ti#eline ng 0MA Networ. fro# 193< to present.

6ece#ber 1,, +<1+ at 1<21<a# / -i.e / 1

Bro Ryan A. Ameri-a 6apat i5post #o yan. !ati iba pang #ga TA channels isa#a #o sa ident ti#eline *ia wall post at doc

6ece#ber 1,, +<1+ at 1<216a# *ia #obile / -i.e / 1

Luigi Pegollo PeDal8a A)15")N 6< ?rs of !B- TA %+<1:'

;anuary 1 at 1+238p# / -i.e / 1

Lian Las Pinas A)15")N News Ad*isory A)15")N News Ad*isory %also .nown as A)15")N News 9pdate, Nagbabagang )alita and A)15")N ) News' is a now defunct hourly news update of A)15")N, This is aired fro# March 198, until +<<3. The language of the Newscast is Knglish and Filipino. The Knglish broadcast ran fro# 198, to 199,, while the Filipino ran fro# 199, to +<<3. Following the hourly news, the *oice o*er would say 7This A)15")N News Ad*isory is brought to you by %insert sponsor'27 and followed by the cigarette ad

Marlboro %-a 1uerte "igar and "igarette Factory' Marlboro -ights2 The spirit of Marlboro in a light cigarette %-a 1uerte "igar and "igarette Factory' Einston, 1pirit of the 9.1.A. %4.;. 4eynolds Tobacco "o#pany %Bong (ong' -i#ited and in the !hilippines by Fortune Tobacco "orporation' Einston -ights2 !ace of Today %4.;. 4eynolds Tobacco "o#pany %Bong (ong' -i#ited and in the !hilippines by Fortune Tobacco "orporation' 1ale# -ights2 The )right Mild Taste of the 9.1.A. %4.;. 4eynolds Tobacco "o#pany %Bong (ong' -i#ited and in the !hilippines by Fortune Tobacco "orporation' 1ale#2 Abo*e it All %4.;. 4eynolds Tobacco "o#pany %Bong (ong' -i#ited and in the !hilippines by Fortune Tobacco "orporation' Mild 1e*en2 An encounter with tenderness %;apan Tobacco &nternational %!hilippines', &nc.' Mild 1e*en -ights2 6isco*er the -ight )reeJe G "hange to the Freedo# of the -ighter Taste %;apan Tobacco &nternational %!hilippines', &nc.' 6unhill 1pecial -ights2 All fro# the Cuality of 6unhill in a special light taste. %)ritish5A#erican Tobacco "o#pany %Bong (ong' -i#ited' Aiceroy2 Ma.e it Aiceroy= %)ritish5A#erican Tobacco "o#pany %Bong (ong' -i#ited' (ent2 0reat Taste, (ent 1tyle %)ritish5A#erican Tobacco "o#pany %Bong (ong' -i#ited' (ent -ights2 0reat Taste, (ent 1tyle %)ritish5A#erican Tobacco "o#pany %Bong (ong' -i#ited' Bilton %)ritish5A#erican Tobacco "o#pany %Bong (ong' -i#ited' After the ad, the Knglish *ersion of the NA it says2 70ood #orningGafternoonGe*ening fro# the A)15")N News "enter, iD# %anchor'7 At the end of the hourly brea. 7The News ad*isory will return at %ti#e'7.

/ / 1hare / 0et Notifications / $ctober 9, +<1+ at +2:3a# near Ma.ati

1een by :9

Luigi Pegollo PeDal8a A)15")N 5 News !atrol %+<<85present'

;anuary 3 at 112:,p# / -i.e

Nelson John Baylon Jr. ANN$9N"KMKNT2 A-- !4$04AM1, "$MMKNT1 AN6 1900K1T&$N1, !-KA1K E4&TK T$ TBK !4K"K6&N0 !4$04AM1 $F TBK NAT&$NA- TK-K"$MM9N&"AT&$N1 "$MM&11&$N, A&)A- )9&-6&N0, K61A, N9KH$N "&T? $4 TBK 4K0&$NA- $FF&"K1 $F TBK (A!&1ANAN N0 M0A )4$A6"A1TK4 N0 !&-&!&NA1.
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / $ctober :<, +<1+ at 92:8p#

1een by :8

: people li.e this.

Luigi Pegollo PeDal8a A)15")N 1tation Notice %198,5+<<8'

;anuary 3 at 1128:p# / -i.e

Nelson John Baylon Jr.

-A6&K1 AN6 0KNT-KMKN... &N A FKE 1K"$N61 EK E&-- )K $N 1&M9-TANK$91 NAT&$NE&6K 1ATK--&TK )4$A6"A1T. !-KA1K 1TAN6 )? .
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / $ctober :1, +<1+ at 9213a#

1een by :9

8 people li.e this.

Luigi Pegollo PeDal8a after sign5on, 198,5present %A)15")N'

;anuary 3 at 11288p# / -i.e / 1

Diego .r Reyes /or+ero A)15")N News "hannel The#e2 7AN"7 co#posed Q arranged by ;esse -ucas %+<<15+<<:'
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / $ctober +<, +<1+ at 6289p#

1een by 8<

Luigi Pegollo PeDal8a AN" 1tation &6 The#e %1ound"loud'

;anuary 3 at 1128+p# / -i.e

Diego .r Reyes /or+ero url>

;anuary 6 at 92:1p# / -i.e

Luigi Pegollo PeDal8a*GsetsGabs5cbn5news5channel5#usicG

;anuary , at 123+a# / -i.e

Nelson John Baylon Jr. Abs5"bn 6< ?ears of !hilippine Tele*ision2 (wento Natin DTo= featuring A)15")N +<<< The#e %+nd Aersion' aired on )andila>*Lwh,Bcu0&c*g

AB2&/BN & 5( 7ears K,ento Natin Ito; "opyright +<1: A)15")N

/ / 1hare / 0et Notifications / ;anuary + at 6236p# near Manila

1een by :6

8 people li.e this.

Minnie 2olite 0o (apa#ilya=

;anuary 8 at 1<28:a# / -i.e / +

Nelson John Baylon Jr. To#orrow, ;anuary 9, +<1: is the Feast of )lac. NaJarene
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / ;anuary 8 at 112<<p#

1een by :3

Nelson ;ohn )aylon ;r. this.

Diego .r Reyes /or+ero A)15")N &nsider ;uly +8, +<<:5;une +8, +<<3

-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / ;anuary 1 at +28:a#

1een by :3 + people li.e this.

Luigi Pegollo PeDal8a A)15")N &nsider ;une +,, +<<35;une :<, +<<6

-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / ;anuary 8 at 112+8p#

1een by :6

+ people li.e this.

/aAin Biel Martinez NoAi+a $ldest ) co#pany in 1witJerland announces to be closed due to guilty to a 91 taF e*asion case and being fined b3,.8 #illion. 5))"
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / ;anuary 13 at 323<p#

1een by :8

Diego .r Reyes /or+ero A)15")N News Q !ublicG"urrent Affairs 1epte#eber 1986 5 6ece#ber :1, +<<<

-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / ;anuary 13 at 1<2:6p#

1een by :8 + people li.e this.

Luigi Pegollo PeDal8a Ang $rihinal na logo ng A)15")N News And !ublicG"urrent Affairs nung taong 1986 hanggang +<<<, courtesy of "harie Ailla.

-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / ;anuary 13 at 1<286p#

1een by :3

+ people li.e this.

Diego .r Reyes /or+ero 198651989 abs5cbn logo

;anuary 13 at 1<28,p# / -i.e / 1

/aAin Biel Martinez NoAi+a a hostage in gas facilities in Algeria, were a hundreds of in a fatalities.5))"
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / ;anuary +: at ,2:1p#

1een by :8

Nelson ;ohn )aylon ;r. this.

Nelson John Baylon Jr. A)15")N News Q !ublic Affairs Eithin the Nation, (eeping the torch of freedo# burning thourgh *igil. %;uly 198651993'
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / ;anuary +3 at 1<211p#

1een by :8

+ people li.e this.

Diego .r Reyes /or+ero thats the slogan what #eant

;anuary +3 at 11213p# / -i.e / 1

Luigi Pegollo PeDal8a A)15")N !ri#eti#e )ida 1chedule 5 ;anuary +8, +<1:2 (AB&T ($NT&N0 !A0T&N0&N* G twitter2 V..pMt* TA !AT4$*patrol.abscbn G twitter2 Vt*patrol !4&N"K11 AN6 & 5 F&NA-K EKK( &NA, (A!AT&6, ANA(* G twitter2 Vina.apatidana. (A&-AN0AN ($D? &(AE (AB&T !91$D? MA190ATAN 5 F&NA-K EKK( G twitter2 VofficialM.p#
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / ;anuary +6 at +2:<a#

1een by :3 Bero A Noble this.

Nelson John Baylon Jr. Abs5"bn 1996 &6 with different slogan.

-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / ;anuary +9 at 1<2+:p#

1een by :3

: people li.e this.

/aAin Biel Martinez NoAi+a at least +<< persons were .illed in a nightclub in )raJil. 54euters
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / ;anuary +8 at 1<21<p#

1een by :3

+ people li.e this.

/aAin Biel Martinez NoAi+a nightclub fire

;anuary :< at ,2+8a# / -i.e / 1

Nelson John Baylon Jr.

0imeline Photos TATA( K61A +32 !&-&!&N$ A($. A($ AN0 -A(A1 N0 !A0)A)A0$ !&-&!&N$ A($ !&-&!...1ee More )y2 Tele )rasyon !B
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / February 8 at 1<2:,a#

1een by :8 Nelson ;ohn )aylon ;r. this.

Nelson John Baylon Jr.>*L+uCp,l-E5AM

0ata1 D2A '= Part 9 & 0:= Be8ruary '=E '("" TATA( K61A +32 !&-&!&N$ A($. A($ AN0 -A(A1 N0 !A0)A)A0$ !&-&!&N$ A($ !&-&!&N$ affir#s pride in citiJenship. "itiJenship i#plies responsibility. A($ is a firs...
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / February 8 at 1<28+a# near Manila

1een by :8

Nelson ;ohn )aylon ;r. this.

Nelson John Baylon Jr.

74espect and 9phold, Filipino Eo#anhood.7

-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / February 8 at 62++p# near Manila

1een by :6

: people li.e this.

/aAin Biel Martinez NoAi+a Aatican announces that the resignation of !ope )enidict IA& on February +8 says 4euters.

-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / February 11 at ,288p#

*ia #obile

1een by :: + people li.e this.

/aAin Biel Martinez NoAi+a At least a doJens of people where .illed in sta#pede during an hindu festi*al in 9ttar !ardesh, &ndia, says "NN.

-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / February 11 at ,23<p#

1een by :: /aAin Biel Martinez NoAi+a !B- econo#ic growth has the highest rate after -unar New ?ear, says Manila )ulletin.

*ia #obile

-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / February 11 at ,23+p#

*ia #obile

1een by ::

/aAin Biel Martinez NoAi+a -argest "rocodile in the Eorld has dies in the !hilippines says Associated !ress.

-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / February 11 at ,233p#

*ia #obile

1een by ::

Nelson ;ohn )aylon ;r. this.

/aAin Biel Martinez NoAi+a !olitical Ad "a#paign period for 4adio and Tele*ision, starting to##orow, says A)15")N News.

-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / February 11 at ,23,p#

*ia #obile

1een by ::

+ people li.e this.

/aAin Biel Martinez NoAi+a

0MA Networ. announces that the illegal issues *. 1.y "able says 0MA News.

-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / February 11 at ,239p#

*ia #obile

1een by :: Nelson ;ohn )aylon ;r. this.

/aAin Biel Martinez NoAi+a A #agnitude 8.< earthCua.e olts 1olo#on &slands in the !acific &slands, .illing 1: persons while 3 person were #issing, says ))" News.

-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / February 11 at 82<,p#

*ia #obile

1een by ::

/aAin Biel Martinez NoAi+a Australian singer of )elgian $rigin 0oyte won o*er three 0ra##y Awards says MTA.

-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / February 16 at 112<:a#

*ia #obile

1een by ::

/aAin Biel Martinez NoAi+a A Meteorite 1hower hits "entral 4ussia in ures 8<< persons says "NN.

-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / February 16 at 112<6a#

*ia #obile

1een by :: Nelson ;ohn )aylon ;r. this.

Diego .r Reyes /or+ero &)" News Tea# The#e>*L3ep#Nh#6K5.

0: 2tar 0onight 8y Breeplay

-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / February +8 at 8283p#

1een by ::

Luigi Pegollo PeDal8a Teaser the#e Dyan ng NKE1 TKAM 1: ng &)".

February +8 at 921<p# *ia #obile / -i.e

Diego .r Reyes /or+ero sorry.

February +8 at 921<p# / -i.e / 1

Diego .r Reyes /or+ero This soundtrac. sounds li.e FrontpageDs 1tarwatch wG T;>*LBr+T4M#F1$M
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / February +8 at 8281p#

1een by ::

Luigi Pegollo PeDal8a And, teaser plug the#e for !TADs 01&1 Me#berDs Bour.

February +8 at 92:+p# *ia #obile / -i.e

Diego .r Reyes /or+ero TA !atrol +< ?ears 6ocu#entary the#e>*Lla!uN98h?+A

International /urrent 8y Breeplay

/ / 1hare / 0et Notifications / February +8 at 823:p#

1een by ::

6iego K r 4eyes "ordero this.

Luigi Pegollo PeDal8a Also, teaser plug the#e for &)"51:Ds "hinaTown TA.

February +3 at :211p# / -i.e

/aAin Biel Martinez NoAi+a 7Argo7 an hostage #o*ie, beca#es best picture, while 6aniel 6ay5-ewis of Bistorical Mo*ie 7-incoln7 beca#e best actor in the 83th Acade#y Awards says Kntertain#ent

-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / February +6 at 82<8p#

*ia #obile

1een by ::

Luigi Pegollo PeDal8a &tong font ay gina#it during A)1 or Alto )roadcasting 1yste# era %nowAbs5"bn' in 193:. http2GGfontJone.netGfont5detailsGA4c)$NN&KG
AR B<NNI & Do,nloa+ Bont Bree; All Bonts Are Bree to Do,nloa+ 6ownload A4 )$NN&K font free= 5 offering 1<<<Ds of F4KK fonts to download to help the #illions of designers across the globe eFpressing their creati*ity with #uch #ore di*ersity

/ / 1hare / 0et Notifications / February +3 at 1<2+:p#

1een by ::

: people li.e this.

Diego .r Reyes /or+ero 9pload also ")N font logo in 1936

February +, at 921<a# / -i.e

Luigi Pegollo PeDal8a &toDy ginaga#it sa #i.ropono ng A)15")N News since +<<<5+<<+.

-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / February +, at :28+p#

1een by ::

: people li.e this.

Diego .r Reyes /or+ero you ha*e source>

February +, at 823<p# / -i.e

Diego .r Reyes /or+ero For the Kle.syon +<1: Ad*ocacy the#e 76apat Ta#a7, *isit !erfor#ed by 0loc59 Q his !rotege 6enise )arbacena

Dapat 0ama & Glo-&# ft. Denise Bar8a-ena


/ / 1hare / 0et Notifications / February +, at 321,p#

1een by ::

-uigi !egollo !e]alba this.

/aAin Biel Martinez NoAi+a The !hilippine 1tar5 1, persons were .illed during the 1, day standoff between The 1ultanate of 1ulu and the 4oyal Malaysian Ar#y.

-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / March 3 at 6288p#

*ia #obile

1een by :+

/aAin Biel Martinez NoAi+a 4euters5 ) News2 AeneJuelan !resident Bugo "ha*eJ announce the death says Aice !resident Nicholas Maduro.

-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / March 6 at ,21,a#

*ia #obile

1een by :1

Lian Las Pinas )&4TB6A? "K-K)4ANT1 for March Aeronica )aluyut5;i#eneJ March + MariJ 9#ali5Ti#a March 8 (irby "ristobal and A; Mi.e Ad*incula March 3 0erald Anderson March , Alodia 0osiengfiao March 9 (eren !ascual March 1: "oach 4io dela "ruJ March 16 !aolo )ediones March 1, ;ulia Montes March 19 Al ur Abrenica, 4ico BiJon March +8 (athryn )ernardo, Aya Macal#a March +6 !rincess Babibah 1arip March :<

/ / 1hare / 0et Notifications / March 9 at ,238p# near Ma.ati

1een by :1

Luigi Pegollo PeDal8a TA !atrolDs KFclusi*e 4eport seg#ent %+<<+5+<<:'

-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / March 1+ at 12<3p#

*ia #obile

1een by :1 + people li.e this.

/aAin Biel Martinez NoAi+a A$A News2 ;orge Mario "ardinal )ergoglio of Argentina, announce to beco#e newly elected pope as !ope Francis, beca#e the first Non5Kuropean !ope in the 4o#an "atholic "hurch

-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / March 13 at 82::a#

*ia #obile

1een by :1

Luigi Pegollo PeDal8a The A)15")N 196, logo %seen in A)15")NDs 6<th Anni*ersary full *ideo'Z the fonts of this logo are2 A4 )onnie5for A)1, and )an. 0othic5for ")N.

-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / March 1+ at 1211a#

1een by :1

: people li.e this.

Diego .r Reyes /or+ero it was seen on the 1996 A)15")N "orporationDs 3<th Anni*ersary &6.

March 13 at 1<2<9p# / -i.e

Lian Las Pinas created a doc.

AB2&/BNE P0:E AB/E GMAE RPN an+ IB/ Net,or1 2ponsors

A)15")N, !TA, A)", 0MA, 4!N and &)" Networ. 1ponsors during co##ercial brea.s of local and foriegn progra#s (u#on !hilippines %during co##ercial brea.s of EinF "lub, )arney and Friends and ?+(2 ?es to (ids'

!ascual -aboratories &nc. 4ed 4ibbon Fibisco )utter "oo.ies "hoco Mallows "hoco "hips "hoco "runchies ;olly )iscuits

Biro "oo.ies Frenchies French Fries $#ega !ain (iller 1.etchers %during co##ercial brea.s of EinF "lub and ?+(2 ?es to (ids' "6$ Foodsphere, &nc. )ibbo Botdog )ibbo "heesedog )ibbo "hubbies "6$ &dol "heesedog Boliday "heesedog Footlong "6$ 9la# )urger 1eaNuest Tuna "6$ (arne Norte 1a#ba )raJilian "orned )eef 0oldiloc.s 6un.inD 6onuts )osti. -a#oiyan "orporation Bapee Toothpaste 6aJJ 0lobe Teleco# Mister 6onut Eestern 9nion !hilippines -e#on 1Cuare !hilippines "heese "a.e 6rea# "a.e Munch Mallows !ower !ops &nipit "a.e 1andwich &nipit )ar "hoo "hoo "a.e !ies Ehattatops

Toy (ingdo# %during co##ercial brea.s of EinF "lub, )arney and Friends and ?+(2 ?es to (ids' 4eyes )arbecue Alas.a Mil. "orporation Alas.a !owdered Mil. 6rin. Alas.a K*aporated Filled Mil. and 1weetened "ondensed Filled Mil. Alas.a K*aporada

Alas.a "ondensada (re#5Top Alas.a "re#a Alas.a Nutri)uild !lay56oh 1heel 0ardenia 0ardenia "lassic 0ardenia Fun )un 0ardenia )utter Toast 0ardenia Twiggies 0ardenia "rea# 4oll 0ardenia !andesal 0ardenia 1oft56elight !andesal 1.y (raft Foods "orporation $reo "oo.ies Tang Tiger Knergy "heeJ EhiJ Kden "heese "adbury 6airy Mil. ;ulies )a.eshop !etron 1an Miguel "orporation 1an Miguel )eer !urefoods 0inebra 1an Miguel Magnolia Monterey 1an Mig "offee Nutri5Asia 9F" 6atu !uti !apa )anana (etchup Mang To#as ;ufran 0olden Fiesta Bapi Fiesta

1a#sung !hilippines Mc6onalds ;ollibee 0reenwich " "oca "ola !hilippines 1prite 4oyal Tru $range 4eal -eaf Tal. N TeFt !hilippine -ong 6istance Telephone "o#pany %!-6T' 0TK 6irectories %!hilippines' "orporation 1#art "o##unications )anco 6e $ro %)6$' 4" "ola !op "ola $ishi !hilippines 1un Tea 1#art "c 1undays ;uice Fiber and Fruit )a.ed !or.y !opps MartyDs "rac.linD )read !an Eheat Ni.s Eafu $ishi !opcorn 0our#et !ic.s "rispu !atata 1trip Fries 1hoestring !otatoes 4idges !opato Fries !otato "risps !otato "hips ;abba $heya= "heese "lubs "heJ on "hips

4inbee "hoco Fruity 4ings Fruity -oops (irei !rawn "rac.ers "hoco !lunge 1ponge !illows $nion 4ings 0ood 6ay "offee 4egent Foods "orporation 4egent " 4oc. ND 4oll 0olden 1weet "orn 1nac.u "heese )all "heese 4ing Te#pura Bersheys 4ebisco 4ebisco 1andwich Bansel 1andwich "ho.ies (ing )ra*o 4ebisco KFtre#e "o#bi 4ebisco "rac.ers Frootees "hoco 4io " 1uper Thin Ace "rac.ers Bansel "rac.ers )uddy "rac.ers ;ungle )ites Marie Ti#e "hoco Mucho

(ri# 1tiF Mr. ;iggels 1uperstiF "rossini and !andolino "upp (ey. Mini (ey. "hoco Topps Fudgee )ites )arnuts !olboron "aptain 1id Eafer Ti#e Bappy !eanuts )abble ;oe ;udge "howing 0u# -ipps "andies -ipps !op 1tiF "hubby Fun.y French Fries "riss "ross -otte (oalaDs March )arbie (F" !hilippines )abyflo "ologne )eados ?in ?ang "ooling Tea Nestle !hilippines " Nestle (o.o (runch Nestle 1tars Milo Nescafe Nescafe : in 1 Nestle Fitness (it(at "erelac Nestea Nido " "risp

Nes*ita Nesfruta Nestle ?ogurt Nestle Acti5A )ear )rand "offe Mate Maggi Maggi Magic 1arap Maggi Magic 1inigang Maggi Magic 1abaw Maggi Magic Meals Maggi 4ich Ma#i Noofles Magggi $yster 1auce 1M6" %1M 6e*elop#ent "orporation' 9nile*er !hilippines -adyDs "hoice (norr )est Foods 1unsil. "rea# 1il. 1urf -ipton Tea 6o#eF !epsodent "o#fort AFe "lear %1ha#poo and "onditioner' "lose 9p 1electa 6o*e !ondDs 4eFona Aaseline Ks.enol )loc. Q Ehite Master !etron ;ohnson Q ;ohnson !hilippines Modess

!Q0 !hilippines 6owny Bead Q 1houlders Ariel 0illette $lay Ehisper !antene Tide !a#pers !erla Mr. "lean )onuF $ral5) ;oy 4e oyce &*ory 1ha#poo and "onditioner 1afegard 6uracell Aic.s A#bi!ur Fiona "ologne "har#ee !antyliner Eyeth !hilippines !ro#il !ro#il (id !ro#il !re51chool ACi*a !rogress 0old !rogress !re51chool 0old )ona#il ) ) !re51chool ) "hoco )oost (opi.o !fiJer &nc. %!hilippines' "entru# "lusi*ol "hildrenDs "lusi*ol

"lusi*ol !ower5" 1tresstabs &ncre#in "altrate !lus Ad*il Ad*il -iCui50el -o*iscol 6i#etapp 1i#eco 4obitussin 4obitussin -iCuigel 4obi.ids )ounty Fresh "hic.en Mc"$4M&"( 9nilab !hilippines (re#il 5 1 1.elan Ti.i5Ti.i !lus Ti.i5Ti.i 1tar Acti)oost 1chool Mil. "eelin "eelin !lus "eelin "hewables 0rowee Appebon (id 1wish Kner*on Kner*on !ri#e Myra K Myra AitaEhite !B "are !ure Dn Fresh )ioflu Athena Mil. 1ol#uF "arbTri# 6olfenal Meralco !hilippines Tanduay

Tanduay &"K 6el Monte !hilippines Minola " $il AMA "o#puter 9ni*ersity Mil. Magic !hilippines Monde Nissin "orporation Monde -uc.y Me "obra Knergy 6rin. 9ni*ersal 4obina "orporation !hilippines Tortillos "hoco -a*a 0reat Taste I.$. Aitalac Bunts Kl 4eal !asta 4efresh "rea# All "afe !uro "offee Twist "+ )lend 83 "hips Ahoy "hips 6elight A aF 6etergent )ar 1an Marino "orned Tuna "hli "orned Tuna Tuna !aella Anchor Mil. Nissin Foods "up Noodles Mang &nasal ;ac. N ;ill !hilippines Magic MaFF "rea#5$ Mang ;uan

!ancit ni Mang ;uan No*a "hoco (nots Mil.y (nots )erry (nots !iatos "hippy Nips 6ew )erry "hiJ "urls A5"ut !otato "hips !resto Eiggles 6yna#ite 1tar !ops 1tar Fruits "loud59 " 1plash "orporation 1.inEhite KFtract MaFi5!eel Aitress )arrio Fiesta Eell#ade Manufacturing "orporation 1peed Hesto !hilippines )ea# Toothpaste 1un0o "hoc5$ Mil.5$ $ne !lus Te..i ?a.iudon Nuic."how A"1 Manufacturing "orporation 1tar EaF 9niCue Toothpaste 1#art

!ride 6ona Maria ;aponica 4ice "hips Ahoy "herifer !hilippines "herifer 1yrup "herifer !re#iu# "herifer !0M !ed"ee 4FM Foods "orporation 1electa 1wift Ehite (ing Fiesta Aitwater Alo 0reen Tea Ma#a 1itas Mega 1ardines K#perador )randy Fundador )randy 0eneroro )randy Mead ;ohnson Nutrition 1ustagen 1ustagen (id 1ustagen !re#iu# 1ustagen 1chool -actu# Alacta0row KnfaMa#a Knfa0row Knfa!ro Knfa(id KN 6iapeer Buggies 6iaper -igo -igo 1ardines -igo Meatloaf -igo "orned )eef )ench

"entury !acific 0roup "entury Tuna "entury Tuna Bealthylicious Botdog "entury )angus Eow 9la# Eow Botdog Eow Firsta Meatballs 333 Tuna )lue )ay Argentina "orned )eef Argentina Meatloaf )irch Tree 9lala## Nattural Nuality "orporation KnduranJ A#palaya !lus 1lenda 4enalin 0arnier K*er )ilena "areline Motolite $utlast )atteries (nic. (nac.s !MFT" Marlboro !hilip Morris Bope More &nternational Einston 1ale# "ha#pion Fortune &nternational Mar. !re#iu# Menthol )oss !ea. !laJa ;apan Tobacco Mild 1e*en

-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / March 18 at 12+9a#

1een by :1

Lian Las Pinas )4KA1TM&-( &1 TBK )K1T F$4 babies up to + years. Ang gatas ng ina ang pina.a#abuti para sa bata hanggang + taon. P with4ene 6u#apit.
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / March 18 at 12:1a# near Ma.ati

1een by :1

Lian Las Pinas 64&N( M$6K4ATK-?. P with 4ene 6u#apit.

-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / March 18 at 12:+a# near Ma.ati

1een by :1

Lian Las Pinas Along with the #entioning of the warning in blue bac.ground in $pti#a regular font2 0o*ern#ent Earning2 "igarette is dangerous to your health.
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / March 18 at 12:+a# near Ma.ati

1een by :1

Lian Las Pinas !hilip Morris 1<<s. The !re#iu# Taste in Menthol. 0o*ern#ent Earning2 "igarette is dangerous to your health. P with 4ene 6u#apit.
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / March +< at 1+2:3a# near Ma.ati

1een by :1

Lian Las Pinas Fro# 9nile*er. P with 4ene 6u#apit.

-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / March +< at 82+9p# near Ma.ati

1een by :<

Lian Las Pinas !resident )enigno 1. ACuino &&& signed into law a )ill that will ^re*italiJe_ the operations of co##ercial tele*ision station NTA511 %Nuality Tele*ision Networ., &ncorporated' to be at par with global standards with progra##ing rele*ant to the ti#es, "o##unications 1ecretary Ber#inio "olo#a, ;r. said. "olo#a, in a press conference held at Malacanang on Eednesday, said that the !resident signed into law 4epublic Act No. 1<:9<1 or An Act A#ending 4epublic Act No. ,:<6, entitled ^An Act !ro*iding for the Kstablish#ent of the Nuality Tele*ision Networ., &ncorporated, 6efining &ts !owers and Functions, !ro*iding for &ts 1ources of Funding and for $ther !urposes_ last March 18, +<1:. ^&.inagagala. .o pong ibalita sa inyo na, noong i.a518 ng Marso, nilagdaan ng !angulong

ACuino ang batas na ngayon ay ala# natin na 4epublic Act 1<:9<, an Act 4e*italiJing the Nuality Tele*ision Networ.. Ang original title po niyan ay an Act A#ending the "harter of !eople@s Tele*ision,_ "olo#a said. Be pointed out that the new law addresses two #ain proble#s of the go*ern#ent5run tele*ision station2 the ^financial he#orrhage_ #ar.ed by the depletion of the station@s capital and the lac. of a stable source of inco#e. ^1o that was the situation and !resident ACuino directed the crafting of a proposed bill, later on, this bill was included in the priority list of the -K6A" %-egislati*e5KFecuti*e 6e*elop#ent Ad*isory "ouncil'. And so we wor.ed on the 1enate and the "ongress to pass a new charter for !eople@s Tele*ision that had two i#portant features2 nu#ber one, infusion by go*ern#ent of fresh capitaliJation in the a#ount of !35billionZ and, nu#ber two, gi*ing the networ. authority to collect co##ercial re*enues,_ "olo#a said. Be noted that out of the !35billion, !:5billion would be sourced fro# the 0eneral Appropriations Act in the neFt three years %!15billionGyear' while the re#ainder will be sourced fro# re*enue generated fro# ad*ertising and airti#e sales. ^1o it was i#portant that the new law pro*ided for new capitaliJation and per#itted the networ. to generate co##ercial re*enues, so that there will be a stable source of sustenance for the networ.,_ "olo#a stressed. Aside fro# addressing these proble#s, "olo#a said that the new law will introduce refor#s rele*ant to the dispensing of NTA511@s operations through the no#ination of an ad*isory council ^to ad*ise the networ. on rele*ant progra##ing that will bolster the character of NTA as a "antonese5Knglish news and general entertain#ent broadcasting networ._ and the shifting of focus towards a ^new global best practice of public ser*ice broadcasting which #eans that go*ern#ent tele*ision beco#es an acti*e partner or an acti*e instru#ent for pro#oting the public welfare._ ^1o, with the enact#ent of the new NTA law, we hope to broaden the participation of the citiJens in ha*ing a networ. that will #irror their aspirations. Ee want to in*ite the *arious sectors to gi*e concrete suggestions on progra#s that will be beneficial to the co##unity and to society. That is the rationale for the for#ation of an ad*isory council,_ "olo#a said. Eith regards to content, "olo#a said that progra#s on NTA511 would allow bloc. ti#e progra##ing %the scheduling of si#ilar tele*ision progra#s bac.5to5bac.' ^pro*ided that it is focused on education, history, propagation of !hilippine culture and foreign and local entertain#ent._ Be added that the #a ority of progra#s would focus on ^news and public infor#ation_ and will not ^co#pete directly_ with pri*ate station@s progra#s. ^Ee do not intend to produce entertain#ent shows li.e the teleno*ela of the type that they ha*e produced. !erhaps we can ha*e a teleno*ela featuring the herois# of our Medal of Aalor or 0old "ross awardees, or of the 6angal ng )ayan awardees of the ci*il ser*ice, or outstanding public school teachers, outstanding police#en, soldiers,_ "olo#a said. ^Teleno*elas that will edify the nobility of the Filipino public ser*ant, that will be our orientation, not the teleno*ela that is co##ercially a*ailable at present. 1o it is farthest fro# our intention to co#pete directly with pri*ate #edia,_ he added. Be said that the new law will ^also enable the networ. to .eep abreast with latest technological de*elop#ents_ such as digital tele*ision and trans#ission upgrades to

i#pro*e signal Cuality. ^Ee all .now that by +<13, the A1KAN standard will be digital tele*ision. Ee ha*e #ade so#e acCuisitions of basic digital eCuip#ent in our studios now but we need to do #ore. $f course, we are still awaiting the pro#ulgation of official policy on digital tele*ision but we@re confident that we can .eep abreast with the rest of A1KAN and with the co##ercial broadcasting industry,_ "olo#a said. ^)ecause when digital trans#ission is fully in place, we will also be able to #ultiply the channels of go*ern#ent tele*isionPfro# one free TA station to at least two #ore cable stationsPand we #ay be able to dedicate the cable stations to educational progra##ing or cultural progra##ing. There are also those who say that we should ha*e progra#s on !hilippine history and culture,_ he said. 4A 1<:9<1 is a consolidation of 1enate )ill No. ::16 and Bouse )ill No. 6,<: passed by the 1enate and Bouse of 4epresentati*es on ;anuary +1, +<1: and 6ece#ber 19, +<1+, respecti*ely.

/ /


0et Notifications

March +< at 11218p# near Ma.ati

1een by :<

Lian Las Pinas 1enator -oren -egarda today hailed the enact#ent of 4epublic Act 1<:9<, An Act 4e*italiJing the Nuality Tele*ision Networ., &ncorporated, stressing that it is about ti#e to resuscitate the general entertain#ent tele*ision networ.. ^& a# glad that the a#ended charter of NTA has been signed into law. This #easure is *ery i#portant as it addresses the urgent need to regenerate and i#pro*e the infor#ation #echanis#s of go*ern#ent,_ said -egarda, principal author of the law. -egarda, a for#er broadcast ournalist, eFplained that the law a#ends the NTA "harter to allow the networ. to generate funds fro# ad*ertising and airti#e sales, which shall be utiliJed solely for the networ.@s operations and capital eFpenditure. NTA shall also be allowed to adopt other #easures that will help restore the *iability of the networ. operations. ^Ee need to resuscitate our national tele*ision and use it for #assi*e education and infor#ation disse#ination of the progra#s and ad*ocacies of the *arious depart#ents of go*ern#ent.

/ / 1hare / 0et Notifications / March +< at 11218p# near Ma.ati

1een by :<

Lian Las Pinas News MM6A TA %owned by Metropolitan Manila 6e*elop#ent Authority, launched on +< August 1996' 6HMM Tele4adyo %launched by A)15")N )roadcasting "orporation on 1 April 1993' 4BTA2 6H4B Tele*ision %launched by Manila )roadcasting "o#pany on 1< $ctober 1996' 1NN2 1ari#ano. News Networ. %owned by 1ari#ano. News Networ., &nc. and distributed by "reati*e !rogra#s, &nc. -aunched on 1 May 1996' 0NN2 0-$)A- NKE1 NKTE$4( %launched by First 9nited )roadcasting "orporation on 13

March +<<8' "NN &nternational Asia !acific %networ. by "NN &nternational, owned by Turner )roadcasting 1yste#, &nc. %a Ti#e Earner co#pany' ))" Eorld %owned by ))", launched on March 11, 1991' )-$$M)K40 TK-KA&1&$N %$wned by )loo#berg -.!. and launched on 1 ;anuary 1998' T"1 "BANNK- NKE1 A1&A %1ingapore Feed' %Networ. by Media"orp News and $wned by Media"orp, launched on 1 March 1999' "NN BKA6-&NK NKE1 %owned by Turner )roadcasting 1yste#, &nc. %A Ti#e Earner "o#pany', launched on 1 ;anuary 198+' "N)" A1&A %owned by National )roadcasting "o#pany, &nc., launched on +< ;une 1993' FoF News "hannel %owned by the FoF Kntertain#ent 0roup, a subsidiary of News "orporation, launched on , $ctober 1996' A$&"K $F AMK4&"A %A$A' A- ;AHKK4A KN0-&1B %Networ. by Al ;aJeera, owned by Natar Media "orporation and launched on 1< No*e#ber +<<6' K94$NKE1 %$wned by 1$"KM&K and launched on 1 ;anuary 199:' 4911&A T$6A? %$wned by 4&A No*osti and launched on 1< 6ece#ber +<<3' M1N)" %owned by National )roadcasting "o. &nc. and launched on 13 ;uly 1996' 1(? NKE1 9( %$wned by )ritish 1.y )roadcasting %distributed to worldwide by FoF &nternational "hannels' and launched on 3 February 1989' ")" NKE1 NKTE$4( "ANA6A %for#erly ")" Newsworld' %$wned by "anadian )roadcasting "orporation and launched on :1 ;uly 1989' "A)-K!9-1K+8 "ANA6A %$wned by )ell Media and launched on :< March 1998' "TA NKE1 "BANNK- "ANA6A %$wned by )ell Media and launched on 1, $ctober 199,' MKT4$ TA &N6$NK1&A %$wned by !T Media Tele*isi &ndonesia %Media 0roup' and launched on +3 No*e#ber +<<<' N$E TA B$N0 ($N0 ""TA NKE1 KN0-&1B %$wned by "hina "entral Tele*ision and launched on 13 1epte#ber +<<<' N6TA +8F, %$wned by N6TA -td. and launched on 18 April +<<:' N6TA !4$F&T %$wned by N6TA -td. and launched on 18 April +<<:'

/ / 1hare / 0et Notifications / March +1 at 1+2<8a# near Ma.ati

1een by :<

Lian Las Pinas 7Ehere ?ou )elong7 0MA Networ. The#e 1ong fro# 1986 to 1998 Eritten by 0eorge "anseco Music and -yrics by Menardo ;i#eneJ 1ung by the Men and Eo#en of 0MA 4adio5Tele*ision Arts Aideo courtesy of 0MA Networ. Archi*esG? &tDs a place that you co#e ho#e to &tDs where e*erythingDs ust fine A secret shared together To pass away the ti#e Mo#ents that you treasure, a s#ile that you canDt hide The pro#ise of to#orrow, ust building up inside &tDs where you belong, 0MA &tDs the place where you belong &tDs where you belong, 0MADs where you belong 0ood friends, old and new Friends you .now are always true

&tDs where you belong, 0MA &tDs where you, you, you, itDs where you belong.

/ / 1hare / 0et Notifications / March +1 at 121+a# near Ma.ati

1een by :<

Lian Las Pinas )&4TB6A? "K-K)4ANT1 for March Aeronica )aluyut5;i#eneJ March + MariJ 9#ali5Ti#a March 8 (irby "ristobal and M?I !hilippines A; Mi.e Ad*incula March 3 !anahon.TA Eeather#an 6; Barry )ayona March 6 0erald Anderson March , )4?AN TK4M9-$ March 8 Alodia 0osiengfiao March 9 !ia Bonti*eros, T; Manotoc March 1< (H Tandingan March 11 (eren !ascual March 1: "oach 4io dela "ruJ March 16 !aolo )ediones March 1, ;ulia Montes March 19 6essa March +< Al ur Abrenica, 4ico BiJon March +8 (athryn )ernardo, 6a*id "hua, Aya Macal#a March +6 !rincess Babibah 1arip March :<
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / March +: at :2<6a# near Ma.ati

1een by :<

Karen Lour+es Keren Pas-ual Today is &ndependence 6ay. 1o#e historians continue to argue on whether the date should be ;une 1+ or ;uly 8 but us ordinary #ortals couldn@t really care less. Ee are all grateful for the holiday and oyfully relish the fact that it is on a wee.end this year. 1till it will be good for us to gi*e so#e thought to our country and to what has been happening to the !hilippines. Ta.e note & said ^to,_ not ^in._ That #eans what politicians, business#en and others in power are doing to this country. ?uc.= ?ou say ^in_ and the answer you will get will only be worthless trifles that are gi*en so #uch i#portance. Another seF *ideo perhaps or the way the National Anthe# gets blasphe#ed by pop artists. & say throw those porn actors wannabes to ail or better yet the loony bin then get rid of the .ey. !roble# sol*ed. As for the -upang Binirang contro*ersy, & say #ercy to those who choose fa#ous pop stars to sing the song and then co#plain. Those singers ha*e their own styles and they will put it in anything they sing. The long established na#es do that by instinct. & .now it@s co##endable to #a.e efforts to preser*e the cultural heritage, but #usic e*ol*es. 1o let us ust ride with the changes. )esides as ;i#i BendriF pro*ed when he roc.ed the 1tar 1pangled )anner, you can instill patriotic fer*or in any soul no #atter what the #usic if the #essage is deli*ered fro# the heart. And Filipinos can do that *ery well. The song )ayan (o is a wonderful eFa#ple. &t is co#posed by "onstancio de 0uJ#an with lyrics by poet5actor ;ose "oraJon de la "ruJ in 19+8. &t was first perfor#ed by National Artist Atang de la 4a#a and later i##ortaliJed in *arious recorded *ersions. The #o*ing la#ent is now o*er 8< years old. &t has seen Filipinos through the A#erican regi#e, Eorld Ear &&, the ;apanese in*asion and Martial -aw, during which the word u#iiya. in the lyrics was changed to pu#ipitlag to denote the country@s struggle.

)ayan (o re#ains the #ost potent re#inder of how #uch freedo# #eans to Filipinos. )ut there are also other songs eFtolling the country and its people that ha*e surfaced in recent years and which & belie*e ha*e earned their places in our cultural heritage. This happened with Mga (ababayan (o by Francis M, which was the first rap song to hit No. 1 in the !hilippines. ^Mga .ababayan .oGdapat lang #ala#an nyoG bilib a.o sa .ulay .oGa.o ay !ilipinoG.ung #ay iti# o #ay putiG#ayro@n na#ang .ayu#anggiGisipin #o na .aya #ongGabutin ang Ryong #ini#ithi._ Francisco 1antiago@s popular fol. tune !ilipinas (ong Mahal has being sung on -inggo ng Ei.a ^Ang bayan .oDy tanging, !ilipinas .ong #ahalGAng puso .o at buhay #an, sa iyoDy ibibigayGTung.ulin .ong gaga#panan, na lagi .ang pagling.uranGAng laya #oDy babantayan, !ilipinas .ong hirang._ The prolific 0eorge "anseco ca#e out with a #eaningful A.o Ay !ilipino. ^A.o ay !ilipinoGA.o ay !ilipinoGisang bansa isang diwaGang #ini#ithi .oGsa bayan .o@t bandilaGlaan buhay .o@t diwaGa.o ay !ilipinoG!ilipinong totooGa.o ay !ilipinoGa.o ay !ilipinoGtaas noo .ahit .aninoGang !ilipino ay a.o._ Florante@s ta.e on what@s to be proud of being !inoy was light and in A.o@y &sang !inoy2 ^A.o@y isang !inoy sa puso@t diwaG!inoy na isinilang sa ating bansaGa.o@y hindi sanay sa wi.ang #ga banyagaGa.o@y !inoy na #ayroong sariling wi.a._ Manny !acCuiao@s e*ery *ictory in the ring saw his song !ara 1a R?o Ang -aban na RTo written by -ito "a#o getting #assi*e airplay. &t dedicates e*ery *ictory to his country and is also about pride in being a Filipino2 !ara sa Ryo ang laban na toGdi a.o susu.oGisisigaw .o sa #undoG!inoy ang lahi .oG#ahal .o ang bayan .oGpara sa Ryo bayan .o._ Beber )artolo#e and his )anyuhay go for the loo.s, language and the soul of being a Filipino in hisTayo@y Mga !inoy2 ^) .aya tayo ay nanggagaya, #ayro@n na#an tayoGtayo@y #ga !inoy, tayo@y hindi .anoGwag .ang #ahihiya .ung ang ilong #o ay pango._ Eho can forget how the whole country sang and swayed to the infectious rhyth# of !inoy A.o by $range Q -e#ons2 !inoy, ay !inoy ipa.ita sa #undoG.ung ano ang .aya #oGibang5iba ang !inoyGhuwag .ang #atata.otGipag#ala.i #oG!inoy a.oG!inoy tayo. And as )a#boo so successfully pro*ed in Noypi, the patriotic !inoy artist can also roc. hard. ^Boy !inoy a.oGbuo ang loobG#ay agi#at ang dugo .oGhoy, !inoy a.oG#ay agi#at ang dugo .o._
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / March +: at 1281p# near Fort )onifacio

1een by +9

/aAin Biel Martinez NoAi+a The !hilippine 1tar5 Manila Archbishop -uis Antonio "ardinal Tagle returns to !B fro# Aatican

-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / March +8 at 6211p#

*ia #obile

1een by +8

/aAin Biel Martinez NoAi+a MM6A, 6$T", -TF4), !N! operate begins for 7$plan "uares#a +<1:7 %Boly Eee. +<1:'.

-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / March +8 at 621:p#

*ia #obile

1een by +8

Lian Las Pinas

)inabati na#in ang happy birthday ngayon .ay 1enator !ia "ayetano, For#er Manila Aice Mayor 6anny -acuna, Margarita A. Fores, Mari*ic A. 0ancayco, Manny "inco, "haro ;alandoni, Tita )asa, Monica "asta, AleF $ngoco, Mari*ic Al*arado, 1andra ;ean !. Melicor, Flor -ia#, 6ely -i#, AleF Eong, "hris "ahilig, Tiya !usit, -ily )runo5-agasca, Aicenta )onnin, Andie )abante, Atty. 0aby "oncepcion and actor 0eoff Kigen#ann. )elated happy birthday to ;aden (urt 1. Tabor on March ++
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / March +: at :2<:a#

near Ma.ati

1een by :<

Karen Lour+es Keren Pas-ual )&4TB6A? "K-K)4ANT1 for March Aeronica )aluyut5;i#eneJ March + MariJ 9#ali5Ti#a March 8 (irby "ristobal and M?I !hilippines A; Mi.e Ad*incula March 3 !anahon.TA Eeather#an 6; Barry )ayona March 6 0erald Anderson March , )4?AN TK4M9-$ March 8 Alodia 0osiengfiao March 9 !ia Bonti*eros, T; Manotoc March 1< (H Tandingan March 11 (eren !ascual March 1: "oach 4io dela "ruJ March 16 !aolo )ediones March 1, ;ulia Montes March 19 6essa March +< 1enator !ia "ayetano, For#er Manila Aice Mayor 6anny -acuna, Margarita A. Fores March ++ Al ur Abrenica, 4ico BiJon March +8 (athryn )ernardo, 6a*id "hua, Aya Macal#a March +6 !rincess Babibah 1arip March :<

March +8 at 92<8p# / -i.e

Lian Las Pinas 0reetings %March +6, +<1:' Bappy birthday to our celebrators today, for#er 1enator Krnie Maceda, Atty. )eth 0uerrero, Aya Macal#a, 9.1.5based 4ebecca 4ocha, Margie )aterina, Kd 1antiago, Al#a &bita -orrente, !epito Aera !ereJ, ;air Eillia#s, Manny )alde#or, 0race !resas 1a#ar, ;osie 4e#olano, -ydia $rtaliJa of "hicago, FideJ "uchapen, Teresa A. -opa, 6a*id "hua and (athryn )ernardo of 1tar Magic.
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / March +6 at 1+2:<p# near Ma.ati

1een by +8

Lian Las Pinas )ayan (o is the 0MA News TADs first original series in ti#e for the :<th death anni*ersary of for#er senator )enigno 7Ninoy7 ACuino, ;r. on August +1, +<1:, +,th anni*ersary of 1986 K61A !eople !ower 4e*olution on February ++ to +3, +<1: and 8th death anni*ersary of for#er president "ory ACuino on August 1, +<1: and 113th anni*ersary of deceleration of !hilippine &ndependence and Nationhood on ;une 1+, +<1:.
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / March +6 at 1236p# near Ma.ati

1een by +8

Lian Las Pinas This happened with Mga (ababayan (o by Francis M, which was the first rap song to hit No. 1 in the !hilippines. ^Mga .ababayan .oGdapat lang #ala#an nyoG bilib a.o sa .ulay .oGa.o ay !ilipinoG.ung #ay iti# o #ay putiG#ayro@n na#ang .ayu#anggiGisipin #o na .aya #ongGabutin ang Ryong #ini#ithi._ Francisco 1antiago@s popular fol. tune !ilipinas (ong Mahal has being sung on -inggo ng Ei.a ^Ang bayan .oDy tanging i.awG!ilipinas .ong #ahalGAng puso .o at buhay #an, sa iyoDy ibibigayGTung.ulin .ong gaga#panan, na lagi .ang pagling.uranGAng laya #oDy babantayan, !ilipinas .ong hirang._ The prolific 0eorge "anseco ca#e out with a #eaningful A.o Ay !ilipino. ^A.o ay !ilipinoGA.o ay !ilipinoGisang bansa isang diwaGang #ini#ithi .oGsa bayan .o@t bandilaGlaan buhay .o@t diwaGa.o ay !ilipinoG!ilipinong totooGa.o ay !ilipinoGa.o ay !ilipinoGtaas noo .ahit .aninoGang !ilipino ay a.o._ Florante@s ta.e on what@s to be proud of being !inoy was light and in A.o@y &sang !inoy2 ^A.o@y isang !inoy sa puso@t diwaG!inoy na isinilang sa ating bansaGa.o@y hindi sanay sa wi.ang #ga banyagaGa.o@y !inoy na #ayroong sariling wi.a._ Manny !acCuiao@s e*ery *ictory in the ring saw his song !ara 1a R?o Ang -aban na RTo written by -ito "a#o getting #assi*e airplay. &t dedicates e*ery *ictory to his country and is also about pride in being a Filipino2 !ara sa Ryo ang laban na toGdi a.o susu.oGisisigaw .o sa #undoG!inoy ang lahi .oG#ahal .o ang bayan .oGpara sa Ryo bayan .o._ Beber )artolo#e and his )anyuhay go for the loo.s, language and the soul of being a Filipino in hisTayo@y Mga !inoy2 ^) .aya tayo ay nanggagaya, #ayro@n na#an tayoGtayo@y #ga !inoy, tayo@y hindi .anoGwag .ang #ahihiya .ung ang ilong #o ay pango._ Eho can forget how the whole country sang and swayed to the infectious rhyth# of !inoy A.o by $range Q -e#ons2 !inoy, ay !inoy ipa.ita sa #undoG.ung ano ang .aya #oGibang5iba ang !inoyGhuwag .ang #atata.otGipag#ala.i #oG!inoy a.oG!inoy tayo. And as )a#boo so successfully pro*ed in Noypi, the patriotic !inoy artist can also roc. hard. ^Boy !inoy a.oGbuo ang loobG#ay agi#at ang dugo .oGhoy, !inoy a.oG#ay agi#at ang dugo .o._
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / March +6 at 123,p# near Ma.ati

1een by +8

Lian Las Pinas This happened with Mga (ababayan (o by Francis M, which was the first rap song to hit No. 1 in the !hilippines. ^Mga .ababayan .oGdapat lang #ala#an nyoG bilib a.o sa .ulay .oGa.o ay !ilipinoG.ung #ay iti# o #ay putiG#ayro@n na#ang .ayu#anggiGisipin #o na .aya #ongGabutin ang Ryong #ini#ithi._
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / March +6 at 123,p# near Ma.ati

1een by +8

Lian Las Pinas Francisco 1antiago@s popular fol. tune !ilipinas (ong Mahal has being sung on -inggo ng Ei.a ^Ang bayan .oDy tanging i.awG!ilipinas .ong #ahalGAng puso .o at buhay #an, sa iyoDy ibibigayGTung.ulin .ong gaga#panan, na lagi .ang pagling.uranGAng laya #oDy babantayan, !ilipinas .ong hirang._
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / March +6 at 123,p# near Ma.ati

1een by +8

/aAin Biel Martinez NoAi+a

Magnitude 6.1 KarthCua.e hit Taiwan, but no da#aged reported, says ))" Eorld News.

/ /


0et Notifications

March +, at 62<1p#

1een by +8

Lian Las Pinas Ee oin our hearts, as we sing, 0loria in KFcelsis 6eo. 0-$4&A %Eorld ?outh 6ay 1993 Final Mass' Music by2 Antiphon2 ;ean5!aul -ecot Aerses by2 Fr. 6o# )enildus Mara#ba Music can be found in the E?6 1993 -iturgy 0uide )oo. 1eCuenced by Migs Miguel ANT&!B$N2 0-$4&A, 0-$4&A &N KI"K-1&1 6K$= 0-$4&A, 0-$4&A &N KI"K-1&1 6K$= WTru#pet &ntroductionX 0-$4&A, 0-$4&A &N KI"K-1&1 6K$= 0-$4&A, 0-$4&A &N KI"K-1&1 6K$= Aerse 1 At sa lupaDy .apayapaan sa #ga taong .inalulugdan Niya !inupuri .a na#in, 6inarangal .a na#in, 1inasa#ba .a na#in &pinagbubunyi .a na#in, !inasasala#atan .a na#in 6ahil sa da.ila #ong .apurihan !anginoong 6iyos Bari ng -angit 6iyos A#ang #a.apangyarihan sa lahat WTru#pet &ntroductionX ANT&!B$N2 0-$4&A, 0-$4&A &N KI"K-1&1 6K$ 0-$4&A, 0-$4&A &N KI"K-1&1 6K$= Aerse + !anginoong 6iyos, Besu5(risto, bugtong na Ana. !anginoong 6iyos, (ordero ng 6iyos, Ana. ng A#a 1olo2 &.aw na nagaalis ng #ga .asalanan ng sanlibutan All2 Maawa .a, Maawa .a sa a#in. 1olo2 &.aw na nagaalis ng #ga .asalanan ng sanlibutan

All2 Tanggapin #o, tanggapin #o ang a#ing .ahilingan 1olo2 &.aw na nalulu.lo. sa .anan ng A#a All2 Maawa .a, Maawa .a sa a#in. WTru#pet &ntroductionX ANT&!B$N2 0-$4&A, 0-$4&A &N KI"K-1&1 6K$ 0-$4&A, 0-$4&A &N KI"K-1&1 6K$= Aerse :2 &.aw la#ang ang banal &.aw la#ang ang !anginoon &.aw la#ang $ Besu5(risto ang .ataastaasan= (asa#a ng Kspiritu 1anto sa .ada.ilaan ng 6iyos A#a A#en, A#en, A#en= WTru#pet &ntroductionX ANT&!B$N2 0-$4&A, 0-$4&A &N KI"K-1&1 6K$ 0-$4&A, 0-$4&A &N KI"K-1&1 6K$=

/ / 1hare / 0et Notifications / March +, at 82:8p# near Ma.ati

1een by +8

Lian Las Pinas &.aw ang tanging ya#an Na di lubusang #asu#pungan Ang nili.ha Mo .ari.tan sulyap ng R?ong .agandahan. &.a@y hanap sa tuwina nitong puso@ng &.aw la#ang ang saya 1a ganda ng u#aga nangungulila sa R?o, 1inta. &.aw ang tanging ya#an Na di lubusang #asu#pungan Ang nili.ha Mo .ari.tan sulyap ng R?ong .agandahan. &.a@y hanap sa tuwina sa .apwa .o (ita laging nadara#a 1a &yong #ga li.ha hangad pa ring #asdan ang R?ong #u.ha. &.aw ang tanging ya#an Na di lubusang #asu#pungan Ang nili.ha Mo .ari.tan sulyap ng R?ong .agandahan. &.a@y hanap sa tuwina nitong puso@ng la#ang ang saya 1a ganda ng u#aga nangungulila sa R?o, 1inta.

&.aw ang tanging ya#an Na di lubusang #asu#pungan Ang nili.ha Mo .ari.tan sulyap ng R?ong .agandahan. &.a@y hanap sa tuwina sa .apwa .o (ita laging nadara#a 1a &yong #ga li.ha hangad pa ring #asdan ang R?ong #u.ha. &.aw ang tanging ya#an Na di lubusang #asu#pungan Ang nili.ha Mo .ari.tan sulyap ng R?ong .agandahan %sulyap ng R?ong .agandahan'.

/ / 1hare / 0et Notifications / March :< at 82:,p#

1een by +8 Bero A Noble this.

/aAin Biel Martinez NoAi+a A$A News5 North (orea announce that the declare 71tate of Ear7 against 1o(or
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / March :1 at 623+p#

1een by +8

Lian Las Pinas 0$AK4NMKNT EA4N&N02 "igarette is dangerous to your health. P with )eltran Alfredo and + others.
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / March :1 at ,2:8p#

1een by +8 + people li.e this.

Lian Las Pinas )reast#il. is the best for babies up to + years.

-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / March :1 at ,2:3p#

1een by +8

Lian Las Pinas F4$M 9N&-KAK4=

-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / March :1 at ,2:,p#

1een by +8

Rene Dumapit adds *itality to life.

March :1 at ,2:,p# / -i.e

Lian Las Pinas NK1T-K= 0$$6 F$$6, 0$$6 -&FK=

-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / March :1 at ,2:8p#

1een by +8

Lian Las Pinas !hilip Morris 1<<s. The !re#iu# Taste in Menthol. 0o*ern#ent Earning2 "igarette is dangerous to your health
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / March :1 at ,2:8p#

1een by +8

Lian Las Pinas Me#ber2 !ANA Truth in Ad*ertising

-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / March :1 at ,28<p#

1een by +8

Lian Las Pinas B&1AM&T19=

-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / March :1 at ,281p#

1een by +8

Lian Las Pinas>*LF4)KgaB3oT8 Einston "igarettes !hilippines TA" %1991' %"' Fortune Tobacco "orporation 0o*ern#ent Earning2 "igarette is dangerous to your health.

/omer-ial Domini-ano & /igarrillos *inston & "##". ;$1K "A)4A- 5 Anuncio 6o#inicano.

/ / 1hare / 0et Notifications / March :1 at ,288p#

1een by +8

Lian Las Pinas>*L!!E.1F)sF:8

Einston "igarettes TA" %19,8' Aired on 0TA58 and 4!N59 !rogra#s !hilippine "opyright 19,8 4. ;. 4eynolds Tobacco "o#pany 5 All 4ights 4eser*ed 0o*ern#ent Earning2 "igarette is dangerous to your health.

*IN20<N 19,8 E&N1T$N "&0A44$1 A-!&N&1TA1 "&0A44$1

-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / March :1 at 82<+p#

1een by +8

Lian Las Pinas Ehat noonti#e show is 7&sang Bi#ig, &sang Awit na May 6a#da#in #ula )atanes hanggang ;olo7>
/harlene re-alls Miss ?niAerse FGA MAN&-A, !hilippine O For#er beauty Cueen "harlene 0onJaleJ ad#itted that she was initially stu#ped during the Cuestion5and5answer portion of the Miss 9ni*erse pageant when she was as.ed about how #any islands there are in the !hilippines.
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / March :1 at 11218p#

1een by +8

Lian Las Pinas )reast#il. is the best for babies up to + years. Ang gatas ng ina ang pina.a#abuti para sa bata hanggang + taon.
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / March :1 at 112+8p#

1een by +8

7mman Ja1e Mer+egia Bia-o -ist of teleseryes with sa#e the#e songs2 `Malayo !a Ang 9#aga 5 Malayo !a Ang 9#aga %4!N'Z Agua )endita %A)15")N' `Maging 1ino (a Man 5 Te A#o2 Maging 1ino (a Man %0MA'Z Maging 1ino (a Man, ;uan 6ela "ruJ %A)15")N'

`(ung (ailangan Mo A.o 5 1a 1andaling (ailangan Mo A.o, -ittle "ha#p %A)15")N' `1aan 6arating Ang 9#aga 5 6arating Ang 9#aga, )udoy %A)15")N'Z 1ineNo*ela2 1aan 6arating Ang 9#aga %0MA' `&.aw -ang ang Ma#ahalin 5 &.aw -ang Ang Ma#ahalin %0MA'Z )abaeng Ba#paslupa %TA3' `Banggang sa 6ulo ng Ealang Banggan 5 1a 6ulo ng Ealang Banggan, Ealang Banggan %A)15")N' `Ngayon at (ailan#an 5 1ineNo*ela2 Ngayon at (ailan#an %0MA'Z &na (apatid Ana. %A)15 ")N'

/ / 1hare / 0et Notifications / March +1 at 12:<a# near NueJon "ity

1een by :<

7mman Ja1e Mer+egia Bia-o Additional2 `May ) !a 5 May ) !a %1999 series' %Ai*a TA W&)" and 4!NX'Z May ) !a %+<<9 series' %A)15")N' `!angarap na )ituin 5 !angarap na )ituin %A)15")N'Z Mundo MoDy %0MA'

March +1 at 12:1a# / -i.e

7mman Ja1e Mer+egia Bia-o `Narito 5 Narito ang !uso (o, Bira# na !uso %0MA' `)astaDt (asa#a (ita 5 )astaDt (asa#a (ita %A)15")N'Z 1ecret 0arden %0MA'

March :1 at 112+3p# / -i.e

Lian Las Pinas>*LBF1!:w<K#No Marlboro "igarettes !hilippines TA" %19,:5+<<3' aired on ))"5+ G A)15")N News !rogra#s %"' !MFT" &nc G !hilip Morris &nternational 0o*ern#ent Earning2 "igarette is dangerous to your health

Mun+o Marl8oro -omer-ial "o#erciales Cue #arcaron toda una tendencia en cuanto a publicidad..... ACui esta otro spot de #arlboro #uy bueno ta#bien2>*L&-e...

/ / 1hare / 0et Notifications / March :1 at ,23:p#

1een by +8

Lian Las Pinas "o#e what the fla*or is.... "o#e to Marlboro "ountry. 0o*ern#ent Earning2 "igarette is dangerous to your health

March :1 at ,238p# / -i.e

7mman Ja1e Mer+egia Bia-o &t is aired on !ulso A.syon )alita %Failon51ancheJ and 1antos 4elos5Tulfo eras' and A)15")N Beadlines %AelasCueJ, 6a*ila and $#aga 6iaJ56a*ila eras'

March :1 at 112+8p# / -i.e

Lian Las Pinas The (ing and & at 4esorts Eorld Manila presented by Aisa 1ponsored by A1&A )4KEK4? &N". and !MFT" &nc

/ /


0et Notifications

April 1 at 1+2:3a#

1een by +8

Lian Las Pinas EBAT 1$MKTB&N0 E$N6K4F9- BA!!KN12 The (ing and & at 4esorts Eorld Manila "o##ercial brea.s of the special 5 !MFT" &nc 5 Marlboro, !hilip Morris 1<<s, Bope, More &nternational, !ea., K*ergreen, "ha#pion, )oss, Fortune &nternational, Mar. !re#iu# Menthol, !laJa, Einston, "a#el and 1ale#

/ /


0et Notifications

April 1 at 1+2:6a#

1een by +8

Lian Las Pinas Bello and Bappy Kaster e*erybody fro# the group= & want to upload the Kl 1haddai 6EI&5 !!F& Manila %A#*el "ity' Audio5Aisual !resentations on ?ouTube courtesy of Media Ministry 6epart#ent of K- 1BA66A& 6EI&5!!F& !4A?K4 !A4TNK41 Foundation &nternational, &nc.

/ /


0et Notifications

April 1 at 1+28<a#

1een by +8

Lian Las Pinas a.' 71a -uJon, sa Aisayas, at sa Mindanao...7Z or b.' 7Mula )atanes hanggang ;olo...7Z or c.' 7Ano #ang lahi, ano #ang .ulay, 1a#a5sa#a sa tagu#pay...7
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / April + at +238a#

1een by +8

Lian Las Pinas created a doc.

AB2&/BNE P0:E AB/E GMAE RPNE IB/E 2BNE 2tu+io 'HE Net '=E RJ0:E I< pu8li- serAi-e announ-ements 0:E ?N0: net,or1 sponsors an+

AB2&/BNE P0:E AB/E GMAE RPNE IB/E 2BNE 2tu+io 'HE Net '=E RJ0:E I< ?N0: pu8li- serAi-e announ-ements +uring -ommer-ial 8rea1s


(ontra Bu#an !hilippine "harity $ffice %!"1$' Eastong Nutrisyon 4epublic of the !hilippines, 6epart#ent of Bealth %6$B' $h= My 0ulay= 0o*ern#ent 1er*ice &nsurance 1yste# %01&1'

Knergy 4egulatory "o##ission %K4"' !ilipinas Natin 4epublic of the !hilippines 1ocial 1ecurity 1yste# %111' !A05&)&0 Found F?& %For ?our &nfor#ation' 4epublic of the !hilippines, "o##ission on Klections %"$MK-K"' 1te*e $DNeal !roductions Araw Aalue Awards !et 1ociety 1oap %co##ercial' !hilBealth A.syon (ontra )arangay 6engue %A()6 by 6$B' "oc.1ure %co##ercial' $raBerb %co##ercial' !hilippine A#use#ent and 0a#ing "orporation %!A0"$4' A)( &nitiati*e

No*ellino Eine2 )ecause ?ouDre 1pecial, !our $ut EhatDs 1pecial, No*elino %co##ercial' Ferna Foods "orporation Manila )ulletin %co##ercial' 0olden $ats %co##ercial' Fa#ily 4ubbing Alcohol %co##ercial' Baloa Toothbrush %co##ercial' 4ed "ross Million Aolunteer 4un + %February 1<, +<1:' Tea# !Noy 4odeo Festi*al +<1: %April 153, +<1: in Masbate "ity' 0: an+

AB2&/BNE P0:E AB/E GMAE RPNE IB/E 2BNE 2tu+io 'HE Net '=E RJ0:E I< ?N0: net,or1 sponsors an+ pu8li- serAi-e announ-ements

(u#on !hilippines %during co##ercial brea.s of EinF "lub, )arney and Friends and ?+(2 ?es to (ids' "oat 1a*er !illsbury !illsbury "rispee !illsbury $ne51tep !ascual -aboratories &nc. !ropan T-" $racare A -ife Ascof Ascof Forte

"5-iu# &##u*it !oten5"ee Aita#in )5"o#pleF 4ed 4ibbon Fibisco )utter "oo.ies "hoco Mallows "hoco "hips "hoco "runchies ;olly )iscuits Biro "oo.ies Kl 4eal !asta "olu#bia Foods "orporation !hilippines AFresh !otchi Mona#i &"ool ? My;uiJ "ha#pi Frooty Frutos !intoora "hoCuic. 1o -uc.y "rac.ers K#perador )randy 0eneroso )randy Fundador )randy &nternational !har#aceuticals, &nc $#ega !ain (iller "asino 4ubbing Alcohol Frenchies French Fries 1il.a !apaya 1oap 1.etchers %during co##ercial brea.s of EinF "lub and ?+(2 ?es to (ids' "6$ Foodsphere, &nc. )ibbo Botdog )ibbo "heesedog )ibbo "hubbies

"6$ &dol "heesedog Boliday "heesedog Footlong "6$ 9la# )urger 1eaNuest Tuna "6$ (arne Norte 1a#ba )raJilian "orned )eef Funtasty. 0oldiluc.s 6un.inD 6onuts )osti. -a#oiyan "orporation Bapee Toothpaste 6aJJ 1" ;ohnson )aygon Mr. Muscle 0lade 0lobe Teleco# Mister 6onuts Eestern 9nion !hilippines -e#on 1Cuare !hilippines "heese "a.e 6rea# "a.e Munch Mallows !ower !ops &nipit "a.e 1andwich &nipit )ar "hoo "hoo "a.e !ies Ehattatops

Toy (ingdo# %during co##ercial brea.s of EinF "lub, )arney and Friends and ?+(2 ?es to (ids' 4eyes )arbecue Knergen "ereal 6rin. MaFDs 4estaurant Alas.a Mil. "orporation Alas.a !owdered Mil. 6rin. Alas.a K*aporated Filled Mil. and 1weetened "ondensed Filled Mil. Alas.a K*aporada Alas.a "ondensada

(re#5Top Alas.a "re#a Alas.a Nutri)uild !lay56oh 1heel A#igo 1igurado Mega 1ardines 0ardenia 0ardenia "lassic 0ardenia Fun )un 0ardenia )utter Toast 0ardenia Twiggies 0ardenia "rea# 4oll 0ardenia !andesal 0ardenia 1oft56elight !andesal 1.y 0atorade 1il.a (raft Foods $reo "oo.ies Tang Tiger Knergy "heeJ EhiJ Kden "heese "adbury 6airy Mil. ;ulies )a.eshop !etron "orporation )laJe 6iesel MaF I"1 Itra 9nleaded 1tar "ity 1an Miguel "orporation 1an Miguel )eer !urefoods 0inebra 1an Miguel Magnolia Monterey 1an Mig "offee

01M )lue -ight Nutri5Asia 9F" 9F" )anana "atsup 6atu !uti !apa )anana (etchup Mang To#as ;ufran 0olden Fiesta 1arsarap Bapi Fiesta 1a#sung !hilippines Mc6onalds ;ollibee 0reenwich " "oca "ola !hilippines "oca5"ola "oca5"ola Hero "oca5"ola -ight Minute Maid !owerade 1prite 4oyal Tru $range 4eal -eaf Tal. N TeFt !hilippine -ong 6istance Telephone "o#pany %!-6T' 0TK 6irectories %!hilippines' "orporation 1#art "o##unications )anco 6e $ro %)6$' 4" "ola !op "ola $ishi !hilippines 1un Tea 1#art "c 1undays ;uice Fiber an Fruit )a.ed !or.y !opps MartyDs "rac.linD

)read !an Eheat Ni.s Eafu $ishi !opcorn 0our#et !ic.s "rispu !atata 1trip Fries 1hoestring !otatoes 4idges !opato Fries !otato "risps !otato "hips ;abba $heya= "heese "lubs "heJ on "hips 4inbee "hoco Fruity 4ings Fruity -oops (irei !rawn "rac.ers "hoco !lunge 1ponge !illows $nion 4ings 0ood 6ay "offee 4egent Foods "orporation 4egent " 4oc. ND 4oll 0olden 1weet "orn 1nac.u "heese )all "heese 4ing Te#pura Bersheys 4ebisco 4ebisco 1andwich Bansel 1andwich

"ho.ies (ing )ra*o 4ebisco KFtre#e "o#bi 4ebisco "rac.ers Frootees "hoco 4io " 1uper Thin Ace "rac.ers Bansel "rac.ers )uddy "rac.ers ;ungle )ites Marie Ti#e "hoco Mucho (ri# 1tiF Mr. ;iggels 1uperstiF "rossini and !andolino "upp (ey. Mini (ey. "hoco Topps Fudgee )ites )arnuts !olboron "aptain 1id Eafer Ti#e Bappy !eanuts )abble ;oe ;udge "howing 0u# -ipps "andies -ipps !op 1tiF "hubby Fun.y French Fries "riss "ross -otte (oalaDs March )arbie (F" !hilippines

)abyflo "ologne )eados ?in ?ang "ooling Tea Nestle !hilippines " Nestle (o.o (runch Nestle 1tars Milo Nescafe Nescafe : in 1 Nestle Fitness (it(at "erelac Nestea Nido " "risp Nes*ita Nesfruta Nestle ?ogurt Nestle Acti5A )ear )rand "offe Mate Maggi Maggi Magic 1arap Maggi Magic 1inigang Maggi Magic 1abaw Maggi Magic Meals Maggi 4ich Ma#i Noofles Maggi $yster 1auce 1M6" %1M 6e*elop#ent "orporation' 9nile*er !hilippines -adyDs "hoice (norr )est Foods 1unsil. "rea# 1il. 1urf -ipton Tea 6o#eF

)reeJe -uF !epsodent "o#fort AFe "lear %1ha#poo and "onditioner' "lose 9p 1electa 6o*e !ondDs 4eFona Aaseline Ks.inol )loc. Q Ehite Master ;ohnson Q ;ohnson !hilippines Modess !Q0 !hilippines 6owny Bead Q 1houlders Ariel 0illette $lay Ehisper !antene Tide !a#pers !erla Mr. "lean )onuF $ral5) ;oy 4e oyce &*ory 1ha#poo and "onditioner 1afegard 6uracell Aic.s A#bi!ur Fiona "ologne

"har#ee !antyliner Eyeth !hilippines !ro#il !ro#il (id !ro#il !re51chool ACi*a !rogress 0old !rogress !re51chool 0old )ona#il ) ) !re51chool ) "hoco )oost (opi.o !fiJer &nc. %!hilippines' "entru# "lusi*ol "hildrenDs "lusi*ol "lusi*ol !ower5" 1tresstabs &ncre#in "altrate !lus Ad*il Ad*il -iCui50el -o*iscol 6i#etapp 1i#eco 4obitussin 4obitussin -iCuigel 4obi.ids )ounty Fresh "hic.en Mc"$4M&"( 9nilab !hilippines (re#il 5 1 1.elan Ti.i5Ti.i !lus Ti.i5Ti.i 1tar Acti)oost 1chool Mil. Aita!ops "eelin

"eelin !lus "eelin "hewables 0rowee Appebon (id 1wish Kner*on Kner*on !ri#e Myra K Myra AitaEhite !B "are !ure Dn Fresh )ioflu Athena Mil. 1ol#uF "arbTri# 6olfenal Meralco !hilippines Tanduay 6istillers, &nc. "ossac. Aod.a 0in (apitan -ondon 0in Tanduay 63 Tanduay K1N Tanduay 4hu# 3 ?ears )oracay 4hu# 6el Monte !hilippines Minola " $il AMA "o#puter 9ni*ersity Mil. Magic !hilippines Monde Nissin "orporation Monde -uc.y Me 9ni*ersal 4obina "orporation !hilippines Tortillos "hoco -a*a 0reat Taste I.$. Aitalac Bunts

Kl 4eal !asta 4efresh "rea# All "afe !uro "offee Twist "+ )lend 83 "hips Ahoy "hips 6elight A aF 6etergent )ar 1an Marino "orned Tuna "hli "orned Tuna Tuna !aella Anchor Mil. Nissin Foods "up Noodles Nissin &nstant !ancit "anton Nissin !asta KFpress Mang &nasal ;ac. N ;ill !hilippines Magic MaFF "rea#5$ Mang ;uan !ancit ni Mang ;uan No*a "hoco (nots Mil.y (nots )erry (nots !iatos "hippy Nips 6ew )erry "hiJ "urls A5"ut !otato "hips !resto Eiggles

6yna#ite 6ewberry 1tar !ops 1tar Fruits "loud59 " 1plash "orporation 1.inEhite KFtract MaFi5!eel Aitress )arrio Fiesta KFtrader# Eell#ade Manufacturing "orporation 1peed Hesto !hilippines )ea# Toothpaste 1un0lo "hoc5$ Mil.5$ $ne !lus Te..i ?a.iudon Nuic."how A"1 Manufacturing "orporation 1tar EaF 9niCue Toothpaste 1#art !ride 6ona Maria ;aponica 4ice "hips Ahoy "herifer !hilippines "herifer 1yrup "herifer !re#iu# "herifer !0M !ed"ee 4FM Foods "orporation 1electa 1wift Ehite (ing

Fiesta Aitwater Alo 0reen Tea Ma#a 1itas Mega 1ardines K#perador )randy Fundador )randy 0eneroro )randy Mead ;ohnson Nutrition 1ustagen 1ustagen (id 1ustagen !re#iu# 1ustagen 1chool -actu# Alacta0row KnfaMa#a Knfa0row Knfa!ro Knfa(id KN 6iapeer Buggies 6iaper -igo -igo 1ardines -igo Meatloaf -igo "orned )eef )ench "entury !acific 0roup "entury Tuna "entury Tuna Bealthylicious Botdog "entury )angus Eow 9la# Eow Botdog Eow Firsta Meatballs 333 Tuna )lue )ay Argentina "orned )eef Argentina Meatloaf )irch Tree

9lala## Nattural Nuality "orporation KnduranJ A#palaya !lus 1lenda 4enalin 0arnier -actacyd "onfidence K*er )ilena "areline Asia )rewery, &nc. )eer Na )eer "olt 83 "oors -ight Manila )eer Tanduay &ce 1<< !lus Absolute "obra Kenrgy 6rin. 1u##it Natural Eater Aita#il. 4oots Airgin 1ha.eyDs !iJJa 0reen "ross &ncorporated 6el Fabric 1oftener 0lide &roning Aids H$N4$I )-KA"B 9no )leach 0reen "ross Alcohol 0reen "ross 1oap -ewis Q !earl Motolite $utlast )atteries 1tandard Appliances Ni.on Bo#e Appliances Abbott !hilippines Knsure Knsure 0old

0ain !lus Ad*ance 0ain 1chool Ad*ance !ediasure !lus 0row E.-. Foods "indys )a.ery 4eataurant 1tic.5$ $ats !hilippines Mil. Magic (nic. (nac.s !MFT" Marlboro !hilip Moris 1<<Ds Bope More &nternational "ha#pion Fortune &nternational Mar. !re#iu# Menthol !ea. !laJa )oss Einston "a#el 1ale# )ritish A#erican Tobacco 6unhill -uc.y 1tri.e "apri (ent Bilton !rince "apstan ;apan Tobacco Mild 1e*en

-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / April : at 1+2+3a#

1een by +8

+ people li.e this.

Lian Las Pinas "igarette ad*ertising in the !hilippines at the ti#e, is not only the entire played the subtitles2 70o*ern#ent Earning2 "igarette is haJardous to health.7 )ut also to read aloud 7"igarette is haJardous to health.7 "igarette ad*ertising of today, how #any do so>
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / April 8 at 828:p#

1een by +8

Nelson ;ohn )aylon ;r. this.

Karen Lour+es Keren Pas-ual !atuloy pa ring nangunguna ang 0MA Networ. sa 9rban -uJon at Mega Manila para sa buwan ng Marso ngayong taon, batay sa pagsusuring ginawa ng #as .ini.ilalang ratings ser*ice pro*ider na Nielsen TA Audience Measure#ent. Mula Marso 1 hanggang :1 %March 1, to :1 batay sa o*ernight data', na.a.uha ng ::.,S a*erage total day audience share ang 0MA5, sa 9rban -uJon, .u#para sa +9.8S ng A)15 ")N, at 13.+S ng TA3. !atuloy ding nangunguna ang 0MA sa balwarte nito sa Mega Manila na .u#abig ng :8.3S sa total day household audience share, na angat sa +,.6S ng A)15")N at 16.:S ng TA3. !aso. na#an sa :< #ost watched shows sa 9rban -uJon ang 1, progra#a ng 0MA, habang 18 progra#a na#an ang na.apaso. sa Mega Manila. &sa na rito ang #ulti5awarded news #agaJine progra# (apuso Mo, ;essica 1oho %(M;1', na nananatiling top5rater sa N9TAM, 9rban -uJon, at Mega Manila noong Marso. !aso. din sa #ga nangungunang progra#a ang &ndio, Magpa.ailan#an, (apuso Mo*ie Night, !ahira# ng 1andali, Te#ptation of Eife, Mundo Mo@y, +8 $ras, Aa#pire Ang 6addy (o, !epito Manaloto Ang Tunay na (uwento, Kat )ulaga=, )ubble 0ang, "elebrity )luff, &#bestigador, at #ara#i pang iba. 1a#antala, nanguna rin ang 0MA5, sa A)15")N at TA3 sa buong araw na #ga palabas %#orning, afternoon and e*ening bloc.' sa 9rban -uJon at Mega Manila. Ang 0MA at TA3 ay .apwa na.a5subscribe sa Nielsen TA Audience Measure#ent, habang ang A)15")N ang tanging na.a5subscribe sa (antar Media. 1a Mega Manila, ang Nielsen ay #ay household sa#ple siJe na 1,19< .u#para sa ,,< household ng (antar Media. Ang Nielsen ay #ay nationwide household sa#ple siJe na#an na +,<<< #as #ala.i sa 1,:,< household ng (antar Media.
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / April 3 at 12+8p#

1een by +8

+ people li.e this.

/aAin Biel Martinez NoAi+a ) News2 For#er )ritish !ri#e Minister Margaret Thatcher has dies at the age of 8,, according to 4euters

/ /


0et Notifications

April 8 at 1<213p#

1een by +8

Nelson ;ohn )aylon ;r. this.

Lian Las Pinas Bello= Ala# .o po ang behind the scenes at scoring ng #usic *ideo ng -upang Binirang ng !TA noong 1998

Philippine /entennial National Anthem Musi- :i+eo !"##9) A new National Anthe# Music Aideo first aired on TA on the noon of ;une 1+, 1998 The 1998 #usic *ideo of the !hilippine national anthe# P 7-upang Binirang7 P featuring the students, fisher#en, doctors, touris# e#ployees, construction wor.ers, far#ers, police#en, fire#en, children, fa#ily, car factory wor.ers, carpente...1ee More )y2 -ian -as !inas !hotos2 88

/ / 1hare / 0et Notifications / April 9 at 1+2:8a#

1een by +8

Lian Las Pinas>*L*uy16HElHTw More &nternational "igarettes TA" %+<<+5+<<8' aired on TA !atrol with (orina 1ancheJ, Al o )endi o and Benry $#aga56iaJ G ;ulius )abao. A Taste of Magic= 0o*ern#ent Earning2 "igarette is dangerous to your health. %"' Fortune Tobacco "orporation P with ?##an ;a.e Merdegia )iaco and+ others.

More AAengers 5(s This co##ercial is aired on TA !atrol A)15")N %(orina 1ancheJ, Al o )endi o and Benry $#aga56iaJG;ulius )abao era, +<<+5+<<8'
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / April 8 at 82:9p#

1een by +8

7mman Ja1e Mer+egia Bia-o i thin., it was used during TA !atrol Eorld ust a few #onths before cigarette ads banned.

April 9 at 1+28<a# / -i.e

Lian Las Pinas Ala# .o po ang behind the scenes at scoring ng #usic *ideo ng -upang Binirang ng !TA, A)"53 at H$K5TA 11 noong 19982 The Anthe# Aideo wea*es the past e*ents with their heroic characters into a singular #essage of nationalis#. A *oice5o*er as. the audience to stand and put their right hand o*er the breast near the heart. As the *iewers are urged to re#e#ber history through the anthe#Ds words, the !hilippine Madrigal 1ingers, begins to intone the opening bar, history unfolds2 P with)ro 4yan A. A#erica.
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / April 9 at 1+233a#

1een by +8

7mman Ja1e Mer+egia Bia-o sino na.a.a5ala# ng title ng the#e #usic ng "on*ergence>
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / April 9 at 1+23+a#

1een by +8

Lian Las Pinas &n.pot

April 9 at 1+238a# / -i.e

7mman Ja1e Mer+egia Bia-o co#poser

April 9 at 1+236a# / -i.e

7mman Ja1e Mer+egia Bia-o sino na.a.a5ala# sa unang the#e #usic ng 1ala#at 6o. %"osi# era'>
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / April 9 at 121+a#

1een by +8

Lian Las Pinas Ks.inol !hilippines FA"&A- -$T&$N %Kndorser2 Ail#a 1antos, circa 198<s' For a cleaner, fresher, fairer 9nile*er, Total Nuality %"' 198<s 9nile*er !hilippines, &nc. %!hilippine 4efining "o#pany, &nc.' P with Ail#a 1antos 4ecto and 4ene 6u#apit at Manila )ulletin.


/ / 1hare / 0et Notifications / April 1< at 62+8p#

1een by +8 Bero A Noble this.

Lian Las Pinas Fro# 9nile*er, Total Nuality.

April 1< at 62+,p# / -i.e

Lian Las Pinas Mag5)eer Muna Tayo, 1a 1an Miguel )eer Nag.a.aisa= %c' 19,9 1an Miguel "orporation 64&N( M$6K4ATK-? P with 4ene 6u#apit at Manila )ulletin.


/ / 1hare / 0et Notifications / April 1< at 62:8p#

1een by +8

Lian Las Pinas 64&N( M$6K4ATK-?

April 1< at 62:3p# / -i.e

Lian Las Pinas 0MA Networ.Ds 7-upang Binirang72 198<51986 %produced by !hilippine 0o*ern#ent sung by the Mabuhay 1ingers' 198651991 %produced by !hilippine 0o*ern#ent' 199151998 %produced by !hilippine Airlines' 19985+<1< %produced by )!&Z it is currently used for !TA "hannel 8, etc on 4!N 9`, &)" 1:, 1olar News "hannel on 1)N +1`, NKT +3 Feed ?our Mind, +nd A*enue on 4;TA +9` and 9NTA 5 ?our !ublic 1er*ice "hannel' August ++, +<1< %after sign5off' to April 9, +<1: %before sign5on' 51st *ersion d launched on !arty !ilipinas April 9, +<1: %after sign5off' to present 5 new *ersion d launched on +8 $ras ` Free TA feed

/ / 1hare / 0et Notifications / April 11 at 12:8a#

1een by +,

Nelson ;ohn )aylon ;r. this.

Lian Las Pinas>*L1dAl:M"a, M Einston and the !hilippines. ThereDs nothing better. %"' 1988 Fortune Tobacco "orporation

*inston Manufactured under authority and super*ision of 4.;. 4eynolds Tobacco "o#pany, Einston51ale#, N."., 9.1.A. by Fortune Tobacco "orporation, Factory No. A53533+MM
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / April 1+ at 11283a#

1een by +,

)asal Afuang this.

Lian Las Pinas For beer, liCuors and wine co##ercial it says2 764&N( M$6K4ATK-?7 at the end of TA and radio co##ercials with *oice5o*er, on print ads and billboards.
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / April 13 at 8233p#

1een by +,

Lian Las Pinas Ehile for cigarette co##ercials in the !hilippines fro# 198, to 199:, the entire subtitles played2 70o*ern#ent Earning2 "igarette is haJardous to health7 in big letters of 9ni*ers 0othic font, +3S on tele*ision screens, showing the TA ad and at the end of co##ercial with *oice5o*er2 7"igarette is haJardous to health7
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / April 13 at 8238p#

1een by +,

Nelson ;ohn )aylon ;r. this.

Lian Las Pinas"4"o##ercial

! ) %' ! "#$%&'()*+,-./0123#$456)789:;<#$=>?"@ABCDE9FG -HI#$JKLMN A"4)ase 0roup ...

-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / April 13 at 32<<p#

1een by +,

Lian Las Pinas>*LMgAErCs4y-8 Einston2 1pirit of the 9.1.A. %"' 1989 Fortune Tobacco "orporation

J K "#9# & *inston W X 1989 5 Einston

-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / April 13 at 32<8p#

1een by +, )asal Afuang this.

7mman Ja1e Mer+egia Bia-o this was aired after -i*e on 3 news update on A)" 3.

April 13 at 32<,p# *ia #obile / -i.e

Lian Las Pinas created a doc.

GoALt eyes ne, hu8 in /aloo-an as L-ommon train stationL

MAN&-A, !hilippines 5 The go*ern#ent is at the proposed -4T Mal*ar station in "aloocan "ity as a new hub for the Metro Manila &ntegrated 4ail Ter#inal or co##on station where three railways will #eet. The Mal*ar station is seen as #ore *iable for a co##on ter#inal, as it has the accessibility for co##uters and capacity for the trains.

7-ast wee., we had a briefing in Mal*ar in order to open that area, .asi #ara#i galing north dun su#asa.ay. Mal*ar is a possible co##on station,7 4oFasD successor Transportation 1ecretary ;un Abaya told A)15") "onstruction of the co##on station was supposed to be co#pleted bac. in May +<1< during the presidency of 0loria Macapagal5Arroyo but was te#porarily put aside citing cost, engineering issues and na#ing rights. &t will house the planned lin. of the Metro 4ail Transit -ine : %M4T5:', -ight 4ail Transit -ine 1 %-4T51' and the proposed M4T5,. 1M !ri#e Boldings had earlier gi*en the -ight 4ail Transit Authority !+<< #illion for 7na#ing rights7 o*er the station. )ut Abaya said, distance #ay cause a proble# in putting up the station near 1M "ity North K61A. 7The proble# with the co##on station in 1M is itDs too short a distance fro# the M4TDs last station. ?ou run 6<< #eters and then to turn around thatDs not good for train operations. ?ou ha*e to decide on ha*ing the# separate, people ha*e to wal. or ha*e another co##on station.7 Abaya howe*er said, the !+<< #illion deposit will be returned once the pro ect does not #aterialiJe. 7Ee will loo. into that. &f we recei*ed it and it wasnDt constructed then dapat isauli.7 The nearly 16.935.ilo#eter M4T -ine : %K61A -ine' tra*erses K61A North A*enue 1tation in NueJon "ity to Taft A*enue 1tation in !asay "ity, while the +<.,5.# -4T -ine 1 %North51outh -ine' runs fro# )aclaran 1tation in !asay "ity to 4oose*elt 1tation in NueJon "ity. The proposed M4T5, %North5Kast -ine' #eanti#e stretches fro# 1an ;ose del Monte )ulacan to North A*enue NueJon "ity with a total length of ++ .ilo#eters in*ol*ing 18 train stations.

-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / April 13 at 32+<p#

1een by +,

Nelson John Baylon Jr.>*LhK9NiAH4bB8

Lupang 3inirang !"#9(s) & Philippine National Anthem The second oldest iteration of the !hilippine National Anthe# %-upang Binirang' a*ailable in ?ouTube. %The *ideo>*Lb&E"pNCF#,N b...
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / April 13 at 32+:p# near Manila

1een by +,

Nelson ;ohn )aylon ;r. this.

Lian Las Pinas 0o*Dt eyes new hub in "aloocan as Dco##on train stationD MAN&-A, !hilippines 5 The go*ern#ent is at the proposed -4T Mal*ar station in "aloocan "ity as a new hub for the Metro Manila &ntegrated 4ail Ter#inal or co##on station where three railways will #eet. The Mal*ar station is seen as #ore *iable for a co##on ter#inal, as it has the accessibility for co##uters and capacity for the trains. 7-ast wee., we had a briefing in Mal*ar in order to open that area, .asi #ara#i galing north dun su#asa.ay. Mal*ar is a possible co##on station,7 4oFasD successor Transportation 1ecretary ;un Abaya told A)15") "onstruction of the co##on station was supposed to be co#pleted bac. in May +<1< during the presidency of 0loria Macapagal5Arroyo but was te#porarily put aside citing cost, engineering issues and na#ing rights. &t will house the planned lin. of the Metro 4ail Transit -ine : %M4T5:', -ight 4ail Transit -ine 1 %-4T51' and the proposed M4T5,. 1M !ri#e Boldings had earlier gi*en the -ight 4ail Transit Authority !+<< #illion for 7na#ing rights7 o*er the station. )ut Abaya said, distance #ay cause a proble# in putting up the station near 1M "ity North K61A. 7The proble# with the co##on station in 1M is itDs too short a distance fro# the M4TDs last station. ?ou run 6<< #eters and then to turn around thatDs not good for train operations. ?ou ha*e to decide on ha*ing the# separate, people ha*e to wal. or ha*e another co##on station.7 Abaya howe*er said, the !+<< #illion deposit will be returned once the pro ect does not #aterialiJe.

7Ee will loo. into that. &f we recei*ed it and it wasnDt constructed then dapat isauli.7 The nearly 16.935.ilo#eter M4T -ine : %K61A -ine' tra*erses K61A North A*enue 1tation in NueJon "ity to Taft A*enue 1tation in !asay "ity, while the +<.,5.# -4T -ine 1 %North51outh -ine' runs fro# )aclaran 1tation in !asay "ity to 4oose*elt 1tation in NueJon "ity. The proposed M4T5, %North5Kast -ine' #eanti#e stretches fro# 1an ;ose del Monte )ulacan to North A*enue NueJon "ity with a total length of ++ .ilo#eters in*ol*ing 18 train stations.
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / April 13 at 32+:p#

1een by +,

Lian Las Pinas Mal*ar is between Monu#ento and )alintawa.. &ts actually not that far fro# Monu#ento station. & agree 1M North is the best location as the proposal to #o*e the 0"T to Mal*ar does not #a.e any sense=

April 13 at 32:+p# / -i.e

Lian Las Pinas &bali. ang T1T5Tuto. 1abay TeFt hatid ng 1#art "o##unications, &nc. atTA3=

/ /


0et Notifications

April 13 at 3281p#

1een by +,

Lian Las Pinas Ang 1ign on at 1ign $ff Messages ay naglala#an ito ng channel na#e, call sign, lugar, .ilowatts, lo.asyon ng #ga trans#itters at #ga personnel na lisensyado ng NT" at !4" Bali#bawa2 1st "lass 4adio Telephone $perator 15!N"45IIIII 15!A&5IIII at K"K Nu#bers tulad ng 6<,:: at #ay #ga opening and closing prayers pa at isinalang din ang -upang Binirang the#e ng bawat networ. at tutu.uyin din ng *oice o*er talent .ung #agsisi#ula o #atatapos na ang broadcast at sana #aunawaan nyo po sa lahat at ina5update din ung #ga K"K at 1st "lass 4adio Telephone $perators

1een by +, Lian Las Pinas Naalala niyo ba ang Mga 1tation Notice Noon sa #ga TA 1tations> P with?##an ;a.e Merdegia )iaco and + others.
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / April 13 at 1<2:3p#

/ / 1hare / 0et Notifications / April 13 at 1<2:8p#

1een by +,

Nelson ;ohn )aylon ;r. this.

Lian Las Pinas

0MA5, 1igning $ffG$n Noong 1986 up to present %4adio5Tele*ision ArtsG4ainbow Networ. era' This is 0MA %0MA Networ.' 5 6H))5TA "hannel , A co##ercial TA 1tation with 1<<,<<<5(ilowatt trans#itting power authoriJed under te#porary -icensed No. %Nu#ber ng -icensed' issued by the National Teleco##unications "o##ission %NT"' *alid until %6ate' 0MA 1tudios Q office are located at 0MA K61A TA "o#pleF, K61A corner Ti#og A*enue, 6ili#an, NueJon "ity, 0MA )roadway 1tudios, )roadway "entru#, Aurora )l*d. "ubao, NueJon "ity and 0MA 1agittarius )uilding, 111 B.A. 6ela "osta 1treet, 1alcedo Aillage, Ma.ati "ity. 0MA Trans#itter is located at Tandang 1ora )rgy. "uliat N.". -ists of Na#es of 0MA , Kngineering 6epart#ent -ists of 0MA Networ.Ds 1tations Nationwide This is 0MA, the !hilippines -argest Networ., now signing onGoff
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / April 16 at 1+21:a#

1een by +,

/aAin Biel Martinez NoAi+a ) news2 Magnitude ,.8 earthCua.e hits &ran5!a.istan )order says 4euters.

-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / April 16 at 82:<p#

*ia #obile

1een by +, Nelson ;ohn )aylon ;r. this.

/aAin Biel Martinez NoAi+a "NN2 $*er a : persons were .illed, while 1<< persons still #issing during a terror bo#bings in )oston Marathon in )oston, 9.1.A.

-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / April 16 at 82:8p#

*ia #obile

1een by +, Nelson ;ohn )aylon ;r. this.

Lian Las Pinas ) News %;anuary +, +<1:'2 The North A*enue -4T 1tation near the anneF + building of the 1M "ity North K61A #all pro ect was cancelled 5A)15")
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / April 16 at 92<:p#

1een by +,

Lian Las Pinas Fortune Tobacco "orporation "ongratulates N)" %Nation )roadcasting "orp.' 196: to 1996 on itDs 0olden ;ubilee %196:5+<1:'

%"' +<1: !MFT" &nc 0o*ern#ent Earning2 "igarette is dangerous to your health. P with 4ene 6u#apit.


/ / 1hare / 0et Notifications / April 18 at 623,p#

1een by +,

Lian Las Pinas Fortune Tobacco "orporation 5 The Ma.ers of Bope, More &nternational, "ha#pion, Fortune &nternational, )aron, )oss, K*ergreen, Foru#, &ce, ;ac.pot, -iberty, Ma*eric., !ea., !laJa, Einter, Eestpoint, Einston, "a#el, 1ale#, 6oral, Aantage and 1ahara

/ /


0et Notifications

April 18 at 6239p#

1een by +,

Lian Las Pinas Bisa#itsu=

-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / April 18 at ,2<+p#

1een by +,

Lian Las Pinas

Mentioning of ad*ertise#ents at the end of the ad 1. 64&N( M$6K4ATK-? %beer, liCuor and wine co##ercials for three seconds' +. 0$AK4NMKNT EA4N&N02 "&0A4KTTK 1M$(&N0 &1 BAHA46$91 T$ BKA-TB %cigarette TA co##ercials played the entire subtitles %blac. bac.ground and white teFt in 9ni*ers gothic font, for fi*e seconds at the end of TA"2 7"&0A4KTTK 1M$(&N0 &1 BAHA46$91 T$ BKA-TB7' :. %generic na#e' is the generic na#e of %brand na#e' 8. F4$M 9N&-KAK4, T$TA- N9A-&T?= P with 4ene 6u#apit and Tho# 0arnet !enayes.

/ / 1hare / 0et Notifications / April 18 at ,211p#

1een by +,

0hom Garnet Penayes &f sy#pto#s persist consult your doctor.

April 18 at ,2:,p# *ia #obile / -i.e

Lian Las Pinas>*L(9FJcbi-!sw

LoAis-ol & Dou8le :ision

-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / April 19 at 1<2::p#

1een by +,

Lian Las Pinas

Mentioning of ad*ertise#ents at the end of the ad 1. 64&N( M$6K4ATK-? %beer, liCuor and wine co##ercials for three seconds' +. 0$AK4NMKNT EA4N&N02 "&0A4KTTK 1M$(&N0 &1 BAHA46$91 T$ BKA-TB %cigarette TA co##ercials played the entire subtitles %blac. bac.ground and white teFt in 9ni*ers gothic font, for fi*e seconds at the end of TA"2 7"&0A4KTTK 1M$(&N0 &1 BAHA46$91 T$ BKA-TB7' :. %generic na#e' is the generic na#e of %brand na#e', &f sy#pto#s persist consult your doctor. 8. F4$M 9N&-KAK4, T$TA- N9A-&T?=
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / April 19 at 1<2:6p#

1een by +,

Lian Las Pinas F4$M 9N&-KAK4, T$TA- N9A-&T?=

-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / April 19 at 1<2:6p#

1een by +,

Lian Las Pinas "altrate !lus 5 Ang #o##y, dapat #atibay ang buto. B&1AM&T19=
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / April 19 at 1<288p#

1een by +,

/aAin Biel Martinez NoAi+a 4euters2 At least 1<< persons still #issing while : persons where .illed during an eFplosion of a fertiliJer factory in Eaco, TeFas.
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / April +< at 1+2+9a#

1een by +,

Lian Las Pinas R)ayang Magiliw@ )y ;ullie ?ap 6aJa !ublished2 April 18, +<1: ^A 1ocial 1atire. )lac. "o#edy._ The 6irector Assured Me &t Eould Not )e 6epressing. Be 6id Not !ro#ise That & Eould -augh My Bead $ff At Balf A 6oJen Mo#ents That Eould Ma.e Eatching Bis &ndie ^)ayang Magiliw_ Eorth The Trouble $f 6ri*ing Through Traffic And Finding A ! 1lot &n 1M MK0AMA--. )ut There &t &s, A Mo*ie 1o &nsanely True To -ife &t "an $nly )e 1urrealistic, )iJarre )ut Bonest. Bonestly, Eatching &t &n The "o#pany $f +<< &ndie5!hiles Eas -i.e )eing "arried 9p To The "eiling )y An Angel 6uriNg A Near56eath KFperience And 6own And 4ealiJing 1o This &s Bow Ee Are. )ayang Magiliw &s The Title $f The National Anthe#, )ut &n This Mo*ie O 6irected )y 0il !ortes, Eritten )y KnriCue 4a#os O &t@s A Mythical Town Ehose Mayor Bas )anned Anything And Anyone That Eill Belp The Eo#en !lan Their Fa#ilies And 1pace Their !regnancies. That@s )ecause Bis Bonor@s Eife "annot )ear "hildren, And That@s Bis KFcuse For )eing A

Eo#aniJer, Eith 1< (ids )orn $f 1< Mothers. !ortes@ Ne#esis &s The 1o5"alled TypicAl !olitico, )ut &n )ayang Magiliw Be !otshots At The "hurch Also, A Monsignor Eho Falls Asleep &n The Middle $f 6eli*ering A Bo#ily $r -istening To A "onfession, )ut &s Eide Awa.e Ehen Be "olludes Eith The Mayor. 6irector And Eriter 6o Not 1pare The "ourts, Kither. &n $ne Me#orable 1cene, A $ne51econd Mediu# 1hot $f The ;udge Eho &s !resu#ably Friendly To The Mayor -ea*es The Audience &n 1titches, Eith Not A Eord 9ttered O A Master 1tro.e= Bypocrites "o#e &n For Their Fair 1hare $f "onte#pt And -augh1, 1uch As Ehen The Mrs. $f The Anti54h Mayor "atches Their Adopted 6aughter $ut Eith A "op And Then "ongratulates Ber For A ^0ood ;ob, Ana.=,_ Ehen 1he Finds A "ondo#. The )est &s ?et To "o#e. Ehat "o#euppance Eill The Mayor Ba*e, &f Any> &f ;ustice &s )lind And ;udges "an )e )ought, Ehat (ar#a Awaits This Aile And K*il Mayor> The Bilarious Knding &s Eorth K*ery "enta*o $f ?our Ad#ission
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / April +< at +21+p#

1een by +,

Lian Las Pinas !anunu#pa sa (atapatan ng Eatawat at !anatang Ma.abayan &t is recited during flag5raising cere#onies right after singing of the !hilippine National Anthe#. $ld Aersion %19865+<<1' &taas po natin ang .anan .a#ay para sa !anunu#pa sa Eatawat ng !ilipinas2 Ating po sabay5sabay na big.asin ang panunu#pa2 A.oDy nanunu#pa sa watatwat ng !ilipinas at sa republi.ang .anyang .ina.atawan. &sang bansang pinapatnubayan ng 6iyos, buo at di #ahahati, na #ay .atarungan at .alayaan para sa lahat. Ating big.asin ang 7!anatang Ma.abayan7 bilang sagisag ng ating pag.a.aisa sa pagbabago tungo sa .aunlaran ng ating )ansa2 Ang !anatang Ma.abayan, &niibig .o ang !ilipinas &to ang lupang sinilangan, &to ang tahanan ng lahi A.o ay .anyang .inu.up.op at tinutulungan 9pang #aging, #aligaya at .apa.ipa.inabang )ilang ganti ay diringgin .o ang payo ng #ga #agulang 1usundin .o ang #ga tuntunin ng paaralan Tutuparin .o ang #ga tung.ulin ng isang #a#a#ayang #a.abayan at #asunurin sa batas !agliling.uran .o ang bayan nang walang pag5ii#bot at nang buong .atapatan 1isi.apin .ong #aging isang tunay na !ilipino sa isip, sa salita, at sa gawa. New Aersion %+<<15present' The new *ersion was updated since ;une 1+, +<<1 by !resident 0loria Macapagal5Arroyo. &taas po natin ang .anan .a#ay para sa !anunu#pa sa Eatawat ng !ilipinas2 Ating po sabay5sabay na big.asin ang panunu#pa2 A.o ay !ilipino, )uong .atapatang nanunu#pa 1a watawat ng !ilipinas at sa bansang .anyang sinasagisag Na #ay dangal, .atarungan at .alayaan Na pina.i.ilos ng sa#bayanang Ma.a56iyos, Ma.a5tao, Ma.a.ali.asan at Ma.abansa.

)ilang tanda ng ating pag.a5!ilipino, ating big.asin ang 7!anatang Ma.abayan72 &niibig .o ang !ilipinas, lupang sinilangan, tahanan ng lahiZ .inu.up.op a.o at tinutulungang #aging, #asipag, at #arangal. 6ahil #ahal .o ang !ilipinas, diringgin .o ang payo ng #agulang, susundin .o ang tuntunin ng paaralan, tutuparin .o ang tung.ulin ng #a#a#ayang #a.abayanZ nagliling.od, nag5aaral, at nagdarasal nang buong .atapatan. &aalay .o ang buhay, pangarap, pagsisi.ap sa bansang !ilipinas. &sabuhay natin ang pagiging Ma.abayang !ilipino, sa isip, sa salita at sa gawa.

/ / 1hare / 0et Notifications / April +< at +21:p#

1een by +,

Lian Las Pinas Ating big.asin ang 7!anatang Ma.abayan7 bilang sagisag ng ating pag.a.aisa sa pagbabago tungo sa .aunlaran ng ating )ansa2 Ang !anatang Ma.abayan, &niibig .o ang !ilipinas &to ang lupang sinilangan, &to ang tahanan ng lahi A.o ay .anyang .inu.up.op at tinutulungan 9pang #aging, #aligaya at .apa.ipa.inabang )ilang ganti ay diringgin .o ang payo ng #ga #agulang 1usundin .o ang #ga tuntunin ng paaralan Tutuparin .o ang #ga tung.ulin ng isang #a#a#ayang #a.abayan at #asunurin sa batas !agliling.uran .o ang bayan nang walang pag5ii#bot at nang buong .atapatan 1isi.apin .ong #aging isang tunay na !ilipino sa isip, sa salita, at sa gawa. &t is aired before sign5off of Metro Manila radio stations

/ / 1hare / 0et Notifications / April +< at +2+8p#

1een by +,

Lian Las Pinas )ilang tanda ng ating pag.a5!ilipino, ating big.asin ang 7!anatang Ma.abayan72 &niibig .o ang !ilipinas, lupang sinilangan, tahanan ng lahiZ .inu.up.op a.o at tinutulungang #aging, #asipag, at #arangal. 6ahil #ahal .o ang !ilipinas, diringgin .o ang payo ng #agulang, susundin .o ang tuntunin ng paaralan, tutuparin .o ang tung.ulin ng #a#a#ayang #a.abayanZ nagliling.od, nag5aaral, at nagdarasal nang buong .atapatan. &aalay .o ang buhay, pangarap, pagsisi.ap sa bansang !ilipinas. &sabuhay natin ang pagiging Ma.abayang !ilipino, sa isip, sa salita at sa gawa.

/ / 1hare / 0et Notifications / April +< at +2+8p#

1een by +,

Lian Las Pinas !anatang Ma.abayan $ld Aersion Ating big.asin ang 7!anatang Ma.abayan7 bilang sagisag ng ating pag.a.aisa sa pagbabago

tungo sa .aunlaran ng ating )ansa2 Ang !anatang Ma.abayan, &niibig .o ang !ilipinas &to ang lupang sinilangan, &to ang tahanan ng lahi A.o ay .anyang .inu.up.op at tinutulungan 9pang #aging, #aligaya at .apa.ipa.inabang )ilang ganti ay diringgin .o ang payo ng #ga #agulang 1usundin .o ang #ga tuntunin ng paaralan Tutuparin .o ang #ga tung.ulin ng isang #a#a#ayang #a.abayan at #asunurin sa batas !agliling.uran .o ang bayan nang walang pag5ii#bot at nang buong .atapatan 1isi.apin .ong #aging isang tunay na !ilipino sa isip, sa salita, at sa gawa. &t is aired after the sign5on station notice of Metro Manila AM and FM radio stations. New Aersion )ilang tanda ng ating pag.a5!ilipino, ating big.asin ang 7!anatang Ma.abayan72 &niibig .o ang !ilipinas, lupang sinilangan, tahanan ng lahiZ .inu.up.op a.o at tinutulungang #aging, #asipag, at #arangal. 6ahil #ahal .o ang !ilipinas, diringgin .o ang payo ng #agulang, susundin .o ang tuntunin ng paaralan, tutuparin .o ang tung.ulin ng #a#a#ayang #a.abayanZ nagliling.od, nag5aaral, at nagdarasal nang buong .atapatan. &aalay .o ang buhay, pangarap, pagsisi.ap sa bansang !ilipinas. &sabuhay natin ang pagiging Ma.abayang !ilipino, sa isip, sa salita at sa gawa. &t is aired before the sign5off station notice of Metro Manila AM and FM radio stations.

/ / 1hare / 0et Notifications / April +< at +2:1p#

1een by +,

Lian Las Pinas Annual K*ents at the Nuirino 0randstand ;anuary 859 5 Feast of the )lac. NaJarene April 5 Aliwan Fiesta ;une 1+ 5 !hilippine &ndependence 6ay "elebration August 5 Anni*ersary $*ernight Fa#ily Appoint#ent with Kl 1haddai $ctober 5 Anni*ersary "elebration of ;esus is -ord "hurch 6ece#ber 5 "hrist#as $*ernight Fa#ily Appoint#ent with Kl 1haddai, !istang Milenyo !ilipino %6ece#ber +6 to ;anuary 1'
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / April +1 at :23,p#

1een by +,

Lian Las Pinas 0rowing up with $ly#pic energy, growing up with Milo..................... Milo e*eryday= Nestle=
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / April ++ at 82<+a#

1een by +,

Lian Las Pinas

64&N( M$6K4ATK-?. %9M&N$M -AN0 N0 TAMA.'

-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / April +: at +286p#

1een by +,

Lian Las Pinas )4KA1TM&-( &1 TBK )K1T F$4 )A)&K1 9! T$ + ?KA41.
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / April +: at +28,p#

1een by +,

Lian Las Pinas 0$AK4NMKNT EA4N&N02 "&0A4KTTK 1M$(&N0 &1 BAHA46$91 T$ BKA-TB
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / April +: at +28,p#

1een by +,

Lian Las Pinas 0o*ern#ent Earning2 "igarette is dangerous to your health

April +: at +28,p# / -i.e

Lian Las Pinas The Minister of Bealth ad*ises that 1M$(&N0 &1 6AN0K4$91 T$ BKA-TB 5 That was used of the 0o*ern#ent Earning on print ads fro# ;anuary 1, 19,9 to 6ece#ber :1, 198+. 70$AK4NMKNT EA4N&N02 "&0A4KTTK 1M$(&N0 &1 BAHA46$91 T$ ?$94 BKA-TB7 5 That was used of the 0o*ern#ent Earning at the end of cigarette co##ercial with blac. subtitles and white Bel*etica 0othic font fro# ;anuary 1, 198: to No*e#ber 18, 198,. 70$AK4NMKNT EA4N&N02 "&0A4KTTK 1M$(&N0 &1 BAHA46$91 T$ BKA-TB7 5 That was used of the 0o*ern#ent Earning on cigarette co##ercials in the !hilippines playing the entire subtitles and at the end of the ad2 with *oice5o*er2 "&0A4KTTK 1M$(&N0 &1 BAHA46$91 T$ BKA-TB7 fro# No*e#ber 1:, 198, to ;une :<, 199:
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / April +: at 621<p#

1een by +,

Lian Las Pinas 64&N( M$6K4ATK-?

-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / April +: at 621<p#

1een by +,

Lian Las Pinas F4$M NK1T-K=

-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / April +: at 621<p#

1een by +,

Lian Las Pinas

the !hilippine cigarette ad*ertising, not only the whole play subtitles 70o*ern#ent Earning2 "igarette is haJardous to health.7 )ut also in the final read out loudly 7"igarette is haJardous to health7 Ad*ertising of cigarettes today, how #any do so>
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / April +: at 6216p#

1een by +,

Lian Las Pinas Bope Q MoreDs Mega Million 0rand 6raw TA 1pecial %+<<:, +<<8' Bope Q EinstonDs 1 Million !esos 0rand 6raw TA 1pecial %199+51993'
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / April +8 at :218p#

1een by +,

Aldrine !olido this.

Lian Las Pinas The Bope and EinstonGMore &nternationalDs Mega 4affle !ro#o is the !hilippinesD longest5running raffle draws in the country. &t was conceptualiJed in early 19,6 by Fortune Tobacco "orporation and ;. 4o#ero Q Associates ad*ertising agency, the pro#o with #ore than a MM#illion pesos to be gi*en away. A li*e tele*ised grand draw hosted by Kddie Mercado and aired on se*eral TA stations 5 )anahaw )roadcasting "orporation "hannel + and &)"51: fro# 19,6 to 1981, 4!N59 and M)158 fro# 198+ to 1983, 0MA Networ. "hannel , fro# 1986 to 199+, !TA58 fro# 199+ to 1993 and +<<< to +<<8, A)15")N5+ fro# 1993 to +<<< and A)"53 fro# +<<< to +<<8.

/ /


0et Notifications

April +8 at :21,p#

1een by +,

Lian Las Pinas upload the 198<Ds Bope cigarette "B4&1TMA1 TA ad shown on !hil TA.
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / April +3 at 82+,p#

1een by +,

Lian Las Pinas "o#e to Marlboro "ountry. %"' 1983 !hilip Morris, &nc. Made in the !hilippines by -a 1uerte "igar Q "igarette Factory, &nc. by the authority of !hilip Morris, &nc., New ?or., 9.1.A. P at Manila )ulletin.


/ / 1hare / 0et Notifications / April +: at 62:,p#

1een by +,

Lian Las Pinas 0o*ern#ent Earning2 "igarette is dangerous to your health.

April +: at 62:8p# / -i.e

Lian Las Pinas A Cuality product of !MFT" &nc

April +3 at 82+9p# / -i.e

Lian Las Pinas As of now, !resident ACuino wants the 4A 9+11 on lifting of the )an $n Tobacco Ad*ertise#ents, get rid of the +<<6 health warning and re*erting to left rotate health warning so that within any twenty5four %+8' #onth period, the one %1' *ariations of the warnings shall appear with proportionate freCuency. &n addition to the health warning all pac.ages of tobacco products that are pro*ided to consu#ers shall contain, on one side panel the following state#ent in a clear, legible and conspicuous #annerZ 7N$ 1A-K T$ M&N$417 or 7N$T F$4 1A-K T$ M&N$41.7 The state#ent shall occupied an area of not less than ten percent %1<S' of such side panel and shall

appear in contrast by color, typography or layout with all the other printed #aterial on the side panel.
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / April +6 at +288a#

1een by +,

Lian Las Pinas the warning label should read 70o*ern#ent Earning2 "igarette is dangerous to your health.7 and placed on the lower portion of the front and bac. panels of a cigarette pac.. For print and outdoor ad*ertise#ent, the warning fra#e shall be centered across the botto# of the ad*ertise#ent and occupy a total area of not less than fi*e percent %3S' of such ad*ertise#ent including any border or fa#e. The teFt of the health warnings shall be clearly *isible and legible, printed in a pro#inent color as approFi#ate and shall appear in contrast by color, typography or layout with all other printed #aterial in the ad*ertise#ent. The warning shall not be hidden or obscured by other printed infor#ation or i#ages in the ad*ertise#ent. For tele*ision and cine#a ad*ertise#ents, the warning shall be clearly shown and *oiced o*er in the last fi*e %3' seconds of the ad*ertise#ent, regardless of the duration of the ad*ertise#ent, e*en when such ad*ertise#ent is silent. The health warning shall occupy a total area of not less than fifty percent %3<S' of the tele*ision screen and shall be clearly *isible, legible, and audible, in blac. teFt on white bac.ground or white teFt on blac. bac.ground. No other i#ages eFcept in writing shall be included in the warning fra#e. For radio ad*ertise#ent, the warnings stated after the ad*ertise#ent shall be clearly and audibly *oiced o*er in the last fi*e %3' seconds of the ad*ertise#ent, regardless of its duration. Ehile, the lifting of the )an $n Ad*ertise#ents 5 )eginning 1 ;anuary +<13, all tobacco ad*ertising on tele*ision, cable tele*ision and radio shall be lifted. )eginning 1 ;uly +<13, all cine#a and outdoor ad*ertising shall be lifted. No leaflets, posters and si#ilar outdoor ad*ertising #aterials be posted, eFcept inside the pre#ises of point5of5 sale retail establish#ents. )eginning 1 ;uly +<16, all for#s of tobacco ad*ertising in #ass #edia shall be lifted eFcept tobacco ad*ertise#ents placed inside the pre#ises of point5of sale establish#ents.

/ / 1hare / 0et Notifications / April +6 at +23+a#

1een by +,

Lian Las Pinas sa 0MA5, binangit nila noon yung 0MA )roadway 1tudio, )roadway "entru# sa signing offGon ng 0MA5, noon sabi 70MA 1tudios Q office are located at 0MA K61A TA "o#pleF, K61A corner Ti#og A*e. 6ili#an N."., 0MA )roadway 1tudios, )roadway "entru#, Aurora )oule*ard, "ubao, NueJon "ity Q 0MA 1agittarius )uilding 111 B.A. 6ela "osta 1treet, 1alcedo Aillage, Ma.ati "ity. 0MA Trans#itter located at Tandang 1ora )rgy. "uliat, NueJon "ity7
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / April :< at +219p#

1een by +,

Lian Las Pinas

A N9A-&T? !4$69"T $F !MFT", &N". P with 4ene 6u#apit.

-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / May + at 82::p#

1een by +,

"a*in Fiel MartineJ No*ida this.

Lian Las Pinas 64&N( M$6K4ATK-?

-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / May + at 82::p#

1een by +,

Lian Las Pinas 64&N( M$6K4ATK-?.

-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / March :1 at ,2:8p#

1een by +8

Rene Dumapit 64&N( 4K1!$N1&)-?.

March :1 at ,2:3p# / -i.e

Lian Las Pinas MKM)K42 !6&"

-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / May 6 at 1+2<,a#

1een by +,

/aAin Biel Martinez NoAi+a K1!N5 &n boFing, Floyd Mayweather, ;r. wins o*er unani#ous decision after defeating 4obert 0uerrero.

/ /


0et Notifications

May , at ,2<,p#

1een by +,

Lian Las Pinas BA!!? M$TBK41 6A? F4$M 9N&-KAK4=

-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / May 1+ at 821+p#

1een by +,

Lian Las Pinas 0$AK4NMKNT EA4N&N02 "&0A4KTTK 1M$(&N0 &1 BAHA46$91 T$ BKA-TB
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / May 13 at +238p#

1een by +,

Lian Las Pinas oo, yung 7 apan *ideo topics7...i li.ed watching those #ini5docus...ilang years ding naging filler sa 4!N Dyun...pero i also re#e#ber the# being fillers as well on A)" bac. when they were still doing their test broadcasts %late 1991 until february D9+, when they for#ally WreXopened'... ibang progra# na#an yung sa &)" na binigyan nung 7ana. TA seal7. #ore on the en*iron#ent Data ang #ga topics nun...
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / May 16 at 11216p#

1een by +6

/aAin Biel Martinez NoAi+a "NN2 at least 9< persons where .illed in a #assi*e tornadon in $.laho#a, 91A.

-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / May +8 at 1<2:<p#

*ia #obile

1een by +6

Lian Las Pinas 1<< 6ay "ountdown to !hilippine &ndependence 6ay %March 3, +<1: to ;une 11, +<1:'
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / May +8 at 1<23,p#

1een by +6

Lian Las Pinas &M!$4TANT N$T&"K2 &nfant siF #onths onwards should be gi*en fresh, indigenous and natural foods in co#bination with continued breastfeeding. This product is not suitable as a breast#il. substitute. The Eorld Bealth $rganiJation reco##ends eFclusi*e breastfeeding during the first siF %6' #onths followed by the introduction of appropriate co#ple#entary foods with continued breastfeeding for as long as possible.
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / May +9 at 1<213p#

1een by +3

Lian Las Pinas Kat Eell. -i*e Eell. A;&5N$5M$5T$= P with 4ene 6u#apit.
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / ;une : at 82:1a#

1een by +3 /aAin Biel Martinez NoAi+a ))"5Flood hits central Kurope, .illing a thousands spree.

-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / ;une 8 at 1<2:+p#

*ia #obile

1een by +3

/aAin Biel Martinez NoAi+a K1!N5Mia#i Beat enters N)A finals after defeating &ndiana !acers.

-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / ;une 8 at 1<2:8p#

*ia #obile

1een by +3

Lian Las Pinas>*L9hBC,*&T*58 This is a tribute to Ninoy ACuino on itDs :<th death anni*ersary on August +1, +<1: and "ory ACuino on itDs 8th death anni*ersary on August 1, +<1:P with -uigi !egollo !e]alba.

ang 8ayan 1ong pilipinas !piano instrumental ) Nena :. Meneses a n instru#ental *ersion of a filipino nationalistic song
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / ;une 8 at :2+<p#

1een by +3 Lian Las Pinas

9!AN0 (A?$N0 -ABAT7"B4&1TMA1 1$N0 MK6-K?7 1< !A1($ NA NAMAN !A1($ NA NAMAN (A?A (AM& N0A?$? NA4&4&T$ 9!AN0 (A?$N0 -ABAT A? AM&N0 BAN6$0AN N0 &)AT &)AN0 B&M&0 NA !AMA1($ AN0 !A1($ A? 19MA!&T TA?$ A? MAN0A051&AE&T N0 MA0A0AN6AN0 B&M&0 6AB&- 1A 6&?$1 A? !A0 &)&0 N0 1& "B4&1T$D? &1&-AN0 MA? TAT-$N0 BA4& NA01&6A-AE AT AN0 )AEAT &1A, A? NA01&!A0 BAN6$0 N0 TAN0&N0 A-A? 1A MA? )ABA? AN0 AM&N0 )AT& MK44? "B4&1TMA1 NA MA-9EA-BAT& AN0 !A0 &)&0 AN0 1?AN0 MA0BA4& A4AE A4AE A? MA0&0&N0 !A1($ -A0& TA?$ NA 0&-&E MA01A-$ NA TA?$ MA?4$$N NA TA?$N0 T&NA!A? AT (K1$ 6&!A N$"BK )9KNA 1A 0A)&N0 &T$ AT )9(A1 A? A4AE N0 !A1($ !A1($ !A1($ !A1($ NA NAMAN0 M9-& TAN0&N0 A4AE NAT&N0 !&NA(AM&M&TB& !A1($ !A1($ !A1($ NA NAMAN0 M9-& AN0 !A0 &)&0 NA0 BABA4& !A1($ NA NAMAN $B (A? T9-&N N0 A4AE !A1($N0 NA0 6AAN T&-A )A0AN0 (A&-AN -AN0 N0A?$N A? !A1($ 6A!AT !A1A-AMATAN N0A?$N A? !A1($ TA?$ A? MA0 AE&TAN !A1($ !A1($ !A1($ NA NAMAN0 M9-& TAN0&N0 A4AE NAT&N0 !&NA(AM&M&TB& !A1($ !A1($ !A1($ NA NAMAN0 M9-& AN0 !A0 &)&0 NA0 BABA4& MA-&0A?A MA-&0A?A MA-&0A?AN0 !A1($ 1A &N?$N0 -ABAT =

/ / 1hare / 0et Notifications / ;une 8 at 1<2++p#

1een by +3

Lian Las Pinas Eatch Misa NaJareno to#orrow, 1unday, ;une 9 at 62<< A.M. 7-i*e7 on TA3.
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / ;une 9 at 1+2+<a#

1een by +3

Lian Las Pinas Misa NaJareno TA Mass %taped airing fro# the Nuiapo "hurch, Manila with $) Aan' -ist of Kpisodes2 1eason : %+<1:5present' Kpisode 1 5 ;anuary 1:, +<1: Kpisode + 5 ;anuary +,, +<1: Kpisode : 5 February 1<, +<1: Kpisode 8 5 February +8, +<1: Kpisode 3 5 March 1<, +<1: Kpisode 6 5 March +8, +<1: Kpisode , 5 April 18, +<1: Kpisode 8 5 April +8, +<1: Kpisode 9 5 May 1+, +<1: Kpisode 1< 5 May +6, +<1: Kpisode 11 5 ;une 9, +<1: Kpisode 1+ 5 ;une +:, +<1:
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / ;une 9 at 1+2:6a# / Kdited

1een by +3

Lian Las Pinas !hilippine "entennial co*erage %;une 1+, 1998'

-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / ;une 9 at 1+281a#

1een by +3

Lian Las Pinas &)A)A-&( NA AN0 N" on 1tudio +:===


/ /


0et Notifications

;une 9 at 1+289a#

1een by +3

Lian Las Pinas edited a doc.

0: 2tation IDLs

&n P/0A '= 7ears and Philippines 2013: 60 Years of Philippine Television , flashbac. to the old TA station &6s of !hilippine free5to5air and cable tele*ision channels. Flashbac. to the TA station &6s as to be uploaded in ?ouTube and it used courtesy of A)15")N Archi*es, !eopleDs Tele*ision Networ., &nc., 0MA Networ. Archi*es, 4!N5&)" -ibrary, Neto Mali.ot %"ine#asuerte', Mar. Michael 1alin and ;un )eltran %;unior1.y3+'2 19,:519862

the station &6Ds of ))"5+, 4!N59, and &)"51: %courtesy of "arlistaFilipino'

19,92 0MA5, 1tation &62 70MA 4adio5Tele*ision Arts2 Ehere ?ou )elong=7 with "ircle5, logo %19,9'

4!N59 1tation &62 74!N59, the -eader7 %19,95$ctober ,, 1989' &)"51: 1tation &62 7Kn oy ?ourself7 %19,951986' ))"5+ 1tation &62 7"ity+ Tele*ision7 %198151988'


198+ 0MA5, 1tation &62 70MA 4adio5Tele*ision Arts, 1haring our Eorld with ?ou=7 %198+51986'


))"5+ 1tation &6 with )ig )eautiful "ountry by ;ose Mari "han %19835February +3,

1986' 1986 A)15")N5+ 1tation &62 7A5)515"5)5N, Eatch &t 9s.... 6o &t Again=7 %1epte#ber 18, 19865No*e#ber :<, 1986'

A)15")N5+ 1tation &62 71haring A New -ife Eith ?ou7 %6ece#ber 1, 19865 February +8, 198,' !TA58 1tation &62 7"hannel 8 is on the air again to ser*e the people.7 %February !TA58 1tation &62 78 !eopleDs Tele*ision7 %April 198651989' 1986'

0MA5, 1tation &62 71hare the Eonderful Eorld of 0MA 4adio5Tele*ision A4T12 Ehere ?ou )elong=7 %19865No*e#ber 1+, 198,' &)"51: 1tation &62 7)5!5T )asta !inoy sa Trese7 %1986O198,' 198, A)15")N5+ 1tation &62 7A)15")N, The 1tar Networ.7 with 198, $rchestral5Type ;ingle %March 1, 198,51989'

0MA5, 1tation &62 70MA 4adio5Tele*ision A4T12 Ehere ?ou )elong=7 %!hilippine Map 1tation &6 full color *ersion, high Cuality' %No*e#ber 1:, 198,5No*e#ber 6, 1988' &)"51: 1tation &62 7K51:, -ife )egins at 1:7 %August 1, 198,5;une :<, 1989' 19882 A)15")N5+ 1tation &62 7A)15")N 1atellite )roadcasting 1yste#7 with Eorld Map %198851989'

0MA5, 1tation &62 70MA5,5!$EK47 %No*e#ber ,, 198856ece#ber 1, 1988'

0MA5, 1tation &62 7The -argest, Most !owerful Networ. in the !hilippines7 %6ece#ber 1, 198856ece#ber :1, 1989' 19892 A)15")N5+ 1tation &62 7A)15")N, The 1tar Networ.7 with !hilippine Map and the 198, A)15")N instru#ental ingle, with the siF5note 7A5)515"5)5N7 signature %full color, high Cuality' %19895199<'

!TA58 1tation &62 7Four For ?ou=7 %19895199+'

4!N59 1tation &6 %*oiced by Andy 1antillian'2 7This is New Aision 92 The Future7 %$ctober 8, 198951epte#ber :<, 1998'

&)"51: 1tation &62 7!usong !inoy, !usong Trese7 %;uly 19895199<'

199< A)15")N5+ 1tation &62 7Eith Mega ManilaDs Most 4o#antic, 4adio 4o#ance 65 double595double54 1<1.9 at ang pinag.a.atiwalaang inyong 65H5M5M 6:<.BJ, this is the A5)515"5)5N )roadcasting "orporation on Nationwide Telecast, in the 1er*ice of the Filipino=7 %199<51991'

0MA5, 1tation &62 7This is 05M5A, The -argest, The Most !owerful, The )est= Now oining the 4an.s of the EorldDs Finest= Ehere ?ou )elong=7 %;anuary 1, 199<5April +9, 199+'

&slands TA51: 1tation &6 7The )est of 1hows7 %199<O199+'

1991 A)15")N5+ 1tation &6 with )at#an 1989 1oundtrac. Finale and at the ending *oiced by !eter Musngi2 7A5)515"5)5N, &n the 1er*ice of the Filipino=7 and with itDs co#puter generated the 8 gold spotlights, floor and itDs logo %19915199+'

199+2 A)15")N5+ 1tation &62 7This is A5)515"5)5N, the Most )roadcast Networ. in Asia, &n the 1er*ice of The Filipino, Eorldwide=7 with the 198, A)15")N instru#ental ingle, contains the siF5note 7A5)515"5)5N7 signature %199+', plus se*eral *ersions with 198, the#e and 1ari#ano. the#e in the years %199: to 1999 and +<<1'

!TA58 1tation &62 7The !eopleDs Networ.7 %199+51epte#ber :<, 1993' with Asia 0lobe, !hilippine 1ceneries, !ro*incial stations and K61A5"ubao Araneta "enter :6.

A)"53 1tation &6 and Full ;ingle M!:2 7"o#e Bo#e to A)" "hannel 37 with Full ;ingle %February +1, 199+5;uly :1, 199+' A)"53 1tation &6 and Full ;ingle M!:2 7"atch 9p with Today TA, A)"537 %August 199+5199:' 0MA5, 1tation &62 70MA 4ainbow 1atellite7 %April :<, 199+56ece#ber :1, 199:' &)"51: 1tation &62 7This is &5)5"51:, the &ntercontinental )roadcasting "orporation7 %199+5May +,, 1998' 1)N5+1 1tation &6 7Eorld TA5+17 %May +1, 199+5;une +, 199,'


A)15")N5+ 1tation &62 71ari#ano.7 %;anuary 1, 199:51993' A)15")N2 7)ringing +1st "entury Tele*ision To The Filipino7 1tation &6 %199:5 A)15")N2 78< ?ears2 A)15")N and !hilippine Tele*ision6 1tation &6 %199:51998'


A)"53 1tation &62 7The Fastest50rowing Networ., A)"537 %with TodayDs TA, A)"53 ;ingle instru#ental *ersion, 199:51998' 4;TA5+9 1tation &6 7Ma.e it A Babit7 %April5$ctober 199:'

4;TA5+9 1tation &6 7?our Music and 1hopping Networ.7 %$ctober 199:5;une :<, "TA :1 1tation &6 7"ine#a Tele*ision7 %$ctober :1, 199:51epte#ber +, 199,' A)"53 1tation &62 7The )ig -eap7 %February 1, 19985;anuary +9, 1993'



0MA5, 1tation &6 %replaces the words 74ainbow 1atellite7 and its slogan 7Ehere ?ou )elong7 on the botto# of its particular logo but half5rounded ,5colored rainbow with a satellite at the top of its rainbow and bold initials 70MA7 still re#ain.' %;anuary 1, 199851epte#ber :<, 1993'

4!N59 1tation &62 74!N, The Networ.7 %$ctober 1, 199851996'

&)"51: 1tation &6 7!inoy ang 6ating, &)"7 %*ersion 1 5 long *ersion and *ersion + 5 short *ersion :< seconds' %May +8, 19985May +, 1998, +<<<56ece#ber :1, +<<1' 1.y1 1tation &62 7The !inoy Mo*ie "hannel7 %;une 1+, 199851998'

19932 A)15")N5+ 1tation &62 7All The Best 2hows /o#e fro# the Brightest Networ.7 %19935199,'

!TA58 1tation &6 and Full ;ingle2 7!TA, Ang Networ. !ara sa !ilipino7 %$ctober 1, 19935;une +9, 1998' A)"53 1tation &62 7Nationwide *ia 1atellite, The Fastest50rowing Networ., A5)5", &n the )ig -eague=7 %;anuary :<, 19935March :<, 1996' "itynet +, 1tation &6 7?our Eindow to the Eorld7 %August +,, 199351epte#ber 1, 4;TA5+9 1tation &62 7Ti#eless Tele*ision7 %19935199,' 1999'


A)15")N 3< ?ears of "orporate "o##unications 1tation &6 %;une 19965199,'

A)"53 1tation &62 7The Fastest50rowing Networ., 4eaching $ut to ?ou7 with 4each &nstru#ental %March :1, 19965;une +,, 1998' 0MA5, 1tation &62 70MA, The !lace to )e=7 %19965August :1, 1998' 4!N59 1tation &6 7"o*ering -uJon5Aisayas and Mindanao *ia 1atellite, this is 45!5 N= ?our Friendly Networ.7 %19965199,' 1tudio +:, The !re#iu# Networ. 1tation &6 %$ctober 1+, 19965April 8, 1999' 1TA4 TA A&AA "ine#a 1tation &6 7&to ang 1TA4 TA Networ., at ito ang A&AA "ine#a7 %May 6, 19965;une :<, +<<1' 1TA4 TA !lus 1tation &6 7This is the 1TA4 TA Networ., and your watching 1TA4 !lus7 %19965199,' 1ari#ano. News Networ. 1tation &6 %;uly 1<, 19965;une :<, 1999' 4!N59 1tation &62 745!5N, -eading the Eay=7 %199,51998' 199,

1)N5+1 7The $nly $ne7 1tation &6 %;une +, 199,5;une +:, +<<3' 4;TA5+9 &nteracti*e KFperience Tele*ision 1tation &6 %199,5+<<<'

"TA :1 1tation &6 7ct* thirty5one, an 4MN station7 %1epte#ber :, 199,5August +<, +<<<' 1998

A)15")N5+ !hilippine "entennial 1tation &6 %March 3 to 1epte#ber :<, 1998' A)15")N2 83 ?ears of !hilippine Tele*ision 1tation &6 %$ctober 1, 199851999' !TA58 1tation &6 7!TA Networ.7 %;une :<, 19985April :<, +<<<' A)"53 1tation &6 7The )est of )oth Eorlds7 %;une +9, 199856ece#ber :1, 1999'

0MA5, 70MA2 Ehere ?ou )elong=7 "loud5Kffect 1tation &6 %1epte#ber 1, 19985 $ctober +6, +<<+' 4!N59 1tation &62 74!N, Nuality !ri#eti#e Tele*ision7 %199851999' H$K TA511 7"elebrate -ife=7 1tation &6 %April 19, 199851epte#ber 1, +<<3' &)" 1: 1tation &6 7)agong !inoy7 %May :, 19985+<<<' !inoy )loc.buster "hannel 1tation &6 7)asta !eli.ula, &to ang )ida7 %19985May 19,

+<<1' 1TA4 Eorld !hilippines 1tation &6 7This is the 1TA4 TA Networ. across Asia and the Middle Kast, and your watching 1TA4 Eorld7 %19985;une :<, +<<1'

1999 A)15")N5+ 1tation &62 7This is A5)515"5)5N, in the 1er*ice of the Filipino, Eorldwide.7 with 1ari#ano. The#e %February 1, 1999'

1tudio +: 1tation &62 7This is My "hannel=7 %April 3, 19995;anuary +<, +<<1' 9ltraAision +3 1tation &62 7The New Kra $f Tele*ision7 %;uly +,, 19995April ++,

+<<<' KM"5+, 1tation &6 7Kntertain#ent Music "hannel7 %1epte#ber +, 199956ece#ber :1, 1999'

+<<< A)15")N5+ 1tation &6 7&n the 1er*ice of the Filipino7 %New Millenniu# Aersions 1 and + with 1989 A)15")N ingle' %;anuary 1, +<<<'

!TA58 1tation &6 7!TA2 Fast... Forward7 %May 1, +<<<5;uly 13, +<<1' A)"532 7Ee Are The New 0eneration7 1tation &6 %;anuary 1, +<<<5April 16, +<<1' 4!N59 1tation &62 7Fa#ily TA7 %+<<<5+<<1' NKT +3 1tation &6 7Feed ?our Mind7 %April +:, +<<<ONo*e#ber 1,, +<11' "hannel WAX !hilippines +, 1tation &6 %;anuary 1, +<<<5;uly +1, +<<1' K= !hilippines :1 1tation &6 7Kntertain#ent Tele*ision7 %August +1, +<<<5May :1,

+<<:' +<<1

A)15")N5+ 1tation &62 7"louds7 %dayti#e and pri#eti#e *ersions, +<<15+<<+'

N)N58 1tation &62 7National )roadcasting Networ.2 $ne !eople, $ne Nation, $ne Aision7 %;uly 16, +<<1O+<<6' A)"53 1tation &62 7"o#e Bo#e To A)"7 %re*i*al' %April 1,, +<<1OApril 11, +<<8' 4!N59 1tation &62 74!N, ?our (ind of TA7 %+<<15+<<+'

H$K TA511 1tation &6 during "N)" Asia ti#e2 7This is H$K "hannel 11. The Bo#e of "N)"7 %;une 13, +<<15;une 18, +<<+' 1tudio +:2 7"ool TA7 1tation &6 %;anuary +1, +<<151epte#ber :<, +<<+' 9NTA :, 1tation &6 79nli.e7 %;une +, +<<15;uly 8, +<<8'

N)" 81 MTA !hilippines 1tation &62 7This is N)" "hannel 81. Bo#e of MTA !hilippines7 %;anuary 1, +<<1,56ece#ber :1, +<<6' "ine#a $ne 1tation &62 7-oo. EhoDs Eatching7 %May +<, +<<1 5 February +8, +<<:' 1TA4 Eorld !hilippines 1tation &62 7This is 1TA4, and your watching 1TA4 Eorld...1TA4 Eorld7 %;uly 1, +<<15+<<8'

A&AA "ine#a 1tation &62 7&to ang 1TA4, at ito ang A&AA "ine#a7 %;uly 1, +<<15;uly :1, +<<:' +<<+ A)15")N5+ 1tation &6 71a A)15")N, &.aw ang No. 17 %1epte#ber +, +<<+5 February 8, +<<:'

0MA5, 7(apuso ng !a#ilyang !ilipino, Anu#ang (ulay ng )uhay7 station &6 and full ingle %with &nstru#ental *ersion' by 4egine AelasCueJ %$ctober +,, +<<+5April 18, +<<,'

&)"51:2 7New Face, New Attitude=7 1tation &6 %;anuary 1, +<<+O6ece#ber 11, 1tudio +:, Eatch 9 Eant= 1tation &6 %$ctober 1, +<<+5April 1<, +<<8'


:A)N 83 Manila 1tation &6 7Three Angels )roadcasting Networ.7 %;anuary 6, +<<+5present' +<<: A)15")N5+ 1tation &6 73< ?ears !hilippine Tele*ision7 %full *ersion and :<5 seconder *ersion' %February 9, +<<:56ece#ber :1, +<<:'

&)"51: 7Ang )agong !ilipino7 1tation &6 %6ece#ber 1+, +<<:O;une 8, +<11' "ine#a $ne 1tation &62 7Kn oy (ang (asa#a7 %March 1, +<<:5March 19, +<<6' !inoy )oF $ffice 1tation &62 7!)$, !aborito ng )ayan=7 %August 1, +<<:5present'


A)15")N5+ 1tation &6 71abay Tayo, (apa#ilya=7 %;anuary 1, +<<8'

A)"53 1tation &6 7A)", &ba Tayo=7 %April 1+, +<<85+<<6' 9NTA5:, 1tation &6 7&n 1er*ice to Bu#anity, Eorldwide7 %;uly 3, +<<85;uly +9,

+<<3' +<<3 NTA511 7(wento Natin Dto7 station &6 full ingle %*ocal and instru#ental *ersions' %No*e#ber 11, +<<35March 1,, +<<,'

1)N +1 1tation &6 76ito, &.aw ang 9na=7 %;une +8, +<<35present' 9NTA :, 1tation &6 7?our &ntelligent Alternati*e7 %+<<35+<<8'

A"N5()N 1onshine TA :9 1tation &6 76eli*ering the 0ood News +8 Bours a day, , 6ays a wee.7 %No*e#ber 1:, +<<35March +,, +<<,' 0KM TA 89 1tation &6 70lobal KFpansion Media7 %;uly +,, +<<35present' ;ac. TA 1tation &6 7&f you donDt .now entertain#ent you donDt .now ;ac.7 %+<<3O KT" +nd A*enue 1tation &62 7?ouDre on KT" +nd A*enue=7 %+<<3O+<<6'



A)"53 1tation &6 7&dol Maging &ba=7 %;uly :<, +<<6 to No*e#ber +6, +<<6'

1onshine Media Networ. &nternational TA :9 1tation &6 71er*ice First, 4ight Bere, 4ight Now, Eorldwide7 %;anuary 8, +<<65August :1, +<1<' 9ni*ersiTA :: 1tation &6 7Ta.e #e where drea#s are born7 full ingle %*ocal and instru#ental *ersions' %No*e#ber +,, +<<65March <9, +<<8' KT" +nd A*enue 1tation &62 7K*erybodyDs Eatching=7 %+<<6O;anuary 1,, +<<,' KT" +nd A*enue 1tation &62 Kntertain#ent Eithout )orders %+<<,' KT" +nd A*enue 1tation &62 9rban Kntertain#ent %+<<,'


N)N58 7N)N &nfor#ation "hannel7 station &6 %+<<,5+<<8' A)"53 1tation &62 7!u#ped and -oaded, A5)5"=7 %$ctober +9, +<<,OAugust 8,

+<<8' 0MA5, 1tation &62 70MA, (apuso ng )awat !ilipino7 with full ingle %Aocal and &nstru#ental *ersions' %April 13, +<<,5August 8, +<1+'

N511 1tation &6 1o#ething )etter is Eaiting for ?ou, )e on N7 %Aocal and &nstru#ental *ersions' %March 18, +<<,5August :1, +<<8' A"N5()N 1onshine TA :9 1tation &6 7?our Eindow to the &nner Eorld7 %March +8, +<<,5;une <8, +<<9' +<<8

N)N58 )ayan Ang Nu#ber 1= %Nation is Number 1!' 1tation &6 %+<<8O+<<9'

TA3 71ha.e Mo, TA Mo7 1tation &6 and full ingle %Aocal and &nstru#ental *ersions' %August 9, +<<85April :, +<1<'

4!N 9 1tation &6 7"G1 on 4!N 97 %;anuary 15$ctober :, +<<8'

4!N 9 1tation &6 7"G1 9 on 4!N 9 4ight here, 4ight now7 %$ctober 8, +<<85 No*e#ber +,, +<<9' N511 70et More of -ife on N7 1tation &6 full ingle %*ocal and instru#ental *ersions' %1epte#ber 1, +<<85April +9, +<<9' 1)N +1 1tation &6 7KT" on 1)N +12 KT", &tDs All 0ood=7 %;anuary 1, +<<85March 1, +<11' 4;TA +9 1tation &6 7+nd A*enue2 New Neighbors. New 6estination. 1a#e A*enue.7 %;anuary 1, +<<85April +<<8'

4;TA +9 1tation &6 7+nd A*enue2 4edefined Kntertain#ent.7 %MMMM +<<8' 4;TA +9 1tation &6 7+nd A*enue2 Ee #a.e TA worth watching.7 %+<<8' 4;TA +9 1tation &6 7+nd A*enue2 ?ouDre on +nd A*enue=7 %+<<85+<<9' H$K TA :: 1tation &6 7-i*e -o*e, "elebrate -ife7 %March 1<, +<<85February +8,

+<11' H$K TA :: %6uring HTA ::' 1tation &62 Ang &nyong Tahanan %$ctober 1,, +<<85 February +, +<<9'

9NTA :, 1tation &6 7?our !ublic 1er*ice "hannel7 %;uly +,, +<<85present'

0KM TA 89 %B6' 1tation &6 70KM B6 &16)5T TK1T )4$A6"A1T7 %1epte#ber 1, +<<851epte#ber +,, +<1+' +<<9

N)N58 ?our &nfor#ation "hannel 1tation &6 %+<<9O+<11'

4!N 9 1tation &6 71olar TA on 4!N 92 &tDs A )right New Eorld7 %No*e#ber +9, +<<95$ctober :<, +<1<' N511 7-o*e -ife. -o*e N.7 1tation &6 and full ingle %with Aocal and &nstru#ental *ersion' %May 1, +<<95May +8, +<1<' +nd A*enue on 4;TA 1tation &62 7The channel for the 9rbanite7 %+<<95+<1+'

+<1< TA3 1tation &6 7!ara saDyo, (apatid=7 full ingle %M!: with Aocal and &nstru#ental *ersion' %April 3, +<1<5present'

4!N 9 1tation &62 74!N 3< ?ears %196<5+<1<'7 %;une 1, +<1<5May 1, +<11'

4!N 9 1tation &62 71olar TA on 4!N 92 (ung 1aan -ahat !analo=7 %$ctober :1, +<1<OFebruary +3, +<11' N511 7)uhay N, (u#pleto=7 1tation &6 and full ingle %with Aocal and &nstru#ental *ersion' %May +9, +<1<5February +<, +<11' 1MN& :9 1tation &6 7Alternati*e Media, Alternati*e !ower, &t 1ustain -i*es7 %1epte#ber <1, +<1<5May <:, +<11'


!TN& !eopleDs Tele*ision Networ., &nc. 1tation &6 %$ctober 6, +<115;anuary 8,

+<1+' 4!N 9 1tation &6 7KT" on 4!N 92 Kntertain#ent on e*ery side, style in e*ery angle.7 %March +, +<115May +9, +<11'

4!N 9 1tation &6 7KT" on 4!N 92 ?oung and -o*ing &t=7 %May :<, +<115present'

0MA News TA 7$ras5$ras, Ala# (o7 1tation &6 %with !anata sa )ayan orchestral *ersion' %February +8, +<115present' &)"51: 1tation &62 7Ehere the Action &s=7 %;une 3, +<115present' 1)N +1 1tation &62 7Tal. TA on 1)N +1, )e tal.t*7 and 7?ouDre Eatching, Tal. T5A=7 %April +, +<115present' NKT +3 1tation &6 76ito na D.o7 %$ctober 1, +<115present' The 0a#e "hannel on )KAM :1 1tation &6 7&D# 0a#e for The 0a#e "hannel7 %August 13, +<115February 13, +<1+' -ight TA :: 1tation &6 7(aibigan Mo=7 %March 1, +<115present' 1MN& :9 1tation &6 7Ehere K*erything is !ossible7 %May <8, +<115present'

A.syonTA 1tation &6 with A.syonTA The#e and itDs *ersions2 7Ang News BeadCuarters ng !ilipinas7 and 7Bigit sa )alita, A.syon=7 with A.syonTA the#e, 71aan #an, (ailan#an, (apatid=7 with !agbabago the#e %February +1, +<115present' Bope "hannel !hilippines 83 1tation &6 7)ringing Bope to Bope "hannel7 %1epte#ber +<, +<115present'


!TA58 1tation &6 7!TA2 !eopleDs Tele*ision NKTE$4(7 %;anuary 95;uly 1, +<1+'

!TA58 1tation &6 7Telebisyon ng )ayan7 with )alanghay ingle %;uly +, +<1+5 present' TA3 "hannel 31 4iJal %;anuary +1, +<1+5present' 0MA5, 7(ayo ang la#an ng A#ing !uso7 1tation &6 full ingle %*ocal and instru#ental *ersions' %August 6, +<1+5present' +nd A*enue on 4;TA 1tation &62 7A 6ash of -ife7 %+<1+5present' "BA1K on )KAM :1 1tation &6 70et your thrill in Mystery7 %February 13, +<1+5 $ctober 19, +<1+' ;A"( "ity on )KAM :1 1tation &6 7Action and 6ra#a7 %$ctober +<, +<1+5present' 9NTA5:, 1tation &6 7Tahanan Mo, Tahanan Natin7 %;uly +3, +<1+5present' 1olar News "hannel +1 1tation &6 7&nfor#, &nspire7 %$ctober :<, +<1+5present'

&N" TA589 1tation &6 7This is &5N5"5TA, &glesia ni "risto Tele*ision2 !ropagating the True 0ospel of 1al*ation=7 %$ctober :1, +<1+5present'

-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / ;une 8 at 1236p#

1een by :,

Nelson ;ohn )aylon ;r. this.

Bro Ryan A. Ameri-a -ahat ng 1tation &6 ay nasa ?ouTube.

;anuary +, at +2:8p# *ia #obile / -i.e / 1

Bro Ryan A. Ameri-a 6i yata sinagot ang sinabi .o.

February 11 at 1<2:8a# *ia #obile / -i.e

Bro Ryan A. Ameri-a &dagdag diyan2 H$K TA :: %6uring HTA ::' 1tation &62 Ang &nyong Tahanan %$ctober 1,, +<<85February +, +<<9'

;une 8 at 1+2+:p# *ia #obile / -i.e

Bro Ryan A. Ameri-a Nga pala, idagdag pa diyan2 0ood TA !hilippines "hannel 31 1tation &6 %"hinese Aoice5 o*er' %Test )roadcast2 ;uly 1351epte#ber :, +<11W)efore using by Media1capeG0A )roadcasting 1yste#X'

;une 9 at 1+236a# *ia #obile / -i.e

Lian Las Pinas ) tinanggal ng &)"51: ang A(TA> 1ayang na#an.
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / ;une 9 at 1+2:9a#

1een by +6

Bro Ryan A. Ameri-a 6i raw #agrerenew ng .ontrata ng MediaNuest sa &)" 1:, eh.

;une 9 at 1+283a# *ia #obile / -i.e

7mman Ja1e Mer+egia Bia-o At sa.a, nalulugi na ang MediaNuest sa pagbabayad sa airti#e fees ng &)". !ero #ay interes pa rin si MA! sa &)" pero s#all percent lang.

;une 9 at 1+236a# / -i.e

Bro Ryan A. Ameri-a Te.a, nasa A.syonTA ang ibang progra#s ng A(TA.

;une 9 at 12<3a# *ia #obile / -i.e

Lian Las Pinas

A)15")N "hannel + starts with the *ideo of the national anthe# %aired on !TA58 fro# 1998 to +<<:', the *ideo of the technical infor#ation of the station being read by #ain *oice5o*er announcer !eter Musngi, then a #essage saying 7-adies and gentle#en, in a few seconds, we will be on si#ultaneous satellite broadcast. !lease stand by.7, Then a short patriotic #essage.
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / ;une 9 at 12:<a#

1een by +3

Bero A Noble this.

Lian Las Pinas !TA 8 usually plays the national anthe# %aired on A)"53 fro# 1998 to +<<<' after it shows the credits li.e type of technical infor#ation of the station with the !hilippine Map showing the stations of the networ. will go on nationwide.
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / ;une 9 at 12:<a#

1een by +3

Lian Las Pinas After its #essage and the stationDs technical infor#ation, TA3 usually plays the national anthe# %produced by )!& and Ayala "orporation' shows the replays of their late night public affairs progra# before they aired their #orning show.
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / ;une 9 at 12:<a#

1een by +3

Lian Las Pinas !rayer to the Boly 1ouls in !urgatory &n a few #o#ents, let us now pray the prayer of 1t. 0ertrude for all the Boly 1ouls in !urgatory. The word of 0od says that pray for the faithful departed is a good and the noble act for the good hands. &n the na#e of the Father, and of the 1on and of the Boly 1pirit, A#en. Kternal Father, we offer you the #ost precious )lood of ?our 6i*ine 1on, ;esus in union with the #asses said throughout the world today for all the Boly 1ouls in !urgatory for 1inners e*erywhere, for 1inners in the 9ni*ersal "hurch those in #y own Bo#e and within #y fa#ily, A#en. !lease oin us e*eryday for this offering of lo*e for our faithful departed.

/ / 1hare / 0et Notifications / ;une 9 at 12:<a#

1een by +3

Lian Las Pinas )ilang tanda ng ating pag.a5!ilipino, ating big.asin ang ^!anatang Ma.abayan_2 &niibig .o ang !ilipinas, lupang sinilangan, tahanan ng lahiZ .inu.up.op a.o at tinutulungang #aging, #asipag, at #arangal. 6ahil #ahal .o ang !ilipinas, diringgin .o ang payo ng #agulang, susundin .o ang tuntunin ng paaralan,

tutuparin .o ang tung.ulin ng #a#a#ayang #a.abayanZ nagliling.od, nag5aaral, at nagdarasal nang buong .atapatan. &aalay .o ang buhay, pangarap, pagsisi.ap sa bansang !ilipinas. &sabuhay natin ang pagiging Ma.abayang !ilipino, sa isip, sa salita at sa gawa.

/ / 1hare / 0et Notifications / ;une 9 at 12:1a#

1een by +3

Lian Las Pinas &sang Australian fil# ang ipinalabas noong 1988 at pinalabas din sa A)15")N se*eral years ago habang ginugunita ang 1e#ana 1anta, ang 7A 6AN0K4$91 -&FK7, .ung saan na.asentro ang storya sa #ga huling taon ng rehi#eng Marcos, #ula sa pag.a.apaslang .ay 1enador Ninoy ACuino noong 198: hanggang sa #a.asaysayang Kdsa !eople !ower 4e*olution noong 1986... bida sa peli.ulang yun, na unang pinalabas sa telebisyon sa ibang bansa bilang #ini5series na tu#agal ng 6 oras, si 0ary )usey, bilang isang 7reporter7 na nasa gitna ng #ga pangyayari sa bansa noong panahong yun... ...pero #as naging pa#ilyar tayo sa #ga a.tor at a.tres #ula sa atin sa !ilipinas na gu#anap na #ga pro#inenteng .ara.ter sa peli.ulang yun, gaya nina Ms. -aurice 0uillen bilang si !angulong "ory ACuino, Ms. Tessie To#as bilang si &#elda Marcos, ang yu#aong 4uben 4ustia bilang !angulong Marcos, yu#aong 4ay Aentura bilang Fidel A. 4a#os, ;oonee ga#boa bilang ;uan !once Knrile, yu#aong 4olando Tinio bilang ;ai#e "ardinal 1in, yu#aong ;ohnny 6elgado bilang -t. "ol. 74ed7 (apunan, 4eJ "orteJ bilang "ol. 0ringo Bonasan, at #ara#i pang iba... .asa#a din sa peli.ulang yun sina Ms. 6ina )onne*ie, 1pan.y, ;ai#e Fabregas, at 4oy Al*areJ===
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / ;une 1< at 1281p#

1een by +:

Bero A Noble this.

Bro Ryan A. America Here are the following Free TV Stations in Metro Manila: ABS-CBN 2 PTV 4 TV5 GMA !PN "#$TC GMA News TV %% &BC %' SBN 2%#Solar News Channel St()io 2' Net 25 !*TV 2"#2n) A+en(e B$AM '%#*AC, Cit.ight TV '' /BS TV '50 1NTV ' SMN& '" A2s-on TV 4% 'ABN 45#Ho3e Channel Phil4s5 &NC TV 4"

TV5#Me)iaS6a3e TV 5% 0Airing starts 7efore the -ear en)s5

.i2e 8 8 Share 8 Get Notifi6ations 8 *(ne %9 at :5"3: +ia :o7ile

Seen 7- 2'

Lian Las Pinas News "hannels MM6A TA 4BTA AN" +8G, "NN &nternational "N)" Asia Al ;aJeera Knglish 1.y News ))" Eorld News

/ / 1hare / 0et Notifications / ;une 1< at 82:9p#

1een by +: Lian Las Pinas !lease, re5air 7ang .atapusan7 and docu#entary of 9nstoppable with -uchi "ruJ5 AaldeJ on TA3 !hilippines again

/ /


0et Notifications

;une 9 at 82+<a#

1een by +3

Tho# 0arnet !enayes this.

Diego .r Reyes /or+ero Ang (atapusan would possibly repeated on Boly Eee. neFt year

;une 1< at 921,p# / -i.e

Lian Las Pinas &n ti#e for the 1998 !hilippine "entennial "elebrations, the two *ersion of the National Anthe# Music *ideo released2 6ece#ber :<, 1998 to 19982 produced by )!& and Ayala "orporation 1998 to +<<<2 !roduction Aillage
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / ;une 1+ at 92::p# near Manila

1een by +:

Nelson ;ohn )aylon ;r. this.

Lian Las Pinas 1+ ;une +<1: 1cenario The "entennial of !hilippine &ndependence At 62<< a.#., all cities and #unicipalities will hold 6A?ANA1 of brass bands, as they were held on ;une 1+, 1898. At eFactly ,2<< a.#., there will be si#ultaneous than.sgi*ing #asses and ser*ices in all churches of all deno#ination nationwide. As s custo#ary practice, Bis KFcellency !resident )enigno 1. ACuino &&&, will preside o*er the flag5raising cere#onies at the Aguinaldo 1hrine in (awit, "a*ite also at ,2<< in the #orning. 1i#ultaneous flag5raising cere#onies will be held at all historical shrines. 1tarting at 92<< a.#., 6epart#ents of National 6efense and the &nterior and -ocal 0o*ern#ent, in cooperation with the Metro Manila 6e*elop#ent Authority, will spearhead appropriate acti*ities prior to the "entennial parade. These acti*ities #ay *ary fro# s.y5di*ing eFhibitions to regattas by the bay. At the Malacanang !alace, the !resident will host the traditional Ain dD Bonneur at 112<< in the #orning. -i.ewise, !ro*incial 0o*ernors and "ity Mayors all o*er the country will hold their special Than.sgi*ing -unch at their respecti*e "apitols for their constituents. The 6epart#ent of Touris#, in tande# with the Botel and 4estaurants Association of the !hilippines, will host a special :5day !hilippine "entennial Food Festi*al at the 4iJal !ar.. The Festi*al will feature regional dishes and other gastrono#ic delights fro# pro*inces such as )ulacan, "a*ite, -aguna, &locos 4egion, a#ong others. The highlight of the &ndependence 6ay "elebration is the !hilippine "entennial !arade at the Nuirino 0randstand at :2<< p.#. The pre5parade acti*ities starting with a hundred people with Ta#buli and another hundred in tribal costu#es playing dru#s, will signal the start of the !arade, with 3< )abaylanes %"atalonans' chanting prayers to dri*e away e*il spirits 5 also a ritual of peace and than.sgi*ing. Another batch of Ta#buli Q horn players will be at the 0randstand area to help a#plify the sound of the Ta#buli and shell horns. A different .ind of Military !arade will be witnessed by the public prior to the "entennial !arade. The Military co#ponent will feature the best of the !hilippinesD Ar#ed Forces. The participating contingents will be wearing new gala unifor#s and will eFecute fancy drills and for#ations during the parade at selected areas, specially in front of the Nuirino 0randstand. At eFactly 821< p.#., the ;une 1+, 1989 scenario at (awit, "a*ite will be re5enacted, focusing on the replica of the old house of 0en. K#ilio Aguinaldo, a three5di#ension structure located opposite the 0ranstand. An actor playing the role of A#brosio 4ianJares )autista will read eFcerpts for# the 6eclaration of &ndependence. An actor playing Arte#io 7Kl Aibora7 4icarte will eFplain the sy#bols of the !hilippine flag, and an actor playing the role of 0en. K#ilio

Aguinaldo will wa*e the flag while the crowd shouts 7Mabuhay and (alayaan7. Then, the )anda Matanda of 1an Francisco de Malabon %now 0en. Trias' will play the tune of Marcha Magdalo, the anthe# played after the declaration of independence. After reading the declaration, a !hilippine Flag will be gi*en to !resident ACuino. The !resident will wa*e the !hilippine Flag at the 0randstand. As the !resident wa*es the flag, white do*es will be released, bells will be tolled, and firewor.s will be lit to signal the band to play the !hilippine National Anthe#. A thousand5*oice choir will sing the anthe# acco#panies by the !hilippine !hilhar#onic $rchestra. The !resident then deli*ers his centennial speech. Following his speech, a big !hilippine Flag 555 1<< feet in siJe 555 with giant balloons tied to it will be released. After the giant balloons are released, representati*es of countries that had consular relations with 1panish !hilippines will lead the #arch in the Fa#ily of Nations wearing appropriate costu#es and wa*ing their respecti*e colors. The 0rand "entennial !arade starts at 32<< p.#. up to ,2:< p.#. &##ediately after, the people will witness #assi*e firewor.s display and participate in the re*elry lasting up to the early hours of the #orning.

/ /


0et Notifications

;une 11 at ,28+p# near Manila

1een by +:

Lian Las Pinas $n ;uly 1 to :1, +<1:, a #onth5long anni*ersary celebration for the Noonti#e Tele*isionDs :8th anni*ersary= Ano #an ang .anta #o2 a.' 71a -uJon, sa Aisayas, at sa Mindanao...7Z or b.' 7Mula )atanes hanggang ;olo...7Z or c.' 7Ano #ang lahi, ano #ang .ulay, 1a#a5sa#a sa tagu#pay...7
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / ;une 18 at 112+6p# near Manila

1een by +:

Lian Las Pinas created a doc.

Lo-al /hannels

Bree&to&air !Lo-al /hannels) A)15")N + %6EEI5TA "hannel +' %owned by A)15")N )roadcasting "orporation, re5launched on 16 ;uly 1986'

!TA 8 %6E0T5TA "hannel 8' %owned by !eople@s Tele*ision Networ., &nc.'

A)" 3 %6EKT5TA "hannel 3' %owned and operated by the Associated )roadcasting "o#pany, owned by MediaNuest Boldings, &nc. %3<S' and bloc.ti#e agree#ent with M!) !ri#edia &nc., re5launched on : March 1986'

0MA , %6H))5TA "hannel ,' %owned by 4epublic )roadcasting 1yste#, &nc.'

4!N 9 %6H()5TA "hannel 9' %owned by 4adio !hilippines Networ., &nc.'

H$K TA511 %6H$K5TA "hannel 11' %owned by H$K )roadcasting Networ. &nc. and launched on 1 $ctober 1998, ceased trans#ission on 19 ;anuary +<<1' G NTA "hannel 11 %owned by 0MA Networ., &nc. and H$K )roadcasting Networ. &nc. on 16 April +<<1' &)" 1: %6HTA5TA "hannel 1:' %&ntercontinental )roadcasting "orporation, launched on February 1, 19,3'

1)N +1 %Eorld TA5+1' %6E"!5TA 9BF "hannel +1' %owned by 1outhern )roadcasting Networ., launched on ;une :<, 199+' 1T96&$ +: %6EA"5TA 9BF "hannel +:' %owned by AM"A4A )roadcasting Networ., &nc. and launched on $ctober 1+, 1996' NKT +3 %6HK"5TA 9BF "hannel +3' %launched by Kagle )roadcasting "orporation on ;uly +,, 1999' "&T?NKT +, %launched on +, August 1993, cease operations on 19 ;anuary +<<1' 4;TA +9 %6H4;5TA 9BF "hannel +9' %launched by 4a ah )roadcasting Networ., &nc. on 13 April 199:' "TA :1 %6E("5TA 9BF "hannel :1' %launched by 4adio Mindanao Networ. on :1 $ctober 199:' N9TA :, %6EA$5TA 9BF "hannel :,' %launched by !rogressi*e )roadcasting "orporation in 1999' KTA5:9 %6E)!5TA 9BF "hannel :9' %owned by 1onshine Media Networ. &nternational and launched in +<<:' N)" 81 %6EN)5TA "hannel 81' :A)N583GBope "hannel !B-583 Manila %6EAN5TA 9BF583' %launched on 1 ;une

+<<1' 0KM TA 89 %6H"K5TA 9BF589' %launched by "hristian Kra )roadcasting 1er*ice, &nc. on +1 ;uly +<<3'

2hopping -hannels

1hop TA %owned by 1olar Kntertain#ent "orporation' 1#art 1hopping "hannel )illboard and Ads "hannel TFt Networ. Touris# and &nterest "hannel %Also Eith NA&A Q More 1chedule' "o##unity "hannel 0reetings "hannel 1hopping "hannel &nfo "hannel !re*iew "hannel

In&house -hannels


MM6A TA %owned by Metropolitan Manila 6e*elop#ent Authority, launched on +< August 1996'

6HMM Tele4adyo %launched by A)15")N )roadcasting "orporation on 1 April

1993' 4BTA2 6H4B Tele*ision %launched by Manila )roadcasting "o#pany on 1< $ctober 1996'

1NN2 1ari#ano. News Networ. %owned by 1ari#ano. News Networ., &nc. and distributed by "reati*e !rogra#s, &nc. -aunched on 1 May 1996' 0NN2 0-$)A- NKE1 NKTE$4( %launched by First 9nited )roadcasting "orporation on 13 March +<<8' "NN &nternational Asia !acific %networ. by "NN &nternational, owned by Turner )roadcasting 1yste#, &nc. %a Ti#e Earner co#pany' ))" Eorld %owned by ))", launched on March 11, 1991' )-$$M)K40 TK-KA&1&$N %$wned by )loo#berg -.!. and launched on 1 ;anuary

1998' T"1 "BANNK- NKE1 A1&A %1ingapore Feed' %Networ. by Media"orp News and $wned by Media"orp, launched on 1 March 1999'

"NN BKA6-&NK NKE1 %owned by Turner )roadcasting 1yste#, &nc. %A Ti#e Earner "o#pany', launched on 1 ;anuary 198+' "N)" A1&A %owned by National )roadcasting "o#pany, &nc., launched on +< ;une 1993' FoF News "hannel %owned by the FoF Kntertain#ent 0roup, a subsidiary of News "orporation, launched on , $ctober 1996'

A$&"K $F AMK4&"A %A$A'

A- ;AHKK4A KN0-&1B %Networ. by Al ;aJeera, owned by Natar Media "orporation and launched on 1< No*e#ber +<<6' K94$NKE1 %$wned by 1$"KM&K and launched on 1 ;anuary 199:' 4911&A T$6A? %$wned by 4&A No*osti and launched on 1< 6ece#ber +<<3' M1N)" %owned by National )roadcasting "o. &nc. and launched on 13 ;uly 1996'

1(? NKE1 9( %$wned by )ritish 1.y )roadcasting %distributed to worldwide by FoF &nternational "hannels' and launched on 3 February 1989' ")" NKE1 NKTE$4( "ANA6A %for#erly ")" Newsworld' %$wned by "anadian )roadcasting "orporation and launched on :1 ;uly 1989' "A)-K!9-1K+8 "ANA6A %$wned by )ell Media and launched on :< March 1998' "TA NKE1 "BANNK- "ANA6A %$wned by )ell Media and launched on 1, $ctober

199,' MKT4$ TA &N6$NK1&A %$wned by !T Media Tele*isi &ndonesia %Media 0roup' and launched on +3 No*e#ber +<<<'

N$E TA B$N0 ($N0

""TA NKE1 KN0-&1B %$wned by "hina "entral Tele*ision and launched on 13 1epte#ber +<<<'

N6TA +8F, %$wned by N6TA -td. and launched on 18 April +<<:' N6TA !4$F&T %$wned by N6TA -td. and launched on 18 April +<<:' A&65$( %$wned by "reati*e !rogra#s, &nc. and launched in 1998'


"BANNK- WAX !B&-&!!&NK1 %owned by 1TA4 TA and FoF &nternational "hannels !hilippines in partnership with 0MA Networ., &nc. and launched in 1998' MTA !B&-&!!&NK1 %owned by MediaNuest TA 0roup, in partnership with TA Networ.s Asia !acific and launched on ;anuary 1, 199:' AB1 !B&-&!!&NK1 %owned by MediaNuest TA 0roup, in partnership with TA Networ.s Asia !acific and launched on ;anuary 1, 1993' 2ports K1!N !hilippines %owned by 1TA4 TA and FoF &nternational "hannels in partnership with K1!N &nternational, launched on 1 ;anuary 1998, cease operations on +, ;anuary +<1:' G FoF 1ports Asia %launched by FoF &nternational "hannels on +8 ;anuary +<1:'

1TA4 1ports !hilippines %for#erly !ri#e 1ports' %owned by 1TA4 TA and FoF &nternational "hannels in partnership with K1!N &nternational through K1!N 1TA4 1ports, launched on +1 August 199:'

1$-A4 1!$4T1 %$wned by 1olar Kntertain#ent "orporation and launched on 1 $ctober 1993'

)TA2 )A1(KT)A-- TA %$wned by 1olar Kntertain#ent "orporation and launched on 1 $ctober +<<6' MAN&-A ;$"(K? "-9) K1!NKE1 A1&A %owned by 1TA4 TA and FoF &nternational "hannels in partnership with K1!N &nternational through K1!N 1TA4 1ports, launched on 1 No*e#ber 1999' G FoF 1ports News %launched by FoF &nternational "hannels on +8 ;anuary +<1:'

K94$1!$4T %$wned by TF1 0roup, launched on 3 February 1989' K94$1!$4T NKE1 %$wned by Kurosport, launched on 1 1epte#ber +<<<'

:ariety 9ni*ersal "hannel %!hilippines' %owned by 9ni*ersal Networ.s &nternational in partnership with 1olar Kntertain#ent "orporation, launched on 1 April +<<9 as 1ci Fi "hannel !hilippines, and re5launched on +6 ;uly +<1< %as 9ni*ersal "hannel !hilippines' 6i*a 9ni*ersal %!hilippines' %owned by 9ni*ersal Networ.s &nternational in partnership with 1olar Kntertain#ent "orporation, launched on 18 August +<<9 %as Ball#ar. "hannel !hilippines', re5launched 19 1epte#ber +<1< %as 6i*a 9ni*ersal !hilippines'

1TA4 Eorld !hilippines %owned by 1TA4 TA and FoF &nternational "hannels %!hilippines', fully owned subsidiaries of News "orporation, launched on 13 6ece#ber 1991 as as 1TA4 !lus and re5launched in 1993 as 1TA4 Eorld %relaunched in +<<6 as a !hilippine5eFclusi*e feed'

AIN !hilippines %launched by 1ony !ictures Kntertain#ent +1 1epte#ber 199,'

F$I !hilippines %owned and produced by FoF &nternational "hannels and distributed by 1TA4 TA, launched on 1 6ece#ber 199,'

F$I "ri#e !hilippines %owned and produced by FoF &nternational "hannels and distributed by 1TA4 TA, launched on March +<<6' -ifestyle Networ. %launched by "reati*e !rogra#s, &nc. on 11 ;uly 1999' Ael*et %launched by "reati*e !rogra#s, &nc. on 1 ;anuary +<<,' "geTA %launched by "reati*e !rogra#s, &nc. on +< 6ece#ber +<1<' ;eepney TA %launched by "reati*e !rogra#s, &nc. on ++ $ctober +<1+'

AF"2 Asian Food "hannel %for#erly Asian 6ining 4oo# "hannel' %owned by AF" Networ. !te. -td., launched on 1+ August +<<3' ATA2 Australian Tele*ision &nternational %operated by the Australian )roadcasting "orporation, launched on 1 ;anuary 199: as Australia Tele*ision &nternational, re5 launched on 1 ;anuary +<<+ as A)" Asia !acific and 1, August +<<6 as Australia Networ.'

FashionTA %owned by Michel Ada# -isows.i, launched in April 199,'

FI %Asia' %owned and produced by FoF &nternational "hannels and distributed by 1TA4 TA, launched in +<<8' FoF Filipino %owned by FoF &nternational "hannels !hilippines, in partnership with 0MA Networ., &nc. and Associated )roadcasting "o#pany and distributed by 1TA4 TA, launched on 1 March 199,' ;ac. TA %owned by 1olar Kntertain#ent "orporation thru 1olar TA Networ., &nc., launched on 1+ ;uly +<<3'

(iF %owned by "elestial Tiger Kntertain#ent, launched on +8 April +<1<' Thrill %owned by "elestial Tiger Kntertain#ent, launched on +8 April +<1<'

KT" Kntertain#ent "entral %owned by 1olar Kntertain#ent "orporation thru 1olar TA Networ., &nc., launched on 1 February +<<8' KT" +nd A*enue %owned by 1olar Kntertain#ent "orporation thru 1olar TA Networ., &nc., launched on 13 6ece#ber +<<3' "o#edy "entral !hilippines %owned by MediaNuest TA group in partnership with MTA Networ.s, launched on 1 ;anuary 1998' TA -and !hilippines %owned by MediaNuest TA group in partnership with MTA Networ.s, launched on 1 May 1999' 1ony Kntertain#ent Tele*ision Asia %owned by 1!K Networ.s, which is part of 1ony !ictures Tele*ision, a 1ony !ictures Kntertain#ent co#pany, launched on 8 $ctober 1993'

))" Kntertain#ent %owned by ))" Eorldwide, launched on 11 No*e#ber +<<9' ))" -ifestyle %owned by ))" Eorldwide, launched on 1 ;uly +<<,' Food Networ. Asia %owned by 1cripps Networ.s &nteracti*e, launched on 3 ;uly

+<1<' Earner "hannel Asia %owned by Earner )ros. Kntertain#ent %Ti#e Earner' and 6istributed by Turner Asia !acific, launched on 1 April +<1<'

Flip TA %owned by Tri5AFis Kntertain#ent 0roup, &nc., launched on +8 March

+<<,' The 0a#e "hannel %owned and produced by 1olar Kntertain#ent "orporation thru 1olar TA Networ., &nc., launched on 8 April +<11'

Teleno*ela "hannel %owned by )eginnings at Twenty !lus, &nc., launched on :< 1epte#ber +<11' MoAie /hannels

1. "ine#aF Asia %Networ. by B)$ Asia, $wned by Bo#e )oF $ffice &nc., launched on 1 August 1996' +. B)$ Asia %a oint *enture of #edia giants Ti#e Earner %,3S' and Aiaco# %+3S', 1ony !ictures Kntertain#ent and 9ni*ersal 1tudios, launched on 1 ;anuary 199+' :. 1TA4 M$A&K1 !hilippines %a +85hour Knglish #o*ie channel owned by 1TA4 TA and FoF &nternational "hannels, launched on 1 May 1998, re5launched on 1 ;anuary +<1< as 1TA4 M$A&K1 !hilippines' 8. FoF Fa#ily Mo*ies %launched by FoF &nternational "hannels on 16 1epte#ber +<1<' 3. FoF Mo*ies !re#iu# !hilippines %launched by FoF &nternational "hannels on 1 ;anuary +<1+' 6. F$I Action Mo*ies %launched by FoF &nternational "hannels on 1 April +<1+' ,. "ine#a $ne %owned and operated by "reati*e !rogra#s, &nc., launched on 1+ ;une 1998 as 21y", 1998 as Pinoy Blo-18uster /hannel and +< May +<<1 as /inema<ne' 8. B)$ B&T1 %owned by Bo#e )oF $ffice &nc., Ti#e Earner, launched on 16 March +<<6' 9. B)$ 1&0NAT94K %owned by Bo#e )oF $ffice &nc., Ti#e Earner, launched on 16 March +<<6' 1<. B)$ FAM&-? %owned by Bo#e )oF $ffice &nc., Ti#e Earner, launched on 16 March +<<6' 11. A&AA "&NKMA %1TA4 TADs +85hour Filipino #o*ie channel owned by 1TA4 TA and FoF &nternational "hannels !hilippines, in partnership with A&AA Kntertain#ent, &nc., launched on 6 May 1996' 1+. T"M2 T94NK4 "-A11&" M$A&K1 %-aunched on 6 $ctober 1998 as 0N0 Asia, re5 launched on 1 April +<<< as 0/M Asia' 1:. M0M "BANNK- %$wned by M0M Networ.s, -aunched in 1999' 18. 1howti#e !hilippines %shows :<s, 8<s, 3<s, 6<s, ,<s, 8<s, 9<s Q todayDs Foreign and !inoy #o*ies and specials in all genres, eF. action fil#s. Eith #o*ie5related shows, eF. showbiJ news. "o##ercial5free %eFcept #o*ie5related shows'. Eith replays. )ut the #o*ie pre#iere on 1unday, 1 or + encores only. Bowe*er, when a #o*ie is not yet airing, it shows The 6ay in Mo*ie Bistory, tri*ias and #ore seg#ents and #uch #uch #ore' %$wned by MediaNuest TA 0roup and in partnership with 1howti#e Networ.s in the 9.1., launched on 1 6ece#ber 1998'

13. 1TA4 "hinese Mo*ies %a +85hour "antonese and Mandarin #o*ie channel owned by 1TA4 TA and FoF &nternational "hannels, launched on 1 May 1998' 16. 1TA4 "hinese Mo*ies -egend %a +85hour Mandarin #o*ie channel owned by 1TA4 TA and FoF &nternational "hannels, launched on +1 ;uly +<<8' 1,. 1creen 4ed %a +85hour Asian #o*ie channel owned by B)$ Asia, launched on 1+ April +<1<' 18. "elestial Mo*ies %a +85hour "hinese #o*ie channel owned by "elestial Mo*ies "hannel -i#ited, launched on : March +<<:' 19. "elestial "lassic Mo*ies %a +85hour pay5TA #o*ie channel screening "hinese classic #o*ies fro# the 1haw )rothers library and other fil# libraries' %launched on 13 April +<<8' Ki+s /hannels (&61"$ %owned by 9ni*ersal Networ.s &nternational %N)"9ni*ersal', " ;ar 0roup and "orus Kntertain#ent, launched on 1 ;anuary +<<8' "A4T$$N NKTE$4( !B&-&!!&NK1 %$wned by Turner )roadcasting 1yste# Asia !acific, a unit of Ti#e Earner, launched on , ;une 1993' BK4$ TA %launched by "reati*e !rogra#s, &nc. on 1+ No*e#ber +<<3' N&"(K-$6K$N !B&-&!!&NK1 %$wned by MediaNuest TA 0roup and in partnership with MTA Networ.s Asia !acific, launched on 1 April +<<3' %1<<S !hilippine feed na rin po ito. !ero, sa#e progra#s, ti#eslots Q #ore pa rin po ito' AN&MAI %operated by 1ony !ictures Kntertain#ent, -aunched on 19 ;anuary +<<8 %as Anima@ Asia', re5launched on 8 May +<1< %as Anima@ Philippines' 6&1NK? "BANNK- !B&-&!!&NK1 %a Asian franchise of 6isney "hannel, and owned by )uena Aista &nternational &nc. -aunched on 1 ;anuary 199:' )$$MK4AN0 A1&A %owned by Turner )roadcasting, a unit of Ti#e Earner, launched on 19 March +<<6.' 6isney ;unior %Asia' %$wned by The Ealt 6isney "o#pany, launched on 1 ;anuary 1998 %original launch as !layhouse 6isney' and re5launched 11 ;uly +<11 %relaunch as 6isney ;unior' )abyTA Asia %$wned by FoF &nternational "hannels and launched on 1 6ece#ber +<11' +u-ational /hannels 6&1"$AK4? "BANNK- !B&-&!!&NK1 %$wned by 6isco*ery "hannel &nternational, launched on ;anuary 1, 199:' AN&MA- !-ANKT %$wned by 6isco*ery Networ.s Asia, launched in 199,' NAT&$NA- 0K$04A!B&" "BANNK- !B&-&!!&NK1 %owned by 1TA4 TA and FoF &nternational "hannels, in partnership with the National 0eographic Tele*ision Q Fil#, launched on +< ;uly 1998' (N$E-K60K "BANNK- %operated by the (nowledge "hannel Foundation, &nc. and owned by "reati*e !rogra#s, &nc., launched on 6 No*e#ber 1999'

B&1T$4? A1&A %owned by AcK Networ.s Asia, a oint5*enture between AcK Networ.s, owner of the A#erican Bistory, and Astro Boldings 1dn )hd., launched on 13 ;une +<<,'

)&$. A1&A %for#erly owned by AcK Networ.s Asia, a oint5*enture between AcK Networ.s, and Astro Boldings 1dn )hd., launched on +, May +<<8'

"4&MK Q &NAK1T&0AT&$N NKTE$4( A1&A %owned by AcK Networ.s Asia, a oint5 *enture between AcK Networ.s, and Astro Boldings 1dn )hd., launched on 13 ;une +<<,' -&A&N0 A1&A "BANNK- %owned by ""& Asia 0roup and operated by ""& Asia Tele*ision and #anaged by )eginnings at Twenty !lus, &nc. and launched on +< 6ece#ber +<<:'

6&1"$AK4? T-" %$wned by 6isco*ery Networ.s Asia5!acific, launched on 8 ;une +<<1 as Dis-oAery 0raAel G A+Aenture /hannel, cease trans#ission on +, No*e#ber +<<8 as Dis-oAery 0raAel G A+Aenture /hannelE re5launched as on +8 No*e#ber +<<8 as Dis-oAery 0raAel G LiAing /hannel, cease trans#ission on :1 August +<1< as Dis-oAery 0raAel G LiAing /hannel, re5launched as 1 1epte#ber +<1< as Dis-oAery 0L/ Asia, cease trans#ission on :1 May +<11 as Dis-oAery 0L/ Asia and re5launched on 1 ;une +<11 as 0L/ Philippines'

6&1"$AK4? B$MK Q BKA-TB %launched by 6isco*ery Networ.s Asia5!acific on 8 May +<<3'

6&1"$AK4? T94)$ %launched by 6isco*ery Networ.s Asia5!acific in +<<8 asDis-oAery Real 0ime, re5launched on 1 $ctober +<<8 as Dis-oAery 0ur8o' 6&1"$AK4? 1"&KN"K "BANNK- %launched by 6isco*ery Networ.s Asia5!acific, launched in 1999' NAT 0K$ A6AKNT94K %launched in +<<+ as Ad*enture $ne %A1', cease trans#ission on :< April +<<, as A", re5launched on 1 May +<<, as Nat Geo A+Aenture' NAT 0K$ E&-6 %launched by the National 0eographic 1ociety and FoF "able Networ.s on +1 August +<<6'

NAT 0K$ M91&" %launched by FoF &nternational "hannels on 18 $ctober +<<,' ))" (N$E-K60K %launched by ))" Eorldwide on 1 ;uly +<<,'

9N&AK41&TA %launched by H$K )roadcasting Networ., &nc. and Ksti#a "ontent, &nc. on 1: No*e#ber +<<6' ")1 4KA-&T? %re5launched by "hello Hone %"hello#edia' and ")1 on 1 August T49TA A1&A %launched by Turner )roadcasting 1yste# Asia on 1 April +<1<' KETN FAM&-?-AN6 NKTE$4( %owned by Apostolate for Fa#ily "onsecration' TA MA4&A %owned by "atholic Media Networ., launched on 13 6ece#ber +<<3' H$K5T)N !B&-&!!&NK1 +<1+'


;"TA %launched by the Trinity )roadcasting Networ. in ;une +<<:'

1M&-K $F A "B&-6 TA %launched by the Trinity )roadcasting Networ. on +3 6ece#ber +<<3' 6A?1TA4 TA %launched by Eord of 0od Fellowship on 1 ;anuary 1998' ""TN 8, "K)9 %launched by the Archdiocese of "ebu on 1+ 6ece#ber +<<+'

0$6 TA %launched by se*eral Angel "harities globally in 1993. Eorldwide broadcast licence is held by Angel "hristian Tele*ision Trust &nc.' 6&A&NK MK4"? "BANNK- %-aunched on 1 ;une 1996' 1(? "hinese Kntertain#ent "hannel 0uangFi TA 6K9T1"BK EK--K TA K1!AN$TA3M$N6K ()1 E$4-6 %launched on 1 ;uly +<<:' International

TAN A1&A %launched and oint *enture between FoF &nternational "hannels and Mnet Media on +6 $ctober +<<9' 1A96& 1 NB( E$4-6 %launched by ;apan )roadcasting "orporation on April 1, 1998' "T1 ($4KA %launched in 199,' 1TA4 !-91 %launched by 1TA4 TA on 1, April 1996' A4&4AN0 TA %launched in 1996' M)" ($4KA 1)1 ($4KA A)! News %launched by New 6ehli Tele*ision -i#ited and 1TA4 TA in 1998' 1TA4 -ife $( %launched by 1TA4 TA on 18 6ece#ber +<11' 1TA4 0old %launched by 1TA4 TA on 1, 1epte#ber +<<<' !B$KN&I "B&NK1K "BANNK- %launched by !hoeniF Tele*ision on :1 March 1996' !B$KN&I &NF$NKE1 "BANNK- %launched by !hoeniF Tele*ision on 1 ;anuary 4A& 9N$ 1(? T0+8 %launched on :1 ;uly +<<:' 4T! 1 "ANA- +8 B$4A1 %launched on +8 1epte#ber +<<:'


""TA 8 %A1&A' %for#erly ""TA &nternational "hannel %199+5+<<<' and ""TA "hinese &nternational "hannel %+<<<5+<1<' ""TA 1 %0KNK4A- "BANNK-' ""TA + %F&NAN"K "BANNK-' ""TA : %A4T1 "BANNK-'

""TA , %M&-&TA4? AN6 A04&"9-T94K "BANNK-' %launched on +8 6ece#ber ""TA 8 %64AMA "BANNK-' %launched on :< No*e#ber 1993' ""TA 1< %launched on 9 ;uly +<<1' ""TA 11 %launched on 9 ;uly +<<1' ""TA 1+ %-AE AN6 1$"&KT? "BANNK-' %launched on 1 ;anuary +<<3' ""TA 1: %"B&NK1K NKE1 "BANNK-' %launched on 1 ;uly +<<:' ""TA 13 %M91&" "BANNK-' %launched on +9 March +<<8' ""TA5KQF %launched on 1 $ctober +<<8, cease trans#ission on :< 1epte#ber ""TA K %1panish "hannel' %launched on 1 $ctober +<<,' ""TA F %French "hannel' %launched on 1 $ctober +<<,' ""TA &NTK4NAT&$NA- A4A)&" %launched on +3 ;uly +<<,' MTA "B&NA %launched on +6 April 1993' MTA TA&EAN %launched on +1 April 1993' "BANNK- WAX MA&N-AN6 "B&NA )TA2 )K&;&N0 TK-KA&1&$N F9;&AN TK-KA&1&$N I&AMKN 1TA4 09AN06$N0 TK-KA&1&$N 09AN0HB$9 TK-KA&1&$N TA1 "B&NA B9NAN TA 64A0$N TK-KA&1&$N "B&NA T&)KT TK-KA&1&$N -BA1A TK-KA&1&$N 6$$46A41BAN &N6&A 1ABA4A $NK %for#erly 1ABA4A TA, launched on +8 March +<<<' HKK TA %launched by Hee Kntertain#ent Knterprises on +8 1epte#ber 199+' HKK "&NKMA %launched by Hee Kntertain#ent Knterprises in April 1993' HKK NKE1 %launched by Hee Kntertain#ent Knterprises in 1999'



HKK 1M&-K %launched by Hee Kntertain#ent Knterprises on 11 1epte#ber +<<8 as 1#ile TA, re5launched on +8 March +<<3 as Hee 1#ile' TA4& &N6$NK1&A &N6$1&A4 %owned by !T &ndosiar (arya Media Tb. and operated by !T &ndosiar Aisual Mandiri T)(, launched on 11 ;anuary 1993' 4"T& %launched by !T Media Nusantara "itra Tb. on +8 August 1989' 1"TA %launched by !T. 1urya "itra Media, Tb.. on 1 August 199: based in ;a.arta' NB( E$4-6 !4KM&9M

NB( K69"AT&$NA- TA K)1 TA 1$9TB ($4KA ?TN %launched on 1 March 1993' A- ;AHKK4A A4A)&" %launched on 1 No*e#ber 1996' TA1 MA-A?1&A TA+ MA-A?1&A TA: MA-A?1&A MKT4$A&1&$N %launched on 1 ;uly 1993, ceased trans#ission on 1 No*e#ber NTA, MA-A?1&A %launched on , April 1998'


))" A4A)&" TK-KA&1&$N %launched by ))" Eorldwide in 1998 and cease trans#ission on +1 April 1996, re5launched on 11 March +<<8' MTA &N6&A %launched by MTA Networ.s on +8 $ctober 1996' "BANNK- WAX &N6&A "TA2 "B&NA TK-KA&1&$N "T1 TA&EAN F$4M$1A TA %launched on 11 ;une 199,' "BANNK- : TBA&-AN6 ))TA "BANNK- , TBA&-AN6 M"$T "BANNK- 9 TBA&-AN6 N)T TA TBA&-AN6 TBA&5!)1 1TA4 "B&NK1K "BANNKI&N0 ($N0 %launched by 1TA4 TA on +9 March +<<+' 6$$46A41BAN NKE1 %launched by 6oordarshan on : No*e#ber +<<:' TA)N %launched by TA) on +< May +<<3' TA)N + %launched by TA) on 1 ;une +<<6' TA) I&N0 BK %launched by TA) on , 6ece#ber 1998' TA)1 A1&A %launched by -iann ?e !roduction "o., -td. on + ;une 199,' TA)1 NKE1 %launched by -iann ?e !roduction "o., -td. on + $ctober 1993' B$--?E$$6 M$A&K "BANNKM5NKT M$A&K1 1 M5NKT M$A&K1 + M5NKT A"T&$N M5NKT "BANNK- %launched by Naspers in 1986' M5NKT 1K4&K1 %owned by 61t*' 19!K4 1!$4T1 1 19!K4 1!$4T1 +

Premium /hannels

19!K4 1!$4T1 : 19!K4 1!$4T1 3 1(? 1KA1$N !A11 1 1(? 1KA1$N !A11 + 1(? 1KA1$N !A11 : 6&1"$AK4? B6 %launched by 6isco*ery "o##unications on 18 ;anuary +<<,' B&1T$4? B6 A1&A %launched by AcK Networ.s Asia on 1 1epte#ber +<<8' B)$ B6 )A--1 B6 %launched by "reati*e !rogra#s, &nc. on 11 ;uly +<<9' A1N2 A-- 1!$4T1 NKTE$4( B6 F$$6 NKTE$4( A1&A B6 NAT&$NA- 0K$04A!B&" "BANNK- B6 1TA4 E$4-6 B6 FI B6 F$I B6 AIN B6 NAT 0K$ E&-6 B6 K1!N B6 FoF Mo*ies !re#iu# B6 !-A?B$91K 6&1NK? "BANNK- B6 1$N? KNTK4TA&NMKNT TK-KA&1&$N A1&A B6 1TA4 1!$4T1 B6 FA1B&$N TA B6 ""TA5++ %B6 "hannel' MTA !B&-&!!&NK1 B6 %launched by MediaNuest TA Networ. on 1 ;anuary +<<8' AB1 !B&-&!!&NK1 B6 %launched by MediaNuest TA Networ. on 1 ;anuary +<<8' 1B$ET&MK !B&-&!!&NK1 B6 %launched by MediaNuest TA Networ. on 1 ;anuary "$MK6? "KNT4A- !B&-&!!&NK1 B6 TA -AN6 !B&-&!!&NK1 B6 TAN A1&A B6 -& %M&$ TA 1&N0A!$4K "BANNK-' %&N B6' EK TA B6 19N6AN"K "BANNK- %&N B6' M5NKT B6 N)A !4KM&9M B6 ;AM 88.:

3D /hannels !laun-he+ in '(($)


Ra+io /hannels !Ai+eo fee+)

89.1 6MH MA0&" 89.9 6HM) 9<., M41 9+.: 96.: E4oc( 9,.9 B$MK 4A6&$ 6HFK 98., 99.3 4T 4; 1<< 1<1.1 1howbiJ Tsis#is 4adio 4o#ance 1<1.9 1<+., 1TA4 FM 1<:.3 (5-&TK 6E)4 1<8.: 1<3.1 "4$11$AK4 -A 1<3.9 The )ig MiF (ool 1<6 N9 1<, 6HMM 4adyo !atrol 6:< 6H4B Nationwide 666 ,<+ 6HA1 7Agapay ng 1a#bayanan7 6H4) 4adyo ng )ayan ,:8 6EEE ,,8 AM 1tereo 6HNN 4adio Aeritas 886.BJ 6E&H 88+ (BH 6E1? 918 (BH 6HKM 938 (BH 6HAM N)" "o##ando 4adio 1<+6 (BH 6E66 11:8 (BH 6HK" 1<6+ (BH 6H4M 1+,8 (BH 6EI& 1:18 (BH 6EF) 938 (BH -A$A0 H 4A6&$ 98., )A09&$ )$M)$ 4A6?$ 6A09!AN 11+3 B$T FM 1<6.: 6A09!AN 0$ AM 1<<8 $-$N0A!$ "&T? 4A6?$ $-$N0A!$ 18++ AM 89.3 )A? FM 19)&"

)$M)$ 4A6?$ -K0AH!& 9+, AM 6?T4 1116 AM TA0)&-A4AN "&T? 6?46 1161 AM TA0)&-A4AN "&T? A(1?$N 4A6?$ 688 AM )A"$-$6 "&T? )$M)$ 4A6?$ )A"$-$6 1+69 AM ?1<1 "K)9 6?A) 131+ AM "K)9 6?-- 383 AM &-$&-$ A(1?$N 4A6?$ ,+< AM &-$&-$ 4A6&$ )$4A"A? 1<6.1 6IA) 4adyo !atrol 1+96 .BJ 6AAA$ 6IAN (ingdo# 4adio 18<8 .BJ 6AAA$ "MN 4A6&$ %"ATB$-&" MK6&A NKTE$4( 4A6&$' 4A6?$ NAT&N %MAN&-A )4$A6"A1T' A)" 4A6&$ 91A N!4 N$E 91A A$A 4A6&$ 91A KN0-&1B 4A6&$ "ANA6A &NTK4NAT&$NA- %KN0-&1B' 4F&2 4A6&$ F4AN"K &NTK4NAT&$NA-K %KN0-&1B' 6K9T1"BK EK--K 4A6&$ %KN0-&1B' 6K9T1"BK EK--K 4A6&$ %0K4MAN' 4A&TA-&A 4A6&$ %KN0-&1B' 4A&TA-&A 4A6&$ %&TA-&AN' 46! &NTK4NA"&$NA4NK2 4A6&$ KITK4&$4 6K K1!ANA %KN0-&1B' 4NK2 4A6&$ KITK4&$4 6K K1!ANA %1!AN&1B' ))" E$4-6 1K4A&"K %KN0-&1B' ))" E$4-6 1K4A&"K %A4A)&"' "4&2 "B&NA 4A6&$ &NTK4NAT&$NA- %KN0-&1B' "4&2 "B&NA 4A6&$ &NTK4NAT&$NA- %"B&NK1K' A-- &N6&A 4A6&$2 0KNK4A- $AK41KA1 1K4A&"K ))" E$4-6 1K4A&"K %B&N6&' %&N6&AN -AN09A0K' A$&"K $F &N6$NK1&A %KN0-&1B' A$&"K $F &N6$NK1&A %&N6$NK1&AN' NB( E$4-6 4A6&$ ;A!AN %KN0-&1B' NB( E$4-6 4A6&$ ;A!AN %;A!ANK1K' A$&"K $F MA-A?1&A %MA-A?' A$&"K $F MA-A?1&A %KN0-&1B' A$&"K $F MA-A?1&A %TBA&'

A$&"K $F MA-A?1&A %TA0A-$0' ()1 E$4-6 4A6&$ %KN0-&1B' ()1 E$4-6 4A6&$ %($4KAN' 4A6&$ TA&EAN &NTK4NAT&$NA- %KN0-&1B' 4A6&$ TA&EAN &NTK4NAT&$NA- %"B&NK1K' TBK K60K 4A6&$ !B&-&!!&NK1 6E11 1898 (BH 6E)- 1+8+ (BH Mellow Touch 98., 4A6&$ A91T4A-&A 6HMK 13:< (BH 0A 99.1 !AM!AN0A 4E 93.1 !AM!AN0A 6H4; 4adyo )andido 81< AM 9:.9 6E(" 6HI- 4MN Manila 338 6H)) 4adyo )isig5)ayan 398 (?91.3 6HIN 1:3< (BH Monster 4adio 4I 9:.1

-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / March 18 at 12<8a#

1een by :1

)ro 4yan A. A#erica this.

Bro Ryan A. Ameri-a Kh yung "hinese "hristian "hannel na 0ood TA>

;une 19 at 1+2:8p# *ia #obile / -i.e

Lian Las Pinas The !hilippine 6eposit &nsurance "orporation %!6&"' is celebrating its 3<th Anni*ersary on ;une ++, +<1:. The !6&", an attached agency of the 6epart#ent of Finance, is #andated as state deposit insurer to pro*ide deposit insurance co*erage of a #aFi#u# of 43<<,<<<. As co5regulator of ban.s, it wor.s with the )ang.o 1entral ng !ilipinas %)1!' in strengthening the syste#. As statutory recei*er, it o*er closed ban.s and ad#inisters their assets and records upon order of the )1! Monetary )oard. )an.s are placed under !6&" recei*ership when they beco#e insol*ent, are undercapitaliJed, or when they engage in unsound practices that place depositorsD #oney at ris.. The !6&" co*ers pay#ents for deposits placed in closed ban.s using the 6eposit &nsurance Fund. The !6&" was created on ;une ++, 196:, by 4epublic Act :391 to 7pro#ote and safeguard

the interests of the depositing public by way of per#anent and continuing insurance co*erage on all insured deposits.7 4A :391 was a#ended by 4A 9:<+ signed on April +9, +<<9, increasing the #aFi#u# deposit insurance co*erage to 43<<,<<<, and ensuring that the !6&" re#ains financially and institutionally strong to fulfill its #andates. As part of its corporate responsibility, the !6&" conducts the 7)e A Eise 1a*er7 ca#paign where it ad*ises depositors to2 "hoose their ban. well and .now the owners behind itZ understand the ban. products well and be well infor#ed as to the ser*ice feesZ .eep their ban. records updatedZ and transact only with authoriJed ban. representati*es inside the ban.Ds pre#ises, ne*er outside. Ee congratulate the 6epart#ent of Finance headed by 1ecretary "esar A. !urisi#a, the )ang.o 1entral ng !ilipinas led by 0o*ernor A#ando M. Tetangco ;r., and the !hilippine 6eposit &nsurance "orporation headed by !resident and "hief KFecuti*e $fficer Aalentin A. Araneta, KFa#ination and 4esolution 1ector KFecuti*e Aice !resident &#elda 1. 1ingJon, and 4ecei*ership and -iCuidation 1ector KFecuti*e Aice !resident "ristina N. $rbeta, its )oard of 6irectors, other $fficers and !ersonnel in their obser*ance of its 3<th Founding Anni*ersary. "$N04AT9-AT&$N1 AN6 MA)9BA?=

/ / 1hare / 0et Notifications / ;une +< at 1286a# near Manila

1een by +:

Lian Las Pinas 4unners, celebrities and politicians con*erged in Manila on 1unday, February +8, +<1< as they too. part in radio 6HMM@s !ara 1a (ali.asan ?ear 11. The run for an en*iron#ental cause began at the Nuirino 0randstand in Manila at 3 a.#. According to The !hilippine 1tar, 3,<<< runners participated in the e*ent. The runners were led by Aice5!resident Noli de "astro, 1en. !ia "ayetano and A)15")N Foundation &nc. %AF&' Managing 6irector 0ina -opeJ. They were oined by 1tar MagicDs !iolo !ascual, ;a.e "uenca, Knchong 6ee and Maricar 4eyes plus 6HMM anchors Ahwel !aJ, Ariel 9reta, "ory Nuirino and Aic de -eon5-i#a.
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / ;une +6 at 321<a#

1een by +1

Tho# 0arnet !enayes this.

Lian Las Pinas This &s My 1tory, This &s My 1ong First Anni*ersary

/ /


0et Notifications

;une 11 at :2:+p#

1een by ++

Diego .r Reyes /or+ero >

;uly +3 at 1+2+8a# / -i.e

Lian Las Pinas

9nile*er, Total Nuality

-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / ;une 11 at :288p#

1een by ++

Diego .r Reyes /or+ero >

;uly +3 at 1+2+9a# / -i.e

ian Las Pinas Bappy birthday to our celebrators today, "ebu "ity Mayor To##y $s#e]a, 6ondon, 6irector Beidi 1ison, Annie Aus#olo, Mrs. Anita 9darbe5-orenJana, Annabelle Adriano, !acito Bipolito, !a#ela Na*a, Ma or Kfren 4. Fa ardo of !"1$ 0M@s office, ;arrett "ross !into, Hoeei (ho, "ynthia -i#, ;oseph 4obles, ;anelle Nuintana, ;ennina 0arcia and Mayor "ar#ela K. Al*areJ. Bappy wedding anni*ersary to )o#bit and "elena dela "ruJ. [`e`[.ffff.[`e`[ Bappy birthday to you [`e`[.ffff.[`e`[ Bappy birthday to you[`e`[.ffff.[`e`[ Bappy birthday ... Bappy birthday [`e`[.ffff.[`e`[ Bappy birthday to you [`e`[.ffff.[`e`[
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / ;uly +6 at 1289a# near Manila

1een by 18

Lian Las Pinas edited a doc.

2am8uhay Missalette an+ 2un+ay 0: Mass

A !astoral 1er*ice of !auline !riests and )rothers, 2AMB?3A7 is a liturgical resource #aterial ai#ed to help !astors and Ministers of the Eord in their preparations for the 1unday and Kucharist, and the "hurch faithful in their acti*e participation in the 1unday and Mass. Aside fro# the 1acra#entary !rayers and -ectionary 4eadings for the 1unday Mass, each 85page issue contains2 a one5page front article on the 0ospelZ short introductions for the Mass proper, for each of the Mass readingsZ 0ospel5based ^!rayers of the Faithful_ that also integrate the#es suggested by local churchZ a boFed article on a highlighted word or phrase fro# the 1unday 0ospel. There are 6ifferent Kditions of 2AMB?3A72 Knglish Kdition %started on ;uly 3, 198, with the 18th 1unday in $rdinary Ti#e, ?ear A'Z Tagalog Kdition %started on ;uly 3, 198, with the 18th 1unday in $rdinary Ti#e, ?ear A'Z Biligaynon Kdition %started on ;anuary 1, +<<< with the 1ole#n Feast of Mary, Mother of 0od'Z the First Friday Kdition %started on ;anuary +, 1998 with the liturgy of ^;anuary +5before Kpiphany_'. The !hilippine Missalette was inspired by 1unday #ass guides published by !auline priests and brothers in other places2 ^-a 6o#enica_ in &taly, ^Kl 6o#ingo_ in 1outh A#erica. The !hilippine pro ect was established during the ter# of Fr. Apolinar "astor as

11! 4egional 1uperior. Be assigned Fr. 6o#ie 0uJ#an as Founding Kditor. Fr. 0uJ#an was then yet a senior student in Theology at the -oyola 1chool of Theology, Ateneo de Manila 9ni*ersity. The na#e 2AMB?3A7 was coined by Fr. 6o#ie 0uJ#an in consultation with Msgr. 1abino Aengco, a diocesan priest who specialiJed in -iturgy. Be was a professor of Fr. 0uJ#an, and is a good friend and collaborator of the !aulines in the !hilippines. &n fact, he has published a good nu#ber of boo.s, A"6s and 6A6s with 1T !A9-1. Worship %2AMBA' and Life %B?3A7'. This is the editorial line of our !auline !hilippine Missalette2 with the 0ospel reflections, -iturgical introductions and notes, and conteFtualiJed ^!rayers of the Faithful_g we want to contribute in the 1unday Kucharist the source and su##it of the daily "hristian life of our partners5in5#ission, that is, the pastors and faithful who use our publication. !auline !riests and )rothers who ha*e ser*ed as editors of 2AMB?3A7 are2 Fr. 6o#ie 0uJ#an, Fr. Ti# MelliJa, Fr. 0il Alinsangan, Fr. "ris "ellan, Fr. 4a#il Tapang, Fr. ;o*en -agda#en, Fr. 4estie de la !e]a, Fr. Apolinar "astor ;r., Fr. 4ollin Flores, )ro. Bansel Mapayo. A good nu#ber of !auline priests, brothers, clerics, se#inarians and sisters O as well as other collaborators fro# other religious congregations O and e*en lay persons #a.e up the pool of resource writers for the reflections. Fr. Ar#and Tangi, a Filipino !auline priest .nown for his paintings, is the designer of the original #asthead of the Missalette. 2AMB?3A7 $nline ser*ice beca#e a*ailable in 1999. The first uploaded issue of the 1unday #issalette was for ;une 1:, 1999, then the 11th 1unday in $rdinary Ti#e %?ear A'. Fr. -udo*ico Tacdoro ;r., pioneered this online edition of 2AMB?3A7 which has greatly helped Filipino chaplaincies abroad. Fr. !aul MarCueJ said the progra# cost of around !1 billion ca#e fro# the 7widowDs #ite7 %or s#all contributions' and fro# sa*ings accu#ulated since Telenetwor. Media !roductions continues to renting stadiu#s and open grounds for its fellowship acti*ities since 198,. 7Eithout the people .nowing it, we spend !135!+< #illion a #onth for the operational eFpenses of the 1A65M"F&, such as allowance for wor.ers, rentals, and TA and radio air ti#e7 Fr. )el 1an -uis said. The 1unday TA Mass was first aired on ;uly 3, 198, with the 18th 1unday in $rdinary Ti#e, ?ear A -i*e at the 1M "ity North K61A Kntertain#ent !laJa in NueJon "ity at ,2<< A.M., as a co5production agree#ent between 1t. !auls Media !astoral Ministry for 1a#buhay Missalette during its first issue, and during the years, the Mass had been holding its Kucharistic celebrations in such *enues in Metro Manila as Nuirino

0randstand, -uneta !ar., "ultural "enter of the !hilippines co#pleF, 4iJal Me#orial "oliseu#, 4ecla#ation Area, Araneta "oliseu# and Fol. Arts Theater. At present, the 1a#buhay Missalette is published e*eryday in Knglish and Tagalog, on 3+ 1undays of 1+ #onths %1unday and Eee.days of $rdinary, Ad*ent, -ent and Kaster Ti#e', and also published on se*eral occasions such as2

All 1aintDs 6ay %e*ery No*e#ber 1 of e*ery year since 198,' All 1oulDs 6ay %e*ery No*e#ber + of e*ery year since 198,' 1ole#nity of &##aculate "onception %e*ery 6ece#ber 8 of e*ery year since 1i#bang 0abi %e*ery 6ece#ber 16 to +8 of e*ery year since 198,' Misa de 0allo %e*ery 6ece#ber +8 of e*ery year since 198,'


"hrist#as 6ay Midnight Mass and "hrist#as 6ay K*ening Mass %e*ery 6ece#ber +3 of e*ery year since 198,' 1t. 1tephens 6ay %e*ery 6ece#ber +6 of e*ery year since 198,' Feast of saint ;ohn the K*angelist and Apostle %e*ery 6ece#ber +, of e*ery year since 198,' The Feast of the Boly &nnocents %e*ery 6ece#ber +8 of e*ery year since 198,' The feast day of 1aint Tho#as ) %e*ery 6ece#ber +9 of e*ery year since The feast of the Boly Fa#ily %e*ery 6ece#ber :< of e*ery year since 198,' New ?earDs K*e %e*ery 6ece#ber :1 of e*ery year since 198,'


New ?earDs 6ay or The 1ole#nity of Mary, Mother of 0od %e*ery ;anuary 1 of e*ery year since 1988' the feast day of 1t. )asil the 0reat and 1t. 0regory NaJianJen %e*ery ;anuary + of e*ery year since 1988' Feast of 1aint 0ene*ie*e %e*ery ;anuary : of e*ery year since 1988' Feast of 1t. KliJabeth Ann 1eton %e*ery ;anuary 8 of e*ery year since 1988'

the Feast of 1t. Kdward the "onfessor, (ing of Kngland %e*ery ;anuary 3 of e*ery year since 1988' Kpiphany %e*ery ;anuary 6 of e*ery year since 1988' Feast of the )lac. NaJarene %e*ery ;anuary 9 of e*ery year since 1988'

"hinese New ?ear %9sually occurs in late ;anuary or early February e*ery year, since 19885present' Aalentines 6ay %e*ery February 18 of e*ery year, since 19885present' K61A 4e*olution Anni*ersary %e*ery February +8 and +3 of e*ery year, since 19885present' &nternational Eo#enDs 6ay %e*ery March 8 of e*ery year, since 19885present' Maundy Thursday %Eestern "hristianity' %since 19885present' 0ood Friday %since 19885present'

)lac. 1aturday %Kaster Aigil of the -ordDs 4esurrection' %since 19885present' Kaster 1unday %since 19885present' )ataan 6ay %e*ery April 9 of e*ery year since 19885present' %Tagalog *ersion' -abor 6ay %e*ery May 1 of e*ery year since 19885present' MotherDs 6ay %e*ery 1econd 1unday in May of e*ery year since 19885present' !entecost 1unday %Mo*able date, since 19885present' Aesa. %Mo*able date, since 19885present'

!hilippine &ndependence 6ay %e*ery ;une 1+ of e*ery year since 19885 present' %Tagalog *ersion' ;ose 4iJalDs birthday %e*ery ;une 19 of e*ery year since 19885present' %Tagalog *ersion' FatherDs 6ay %e*ery Third 1unday in ;une of e*ery year since 19885present' &ndependence 6ay of The 9nited 1tates of A#erica %e*ery ;uly 8 of e*ery year since 19885present' Kid al5Fitr %Knd of 4a#adan' %Mo*able date, since 19885present' &glesia ni "risto 6ay %e*ery ;uly +,, since 198,5present'

Ninoy ACuino 6ay %co##e#orating the anni*ersary of the 198: assassination of for#er 1enator )enigno 7Ninoy7 ACuino, ;r.' %e*ery August +1, since 198,5present' Anni*ersary "elebration of Kl 1haddai 6EI& !rayer !artners Fellowship &nternational, &nc. %e*ery third or fourth 1unday of August since 198,5present' National BeroesD 6ay %e*ery -ast Monday of August, since 198,5present' Kid al5Adha %Mo*able date since 19885present' 1pirit Festi*al %#o*able date, since 198, to present' Mid5Autu#n Festi*al %#o*able date, since 198, to present'

National 6ay of the !eopleDs 4epublic of "hina %e*ery $ctober 1 of e*ery year since 198, to present' Anni*ersary "elebration of ;esus is -ord "hurch %e*ery first 1unday of $ctober since 198, to present' 6eepa*ali %$ctober5No*e#ber, e*ery year since 19885present' 1e*eral e*ents during the Boly Mass such as2 Be said the rentals a#ounted to !:<< #illion in 13 years fro# 198, to +<<+.

-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / August 8 at 112:3p#

1een by 18

Lian Las Pinas>*Lh0odF031N-8 Bope "igarettes TA" %199351996'

3ope Lu@ury /igarettes 0:/ "##5 Bope -uFury "igarettes TA" 1996
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / 1epte#ber 1+ at 9288p#

1een by 13

Diego .r Reyes /or+ero 6ecision D93 the#e 2 71y#bols %0oals'7

-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / ;une +9 at 1<21+p# / Kdited

1een by 19

Nelson ;ohn )aylon ;r. this.

7mman Ja1e Mer+egia Bia-o 6ecision 19932 $peration )antay )oto..

1epte#ber 18 at 12++a# / -i.e

Diego .r Reyes /or+ero Mi.e said 0MA doesnDt ha*e any Male Anchor talents, that was when he anchored the co*erage. Then 0MA ga*e an offer to KnriCueJ Q 6a*ila, which was a 135#inute radio style newscast entitled 71a.si2 0MA Beadline )alita7

1epte#ber 18 at +28:p# / -i.e

Lian Las Pinas (asa#a po ang !residential "o##unications $perations $ffice, !hilippine &nfor#ation Agency at (apisanan ng #ga )rod.aster ng !ilipinas, na#i#iss .o nang panoorin ang #usic *ideo ng pa#bansang awit ng !ilipinas ang 7-upang Binirang7 na pinapalabas ito sa A)"53 at !TA58 noong 1998 para sa !hilippine "entennial "elebration after the sucess of the 1998 *ersion produced by )!& and Ayala "orporation
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / 1epte#ber +6 at :288a#

1een by 11

Lian Las Pinas Ang #ga sponsors ng 0MA Beadline )alita noon ay "ha#pion "igarettes and Mar. !re#iu# Menthol "igarettes 5 Fortune Tobacco "orporation while TA !atrol A)15")N ay Tanduay 4hu# 3 ?ears in 199,
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / $ctober 1: at 82+8p#

1een by 1<

Bero A Noble this.

Lian Las Pinas Traffic 4e54outing for the :3th Anni*ersary "elebration of ;esus is -ord "hurch Eorldwide Mo*e#ent $n $ctober +6, +<1:, the following roads will be affected2 4oFas )oule*ard %fro# !adre )urgos 6ri*e to T.M. (alaw 1treet to 9nited Nations A*enue to !adre Faura' will be closed to *ehicular traffic fro# 1+2<< Midnight of $ctober +3 to 1+2<< !.M. of $ctober +8, +<1: Taft A*enue, !adres )urgos 6ri*e and Arroceros 1treet to Nati*idad Al#eda5-opeJ 6ri*e, ;ones, McArthur and NueJon )ridges will be closed to *ehicular traffic fro# 62<< !.M. of $ctober +3, +<1: to :2<< !.M. of $ctober +8, +<1:. NueJon )oule*ard will be closed to hea*y traffic fro# 112<< !.M. of $ctober +3, +<1+ to 1+2<< Noon of $ctober +8, +<1:.
-i.e / / 1hare / 0et Notifications / $ctober +1 at :28:a#

1een by 8

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