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FELLOWSHIP: HEBREWS 10:25, ACTS 2: 38-47, 4:32-37

There are different types of fellowships, e.g. fellowship with God, fellowships as in a place of
gathering, hand of fellowship, fellowship of brethren etc.

In this lesson we are only going to cover fellowship with brethren. This is the coming
together of people to share common interest—in Christ Jesus

Another word for fellowship is friendliness, companionship, comradeship.

Reason for Fellowship:

The fellowship of Christians together is very important; for it is in our unity together we gain
the following:

1. It helps believers to get encouragement: Hebrews 10:25, Acts 4:32-37. To neglect

the fellowship of other Christians is to give up the encouragement and help of other
Christians. We gather together to share our faith and strengthen each other in the
Lord. In these last days, we may face many spiritual struggles, tribulations and even
persecution. Difficulties should never be excuses for missing Christian fellowship.
Rather, as difficulties arise, we should make an even greater effort to be faithful in
2. It helps believers to grow in Christ: Romans 1: 11-12, 2Tim 3:10-14, 1Thess 2:8
3. It helps the world to know Christ Jesus: John 17:22-23. The spiritual unity and
generosity of the early church attracted others to them and to Christ.
4. It helps to foster unity: Ps 133: 1-3. David stated that harmony is pleasant, precious
and refreshing. Although, harmony does not abound in today’s churches as it should.
It is important because it makes us positive examples to the world and thus draws
others to us. It gives us a foretaste of heaven. It is renewing and revitalising, because
there’s less tension to sap our energy. Without spiritual unity, the church cannot
survive. It doesn’t totally mean we will agree on everything; there will be many
opinions just as there are many notes in harmonious chord music. But we agree on our
purpose to work together for God. Our outward expression of unity should reveal our
inward unity of purpose

Conditions for Fellowship:

In order to enjoy the full benefits of fellowship, the environment must be suitable by
following the steps below

1. There must be a basic commitment to one another: Rom 12:10. We must

understand that without a basic trust there can be no true fellowship. The depth of
fellowship varies according to depth of commitment. We should be devoted to serve
one another. We serve others not for what we can get from them, but because they are
our brothers in God and because God had equally been good to us, we should be good
to His children. 1Cor 16:15
2. Our commitment must be on ‘Agape:’ the word agape denotes a one-way love—
unconditional love, Loving ‘in spite of’ or ‘despite’, not loving ‘because of.’ This
kind of love commitment is not and cannot be affected by the other person’s
inconsistent behaviour. It reveals itself in action (attitude) not just feeling. We must
be ready to help when it is not convenient; give when it hurts; devote our energy to
others welfare and not just to ours; we absorb hurts from others without complaining
or fighting back; (this kind of love-agape is hard to practice, but Christ wants us to
practice it) John 13:34. Sacrificial giving: Although it’s possible to give without love,
but we really cannot love without a sacrificial giving 2Cor. 8:2-3. We must also
practice hospitality: hospitality means making people feel comfortable and at home
not necessarily have luxurious or well furnished homes. Our love should run deep
enough to affect our hospitality, sympathy, etc. Hebrews 13:2
3. True fellowship is Christ-centred: our fellowship with one another is founded in our
common commitment to Christ. Phil 2:1-2, 1John 1:3
4. Walking in the Light: our fellowship embraces the need to open, honest and truthful
with one another. We must be very free with one another. This may require us to
confess our sins to one another (or lovingly covering another’s sin)—1 John 1:6-7,
Matt 18:15, James 5:16. We must learn to remove any mask or false coverings. Most
of the world’s fellowships are hypocritical—acting out role, and is not genuine—1
Peter 1:22
5. Genuine interest in the other’s well-being: there should be no hidden motives of
self-gain. Our desire should be to give, not to get. Phil 2:3-4. We should be a channel
of supply to those in need. 2 Cor. 8:14, 1Thess 4:11-12
6. A willingness to lay down one’s life: John 15:12-13, Rom 16: 3-4, James 2: 15-16.
We must be ready to share our possession, time, knowledge, interest, preferences etc
with others. Everyone must be ready to share himself. We can only know people to
the extent they’re prepared to reveal themselves. We must be ready and willing to
share in one another sufferings—Gal 6:1,2, 9,10; Phil 4:14

Fellowship in Church means:

a) Sharing all things: there were three stages of development in their fellowship in Acts
4:32. Firstly, they were of one heart (spirit), then they were of one soul (mind), and
then followed the physical expression of having all things common
b) Laying down their lives: Romans 16:3-4
c) Devoted to serving the brethren: 1 Cor. 16:15
d) Being a channel of supply to others in need: 2Cor. 8:14, 1Cor. 16:17
e) Sharing in suffering: Phil 4:14
f) Sacrificial giving: 2Cor 8:2-3
g) Practicing hospitality: Heb 13:2, 3John 1:5
h) Results: A fear of God-42, Joy: 46, Favour with all people: 47, Addition of believers

My Commitment Prayer: Through this study I now understand the importance of having
fellowship continually with other Christians. Today I commit myself to being a part of this
believers group to whom I will give my loyalty, my love and my service.

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