There are different types of fellowships, e.g. fellowship with God, fellowships as in a place of
gathering, hand of fellowship, fellowship of brethren etc.
In this lesson we are only going to cover fellowship with brethren. This is the coming
together of people to share common interest—in Christ Jesus
The fellowship of Christians together is very important; for it is in our unity together we gain
the following:
In order to enjoy the full benefits of fellowship, the environment must be suitable by
following the steps below
a) Sharing all things: there were three stages of development in their fellowship in Acts
4:32. Firstly, they were of one heart (spirit), then they were of one soul (mind), and
then followed the physical expression of having all things common
b) Laying down their lives: Romans 16:3-4
c) Devoted to serving the brethren: 1 Cor. 16:15
d) Being a channel of supply to others in need: 2Cor. 8:14, 1Cor. 16:17
e) Sharing in suffering: Phil 4:14
f) Sacrificial giving: 2Cor 8:2-3
g) Practicing hospitality: Heb 13:2, 3John 1:5
h) Results: A fear of God-42, Joy: 46, Favour with all people: 47, Addition of believers
My Commitment Prayer: Through this study I now understand the importance of having
fellowship continually with other Christians. Today I commit myself to being a part of this
believers group to whom I will give my loyalty, my love and my service.