Ph.D. Revised Rules
Ph.D. Revised Rules
Ph.D. Revised Rules
SOLAPUR UNIVERSITY, SOLAPUR Rules related to the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
(As per UGC Minimum Standards and Procedures for Award of M.Phil./Ph.D. Degree Regulation,aspublishedintheGazetteofIndiadatedJuly1117,2009) The programme for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) is offered by Solapur University,SolapurintheFacultiesofArtsandFineArts,SocialSciences,Science,Commerce andManagement,Law,Education,EngineeringandTechnology. R.Ph.D.1REGISTRATION A candidate seeking admission to the Ph.D. degree course shall apply to the Registrar in the prescribed application form as per notification of the University for the admissions starting from1stJulyand1stJanuaryofeveryyear,respectively. R.Ph.D.2ELIGIBILITY ForadmissiontothePh.D.programmeinarelatedsubjectinanyfaculty,thecandidateshall fulfilthefollowingconditions: i. Minimum of 55 % marks (50% for SC/ST category) or with equivalent grade points at PostGraduatedegreeexaminationoritsequivalent. OR ii. Thoseapprovedteacherswhoarealreadyinservice. OR iii. Mastersdegreebyresearch. OR iv. Candidate appearing for the post graduate final year examination may appear for the entrancetest.However,he/sheshallhavetosubmittheresultofqualifyingexamination atthetimeofinterview. OR v. CharteredAccountants/CostAccountants,whoareteachersinaffiliatedCollegesofthis University and desirous of enrolling their names as Research Students for Ph.D. of this University shall be eligible for the same, provided that they have five years practicing experience as Chartered Accountant / Cost Accountant with five years teaching experienceattheB.Com.PartIIIlevel. [Note: i. Candidates, working in National LaboratoriesInstitutes / Government/Private organizations fulfilling the above conditions and nominated / sponsored by the respectiveemployer,shallhavetosubmitnoobjectioncertificate. ii. Final eligibility shall be confirmed after submission of the synopsis, requisite fees andrelevantdocuments.] R.Ph.D.3ENTRANCETESTANDMERITLIST i. The candidate desirous to be admitted to the Ph.D. programme shall appear for the EntranceTestconductedbytheUniversity. ii. Syllabus for Entrance Test shall be equivalent to the NET / SET / GATE / Postgraduate Level of the concerned subject. In the Entrance Test, the candidates knowledge about the subject and research aptitude shall be tested. Entrance Test, based on multiple choice types, shall be of 100 Marks. Out of this, 50 marks shall be for concerned subject knowledge and 50 marks for research aptitude. Admission shall be only on the basis of performanceinEntranceTest.
Downloadedfrom iii. Based on the merit in the Entrance Test, the candidate shall appear for an interview, whichshallbeconductedbytherespectiveDepartment/School/RecognizedInstitution / Affiliated College of the University. At the time of interview, candidates are expected todiscusstheirresearchinterest/area. iv. The candidates, who have qualified SET / NET / UGCCSIR / JRF / GATE or qualified for M.Phil. through the Entrance Test of the Solapur University or registered for M.Phil. through Entrance Test and desire to convert their registration from M.Phil. to Ph.D. programme or completed M.Phil. degree of Solapur University, in respective subjects, need not appear for the Entrance Test. However, in such cases, for deciding merit, only the percentage of marks obtained by the candidates at post graduate level shall be taken into consideration. Such candidates shall also have to appear for interview. Further, if such candidates wish to appear for the Entrance Test, they may do so and in that case, their score in Entrance Test shall be considered for evaluation of merit as prescribed. v. The candidates who have completed their M.Phil. course work from Solapur University, Solapur or any other university recognised by the UGC shall be exempted for the Pre. Ph.D. / Ph.D. course work. However, such a candidate will have to appear in the entrancetestasapplicabletoafreshcandidatedirectlyjoiningPh.D. vi. Meritlistshallbepreparedasunder, a. In case of candidates appearing for the Entrance Test, total marks secured in the EntranceTestshallbeconsideredfordecidingmerit. b. IncaseofcandidatesexemptedfromtheEntranceTest,onlythepercentageoftotal marks secured in the Post Graduate examination shall be considered for deciding merit. c. Theinterviewshallbeapplicabletoallthecandidates. d. Admission shall be given on the basis of the combined merit list prepared on the basisof(a)and(b)above. R.Ph.D.4COMMITTEEFORINTERVIEWSANDALLOTMENTOFSTUDENTSTOGUIDES There shall be a committee for conducting the Interview and allotment of students to the Guides. i. Wherever the University Department exits, the committee shall be by the name DepartmentalResearchCommittee(DRC)consistingof, HeadoftheDepartment Chairman OneSeniorProfessor Member OneSeniorReader Member OneSeniorLecturer Member TwoP.G.teachersfromtherecognized Ph.D.centers/AffiliatedColleges Members [Note: If DRC cannot be constituted as above, due to the small size of the department, thenthemembersfromaffiliatedcolleges/recognizedinstitutesmaybeappointed.] ii. Wherever the University Department does not exist, the committee shall be by the nameResearchCenterCommittee(RCC)consistingof, Deanoftheconcernedfaculty Chairman Chairman,BoardofStudiesintheconcernedsubject Member Twosubjectexperts Members Onesubjectexpertfromeachresearchcenter Members iii. All the above members, except exofficio, shall be nominated by the ViceChancellor. Oneofthemshallbefromthereservedcategory. iv. The approval for the DRC / RCC shall be obtained from University Authorities in the monthofNovember/MayforadmissioninJune/Decemberrespectively.
FirstweekofMay/November. FourthweekofMay/November. FirstweekofJune/December. Within three days from the date of declarationofmeritlist. Interviews,allocationofstudentstoguidesby By 30th June / 31st December by paying concernedDRC/RCCandprovisionaladmission registrationfeesonly. SubmissionofSynopsis By31stJuly/31stJanuary Research&RecognitionCommitteemeeting September/March Confirmationofadmission(subjectto AfterapprovalbyResearch& finalizationofeligibility) RecognitionCommitteeandpaying necessaryfees.
R.Ph.D.6RECOGNITIONOFATEACHER/GUIDE i. A candidate for Ph.D. degree shall work in a University Department / Recognized Research Institute or Postgraduate Centre in that area, under the supervision of a researchguide. ii. Recognition of a guide for M.Phil. or Ph.D., is deemed to be cancelled automatically, if he / she does not get any candidate registered under him / her within a period of two consecutive years. Nevertheless, if he/she has one or more registered candidates, this rule does not apply. Moreover, if the recognized teacher has research publication, undertaken any Minor Research Project or Major Research Project, etc. during this period, his/her recognition shall be continued. A teacher whose recognition is cancelled mayapplyforrerecognition,ifhe/shewishestoenrolanyresearchstudent. iii. The recognized guides for M.Phil. / Ph.D. are allowed to teach at M.Phil. / Masters degreeleveltheoryirrespectiveofabove. iv. The registration of the student shall not be permitted, if both the Research Guide and thestudentarenotfromthejurisdictionofSolapurUniversity. v. In case of the subjects, where guides are not available in the jurisdiction of Solapur University or the quota of the existing guides within jurisdiction of Solapur University is fulfilled and if there is a demand from students of Solapur University for registration in these subjects, then with the permission of Hon. ViceChancellor, the University shall provideapanelofResearchGuidesfromoutsidethejurisdictionofSolapurUniversity.In these cases the quota for such guides shall be maximum two. In such cases, the student shallbeassociatedwitharecognizedresearchcentreofSolapurUniversity. R.Ph.D.7INDEPENDENTRESEARCH/RESEARCHWITHOUTGUIDE If a research guide cannot be made available, the candidate may work independently if permittedbytheUniversityifhe/shesatisfiesthefollowingconditions, i. He/she must be a teacher within the jurisdiction of this University having experience of impartinginstructionstodegreeclassesfornotlessthantenyears, ii. He/shemustfulfiltheeligibilitycriteriaaspertherulesmentionedabove. iii. He / she must have at his / her credit, research work published in refereed journals indicatinghisabilitytodoresearchindependently. iv. All other conditions for admission shall remain the same except he / she has to submit thefollowing(additional)atthetimeofapplicationforEntranceTest, a. Sevencopiesofhis/herpublishedwork. b. Sevencopiesoftheoutlineoftheproposedresearch.
Downloadedfrom R.Ph.D.8INTERDISCIPLINARYAREA i. Admission to the Ph.D. in Environmental Science may be offered to the students possessing, a. MastersDegreeinanySciencesubject, b. MastersDegreeinEngineering/Pharmacy. ii. Admission to the Ph.D. in interdisciplinary area of Environmental Management may be opentothecandidatespossessing: a. M.B.A. b. M.E/M.Tech/M.S. c. M.C.M./M.C.A. d. M.Sc. e. M.Pharma. f. M.Arch. R.Ph.D.9COURSEWORK i. Successful completion of M.Phil. / Pre Ph.D. theory course / Ph.D. course work of this ii. The registration of a candidate for Ph.D. degree shall be considered as provisional till he/shesuccessfullycompletestheM.Phil./PrePh.D.theorycourse/Ph.D.coursework. iii. The registration of a candidate for Ph.D. degree shall be considered as provisional till he/she successfully completes the M.Phil./ PrePh.D. theory course /Ph.D. course work, asapplicable. iv. The period of provisional registration shall be counted for the continued Ph.D. registration. v. CandidateshallhavetoappearforM.Phil.theorycourse/PrePh.D./Ph.D.coursework examination at any time after the date of registration and before the submission ofPh.D.thesis. R.Ph.D.10CONVERSIONOFM.PHIL.TOPh.D. i. A candidate who has registered for M.Phil degree and has completed the course work may be given the option of changing from the M.Phil. programme to the Ph.D. programme. ii. The date of registration for Ph.D. in respect of such candidate shall be the date of his/herregistrationforM.Phil.course R.Ph.D.11EXEMPTIONFROMATTENDENCETOCOURSEWORK i. Candidates, who register as regular students for Ph.D. under teacher fellowship / scholarship / FIP from any of the funding agencies shall have to attend the M.Phil. theory / PrePh.D. / Ph.D. course work lectures regularly. However, those candidates workinginSolapurUniversity,Solapur/RecognizedResearchCenter/AffiliatedColleges / Recognized Institutions shall be exempted from actual attendance of theory course lectures. ii. Any other cases of gainfully employed persons registering for Ph.D. shall be considered ontheirmeritbytheUniversityauthoritiesforexemptionfromregularattendance. R.Ph.D.12ALLOCATIONOFSTUDENTSTOTHERESEARCHGUIDE i. TheUniversityshalldeterminethenumberofavailableseatspersubject,perRecognized Guide for Ph.D. students for every Department / School / Recognized Institution and Affiliated Colleges, as the case may be. The number of seats available shall be notified well in advance on University Web site and through advertisement. In response to the
Downloadedfrom advertisement, the candidates desirous of admission to Ph.D. programme shall apply to theUniversityintheprescribedproforma. ii. The allocation of the candidates to the Research Guides shall be decided by the DRC / RCC in a formal manner depending on the number of students per research guide, the available specialization among the research guides, the research interest of the student asindicatedduringinterviewbythestudentandtheconsentoftheguide.Theallotment /allocationofresearchguideshallnotbelefttotheindividualstudentorteacher. iii. Uponselection,thecandidateshallsubmitthefollowingdocumentstotheUniversity. a. 12copiesoftheResearchProposal. b. CopiesofStatementofMarksofdegreeandPGlevelexaminations. c. MigrationandTransferCertificate,ifnecessary. R.Ph.D.13GUIDENCE i. A candidate may work under any Recognized Guide of the University, except nearer relationsuchashusband/wife/son/daughter/mother/sister/brother/inlaws,etc. ii. TheRecognizedGuideshallnothavemorethaneightPh.D.andfiveM.Phil.students.If the guide is recognized for more than one subjects, his total quota shall be limited to thirteentakenallthesubjectstogether. iii. GuidancebyGuideandCoguide A candidate may be allowed to register his/her name under the guidance of two recognized guides belonging to the same department/ school or different departments /schooloftheUniversityorRecognizedInstitutionsorAffiliatedCollegesprovidedthat, a. Thesubjectmatteroftheresearchconcernswithtwodifferentspecializationsofthe samesubjectandsamedepartment/schoolOR b. The subject matter of the research is of interdisciplinary nature concerning two differentdepartments/schoolsintheUniversity/InstitutionOR c. The subject matter of the research is of interdisciplinary nature or it concerns with use of research facilities and equipment in the different University departments or schoolsandintherecognizedresearchinstitutesoraffiliatedcolleges. iv. GuidancebyNewGuide a. Due to sad demise of a Research Guide, the student is allowed to opt for coguide accordingtothespecialization. b. If 50% or more work has been completed by the candidate under the deceased guidetherecognizednew guidemaybeappointedonlytosupervisetheworkofthe candidate. The name of the deceased guide be printed on the thesis along with the nameofthenewguide. v. ChangeofGuide a. A candidate may be permitted by the Research and Recognition Committee to change his / her guide provided he / she applies for the change and the application forchangeisconsentedbyboththeguidesi.e.presentandproposed. b. The Guide may reject the registered student because of non satisfactory performanceandthestudentmayalsorequesttochangetheguide. c. IncaseofdisputetheViceChancellorsdecisionshallbefinal. vi. TransferofGuide a. In the case of transfer of guide from the institution, where the candidate is registered and has worked for minimum 3 terms with him / her, the candidate shall continuetoworkunderthesameguide. b. A candidate who has worked for less than 3 terms shall be transferred to a new guide, with the prior consent of both the guides (old and new) with the approval of theResearchandRecognitionCommittee. c. Incaseofdispute,thedecisionoftheViceChancellorshallbefinal.
Downloadedfrom vii. A guide can guide the student in the recognized laboratory other institution in the jurisdiction of Solapur University subject to production of no objection certificates from the Head of Institutions / Principal in case of affiliated colleges and competent authoritiesincaseofUniversitydepartment/school. R.Ph.D.14ADDITIONALPhD.DEGREE i. A candidate seeking admission for the additional Ph.D. degree on different topic within thesamesubjectneednotdothecoursework. ii. A candidate seeking admission for the additional Ph.D. degree other than the subject in which he/she has been previously awarded the degree, shall have to complete the courseworkinthesubjectforwhichthecandidatewishestoregisterforPh.D. R.Ph.D.15ADMISSIONPROCEDURE i. A candidate can apply for admission to the Ph.D. programme in the prescribed applicationformandshallsubmittotheUniversity, a. A copy of statement of marks / certificates (Graduation, Post Graduation, M.Phil. / NET/SET/GATE/J.R.F.etc.) b. The registration form duly filled in and signed along with registration fees as prescribed by the University from time to time shall be forwarded to the Registrar through the Head of the University Department / Principal / Director of Recognized Institution/AffiliatedCollege. c. Authenticated copy of professional experience along with copies of the published researchworkintheproposedareawherevernecessary. d. SponsorshipletterfromtheInstitutionorCompanywherevernecessary. ii. Theprocedureofprocessingofapplicationsshallbeasfollows: a. The concerned guide and the student are asked to present the proposal before the R.R.committee. b. After the approval of the title and proposal by the Research & Recognition Committee,thecandidateshallbeinformedaccordingly. c. Onfulfilmentofeligibilityconditions,thefinallettershallbeissuedtothecandidate, acopyofwhichshallbeendorsedtoallconcerned. iii. The registered students shall have to make the payment of necessary fees within one month from the receipt of the provisional admission letter, failing of which registration shallstandcancelled. iv. While granting admission to the candidates to Ph.D. progammes, the Department / Recognized Institution / School / Affiliated College shall pay due attention to the National/StateReservationPolicy. R.Ph.D.16PERIODOFREGISTRATION i. Acandidatemaysubmithis/herthesisanytimeduringtheyear,afterthecompletion of minimum prescribed period of two years and completion of M.Phil. / PrePh.D. theorycourse/Ph.D.Courseworksuccessfully. ii. The maximum period of registration for the Ph.D. student shall be six years, after whichtheregistrationshallstandcancelled. iii. If a candidate is ready to submit his Ph.D. thesis after completion of six years period, he / she may be allowed to submit his / her thesis by reregistering his/her name and by paying the necessary tuition fees and he /she may submit his/her thesis withintwoyears.
Downloadedfrom R.Ph.D.17FEESTRUCTURE i. The fee structure shall be as prescribed by the University authorities from time to time. Ifthestudentsfailtopaytheannualfeeswithinaperiodofonemonthafterthe duedateRs.500/pertermshallbechargedasafine. ii. The laboratory and library deposits are refundable only on completion of the course or on the cancellation of admission from either side and on produce of No Duescertificatesbythecandidate. iii. The application for the refund of deposit shall be made within six months from thedateofresultorfromthedateofcancellationfailingwhichthedepositshall beforfeited. R.Ph.D.18PROGRESSREPORT i. Each candidate shall submit to the Director, Board of College and University Development, through his guide, six monthly progress report, in proforma as per the AnnexureV by the end of July and January, every year. If the candidate does not submitthereportintime,he/sheshallbechargedwithafineofRs.500/ ii. If a candidate fails to submit two consecutive progress reports as stated above, he / she shall be asked to explain the reasons, if any, for the same within a period of one month. After one month, all such cases shall be placed before the Research and Recognition Committee for its recommendations and on recommendations of the Research and Recognition Committee, the Vice Chancellor may decide about cancellationofregistration. R.Ph.D.19CHANGEINTITLE i. A candidate may be permitted by the Research and Recognition Committee to change thetitleofhis/herresearchworkprovidedhe/sheappliesforthechangeatleastsix monthsbeforetheanticipateddateofsubmissionofhis/herthesisorearlier. ii. The candidate shall submit his / her application duly recommended by the guide and forwarded through Head of the Institute or Head / Director of the concerned University Department / School, if the candidate is registered in the University department. iii. If the change involves an altogether different topic from what was registered, the candidate shall not be allowed for submission of his / her thesis unless he / she worksforfourmoretermsi.e.minimumprescribedperiodofPh.D.studyfromthe dateofpermission. R.Ph.D.20SUBMISSIONOFTHESIS i. Acandidatemaysubmithis/herthesisanytimeduringtheyear,afterthecompletion of minimum prescribed period of two years and completion of M.Phil. / PrePh.D. theorycourse/Ph.D.courseworksuccessfully. ii. A candidate shall publish minimum one research paper in research journal of National and / or International level from the list approved by the University and produce evidence of the same in the form of acceptance letter/reprint/ copy of paper having citation details. If a candidate fails to do so, the declaration of the result of Ph.D. shall bewithheldtillhepublishestheresearchpaperasabove. iii. M.PhilregisteredstudentsconvertedforPh.D.inthesametopicmaysubmitthethesis after completion of minimum prescribed period of two years from the date of registrationforM.Phil. iv. A candidate, who has obtained the M.Phil degree shall be permitted to submit the Ph.D. thesis after completion of one year from the date of his registration for Ph.D., providedthatM.Phil.workiscontinuedforPh.D.
Downloadedfrom v. Acandidateshallsubmittotheuniversitytwentycopiesofsynopsisandfivecopies,of the revised thesis as suggested by the committee with necessary fees along with CD (read only). A candidate may be permitted to submit the synopsis and thesis separately.However,thecandidateshallhavetopaythetermfeetillhe/shesubmits his/herfinalthesis. vi. In case the candidate does not submit his / her thesis within a period of six months, thedepositshallstandforfeited. R.Ph.D.21THESIZE,STYLEANDBINDINGOFTHESIS A candidate submitting Ph.D. thesis for the University Degree is required to follow the rules noted below regarding the size, style and binding of thesis, except in special case in which the Guide or Head of Institute recommends that it will not be possible to comply with the requirementsoftheserulesgivingreasons. i. Size of the paper shall be A4, except for drawings, graphs, photographs and maps on which no restriction is placed. A margin of 3.5 cms be left on the left hand side and thesisbeboundinastandardizedform.A1.5linespacingbefollowed. ii. DEGREE,YEAR and NAME of Student and Guide and short title should be printed neatlyandlegiblyonthefrontcoverasindicatedinAnnexureII iii. Athesiswhichconsistsofacollectionofpamphletsofexcerpts/publishedpapersora singlepamphletmustbeboundinasimilarcover. iv. ThecandidateshouldsubmitfivehardboundcopiesofthesisalongwithCDs.enclosed inthesocket. v. ThePh.D.thesisshouldembody, Results of the research stating whether the work is based on the discovery ofnew factsbythecandidateorofnewrelationsoffactsobservedbyothersandhowthe workcontributestothegeneraladvancementofknowledge. Thecandidateshallindicatethesourcesfromwhichhis/herinformationhasbeen derived and the extent to which his / her work is based on the work of others andshallindicatewhichportionorportionsofhis/herthesishe/sheclaimstobe original. ThecandidatesDeclaration(AsprescribedinAnnexureIII). GuidesCertificate(AsprescribedinAnnexureIV). vi. ThelanguageofPh.D.thesisshallbeEnglishexceptthesisinlanguages. vii. A candidate submitting his / her thesis in the subject relating to social sciences, education, physical education, arts & fine arts may write his / her thesis in Marathi providedthesameisrecommendedbytheGuideandisapprovedbytheResearchand RecognisitionCommittee. viii. The language used in the thesis shall be grammatically correct and of appropriate standardwithnotypographicalmistakes. R.Ph.D.22APPOINTMENTSOFEXTERNALREFEREES/EXAMINERS i. The procedure for appointment of examiners will be undertaken soon after the candidatesubmitshis/hersynopsisandpaysthenecessarydeposit. ii. The synopsis shall be forwarded to Research and Recognition Committee concerned. The Committee shall recommend a panel of eight external examiners with their contactdetails,ofwhichatleastthreeshallbefromotherstate(s)orfromabroad. iii. Theguideofthecandidateshallbetheinternalexaminer. iv. Referee shall not be a relative of the candidate or internal guide (Relative means husband/wife/son/daughter/mother/sister/brother/inlaws,etc.)
Downloadedfrom R.Ph.D.23EVALUATION i. As and when examiners accept the invitation, the University shall forward the thesis (along with the Annexure VI) to the examiners within a week from the date of receipt of acceptance letter. If an examiner does not accept the invitation within 15 days the University may remind the concerned. If acceptance of the referees is not received within one month, the University shall send the invitation to the next examineronthepanel. ii. The internal as well as external examiners shall independently send their reports in the prescribed format (AnnexureVI) to the Director, BCUD within sixty days from thedateofreceiptofthethesis.Ifanexaminerfailstodoso,theDirectorBCUDshall send him/her a reminder immediately after the expiry of the said period and request him/her to submit the report within 30 days thereof. If the examiner concerned fails to comply even within the extended time, University shall invite the next examiner from the approved panel to evaluate the thesis. The external examiner shall send a copyofhis/herreporttotheinternalexamineralso. iii. If all the three reports are favourable, the University shall arrange the open defence on the earliest date suitable to the internal examiner, the nearest earliest available external examiner and the chairperson. The reports shall be made available to the candidate, the research guide and the chairperson at least one week before the defencedate. iv. In case an external examiner gives an unfavourable report, the Director, BCUD shall get the thesis examined by the next examiner from the panel of examiners. If two out of three external examiners give unfavourable reports, the candidate shall be declaredasfailed. v. If both the external examiners give unfavourable reports, the candidate shall be declaredasfailed. vi. If revision of the thesis is suggested by one of the external examiner, the thesis shall be revised by the candidate for resubmission as suggested by the referee. The revised thesis shall be sent to the same referee (who has suggested the revision) for evaluation. vii. If revision of the thesis is suggested by both the external referees, the thesis is consideredforresubmissionprovidedthefollowingconditionsarefulfilled. a. Half the tuition fee is paid by the candidate for resubmitting the thesis after revision. b. Full laboratory and examination fees are to be paid by the candidate for carrying out research in the University Departments/Recognised Centres for revision of thesis. viii. The revised thesis shall have to be submitted by the candidate within the maximum periodofoneyear. ix. The revised thesis shall be sent to the same referees for evaluation along with the concernedpreviousreports. x. The thesis rejected by both the external referees shall not be considered for resubmission. R.Ph.D.24OPENDEFENCE i. There shall be an open defence which shall be conducted, within one month from the receipt of the reports, only after receiving favourable reports from the referees. One of the External Referees nominated by the ViceChancellor and the Internal Referee shall conduct the Open Defence of the candidate. The Head of the Department or the Dean of the concerned faculty or the senior teacher in the subject concerned nominated by the ViceChancellor shall act as a Chairperson for the Open Defence.
Downloadedfrom Theotherexternalrefereemaysendquestionsinwritingtotherefereesattendingthe Open defence to seek clarification on any point in the thesis. However, queries raised bytheexternalrefereesintheirreportsbeplacedbeforetheOpenDefence. ii. TheOpenDefenceofthecandidateshallbeconductedasfollows. a. The candidate shall submit twenty copies of the synopsis of the thesis to the Director,BoardofCollegeandUniversityDevelopment,fortheOpenDefence.The University shall arrange to send copies of the synopsis of the thesis along with thedateofopendefenceto, TheHeadofthedepartmentsofvariousUniversities,ResearchInstitutionsand AffiliatedCollegeswhereresearchworkofsimilaroralliedtotheresearchof thesis is going on, and eminent scientists working in allied field (Both to be suggestedbytheguide). Members of the teaching faculty and research students in the concerned department. b. Head of the Department shall place a copy of the synopsis on the Notice Board of thedepartment. c. The persons / institutions / University departments to whom the synopsis has been sent shall be requested to send in writing the questions they wish to ask in the Open Defence. Such questions shall be received at least three days before the Open Defence. All such questions shall be handed over to Chairman of the Open Defence. d. In the Open Defence the candidate shall deliver a seminar, on his thesis which shall include motivation that led to the research work, methodology adopted, observationsandtheirinterpretationsandtheconclusions.Theseminarshallbeof aboutonehour,whichshallbefollowedbyquestions. e. The chairman, external referee and the guide shall prepare a report of the Open Defence and forward it to the Director, Board of College and University Development. The recommendations shall be specific and final. They shall recommend either the award of the degree to the candidate or a fresh Open Defence within six months if the performance of the candidate is found unsatisfactory. R.Ph.D.25DECLARATIONOFRESULT i. OntheacceptanceoftherecommendationoftheOpenDefence,bytheViceChancellor, the Controller of Examinations shall declare the result. The date of acceptance of the report of Open Defence by the ViceChancellor shall be treated as the date of the declarationoftheresult. ii. The University shall issue a certificate to the candidate indicating that the Ph.D. degree awarded to the candidate is in accordance with the regulation as per UGC Minimum Standards and Procedures for Award of M.Phil. / Ph.D. Degree as published in the GazetteofIndiadatedJuly1117,2009. R.Ph.D.26DEPOSITORYWITHUNIVERSITYGRANTCOMMISSION On successful completion of the evaluation process and announcement of the award of Ph.D., the University shall submit a soft copy of the Ph.D. thesis to the University Grant Commission within the period of one month, for hosting the same in INFLIBNET, accessible toallInstitutions/Universities.
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ANNEXUREI ThesynopsisforthePh.D.workshallbeonfollowinglines: A. The proposed synopsis for the research should be self contained and should cover the rationale for carrying out the research. (A research proposal is a sort of blueprint. Every effort made under it should be beneficial to the societyatlarge.) B. Thesynopsisoftheproposedresearchshallcontainfollowingpoints. i. TitleoftheResearchProposal ii. Choiceofthetopicwithreasoning iii. Anoverviewoftherelevantliterature iv. Themethodology,asapplicable,comprisingoffollowingorrelated points: a. Statementofhypothesis, b. Methodsofdatacollection, c. Methodsofdataanalysis C. TheChapter/Phasescheme. D. SelectedBibliography
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ANNEXUREII FormatforFrontPageandTitlePageoftheThesis (TitleinBlockletters) Athesissubmittedto, SolapurUniversity,Solapur FortheDegreeofDoctorofPhilosophy in (Subject) UndertheFacultyof(Facultyname) By (NameoftheCandidate) UndertheGuidanceof (NameoftheGuidewithnameofhis/herDepartment/College/Institution) (NameoftheCoGuidewithnameofhis/herDepartment/College/Institution) (AcademicYearofsubmission)
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ANNEXUREIII DECLARATION I hereby declare that the thesis entitled _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________completed and written by me has not previouslyformedthebasisfortheawardofanyDegreeorDiplomaorothersimilar titleofthisoranyotherUniversityorexaminingbody. Place: ResearchStudent Date: ANNEXUREIV CERTIFICATE This is to certify that the thesis entitled _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________which is being submitted herewith for the award of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in ________________________________________________ of Solapur University, Solapur is the result of the original research work completed by Shri / Smt.________________________________________________under my supervision and guidance and to the best of my knowledge and belief the work embodied in thisthesishasnotformedearlierthebasisfortheawardofanyDegreeorsimilar titleofthisoranyotherUniversityorexaminingbody. Place: ResearchGuide(s) Date:
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1. 2. 3.
Nameofthestudent Dateofregistration
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To, Director, BoardofCollege&UniversityDevelopment, SolapurUniversity,SolapurPuneNationalHighway, Kegoan,Solapur413255(Maharashtra) From 1 NameoftheCandidate : 2 Subject 3 TitleoftheThesis PARTIDETAILEDEVALUATION KindlyAdjudicatetheThesisunderthefollowingThreeheads:Quality,Contentand Presentationandgradeeachofthemonascaleof05where: 5 StandsforExcellent 4 StandsforVeryGood 3 StandsforGood 2 StandsforSatisfactory 1 StandsforPoor 0 StandsforInferior QUALITY: 1. Introductiontothework [] 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Reviewofliterature Scopeofwork [] [] : :
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[] [] [] []
[] [] [] [] [] []
TotalScoreoutof100[] (Inwords__________________________________________________________) PARTIIADETAILEDREPORT Kindly enclose a detailed report on a separate sheet of paper in addition to the above proforma. A detailed report on the strengths and weaknesses of the Thesisismostessential. PARTIIIFINALRECOMMENDATION Itismyconsideredopinionthat:(Pleaseputmarkaswellasinwriting) A) ThethesisbeacceptedfortheawardofPh.D.degreeinits presentform B) Thethesisberevisedandresubmitted C) Thethesisberejected
Note : The thesis can be accepted for the award of Ph.D. Degree only if the candidatesecures50%ormorepointsinpartI(Detailedevaluation) Date://200 SignatureoftheExaminer
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