Equipments ND Machines
Equipments ND Machines
Equipments ND Machines
A wide variety of machines are in use in the modern offices. There are machines which give print-like impression and can write many times faster than the most expert penman. There are machines which can produce multiple copies of a document. Machines are available for accounting, calculating and counting cash. Electronic computers can read, store, analy e and interpret information !uickly. "n mail room, letters can be opened, sealed, folded, franked, weighed and addressed automatically with the help of mailing machines. Messages can be sent from one place to another within no time through teleprinter, fax, telephone, and internet. #ome of the important machines in use are outlined below.
$omputers are the most commonly used machine in offices. A computer is a machine that can perform a variety of operations such as% arithmetical calculations, comparison of data, storage of information, analysis of data and preparation of diagrams and charts etc. "t can be defined as &an electronic data processing machine which processes raw data into meaningful information'. The main component of computer is the &memory' unit and with the help of (ord )rocessing )rogramme one can compose letters, memos, reports etc. visible on screen, edit them, save them and print as often as needed
*uplicating is a process whereby a number of copies are obtained with the help of a master copy. (hen multiple copies of a letter or document have to be prepared, it is necessary to make use of the duplicating machine. A wide range of duplicators are available like +elatin *uplicator, #pirit *uplicator, #tencil *uplicator, etc. The most commonly used method of duplicating in the office is the stencil #enior #econdary duplicating process. "t is also known as cyclostyle or mimeograph. "t needs ,a- stencil ,bduplicating ink, ,c- duplicating paper and ,d- duplicating machine. .early /,000 to 1,000 copies can be prepared through this process.
A photocopier is a machine that makes paper copies of documents and other printed images !uickly and cheaply. "t is run by electric current. "t is simple to operate. "t gives best !uality of image both in black and white and colour. "t runs at a faster rate and can produce more than than 20 copies of a single page in a minute. "t can print both the side of the page.
.ow-a-days, it is impossible to imagine the office without a telephone. "t is the most convenient means of oral communication. "t is widely used for internal as well as external communication. "n comparison with fixed line phones, mobiles are more convenient to contact the persons at any time. "t is also very convenient to send #M# through mobile phones.
4nder this system there is no need for telephone operators because the system is automatic. The internal communication from one extension is possible by dialing the relevant internal phone number. 5owever, external communications are sent through operator or by dialing a particular number. "f the person called is not available in his seat, the connection will automatically shift to other extension as per the programme.
"t is an automatic system of office inter-communications. "t does not re!uire an exchange. Multicore cable is used throughout the installation so that each telephone can be connected direct to every other.
Accounting services may be provided manually or with the help of accounting machines. The mechani ation of accounting is becoming increasingly important in large organi ations as they have to cope with a large amount of figure work. Accuracy and speed are the main features of accounting machines and it enables analysis of various types of figures for different purposes within minutes or even seconds. #ome of the more common types of accounting machines are%
,c- $ash 7egisters% These machines record on paper roll cash receipts.
The $ustomers in departmental stores need receipts and cash memos. The machine prints the amounts on rolled paper which is visible through a glass panel on the top of the machine.
4se of various mechanical devices helps to reduce monotony and increase the efficiency of mailing operations. The following types of e!uipments and machines are used in the mail room.
,d- Mailing #cale% "n big business organi ations large !uantity of mail is
sent every day. )ostal stamps on mail are to be affixed as per postal rates which are prescribed according to weight. The Mailing #cale is used to weigh so that correct postage stamps can be affixed on them.
*ating machine is used for stamping date on mail. :our rubber rings with the impression of date, month and year rotate on wheels. Time recording machine is used for recording the accurate time of arrival of letters. Assistants enter the opened letter into the machine, and it prints the correct time on letter accurately.
,h- :ax% The :A; service enables instant transmission of the facsimile of
an entire document. "t can send handwritten and printed matter as well as pictures, charts and diagrams to different locations within or outside the country. The advantage of this service over TE8E; is that it sends messages without the need for typing. This service is permitted on existing telephone lines on a dial-up basis. The :A; machine is to be procured and owned by the user and should be attached to the telephone lines