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Learning Competency (Most Essential Learning Competencies)

Describe the types and parts of a computer

T h e course involves the different types of computer. The major objective is to make
sure students like you can describe the different type / classification of computers.

T h e ranged of computing applications today is incredibly varied and it is growing. To
m e e t the challenges of the changing world, student must acquire computing skills in
o r d e r to keep up with the modern world. Being part of the generation z you must have
s e e n and used a computer. This is because they are integral part of our everyday
e x i s t e n c e . Be it school, shops, banks, major road, hospitals, and on your own home.
Computers are present everywhere, making our work easier that is why one must know
w h a t they are and how they function. However different workloads requires different
types of computer, learning the different types / classification of computer gives you the
a b i l i t y to use the most appropriate type of computer where it’s needed. Let us start by
defining the term computer formally.

T h e literal meaning of computer is a device that can calculate. However, modern
c o m p u t e r s can do a lot more than calculate. Computer is an electronic device that
receives input, stores or processes and provides output in desired format.
C o m p u t e r s are divided into three types according to their
structure, speed and architecture.
1. Analog Computers
T h e computers which provide us continuous information
are called analog computers.
Analog computers represent physical quantities in the form
o f waves or in continuous form. Thermometer is the
e x a m p l e of analog computers because it measures the
length of a mercury column continuously. A traditional clock
i s the example of analog computers because the needle of
clock covers the distance of dial continuously.
W e i g h t machine and Speedo meter are other examples of
analog computers.

a) devices and media that represent
b) Store images
c) Sound, motion pictures, etc.
a ) Analog computers can have a very wide range of
b ) Very complicated for containing output for the users
some time.
2. Digital Computers
T h e computers which present physical quantities with the help of symbols
o r numbers and provide us discrete information are called digital
compu ters. It can perform arithmetic operations like addition, subtraction,
m u l t i p l i c a t i o n and division and also logical operations. Most of the
c o m p u t e r s available today are digital computers. The most common
examples of digital computers are accounting machines and calculators.
T h e results of digital computers are more accurate than the results of
analog computers. Analog computers are faster than digital.

3. Hybrid Computers
T h e computers which have qualities of both digital and analog computers
a re called hybrid computers. Hybrid computer has the speed of analog and
t h e accuracy of digital computer. Hybrid computer is the computer used in
hospitals to measure the heartbeat of the patient. In ICU (Intensive care unit)
of a hospital hybrid computers are used.
T h e s e computers analog quality controls the temperature of the room
digital quality informs the doctor about the blood pressure, temperature and
p h y s i c a l status of the patient. Another example, Devices used in petrol
p u m p . Hybrid Machines are generally used in scientific applications or in
controlling industrial processes. These computers are reliable and provide
accurate result. These computers are fast and speedy.

There are basically two types of computers, grouped according
t o purpose. These are the general-purpose computers and
special-purpose computers.
1.General-Purpose Computer
This type of computer is designed to solve different problems in
various fields to meet the needs of its user. It is used in various
a p p l i c a t i o n s for accounting, inventory, sales analysis,
p r o d u c t i o n control and to make payrolls. These applications
c a n be executed one after another, necessitating a machine
that can easily change function.

2.Special Purpose Computers
T h i s type of computer has more limited capabilities. It is
d e s i g n e d to do just one specific task. For example, a special
p u r p o s e computer may be designed to collect highway tolls,
b u t it could not be used to perform any other function. This
makes special-purpose computers quite inflexible.
These computers can process billions of instructions per second. Normally, they will be used for applications which
require intensive numerical computations such as stock analysis, weather forecasting etc. Other uses of
supercomputers are scientific simulations, (animated) graphics, fluid dynamic calculations, nuclear energy research,
electronic design, and analysis of geological data (e.g. in petrochemical prospecting).
2. Mainframes
Mainframe computers have very large main storage capacities of up to 1.5 million characters or more. They are
quite fast in processing data in the speed of one billionth of a second per operation. Because of its large storage
capacity, a mainframe has access to all of the billions of characters making up the data.
3. Minicomputers
Minicomputers are smaller than the mainframe computers in terms of storage capacity. They are powerful
machines, but not as powerful as mainframes. Although they can perform almost anything mainframe computers
can do, their performance speed is slower. Also, they are less expensive compared to mainframes.
4. Microcomputers
Microcomputers are computers that have their central processing unit (CPU) contained in single silicon chip, known
microprocessor This as the type of computer is so inexpensive that it has become part of several homes nowadays.
Microcomputers were initially designed to be used by a single user. However, since the mid-1980's, their capabilities
have been growing impressively and more powerful, that they began competing with the performance of
minicomputers especially when small volumes of data for processing are involved.To meet this objective, you are to
complete the following activities
Thank you
Basic Supercomputers Mainframe
fastly perform computers act as
large and complex a server, stores
mathematical large database
computations. and serve a large
number of users

Microcomputer Minicomputer
The microcomputer was introduced in nearly 1970. Minicomputer was introduced in 1960.
often uses at home, offices and educational it is often used in huge business institutes and
institutes like schools and colleges. departments.
consists of one processor. generally consists of multiprocessors.
memory present in MB. memory present in GB.
it is a small-sized computer. it is a large-sized computer.
price starts from 500$ to 5500$ price varies between 18000$ to 500000$.
Inexpensive and easy to use. It can handle a huge amount of data.
Much slower than the larger computers. can support a number of terminals.
Common examples of microcomputers are: examples of mini computers are: IBM=VAX-8800,
IBM=PC and Apple Macintosh. MV-1500.

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