Simulink is advanced software by MathWorks Inc., which is increasingly being used as abasic building block in many areas of research. As such, it also holds great potential in the area ofpower system simulation. In this paper, we have taken a multimachine power system e ample to demonstrate the features and scope of a Simulink-based model for transient stability analysis. A self-suf!cient model has been given with full details, which can work as a basic structure for an advancedand detailed study. Keywords MA"#A$% power system modelling% Simulink% transient stability The stability of power systems has been and continues to be of major concern insystem operation. Modern electrical power systems have grown to a large com-plexity due to increasing interconnections, installation of large generating units and extra-high voltage tie-lines etc. Transient stability is the ability of the powersystem to maintain synchronism when subjected to a severe transient disturbance,such as a fault on transmission facilities, sudden loss of generation, or loss of a largeload. The system response to such disturbances involves large excursions of gener-ator rotor angles, power ows, bus voltages, and other system variables. It is impor-tant that, while steady-state stability is a function only of operating conditions,transient stability is a function of both the operating conditions and the distur-bance s!."This complicates the analysis of transient stability considerably. #epeatedanalysis is re$uired for different disturbances that are to be considered. In the tran-sient stability studies, fre$uently considered
disturbances are the short circuits ofdifferent types. %ut of these, normally the three-phase short circuit at the generatorbus is the most severe type, as it causes maximum acceleration of the connectedmachine.& 'istorically, simulation of transient phenomena related to power systems has beencarried on using the electromagnetic transients program (MT)!*or one of its vari-ants, such as the alternative transient program +T)! or electromagnetic transientsfor d.c. (MT,-!, which are all based on the trape.oidal integration rule and thenodal approach. /)I-( is a general-purpose circuit simulation program, which was developed at the 0niversity of -alifornia, 1er2eley.3It contains models for basiccircuit elements #, 4, -, independent and controlled sources, transformer, trans-mission line!, switches and most common semiconductor devices5 diodes, bipolar junction transistors 16Ts!, junction 7eld effect transistors 68(Ts!, M(/8(Ts and M%/8(Ts. /)I-( is mainly applied to simulate electronic and electrical circuits for different analyses, including d.c., a.c., transient, .ero pole, distortion, sensitivity, and noise. /)I-( uses the nodal approach with a variable-time-step integration algo-rithm, so that it can correctly simulate switching power electronic circuits. The simulation of control systems in )/)I-( +9, a commercial version of /)I-( byMicro/im! is facilitated by using the analog behavioral modeling +1M! bloc2s.'owever, there are no speci7c models for power systems and drives, such as elec-trical machines, circuit brea2ers, surge arresters, thyristors, etc. To simulate a power system, the user has to build the needed models using /)I-( primitives and basic elements, so the simulation setup can be highly time consuming.
/imulin2 is an interactive environment for modelling, analysing, and simulatinga wide variety of dynamic systems. /imulin2 provides a graphical user interface forconstructing bloc2 diagram models using :drag and drop;operations.<+system iscon7gured in terms of bloc2 diagram representation from a library of standard com-ponents. +system in bloc2 diagram representation is built easily and the simulationresults are displayed $uic2ly. /imulation algorithms and parameters can be changedin the middle of a simulation with intuitive results, thus providing the user with aready-access learning tool for simulating many of the operational problems foundin the real world. /imulin2 is particularly useful for studying the effects of non-linearity on the behaviour of the system, and as such, is also an ideal research tool.The 2ey features of /imulin2 are5= > interactive simulations with live display? > a comprehensive bloc2 library for creating linear, nonlinear, discrete or hybridmulti-input9output systems? > seven integration methods for 7xed-step, variable-step and stiff systems? > unlimited hierarchical model structure? > scalar and vector connections? > mas2 facility for creating custom bloc2s and bloc2 libraries? The user can also derive many features and in-built components from the )ower/ystem 1loc2set )/1!.@)/1 by itself gives the detailed three-phase representationof machine models and other components. -onsidering the overall complexity anddata re$uirements which might not be available in many cases! of a complete three-phase representation as re$uired with )/1, we have considered its parent softwarepac2age /imulin2 as a main tool in our present study. (xcitation systems, turbineand governor bloc2s from )/1 can be readily used with /imulin2 bloc2s as andwhen re$uired. The user also has access to numerous design and analysis tools pro-vided in M+T4+1 and its toolboxes. 0se of /imulin2 is rapidly growing in many areas of research wor2 and so alsoin the 7eld of power systems.AB"CIn this paper we have demonstrated a simpli7edand yet an ef7cient approach to study the transient stability performance of a prac-tical power system, with /imulin2 as a tool. De hope that this attempt will add somemore practical information in this important and unexhausted domain.
Illustrati e system e!ample De have considered the popular Destern /ystem -oordinated -ouncil D/--! *-machine, E-bus system shown in This is also the system appearing in figure
The base MF+ is "CC, and system fre$uency is =C'.. The system data are given later. The system has been simulated with a classical model for the generators. The disturbance initi-ating the transient is a three-phase fault occurring near bus @ at the end of line <[email protected] fault is cleared by opening line <B@. The system, while small, is large enoughto be nontrivial and thus permits the illustration of a number of stability conceptsand results. System modellin" The complete system has been represented in terms of /imulin2 bloc2s in a singleintegral model. It is self-explanatory with the mathematical model given below. %neof the most important features of a model in /imulin2 is its tremendous interactivecapacity. It ma2es the display of a signal at any point readily available? all one hasto do is to add a /cope bloc2 or, alternatively, an output port. Giving a feedbac2signal is also as easy as drawing a line. +parameter within any bloc2 can be controlled from a M+T4+1 command line or through an m-7le program. This is particularly useful for a transient stability study as the power system con7gurations differ before, during and after fault. 4oading conditions and control measures can also be implemented accordingly
Mathematical modellin" %nce the Ymatrix for each networ2 condition pre-fault, during and after fault! iscalculated, we can eliminate all the nodes except for the internal generator nodesand obtain the Ymatrix for the reduced networ2. The reduction can be achieved bymatrix operation with the fact in mind that all the nodes have .ero injection currentsexcept for the internal generator nodes. In a power system with ngenerators, thenodal e$uation can be written as
N Nnnnr
Dhere the is subscript nused to denote generator nodes and the subscript ris usedfor the remaining nodes. (xpanding e$n "!, I,CYVYV JOJO YVYV
It has dimensions nPn! where nis the number of generators. Qote that the networ2reduction illustrated by e$ns "!B *! is a convenient analytical techni$ue that can beused only when the loads are treated as constant impedances. 8or the power systemunder study, the reduced matrices are calculated. +ppendix II gives the resultantmatrices before, during and after fault.
n 3!
Rcos !i
JO$ddJ,,,..., PEGEEY-O"&*
Eiiiiijijijij jJ" jS"
&w Hd
i i
KjiSNL M Dd and dt
J-J"&,,..., wwin
N &
Rcos !
miCiiiCCCCC Ijijijij jJ" Ji T
The subscript C is used to indicate the pre-transient conditions. +s the networ2 changes due to switching during the fault, the correspondingvalues will be used in above e$uations. Simulink models Classical system model The complete *-generator system, given in 8ig. ", has been simulated as a singleintegral model in /imulin2. The mathematical model given above gives the transferfunction of the different bloc2s. 8ig. & shows the complete bloc2 diagram of a clas-sical system representation for transient stability study. The subsystems ", & and *in 8ig. & are meant to calculate the value of electrical power outputs for different generators? for example 8ig. * shows the computation of the power output of generator ". The model also facilitates the choice of simulation parameters, such as start andstop times, type of solver, step, tolerance and output options etc. The modelcan be run either directly or from the M+T4+1 command line or from an m-7leprogram. In the present study, the fault clearing time, the initial values of parame-ters as well as the changes in networ2 due to fault, are controlled through an m-7leprogram in M+T4+1.
Modelling of o!er system com onents The classical system model represented above can be supplemented with otherpower system components for a detailed study or for implementation of the stabil-ity improvement measures. #eferences U"V and U&V give the simpli7ed and genericmodels for many such components and transient stability improvement schemes. Thebloc2 diagram models can be simulated within the /imulin2 environment almost inthe same form. 'owever, the representation of the transfer functions in the form ofan integrator and gain with unity feedbac2 is more convenient, when initial conditions have to be speci7ed. 8igs 3 and < give the /imulin2 models of a mechanical hydraulic control M'-! governing system and that of a single reheat tandem-compound steam turbine, respectively. The typical parameter values are
8ig. &Com lete classical system model for transient sta"ility st#dy$
given in reference U"V. These values can be either de7ned in an m-7le program orcan be directly supplied to the /imulin2 models. Simulation results /ystem responses are given for different values of fault clearing time 8-T!. 8igs= a! and b! show the individual generator angles and the difference angles with
gen. W" as reference! for the system with 8-TJC."s, whereas 8igs = c! and d!show the rotor angular speed deviations and accelerating powers for the same case.The results show that the power system is stable in this case. De can see in the complete model of 8ig. & that output ports @, A and E give the individual generatorangles of the respective machines. )orts "C and "" or alternatively /copes 3 and <!give the relative angular positions of generators & and * respectively, with genera-tor " as reference. /imilarly, ports 3, < and = give the angular velocities of themachines, whereas /copes "B* or the corresponding ports! display the acceleratingpowers. 8igs @ a!, b! and c! show the system responses for a 8-Tvalue of C."=s. +t thispoint the system is critically stable. The system becomes unstable for 8-TJC."@s,as the system responses in 8igs A a!, b! and c! indicate.
+ig. ,
8ig. = continued!
8ig. @ continued!
Thus a simple model based on /imulin2 is very well suited for analysing the transient stability performance of a power system under any system condition. The samemodel can also be extended to incorporate a more general 9practical! case of systemswith excitors, turbines, speed governors etc. (rospects of future work It is clear from the above study that /imulin2 offers a wide perspective for simulation and analysis of various power system networ2s. The features of a /imulin2model are exhaustive and at the same time it is very easy to understand and imple-ment. In the present study, a simple classical model of a multi-machine system wasconsidered. 'owever, it explains very well the principles and the scope of the tool,typically for the study of transient stability in a power system. +s indicated in thediscussions in previous sections, the other factors such as effects of excitation,turbine, speed governor or any control measure, can be easily realised in a /imulin2model, especially with the help of readily available and perfectly compatible toolsli2e )ower /ystem 1loc2set. It should also be noted that a /imulin2 model can gen-erate an e$uivalent - code for embedded applications and for rapid prototyping ofcontrol systems. 8urthermore, the optimisation and application of advanced toolssuch as +QQ and fu..y logic, is also much easier as there are corresponding tool-boxes available within M+T4+1.
8ig. A continued!
*onclusions +complete model for transient stability study of a multi-machine power system wasdeveloped using /imulin2. It is basically a transfer function and bloc2 diagram rep-resentation of the system e$uations. +variety of component bloc2s are readily avail-able in various /imulin2 libraries and also in other compatible toolboxes such as)ower /ystem 1loc2set, -ontrols Toolbox, Qeural Qetwor2s 1loc2set etc. Thus a/imulin2 model is not only best suited for an analytical study of a typical powersystem networ2, but it can also incorporate the state-of-the-art tools for a detailedstudy and parameter optimi.ation. +/imulin2 model is very user friendly, withtremendous interactive capacity and unlimited hierarchical model structure. Typically, for a transient stability study the model facilitates fast and precise solution ofnonlinear differential e$uations vi.. the swing e$uation. The user can easily selector modify the solver type, step, tolerance, simulation period, output optionsetc. with the help of an appropriate menu from within /imulin2. +ny parameterwithin any bloc2 or subsystem of the model can be easily modi7ed through simpleM+T4+1 commands to suit the changes in the original power system networ2 dueto fault or a corrective action.
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" &3@.< "=.< &*.=3 ".C 'ydro "ACr9min C."3=C C.C=CA C.CE=E C.CE=E C.C**= A.E= C &*=3MDs
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* "&A.C "*.A *.C" C.A< /team *=CCr9min ".*"&< C."A"* ".&<@A C.&< C.C@3& <.AE C.=CC *C"MDs
4 lea2age!
.re-fault network&
HC....C.. A3<<&EAA*C&A@""<"&E&CE="&&<=i -OO iiI KL JC..C..C.. &A@""<"&E3&CC&@&*E&"**"CA@E O-O iii KL KC..C..C..L M&CE="&&<=&"**"CA@E&@@C&*=A"i OOiiN
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