25 Great Truths
25 Great Truths
25 Great Truths
16. ,overnment is the great fiction, through which every$ody endeavors to live at the e(pense of every$ody else. ~ 2rederic &astiat, French economist(18 1!18" )
11. ,overnment's view of the economy could $e summed up in a few short phrases7 I. If it moves, ta( it. II. If it eeps moving,regulate it. III. And if it stops moving, su$sidi8e it. ~ 5onald 5eagan 9131-: 12. I don't ma e ;o es. I ;ust watch the government and report the facts. ~ )ill 5ogers 1". If you thin health care is e(pensive now, wait until you see what it costs when it's free< ~ +.J. 4'5our e 1'. In general, the art of government consists of ta ing as much money as possi$le from one party of the citi8ens to give to the other. ~ =oltaire 91/-': 1*. Just $ecause you do not ta e an interest in politics doesn't mean politics won't ta e an interest in you< ~ +ericles 9'"6 &.%.: 1-. >o man's life, li$erty, or property is safe while the legislature is in session. ~ Mar !wain 911--: 1/. !al is cheap...e(cept when %ongress does it. ~ Anonymous 11. !he government is li e a $a$y's alimentary canal, with a happy appetite at one end and no responsi$ility at the other. ~ 5onald 5eagan 13. !he inherent vice of capitalism is the une?ual sharing of the $lessings. !he inherent $lessing of socialism is the e?ual sharing of misery. ~ )inston %hurchill 26. !he only difference $etween a ta( man and a ta(idermist is that the ta(idermist leaves the s in. ~ Mar !wain 21. !he ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools. ~ @er$ert #pencer, #nglish $hiloso%her (18& !19 ') 22. !here is no distinctly >ative American criminal class...save %ongress.~ Mar !wain 2". )hat this country needs is more unemployed politicians. ~ Adward .angley, (rtist (19&8!199") 2'. A government $ig enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to ta e everything you have. ~ !homas Jefferson 2*. )e hang the petty thieves and appoint the great ones to pu$lic office. ~ Aesop
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