Lecture 1 - Introduction To Phonetics & Articulators
Lecture 1 - Introduction To Phonetics & Articulators
Lecture 1 - Introduction To Phonetics & Articulators
An introduction to Phonetics 1. Phonetics vs. Phonology 2. Articulatory phonetics: speech organs/ articulators 3. Ways how speech sounds are produced: consonants and vowels
When we are making sounds, the air from the lungs comes up through the wind-pipe and arrives first at the larynx. Then it goes through the vocal cords into the pharynx and up the pharynx to the uvula. At this point, it may go in either way. It may go into the oral cavity (if the soft palate is raised) and go out of the mouth. Or it may go into the nasal tract (if the soft palate is lowered) and get out through the nostrils.