Project Report Draft
Project Report Draft
Project Report Draft
Dalithemba Sibanda
#a!a!e Pol&technic
'ea! obtained
Table of content$
1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 Preface Acknowledgements Introductions Roads and Stormwater Designs, 4.1 Road Designs
4.1.1 Road !ategor" 4.1.2 Design strateg" 4.1.3 Design traffic 4.1.4 Su#grade 4.1.$ Selection of #ase materials 4.1.% Pa&ement design 4.1.' Pro(ects
4.3 Road
4.4 Surfacing
4.4.1 Introduction 4.4.2 Single seal surfacing dressing 4.4.3 Dou#le seal surfacing dressing 4.4.4 *og s+ra" 4.4.$ Slurr" seal 4.4.% ,ituminous concrete
(,- P!eface
./is re+ort is to #ring out m" e0+erience gained t/roug/ t/e understanding of #asic tec/ni1ues of t/e design, construction and maintenance of roads and storm water drainage and t/e construction of residential and commercial units and flats.
2,- Int!oduction
./e re+ort /ig/lig/ts t/e different acti&ities undertaken in t/e construction of roads and associated structures and t/e construction of residential and commercial #uilding. It #rings out t/e e0+erience gained working wit/ 4ocal Aut/orities and Pri&ate !ontractors, reading of rele&ant information and attending of s/ort refres/er courses.
3,(,2 De$i n t!affic ./is is t/e total num#er of /ea&" &e/icles carried #" a lane determined #" t/e time t/e road remains ser&icea#le #efore re1uiring strengt/ening or reconstruction e0+ressed in terms of re+etitions of t/e standard -80 a0les. !ouncil ,"e94aws +ro/i#it /ea&" &e/icles in residential areas and t/us most of t/e roads are lig/tl" trafficketed. So+/isticated anal"tic met/ods ma" result in o&er design and /ig/ cost. 4ocal e0+erience t/erefore comes in to determine t/e #est a++ro+riate structure. 3,(,3 Sub !ade ./is is t/e u++er la"er of natural soil or fill. .o assess its strengt/ it is tested for grading, +lasticit" and !,R. ./e +ractise is to use soaked !,R &alues #ut in dr" regions t/ese ma" #e o&er9conser&ati&e and t/erefore necessar" to #e increased. ./e design !,R &alues are assessed according to t/e design traffic, classified and t/en +rescri#ed treatment is a++lied wit/ e0+ansi&e soils #eing treated differentl". -0+ansi&e soils res+ond to moisture c/anges to +roduce &olumetric c/anges. Ideall" construction will in&ol&e eit/er remo&ing to t/e full de+t/ or e0ca&ating to a de+t/ of %00mm and #ackfill wit/ non9e0+ansi&e soil, #ut for roads wit/ less traffic t/is will increase t/e cost. -0+erience /as +ro&en t/at some of t/ese conditions can #e rela0ed #ased on good engineering (udgement of t/e site. 3,(,+ Selection of ba$e mate!ial$ ,ase materials distri#ute t/e stress im+osed #" traffic on t/e +a&ement. ./e selection of #ase materials is #ased on a com#ination of a&aila#ilit", 1ualit" 5:radation and Inde0 Pro+erties6, economics and +re&ious e0+erience w/ic/ are e&aluated to select t/e #est material to suit t/e conditions. *or natural gra&els it is difficult to meet all #asic re1uirements and it is necessar" to modif" wit/ small 1uantities of lime or cement. ./ere is cost im+lication to t/is and t/e c/allenge can #e o&ercome #" onl" mi0ing gra&els from different sources. 3,(,6 Pavement de$i n ./ere are a num#er of design +rocedures t/at /a&e #een de&elo+ed #ased on e0+erience and researc/. -0am+les are t/e Road 3ote 31, t/e draft .R)4 51;806 5Structural design of interur#an and rural road +a&ements6 , PD1 . ./e design manuals gi&e guidelines and &ariations can #e made using sound engineering (udgement. ./e c/allenge is on roads t/at are lig/tl" trafficked, t/erefore local e0+erience will determine t/e #est a++ro+riate structure t/an so+/isticated anal"tic met/ods. " e0+erience is #ased on t/e use of t/e inistr" of .rans+ort anual Part *. 3,(,7 P!o8ect$ I /a&e #een in&ol&ed in t/e design and construction of roads and stormwater drainage on t/e following +ro(ects7 )ig/ Densit" )ousing +ro(ect in 3kulumane 12 su#ur# wit/ 400 /ousing units wit/ t/e !it" of ,ulawa"o from 1;8$ to 1;8'. )ig/ Densit" )ousing +ro(ect in #i<o su#ur#, =wekwe wit/ 1200 /ousing units. ./e re/a#ilitation of :aika road 52$4$m6 in =wekwe. Dualisation of #i<o road 51200m6 wit/ t/e !it" of =wekwe from 1;;4 to 1;;%. 3,(,* Challen e$
Roadwa" drainage7 road is s/a+ed into a Aee s/a+e and used as drainage +ro&ided gradients are satisfactor" and 1uantit" of run9off is not e0cessi&e. ,est in narrow road ser&itudes w/ere t/e road +ro&ides drainage and access to +ro+erties. 3,.,+ #&d!olo ical con$ide!ation$ It is necessar" to design drainage structures t/at ade1uatel" deal wit/ t/e +ro+ortion of rainfall t/at remains as runoff. Aaria#les considered determining surface runoff are t/e catc/ment area, t/e runoff coefficient, and t/e time of concentration. i6 ./e drainage area is t/e area t/at contri#utes to t/e runoff normall" determined from to+ogra+/ic ma+s. ii6 ./e runoff coefficient C, is t/e ratio of runoff to rainfall for t/e catc/ment area. ./ere is no t/eoretical met/od to determine t/is &alue and is a result of su#(ecti&e elements of e0+erience and sound engineering (udgement of local conditions ie t"+e of ground co&er, slo+e of t/e drainage area, storm duration, +rior wetting, slo+e of t/e ground etc. iii6 ./e rainfall intensit" I, is t/e mean rate of rainfall during t/e time of concentration. It de+ends on localit" and Bt/e recurrence inter&alC w/ic/ is t/e statistical inter&al at w/ic/ a gi&en storm intensit" ma" #e assumed to recur #ased on +ast e0+erience. Standard cur&es for intensit"9 duration relations/i+s /a&e #een de&elo+ed and once t/e time of concentration /as #een esta#lis/ed, t/e cur&es are used to o#tain t/e intensit" of rainfall re1uired to design t/e stormwater drainage s"stem. Aarious ot/er t/eoretical relations/i+s e0ist of w/ic/ t/e most #asic for small catc/ments areas is t/e Rational *ormula. DE 2/ere D A ! I E E E E runoff 5m3@sec6 catc/ment area 5/ectares G /a6 runoff coefficient rainfall intensit" 5mm@/r6 AF!FI 3%0
4ack of +lant and e1ui+ment. >rganisation , skilled +ersonnel 5-ngineers attracted to +restigious construction +ro(ects6 and lack of effecti&e organisational and management s"stem /as com+ounded t/e +ro#lem. >rganisations /a&e res+onded #"7 Pre+ared in de+t/ anal"sis on trans+ort +olic", maintenance and funding re1uirements to add su#stantial weig/t to #udget su#missions. Pro&ided training of staff. !arried out condition sur&e"s to e0amine and record deterioration le&els and esta#lis/ inter&ention le&els. Introduce local contractors to #ring a#out t/e as+ect com+etition and increase le&els of efficienc". ," #eing in&ol&ed wit/ maintenance acti&ities one clearl" understands t/at t/e failure to retain t/e integrit" of t/e road infrastructure in a condition consistent wit/ usage will result in /ig/ maintenance and &e/icle o+erating cost. In addition wit/ maintenance e0+erience one can identif" design, materials and construction deficiencies or steer design c/oices t/at reduces t/e su#se1uent costs of maintenance. I /a&e worked in t/e maintenance de+artment of t/e !it" of ,ulawa"o from 1;8; to 1;;2 and t/e !it" of =we=we from 1;;4 to 1;;%. Presentl" I coordinate t/e maintenance acti&ities wit/ t/e !it" of ,ulawa"o #eing funded t/roug/ HI3ARA and in&ol&ed in7 Planning maintenance +rograms, assessing resources re1uired and +re+aring a++ro+riate #udget estimates. Allocation of funds to s+ecific +ro(ects. onitor e0+enditure and work +rogress wit/ a &iew to identif" dela"s and cost o&erruns at an earl" stage. Reconcile e0+enditure and +re+are ac1uittal re+orts to #e su#mitted to HI3ARA #efore t/e ne0t dis#ursements are done.
3,3 Su!facin
3,3,( Int!oduction ./is is a road surface treatment a++lied on newl" constructed roads or as a maintenance o+eration on e0isting roads. It com+rises of a t/in continuous film of #inder co&ered wit/ a la"er of stone c/i++ings. ./e #inder acts as a water +roofing seal w/ile t/e c/i++ings +rotect t/e #inder and t/e two forms a dura#le, skid resistant and dust free wearing surface. Descri#ed #elow are t/e different surfacing dressings7 3,3,. Sin le $eal $u!face d!e$$in i6 As an initial surfacing ainl" used on lig/t trafficked roads +ro&ided su#se1uent maintenance o+erations are +erformed on time. ./e road is +rimed followed #" a single la"er of stone t/en rolled for t/e aggregate to #e t/oroug/l" #onded ii6 As a maintenance o+eration ./is in&ol&es la"ing a single surface dressing to an e0isting #ituminous surface to7 Re(u&enate t/e old surface. 2ater+roof t/e old surface #" sealing an" /air cracks. Arrest deterioration and restore skid resistance to smoot/ and sli++er" surfaces #ut does not significantl" restore riding 1ualit" nor strengt/en +a&ement structure.
3,3,2 Double $eal $u!face d!e$$in ./is is used on a new road w/ic/ is e0+ected to carr" a su#stantial amount of traffic from t/e onset. ./e +re+ared surface is +rimed followed #" a tack and seal. ./e si<e of t/e tack is selected on t/e #asis of t/e /ardness of t/e e0isting surface and &olume of /ea&" &e/icles. ./e nominal si<e of t/e seal stone is recommended to #e /alf t/e si<e to +romote good interlocking. 3,3,3 9o $p!a& i6 3ew construction A &er" lig/t film of #inder a++lied on a single or dou#le seal to im+ro&e retention of c/i++ings under traffic. ,itumen emulsions are ideall" suited #ecause of t/eir +enetrating +ro+erties t/at allow t/e #inder to flow around t/e aggregates. ii6 Reseal A 1uick, sim+le and economic met/od of a++l"ing diluted emulsion onto a dr" and surface starting to loose stone. ./e emulsion fills t/e &oids and su#stantiall" im+ro&es +ermea#ilit". ./e treatment is often called Dilute -mulsion A++lication. 3,3,+ Slu!!& $eal *ine graded aggregate, #itumen emulsion, water and a cement catal"st mi0ed to a cream" consistenc" mi0 used on7 >ld surfaces to seal &oids, cracks and correct minor irregularities. As a final seal on s+ra" and c/i+ o+eration to im+ro&e retention of stone. Slurr" not recommended on +re&ious slurried surface or w/ere surface is cracked due to #ase failure. 3,3,6 :ituminou$ conc!ete !onsist of a /omogenous mi0ture of #ituminous #inder, aggregate and a filler and used7 As a new surface dressing on a +rimed #ase. As an o&erla" on e0isting surface to add strengt/ and le&el an" ruts and de+ressions and t/us im+ro&e riding 1ualit". 3,3,7 Qualit& cont!ol ./e success of a surfacing o+eration de+ends on7 :ood workmans/i+ and attention to detail are crucial. Surface to #e worked on to #e com+letel" clean and free of loose materials wit/ t/e e0ce+tion of sta#ilised #ases. A lig/t s+ra" of water is recommended. !orrect a++lication rates to #e a++lied. >&er a++lication leads to #leeding. ,inder to #e a++lied at t/e correct tem+erature. ,inder not to #e re+eatedl" /eated. Ideall" c/i++ings to #e single si<ed, cu#ical, dr" and dust free and to co&er one e&en la"er of stone. Stone to #e wetted to reduce dust. ,itumen emulsions are not suita#le for +riming as t/e" tend to coagulate on t/e surface wit/out +enetration. All +lant and e1ui+ment s/all #e in good working order and o+erated #" com+etent staff. >n #ituminous concrete a&oid segregation, dragging or tearing and #ack casting is not recommended. Ioints are a source of weakness and to #e well com+acted. Surfacing is a s+eciali<ed acti&it" and t/erefore !ouncils /a&e no ca+acit" to carr" out t/e works internall" and /a&e to out source. >ne t/erefore is in&ol&ed in7
./e +re+arations and ad(udication of tenders. Su+er&ision of t/e works to ensure !ontractors com+l" wit/ s+ecifications. Pre+are Interim Pa"ment !ertificates, &aluation of da" works and &ariations.
2001 G 2003
I worked on t/e a#o&e +ro(ects as a Site Agent wit/ t/e following res+onsi#ilities7 Im+lementation of t/e !ontracts to ensure t/at t/ere is com+liance wit/ s+ecifications and drawings. Su+er&ision of t/e works to include setting out, design of tem+orar" works, 1ualit" control and waste@misa++ro+riation control. Pre+aration of +rogram of works and +rogressing. Resource sc/eduling and material management. Interim Pa"ment !ertificates, &aluation of da" works and &ariations. 4a#our, +lant and su#contractor control. !ontract corres+ondence, site records@diar". Site safet" and statutor" regulations.
*rom e0+erience gained working on t/ese +ro(ects, t/e #est results are ac/ie&ed #" ensuring t/at7 All trades to include su#contractors are coordinated to ensure smoot/ o+erations wit/out o&erla+ of trades. aterials ordered are #alanced against +lant and la#our a&aila#le. All re1uirements are forecast in ad&ance and not/ing is left to c/ance. ./e +lant a&aila#le is +ut to t/e #est use and is worked to ca+acit". Site costing to c/eck actual cost against estimate is done regularl" to +ick inefficiencies and waste to #e dealt wit/ +rom+tl". >&erall good organisation reduces waste of time and materials, idleness of la#our, im+ro&es staff relations and rate of +rogress and t/e image of t/e organisation at large.
6,- Conclu$ion