The Apostolic Church, Ghana English Assembly - Koforidua District Topic: Equipping The Saints For The Ministry
The Apostolic Church, Ghana English Assembly - Koforidua District Topic: Equipping The Saints For The Ministry
The Apostolic Church, Ghana English Assembly - Koforidua District Topic: Equipping The Saints For The Ministry
A. INTRODUCTION After dying for our sins and ascending to Heaven, the Lord Jesus Christ is now enthroned at the right hand of our Heavenly-Father. After Jesus Christ ascended on high, he gave gifts unto men. The gifts from the Lord Jesus, through the power of the Holy Spirit is for edification, exhortation and comfort of the body of Christ. Tenet number nine (9) of the Apostolic Church: Church government by Apostles, Prophets, Evangelist, Pastors, Teachers, Elders and Deacons. This brings to mind the essential nature of these ministerial gifts and positions. The members in the Church must be well equipped to perform their God-given roles effectively. It is very necessary for the members in the body of Christ to understand the operations of the gifts and the need to support Christians who are working in these ministries. Memory Verse Ephesians 4:11-12 And he gave some, Apostles; and some, Prophets; and some,
Evangelists; and some, Pastors and Teachers; For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: (KJV) B. THE LEADERSHIP AND MINISTERIAL GIFTS 1. What is a leadership gift? 2. What is a ministerial gift? 3. Read the Memory Verse again and give examples of ministerial and leadership. 4. Why is it necessary to equip the members of the body of Christ? a. Minister to the Lord Acts 13:1,2 b. To minister to other believers Acts 2:42-46 c. To minister to the world Mark 16:15-20 C. DISCUSSION OF THE VARIOUS GIFTS The True Apostle Hebrews 3:1 The Apostles GUARD the Church from false doctrines and false practices. a. Godly Character 1 Cor 9:2; 2 Cor 4:2; 2 Cor 6:4; 2 Cor 12:12 b. Signs, wonders and miracles Acts 2:43; Acts 4:30; Heb 2:2-4 ~1~
c. Preach the Gospel 1 Cor 9:16; 2 Cor 10:16; Rom 15:20 d. Willingness to endure affliction 1 Tim 1:16; Acts 9:16 e. Responsible for the doctrine of the church Acts 2:42; 1 Cor 14:37 The True Prophet John 4:19 The Prophets GUIDE the Church in all activities for the glory of God a. Works with the Apostles Luke 11:49; 1 Cor 12:28; Eph 2:20 b. Foretold (Foretell) events and warned of danger Acts 11:28; 2 Chro 18:2224. c. Confirms what God has said 1 Thess 5:20; Acts 13:1,2; d. Their words have to be examined by scripture Deut 18:22; Jer 28:9 The Evangelist Matthew 28:18-20; Luke 4:18 The Evangelist GATHER in the unbelievers through the preaching of the Word of God. a. Travels with the Gospel Acts 8:5; Mark 16:15; Acts 1:8 b. Signs, wonders and miracles Acts 8:6-13; c. Preaches to multitudes Acts 8:5 d. Personal Evangelism Acts 8:26-40 The Pastor John 10:2; Heb 13:20; Jer 3:15 The Pastor GROWS the believers until they reach spiritual maturity. a. Shepherds the flock Acts 20:28 b. Defends the flock John 10:11; 14 Teachers John 3:2 The Teachers GROUND the believers on the solid rock of Jesus Christ a. Nurture the flock 1 Tim 3:2; Titus 1:9 D. CONCLUSION The church Leader may operate in one or a combination of the above Ascension Gifts without any hindrance. The Church leader must avoid being carried away by the title. The performance of the church leader speaks more than the title. The scriptures say that by their fruits, ye shall know them. Be empowered by the Holy Spirit so that your fruits will be a living testimony of the gift and calling of God upon your life. PRAYER TOPICS 1. God should impart the Ascension gifts in the church Ephesians 4:11-12 2. Stirring the ministerial gifts of God in the church 2 Tim 1:6 3. Pray for the healing hand of God upon the sick