Love, Fate, Destinty (WIP)

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Love, Fate, Destinty (WIP) By James Minton, Jordan Holmes, Lauren Smith

OPENING TITLE & CREDITS SEQUENCE 1 FADE IN TO BLACK INT.HOUSE.BEDROOM.MORNING CLOSE UP: FAITH is asleep in her bed when an alarm from her phone abruptly interrupts her and wakes her up. EXTREME CLOSE UP: The phone is still ringing and vibrating without disturbance. MEDIUM CLOSE UP: FAITH is struggling to pick up the phone and eventually turns the phone off. WIDE: View of her entire room with that is relatively tidy, she then hesitantly gets out of bed and walks towards the curtains. WIDE: Shot behind FAITH as she draws the curtains. SHARP FADE TO WHITE Brilliant white light that resembles the sudden flash of light after being in the dark. CLOSE UP: Of lower legs as FAITH pulls up her trousers/skirt. CLOSE UP: Of a blouse that FAITH picks up. CLOSE UP: Focus on the FAITHS shoulder as she puts on her jacket. MEDIUM: (CONTINUED)



FAITH walks up to the mirror where she checks her clothes are neat as she approaches the mirror. OVER THE SHOULDER: FAITH then briefly re-arranges her hair and begins to turn towards to her hair stylers. CLOSE UP: Focus in on hair stylers where FAITH places them back down after switching them on. OVER THE SHOULDER: FAITH is back at the mirror where she continues to mess with her hair and then raises her hand to look at the face of her watch. MEDIUM CLOSE UP: FAITH then picks up a hairband where she ties her hair back, after another check of her hair she walks down the stairs. MATCH ON ACTION: INT.HOUSE.KITCHEN.MORNING WIDE: FAITH walks into the kitchen. OPEN FAST MONTAGE: MEDIUM: FAITH opening up a loaf of bread CLOSE UP: Bread being put into a toaster, cutting to juice being poured into a glass. CLOSE FAST MONTAGE. WIDE: FAITH is on the phone to a taxi company, poring the rest of the juice into a glass.


CONTINUED: FAITH ... You will be here in 5 minutes? great!


She hangs up on the phone and accidently knocks her glass off the counter. CLOSE UP: On the glass where FAITH catches it. MEDIUM: Faith has the glass in her hand and is standing still, sighing in relief. she then reaches towards the radio. CLOSE UP: FAITH turns the radio on, and also turns the volume up where the music gradually gets louder. MEDIUM: (Taxis horn beeping) FAITH turns her head to the sound of the horn and then looks back at her juice and picks it up and drinks the rest of it. she then places it down on the counter where she walks out of the kitchen. WIDE: FAITH walks through the hallway and reaches down to collect her back which soon cuts to a MONTAGE. EXT.HOUSE.MORNING OPEN FAST MONTAGE: WIDE: of FAITH outside her front door with the Taxi in the foreground. MEDIUM CLOSE UP: of the Taxi door being shut as FAITH enters the Taxi. CLOSE UP: of the rear end of the vehicle that is driving away. CLOSE UP:


of the same side of the rear end of the Taxi as FAITH exits the Taxi. INT.OFFICE.INTERVIEW ROOM OVER THE SHOULDER: FAITH is sitting with the interviewer as he speaks to her (cannot be heard by audience) CLOSE FAST MONTAGE. INT.OFFICE.CORRIDOR WIDE: FAITH shakes the hand of the interviewer and walks out the door MEDIUM: FAITH re adjusts her bag and sighs with an expression of slight disappointment on her face and begins to walk down the corridor. CLOSE UP: on her hand as she loses grip of the pen in her hand and drops to the ground, which she does not notice and continues walking OVER THE SHOULDER: On OLLY who picks up the pen from the floor CLOSE UP: OLLY places the pen in his shirt pocket DOLLY SHOT: (dolly tracks OLLY) OLLY walks hastily towards FAITH OLLY Hey! Excuse Me? FAITH turns around to face OLLY. MEDIUM TWO SHOT: (CONTINUED)



as OLLY is talking, he takes the pen out from his pocket twisting it with his fingers. OLLY Is this your pen? I think it goes nicely with my shirt. Dont you think? OLLY then smiles at FAITH DOLLY SHOT: (camera faces FAITH and retreats back slowly as FAITH moves towards OLLY) FAITH smiles back at OLLY and begins to walk towards him and takes the pen from his hand with a flirtatious little laugh. FAITH Well, thank you. Maybe I could return the favor by taking you out for a drink? MEDIUM TWO SHOT: Both FAITH and OLLY are staring at one anothers eyes and smiling. OLLY Shall we? Faith nods and widens her smile as they both prepare to walk out of the office building. WIDE: (Camera behind FAITH and OLLY) FAITH and OLLY walk out of the building FADE OUT TO BLACK (sound of her phones alarm going off) SEQUENCE 2


INT.HOUSE.BEDROOM.MORNING OVER THE SHOULDER: FAITH is curling her hair hastily in front of the mirror. EXTREME CLOSE UP: Her phone shows the time which shows that she is late for the interview. OVER THE SHOULDER: FAITH has finished styling her hair and walks towards the stairs. MATCH ON ACTION: FAITH approaches the top of the staircase and walks down them fairly quickly, this follows up with a medium shot as she descends. INT.HOUSE.KITCHEN.MORNING OPEN FAST MONTAGE: WIDE: FAITH rushes into the kitchen towards the cupboard. CLOSE UP: FAITH opens the cupboard door and snatches the glass and does not shut the door. CLOSE UP: FAITH Pours juice into the glass CLOSE FAST MONTAGE. MEDIUM: FAITH continues to pour the juice into the glass whilst she is on the phone to the taxi company FAITH ... So how much will that be? She pours to much juice in the glass and begins to over spill.


CONTINUED: FAITH Ohw! Erm Ive got to go, thank you.


Ends call and turns to grab a towel wher the glass is pushed over the side of the counter. CLOSE UP: Glass falls and smashes on the ground poring all of its contents on to the floor. MEDIUM CLOSE UP: Focus on FAITH as she puts he hands on top of her head and shows an expression of worry. FAITH Oh no! no no! Approaches the broom at the side of the counter and begins to sweep. MEDIUM: FAITH is sweeping up the shattered glass and the sound of the taxi horn beeping, she looks back and forth between the glass that remains and the direction of her front door and hastily leaves the broom behind and rushes out the door. The shot remains static as you hear footsteps approaching the front door, opening and then shutting it behind her. EXT.TRAIN STATION.MORNING WIDE: FAITH exits the back of the taxi and runs towards the platform. TRACKING SHOT: FAITH runs to the platform but there is no train. She peaks forward slightly and looks side to side for any sight of the train. her eyes subtly widen as she reaches for her phone. CLOSE UP: FAITH clicks her phone into life to check the time which is several minutes later than the departure time of the train. MEDIUM CLOSE UP: FAITH looks up and huffs with exasperation.




FAITH (Mutters under breath) Great! Just your luck Faith! She turns around and OLLY comes into focus. OLLY The names Olly. MEDIUM CLOSE UP: FAITH cracks a very slight smile. MEDIUM CLOSE UP: OLLY Now err, I was going to go and get a drink. Why dont you come and join me? TWO-SHOT: FAITH an OLLY look at each other amorously FAITH AND OLLY Lets get out of here. they both laugh in sync. WIDE: OLLY and FAITH both leave together. FADE TO BLACK ENDING CREDITS The ending will comprise of photographs of the events that happened after the events of the short film.

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