Service Continuity Support in Self-Organizing IMS Networks
Service Continuity Support in Self-Organizing IMS Networks
Service Continuity Support in Self-Organizing IMS Networks
7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Overview of IMS and Self-Organizing IMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.2.1 IP Multimedia Subsystem Concepts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.2.2 Self-Organizing IMS (SOIMS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Related Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Service Continuity in SOIMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.4.1 Requirements for Service Continuity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.4.2 Proposed SOIMS Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.4.3 Message Exchange with SOIMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prototype and Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.5.1 Experimental Conguration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.5.2 Measurements and Evaluations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.5.3 Performance Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.5.4 Consideration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.5.5 Self-Organizing IMS and Load Balancing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Acknowledgment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248 249 249 250 252 253 253 254 254 258 258 259 260 262 263 266 267 267
248 Emerging Wireless Networks: Concepts, Techniques, and Applications The Next-Generation Networks (NGN), which can provide advanced multimedia services over all-IP based networks, was the subject of a lot of attention many years ago. While there have been tremendous eorts to develop its architecture and protocols, especially for IMS (IP Multimedia Subsystem), which is a key technology of the NGN, it is far from being widely deployed. However, eorts to create an advanced signaling infrastructure realizing many requirements have resulted in a large number of functional components and interactions between those components. Thus, carriers are trying to explore eective ways to deploy IMS while oering the value-added and rich communication services. As one of such approaches, we have proposed self-organizing IMS (SOIMS). The self-organizing IMS enables IMS functional components and corresponding physical nodes to adapt dynamically and automatically, based on situations like network load and available system resources while continuing the IMS operation. To realize this, service continuity provisioning to end-users is an important requirement when a reconguration occurs during the operation. This chapter proposes a novel mechanism that provides service continuity to end-users. The proposed mechanism has been implemented in a real system (prototype), and its performance evaluation analyzed in terms of number of control signaling and processing time during reconguration.
In recent years, the NGN, which is a standard platform for providing highly advanced network services by integrating xed and mobile communication networks, has been attracting attention. The IMS [3] is its key technology, and has been standardized by 3GPP [6]. The IMS has standard specications for a multimedia services platform operating over an all-IP network, which provides quality of service (QoS) control, accounting, and various services by third-party service providers. The IMS is currently deployed and operated on a large scale by telecommunication network operators. Their core network is equipped with IMS components such as several call control servers, subscriber database servers, and various application servers. A user terminal or UE (User Equipment), connects to the IMS core network through access networks such as wireless and wired networks. However, the IMS is a complex system with many components. In addition, the operator needs to take care of the reliability and redundancy of the IMS. Thus, cost eective implementations and deployment of the IMS are desired. Self-organization oers an attractive way to reduce the deployment and operational costs of such a complex system. A self-organizing approach has been studied for network conguration, such as mobile ad-hoc networks (MANET) and zero-conguration networks. Furthermore, in IMS, components are dened as functional components and can be considered separately from phys-
ical nodes. Thus, dynamic adaptation with the nodes merging and splitting IMS functional components can realize eective IMS operation in terms of resource usage and availability. In its current form, IMS architecture and protocols do not have the mechanisms that can easily help IMS components to self-organize. Thus, we have proposed additional features and mechanisms to support the self-organizing capability for IMS [9]. In addition to conguration before bootstrapping IMS functionality, the eciency of the IMS reconguration while already in operation is also possible, depending on the network and resource usage situation. However, this has a huge impact on registered UEs with IMS components that have established sessions. Thus, this self-organizing mechanism also needs to support service continuity to allow the UEs to continue their services seamlessly after the reconguration. In this chapter, we propose a method to guarantee service continue by eective notication of the aected UEs. This method allows the UEs to reregister seamlessly with IMS and maintain the established session. Furthermore, we implement our proposed method on real systems and assess its eciency and performance. The rest of this chapter is organized as follows: Section 7.2 provides an overview of the IMS and the SOIMS. Section 7.3 describes related work dealing with the self-organization in IMS environment. Section 7.4 presents the proposed method for service continuity provisioning in the SOIMS environment. Section 7.5 describes the prototype implementation and performance results. Finally, Section 7.6 concludes the chapter.
Figure 7.1 shows the basic IMS core network conguration. The following IMS components are located in the IMS core network that an operator manages: the HSS (Home Subscriber Server) is a database server for managing subscribers, the S-CSCF (Serving CSCF) is the main session initiation protocol (SIP) server for call control, the P-CSCF (Proxy CSCF) communicates with the UE directly and establishes a secure connection to it, the I-CSCF (Interrogating CSCF) is a kind of resolver of SIP message routing and a gateway to other IMS domains, the PCRF (Policy and Charging Rules Function) conducts QoS control, the MGCF (Media Gateway Control Function), and the BGCF (Breakout Gateway Control Function) allows interconnection to the existing circuit-switched networks. Each operator has these IMS facilities and interconnects their own IMS to another operators one by a secure and quality guaranteed route (e.g., via a dedicated line). A UE connects with the IMS through the IP core network and wireless access networks such as EV-DO
250 Emerging Wireless Networks: Concepts, Techniques, and Applications [5] and LTE (Long Term Evolution) [2], and wired access network such as packet cable networks [8]. All IMS components are functional entities, thus, they can run on any physical nodes except specic components, which require the dedicated lines.
FIGURE 7.1 IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) overview. In IMS, the SIP [18] is used for call control between UEs and IMS components. First, a UE registers with IMS before availing IMS services. The UE sends a registration request message to the S-CSCF via the P-CSCF of the IMS to which the UE belongs. The S-CSCF veries the UE based on the UE information stored in the HSS, and if successful, the S-CSCF registers the UE. After that, the UE establishes a secure IPsec (IP Security) connection to the P-CSCF and uses the IMS services by sending and receiving SIP messages to and from a correspondent UE and Application Servers (ASs) via the PCSCF and the S-CSCF. For example, when a UE makes a call, the UE sends an INVITE message to a correspondent UE and establishes active session to communicate. CSCFs handling the active session are decided when the session is established and cannot be changed during runtime.
The basic concept of the SOIMS is shown in Figure 7.2. In the resource pool, there are physical nodes that are capable of running several IMS components. According to the load and network conditions, the nodes can adapt the components and run one or multiple instances of them. They negotiate with each other and take over missing components and allows IMS to remain available in case of failure or overload. When the physical resource is not needed any more, the processing is moved to other nodes and the unnecessary node is removed. Thus, the system realizes ecient redundancy and eective resource usage.
FIGURE 7.2 Concept of the self-organizing IMS (SOIMS). The SOIMS can be structured in one of the two modes: centralized or distributed. For sake of simplicity and easy optimization of the entire system, we consider a centralized approach that has a central control node called a master node that maintains operator policy and state information for all nodes under its control. On the basis of the information, the master node assigns IMS functionalities to dierent nodes. The SOIMS require additional features such as node discovery, role request, and assignment, and interaction
252 Emerging Wireless Networks: Concepts, Techniques, and Applications protocols between the nodes and the master node have been proposed in [9]. In addition, after the IMS conguration is changed, those IMS components assigned to each node need to take care of active sessions that were established before the reconguration. Otherwise, services are interrupted and it degrades the users experience.
Related Work
With the emerging 3GPP LTE (Long Term Evolution) technology, selforganizing networks are envisioned as the new model for the next-generation OSS/BSS (Operations and Business Support System). The 3GPP [3] and Next Generation Mobile Networks Alliance [16] have standardized a set of capabilities known as self-organizing network to improve O&M (Operation and Maintenance). Since IMS is envisioned as a main component for the deployment of LTE or 4G wireless networks, for example, in order to provide real-time applications and other value-added and rich communication services, it is important to extend the self-organizing network concepts to the IMS core networks rather than only to the LTE RAN (Radio Access Network) and EPC (Evolved Packet Core). The concept of SOIMS networks has not been widely studied to the best knowledge of authors. Here, it is important to understand that the selforganizing IMS is dierent from the P2P-SIP concept [10] on which significant research have been done. Bessis [7] describes performance analysis and benets of running multiple SIP servers on the same host. That paper shows how to design the IMS networks in order to maximize IMS server colocation and explains which types of SIP calls can benet from the colocation of IMS servers. Fabini et al. [11] describe an optimal IMS conguration with respect to architecture and QoS aspects. It demonstrates the feasibility of an IMS system implementation within a single virtual device (all-in-one). In [15], a distributed IMS architecture has been proposed by representing network functional elements in DHT (Distributed Hash Tables) overlay networks. The main focus was to distribute S-CSCF functionalities by using an overlay network where these functionalities are merged in one node, which is called IMS DHT. A common issue with DHT overlay networks is related to the number of operations or message in DHT to retrieve information or data. In a SOIMS, eciency requires the reconguration of the IMS to be executed while the IMS is in operation. From the perspective of users, it is important to continue their services without interruption. The SCC (Service Centralization and Continuity) [4] is dened as continuing an IMS session when an UE executes a hando by establishing new session related to the old one. In [19], a method was proposed to use the same session by updating SIP servers responsible for active sessions. This method sends a specic message
to SIP clients, then updates session information to continue to use the old ones. In the self-organizing IMS, it is important to take care of the impact on UEs and how to manage those aected. This chapter deals with service continuity from the perspective of a self-organizing IMS networks.
In the SOIMS, the IMS components are dynamically assigned and transferred to appropriate physical nodes when IMS reconguration happens. However, in the IMS, each component has its own state and information for call and session control. A UE also keeps its connection state to the IMS network and the state of the call. In particular, if an inconsistency occurs between the UE and the P-CSCF that communicates with the UE directly, and the S-CSCF that manages registration information of the UE, the service will be interrupted and terminated. To solve the inconsistency between those IMS components and the UE, we have proposed two types of approaches: UE non involved and UE involved. The former tries to hide the reconguration from the UE. However, that will require a hiding mechanism at IP layer, which requires new equipment such as SIP proxy or SBC (Session Border Controller) in front of the P-CSCF. In addition, a hando procedure for the state registered in the IMS is needed. This approach requires a signicative modication of the existing IMS, including operational modes. The latter tries to inform the UE of the reconguration and make the UE updates information aecting service continuity. In this method, the UE that is informed about the reconguration registers with the IMS again, and continues the processing of the call. The drawbacks of this method is the signaling overhead due to UEs notication when IMS network has been recongured. This chapter proposes a method based on the latter approach in order to guarantee service continuity and reduce signaling overhead. The proposed approach has the following requirements. First, the method gures out the UEs aected by the reconguration eectively because a lot of UEs connect to the IMS and relationships between CSCFs and UEs are dynamically assigned when UEs register. The method needs to determines which UE connects to which CSCFs and noties the UE if the CSCFs are changed. Second, a notication mechanism to the UE is needed. In current IMS, there is no way to notify the reconguration information to UEs. Third, one is to minimize the service interruption time from the reconguration to the end of appropriate procedure at UEs. During the interruption time, control messages for the call cannot be processed. If a correspondent UE sends a message to the UE, the
254 Emerging Wireless Networks: Concepts, Techniques, and Applications message is dropped. This failure aects service continuity. Finally, impact on the existing IMS should be minimized because IMS has been already deployed in some operators networks. Furthermore, IMS is a well dened technology, then major change must be avoided.
In this chapter, we focus on the SUBSCRIBE session that is established between a UE and S-CSCF through P-CSCF in order to notify the UEs registration state to the UE. We propose a method to notify the reconguration to the UE by an extension of this session. In this method, the P-CSCF and S-CSCF, which are responsible for the UE, learn and store information about each other in the establishment of this session. Then, in case of any change in one of them, the other can recognize it and notify the change to the UE. This allows the IMS to inform only the aected UEs. The UEs execute registration and session hando procedure [4] through the P-CSCF designated by the notication message. The P-CSCF asks the HSS for the S-CSCF of the UE in the same way as basic IMS and processes the UE registration. The assignments of P-CSCF and S-CSCF to UEs are done and provided to the appropriate CSCFs and HSS by the master node. Figure 7.3 shows the overview of the proposed notication mechanism. In this gure, UE#1 and UE#2 register and establish a SUBSCRIBE session with S-CSCF#2 through P-CSCF#1 and P-CSCF#2. UE#K also registers with S-CSCF#M through P-CSCF#2. In the case (A) where the master node tries to move all UEs using S-CSCF#2 to S-CSCF#1, the master node sends commands to all P-CSCFs and HSS. Thus, P-CSCF#1 and P-CSCF#2 send a SIP NOTIFY message to UE#1 and UE#2. The HSS also updates the assignment of S-CSCF to UEs based on the master node information. In the case (B) where the master node tries to move all UEs using P-CSCF#2 to PCSCF#1 and P-CSCF#N, the master node sends commands to all S-CSCFs, and then S-CSCF#2 and S-CSCF#M send a SIP NOTIFY message to UE#2 and UE#K. In the both cases, the UEs register with the indicated CSCFs and continue their ongoing services. This method is also applicable by sequential execution when both S-CSCF and P-CSCF are changed. In addition, this is valid when some failure takes place at P-CSCF and S-CSCF because the failed CSCF is not involved with this notication sequence. This method can send notications eectively and quickly to the aected UEs, and can be realized by an extension of subscribe session and an additional master node compared with the basic IMS. Thus, it satises the requirements described in previous section.
In this section, the proposed call ows for notication and session continuity are described. Figure 7.4 shows the rst registration ow when using an AKA
FIGURE 7.3 Overview of notication method. (Authentication and Key Agreement) [1] as the authentication procedure. This call ow is almost the same as a standard IMS registration ow. However, with the standard IMS ow, the P-CSCF and S-CSCF obtain and store the information required for notication procedure in (17), (19) and (20). First, a UE sends a REGISTER to P-CSCF (1) and P-CSCF forwards it to I-CSCF (2). The I-CSCF asks HSS which S-CSCF is assigned to the UE (3) and forwards REGISTER to that S-CSCF (4). The S-CSCF asks HSS for authentication information (5) and sends back a 401 Unauthorized message to the UE via the I-CSCF and the P-CSCF (6, 7, 8). The UE sends REGISTER again with authentication information to the S-CSCF (9, 10, 11). The S-CSCF veries the authentication credentials, and it gets and updates the UEs information on the HSS (12), then sends back a 200 OK message to the UE (12, 13, 14). After that, the UE sends a SIP SUBSCRIBE message to the S-CSCF through the P-CSCF (15, 16) in order to subscribe to IMS network reconguration event. Here, the S-CSCF stores the P-CSCF of the UE (17), and sends back a 200 OK to the UE (18). The P-CSCF also stores the S-CSCF of the UE (19) and session information to ensure the P-CSCF sends a NOTIFY (20), then forwards the 200 OK to the UE.
FIGURE 7.4 Signaling message during registration. Figure 7.5 shows the P-CSCF change ow from P-CSCF#1 to P-CSCF#2. First of all, the UE is already registered to the S-CSCF through P-CSCF#1 and establishes an active call session with an INVITE through them (1). Let us assume for a given reason the master node decides a reconguration of the IMS network and informs all S-CSCFs about the change. If P-CSCF#2 is not running yet, the master node also sends commands to launch it at the same time (2). The S-CSCF nds out which registered UEs use P-CSCF#1 based on the stored information, and sends a NOTIFY to the UE including the new P-CSCF information via the new P-CSCF, that is, P-CSCF#2 in Figure 7.5 (4). The P-CSCF#2 forwards the NOTIFY to the UE (5). Upon receipt of the notication from the S-CSCF, the UE sends back a 200 OK (6, 7), registers and subscribes through the P-CSCF#2 (8). The UE also takes care of the active session. The UE (i.e., the caller) sends an INVITE with a session transfer identier that associates the previous active session with the new session generated by this INVITE (9, 10, 11). The correspondent UE (i.e.,
the callee) sends back a 200 OK (12, 13, 14) and the caller UE sends an ACK (15, 16, 17). Finally, the UE sends a BYE to disconnect the previous active session.
FIGURE 7.5 Call ow when P-CSCF changes. Figure 7.6 shows the S-CSCF change ow from S-CSCF#1 to S-CSCF#2. This ow is similar to the P-CSCF change case. However, in addition to the notication to the UE, the master node needs to inform the HSS of the change because the HSS needs to assign another S-CSCF when the UE registers. The UE is already registered to S-CSCF#1 through P-CSCF and establishes an active call session by sending an INVITE through them (1). Let us assume for a given reason the master node decides a reconguration of the IMS network and informs all P-CSCFs about the change. If S-CSCF#2 is not running yet, the master node also sends commands to launch it at the same time (2). The master node also informs the HSS of the change to update assignments of S-CSCF (3, 4). The P-CSCF nds out which UEs were associated with SCSCF#1 based on the stored information, and sends the NOTIFY message (6). Here, the NOTIFY indicates the same P-CSCF because P-CSCF does not change. The UE sends back a 200 OK (7), registered and subscribed through
258 Emerging Wireless Networks: Concepts, Techniques, and Applications the P-CSCF. Then, the HSS informs the I-CSCF of the new S-CSCF in the registration sequence, thus the UE can register with the new S-CSCF (i.e., S-CSCF#2). This way, the session continuity can be guaranteed similarly to the P-CSCF change scenario.
Figure 7.7 shows our experimental network conguration for verifying the proposed SOIMS methods behavior and performance. The core network is composed of four IMS nodes (node#i, i = 1, ..., 4) and the master node. The HSS and I-CSCF are running on node#1, and the S-CSCF function is running on node#2 and node#3, while the P-CSCF function is running on node#3 and node#4, respectively. The UEs and UE Emulator connect to the IMS through hubs and a router by using the Ethernet. A monitor machine captures packets passing through the hubs for statistics. The proposed method has been implemented in the master node and the dierent IMS entities, namely, CSCFs, HSS, and UE. The CSCFs and HSS are built based on NIST SIP [17] implementation, which is an open-source SIP stack. The master node and slave middleware, which are our original
FIGURE 7.7 Experimental network conguration. software, communicate to get information of each node and dictates which IMS functions are running on the node. An extended SIP Communicator [20] is used as IMS client (i.e., UE) or user agent. The UE Emulator, which can handle a thousand of sessions but only control signaling, is built based on IMS Bench SIPp software [13]. Regular PCs (CPU: Intel Atom 230 1.6 GHz, Memory: 2 GB, HDD: 80 GB, NIC Intel Pro/100) with Fedora 10 as operating system (OS) are used for the testbed.
In the experiment, rst UE#1 and UE#2 register with the IMS through PCSCF#1 and S-CSCF#1, and then establish a VoIP session. For this scenario, P-CSCF#2 and S-CSCF#2 on the node#4 are not running. During the call, the master node decides to add a new P-CSCF function to increase the processing capacity of P-CSCF in the IMS core network, and then sends out a command to node#4 to launch P-CSCF#2 and also send out commands to SCSCF#1 to change P-CSCF of UE#1 from P-CSCF#1 to P-CSCF#2. With our proposal, the call session is not interrupted due to IMS network reconguration. In a similar way, the master node decides to add a new S-CSCF on the node#4 to increase processing capacity of S-CSCF in the IMS core network and changes the S-CSCF of UE#1 from S-CSCF#1 to S-CSCF#2. The performance of the proposed SOIMS is evaluated for this two scenarios. Moreover, by using the UE Emulator, several instances of UEs ranging from 10 to 1000 registers with the IMS to S-CSCF#1 through P-CSCF#1. For a given reason or network policy, the master node decides to change their P-CSCF to P-CSCF#2 and their S-CSCF to S-CSCF#2, respectively. As
260 Emerging Wireless Networks: Concepts, Techniques, and Applications measurement metrics, we use the processing time for service continuity which is the time from when the master node sends out commands to each IMS node until all UEs complete the registration and session hando of active sessions. For the use case where the UE Emulator is used, we measure the total time from when the master node sends out commands until all instance of UEs complete their registration. These performance metrics are computed based on the captured packets at the monitor machine during the experiments.
Performance Results
The desired behavior of our proposal was veried in this prototype. Figure 7.8 and Figure 7.9 show the signaling and VoIP trac for an ongoing session when a reconguration happens in the IMS core network. In both cases, the UEs communicate with each other after call establishment, and then the PCSCF and S-CSCF of UE#1 are changed, respectively. Although the CSCF is changed, the VoIP session continues without disruption and terminates correctly. In the IMS, VoIP trac is not transferred through CSCFs. Thus, VoIP can continue seamlessly unless there is a failure of control signaling due to the change of CSCFs. However, if a new UE tries to establish a session with previously registered UEs, this attempt will fail, since the CSCF (either PCSCF or S-CSCF) has changed. With our proposal, previously registered UEs are still reachable since the state of their registration has been transferred to the new CSCF. The new session establishment will be supported seamlessly.
Reconfiguration and Service Continuity
25 20 15 10 5 0
ca estab ishment
2!5 5
$o%& (RT&) Contro Signa ing (S%&)
FIGURE 7.8 Trac volume when P-CSCF has been changed. Figure 7.10 shows the processing time during IMS network reconguration
25 20 15 10 5 0
ca estab ishment
%o&' (RT')
FIGURE 7.9 Trac volume when S-CSCF has been changed. when the S-CSCF and P-CSCF of UE#1 were changed. It takes about 6 seconds to restore session state for the S-CSCF change case and about 7 seconds for the P-CSCF change case. In this experiment, the processing times are due to the processing and waiting at each IMS node since there is no transmission delay and congestion in the testbed network. In the former case, the dominant factor that aects the processing is the registration, because it takes several seconds to launch the new S-CSCF on node#4 and then complete the registration. In contrast, the dominant factor due to processing is the notication from the IMS core network to UEs in the latter case. However, this is also attributed to the start-up time of a new P-CSCF on the node#4 because the notication is sent through the new P-CSCF. Figure 7.11 shows the total processing time when the P-CSCF and SCSCF are changed by using the UE Emulator as the IMS client. In both cases, the processing time increases linearly, but processing time when the S-CSCF changed takes six times longer than when the P-CSCF is changed. Figure 7.12 shows the success rate for service continuity. The rate when the S-CSCF is changed was always 100%. However, the success rate when the P-CSCF (Figure 7.13) is changed decreases as the number of UEs increases. Here, the failure of service continuity means that the UE cannot complete the processing of the service continuity and its service is terminated. The dierence between both cases seems to be due to the processing of notication and registration. When the P-CSCF of UEs was changed from P-CSCF#1 on node#3 to P-CSCF#2 on node#4, S-CSCF#1 on the node#2 sends notications to all aected UEs through P-CSCF#2 regardless of pro-
S-CSCF Change
Master Direction
Session an!off
FIGURE 7.10 Processing time for session state restoration. cessing capability of other nodes, such as node#4. This behavior results in the retransmission of notications and exceeds the processing speed of registration at P-CSCF#2 on node#4. Thus, the success rate decreases. On the other hand, when the S-CSCF of UEs was changed from S-CSCF#1 on node#2 to S-CSCF#2 on node#4, the P-CSCF#2 on node#3 sends notications to all aected UEs directly. However, all registration comes to the P-CSCF#2 and exceeds its processing power so that it cannot send the needed notications.
In this prototype, we were able to verify the service continuity after the IMS core network reconguration by using our proposed SOIMS method. The overall time required for IMS reconguration is about 7 seconds. We think this time is short enough to continue the service because a UE can try to continue its service if the UE recognizes the reconguration before retransmission of other signaling messages expires. When there are many aected UEs, quick notications within the limited time become more important. The master node needs to take care of the capability and the processing power of CSCFs. However, some open issues remain. In our SOIMS method, the master node does not directly deal with the aected UEs and each CSCF sends notications based on its stored information. This can improve the performance for sending notications quickly without the dedicated management nodes. On the other hand, each CSCF does not help with or take into account the processing capability and bandwidth of other CSCFs. This behavior results in congestion of control signaling and failure of service continuity. Thus, in future, some mechanisms are required to control the rate of sending the noti-
FIGURE 7.11 Total processing time. cations. For example, the master node can inform CSCFs of their capability. It is also possible that related CSCFs communicate with each other about their capability. Security is another issue. A UE uses IPsec to connect to P-CSCF in order to secure communication. If the P-CSCF of the UE changes, the notication is sent out over the secure connection. In particular, in case that a previous P-CSCF crashes, the UE does not have any choice to receive the unsafe notication from another P-CSCF. Thus, it is possible that a malicious attacker could send bogus notication to the UE and lead the UE to a fake P-CSCF. In SOIMS, it is dicult to send a bogus notication to the UE and redirect the UE to a fake P-CSCF. In our proposal, it is dicult to send a bogus notication because the notication includes Call-ID and tags that are unique keys generated in the previous secure registration procedure. However, there is still the probability for some attacks, such as TCP session hijacks [12]. Thus, additional security mechanisms for notications might be needed.
In the above proposed SOIMS approach, the UE is aware of IMS node changes in the core IMS network, and can be refereed as the UE involved method. With the UE involved method, when any change happens in IMS networks, the UEs are notied. This will induce a higher signaling trac and scalability issues when the number of UEs increases. In the wireless environment where radio resources are limited, these issues are critical. The CSCF must notify all UEs aected by the change. On the other hand, all of these UEs must refresh their
FIGURE 7.12 Success rate when S-CSCF and P-CSCF change. ongoing IMS session. The CSCF will then receive simultaneously a higher number of request. This might be interpreted as a denial of service (DoS) attack by a rewall deployed in the network. To avoid these issues, change in the IMS core network should be transparent to UEs. In other words, the UEs should not be notied about the IMS node failure or reconguration. This approach is called UE non involved. In case of the UE non involved method the UE is completely unaware of the IMS node changes in the core network. With this method, no additional message will be sent to UEs over the wireless link, and the UEs do not take any action after reconguration of the IMS core network. To allow support of the UE non involved method, we proposed a solution based on load balancing (LB) concept. Load balancing is a technique used to distribute network load across dierent network components in order to get optimal resource utilization, scalability, high availability and exibility. The proposed solution satises these LB features while handling support of session continuity IMS networks, topology hiding, and distributed IMS functions in an ecient manner. In the proposed SOIMS with LB approach, the LB appears as a virtual P-CSCF to UEs. In other words, from the UEs perspective, the LB is the P-CSCF and the UE sends all request or SIP messages to the LBs virtual IP address (VIP). Moreover, rather than establishing an IPsec security association (SA) between UEs and P-CSCF as specied by IMS standard, the IPsec SA is established between UEs and LB. Figure 7.14 illustrates our proposed SIP-based load balancing procedure for IMS networks, called SOIMS-LB. When the LB receives SIP messages from the UE, it forwards these messages to the selected
P-CSCF. The selection of P-CSCF is done by a scheduling algorithm dened in LB and by using information provided by the Master Node. There is no direct communication between UEs and the real P-CSCF since all communications are handled by the LB. In order to correctly route the SIP packets to P-CSCFs and maintain the session persistence, the LB needs to intercept the SIP packets and modify the headers accordingly. In fact, since the LB is acting as an outbound SIP proxy, it processes this message and adds itself in (the topmost) Via and Record-Route headers of SIP message before forwarding the message to the selected P-CSCF. By adding its information to the Via header, the LB will receive the response to the request. In the opposite direction, the LB removes the Via header, which contains its information, before sending the message to the UE.
P-CSCF#1 P-CSCF#2 P-CSCF learns LBs address when UE Registers P-CSCF sends SIP messages to UE through LB IP#P2
LB LB orwards SIP messages to P-CSCF LB wor!s as a SIP Pro"# IP#LB IPSe' )unnel
FIGURE 7.13 Load balancing with SOIMS. In this section, we will describe session continuity when IMS role change event (e.g., IMS node failure, role assignment) occurs during ongoing session. Let us assume that the P-CSCFs (e.g., P-CSCF#1 in Figure 7.14) role changes due to failure, the LB will be notied by the Master Node about network conguration change or since LB gets list of P-CSCFs from the Master Node, it will discover role assignment change or failure. When the Master Node detects failure of P-CSCF#1, it noties the S-CSCF about this event. Upon this notication, the S-CSCF can retrieve information of the new P-CSCF (e.g., P-CSCF#2) from the HSS. At the same time, the S-CSCF updates registration status (e.g., association and mapping) of LB and UE through PCSCF#2. Then P-CSCF#2 can restore registration information and update mapping between LB and UE for subsequent SIP messages. After restoration of registration information, the S-CSCF sends a message to P-CSCF#2 with information about media negotiation (i.e., SDP), new and
266 Emerging Wireless Networks: Concepts, Techniques, and Applications old SIP Route. This information exchange allows restoration of the ongoing SIP session state in the S-CSCF and P-CSCF#2, and reconguration of IMS core network. When P-CSCF#2 completes the update of session information, it informs the LB and HSS about the new SIP Route. The old and new SIP Routes are stored in the LB and HSS to allow mapping of previously established SIP dialog with P-CSCF#2.
UE is associated to P-CSCF1 Send message P-CSCF1 is down or changed to a!! S-CSCF with e"entua!!# !ist o$ a!i"e P-CSCFs U%date registration inc!uding ma%%ing &etween UE and LB Restore Registration In$ormation U%date ma%%ing &etween UE and P-CSCF Pro"ide o!d and new SIP Route and S)P Restore (cti"e Session Restore (cti"e Session Pro"ide o!d and new SIP Route Pro"ide o!d and new SIP Route Store o!d and new SIP Route SIP message with o!d SIP Route in header Store o!d and new SIP Route
Change o!d SIP Route to new SIP message with new SIP Route in header
FIGURE 7.14 Signaling when P-CSCF changes. All of these changes are transparent to the UEs. In fact, the LB hides the change and reconguration of IMS core network and UEs have no direct communication with the IMS components. Any subsequent SIP message sent by the UE will be set with the old SIP Route. It is the LBs responsibility to change the old SIP Route (e.g., Service-Route) in SIP message to the new SIP Route before to forward this message to the rst IMS entity (i.e., P-CSCF). Since any change in the core IMS network is transparent to UEs, with the proposed solution, there is no need for UEs to subscribe for events notication. In other words, there is no need to exchange SIP SUBSCRIBE/NOTIFY messages, leading to minimal signaling overhead and network resources usage. Similar behavior can be observed when S-CSCF change, hence we dont show all signaling message for this scenario. More details about SOIMS and LB integration can be nd in [14].
In this chapter, we introduced the self-organizing capability for IMS, in short SOIMS, that provides cost eective operation and makes ecient usage of resources. To realize this, service continuity for UEs aected by the IMS reconguration is an important aspect. We proposed an approach to realize it without a large impact on specication and implementation of the IMS. The proposed SOIMS method sends notications to the UEs eectively by using the subscribe session and make the users to reregister or update their registration information and help the session hando procedures. Further, we implemented the method and demonstrated its behavior and performance. The performance results show the realization of IMS reconguration completes in less than 10 seconds without any media disruption. This time seems to be short enough considering retransmission time of control signaling. Although the required time increases with the number of the aected UEs and capability of CSCFs, the performance could be improved by appropriate control and distribution of the notications according to the capability. On the other hand, the proposed SOIMS-LB approach allows to hide any change in the core IMS networks to end-users (i.e., user equipment doesnt participate in the IMS network reconguration), minimize IMS networks reconguration delay, and reduces signaling overhead. As a result, the IMS networks eciency and scalability has been improved.
The authors would like to thank the other project members: Dana Chee, Subir Das, Suren Alathurai, Manabu Ito, and Tsunehiko Chiba for their contributions to this work.
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