Analysing Business Performance enders Will want to make sure they are going to get their money back enders Will want to make sure they are going to get their money back mployees They will want to know their jobs are safe mployees They will want to know their jobs are safe Oncetheaccountshavebeenproducedtheycan beusedtoassesstheperformance Ofcoursetheownerswillwanttoknowthis,butsowill: overnment They will want tax revenue and jobs to be created overnment They will want tax revenue and jobs to be created uppliers They will want to know if they can rely on more sales uppliers They will want to know if they can rely on more sales BusinessStudiesOnline:Slide2 Using Ratios Using Ratios RatioAnalysis ProfitabilityRatios LiquidityRatios These consider how good the profits of the business are. There are 3 profitability ratios: 1) The Gross Profit Margin 2) The Net Profit Margin 3) Return on Capital Employed (ROCE) These consider how well the working capital of the business has been managed. There are 2 liquidity ratios: 1) The Current Ratio 2) The Acid Test Ratio Inordertoanalyseaccountswemustuseratios Therearetwotypesofratiosthatwemustuse: BusinessStudiesOnline:Slide3 Profitability Ratios Profitability Ratios
The Gross Profit Margin The Gross Profit Margin Calculatedusingthefollowingformula: Thiscomparesgrossprofitwiththesalesmade Thehigherthisfigureisthebetter E.g.agrossprofitmarginof56%meansthatforevery 1ofsales,afirmmakes56pencegrossprofit 100 x Revenue Sales Profit Gross Margin Profit Gross = From TPL Account From TPL Account BusinessStudiesOnline:Slide4 Profitability Ratios Profitability Ratios
The Net Profit Margin The Net Profit Margin Calculatedusingthefollowingformula: Thiscomparesnetprofitwiththesalesmade Thehigherthisfigureisthebetter E.g.anetprofitmarginof32%meansthatforevery 1ofsales,afirmmakes32pencenetprofit 100 x Revenue Sales Profit Net Margin Profit Net = From TPL Account From TPL Account BusinessStudiesOnline:Slide5 Profitability Ratios Profitability Ratios
The Return on Capital Employed The Return on Capital Employed Calculatedusingthefollowingformula: Thiscomparesnetprofittotheamountof moneyinthebusiness Thehigherthisfigureisthebetter E.g.aROCEof12%meansthatforevery1invested inthebusiness,afirmmakes12pencenetprofit Thiscanbeusedtocomparetheperformanceofthe businesswiththeinterestfromabankaccount 100 x Employed Capital Tax Before Profit Net (ROCE) Employed Capital on Return = From Balance Sheet From TPL Account BusinessStudiesOnline:Slide6 Liquidity Ratios Liquidity Ratios
The Current Ratio The Current Ratio Calculatedusingthefollowingformula: Theanswerisshownasaratio E.g.acurrentratioof1.56wouldbeshownas: 1.56:1 Thismeansthatforevery1abusinessowesithas 1.56ofassetsthatcanbesoldtopayit Theidealisbelievedtobebetween1.5and2 s Liabilitie Current sets CurrentAs Ratio Current = From Balance Sheet From Balance Sheet BusinessStudiesOnline:Slide7 Liquidity Ratios Liquidity Ratios
The Acid Test Ratio The Acid Test Ratio Calculatedusingthefollowingformula: Theanswerisshownasaratio E.g.anacidtestratioof1.24wouldbemeanthatfor every1abusinessowesithas1.24ofassetsthat canbesoldveryquicklytopayit. Stockisnotincludedbecauseitmaynotbeafinished goodreadyforsale Theidealisbelievedtobe1 s Liabilitie Current Stock sets CurrentAs Ratio Test Acid = Both From Balance Sheet From Balance Sheet