2.3.1 Profit

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Edexcel A2 Business

2.3.1 Profit

Calculators will be needed for this topic
From Edexcel
a) Calculation of:
• gross profit
• operating profit
• profit for the year (net profit)
b) Statement of comprehensive income (profit and loss account):
• measuring profitability:
- calculation of gross profit margin, operating profit margin, and profit for the
year (net profit) margin
• ways to improve profitability
c) Distinction between profit and cash
Definition: Profit
• Profit is the financial gain of a business through trading and can be
found be deducting expenditure from income; P =TR-TC where TR is
total revenue and TC is total costs

• Three types of profit that your exam board would like you to know
about and to be able to calculate from a statement of comprehensive
• Gross profit
• Operating profit
• Net profit
Statement of comprehensive income
• PLCs and limited companies(Ltds)
need to publish their accounts every
year, this is UK law

• As part of those accounts they need

to show their profit and loss and this
appears in their “statement of
comprehensive income (SOCI)”

• You will need to use extracts from a

SOCI to make calculations
SuperGroup Plc.
statement of
income 2016
Gross profit formula

GP = SR – Cost of sales

• GP is Gross Profit
• SR is Sales Revenue
• Cost of Sales are costs that vary with output or level of sales, and may include
What is the Gross Profit for SuperGroup Plc?
• Use the Statement of Comprehensive income for
SuperGroup plc to read their GP figure for 2016
and 2015
• Use the total figures


What is the Gross Profit for SuperGroup Plc?

2015 £296.2m

2016 £365.3m

What conclusions can you make from

these two profit figures?
Conclusions from the Gross Profit figures
• The statement of comprehensive
income for SuperGroup plc shows that
between 2015 and 2016 the gross
profit increased by £69.1 million (Can
you calculate this as a percentage

• At first glance this is excellent financial

progress but we would need more
information plus ratio analysis to make
an informed judgment about their
suitability as a company to invest in
Operating Profit formula

OP = GP - expenses

• OP is operating profit
• GP is Gross Profit
• Expenses are other costs to the business aside from stock e.g. admin, an ad
campaign etc.
What is the Operating Profit for SuperGroup
• Use the Statement of Comprehensive
income for SuperGroup plc to read their
operating profit figure for 2016 and 2015
• Use the total figures


What is the Operating Profit for SuperGroup
2015 £60.2m

2016 £56.1m

What conclusions can you make from

these two profit figures?
Conclusions from the Operating Profit figures
• The statement of comprehensive
income for SuperGroup plc shows
that between 2015 and 2016 the
operating profit figure decreased
by £4.1 million (what is this as a
percentage decrease?)

• How does this compare with

gross profit figure? What might
be causing this?
Net profit formula

NP = OP - interest

• NP is net profit
• OP is operating profit
• Interest are payments due on loans or debts
What is the Net Profit for SuperGroup Plc?
• Read the SuperGroup statement of
comprehensive income and find the net
profit figure. It is NOT called net profit on
the statement – it is called Total
comprehensive income / (Expense ) for the


What is the Net Profit for SuperGroup Plc?

2015 £34.6m

2016 £44.8m

Looking at these two figures, if you

were considering investing in
SuperGroup plc – what would this
information tell you?
Conclusions from the Net Profit figures
• The statement of comprehensive
income for SuperGroup plc
shows that between 2015 and
2016 the net profit increased by
£10.2 million
• Can you calculate the
percentage increase?

• What can you do with the net

profit data?
Statement of comprehensive
How the statement of comprehensive
income helps to measure profitability
• A business that is profitable will be able to reward its investors with a
return on their investment e.g. dividends paid on shares

• A business that is not profitable will not last long unless drastic
changes are made

• The statement of comprehensive income helps managers, owners and

investors to know how the business is doing by measuring the
Gross profit margin formula %

GP margin = Gross Profit

_____________ x 100
Sales Revenue

•Express your answer as a %

What is the gross profit margin % for
SuperGroup plc?
• Use the GP figure from earlier PLUS use the
total revenue figure from the statement
• Don’t forget to multiply your result by 100
to get a %
• Show your answer to 2 decimal places



2015 60.87%

2016 61.14%

Looking at these two figures, what

conclusions can you make about the
profitability of the business?
• Calculation of gross profit
margins for the SuperGroup plc
from the statement of
comprehensive income indicate
that the gross profit margin has
increased from 2015 to 2016.

• How much has it increased by?

Operating profit margin formula %
OP margin = Operating Profit
________________ x100
Sales Revenue

Express your answer as a %

What is the operating profit margin % for
SuperGroup plc?
• Use your OP calculation from
earlier and the sales revenue
total from the statement
• Express your answer as a % to
two decimal places


2015 12.37%

2016 9.39%

Looking at these two figures, what

conclusions can you make about the
profitability of the business?
• Calculation of gross profit
margins for the SuperGroup plc
from the statement of
comprehensive income indicate
that the operating profit margin
has increased from 2015 to

• How much has it increased by?

Net profit margin formula %
NP margin = Net Profit
Sales Revenue

Express your answer as a %

What is the net profit margin % for
SuperGroup plc?
• Use your NP calculation from
earlier and the sales revenue
totals from the statement to
make your calculation
• Express your answer as a % to
two decimal places


2015 7.11%

2016 7.50%

If you were looking to invest in this

business, what conclusions about
profitability could you make from these
• Calculation of gross profit
margins for the SuperGroup plc
from the statement of
comprehensive income indicate
that the net profit margin has
increased from 2015 to 2016.

• How much has it increased by?

Ways to improve profitability – increase
• If profit is TR-TC then it makes
sense to say that one of the
ways to improve profitability is
to increase revenue
• This can be done in a number of
• Have a sale, reduce the prices
• Advertise more e.g. Yorkshire tea –
see the advert on the right and
the other advert HERE
• Promote the products more
Ways to improve profitability – reduce costs
• If profit is TR-TC then the other
way to improve profitability is
the other side of the equation
and reduce costs in the business

• This could be done through a

number of ways, here are two
• Restructuring, delayering and
• Automating production
Distinction between profit and cash
Profit vs cash

Profit Cash
• Profit is recorded straight away • Cash will not be recorded until it is paid
out or received which could be in a
different trading year
• A business can trade for many years
without profit
• A profitable business may go bust of it
runs out of cash to pay a supplier or
• To improve profitability a business wages of staff
must either increase their revenue
or reduce their costs as: • If owners introduce cash via savings or a
• P = TR- TC loan this will not affect the profit figure
Sample Edexcel A2 questions
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Sample question 1


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2 1 1
Answer sample question 1
Case study for question 2
Sample question 2

Knowledge Application
1 3
Answer sample question 2
• Basic profit formula; P = TR-TC
• Gross profit formula; GP = TR-COS
• Operating profit formula; OP= GP - expenses
• Net profit formula; NP = OP – interest
• Gross profit margin formula; GP / SR x100
• Operating profit margin formula; OP / SR x 100
• Net profit margin formula; NP / SR x 100

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