Procedures of The House of Commons (Redlich 1908 Vol.2)
Procedures of The House of Commons (Redlich 1908 Vol.2)
Procedures of The House of Commons (Redlich 1908 Vol.2)
A Study of its History and Present Form
" "
Translated from the German by
1. MOTIONS 215
3. AMENDMENTS ... ... ... ... ... ... 228
6. QUESTIONS ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
g. BILLS 252
are inexhaustible sources from which the civil law of
England is nourished, the former also containing the main
roots of the constitution of the state : in like manner the
modern provisions for the conduct of business in Parliament,
welded together into a collection of rules, rest on the broad
basis of the unwritten law, produced by centuries of usage
in the two Houses. Sir Edward Coke saw this clearly
when he said, "As every court of justice hath laws and
customs for its direction, some the civil and canon, some the
common law, others their own peculiar laws and customs,
so the High Court of Parliament hath also its own peculiar
law, called the lex consuetude parliamenti." 2
The expression " unformulated law " is more correct than " unwritten
law." Though it may be accurate enough to say that the common law
lives from generation to generation in the bosom of the judges," and
is there developed, it is written down in the practically continuous series
of Year Books and Reports, which cover the whole of the last 600 years ;
In addition to the standing orders a second category of
At present there are nine sessional orders in force dealing with the
following matters: (i) double election returns ; (2) exclusion of peers from
voting (3) prohibition against interference of peers in elections (4) bribery
; ;
at elections (5) tampering with witnesses (6) false evidence given to the
; ;
House or one of its committees (7) direction to the police to keep the
passages to the House clear (8) regulations as to printing the
votes and
proceedings"; (9) regulations as to printing the journal. As will be seen,
the four first have no connection with the order of business. For the text
of the sessional orders see Appendix.
1 "
Blackstone, quoting Coke, puts this autonomy strongly, Whatever
matter arises concerning either house of parliament ought to be discussed
and adjudged in that house to which it relates, and not elsewhere." (Coke,
Fourth Institute, p. 15 Blackstone, vol. i., p. 163.)
See infra, Part vi., chap, ii., for the enumeration of the special
functions of the Speaker.
resource whereby it can free itself, in particular cases, from
the self-imposed barriers and fetters of its standing orders.
It can do so by the process of suspending the standing orders.
It is competent, under the existing rules, for the House to
found in the sitting of the ist of May, 1891 Hansard (352), 1854.
always been characteristic features in English parliamentary
procedure they have contributed in no small measure to
see infra, pp. 47, 48, and the examples in the Appendix. The series of
journals is, of course, one of the main authorities both for the explanation
of the existing procedure and for its history. The earlier books on par-
liamentary procedure are mainly compilations of extracts from them.
Their serviceableness is materially enhanced by the excellent indexes which
were added during the nineteenth century, and which cover the whole
period from 1547. Of special value for the study of the historic order
of business is the first volume of the General Index to the Journal of
the House of Commons," for the period 1547-1714, drawn up by Thomas
Vardon and Thomas Erskine May, 1852.
The Standing Orders have been published, under the direction of the
House of Commons, at intervals from the year 1811. During the last
thirty years, in consequence of the numerous alterations in the rules,
anew edition has been published nearly every session. I have chiefly
made use of the following, of which I possess copies :
No. 386.
In all of these editions by far the greater part refers to private
The dates given for this and other parliamentary papers are the dates
upon which they were respectively ordered to be printed.
B 2
7. The following reports and minutes of evidence are
of the
highest importance the history of the order of for
business during the nineteenth century. They comprise
the proceedings of the various committees of investigation
appointed since 1832 to consider the procedure of the
House of together with one or two reports from
joint committees of the two Houses.
(a) Report from the select committee on the public and private
business of the House: i3th July 1837; No. 517.
(6) Report from the select committee on the public and private
business of the House, together with the minutes of evidence and index :
(c) Report from the select committee on the public and private
business of the House, together with the minutes of evidence and index :
(e) Report from the select committee of the House of Lords (as to
promoting the despatch of public business), together with the minutes of
evidence and index loth June 1861 No. 321.
(/) Report from the joint committee of the House of Lords and House
of Commons on the despatch of business in Parliament (minutes of
evidence) 2nd August 1869
: No. 386. ;
(g) Report from the select committee on the business of the House
(minutes of evidence) 28th March 1871 No. 171.
(&) Report from the select committee on the business of the House
(minutes of evidence) 8th July 1878 No. 268 (with index).
(/) Report from the select committee on the business of the House :
(a) Third report from the select committee on committee rooms and
printed papers ist July 1825
: No. 516. ;
(b) Report from the select committee on printing done for the House
(c) First and second reports from the select committee on public
documents (minutes of evidence) ist March 1833, 23rd August 1833 :
To these should now be added First and second reports from the :
(g) First report from the select committee on private business 7th :
No. 130.
(f) First and second reports from the select committee on printing
(minutes of evidence) i6th August 1848, 2gth August 1848 Nos. 657, 710.
: :
(j) Report from the select committee on the office of the Speaker i2th :
(fe) Report
from the select committee on private bill legislation :
(q) Report from the joint committee of the House of Lords and the
House of Commons on the Houses of Lords and Commons permanent
staff :2Oth July 1899 No. 286. ;
(a) D'Ewes, Sir Simonds, Journals of all the parliaments during the
reign of Queen Elizabeth both of the House of Lords and House of Com-
mons; London, 1682.
(e) Grey, A., Debates of the House of Commons from 1667 to 1694.
10 vols.
(/)Rushworth, John, Historical Collections London, 1659. 6 vols. ;
3. Bourke, Parliamentary Precedents, being decisions of
the Right Hon. Speaker Charles Shaw Lefevre." London,
4. Clifford, History of Private Bill Legislation." 2 vols.
London, 1887.
Cohen, Dr. Gottfried,
5. Grundziige der englischen Ver-
fassung mit besonderer Riicksicht auf das Parlament (i and
" Essai
d'une psychologic politique du
5. Boutmy, E.,
London, 1885.
" Mr. Gladstone as Chancellor of the
7. Buxton, Sidney,
Exchequer." London, 1901.
8. Courtney, Leonard (now Lord), "The Working Con-
stitution of the United Kingdom." London, 1901.
9. Creighton, M., "Queen Elizabeth." London, 1896.
10. Davitt, Michael, "The Fall of Feudalism in Ireland."
London and New York, 1904.
11. Dicey, A. V., "Introduction to the Study of the Law
of the Constitution." 6th edition. London, 1904.
12. Franqueville,
" Le et le
gouvernement parlement
britanniques." 3 vols. Paris, 1887.
London, 1879.
17. Gladstone, W. E., "The Financial Statements of 1853,
1860-1863." London, 1863.
18. Gneist, R., "Das englische Parlament in tausend-
jahrigen Wandlungen." Berlin, 1886.
English translation by A. H. Keane. 4th edition. London,
W. " The Government of
19. Hearn, E., England, its
Structure and its Development." 2nd edition. Melbourne,
" A
20. Holland, Bernard, Imperium et Libertas :
in history and politics." London, 1901.
21. Jenks, Edward, "Parliamentary England." London,
22. Leclerc, M., " Les professions et la socit en Angle-
terre." Paris, 1901.
ences to authorities, and with the addition of numerous plans and pictures,
will be found in the thorough work by Brayley and Britton, History of
the Ancient Palace and late Houses of Parliament." The new House
of Lords was occupied for the first time in 1847, and thenew House of
Commons in 1850.
ment of the chamber as would cause a modification in
the traditional method of speaking, or put a premium on
loud-voiced oratory. Thus the character of an assembly
confined within narrow limits of space was preserved, and
the resulting style of parliamentary speaking and debate,
with its absence of demand for great vocal exertion, was
likewise retained. To gain this end it was
necessary to cut
down the floor space of the House to an area insufficient to
accommodate half the total number of members there are :
literally not enough seats for all of them, even with the aid
of the galleries, which are of considerable breadth, and run
the back bench on the Speaker's right hand is the place for
such permanent officials as may be in attendance to give
assistance and information to ministers the spectator of the ;
right hand as one enters, the chair provided for the Serjeant-
at-arms or his deputy. From the floor of the House there
rise, at a moderate slope, to left and right, five rows of seats.
one side of the House to the other. Only the Irish party
refuses to recognise this arrangement since it became, under :
" "
The back bench under the gallery on the Government side
has recently (1906) been taken into the House, and the last bench behind
the Speaker's chair on the same side has been railed off and made into
the place for accommodating the permanent officials who are present.
Parneli's leadership, an irreconcilable Nationalist party, it has
always sat upon the Opposition benches, to the Speaker's
left, even when, as in 1893, for instance, it has been support-
See Supplementary Chapter.
well known that in the first reformed House of Commons the
It is
and takes a seat by placing his hat upon it, or, in recent
years, by ticketing it with one of the cards placed upon the
table for the purpose, can, if he attends prayers, claim the
place for the whole of the sitting, even though he may leave
the House for a time, so long as he does not leave the
precincts of Westminster Palace.
Eminent or veteran mem-
bers have their habitual places secured to them by universally
observed custom.
The table of the house "a substantial piece of furni-
ture as Mr. Disraeli once called it in playful reference to
the protection it afforded him against Mr. Gladstone's fierce
attacks upon or under which lies the mace which is carried
solemnly by the Serjeant-at-arms in front of the Speaker as
he goes to his chair, stands between the two front benches
and forms as it were a physical fulcrum for the attacks of
the Opposition leaders and the replies of the Ministry. At
itsnarrow end, close by the Speaker's chair, sits the Clerk of
the House, in wig and gown, and by his side the two Assis-
tant Clerks. On the table among official books and papers
stand two solid brassbound boxes which contain the books
and forms used for the oath and affirmation, and which
often resound under the buffets of ministerial and opposition
Complaints as to want of space in the House are very old : the in-
crease in the number members
of Parliament from 334 in the time of
Edward VI to 465 at the accession of James I made the inconvenience
so much felt that the Speaker issued a special warrant directing an
increase of seats (House of Commons Journals, vol. i., p. 141). Neither
then nor afterwards, however, was anything done to put matters right, so
See Standing Orders 82 and 83, Manual, p. 124. One member cannot
reserve a seat for another. If there are two sittings on one day the reser-
vation covers both. It is amusing to learn that the Speaker has given
a ruling as to hats, namely, that a seat can only be secured by leaving
upon it a bond fide hat, the genuine head covering of the honourable
member, a reserve hat being of no use for the purpose.
well-known parliamentary anecdote it has been inferred that in the first half
of the eighteenth century the two great parties sat face to face it is said ;
that Pulteney, Sir Robert Walpole's bitter opponent, accused the latter of
inaccuracy in a Latin quotation, and, throwing a coin across the table,
offered to support his opinion by a bet. In another version of the story
it is true, Pulteney is said to have been sitting by Walpole and to have
Mr. Gladstone in 1886, he and those who acted with him sat for a con-
siderable time upon the Opposition side of the House, although they
supported the Conservative Government.*
The custom which assigns to Privy Councillors the part of the front
benches near the Speaker is of great antiquity. Hooker states " Upon the :
lower row on both sides the Speaker sit such personages as be of the
King's privy counsel or of his chief officers."
He adds that no other
person had any right to a definite place, except the members for the city
of London and those for York, who had the ancient privilege of sitting
on what is now called the Treasury bench. The privilege of the members
for the City of London is acknowledged even now on the first day of
each session.
It is noteworthy that knights of the shires, to whom many rights of
precedence were given down to the seventeenth century, had, from the six-
teenth century, no preference as to seats in the House over simple burgesses. 4
The present rules as to reserving seats can be shown to reach back to
the seventeenth century. A
resolution of the 26th of November 1640 pro-
vides Neither book nor glove may give any man title or interest to any
place, if they themselves be not here at prayers."* Hatsell, who gives this
and later extracts from the journals of the same tenour, states that by old
custom members to whom the thanks of the House had been voted had
their seats reserved by courtesy. The same
privilege has, of course, been
accorded to the parliamentary heroes of the House of Commons in the
nineteenth century. Hatsell, too, makes the remark that " the mentioning
anything upon this subject must appear ridiculous to those who have
not been witnesses to many and very serious altercations upon it." ("Pre-
cedents," vol. ii., 3rd edition, pp. 86-89 I
4* n edition, pp. 92-95.)
1 "
Townsend, History of the House of Commons," vol. ii., p. 463.
* "
Temple, Life in Parliament," p. 1
Mountmorres, vol. i., p. 114.
4 "
Porritt, The Unreformed House of Commons," vol. i., p. 504.
House of Commons Journals, vol. ii., p. 36.
C 2
the newspapers and the publisher of the Parliamentary
Debates." In 1803, Mr. T. C. Hansard began to compile and
publish a report of the debates during the course of the
session ;
his enterprise was a commercial success and he
and his firm continued the work, without any public subven-
tion, till 1855. In this year the Treasury subscribed for
100 (increased in 1858 to 120) sets of reports for distribution
distinguished by an asterisk.
The space allotted to reporters, the " Reporters' Gallery
as it is called,, is not large ; it supplies sitting accommodation
The whole question of reporting was thoroughly investigated by a
select committee in 1878 and 1879. The examination of witnesses, and
the report based upon it, give a highly interesting description of the whole
of the arrangements. The decision arrived at was unfavourable to the
The system just described has been upheld, in spite of
many complaints from members of the House, because it
supplies all needed, and is, at the same
that is practically
time, inexpensive. Objections to the abridgment of the
speeches come, in England as elsewhere, chiefly from bores
and parliamentary stars of the second and third magnitudes.
All important speeches are sure of full and accurate reports
at the hands of the reporter of the Parliamentary Debates :
institution of an
shorthand department, the committee considering
that :
(a) of this country are not parallel with those
the circumstances
of other countries in which an official report exists (6) a large amount
Judgment in Lord Abingdon's case, Rex v. Abtngdon, 1795 (i Espinasse,
226). See May's "Parliamentary
Practice," p. 100. Lord Abingdon was
sentenced to three months' imprisonment and fined 100-
Wason v. Walter (2ist December 1867), L.R., 4 Q.B., 73. For other
cases at law and the conclusions to be drawn from them, see Broom,
Constitutional Law Viewed in Relation to Common Law," p. 843.
See the statement of Speaker Brand before the select committee
on parliamentary reporting, 1878, Minutes of Evidence, Qq. 1682-1688,
1732, 1733-
Resolved that the Serjeant do not permit any persons to come within
this House in the mornings that the House sit, save only the members
of the House, the minister that prays and the officers attending the
House." 5 In 1688 it was ordered that the Serjeant-at-arms should arrest
The difficulties here discussed have been much lightened if not
entirely removed by the statute 44 and 45 Viet. c. 60, protecting fair
re-enacted annually from 1689 to 1713, and from that time it was treated
as a sessional order. 2 These prohibitions, like many other police regula-
tions, were habitually disregarded. In 1701 the Journal has an entry
(vol. xiii., p. 683), "A complaint bemg made to the House that many
strangers did yesterday crowd into the Committee of Elections to the inter-
ruption of the business and disturbance of the said committee. Ordered,
That a committee be appointed to ...
consider of methods to prevent
disorders at the Committee of Elections." Hatsell reports that the House
could seldom be cleared of strangers without a violent struggle from some
quarter of the House that strangers might remain, that the Speaker and
Serjeant did not carry out the order till called upon to do so, and that
the House was in the habit of winking at its being ignored. But he
considered the maintenance of the rule of exclusion to be absolutely
Such was the state of affairs down to the opening of the new West-
minster Palace, and evenNotwithstanding all the old
established practice to the contrary, the House's right to conduct its pro-
ceedings in private was successfully asserted on many occasions, as for
instance on the i8th of May 1849, the 8th of June 1849 and the 24th of
May 1870. No alteration
was made in the rule that a single member by
espying strangers could at once have the galleries cleared. The vexatious
use of this power, adopted by certain members in order to reduce the old
rule to an absurdity, brought about the change that was needed. Upon
the Irish obstructionist, Mr. Biggar, "espying strangers" on the 37th of
April 1875 Mr. Disraeli moved the suspension of the standing order on the
subject his proposal was at once agreed to and a few days later the
House of Commons Journals, vol. x., pp. 35, 291.
A motion to refer this order to a committee for consideration was
brought forward in 1777, but rejected. (House of Commons Journals,
vol. xxxvi., p. 458.) In 1845 the practice of adopting a sessional order
was discontinued, and standing orders (now Nos. 88 and 89) were
Hatsell, vol. ii., 3rd edn., p. 173 4th edn., p. 182. Carl Philipp Moritz,
person of the parliament ought to keep secret, and not to disclose the
secrets and things done and spoken in the parliament house, to any manner
of person, unless he be one of the same house, upon pain to be sequestered
out of the house, or otherwise punished, as by the order of the house
shall be appointed." '
Mountmorres, vol. i., pp. 143, 144,
House of Commons Journals, vol. i., p. 885.
House of Commons Journals, vol. ii., p. 12. Rushworth was the
admirable compiler whose collections, in many volumes, have never
been superseded as the most important source of information on the
history of the Long Parliament and of the Civil War period generally.
When Charles I intruded upon the Commons and had his famous scene
with Speaker Lenthall, Rushworth had, as Hatsell informs us (vol. ii.,
3rd edn., p. 231 4th edn., p. 243), sufficient presence of mind to take
In the session of 1641 (i3th July) the House resolved that no member
should either give a copy or publish in print anything that he should speak
there without leave of the House (House of Commons Journals, vol. ii.,
p. 209). This order was repeated in 1663 (House of Commons Journals,
vol. viii., p. 499), reference being made
to a recent publication of votes and
proceedings in the Common News
Books." During the sessions of 1641
and 1642 there are twenty-one entries of occasions upon which the House
took steps to prevent publication of debates. An instance from the year
1646 will show how minutely the House went into these things. Certain
speeches made at a conference with the House of Lords had been printed.
The House directed the Serjeant to make a search in the houses of four
named persons for all papers, originals and copies of the speeches, to
seize these and the printing presses, to disorder the letters, and to imprison
Field, the printer. At the same time they requested the Lords to concur
in the appointment of a joint committee to consider of some way of
righting the Houses and to prevent inconveniences of the like nature for
the future." (House of Commons Journals, vol. iv., p. 693.)
House of Commons
Journals, vol. xi., p. 193.
As to the incidents of the struggle, see Porritt, Unreformed House
of Commons," vol. i., pp. 589-596.
House of Commons Journals, vol. xxiii., p. 148.
of the English literature of the period, from furnishing their regular
reports of parliamentary debates they presented them to the public under
but from the time of the Wilkes has silently ignored them.
affair it
From the last quarter of the eighteenth century onwards, no attempt has
been made to disturb the publication of parliamentary debates. The
changed conditions as to reporting were recognised in 1803, when the press
obtained from the Speaker an official assignment of a fixed part of the
gallery for its reporters. But the declaration that reports were a breach
of privilege was then, and still is, technically binding even in 1859 ;
Speaker Denison stated that the House did not recognise any publication
its debates, and paid no attention to corrections of mistakes. The 3
important reasons for maintaining this position have been stated above.
The English conception of the right to the publication of parliamentary
debates stands in the most marked contrast to the theory and practice
developed in many Continental parliaments freedom of speech by :
members has there been used for the purpose of launching slanders
against third parties, or for the protection of what would otherwise be
invasions of the rights of others. Parliamentary institutions, transplanted
from their native soil and subjected to uncongenial treatment, may
produce as fruits the most remarkable perversions of their fundamental
ideas and objects.
Dr. Johnson afterwards confessed that he had himself composed
many of the parliamentary speeches published by him, or at all events
had freely ornamented them as he thought fit. In doing so he claimed to
have held an even hand between the two parties: at the same time he
declared that he had taken care that the Whig dogs should not have
the best of it."
House Commons Journals,
of vol. xxvi., p. 754 ;
vol. xxix., pp. 206, 207.
"Notes from my Journal," p. 31.
1 " "
See May, Parliamentary Practice, pp. 536 sqq. ; Manual,
pp. 202-204.
rogative, in the
present case a refusal of information, no
It is only in exceptional cases, as always when there is
any question of prerogative, that such a refusal can be
given. In any case this use of an obsolete prerogative
is the
legal foundation upon which a Ministry may base a
n D
refusal of House, and thereby to the
information to the
public, when
thought necessary to keep something an
it is
beyond doubt that even in foreign politics it gives the
by the clerks at the table, and (2) The Notice Paper, i.e.,
the programme of business for the next sitting. As supple-
ments, are given (a) the answers to questions asked at the
and not orally answered, (6) division lists of all
last sitting
The following figures will indicate the extent of the sessional papers.
In 1901 the total number of volumes was 92 of these 4 contain public
these folio volumes have 600 to 800 pages or more. The index alone for
1901 takes up 124 pages.
See as to the case of Stockdale v. Hansard (2 Moody and Robinson, 9),
infra pp. 49, 50 ; also Broom, Constitutional Law," pp. 875-960.
papers an order of the 3oth of July 1641 we read, " Ordered that these
is in :
votes shall be printed and attested under the Clerk's hand." * The use of
" "
the expression votes for parliamentary proceedings appears here for the
first time. Between 1641 and 1680 there are repeated orders of the House
as to the printing of particular papers. On the 3Oth of October 1680
there is, for the first time, a general instruction in the form of a ses-
sional order Resolved,
: That the votes of this printed, being House be
first perused and signed by Mr. Speaker, and that Mr. Speaker nominate
and appoint the persons to print the same."* On the 24th of March 1680-1
the House directed " That the votes and proceedings of this House be
printed and that the care of the printing thereof and the appointment
of the printers be committed to Mr. Speaker." 4 From that day to the
present* an order to the same effect has been made every session, with the
one exception of the year 1702 when, in connection with a dispute with
the House of Lords, lasting barely more than a session, it was suspended for
Since the beginning of the nineteenth century there have been several
select committees of the House of Commons concerned with questions
as to the printing of parliamentary papers, their cost, their publication,
and manner of sale there are reports of committees in 1825, 1828, 1833,
1835, 1841 and 1848. The most important of all is the Report on Publi-
cation of Printed Papers of 8th May 1837 (No. 286), which was prepared
with reference to the suit of Stockdale v. Hansard. It is the chief source
from which the foregoing account is derived.
House of Commons Journals, vol. ii., p. 230.
Ibid., vol. ix., p. 643.
Ibid., vol. ix., p. 708.
See, for instance, Sessional Order, 2nd Feb. 1904 ; Manual, p. 290.
a short time. Since 1681 the minutes prepared by the Clerks at the table
(Votes and Proceedings) have been regularly printed. In pursuance of
special orders of the House particular reports and other papers were then
printed and either appended to the votes and proceedings or added as a
whole to the journal for the session. At the end of the session the jour-
nal was compiled out of the daily votes and proceedings and published
by the Speaker's command when the House re-assembled. Curiously
enough it was customary till 1833 to have a so-called "Manuscript Jour-
nal prepared by special clerks and to treat this for judicial purposes as
the authentic version. This expensive and meaningless custom meaning-
less because the manuscript journal was a copy made from the printed votes
and proceedings was abandoned in 1833, and from that date the printed
copy of the complete journal prepared by the Speaker has been treated
by the courts of law as authentic. At this time the parliamentary papers
publishing the said orders, votes and also the declarations of the House
through the Kingdom." The practice of publication did not cease at
the Restoration. On the 24th of March 1680-1 a very interesting debate
on this question took place, the representative of the Government, Secretary
Jenkins, being almost the only opponent of such publication, giving as
his reason that it would be a sort of appeal to the people." The
House, however, kept to its established practice. 5
See Report of select committee on public documents (2yd August
1833, No. 717), p. 44.
House of Commons Journals, vol. ii., pp. 230, 608, 616.
For the debate see Parliamentary History, vol. iv., 1306. There are
several noteworthy, expressions on the part of individual members. For
instance, Sir John Hotham said Printing our votes will be for the
might be made public." Mr. Jenkins replied that they should consider
the gravity of the assembly there was no great assembly in Christendom
that did such a thing. Mr. Boscawen said If you had been a
Council, then it were fit what you do should be kept secret but your ;
journal books are open, and copies of your votes in every coffee-house,
and, if you print them not, half votes will be dispersed, to your prejudice."
Sir Francis said
Winnington I
hope the House will take notice that
printing our votes not contrary to law. But, pray, who sent us hither ?
The Privy Council is constituted by the King, but the House of Commons
is by the choice of the people. I think it is not natural nor rational
that the people who sent us hither should not be informed of our actions.
In the Long Parliament it was a trade among clerks to write votes, and
it was then said by a learned gentleman 'That it was no offence to
inform the people of votes of Parliament,' &c."
From 1691 the printed votes and proceedings of the Commons have
been treated by the House of Lords as affording authentic information of
what has taken place in the Lower House. 1
days through officials of the House as well. The printers were not always
the same, and it appears from the evidence brought before the committees
of 1822 and 1835 that till 1777 the sale of parliamentary papers was con-
ducted at a profit, which was accounted for to the Speaker. In that year
the sale showed a loss and thenceforward the Treasury took over the
account. 2 The journals were first printed in 1742. In 1/67 and 1773 a
collection, in several volumes, of such reports as had not been inserted
in the journals was printed and published, and in 1801 a new and com-
plete edition of reports from 1715 to 1801 was issued. In 1763 the
printing for the House of Commons was undertaken by the House itself
and the papers began to be distributed gratis to members. About the
middle of the eighteenth century the regular public sale of parliamen-
tary papers by the printers practically ceased. Access by the public
to this source of information was made very difficult, in fact almost
impossible. It will readily be believed that the reformed parliament
had a strong feeling that so faulty a state of affairs must be put an
end to, and that some means must be found of satisfying the heightened
interest of the extended electorate in the work of the House of Commons.
So on the I3th of August 1835 it was decided that parliamentary papers
were to be rendered accessible to the public at the lowest price at which
they could be furnished." On the gth of February 1836 a special com-
mittee was formed, consisting of eight members, to assist the Speaker upon
all questions concerning parliamentary papers and their publication.*
After that date a similar committee was for many years appointed at
the opening of each session. Immediately after the adoption of the new
methods it so happened that an action in the courts of law caused
their legal foundations to be put to the test. A certain bookseller
and publisher named Stockdale was a defamatory sense referred to in
in one of the reports of prison inspectors which were periodically laid
before Parliament, the inspector having described a book published by
Stockdale as obscene and unsuitable for prison reading. Stockdale
brought an action for libel Hansard as the publishers
against Messrs.
of the prison report (1836). The verdict of the jury went against the
plaintiff on the ground that the statements alleged to be
were true. But in his summing up the Lord Chief Justice, Lord Denman,
before whom the case was tried, gave a statement of the law which was
not favourable to the privileges of the House. He considered that the
fact of the House of Commons having Hansard to publish
directed Messrs.
all their parliamentary reports did not give to them or to any other
House of Lords Journals, vol. xv., pp. 1012. Further, from the time
of the Restoration the House of Lords has followed the same practice
as to printing and publishing its parliamentary papers as the House of
See on this the detailed memorandum of Messrs. Hansard in App.
No. 3 to the report of 1837.
House of Commons Journals, vol. xc., p. 544.
Ibid., vol. xci., p. 16.
publisher of such reports, legal protection against actions for libel based
on the contents of such reports. In consequence of this statement the
House appointed a select committee, the report of which led to solemn
resolutions that the power of publishing parliamentary reports, votes and
proceedings was an essential incident to the constitutional functions of
the House that the House alone had jurisdiction to determine upon the
for bringing them into discussion or decision before any other tribunal
was a breach of privilege and that a decision by any court which was
vol. i., pp. 171 sqq. ; May, "Parliamentary Practice," pp. 141-144.
The Sittings of the House of Commons
work there are a number of constitutional forms to
be gone through, which are regarded as essential
all of
the summons by the Crown constituting the House, after
The language of the writs of election is now fixed by the Ballot Act,
J 8y2 (35 & 36 Viet. c. 33). Till the passing of this Act the formula in
use was couched
quite in a mediaeval style. See Anson, loc. cit., vol. i.,
p. 57, where the present form
is also given (p. 55). If a seat becomes
pp. 1-118.
The only exceptions are the Universities of Oxford, Cambridge and
Dublin, the City of London and those towns of between 50,000 and
165,000 inhabitants which returned two members before the last Redis-
tribution Act (1885). Anson, loc. cit., vol. i., pp. 127, 128.
choice of the Speaker, cannot take place until the Crown has
given its consent. The Commons, therefore, wait in their
See Anson, loc. cit.,vol. i., pp. 62-68 May, "Parliamentary Practice,"
My Lords and
Gentlemen, We have Hisit in command from
Majesty to let you know His Majesty will, as soon as the members of
your Houses shall be sworn, declare the causes of his calling this parlia-
ment and it being necessary that a Speaker of the House of Commons
acted in person.
past, has been, for that very reason, piously kept up.
At the request of the messenger the Speaker-elect, accom-
panied by many of the members, follows him to the bar
of the House of Lords, and there addresses the Royal
Commissioners, whom he finds in waiting, in the following
words :
I have to acquaint your lordships that, in obedience to His Majesty's
commands, His Majesty's faithful Commons have, in the exercise of their
undoubted rights and privileges, proceeded to the election of a Speaker.
Their choice has fallen upon myself, and I therefore present myself at
your lordships' bar, humbly submitting myself for His Majesty's gracious
We are commanded to assure you that His Majesty is so fully sensible of
your zeal in the public service, and your ample sufficiency to execute all the
arduous duties of the position which his faithful Commons have selected
you to discharge, that he does most readily approve and confirm your
election as Speaker."
during the interval since the last session, the King's speech
For the history of the parliamentary oath, see infra, pp. 62-64. Under
Standing Order 84, members may take and subscribe the oath required
by law, at any time during the sitting of the House, before the orders
of the day and notices of motions have been entered upon, or after they
have been disposed of but no debate or business is to be interrupted
set about its business. The King's speech, or, to use the
correct constitutional term, the declaration of the causes of
the summons of Parliament, forms the legal basis for the
deliberations of the two Houses. 1
It is, perhaps, worth
Till 1870 whenever the speech from the throne, at the opening of Par-
liament, was read by a commission, it was written in the third person.
But since that date the sovereign has always spoken in the first person
even through the mouth of the Lord Chancellor.
In 1662, the journals of the House show that the Commons
appointed committees and transacted other business before the arrival of
the King's message to attend him in the House of Lords. Hatsell
characterises this as informal (" Precedents," vol. ii., 3rd edn., pp. 288,
291 ; 4th edn., pp. 305, 308).
E 2
A characteristic touch is given by the traditional custom that the
mover and seconder of the address appear on this occasion in levee dress
or uniform.
The modern upon the address, and the
practice of lengthy debates
moving amendments thereto, is one of the consequences of the
of formal
material diminution in the number of opportunities for general political
debates which has been effected during the nineteenth century. According
to statistical tables kindly placed at my disposal by the Clerk of the
House (a valuable source of information of which I have availed myself
here and in many other places) the address was, from 1801 to 1879, almost
invariably voted after one adjournment : in a few sessions two or three
sittings were taken. Since 1880 and 1881, in which latter year ten days
were sacrificed to the address, the time has varied between the limits of
six days (1882) and sixteen (1887).
days, under the old rules, the House used to resolve itself
into a committee to draw up the form of the address, and
by the Clerk for the purpose, is read for the first time :
the transaction is, of course, a pure form ; no more is heard
of the bill till it reappears at the opening of the next
session. It is always open to the House to take up formal
matters, such as of
business, receiving
disposing routine
Reference has already been made in several places to the historical
points as to the summoning and opening of Parliament (see vol. i., p. 40) ;
there is no need to repeat what has been said before. The history of
the members' oath, however, should be shortly sketched.
The parliaments of the middle ages asked no special oath from their
members as a legal preliminary to the fulfilment of their duties the ;
the oath was, in fact, first taken in I566. The purport of the oath (the
oath of supremacy) was that the member testified to his belief that the
sovereign of England was the only supreme governor of the realm, both
in ecclesiastical and in temporal matters. In 1610 two further oaths were
added by the statute 7 Jac. I c. 6 those of allegiance and abjuration
in consequence of the anti-Catholic legislation following upon the Gun-
powder Plot. In these oaths the members swore that they repudiated the
claim of the Pope to depose a king, and that they freely and heartily
promised to abhor, detest, and abjure as impious and heretical the
damnable doctrine and position, that princes which be excommunicated
or deprived by the Pope may be deposed or murdered by their subjects
The example of the session of 1904 will serve to show how the
constitution of the House takes place :
Opening, 3ist of January ; King's
Speech, 2nd of February adoption of sessional orders, same day adop-
; ;
Parry, p. 215; Porritt, loc. cit., vol. i., p. 128; Hatsell, vol. ii.,
3rd edn., pp. 79-85 4th edn., pp. 84-92 ; D'Ewes (" Journals," pp. 39, 78,
122) appears to consider that the oath was first administered in 1563
under i Eliz. c. i. but Prynne, "Parliamentary Writs," p. 407, states
definitely that the oath was first taken in 1566. New members elected
to the earlier parliament after the act was passed no doubt took the
oath; D'Ewes, p. 123.
or any other whosoever." From 1678 there was the additional declaration
against transubstantiation, which had to be made at the table of the
House with the Speaker in the chair. The oaths were administered by
the Lord Steward or his deputy in one of the rooms of Westminster
Palace. Under William III certain alterations of form were made. The
old oath of allegiance was replaced by a simple declaration of allegiance
to the King and Queen, but otherwise the requirements as to oaths
remained in full operation until 1829, when Parliament decided upon
Catholic emancipation and the repeal of the Test Act. A special form
of oath was then provided for Roman Catholic members.
The chief end, therefore, of the enactments as to oaths was to exclude
from the House of Commons those who professed the Roman Catholic
faith. Attempts made in the reign of Charles I to exclude members of
Protestant sects, Dissenters or Nonconformists, were defeated : the only
persons shut out were Quakers and Moravians, who refused to take any
oaths at all. 1 Jews were prevented by the form of the oath from becom-
ing members of the House of Commons, as the frame of all the oaths,
of course, took for granted the profession of Christianity. The reforms of
1829 left in the form of oath the words "on the true faith of a Chris-
tian," which thus continued to shut out holders of the Jewish faith. In
1832 the struggle for relief of the Jews from the disability to enter
Parliament began. It was pointed out that they were excluded by no
express law, and it was argued that the indirect result of the addendum
to the oath just mentioned was an unintentional effect of the law as to
parliamentary oaths. It was not till 1858, however, that these views won
acceptance. By the act 21 & 22 Viet. c. 48, the three ancient oaths were
replaced by a single one for Protestants of all creeds and persuasions, and
another act of the same year (21 &
22 Viet. c. 49) made it possible for
Parliament to admit Jews as members either House was empowered to
modify the form of oath by omitting the clause which was objectionable
to persons professing the Jewish religion. The alteration in the House
of Commons was at first effected by sessional order, but in 1860 a
standing order was adopted. In 1866 a single oath was prescribed for
members of all religious denominations (29 & 30 Viet. c. 19) as the :
new form did not include the words which took Christianity for granted,
Jews at last obtained full parliamentary capacity.
Asurvey of the whole history will convince anyone that the members'
oath of allegiance does not arise out of any constitutional principle
inherent in the notion of parliament. It has been merely a political
As to the admission of members whose religious convictions
prevented their taking an oath, see May, "Parliamentary Practice,"
pp. 163, 164.
of the cause of freedom of conscience.
In 1888 Parliament passed the
last of its acts subject (the Oaths Act, 1888), enabling all
upon the
persons who entertain a religious objection to an oath, and all persons
who assert that they have no religious belief, to substitute a solemn
affirmation for an oath. 1
lawsuits which surrounded Bradlaugh's stubborn struggle for his rights, see
May, "Parliamentary Practice," pp. 164-168; MacCarthy, "History of Our
Own Times," vol. v., pp. 27-40; Annual Register, 1880, pp. 57-59, 70-76;
ibid., 1881, pp. 139-146; ibid., 1882, pp. 15, 30-34; ibid., 1886, p. 9;
ibid., 1888, p. 51 ; Anson, loc. cit., vol. i., pp. 87-89.
I ^HE termination of the activity of Parliament, except
-- in one particular case, like its summons to begin
work, lies power of the Crown.
technically in the It may
1 "
See May,
Parliamentary Practice," pp. 43 sqq. (1851 edition,
pp. 107 sqq.);Anson, loc. cit., vol. i., pp. 68-74.
In modern times the sovereign (e.g., in 1831 and 1847) has repeatedly
announced in the speech from the throne proroguing Parliament that it
was intended shortly to dissolve.
dissolution. Lastly, the Reform Act of 1867 made the dura-
tion of parliament independent of the death of the sovereign
and the succession to the throne.
Prorogation is a solemn act of the Crown, putting a
legal end to the proceedings of both Houses of Parliament,
and at the same time appointing a certain future day for their
See Dicey, Law of the Constitution," 6th edn., pp. 376-382 ; Bagehot r
"The English Constitution" (1891), pp. 240 sqq.
for the
opening of any particular sitting, is the pre-
sence of the number of members prescribed by parliamen-
for a meeting of the House,
in 1805 on the authority of Speaker Abbot, in which this usage was laid
down. See Jennings, "Anecdotal History of Parliament," p. 599.
The doors are not closed every member who enters during the
Hatsell, loc. cit., vol. ii., 3rd edn., p. 168 ; 4th edn., p. 176 ; May,
"Parliamentary Practice," p. 232.
The tradition of Parliament is that the custom of treating Saturday
as a holiday arose from the desire of the House to accommodate Sir Robert
Walpole. The great Premier wished to have his week-end free, so as to
be able to indulge his passion for hunting without interruption. See May,
"Parliamentary Practice," p. 212. In the sessions of 1902 and 1903 there
were no Saturday sittings, in 1901 there were two, in the sessions 1897 to
1900 one each, in 1895 and 1896 two each. For a complete table showing
the number of Saturday sittings from 1888 to 1905 see infra, Part viii.,
chap. ii.
Since 1906 there have no longer been divided sittings, and the hours
of beginning and ending have been altered. In the Supplementary
Chapter the most recent arrangements, with the consequential changes of
detail, are explained.
We will first direct our attention to the days on which
the House meets twice. At each sitting there is a fixed
time for what is called the interruption of business," viz.,
the chairman leaves the chair, the House resumes, and the
chairman makes his report to the House (3) if any dilatory ;
" "
Under the present rules there is only one
interruption see :
Supplementary Chapter.
But if a member offers to speak to such question, or rises to object
to further proceeding, the Speaker must at once proceed to adjourn the
See Standing Orders i, ss. 2-9. Any further question which the
closure ordered by the House directs to be put are also to be disposed
of before business is interrupted.
of, the Clerk reads the subsequent orders of the day. Those
" "
which are " unopposed or " exempted may be taken even
after midnight ;
in the case of other business the member
in charge names the which it is to be taken. He
sitting at
may choose this at his pleasure, and no debate can be
raised as to his choice or he may give previous written
order ;
so far as the most important division of the business
is concerned, that, namely, brought forward by the Govern-
ment, the final decision as to the points at which the various
1 "
May, Parliamentary Practice," p. 215.
matters are to be placed in the programme of the day for
which they are appointed lies entirely in the hands of the
The total duration of the sittings is, as already mentioned,
Now ii o'clock: see Supplementary Chapter.
days not only had the House a free hand as to the duration
of its sittings ; the only regular method of bringing a sitting
to an end was the making of an order on a motion for
adjournment proposed by some member this is no longer
Such a motion can only have reference to a single sitting. A motion
to treat all Government proposals as exempted business would be debate-
able. The Army (Annual) Bill is by custom treated as "exempt." Sec
Manual, p. 32, and Standing Order i.
See Part vii. on the forms of parliamentary work.
If a member demands
a count, the Speaker (or Chairman)
directs strangers to withdraw, the two-minute sand-glass is
House, carrying out its rules. The old principle, that the
House and not the Speaker is master of the duration of
the sitting, is clearly expressed it is the ancient and still
1 " "
Standing Order Counting out as a tactical device is, by reason
of the smallness of the quorum, much less available in the House of
Commons than in other parliaments. It is extremely rare that a quorum
is not present at the beginning of a sitting. This was the case on the
of the order was the desire of the Puritan majority to protect them-
igth of May, 1876, for the first time in fourteen years. The number of
" "
counts out has steadily diminished. As statistics show, there
were in the sessions 1890-1903 for the most part not more than three to
six there were ten in the years 1891 and 1897, in 1903 eight, most of them
points out that the rule has been extended by custom to a committee of
the whole House.
of the House. But as time went on, the competition of the courts
of law, which also met in the morning, rendered the postponement
of the hour of meeting more and more urgent. It is often recorded
that the Speaker sent the Serjeant to the various courts to call the
numerous legal members of the House to their parliamentary duties. The
gradual pushing on of the time of meeting, moreover, ran parallel to
an alterationin the time of the midday meal from 12 to 2 o'clock. 4
After the Restoration the time of meeting got later and later it was ;
See Parry, p. 345
Townsend, History of the House of Commons,"
vol. ii., p. 364 Franqueville, op. cit., vol. iii., p. 68
; Palgrave, House ;
of Commons," pp. 66, 67 ; Hatsell, Precedents," vol. ii., 3rd edn.,
pp. 165-170 4th edn., pp. 173-179.
Mountmorres, vol. i., pp. 130, 131.
See "Report on the Office of the Speaker" (1853), p. xi, and also
the passages referred to in the general index to the Journals, vol. i.,
PP- 535. 536.
See the quotation from the "Tatler," given by Townsend, loc cit.,
vol. ii., which the departure from the good customs of the fathers
p. 386, in
as to early meals and hours of work is deplored in moving terms.
met always at eight of the clock, and rose at twelve, which were the
old parliament hours." But even in those days instances of longer
sittings are not wanting. In 1708 a sitting, which began in the morn-
ing, lasted till 2.30 a.m. of the next day on the 22nd of December 1741
4 o'clock p.m., the time when everything had usually been over in the
seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. The changes effected since 1832
in the hours of sitting have been already described. Modern reforms
have once more placed the beginning at an earlier hour (now 2 o'clock). 1
The introduction of morning sittings (formerly on Wednesdays, now on
Fridays), starting at 12 o'clock, dates back to the 26th of January 1846,
(a standing order from the 25th of June 1852).
The duration of the session has since 1688 been subject to a like law
of postponement. Until the accession of the House of Hanover Parlia-
ment used to assemble in October or November, and prorogation took place
as early as April. Under George III the sittings of Parliament generally
lasted till the end of spring soon after they began to extend into summer,
and since the early part of the nineteenth century Parliament has seldom
been prorogued till the middle of August, or even later. This is partly
accounted for by the fact that it has been customary to call Parliament
together later, at all events not earlier than the end of January.
History of the Rebellion," book ii., s. 67 (Macray's edition, vol. i.,
May, Parliamentary Practice," pp. 436-443 ; Manual (1896 edition)
ss. 394-412, (1904 edition) 250.
once stated that as regards all acts connected with the grant
of supply or the financial burdens of the nation, even the
theoretical share of the House of Lords in the formation of
the state will has long been reduced almost to a nullity. 1
The rules which govern the communications between
the two Houses have, in the House of Commons, sprung
wholly from usage, and are based, therefore, upon the
internal growth of law which the regulation of their mutual
business has produced in both Houses.
relations All the
provisions which
apply to the course of parliamentary
business are rules either of the Commons or of the Lords.
Apeculiar, but quite exceptional, legal relation between the Houses
in the event of a conflict between the Commons and the ordinary courts
of law, results from the fact that the House of Lords acts as the final
Court of Appeal. Such a conflict is only conceivable in the event of the
House of Commons its punitive powers to guard against a breach of
privilege. The leading
case on this subject is Ashby v. White (1704),
i Smith's Leading Cases, 240, which was concerned with the right to
exercise the franchise see also Paty v. The Queen (1705), 2 Lord Raymond,
1 105, and the Report of the select committee on the publication of printed
papers (8th of May 1837, No. 286). Such a constitutional conflict is now
impossible, owing to the changes in the final Court of Appeal, and the
exclusion of the non-judicial peers from the House of Lords when acting
as such Court (1875).
The view stated above appears to me an irresistible inference from
the principle laid down by Coke and Blackstone, that "whatever matter
arises concerning either House
Parliament, ought to be examined,
discussed and adjudged in that House
to which it relates, and not else-
where." It follows that questions of mutual intercourse affecting both
Houses must, theoretically speaking, be solved independently by each.
The view of May (" Parliamentary Practice," p. 62) as to the legal nature
of the privileges of the two Houses is only in apparent contradiction
to these propositions. According to May, each House exercises its
privileges independently of the other, but these are not enjoyed by any
separate right peculiar to each, but solely by virtue of a common source
of law, "the law and custom of Parliament. The contradiction is only
apparent, for if the expression, Law and Custom of Parliament, is taken
in the sense of the originator of the phrase, Sir Edward Coke, it only
comprises such customary law as covers the various rules of privilege.
But these have arisen not only from the usage of the two Houses, but
also from the usage of the " King in Parliament," from the legal attitude
of the two Houses towards the Crown and the acceptance of this attitude
by the Crown. Here the High Court of Parliament is conceived as a
whole and as the supreme forum, the usage of which is the unique source
of law for all the special rights, comprised under the ideas of privilege
and prerogative, which belong to the separate members of the Court.
Resolutions of the 24th of May 1855 in the Manual (1896 edition),
ss. 390, 391 ; May, Parliamentary Practice," p. 437.
May (" Parliamentary Practice," p. 437) gives as examples of subjects
fitting for a conference: (i) To communicate resolutions or addresses to
which the concurrence of the other House is desired ; (2) Concerning the
privileges of Parliament ;
the course of proceeding in
(3) In relation to
Parliament (4) To require or communicate statements of facts on which
bills have been passed by the other House (5) To offer reasons for ;
There is a note in the journals to this effect upon the 26th of March
1604. House of Commons Journals, vol. i., p. 154.
As to the ancient at which the
ceremonial at these conferences,
Commons had bareheaded, see the Orders of i6th of January
to stand
1702, Manual (1896 edition), p. 149, and Hat sell, vol. iv., 3rd edition,
pp. 23 sqq., 4th edition, pp. 26 sqq.
Manual (1896 edition), p. 147 ; May, Parliamentary Practice," p. 438.
The reason why they have fallen into abeyance really
lies in the complete alteration in the political relations
between the two Houses of Parliament. can only We
deal with this subject in outline, for a complete historical
account of the fluctuations in the political balance of power
between Lords and Commons, even if confined to modern
limes, would involve the one of the chief
treatment of
heads of English constitutional law, and would lead us far
beyond our limits. The following remarks must suffice.
The political relations between Lords and Commons have
been profoundly affected by two circumstances in the first
place by the development of the system of party government,
and in the next by the democratisation of the House of
Commons and of public life generally which began in 1832.
The rule of the parliamentary oligarchy meant politically to
the House of Lords a prolongation and confirmation of
its real power
its members were practically compensated
bills ;
it can reject on which the House of Commons
property in land, if
discharges with political tact
only it
See Bentham's remarks in his "Essay on Political Tactics," chap, i.,
Rot. Part., vol. iii., p. 6n.
but the Commons made special efforts to prevent
On the other hand, Charles II, William III and Queen Anne often
Speaker having shown the King the book of orders. The resolutions of
the Commons of the i7th of May 1604 and the 4th of March 1605-6
the King or any other before the House be made acquainted with it."
The other resolution runs If a member of : this House complain of
another to a privy councillor for something done in the House, the
Committees for the Privilege to examine it." (House of Commons Journals,
vol. i., pp. 212, 277.)
Hatsell, vol.ii., 3rd edn., p. 332, note 4th edn., p. 352, note. See
also the cases quoted in the text of the i6th and |8th of June 1607,
on which days the Speaker forbade the reading of certain petitions,
alleging that the King had knowledge of them and had directed this
course. He was answered, deny the reading of the petitions
that to
would be a great wound to the gravity and liberty of the House." In
this case, too, the resistance seems to have been so serious that at the
next sitting the contested petition was read, and that, too, as it is stated,
with the concurrence of the King.
G 2
only slowly that the capacity and will of the Commons ripened
to such an extent as to impel them to any constructive and
p. 176. There was a sharp privilege debate on the 2oth of April 1571
with reference to the outspoken Strickland (vide supra). After giving a
report of one of the speeches the account continues During which speech
the council whispered together, and thereupon the Speaker moved that the
House should make stay of any further consultation thereupon." The
passage is instructive also as to the position of the Speaker in the Elizabethan
House of Commons. There is a similar incident reported on p. 679.
See the above quoted resolution of March 1605-6, also Elsynge's remark
of Commons Journals, vol. ii., pp. 27, 342. Further, see Anson, vol. ii., p. 99.
The most recent account
of the development in the eighteenth
pp. 238-244.
and acts of parliament, covering the period from 1675
till the consolidation of cabinet government, that is to say,
till about the end of the reign of George III. These bills
and acts had for their object the prohibition of the holding
the influence of the Crown upon the House, which was felt
to be unconstitutional,was exercised by quite different and
corrupt methods, which were in the first instance attacked
by the Place Bill of 1782 (22 Geo. Ill c. 82). There were
The fact
(adduced by Sidney Low, Governance of England," p. 29)
" "
that the word
cabinet appears in an opposition amendment to the
address in the year 1900 cannot be taken as a legal recognition of the
body the same remark applies as to the Prime Minister, Lord Beaconsfield
(as Low also mentions, p. 154) having been described in the Treaty of
Berlin as "Prime Minister of England." This term is certainly technically
" "
inaccurate in any case
Great Britain and Ireland would be necessary.
It is no doubt true that in recent years English writers have laid
" "
stronger emphasis upon the purely conventional basis of parliamentary
government than their predecessors. But we must not infer that any
corresponding change has taken place in the constitution itself. What
has really happened is that English political thinkers have come to recognise
clearly the sharp contrast between the British constitution and the written
constitutions of Europe and America. It would have surprised old fashioned
" "
nothing, therefore, like the institution of previous sanction
by the Crown as it exists in the constitutional states of the
Continent can ever make appearance in England, even in
many considerations
constituencies :of safety often influence
and at times prejudice the composition of a Government ;
suitability for office rather than likelihood of re-election
ought to
govern the choice of a man for a post in the
The anomalous relation between ministers and the House
of Commons is made all the stranger by its being controlled
by the principle of parliamentary government, as settled in
the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, that a minister must
be a member of one of the two Houses. The result may
under certain conditions be to produce an awkward situation,
as w e may see from an incident in the career of Mr. Gladstone:
loyally counsel and serve the Crown, and that the Crown
shall act strictly in accordance with its obligations to the
nation." Mr. Gladstone's words, however true they are,
sound a little antiquated atthe present time, like respectable
but obvious commonplaces. For the Crown, which plays
so large a part in his constitutional and political thinking
and in his political terminology, has no longer the same
considerable influence on English political life as it had
in the days of his youth. The parliamentary character of
an English Ministry at the present day can therefore no
longer be described as being that of mediator between King
and nation. The democratic development of the constitution
during the last two generations has made the electorate un-
limited ruler over the policy of the country. It has made the
In recent years an analogous case occurred in reference to the holder
of a subordinate under the Crown.
Irish office
Gladstone, "Gleanings," vol. i., p. 225.
the time
of the Revolution, that is to say for
rather more than two hundred years, the whole course
of constitutional development in England has been deter-
mined by one political fact the presence in the House of
Commons of two great parties. The phenomenon of political
It is only on the occasion of great parliamentary battles and memo-
rable political crises, such, for instance, as the division on Mr. Gladstone's
second Home Rule Bill, that the number of members exceeds or even
approaches six hundred.
derived solely from the prestige of his position and from his
tact. He must be acquainted with each member, know his
weak and strong points, be able to talk him round, to coax
him by smiles, by exhortations, by friendly remonstrances,
by promises or other devices, such as invitations to the
entertainments of the dukes and marquises of the party,
which he gets for members and their wives. Every day he
must perform wonders of affability, of patience, and of firm-
ness in view of the object which is the dream of a Whip's
whole existence to keep the party united, compact, and in
Ostrogorski, vol. i., p. 137.
Ostrogorski gives a vivid description of the daily work of the
" '
If he is the Government Whip he must take care to '
make a House
cracy and Organisation of Political Parties," vol. i., p. 138.) Sir Wilfrid
Lawson gives his constituents an amusing account of the doings of the
Whips under the Liberal Government, and the gradation in the urgency
of their written appeals. See Jennings, "Anecdotal History of Parlia-
ment," p. 600.
Since there has been an independent Irish party it also has had Whips,
and the Labour party in the 1906 parliament has also appointed Whips.
See supra, vol. i., pp. 125-132. Lothar Bucher was one of
the first to
arrive at a correct understanding of English party affairs. In the fourth
" "
chapter of his book, Der Parlamentarismus wie er ist (1854), there are a
number of discriminating remarks on English and Continental parties. It
out leave on the appointed day, that is, did not answer to his name, he
was regarded as a defaulter and punished. The most ancient, and at
the same time the most severe penalty for such a fault was a direction
by the House to the Serjeant-at-arms to arrest the deserter. The earliest
authenticated instance of a call of the House occurred upon the i6th of
February 1548-9, but there can be no doubt that the usage goes back to
mediaeval times. As a rule a call was ordered when a large number of
Memorials," p. 84.
See the interesting list of leaves of absence in Hales' " Original
Jurisdiction of Parliament (London, 1707), pp. 190, 191. The small
attendance is proved by the numbers upon divisions, found in the journals,
and by the smallness of the majorities. This is especially noticeable in
Charles II's parliaments, in which the penalties for non-attendance kept
being increased while at the same time the opposition between Court
party and Country party became strongly marked. See the examples
given by Parry, p. 567, note (k), p. 569, note (/), p. 573, note (o), p. 578,
note (<?), &c.
Instances appear in the authorities on the 7th of March, 1676-7, and
the nth
of December 1678. In 1554 a noteworthy attempt was made to
obtain judicial punishment of members who absented themselves without
leave it did not meet with success. The incident occurred, it must be
the custom as antiquated, quotes a case in his own day, on the I5th of
February 1781. The following were regarded as adequate pleas for
excusing punishment Servitium regis, illness, special permission, or any
reason which had been declared sufficient by the House. Only those
members whose absence was not satisfactorily explained by a colleague
were marked as deficient and put upon the defaulters' list. Taking it
altogether, the expedient of a call of the House, though frequently adopted
in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, does not seem to have been
fine set and assessed upon him and for and upon every citizen,
. . .
burgess or baron for the like default ten pounds in addition to loss of
wages. Considering the high value of money at the time, the penalties
were very heavy if they were exacted. On the i2th of July 1610, the
Commons resolved that all absent on calling the House should pay,
knights 6s. 8d., burgesses 35. 4^. Penalties for lateness were prescribed.
On the ist of May 1641 it was ordered that all members coming after eight
should pay nd., and if absent the whole day 55., unless with license.
On the 5th of May 1641 it was ordered that "All members of the
House that are about town and not sick shall appear to-morrow at
eight of clock, and their not -appearance shall be accounted a contempt
to this House, upon which this House shall proceed as against a person
not worthy to sit here." 2 On the i2th of November 1640 the House
1 "
Prynne, Parliamentary Writs," 4th part, p. ii.
2 "
Townsend, History of the House of Commons," vol. ii., p. 364,
House of Commons Journals, vol. i., pp. 131, 135. We see from an order
of the House in 1566 (Journals, vol. i., p. 76) that this punishment was no
novelty Ordered that if after the reading of the first bill any member
depart before the rising of the Speaker, without license, he shall pay gd.
in the poor man's box."
1 1
resolved that whoever left the House before the Speaker should pay a
fine of IDS.'
The first parliament after the Restoration took the matter very
seriously : on the 2ist an order was made that all members
of April 1662
should attend personally on the 5th of May, under a penalty of 20. In
1670 (2Oth December) it was ordered that any defaulters on the gth of
January then next should be doubly assessed in the bill of subsidies.
The House repeatedly (e.g., in 1692) ordered that no member should go
out of town without leave, or that the doors of the House should be
All these and similar punishments and commands, as we may infer from
their frequency, had but little success we can gather the same from the :
logy, would have failed too. Hatsell, who considers calls of the House
very useful and important, is on a better track in his criticism of this old
parliamentary fault. Referring to the report of a committee appointed in
1744 to go into the question, he expressed his opinion that all external
measures for increasing attendance were inadequate, and that the only
hope of improvement lay in a sincere desire on the part of members of
Parliament to attend to their duties.
In the nineteenth century calls of the House became quite obsolete.
The last took place on the igth of April 1836. Motions to have a call
ordered were brought forward on the loth of July 1855 and the 23rd of
March 1882, but both were negatived.
House of Commons Journals, vol. ii., p. 28.
Townsend, loc. ctt., vol. ii., p. 369. On
the i4th of April 1663, the
Commons ordered a call of the House " on Monday fortnight, upon pain
" "
of 5 for absence. On the 4th of May : The House was called over and
an order made that 5 be collected
all defaulters." from
{Parry, p. 548.)
An order of the 1667-8 (House of Commons Journals,
I3th of February
vol. ix., p. 49) provides That every such member as shall desert the
service of the House for three days together without leave nor . . .
offering sufficient excuse shall pay a fine of 40. In 1689 a fee of 55.,
payable to the Clerk of the House, was even imposed on members going
away from London during the session with leave of the House (House
of Commons Journals, vol. x., p. 130.)
Clarendon, Book
74 (Macray's edition, vol. i., p. 427).
iv., s.
4 "
Bentham's Works, vol. ii., pp. 324 sqq. Essay on Political Tactics,"
ch. iv., 5, and vol. iii., p. 544, Plan of Parliamentary Reform."
importance of this
qualification must not be exaggerated.
The House of Commons under the Tudors and Stuarts was
emphatically a body which represented the middle classes in
town and county, and was by no means a preserve of the
aristocracy. We have eloquent testimony to this effect in
the continuous growth to predominance in Parliament of
Puritanism, which sprang from the middle and lower classes
of the nation and was the religious counterpart of the
democratic conception of the state in the sixteenth and
seventeenth centuries.
The faithfulness with which Parliament then reflected the
to the middle class alone did the Act of 1832 open the
doors of Parliament, till then wholly dominated by the landed
The caution with which was extended by
the franchise
the first Reform Act had the effect of preventing any change
in the social character of the House of Commons beyond
the inclusion of this new class. The period from 1832 to
the latter has recouped itself for its political and economic
defeat in 1846 upon the Corn Laws by taking its full share
in the mighty nineteenth century wave of industrial and
commercial expansion. In a word, the House of Commons
remains still, to a great degree, under the influence of the
historic because that aristocracy has, gradually
but completely, joined forces, socially and politically, with
the prominent leaders of modern capitalism. The fact that
the peerage always opens its ranks and gives a free welcome
to new members who have attained to leadership in the
the great majority of the seats has often been told since the days when
English Radicalism first launched its accusations and, for example, exposed
the inner mechanism of the parliamentary oligarchy in the famous
"Black Book." According to Oldfield ("Representative History," 1816,
vol. vi., p. 293) out of 489 seats in England and Wales no less than
has entered less into the formation of the political system of this country
than the love of equality. The love of justice, as distinguished from
equality, is strong among our countrymen the love of equality, as dis-
tinguished from justice, is very weak. It was not the love of equality
which induced the working men of England to struggle with all their
might in 1831-2 for a Reform Act which did not confer the vote upon
their class at large. ... It is not the love of equality which has carried
into every corner of the country the distinct undeniable popular prefer-
ence, whenever other things are exactly equal, for a man who is a lord
over a man who is not. The love of freedom itself is hardly stronger in
England than the love of aristocracy as Sir William Molesworth him-
self not the least of our political philosophers once said to me of the
force of this feeling with the people 'It is a religion."
This idea is strikingly expressed in a letter by the well-known
Fabian politician and author, Mr. G. Bernard Shaw, printed in the
Labour Annual, 1900." A circular was sent out inquiring from him
and other Socialist politicians what course of action at the forthcoming
general election he would recommend to the workers to enable them most
speedily to accomplish the objects for which they were organising, such
objects being summarised in the circular, by reference to John Stuart
Mill's words, as a common ownership of the raw material of the globe,
and an equal participation in the benefits of combined labour." He
wrote in reply, I am greatly surprised to hear that the workers are
organising for the object stated by John Stuart Mill. In fact, I am sorry
to say I don't believe it. In the south of England and London, at all
events, the workers have learnt that their immediate interest is to have
plenty of rich people the richer the better to spend money generously
among them. The fact that this money is made out of the labour of
other working folk in distant factories does not trouble them at all. And
the factory folk seem equally satisfied. They return their employers to
Parliament with the greatest enthusiasm." (Labour Annual, 1900, p. 27.)
constitution into an unconditional parliamentary government
and which have created modern English constitutional law,
would have been impossible but for the continuance in
power which brought them into existence.
of the class
One consequence of the leadership in government and
politics being left to the aristocracy and the capitalists, is
that the system of party government has a tendency to
become one government by "amateurs," a tendency of
late years increasingly noticed and lamented in England.
For the body from which English ministers are all recruited,
Parliament, is, with few exceptions, as yet free from pro-
fessional politicians in the strict sense of the term. 1 The
last few years have, no brought signs of
doubt, some
change ; there are indications that powerful personages, espe-
cially among the financial capitalists, are, as in the days of
George III, becoming desirous from selfish motives of taking
an active share in the work of the House of Commons it is ;
also doubtless true that the often very real social advantages
which accompany the possession of a seat in Parliament, are
looked upon as at all events some compensation for the
heavy expenses of obtaining it. But the House of Commons,
especially so far as concerns its leaders, is still a preserve
for the well educated sons of the " leisured classes who
have business capacity or possibly mere wealth, and who take
up politics from motives of ambiiton in many instances ;
It would, however, be a mistake to overlook the changes
which the slow but continuous progress in a democratic
direction of the right to vote, and, indeed, of the whole of
Successful lawyer.
Mr. Asquith - Ditto.
Sir H. Campbell Banner- Son of a wealthy manufacturer and
man. landowner.
Sir William Harcourt - Member of ancient and aristocratic
county family.
Sir George Trevelyan - Baronet and head of old county family.
Sir Henry Fowler - -
Wealthy solicitor.
Mr. John Morley - Journalist and man of letters.
See the debate of the 7th of February 1902, upon the discussion of
the new standing orders, with the numerous bitter references to a remark
of Mr. Chamberlain's.
One consideration that gives rise to difficulties in the way of inde-
is the absence of a second ballot.
pendent working men's candidatures
glance at the present composition of the House will
confirm what a Conservative member remarked in a retro-
spect of the last decades of the nineteenth century that
" "
It is an old
political experience in England that a three-cornered fight
increases the chance of the Conservative candidate.
panion, 1904," will be the best proof of the statement made above.
Among the 670 members of the House were to be found: 119 lawyers
(21 K.C.'s, 60 other barristers, 22 solicitors, 9 ministers who were K.C.'s,
several of the remainder ex- judges), 77 large manufacturers, railway n
directors, 22 shipowners and marine engineers, 29 bankers and stockbrokers,
12 mineowners, 52 merchants, 18 newspaper editors and proprietors, 15
member as belonging to more than one class. But any such errors do not
affect the general accuracy of the picture. A further indication of the
strength of the aristocratic element is the large number of knights and
baronets. The notes as to the careers of the members show a very large
proportion to have been at the public schools and universities. "Taking
the assembly as a whole," says Sidney Low (loc. cit., p. 183), "its com-
position is pretty much what it was twenty, thirty, or fifty years back
. . .an assembly of persons who had either made or inherited a
fortune, or who were connected with the landed and territorial classes."
the sum
of the strongest social powers not only of England,
in the widest sense, but of a much larger sphere. recent A
German observer of England, Dr. Karl Peters, has strikingly
pointed out how London Society is an important bond of
union between the wealthy and governing classes of the
mother country and the corresponding classes in the far off
and the same time support them and provide the material
upon which they have to work. No method of legally esti-
mating constitutional principles, without taking into account
the national, political and social factors in the life of the
constitution, can be anything but a dry skeleton, unable
to give any true knowledge of what actually occurs in the
state. The true nature of a subject so apparently abstract
as the theory of the forms and technique of parliamen-
tary business can only be grasped and properly appreciated
when it is treated as the living product of the men who
are applying it to their work. Remembering, then, the
influence of personal and social factors upon the English
to place him
securely upon his pinnacle and to make his
office asynonym for dignity and impartiality all over the
Anglo-Saxon world.
Parliamentary Practice," pp. 191-195, and passim.
References :
Manual (1904), p. 22; Lummis, "The Speaker's Chair"; MacDonagh,
"The Book of Parliament," pp. 115-132; Denison, "Notes from my
Journal," London, 1900 Sir John Mowbray,
; Seventy Years at West-
minster (1900), pp. 115-119; Report of the select committee on the office
of the Speaker (1853); Parliamentary Debates (107), 1020-1050; Speaker
Gully, Address to the electors of Carlisle (Manchester Guardian, 5th July
1895), and speech (Standard, iyth April 1902).
It is difficult to describe the character of the office, im-
observed ;
first that a Speaker, who does not himself wish
to resign his office life,and quit political is regularly re-
elected ; and secondly, that re-election takes place notwith-
An exception to this rule occurred in the year 1895, when the Speaker,
Mr. Gully, was unsuccessfully opposed by a candidate put up by the Tory
party in his constituency, Carlisle. Mr. Gully had shortly before the
dissolution been nominated by the Liberals, upon Mr. Peel's resignation,
and had been by the small majority of eleven votes. This may
perhaps be considered to justify the breach with tradition made by the
Tories. Still, the majority on both sides disapproved of the line of action
taken. Though the Conservative-Unionist party had in the meantime
gained a majority, Mr. Gully was, as a matter of fact, unanimously re-
elected as Speaker, in spite of his coming from the Liberal party.
On all other occasions on which the majority passed from the
Speaker's party to the other side (in 1841, 1874, 1886 and 1895) the Speaker
was re-elected without regard to the party complexion of the majority.
The remarkable result was arrived at that, during the whole of the nine-
teenth century only three Speakers came from the Tory party namely,
Sir John Mitford (1801), Mr. Charles Abbot (1802-1817), and Mr. A. C.
Manners Sutton (1817-1835). The other Speakers were all members of
the Whig or Liberal party they were Mr. J. Abercromby (1835-1839),
Mr. C. Shaw
Lefevre (1839-1857), Mr. John Evelyn Denison (1857-1872),
Mr. Henry Bouverie Brand (1872-1884), Mr. Arthur Wellesley Peel (1884-
1893), Mr. William Court Gully (1895-1906). The present Speaker, Mr. J.
W. Lowther, was a Conservative.
within the House and without, abstains from expressing
any political opinion. The absolute independence of the
Speaker further secured, in a material sense, by his being
of wine from the state for his household the Clothworkers' Company ;
doe from the Royal preserves at Windsor are sent annually by the Master
of the Buckhounds. He has, further, an allowance of ^"100 a year for
stationery and receives 1,000 for equipment upon his election (see Mac-
Donagh, Book of Parliament," p. 131). Till 1839 it was also customary
to present him with a service of plate this was discontinued in deference
into disuse since 1832. (See Pellew, Life of Lord Sidmouth," vol. i.,
p. 68.)
Grattan for relief of Catholics; in 1821 and 1825 his successor, Speaker
Manners Sutton, spoke against the repeal of Catholic disabilities (Hansard,
ist series (26), 312, 2nd series (13), 434, 435). In 1834 the same Speaker
spoke against a bill for admitting dissenters to the Universities in 1856 ;
from his own experience the excitement which used to be felt on the
occasion of an equality of votes in parliamentary language a "tie."
"The Unreformed House of Commons,"
Porritt, vol. i., p. 481.
Lummis, "The Speaker's Chair," pp. 6, 7.
wards the Chair also indicates the effort to exalt his peculiar
dignity. Breaches of this ceremony by young members are
often corrected in a humorous manner, but, to this day, if
Every member of the House has to show his respect for the Chair
or come into the Lower House, he must make his dutiful and humble
obeisance at his entry in, and then take his place. If any ...
other person or persons, either in message or being sent for, do come,
he ought to be brought in by the Serjeant and at the first entering
must make one low obeisance, and being past in the middle
. . .
way, must make one other and when he is come before the Speaker
he must make the third, and then do his message the like order he :
must keep in his return." Scobell (p. 6) states " No member in coming :
into the House or in removing from his place is to pass between the Speaker
and any member then speaking, nor may cross or go overthwart the
House or pass from one side to the other while the House is sitting."
A resolution reported by D'Ewes from the 1580 parliament shows how far
these customs depend upon definite orders of the House. A motion, made
by Sir James Croft, was very well liked of and allowed of all this
House . . that Mr. Speaker and the residue of the House of the better
sort of calling, would always at the rising of the House depart and come
forth in comely and civil sort, for the reverence of the House in turning
about with a low courtesie, like as they do make at their coming into
the House, and not so unseemly and rudely to throng and thrust out as
of late time hath been disorderly used." (D'Ewes, p. 282.)
K 2
This feature of the ceremonial in the House of Commons, which is
was what his name expresses, the Prolocutor of the Commons, the
interpreter of the will of the House as a whole. In those days it stood
to reason that, when discussions took place among the knights and bur-
gesses about the subsidies requested by the King, or the grievances
to be laid before him, the chief desire of each member was to make
his meaning as clear as possible to the House's spokesman, so that he
might know what the wish of the House was. With this object he
would always address himself to the. Speaker. The practice has long
become a form used without reference to its origin the members who :
speak address in reality neither Speaker nor Crown, not even their fellow
members, but the nation, in the hope of influencing public opinion.
kept in form and order, and that the Speaker is the person
who, with firm and cautious hand, is to hold and use
them for guiding the House on the lines which have been
handed down. It is no part of his office to consider how
he may use his power to devise new reins or bridle for the
House. The guiding principle is that the Speaker is not
the master of~ the House, but its representative, its leader
Supra, p. 8.
On "
27th of April 1604, Agreed for rule, If any doubt arise
upon a bill, the Speaker is to explain but not to sway the House with
argument or dispute." (House of Commons Journals, vol. i., p. 187 ;
. . .
(they) are the very salt of our debates. ...
It can never be
said that interruptions per se are disorderly." (From Mr. E. Blake's speech,
Parliamentary Debates (107), 1041.)
The latest case of the kind was that which was brought up on the
7th of May 1902, upon the motion of Mr. Mooney. Mr. Dillon, one of
the Irish Nationalist members, had been censured by the Speaker on the
soth of March 1902, and suspended by reason of an offensive interruption
directed against Mr. J. Chamberlain, who was then Colonial Secretary.
Mr. Dillon had been previously much excited by a remark of the Minister's.
As the Speaker declined to accede to the demand of Mr. Dillon and
the other Irish members that he should rule Mr. Chamberlain out of order
and demand the withdrawal of his words, a motion was made from the
Irish benches for a vote of censure upon the Speaker it was, of course,
even the Irish leader, Mr. John Redmond, stated the rules clearly and with
full approval. (Parliamentary Debates (107), 1025.) But he guarded himself
by adding, But such power as that vested in the Chair would be intoler-
able unless there existed in the House itself the power of reviewing, under
proper conditions, those decisions If no such power existed
protect its
rights. Here, once more, what has been already
said as to the Speaker's interpretation of the rules applies ;
that we
reach a complete understanding of his attitude to
the rules on the one hand and to the House on the other.
As the law stands above judge and parties, so do settled
tradition and the unwritten standards of parliamentary law
stand above the Speaker and the House. To apply this law,
to deal with wise discrimination between the House and the
individual member and between party and party, to do this
according to the rules and in the spirit of parliamentary law is
See remarks supra, pp. 7, 81.
See Anson, vol. i., pp. 175-184 ;
also infra, Part ix.
L 2
of Queen Elizabeth's day that the office stands out with any distinctness
either in the journals of the House or in contemporary reports. The legal
authorities vested in the Speaker in the year 1600 were not materially
different from those which we find two hundred years later. But in some
definiteand important aspects of the Speaker's office a process of change
began about that time which was not finally completed till the beginning
of the nineteenth century. The result of the process is the modern, non-
partisan Speaker portrayed in the foregoing chapters. From the time of
the Reform Bill there has been no essential change in the nature of the
Speakership. The Victorian age has, no doubt, introduced many inno-
vations among the Speaker's functions, but it has had no influence upon
the character of his office.
for the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. 3 This, in itself, is a proof that
the office had not yet become too independent. From the first, as remarked
before, the records show that the Speaker was elected by the Commons
and then confirmed in office by the Crown. There never was a period in
the history of the English Parliament when a president of the popular
assembly was assigned by the Crown as a matter of right, though, doubt-
less, in the mediaeval parliaments the choice of a Speaker was decidedly
See especially the seventh chapter in Henry Elsynge's "The Manner
of Holding Parliaments," which goes into great detail as to the office of
the Prolocutor Domus Communis.
In Edward Ill's time (1343) we find "Les chivalers des counteez et
les communes responderent par Monsieur William Trussel (Rot. Parl.,
vol. p. 136
ii., Elsynge, p. 156).
political character of the office. The great power of the Tudor monarchs
was reflected in the subservient demeanour of the Speaker towards Crown
and Government. It became a custom for him to make repeated excuses
and to declare himself unworthy of election he would begin in the
to the Crown this custom, which had long degenerated into a farce, 4
The request of the Crown to the Commons that they will choose a
Speaker appears for the first time 2 Henry IV, after which it occurs
always undertaken by some member of the House who was in the service
of the Crown.
No doubt there was even then a higher ideal of the Speakership in
some minds, as the report of so well-informed a contemporary as Hooker
informs us " During the time of the Parliament he ought to sequester
reigns is in very much the same position as the Chancellor in the Upper
House he is the manager of business on the part of the Crown, and
The result was that theSpeaker, instead of being the defender of the
liberties of the House, had often to reduce it to an order that meant
hath allowance for his diet one hundred pounds of the King
for Parliament.
every sessions of Also he hath for every private bill
passed both Houses and enacted, five pounds." (Mountmorres, vol. i., p. 121.)
Tract in Harleian Miscellany, vol. i., p. 246. Another tract says
drily as to the choice of the Speaker One of His Majesty's Council
doth use to propound that it is His Majesty's pleasure that they shall freely
choose a Speaker for them and yet commendeth, in his opinion, some
person by name (ibid., vol. v., p. 259). On the other hand, the description of
the Speaker's office by Hooker shows strong marks of idealising Also :
the King ought not to make any choice or cause any choice to be made
of any Speaker of the Common House,
. . . but they must be elected . . .
and chosen by the laws, orders and customs of the realm as they were
wont and ought to be, and the King's good advice yet not to be contemned
(Mountmorres, vol. i., p. 133).
the Commons to the Crown in itself gave him ample scope for serving
the Government. In addition, the Speaker undoubtedly had a right,
at that time, upon the introduction of a bill into the House, to explain
by a speech the probable effect, in his opinion, of such an enact-
ment he had also a dominant influence upon the programme of the
day's business, as he could fix what bills were to come up for dis-
cussion and what votes were to be taken. Lastly, he had the power of
declaring bills to be out of order or of withholding them from the House
as being infringements of the royal prerogative, even at times as being
contrary to express royal commands. We may see how freely the six-
teenth century Speakers disposed of the records of the House by referring
to the instructive order of the iyth of May 1604, on which date it was
solemnly entered upon the journal as an order of the House that in future
the Speaker was not to send a bill to the King or any other person before
the House was made acquainted with it. 2 The incident proves how
strongly the Speaker of the day felt it his duty to keep the King and
Government well informed of all that was passing in the House of
Commons. Another instructive incident occurred in the parliament of
1607 the Speaker said with regard to the treatment of a certain petition
that the King had taken notice of it and he therefore pressed the House
not to have it read. About this time the Commons began to guard
itself against such invasions of the privileges of Parliament. Similar
occurrences in the parliaments of 1641 and 1642 and in Charles II 's time
led to the establishment of a principle which has never since been
affected by a bill or a motion in the House. See supra, Part iv., chaptet ii.
D'Ewcs, pp. 478, 479.
D'Ewes, p. 649.
Whether there be any Council which can make, add to, or diminish from
the laws of the realm, but only this Council of Parliament ? Whether
it be not against the orders of this Council to make any secret or matter
mentary life before the eleven years of Charles I's absolute government.
The King had decided to dissolve the House, whose resistance to the
Crown was growing continually plainer, and to prevent any business
being transacted before the end of the session had directed Speaker Finch
to deliver to the House a command to adjourn. The Commons, under Sir
John Eliot's leadership, were firmly resolved on resisting this unconstitu-
tional proceeding, and to prove that the House was entitled, until the
session was brought to an end, to continue or adjourn its sittings at its
own pleasure. They declined to comply with the King's command until
they had made a protest against his unconstitutional policy. When,
therefore, the Speaker wished to leave the chair, he was kept there, at first
by physical force and then by threats, and the House continued to sit. The
Speaker refused, however, to allow Eliot's proposed resolutions to be read
by the Clerk or to put them to the vote. In plaintive tones he called
out, What would any of you do if you were in my place ? Let not
my desire to serve you faithfully be my ruin." He protested that he
must obey the King's commands in reply he was told that it was his
between King and Parliament, which had become inevitable from the
time of the accession of James I, was bound to bring about a change in
the relation between Crown and Speaker corresponding with the profound
change in Parliament. Finch's tenure of office was the lowest point in
the line of the historical development of the office. It is true that the
ment, Lenthall, was the first, after a long interval, to maintain a firm
attitude and a high conception of his office, as especially shown by
his conduct upon the day (4th January 1641-2), when Charles, defying
all law and tradition, broke into the House with his bodyguard to
arrest in person five leaders of the Opposition. When the King put the
question to the Speaker whether the members whom he sought, and
who had made their escape, were present, Lenthall fell on one knee and
answered, Sire, I have neither eyes to see, nor tongue to speak in this
place, but as the House is pleased to direct me, whose servant I here, am
and I humbly beg your Majesty's pardon, that I cannot give any other
answer than this, to what your Majesty is pleased to demand of me."*
1665, which is, at the same time, a good specimen of the style of state
orations of the day, turgid and full of quotations. 1
The crisis in the
history of the office began under the next Government. Sir Edward
Seymour had been Speaker in the parliament which was dissolved in
January 1678-9, and after the general election he was again presented to
the King for approval. But the confirmation of his election was now-
refused. To the amazement of the Commons, the Lord Chancellor
explained that the approbation which is given by His Majesty to
the choice of a Speaker would not be thought such a favour as it is,
and ought to be received, if His Majesty were not at liberty to deny
as well as to grant it." The Commons were desired to make another
choice. At the sitting of the House which followed, one of the members
for the post than Charles could have imagined. He was surpassed by
some in the in knowledge of parliamentary precedent, but he was
the first to realise the position of a Speaker in times of political con-
troversy. He would not, like Finch, in 1629, place himself at the service
of the Crown. Neither would he, like Glanville, in the Short Parliament,
take an active part in opposition to the Crown. He was content to
moderate and control, and to suggest the means of reconciling differences,
without attempting to influence the House in its decision." Hatsell
quotes a different characterisation of Lenthall the writer to whom he ;
concerning the great decay in his body and estate occasioned by his
continual employment here : order for payment of ^"6,000 as a voluntary
and free pp. 522, 523, Speaker Lenthall thanks the
gift :
ibid., House
for their great respect in voting him the sum of money.
from several quarters on the ground that he was a privy councillor, that
no instance of such an appointment since the Reformation could be
found, and that it endangered liberty of speech the proposed vote of ;
who had the King's confidence nominated Sir Thomas Meres as a candi-
date favoured by the Crown. These two steps by the King roused great
resentment and firm resistance among the Commons. In the long and
vehement debate which ensued, the confirmation of the Speaker's election
was characterised as a courtesy right, the exercise of which had long been
a mere form, and, by way of protest, the House adjourned. At the same
time a deputation was sent to the King with an address, in which it was
maintained that the free choice of a Speaker was an ancient right of
the House. The King stood firm so also did the Commons, who sent
another deputation and a second protest the only result was that
Parliament was prorogued. The new session which opened after a few
days interval found both sides willing to compromise. Both of the
candidates previously nominated were withdrawn William Gregory was
King's appointed, was defeated, and the right of the House to free choice
asserted. The Speaker who was then elected was irreproachably inde-
pendent. His appointment may be regarded as the opening of the third
period, during which the present conception and position of the office of
the Speaker was, in the course of about a hundred years, to come to full
The legal basis for the free choice of a Speaker had by this time been
firmly laid. It is true that Crown influence was actually exercised on
several subsequent occasions, especially under George III, whose attempts
to. restore the supremacy of the Crown by corrupting Parliament were
successful for a time, and extended to this branch of the House's activity.
But all his endeavours were unable to hinder the growth of the new
tradition and character which the Speakership was assuming. The chief
share in the process must be ascribed to Speaker Arthur Onslow, who for
See Parliamentary History, vol. iv., 1092-1112. The King's tech-
nical right to refuse to confirm the election of a Speaker has never been
abandoned, and is, in theory, still subsisting. It is instructive to find that
the whole episode of Seymour's election and refusal is omitted from
the journal of the House obviously in the hope of preventing its being
used as a precedent.
Trevor, who was proved in open debate in the House of Commons
to have accepted a bribe, is the only Speaker whom the House has declared
to have forfeited his membership and expelled (1694-5). See Townsend,
History of the House of Commons," vol. i., pp. 59-62 Parliamentary ;
not being a recognised rule, the Speakers of former days had upon a dis-
solution re-entered the party lists and fought for their return. And it was
still looked upon as proper that the Speakership should be coupled
with a Crown appointment. In all these points Arthur Onslow raised
discharging the duties of his station and the influence exerted by him
on the development of the order of business have already been described
in another connection. After his time a strong reaction in the conduct
of the office set in.The confused party conflicts during the first half of
the reign of George III and their damaging influence on Parliament were
not without effect on the Speakership but on the whole the tradition
Such was the custom for centuries : Sir Edward Coke was
Solicitor-General, Sir Edward Seymour Treasurer of the Navy, Harley, in
Queen Anne's time, was Secretary of State, and Spencer Compton Pay-
master-General. As early as the end of the seventeenth century public
opinion had pronounced strongly against such pluralism, as we may learn
from a pamphlet published in 1698 entitled " Considerations upon the
To be capable of filling the Chair with dignity, the person proposed
must understand the constitution of the state, be well acquainted with
the law of the land, and, above all, be perfectly master of the law of
Parliament. He must have a zealous attachment to the rights and privi-
leges of the Commons of England, and a sufficient degree of ability and
integrity to support, maintain and defend them he must be diligent
without being precipitate, and firm and decisive without being rash, and
that which was a Speaker's most important duty was his conducting
himself with the strictest impartiality on every occasion." (Parliamentary
History, vol. xxi., 793.)
The rejoinder of George III to this fatherly admonition was the
exertion of direct pressure upon the Government party to prevent Norton's
re-election in 1780; in his place a member belonging to the Court
party, Wolfran Cornwall, was chosen.
Under him and his successor con-
siderable deviations from the Onslow tradition took place, in so far as
both Speakers repeatedly showed themselves open partisans. Addington,
whose general conduct of business is described as impartial, allowed his
sentiments as a Tory and an adherent of Pitt to prevent his declaring
breaches of the rules which Pitt committed in the House to be out of
order. During the whole tenure of his post Addington was in direct
communication with George III, and he was transferred straight from
the Chair of the House to the office of Prime Minister (1801). On no
subsequent occasion has a Speaker exchanged his position for a leading
place in politics, and even at the time it was looked upon in many
quarters as irregular.
When Addington, after holding the premiership
for three years, once more made way for Pitt and returned to the House
as an ordinary member, he felt that the general sense of his fellow
members was opposed to an ex-Speaker taking such a position, and
himself begged for and obtained his transfer to the House of Lords, with
the title of Lord Sidmouth. At the opening of the nineteenth century,
then, the Speaker still was an active member of the House, and belonged
to a definite party such an attitude was not yet felt to be incompatible
Parliamentary History, vol. xix., 213.
Theelection of Cornwall was the occasion of a sharp party contest.
Sir Fletcher Norton during his tenure of office had repeatedly shown his
leanings towards the Opposition the majority under Lord North deter-
" "
See Roscoe, Robert Harley, Earl of Oxford (1902), pp. 28-46.
it is true, led proposal of a vote of censure in the House of
to the
Commons Abbot : defended his conduct and relied upon precedents, showing
the action of sixteenth century Speakers. The debate, in which nearly all
the prominent members of the House took part (22nd of April 1814),
showed a practically unanimous disapproval of Abbot's conduct. Though
the motion was rejected by the majority, for tactical reasons, both the
debate in the House and the general current of public opinion proved
that the independence of the Chair from all political parties had at last
come to be regarded as an indispensable postulate of parliamentary life. 1
Plunkett, one of the leading Irish members, said I am free to
that the speech ....
was one of the most formidable attacks on the
constitution of Parliament that has occurred since the Revolution." And
Tierney, the Whig leader, declared When a bill was passed, it spoke for
in the House, nor they will not suffer him to speak in any bill to move
or dissuade it. But when any bill is read the Speaker's office is, as briefly
and as plainly as he may, to declare the effect thereof to the House."
This principle was laid down in emphatic terms during the last par-
liament of Queen Elizabeth (iGoi). And an order of the 27th of April
1604 directed: "That if any doubt arise upon a bill, the Speaker is to
explain but not to sway the House with argument or dispute."
idea was then current that the Speaker was not by speech or vote to
interfere in the House on behalf of any party, but it was far from being
the votes were, ayes 105, noes 106, the Speaker not having voted. The
defeated party complained that one of their supporters had been pulled
back by the sleeve, and further called upon the Speaker to give his vote.
One member contended " When Her Majesty had given us leave to choose
our Speaker, she gave us leave to choose one out of our own number,
and not a stranger .... therefore he hath a voice." It was
Ibid., 3rd edn., p. 231 n. ; 4th edn., p. 243 n.
the president of a political assembly is the duty and art of the accoucheur ;
ars obstetrix animorum, to use an expression of the first Encyclopedist
and his not
unworthy successors to ; assist nature and not to force her
to soothe upon occasion the pangs of parturition to produce in the
shortest time the genuine offspring, but never to stifle it, much less to
substitute a changeling in its room. It is only in as far as it may be
conformable to the will of the assembly, that the will of this officer can,
as such, have any claim to regard. If, in any instance, a person dignified
with any such title as president of such and such an assembly possess
any independent influence, such influence, proper or improper, belongs to
him, not in his quality of president, but in some foreign character. Any
influence whatever that he possesses over the acts of the assembly, other-
wise than subject to the immediate control of the assembly, is just so
much power taken from the assembly and thrown into the lap of this
single individual."
Essay on Political Tactics,"
Bentham, c. v., 4 (vol. ii., p. 330).
member. The
Speaker's deputy is, however, not chosen as
such : under the rules, another member, elected for the
performance of different duties, namely, the Chairman of
Committees," is ex qfficio deputy of the Speaker in the un-
avoidable absence of the latter his regular duties and the
ship between the Speaker and his deputies during the same
Till 1855 there was no provision for a deputy of the Speaker. If the
Speaker was ill or otherwise unavoidably kept away, the only thing to be
Deputy Speaker Act, 1855, 18 & 19 Viet. 84; Standing Order Si.
Report from the select committee on the office of the Speaker, I2ih
May 1853 (No. 478).
1660 the Speaker was only absent on nine occasions of these, five were
foran hour or two only between 1660 and 1688 there were two absences,,
from 1688 to 1760 only six, and from 1760 to 1853 only nine cases, all
of short absences. In every case the House had been able to get over
the difficulty by adjourning. The committee, however, remarked that it
was notorious that occasionally, out of consideration for the Speaker,
members had purposely abstained from making a House or had allowed
it to be adjourned almost as soon as made. On the other hand, they
drew attention to the great increase in the business of the House and the
greater inconvenience that would be caused by an adjournment. The
number of pages in the journal for 1818 was 427, that for 1848 was 1,013.
The committee proposed that the Chairman of Committees, as a member
already familiar with the proceedings of the House, should be appointed
the Speaker's deputy. This was approved by the House, and in the first
instance embodied in a standing order. But in order to enable the chair-
man to exercise all the functions of a Speaker, including those conferred
upon him by statute, it was necessary to supplement the standing order
by an act of parliament, the Deputy Speaker Act, 1855. The appoint-
ment of a second deputy was not ordered till the 2nd of May 1902, andi
was a part of the reform of the rules effected by the Balfour Cabinet-
In the debate on the proposal, which took place on the nth and i2th>
of February 1902 the necessity of the provision was recognised, the
Chairman of Committees being already, in modern times, overburdened
with business. It was, however, suggested from several quarters that the-
Hatsell had already remarked upon this circumstance seventy years
before. ("Precedents," vol. ii., 3rd edn., p. 212; 4th edn., p 223.)
M 2
''HE staff of officers of the House of Commons now
See Report from the joint select committee of the House of Lords
and the House of Commons, on the Houses of Lords and Commons per-
manent staff, 20 July 1899, No. 286.
thanks, orders of the House, endorses the bills sent or returned to the Lords,
and reads whatever is required to be read in the House. He is addressed by
members, and puts such questions as are necessary on an election of a
Speaker, and for the adjournment of the House in case of the absence of
a Speaker. He has the custody of all records or other documents, and is
responsible for the conduct of the business of the House in the official
departments under his control. He also assists the Speaker, and advises
members, in regard to questions of order and the proceedings of the House."
dents of Parliament should take special note of the fact that the House of
Commons has never adopted the institution of secretaries chosen from its
midst. Indeed, there is a great deal to be said against wasting the strength
of representatives of the people in undertaking such merely technical work
as drawing up minutes. Members are elected for the purpose of settling
the matter of the proceedings, not for that of recording them.
The appointment of the officials is entirely in the hands of the Clerk
of the House ;
but his right, as Sir Reginald Palgrave himself pointed
out, is qualified by the fact that the commission is at liberty to pay the
persons so appointed, or not, as it pleases. It has, therefore, the "power
of the purse." Report (1899), Minutes of Evidence, Qq. 243-247.
His duties are to attend the Speaker, with the mace, on entering and
leaving the House, or going to the House of Lords, or attending his
Majesty with addresses. It is his duty to keep the gangway at and
below the bar clear, and to desire the members to take their places, and
not to stand with their backs to the Chair, nor to stand, nor remove from
their places, with their hats on, when the House is sitting. He takes
strangers into custody who are irregularly admitted into the House, or
who misconduct themselves there causes the removal of persons directed
him, to lock the doors of the House upon a division introduces, with ;
the mace, peers or judges attending within the bar, and messengers from
the Lords attends the sheriffs of London at the bar on presenting
the House, has charge of all its committee rooms, and other buildings,
during the sitting of Parliament."-
posts which were only created during the course of the last
century, some of them in connection with the reforms in
private bill legislation. There is the chaplain, who reads the
daily prayers at the beginning of the sitting ; he is nominated
by the Speaker and has a salary of ^400 ; there are the
examiners, each of whom receives ^400 a year ; they make
It must be remembered that the Home Secretary is the responsible
chief of the London police, so that the force is entirely subordinate to
the parliamentary Ministry.
See Report (1899), pp. 42-45.
A. Salaries :
Clerk Assistant
second Clerk Assistant ... 1,500
4 principal clerks (8 50-^1 ,000)
- -
6 senior clerks (^650-^800) - 45 J 7
5>4 2 T
- -
12 assistant clerks (3oo-6oo)
- -
12 junior clerks (^ioo-25o) 2,118
i collector of fees on private bills 5
B. Allowances for special work (night work,
- - -
compiling indexes, &c.) 2,065
C. Subordinate officials :
4 senior messengers
office - -
6 junior messengers 690
Allowances and expenses - -
50 persons.
- -
III. Department of the Speaker (18 persons) 9,244
Add for delivery of votes and parliamentary
papers 9r5
Gross total -
The offices of Clerk of the House and Serjeant-at-arms date back to
the earliest period of parliamentary history. The first Clerk whose name
appears in the journals belongs to the time of Edward VI, but there can
be no doubt that from the time when the House of Commons took up
an independent position by the side of the House of Lords, it had a
special Clerk assigned to it
by the Crown. The office of Clerk Assistant
did not become permanent till 1640.' The Clerk's pay at first consisted
of 10 annually from the Treasury and certain fees on private bills :
century. In Queen Elizabeth's time it was still customary for all mem-
bers to make a present to the Clerk at the end of the session.
He had
to pay the other officers out of what he received, and also to provide
the office expenses. The balance was his income. It may be imagined
that the Clerks did their best to increase this balance, and that they
strove hard to widen the scope of the idea of a private bill, with its
accompanying fee. The difficulties caused by such efforts led, in 1751,
to the adoption of certain resolutions, which were intended to give
definite criteria for distinguishing public from private bills.* may We
see how lucrative this kind of payment was for the Clerks from the fact
that John Hatsell's income was estimated at 10,000 a year. Under the
act of 1812, above referred to, payment by fees was abolished, the Clerk
was placed upon a fixed salary, and the perquisites were transferred to
the Treasury. 4
Besides the sources of income above mentioned, the Clerk had at one
time a right to nominate his deputy, the Clerk Assistant, and to be paid
for the nomination. Hatsell estimated the price in the middle of the
eighteenth century at 3,000. He also states that the Clerk Dyson, in
George II's time, was the last from whom any payment was exacted.
Dyson himself nominated Hatsell as deputy without payment, and thence-
forward the post was no longer for sale. The appointment of the Clerk
Assistant, and of the second Clerk Assistant, whose office was instituted
at the time of the Union with Ireland, was transferred by statute to the
Crown. The Clerk of the House has the power of appointing his other
subordinates, subject to the conditions above referred to.
The Serjeant-at-arms, who has always been appointed by the Crown,
was also for a long time paid by fees. Certain fines were also payable
to him. 4 He has always been the executive organ of the House, assigned
to it by the Crown, and placed immediately under the Speaker.
Hooker knows only the Clerk of the House. "There is only one
clerk belonging to this House his office is to sit next before the Speaker
at a table upon which he writeth and layeth his books (Mountmorres,
vol. i., p. 122). Rushworth was the first Clerk Assistant (Hatsell, vol. ii.,
3rd edn., p. 249 4th edn., p. 263).
2 "
See D'Ewes, Journals, p. 688 The collection for the Clerk of twelve
&c. Ordered, That no man should depart without paying the ordinary
fee to the Clerk, 6s. 8d."
Fees for private bills had to be paid before second reading. If pay-
ment were omitted the officers were entitled to prevent the bill being
read a second time (Hatsell, vol. ii., 3rd edn., p. 272 4th edn., p. 288).;
Hatsell gives a full account of the growth of the fee system, vol. ii., 3rd edn.,
pp. 261-272 4th edn., pp. 276-288.
Report (1899), Minutes of Evidence, Q. 230.
In the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries penalties were imposed
for disorder and late attendance.
salary of 50. In the time of William III the custom of providing for
the chaplain at the termination of his office by obtaining for him from
the Crown an appointment to a benefice was adopted : it was abandoned
in 1835 owing to Hume's opposition. Since then the chaplain has been
nominated by the Speaker.
At the beginning of each session two large standing
committees are appointed. One has to deal with bills re-
lating to law, courts of justice and legal procedure and ;
administration of the country by the central authority which consists in
the laying down of special regulations for different localities.
2 "
Standing Orders 46-50 Manual, pp. 72-76 May, Parliamentary
; ;
consisting of not less than four nor more than six mem-
bers the panel appoint from among themselves the chair-
party leaders are regularly left out on the other hand, the Secretaries of
State and the Presidents of the Board of Trade and the Local Govern-
ment Board are ex officio members of the standing committees.
See some further remarks in the Supplementary Chapter.
Now (1907) three o'clock : see Supplementary Chapter.
Standing Orders (private bills) 91-97, 99-104 Standing Orders
(private business) 75, 79; Manual, pp. 88-92, 293, 294; May, "Parlia-
mentary Practice," pp. 405, 716, 752.
Committees on matters of privilege and committees to draw up
reasons for disagreeing with Lords' amendments are not subject to the
rules about notice (Manual, p. 77). Motions for committees may be made
on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, and, if set down by the Government, on
Mondays and Thursdays also (Standing Order n).
A hybrid bill is a public bill, which affects private interests in such
a way that if it were a private bill it would require preliminary
notices the procedure on such a bill is of a special kind, partly based
The following table shows the number of select committees of the
House of Commons from 1878 to 1903, and the number of members who
served on them :
1 "
May, Parliamentary Practice," p. 413 ; Manual, pp. 79, 80.
customary on
Continent, of handing over a whole
to consider or take evidence upon any bill or matter and to report their
opinion for the information and assistance of the House." Before the
adoption, in 1875, of Standing Order 63 select committees had to obtain
special permission in every case to report their opinion and the minutes
of evidence taken before them.
The only public bills which are referred at times to select com-
mittees are those dealing with a number of concrete details. Chief among
these are the collective bills for the confirmation of provisional orders laid
before the House by different ministers, and only technically regarded as
public bills.
a committee, but in most cases it is given as a matter of
course. 1
This seems to be a suitable place to sketch in outline the
law as to the calling of witnesses by the House of Com-
mons. 7 The House can at any time call upon any British
subject to appear before it at the bar, either as a witness or
to answer an accusation. A select committee may also, by
delegation, have a like power. An order to attend is signed
by the Clerk of the House, or the chairman of the com-
mittee : in the course of the nineteenth century the calling
of a witness to attend at the bar of the House gradually fell
into disuse ;
at present day examination before a com-
mittee is the rule. If a person summoned as a witness
fails an appearance the committee report the fact
to put in
to the House
he is in prison the Speaker can, in pur-
Such a power would only be refused to a committee if it appeared
that the cost would be disproportionate to the importance of the subject.
Standing Orders 86 and 87 Manual, pp. 197-201.
a witness should
If be in custody the Speaker's warrant to the
keeper or sheriff must be strictly complied with. (May, Parliamentary
Practice," p. 425.)
may here note that power to compel the attendance of witnesses
is not, as a rule, conferred on private bill committees.
Parliamentary Witnesses Oaths Acts, 1871 (34 & 35 Viet. c. 83).
Manual, p. 289. It may easily be imagined how important such
provisions may be in the case, for instance, of an enquiry into the
relations between employers and workmen.
In addition to work of this nature, which, so far as
legislation is concerned, merely preliminary, select com-
The following Select Committee on the Imprisonment
are instances :
cretion, but they cannot exclude members of this House without first
obtaining the order of the House to that effect." (Hansard (247), 1958.)
committee to the House by bringing it to the table. To
this report, which is the proper object of the committee's
work, there are generally added the shorthand minutes of
evidence, and there is often an appendix, containing extracts
from the writings, papers and records, on which the text
of the report itself is based. With the permission of the
House, interim reports may be presented from time to time,
winding up with a final report at the end of the inquiry.
The consideration of a report and any decisions consequent
thereon are put down upon the notice paper as an order of
the day. When this comes on a motion may be made to
refer the report back and recommit the matter. The ordinary
course is for the House to receive the report and to order
it to lie upon the table and be printed.
It remains, finally, to explain the legal relation of a
committee to the House as a whole. The main principle
to be attended to is that a. committee only exists, and only
has power to act, so far as expressly directed by the order
of the House which brings it into being. This order of
reference is a firm bond, subjecting the committee to the
will of the House ;
the reference is always treated with
exactness and must be strictly interpreted. A select com-
mittee therefore always acts under a special, not a general,
the House
to evade the strict interpretation of the isolation
of sessions, by ordering the material which has not been
worked up into a report to be laid before the new com-
mittee, and then specially directing such new committee to
report upon what is thus brought up.
The relation of mandator and mandatory, which subsists
between the House and a committee, is most clearly
been made that the House will resolve itself into committee
on a fixed future day to consider some subject ; in this case
the committee stands as an order of the day on the day so
fixed ; (2) there is also the case that, under certain general
rules, certain definite subjects have to be dealt with by com-
mittees of the whole House without any special motion.
The latter case includes the whole action of the House in
dealing with the estimates and all bills dealing with taxes
and state disbursements. More detailed statements on these
subjects may be deferred to the chapters on the day's
programme and on financial procedure.
The passage from the House to committee stands the
more in need of definite acts to mark the instant of its
See Supplementary Chapter.
mace, which till then has been lying, visible to all, upon the
table, is placed in a receptacle below it and hidden from view.
3. The Chairman
takes his place at the upper end of the
table in ordinary dress, wearing neither wig nor gown. The
Speaker's chair remains empty.
a sitting lasts for a long time the chair may be vacated
been customary from the time of the Revolution onwards for the chairman-
ship of the two most important committees Supply and Ways and Means
to be entrusted to the same person for several years. Since the middle
of the eighteenth century his title has always been the Chairman of
Ways and Means."
investigate questions of fact or law, or, as for instance in the first year of
Queen Mary's reign, to consider the eligibility of a member One charac-
teristic feature of the parliamentary usage of those days was the election
of committees to revise the text of bills upon which the House had
agreed, and which had to be brought before it again for ratification in
the improved form devised by the committee. Sir Thomas Smith, in
the excellent which he lays down the practice of Parliament
work in
about the middle of the sixteenth century 5 gives this information and
goes on to describe exactly the position of the committees. "It chanceth
sometime," he says, that some part of the bill is allowed, some other
part hath much controversy and doubt made of it and it is thought if ;
Rot. Parl. t vol. ii., p. 113.
Ibid., vol. iii., p. 585.
Ibid., vol. ii., p. 130.
For an instance see House of Commons Journals, vol. i., p. 5, "the bill
for levying of fines in the county palatine of Chester, committed to
Mr. Hare, &c."
* "
Commonwealth of England," book ii., chapters 1-3.
O 2
mittees' ofthem who have spoken with the bill and against it to amend
it and bring it in again so amended as they amongst them shall think
meet and this is before it is ingrossed
yea, and sometime after. But ;
mitted, the committees have not authority to conclude, but only to order,
reform, examine, and amend the thing committed unto them and of their ;
doings they must give report to the House again, by whom the bill is
to be considered." 2 In 1571 the journal for the first time records the
reference of a bill to a real committee. But the quotations just given
bear internal evidence of dealing with an institution of old parliamentary
standing. Indeed, we find in D'Ewes's reports that committees were an
indispensable requisite of parliamentary work and were applied to a variety
of ends. D'Ewes describes the reference of a bill to a committee, and the
composition of this body as follows (he is speaking of a bill which is
before the House for second reading): "The Clerk of the House having
read the title, and the bill aforesaid, standing, kissing his hand, delivered
the same with a breviate (containing the substance of the bill) annexed
unto it, unto the Speaker who thereupon, standing up uncovered, and
' '
reading both the title and the breviate said, This is the second reading ;
and then, having paused awhile and (as it is likely) none speaking against
the bill, he put the question for the committing thereof as followeth."
Then comes a description of putting the question, which was carried.
"And thereupon every one of the House that listed, did name such other
members of the same, to be of the committee, as they thought fit and ;
the Clerk either did, or ought to have written down as many of them
as he conveniently could and when a convenient number of the com-
mittees named were set down by the Clerk, then did the Speaker move
name the time and place when and where they should meet,
the House to
which the Clerk did also doubtless then take a note of, and did also
" "
committee is used in old parliamentary language. In early days
it is not the body as a whole but each single member that is meant by
the term the body is described as the committees to whom the bill is
was not long before it became usual to describe the totality of those to
whom a bill was referred as a "committee," in an abstract sense. In
both cases the English word emphasises the idea of delegation and not
that of representation which the German word Ausschuss expresses.
Mountmorres, vol. i., pp. 147, 148.
House of Commons Journals, vol. i., p. 83. Under date i6th of May
1572 we
"the bill against fraudulent conveyances and secret estates
of lands. The second reading and committed unto Sir Henry Gates,
Sir Nicholas Arnolde, Mr. Recorder, Mr. Monson, Mr. Fenner, Mr. Edward
Stanhope, Mr. Snagge to meet in Lyncoln's Inn Hall this afternoon at
two of the clock and to return the bill tomorrow." (Ibid., p. 95.)
(silence being made in the House) read out of that book or paper (in
which he entred them) the committees' names, with the time and place
of their meeting."
We learn likewise from D'Ewes of a remarkable rule applied to the
composition of committees in his time. He reports a debate held (1601) in
Queen Elizabeth's last parliament in which the principle was laid down
that it was against the rules of the House to appoint any man who had
spoken against the bill as a whole to be a member of a committee on the
bill but that it was not improper for one who had been on the committee
to vote against the bill afterwards. For, as one of the members said, "By
committing of a bill, the House allowed of the body thereof, though they
disallowed of some imperfections in the same, and therefore committed it
to some chosen men of trust to reform or amend anything therein which
they found imperfect. And it is to be presumed that he that will give his
No to the committing of a -bill, will be wholly against the bill. And there-
fore, the House allowing of this bill to be committed, are (in my opinion)
to disallow any that will be against the body of the bill for being
committees." 2
It may be clearly seen from these words and the order of the House
is gone when the body which is the commitment is dissolved and then ;
D'Ewes, p. 44.
Ibid., p. 634.
Ibid., pp. 486, 559, 569, 593, &c., &c.
On searching through D'Ewes's Journals we find that at that time
the only bills which were exempt from commitment were those sent down
from the Lords. D'Ewes states the rule as follows: "When a bill hath
once passed the Upper House in which besides the Lords the greater part
of the judges of the realm are commonly assistants, there shall need no
consideration thereof either for addition or mutation for either House ;
doth ever, for the most part, show itself so careful to keep firm corre-
spondency with the other, as that when a bill hath passed either of the
said Houses and is sent to the other, it doth for the most part pass, and
is neither dashed nor altered without very great cause upon mature deli-
beration and usually also not without conference desired, and had there-
upon that so, full satisfaction may be given to that House from which
D'Ewes, p. 635.
House of Commons Journals, vol. pp. 150, 153, 273, &c. On the
24th of March 1604 we find (p. 153) "Note, that committees being once
named, and a place appointed for their meeting by the House, may, from
time to time, until the report of the proceedings be made, adjourn and
alter their place and time of meeting, and select such sub-committees from
amongst themselves as they shall find cause, for any particular purpose
or service, to be assigned by themselves, or the House, upon their report."
House of Commons Journals, vol. i., p. 83 D'Ewes, pp. 156-159.
Singularly enough D'Ewes (p. 179) reports the appointment, during this
session, of a special committee to arrange the order of sequence of bills to
be considered. A similar committee to regulate the business of the House
is recorded in 1625 (" Commons' Debates, 1625," edited by S. R. Gardiner,
p. u).
See the elaborate dissertation on this subject in Prof. Jameson's
Origin of the Standing Committee System in the American Legislative
Body." ("Political Science Quarterly (Columbia College)," 1894, p. 245.)
session to deal with all disputed election returns. In each of the par-'
liaments of 1584, 1585, 1586, 1587 and 1588 a committee touching matters
of privilege was appointed for the session. These committees were still
Side by side with these committees, which, however they might differ in
size, were all proper select committees, we find another form in which the
House debated, sometimes called " general committee," sometimes " grand
committee," and which was a committee with as many members as the
House itself. 2 But for a long time this form of action remained in the
background. In the parliaments of James I and Charles I, and even later, it
was the rule for bills to receive preliminary discussion in select com-
mittees,and then to be discussed in the House only upon the footing of the
reports made.
The proceedings in the small committees might be
attended by all members but only those deputed by the House had
tions against any particulars in the bill (but not those who spake
the whole bill) are to be, and any members, that please, may name one
apiece, but not more to be of that committee." Here, again, we find the
above quoted rule, as to the who are opposed on prin-
exclusion of those
ciple to the bill, in operation. He
Committees upon bills have
continues :
not usually been less than eight, sometimes twenty, seldom more in former
times, which engaged them to attend it and speed it."
Any member of the House may be present at any
Scobell, p. 49 :
ment, should be most solemnly proceeded in, and well weighed and ;
special note in one of the earlier journals shows that this form of
proceeding was felt to be an innovation. It is reported that a certain
committee met and sat till 11.30, "the Speaker from nine sitting in the
Clerk's chair, the Clerk standing at his back, and Mr. Recorder, the
moderator of the committee, sitting on a stool by him." (House of Com-
mons Journals, vol. i., p. 414.)
2 "
Scobell (" Memorials," p. 9) expressly states In Parliament there
were made occasionally and dissolved after the business committed unto
them was reported. The standing committees are for privileges and
elections, religion, grievances, courts of justice, trade."
idea was operative in the disturbed times of James I and Charles I and
led to the name and
procedure of a committee being preserved, while every
member House was given his share in the work.
of the There was the 1
mittee for religion was appointed, with a declaration that all who came
should have voices (House of Commons Journals, vol. i., p. 817). In 1625
this plan was opposed as new, and a select committee was indicated as
the regular form. In 1628 all the standing committees (except that on
1624 it was provided "that, in private bills, there shall not be that general
clause, for all, that will come, to have voice." In 1628 the development
was completed and the organisation of the grand standing committees,
as retained till the nineteenth century, became fixed. In 1625 there was
still some hesitation. On the advice of Sir Edward Coke, it was decided
to abstain from appointing the three standing committees. In answer to
many who wished to have them set up, Sir G. More affirmed the custom
to be quite recent, and said that in Queen Elizabeth's time no such
^committees had been appointed except upon particular occasions. The
revolutionary Long Parliament which assumed all the powers of adminis-
tration and government to enable it to carry on its war with Charles
and to maintain the Commonwealth, did not find this form of com- '
of course to refer all bills to the grand committee, i.e., the House in
committee form, for detailed discussion after second reading. The
same need was also felt in the case of the grant of public taxes and
loans. There can be little doubt what gave the first impetus to this
remarkable development, namely, the one great advantage of committee .
" "
Commons' Debates in 1625 (edited by S. R. Gardiner). Camden
Society Publications, 1873, p. 12.
of bills and financial proposals. From that date real committees have
from time they ceased to have any active functions and were only
surprising had the organisation of the House been changed to one like
that of the Long Parliament. Two great facts in English constitutional
history prevented this in the first place the rise of the system of parlia-
entary party government, and in the next place the establishment of the
Cabinet as the chief organ of government, and its absorption of all the
functions which in theory appertain to the Crown. The same end was
attained as before, namely, the subordination of the whole conduct of the
affairs of the state to the will of the House of Commons ; but no standing
administrative committees such as those of the Long Parliament were
formed a different scheme was devised.
: Not only the whole power of
government, but also the practical exercise of the royal prerogative, fell
into the hands of a body of men who bore the title of servants of the
Crown, but were in deed and truth a "joint committee" of the two
Houses of Parliament. After the repeated explanations in earlier chapters
of the system of parliamentary party government, we need not stop here
to analyse this arrangement it is enough to point out that these two facts,
Before the procedure committee of 1854, Sir Erskine May said of
the practice referring public bills to committees of the whole House
as a matter of course was " modern to this extent it has prevailed since
and did not recommend their adoption by the House they also declined ;
to endorse May's other proposal for a rescission of the old standing orders
which required that bills relating to religion or trade should originate in
a committee of the whole House, instead of being introduced upon a
simple motion in the House itself. May considered this provision anti-
quated and recommended its abolition but he was unable to convince the
committee.2 Not tillthe 2gth of February 1888 was the old rule actually
done away with. Further, the Holise of Commons has decidedly set its
face against suggestions for limiting or abolishing the form of committee
of the whole House. The idea of depriving any member of his share
in the detailed and elastic discussion in committee has always been, and is
still, unwelcome. Before the committee of 1861, Speaker Denison made
a forcible appeal for a partial dispensation with committee discussion by
the whole House. He urged that it would often be sufficient to deal
with certain clauses or divisions of a bill in the whole House, on the lines
laid down by a previous report from a select committee. 4 On this occasion
the committee in their report recommended the acceptance of the proposals
made by the Speaker. They said, The precise nature of this proposal is
worthy of close attention. If a motion be made that a bill after the
Report (1854), Minutes of Evidence, Qq. 197, 262, 272 and 276.
Mr. Shaw Lefevre expressed a similar view (Q. 457), but he suggested
stronger select committees for the purpose.
Sir Erskine May's remarks on this point are worth reproducing He
said These preliminary committees were supposed to be additional
that bills of far greater importance are, by the present rules of the House,
brought in without any such preliminary committee. Bills may be brought
in for the suspension of the Habeas Corpus, for the restriction of the
liberty of the subject or the liberty of the press bills for disfranchisement
; ;
even the Act of Succession itself might be repealed, and the entire con-
stitution of Church and State subjected to fundamental alterations
without any preliminary committee and yet, in these two particular
and when the report comes down from the select committee the House
will have an ample opportunity of revising the proceedings and the
decisions of the select committee. If they be sanctioned, the delay and the
unnecesssary step of a reference to a committee of the whole House will
be avoided if it be deemed necessary or wise to reconsider the amend-
ments, on motion the bill will be recommitted, and an appeal will thus be
given to the judgment of the whole House. Without recommitting the
whole bill, there may be frequently great advantage in recommitting
certain clauses only." In spite of this expression of opinion by the
ing the weight and authority which ought to attach to the report of
With regard to the mode of selection of members of the committees
the report of 1854 acknowledged the force of the objections to the prac-
tice then in use, but it expressed a doubt whether any other mode would
be more free from objection. The difference between the principles on
which members should be chosen for committees on public bills and for
those on private bills was very great, and while the latter may safely
and beneficially be placed in the hands of a small committee of selection,
without any appeal from their decision, your committee apprehend that
the adoption of a similar practice with regard to ordinary public com-
bill legislation, but was not sure that the same considerations applied
to committees on public bills. He acknowledged the force of the argu-
ment that the smaller the number of members on a committee the greater
was the feeling of responsibility felt by each, and the better and quicker
each worked. He was opposed to the suggestion that committees on
Report (1861), Qq. 176-194 and 219-226. Sir George Grey drew
Manual, pp. 96-103. May, "Parliamentary Practice," pp. 238-246.
Cf. Bentham, Works, vol. ii., pp. 334 sqq.
2 "
A matter requiring the decision of the House, or of a committee, is
decided by means of a question put from the Chair on a motion proposed
by a member." (Manual, p. 96.)
Notice in writing has to be given at the table during a sitting of the
House. For this purpose sittings of the House in committee are treated
in the same way as other sittings. A member may also give oral notice
of an intended motion, either before the commencement, or after the
conclusion, of public business the former is the more usual time in ;
such a case, however, the exact terms of the motion, with the name of
the mover and the date upon which it is to be brought forward, must
be sent in again in writing. If a member desires to vary the wording of
namely, motions
1. For the introduction of a new clause upon the report
stage of a bill ;
2. For the nomination of members to serve upon a
select committee ;
See May, Parliamentary Practice," p. 246.
Practice, however, has, during the last ten years or so, made the
to the vote ?
House gives its decision. Let us, in the first place, ignore
any complications introduced during the course of the
debate, and take the simplest case of a motion which
undergoes no change. There are two stages in laying a
question before the House. First of all it is
by the Speaker ; thereupon follow the debate, if any, the
motions for amendment, if any, and any debates upon them.
The end of a debate comes when no more members rise
to speak, or when a closure motion is proposed and
carried. It is stages have been gone
not till all these
" "
Parliamentary Practice," p. 280.
May, The Speaker asks Is it :
your pleasure that the motion be withdrawn ? If no one dissents the
The House can also give orders to its executive officers, above all
to the Serjeant-at-arms ; by so doing it can indirectly reach into the
world outside. But this anomalous infringement of the principle that
the orders of the House only deal with internal matters is confined to
the sphere in which the House is alone entitled to protect its rights
directly against all theworld namely, the sphere of the privileges of the
Commons and the special jurisdiction appertaining thereto. It may be
said, also, that the House indirectly passes beyond its internal jurisdiction
when the Speaker issues " warrants under parliamentary or statutory
The judicial decisions and judgments of the House of Lords, when act-
ing as the highest court of appeal, are, of course, upon a different footing ^
whatever upon the subjects of the realm. The House of
Commons has no power of taking administrative action
beyond its own borders to carry out a decision at which it
has arrived. Such an act would be no mere breach of the
rulesof the House, it would be an infringement of a
fundamental principle of the British constitution.
This is one of the few and, to my mind, insufficiently
appreciated arguments in favour of the proposition that the
principle of the separation of powers, at all events to a certain
extent, is found operating in the law of Parliament
to be
in England both Houses are strictly forbidden to exercise
This is, perhaps, the most sharply defined juristic difference between
the parliamentary government of Great Britain and the constitutions of
Continental states. There is no department of government in which
under the British constitution, the will of the state can only be expressed
by means of royal ordinance or ministerial edict the doer of any act of
government that the royal prerogative is only exercised upon the advice
of the responsible Government.
decision it is
formally evaded, by being replaced by another
Representatives, it is positive.
The previous question was, till 1882, the only approach in the
House of Commons to any kind of closure it was then a venerable
institution of the House. See May's evidence before the select com-
mittee of 1871, Minutes of Evidence, Q. 54; also Maa/, pp. 69, 107, 108.
1 "
May, Parliamentary Practice," pp. 289-299 ; Manual, pp. 104-107 ;
plainly to be seen.
Especially the motions above enumerated as to the conduct of the
Under the new system of taking divisions it is now (1907) no longer
necessary for all members present in the House to record their votes
The less the difference in strength between the two sides, the
quicker does a division come to an end the work of the tellers at the
doors, and of the clerks who take the names in the lobbies, is then more
evenly divided. When divisions are forced by small sections of the
House, they last, of course, much longer sometimes as much as half-an-
voices is
challenged. There is one exception under recent
regulations. Till a short time ago, according to a practice
which had lasted for centuries, the call of two members for
a division was a sufficient challenge of the Speaker's state-
ment, and required to be tested by a division. The misuse
of this right in the
obstruction period led to the adoption
of Standing Order No. 30, which runs as follows :
Mr. Speaker or the Chairman may, after the lapse of two minutes
as indicated by the sand-glass, if in his opinion the division is frivolously
or vexatiously claimed, take the vote of the House, or committee, by
calling upon the members who support, and who challenge his deci-
sion, successively to rise in their places, and he shall thereupon, as he
thinks fit, either declare the determination of the House or committee, or
name tellers for a division. And is no division, the Speaker
in case there
or Chairman shall House or committee the number of
declare to the
the minority who had challenged his decision, and their names shall
be thereupon taken down in the House, and printed with the lists of
brings about being final, and so as to adjourn the ultimate
disposal of the subject before the House to another time ;
it also usual for the Speaker to state shortly the reasons
spoken of as a tie." As to the Speaker's function on such an event,
see Speaker Denison's remarks in his Diary (pp. 95-99) upon his vote of
the igth of June 1861, whereby he postponed for several years the
settlement of the Church rates question.
affected by the result of the division ? In both Houses of
Parliament there is an old rule which forbids a member
to use his vote to further his own direct interests. The
nature of such a direct interest was stated on the zyth of
July 1811 by Speaker Abbot in the following terms :
company is compatible with a place in the Ministry has often been raised
of late years in the House of Commons, but no definite rule has been
laid down.
In composition of committees on private bills the strictest
attention paid to the exclusion of all members who have any pecu-
niary or local interest which is affected. See the Report of the select
committee upon public business of 1848.
The venerable institution of petition, the oldest of all
The number of divisions in the course of the nineteenth century
fluctuated very much. The annual average for the decennium 1845-1854
was 207, and for subsequent ten-year periods, 289, 186, 283, 325. In
1896 there were 419 divisions; subsequent years, down to 1903, gave
367, 310, 381, 298, 482, 648, and 263.
See supra, vol. i., pp. 76, 77.
Petitionsmust not be printed or lithographed, and must be
signed by at least one person on the sheet on which the
petition is written. The name of the member who pre-
sents a petition must be personally signed by him upon the
first page. forgery or fraud in the preparation of peti-
tions,especially as regards the signatures, is considered a
breach of privilege ; a petition so tainted is considered as
null and void and is refused a hearing. The language of a
petition must be respectful and must not refer to a debate in
Parliament. Any disrespectful expressions referring to the
Crown, to Parliament, to religion, to the courts of justice, or
other constituted authorities, will make a petition unparlia-
mentary and prevent its reception.
2. Petitions must be presented by a member of the
1 2
Standing Order 76. Standing Order 77.
Standing Order 78.
May, Parliamentary Practice," p. 534.
Manual, pp. 55-61.
concern. Further, they are often arranged by the Govern-
ment itself, so as to give them an opportunity of making
announcements in a somewhat informal way. Questions,
like motions, need previous notice, and must be made known
at least a day before they are asked.
Information may be requested upon any subject of
home or foreign policy, or of domestic, imperial or colonial
administration. It has long ceased to be customary to
oral notice the questions are drawn up in writing and
but it was still felt to take up too much time. In that year
the present rule was adopted ;
it is now provided that
any member who wishes to have an oral answer must
mark his written notice with an asterisk if he does not :
For instance, in 1887, many long-winded questions were put by
Irish members for obstructive purposes ;
they overloaded the notice paper
and took a long time to read. The Speaker directed them to be sub-
stantially abridged and spoke severely about unseemly questions. (Hansard
(3i8), 42.)
interpellation debate.
One of the principal sources of delay
in business in many Continental parliaments is entirely
absent from the House of Commons.
kind first.
Communications from the Crown to Parliament may be
made either directly and ceremoniously or indirectly and
No doubt, refusal to answer or the giving of an unsatisfactory answer
at times leads to an urgency motion," and often gives occasion for a
debate in Committee of Supply.
The French rules as to interpellations are of a totally different
character. See Esmein, Elements de droit constitutionnel francais et
No. of No. of
Questions. Questions.
- - - -
1847 129 1890 4,407
- - 222
1850 - - 212 1897 - -
i860 699 1899 - -
- - -
1870 I,2O3 5,106
l88o - -
- -
1885 3,354
by which the Crown may enter into relations with the two
1. The form
first is that of a written message under the
royal sign manual. Such a message is brought by a
member of the House who is either a minister of the Crown
or one of the royal household. Its subject may be a
request by the Crown for provision for the royal family or
for a gift to some distinguished public servant who has
deserved well of his country, or again, it may be designed
to call the attention of Parliament to important public events
such as the calling out for service of the militia or the
reserves. The royal messenger, always a member of the
House, and in the nineteenth century invariably a minister,
applicability ;
the common element is a desire on the part
of the House, as representing the nation, to record its views
on some event in a peculiarly impressive manner. This may
be desirable as to events both of domestic and of foreign
concern. There seems to be only one direction in which
any limitation has been laid down no address may be pre-
to the Ministry in dealing with the House of Commons and places on the
Ministry direct responsibility for all proposals involving expenditure of
public money.
customary :
Most gracious Sovereign, We, your Majesty's most dutiful and loyal
subjects, the Commons of the United Kingdom
of Great Britain and
Standing Order 10
; Manual, pp. 61-64.
For an instance of the application of this rule by the Speaker in
1887 see Hansard (311), 1647.
the urgency of the matter which forms the occasion for the
" "
requisite of definiteness is strictly interpreted by the
Speaker ;
an instance of his interposition to insist upon this quality may be found
in Hansard (319), 95.
R 2
censure without notice, are none of them available as founda-
tions for a motion for adjournment. Further, a matter which
has once been brought before the House as a question of
urgency cannot be revived for a second time. And lastly,
what blunts the weapon of urgency motions more than any
other rule, not more than one such motion can be made at
any one sitting. As a matter of fact, as statistics show, the
use made of motions for adjournment in the House of
Commons is very moderate. Any attempt to turn them
into engines of obstruction would be met at once by the
The following table gives a summary of the application of urgent
motions for adjournment from 1882, when the standing order was
adopted, down to 1903 :
legislation ;
but in addition it has great importance to a
bill from the point of view of procedure. The rules of
business have never treated the title as a casual or un-
important matter ; they have always given to it a special
significance in the discussion of the bill. It has always been
This has the important result that both title and preamble may be
consequent delays.
At present, the preamble having been dropped, the text
of a bill begins at once with the formula of enactment, the
"be it therefore enacted," &c. See Anson, "Law and Custom of the Con-
stitution," vol. ii., p. 275.
To take an example, the London Government Act of 1899 provides
in the last clause but one (s. 34) as follows :In this Act, unless the con-
" "
text otherwise requires, the expression administrative vestry means a
vestry having the powers of a vestry elected for a parish specified in
Schedule A. to the Metropolis Management Act, 1855 and the expression ;
" "
elective vestry means any vestry elected under the Metropolis Manage-
ment Act, 1855; the expression "rateable value" shall include the value
of Government property upon which a contribution in lieu of rates
is paid; the expressions "powers," "duties," "property," "liabilities,"
and "powers, duties and liabilities" have respectively the same meanings
as in the Local Government Act, 1888; the expression "adoptive Acts"
means the Baths and Washhouses Act, 1846 to 1896, the Burial Acts, 1852
to 1885, and the Public Libraries Acts, 1892 and 1893, &c.
notion of the scheme of an enactment, is totally different
from what "
prevails upon the Continent. If the contents
of the public statute book are analysed it will be found
that the proportion of its enactments which alter rules or
Ilbert, Legislative Methods and Forms," p. 239.
Sir C. Ilbert, in the passage just indicated, gives a striking descrip-
tion of the problems which thus arise for an English lawgiver. Among
the questions which the framer of the proposed measure," he says, will
have to consider are What powers and duties already exist for the
cause the least interference with existing rights and interests, the least
friction with existing machinery ?
back as the sixteenth century, and in the seventeenth their form was in
same as at the present day. Such is the result
all essentials precisely the
of a study of the proceedings of the House as presented by the records
in the journals and in the collections of D'Ewes it is completely con- ;
In case of opposition being made to these, they would be discussed
as they were private bills.
2 "
See on this point the precise rules given in Ilbert, Legislative
Methods and Forms," pp. 26-35, an d rny remarks in Grunhnt's Zeitschrift
fur privates und offentliches Recht, vol. xxx., pp. 754 and 755. As to
technical details in framing legislation, see Bentham, Essay on Political
Tactics chapter x., Of the drawing up of Laws.
2 59
of the practice of his day. 1 He informs us " when a motion hath been
made the same may not be put to the question until it be debated, or
at least have been seconded and prosecuted by one or more persons
standing up in their places as aforesaid. When a motion hath . . .
it, yet if any member before the question be put without that part, stand
up and desire that such words or clause may stand in the question, before
the main question is put, a question is to be put, whether those words
or such clause shall stand in the question."
In the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries amendments were often called
provisos, tracing back their pedigree to the conditions, called by that
name, by which the Crown had at times limited its assent to petitions.
After the form of bills was evolved the commonest use of the word proviso
was to describe an alteration made by the Lords to a bill sent up to
them by the Commons. Such alterations by the Upper House were usually
brought to the Commons in the form of "riders" attached to the bill.
By far the greater part of procedure in Queen Elizabeth's Parlia-
ments was by way of There were motions, too, upon which, as at
Both provisos and amendments had then been long in use in the House
of Commons. 1
As to the process of putting the question and voting Scobell reports,
Every question is to be put first in the affirmative viz., as many as
See the interesting debate in Parliament in 1597, reported D'Ewes,
PP- 575-577-
Further particulars as to amendments will be given in the chapter
upon bills, as the practice of amendment was really worked out in
connection with legislative work.
Scobell, p. 24.
Scobell, p. 26.
See D'Ewes, pp. 134, 573, 626, 662, 667, &c.
D'Ewes, p. 675.
An important division on a church question took place on the I3th
March 1601, the votes being 106 to 105. A complaint was made that
one of the members who, following his conscience, wished to go out with
the "Noes," had been held back by another member. Sir Walter Raleigh
said, Why, if it please you, it is a small matter to pull one by the
sleeve, for so have I dons myself sometimes." On this there was a
great tumult in the House. Some members wished to have Raleigh placed
at the bar and Cecil had to soothe the House by a judicious speech.
See D'Ewes, pp. 683, 684.
deciding which party was bound to go out. Scobell states the rule thus :
Upon the dividing of the House, those are to go forth who are for varying
from or against the constant orders of the House (as that a question shall
not be put, or not be now put, it being the course of the House, that after
a debate the same should be determined by a question or the like) or against
any positive order made by the House, or for the passing any new thing,
as reading a petition or bill, and committing, ingrossing, or passing such
made that any member shall take the chair at a committee, inasmuch as
every member is supposed to be proper and equal to the duty imposed
upon him, those who are against any member, must go out, &c. The old
procedure on divisions lasted until the building of the Westminster Palace
in the nineteenth century, when the modern system was adopted. But in all
other respects we find in Hatsell the present customary law already formed.
He states the principle that it is the duty of every member who finds
himself within the closed doors to vote also the rule that if any person
majority of the House of Commons represents the will of the whole body
and consequently the will of the country? If a German teacher of
constitutional law can say, the history of the majority principle has
not yet been written," he might have been referring to the special instance
of its history in the House of Commons. The completeness with which
the majority principle has been for centuries accepted is no greater than
the obscurity of the origin of this basis of modern representative govern-
ment, adopted, along with constitutionalism itself, in Europe, America
and Australia, as the foundation of all parliamentary systems. In our
Scobell, p. 24. This principle was, as early as 1597, described as
being "according to the ancient former usage of the House" (D'Ewes,
P- 573)' See further, the order of the loth December, 1640. "It was
declared for a constant rule, that those, that give their votes for the pre-
servation of the orders of the House, should stay in and those, that give
be expected that the native land of Parliament could give some clue to
its rise.
men had not yet accepted the dogma that the voice of a majority binds the
community. The English conception was founded on the Teutonic theory
that the formation of a corporate will must always be unanimous because
the minority gives way and conforms its will to that of the majority.
Professor Gierke has discussed the question in the two sections of his
upon the theory of corporations in the Corpus
Juris Civilis, and upon that which is found among the Canonists two
of the most admirable chapters in this great work of modern juristic
investigation. He has there shown that in Roman Law
the majority
principle as a basis of corporate decision rested on a strict political foun-
dation, and, further, that the canon law had developed the theory in a
curiously spiritualised way, and so extinguished the traces which the older
jus canonicum showed of the Teutonic idea of unanimity. The canon law
invented the theory that sanioritas was required for corporate decisions,
and linked it to the Roman doctrine, by contending that the act of a
A recent treatise on the history of the majority principle is that of
G. Jellinek, "Das Recht der Minoritaten." Vienna, 1898.
Pollock and Maitland, History of English Law," vol. ii., pp. 621-626.
Thus Gierke (" Deutsches Genossenschaftsrecht," vol. iii., p. 323) writes,
"Although we can find in the older canon law traces of the notion that
the majority principle was taken in the sense of Teutonic law (i.e., only
as a means by which to arrive at the requisite unanimity, through the
duty of submission incumbent on the minority), the developed theory of
the canonists makes the validity of the majority principle depend upon a
legal fiction."
Gierke, ibid., vol. iii., pp. 152-157, 323-330.
Pollock and Maitland, vol. i., p. 539.
1 *
Stubbs, "Select Charters," pp. 295, 296. Ibid., p. 305.
1 4
Ibid., p. 311. Ibid., p. 389.
mons. As has already been explained elsewhere, the appearance of regular
opposition is a relatively late product of parliamentary development.
The mediaeval House of Commons showed little differentiation either
socially or individually. In the ordinary course of things there would be
no great difficulty in adhering to the Teutonic conception which repre-
sented all decisions of the corporate body as unanimous by reason of the
minority giving way to the majority. As soon as we are able to follow
the proceedings of the House in detail we find the majority principle
old-established and uncontested, never again to be disputed. Thus
Hooker says: "If the whole House or the more part do affirm and allow
the bill, then the same is to be sent to the higher House." '
And Sir
Thomas Smith : The more part of them that be present, only makes
the consent or dissent." No doubt from the very first, the necessity of the
acceptance of the principle of deciding by majorities was felt instinctively :
it was not till a long development had taken place, and the nation had
to be universal."
One of the greatest English political theorists of the
nineteenth century, Sir George Cornewall Lewis, himself a representative
of classic parliamentary government, has aptly pointed out the analogy
between a decision by the majority of a political body and a battle
between the armies of two independent nations the one is an appeal
to physical force, the other is an appeal to moral force. There must
always ultimately be an element of domination in a corporate decision
which places a legal compulsion upon the minority. It is this
ingredient of domination in the decisions and acts of volition of indi-
viduals, just as much as of aggregates of persons, which converts them
into specifically political acts only a feeble and cloistered state philosophy
could ignore or deny this. But one of the chief aims of modern states-
manship is the framing of such constitutional arrangements as will convert
the necessary domination as much as possible into an indirect act of the
dominated, thus moulding the form of government of the nation to a
shape in which it may truly be called self-government. ^
Mountmorres, vol. i., p. 119.
See Hansard (311), 1286.
Cornewall Lewis, The Influence of Authority in Matters of Opinion,"
p. 149-
-Pi University of Toronto
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