Assessing Fiscal Sustainability
Assessing Fiscal Sustainability
Assessing Fiscal Sustainability
Copyright 2013 by Laurence Kotlikoff and the Mercatus Center at George Mason University
Mercatus Center George Mason University 3351 Fairfax Drive, 4th floor Arlington, VA 22201-4433 (703) 993-4930 Release date: December 12, 2013
Every country faces an intertemporal budget constraint, which requires that its governments future expenditures, including servicing its outstanding official debt, be covered by its governments future receipts when measured in present value. The present value difference between a countrys future expenditures and its future receipts is its fiscal gap. The US fiscal gap now stands at $205 trillion. This is 10.3 percent of the estimated present value of all future US GDP. The United States needs to raise taxes, cut spending, or engage in a combination of these policies by an amount equal to 10.3 percent of annual GDP to close its fiscal gap. Closing the gap via raising taxes would require an immediate and permanent 57 percent increase in all federal taxes. Closing the gap via spending cuts (apart from servicing official debt) would require an immediate and permanent 37 percent reduction in spending. This grave picture of Americas fiscal position effectively constitutes a declaration of bankruptcy. JEL codes: H2, H5, H6 Keywords: fiscal gap, fiscal policy, generational equity, taxes, deficits, federal debt, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, generational accounting, deficit delusion, economic growth
A countrys fiscal sustainability matters. It matters to a countrys growth path, to its future tax rates, to its saving behavior, to its net domestic investment, to its labor supply, to its inflation rate, to its employment, to its wages, to its returns on capital, to the integrity of its financial markets, to the viability of its political institutionsindeed, it matters to virtually any question one might pose about a countrys economic future. Fiscal sustainability also raises ethical questions. If a country is spending more than it can cover with its current and future taxes, will the unpaid bills be left for todays and tomorrows children? More precisely, will current adults, particularly current retirees, escape the requisite fiscal adjustment because the adjustment starts when they are at the end of life or, indeed, after they have died? In order to understand what a generationally fair means of achieving fiscal sustainability would be, we must first understand what overall adjustment is needed and how much more particular generations will pay if other generations pay less. Fiscal gap accounting tells us what overall adjustment is required, and generational accounting examines the impact that achieving fiscal sustainability has on particular generations. Described in this manner, fiscal gap and generational accounting sound like the analysis of a zero-sum game in which changes in policy that benefit one generation must necessarily hurt another. Thats not the case. There may be investments, for example, in education, research, infrastructure, technology, and communications, whose costs are more than offset by future revenues thanks to their positive impact on the economy. But fiscal gap and generational accounting provide frameworks for governments to soberly evaluate whether an investment that generation X is forced to make via the fiscal system will actually pay for itself through time or, instead, represent an added burden that current and future generations must bear. An example is investment in clean energy financed by borrowing from current generations. If future generations are asked to repay this borrowing but the investment provides sufficient benefits in terms of abating climate change, that future generation may, on balance, end up better off.
taxes.4 Doing so via spending cuts (apart from servicing official debt) would require an immediate and permanent 37 percent reduction in spending. This startling and grave picture of Americas fiscal position could effectively constitute a declaration of bankruptcy. But no one on Pennsylvania Avenue or on Wall Street would openly declare the United States to be broke. The question is, Why not?
4. If the tax hikes eroded the various federal tax bases, marginal and average tax rates would have to rise even further, potentially leaving the United States with the highest tax rates of any developed country. 5. Jerry Green and Laurence Kotlikoff, On the General Relativity of Fiscal Language, inKey Issues in Public Finance: A Conference in Memory of David Bradford, ed. Alan J. Auerbach and Daniel Shaviro (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2009). 6. If the benefits exceed (or fall short of) principal plus interest, the difference can be labeled a Social Security bonus (or tax).
table IV.B6 of the 2013 Social Security Trustees Report.7 Adding $23 trillion to $12 trillion and properly accounting for the $2.6 trillion of Social Security trust fund assets8 would put our official debt at over $37 trillion or more than twice GDP higher than Greeces debt-to-GDP ratio!9 So why not call the US official debt $37 trillion rather than $12 trillion? Ours is a free country. Each of us is free to use his or her own internally consistent labeling convention in describing past and, for that matter, current and future, projected government receipts and payments. But if we can all come up with our own measure of official debt, which one should we use? The answer is there is no answer. We can construct an infinite number of different official debt numbers and none will be any better than the others in describing our fiscal policy. The reason is simple: The official debt doesnt measure anything economic. Its purely a linguistic construct. The same holds for other conventional fiscal indicators, including the deficit (the annual change in the debt), aggregate taxes, aggregate transfer payments, disposable income, private savings, personal savings, private wealth, and government wealth. Since these fiscal measures occupy roughly 40 percent of national income accountinga topic routinely taught in introductory economics courses in collegethe economics profession has spent decades teaching people linguistics, not economics.
7. Social Security Administration, The 2013 Annual Report of the Board of Trustees of the Federal Old-Age and Survivors Insurance and Federal Disability Trust Funds, Washington, DC, May 31, 2013, http://www 8. With this accounting, the Treasury bonds held in the Social Security trust fund are indeed an asset to the Social Security system, but they would also be recorded as additional government debt held by the public. 9. Historically, the government could have set up private pension accounts for workers, required them to deposit their FICA contributions to these accounts, and then borrowed these funds from the pension fund managers. The pension funds would have collected principal plus interest and used it to pay benefits. If the benefits didnt equal exactly what Social Security pays, the government could have provided the difference and called it an old age benefit.
pinning down the labeling of that payment or receipt. Language is very flexible and uncertain future amounts can always be redefined to be the sum of certain amounts plus additional amounts that are uncertain. And the amounts that are defined to be certain can be labeled as official debt repayments.10 In point of fact, the repayment of official debt is highly uncertain if we are talking about economic repayment, that is, repayment in real terms, which is the only repayment worth discussing. Take a 30-year Treasury bond. Its real value can easily be wiped out by inflation. Indeed, in the 1970s, as described in the 1982 Economic Report of the President, the United States reneged on one-half of a trillion dollars of its official debt by running high inflation.11 In contrast to the highly risky payment, in real terms, of principal and interest on whats labeled official debt, the payment in real terms of Social Security and Medicare benefits seems much more certain. Social Security benefits are formally indexed to inflation, and Medicare benefits are implicitly indexed to health care costs. Furthermore, these benefits enjoy the backing of over 50 million members of AARP, which is arguably the most powerful lobby in Washington. There are many other liabilities of the government whose real payments are much more certain than those backed by Uncle Sams formal pledge to convey pieces of paper of unknown purchasing power, that is, green-and-yellowcolored Treasury checks, in the future. Take staffing our military at a minimal level. That expenditure on defense is a real commitment because one cant hire soldiers for nothing. Or consider the commitment to maintain our interstate highway system. The need to pour asphalt is a real one to which Uncle Sam makes no formal commitment because there is no need to reify economic necessity with words. Indeed, the purely verbal full faith and credit nominal repayment commitment extended to government bond repayment could and should be read as a form of false advertisinga means to gin up government bond purchases by those who suffer from money illusion and cant distinguish nominal from real magnitudes.12
or descriptions, depending on ones frame of reference, namely ones direction and speed through space. These frames of reference can be viewed as languages just as a fiscal-labeling convention can be viewed as a language. Both the math of physics and the math of economics are about real things. But the equations of these sciences dont tell us what labels to attach to their variables. Nor do they tell us what language to use to discuss their properties and implications. In economics, the freedom to labelin an internally consistent mannerthe fiscal variables of any and all rational models (by which I mean models in which agents arent fooled by language) is absolute. And it permits one to say that model X, which can be any rational model, generates time path Y of government deficits or surpluses, where Y can be any path one wants to announce. Notwithstanding the words one uses to discuss model X and the associated path Y of deficits or surpluses, what the models actual fiscal policy is doing to the models economy, including the course of all its real variables, doesnt change. Thus, a take as you go fiscal policy, which, over time, takes ever larger amounts of resources from successive young generations and transfers them to the contemporaneous old and drives the economy to a certain doom can be described in a zillion different ways, including entailing a balanced budget. To understand this position, suppose the only policy in place is called Social Security and that each year the government raises Social Securitys payroll tax rate and hands all the payroll taxes collected in that year to the contemporaneous elderly, on a per capita basis, as benefits. Each years taxes equal each years transfer payments and the annual deficit is, therefore, zero. This balanced budget, fiscally conservative, prudent policy will eventuallygiven the current state of the actual Social Security programproduce a tax rate so high that no one will work. And, in the meantime, since the young will be handing over ever larger shares of their earnings for immediate consumption by the elderlyresources they would otherwise have saved and invested in real capitalthis policy will gradually eliminate the economys capital stock as well as its labor supply. If one defines fiscal sustainability as running a policy that doesnt kill the economy or as one that delivers at least a minimal living standard to future generations, this policy is clearly unsustainable. But you would never know it by considering the governments deficit, which is always zero. However, with a different set of words, this policy would produce continual deficits and a debt-to-GDP ratio that explodes. There is nothing, by the way, that prevents a government from changing its labeling conventions through time. Chile, in the early 1980s, chose to relabel its social security system privatization. This involved having Chilean workers hand monies to private pension funds that they would otherwise have given the government in payroll taxes. The pension funds then lent the money to the government, which needed the funds to pay older social security beneficiaries. Voila, erstwhile taxes were instantly being called borrowing.
A number of other countries, including Hungary, Russia, Kazakhstan, and Argentina, followed Chiles lead and privatized their social security retirement programs. While these reforms, like the Chilean reform, did entail some real as opposed to exclusively linguistic changes, they were primarily labeling reforms.13 In recent years, Hungary, Russia, and Argentina have un-privatized their social security systems, either fully or partially, in yet another primarily linguistic policy reform in order to raise taxes.
13. Arguing, as some do, that the Chilean reform permitted workers to earn higher returns on their savings fails to adjust for the risk of investing in equities and other higher-return assets. The fact that privatization of social security puts workers into the stock market does not imply that the policy represents anything other than a relabeling of existing policy.
Fiscal Gap (trillions of dollars) $250 2003 60 2004 86 2005* 2006* 2007 175 $200 2008* 2009 184 2010 202 2011 211 $150 2012 222 2013 205
$50 (No data) $0 2003 2004 2005* 2006* 2007 (No data) 2008* Year 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
* Missing bars reect the unavailability of the Congressional Budget Oces scal projections for those years. Source: Authors calculations.
TABLE 1. FISCAL GAP AS PERCENtAgE Of tHE PRESENt VALUE Of GDP Country United States Greece* Belgium Japan* Finland Germany Italy*
* Approximate measure. Note: The US scal gap is very large compared to that of other developed countries. Many countries, such as Italy and Greece, have relatively large ocial debts but have smaller implicit debts due to pension reforms and cost controls on government spending for health care. Source: Authors calculations and assessments.
Source: Authors calculations.
Table 3 presents US generational accounts for 2013. It shows that, except for people in their twenties and early thirties, all currently living cohorts are on the receiving end of the governments largess. Their projected receipt of transfers exceeds their projected tax payments, with the generational accounts displaying the remaining lifetime tax payments net of transfer payments received, all discounted to the present. Generational accounting calculates what future generations must pay over their lifetimes, assuming that each future generations lifetime net tax payment rises in proportion to its labor earnings and that future generations collectively are required to cover the fiscal gap. Stated differently, people born in the future are assigned higher absolute lifetime net tax payments such that their lifetime net tax ratethe ratio of their lifetime net tax payment to their lifetime labor earningsis the same regardless of when they are born. The tables next to last row shows the absolute lifetime net tax payment facing those born next year under this scenario. The birthday present Uncle Sam will hand those born next year is a $420,600 net lifetime tax bill, which is $479,900 more than the net lifetime tax bill todays newborn is facing under current policy. These figures indicate an absolutely massive imbalance in the implied treatment of those now
alive and our unborn children if the entire fiscal gap is spread over everyone coming in the future in proportion to their earnings capacity; that is, the $420,600 would grow with labor productivity. Expecting future generations to pay vastly more than those now alive is not just generationally immoral, its also economically infeasible. It would require hitting up future generations for, on average, roughly 60 cents of every dollar they earn in taxes net of transfers received.
TABLE 3. 2013 US GENERAtIONAL ACCOUNtS Age 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 Future generations Difference between future generations and current newborns
Source: Calculations by the author and Giovanni Callegari.
Lifetime net tax burden, in thousands of dollars $59.2 $41.9 $26.6 $6.2 $14.7 $25.8 $12.4 $14.4 $49.4 $87.3 $138.1 $209.3 $282.9 $327.4 $302.3 $268.0 $236.3 $205.5 $166.5 $115.8 $30.3 $420.6 $479.9
rate 18 Net
16 14
Percentage of national income
12 10 8 6 4 2 0 -2 -4 1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 Year
Net domestic investment rate Net national saving rate
Growth of the Welfare State: US consumption over past half century: 1960, 1981 and 2007 (Ratio to labor income ages 30-49).
Source: National Income and Product Accounts, US Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis.
Public Education
1 1
Private Education
Public Health
0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Source: Ronald Lee, Macroeconomic Implications of Demographic Change: A Global Perspective, presentation for BOJIMES Conference Demographic Changes and Macroeconomic Performance, Tokyo, May 2012, p. 14, http://www.nt
Consider figures 3 and 4. The first shows a dramatic increase in the relative consumption by the elderly compared to younger generations. The second shows a dramatic increase over time in per capita Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid benefits paid to the elderly relative to per capita GDP.
person GDP
cPER apita CAPItA GDP, 19702010
1970 1980 $50,000 1990 2000 $45,000 2010 11779 17556 29081 Benets per elderly 26662 person 34229 GDP per capita 28441 32308 38676 44661 47482
1990 Year
Source: Authors calculations based on data from the Congressional Budget Oce and the US Census Bureau.
These transfers to the elderly dont encompass all the postwar redistribution to the elderly. There have been periodic tax cuts as well as a shift in the structure of taxation away from capital income toward wages. These factors also produced a major transfer of resources to the elderly and away from the young. Another policy that has encouraged the elderly to spend at a higher rate is the annuitization of their resources via the Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid programs (70 percent of whose benefits are paid to the elderly). These programs provide payments, not in a one-time lump sum, but on an ongoing, inflation-protected basis for as long as the elderly recipient lives. As a result, much of the fear of spending and thereby outliving ones resources is removed. So too is the fear of losing ones resources in volatile asset markets or via inflation. The life cycle model also predicts that declines in rates of domestic investment will reduce the growth rate of real wages. In the United States there are many causes for low real median wage growth. One can point to outsourcing, competition from
foreign workers, a loss of comparative advantage in manufacturing, worsening primary and secondary education, increasing wage inequality, and competition from smart machines. But having less capital with which to work than would otherwise be the case is surely part of the explanation for stagnant real US wages. Indeed, some of the wage statistics are quite astounding. For example, real take home pay per hour per US worker is essentially the same today as it was in the mid-1960s. The fact that US fiscal policies appear to be seriously affecting the economy means that analysis of the sustainability of our current policies should take into account these feedback (general equilibrium) effects. If the economy is damaged, the ability of the government to sustain its fiscal policies will be diminished, and the injury to future generations will be exacerbated. Again, if the ultimate desiderata for moving from one policy to another is the extent of the damage it causes future generations, then the damage to the economy needs to be factored into the analysis as discussed in my paper with Hans Fehr.14
A complete market, called a complete contingent claims market, would permit one to buy or sell today arbitrary amounts of real purchasing power in each future state. With such a market it would be easy to do fiscal gap and generational accounting. For example, to value $20,000 (in todays dollars) of benefits promised by the government to Joe Smith in state X 20 years from now, one would just need to consult the financial pages to see what such a claim would sell for if one bought it today in the market. The problem is that our prevailing financial products and instruments appear to be far fewer in number than the number of future states the economy can occupy. This puts economists in the position of trying to put a price on things that arent normally for sale. Doing so requires constructing large-scale computable general equilibrium life-cycle simulation models, with aggregate as well as individual specific shocks (risks), that take into account the incompleteness of markets. Within such a model, one can calculate the value today to any given economic agent in the model of making payments to or receiving payments from the government in any given future state. Such models are now being built based on recent breakthroughs in numerical computation. They should soon provide a better basis for risk adjusting the tax and transfer payment flows in fiscal gap and generational accounting.16 These new models can also be used to produce a different measure of fiscal sustainability. Specifically, they can be simulated to show the average time left before the welfare of future generations falls below a critical level. Such intergenerational Monte Carlo studies can eventually replace fiscal gap and generational accounting as the means of studying the implications of maintaining policies that damage our posterity.
16. Jasmina Hasanhodzic and Laurence J. Kotlikoff, Generational RiskIs It a Big Deal? Simulating an 80-Period OLG Model with Aggregate Shocks (NBER Working Paper No. 19179, National Bureau of Economic Research, June 2013), 17. Keith Bradsher, Large Tax Burden Is Seen for Young, New York Times, February 9, 1994, http://
In the second year of President Clintons first term, the analysis was censored two days before the Presidents Budget was published, notwithstanding months of work on the analysis by myself, Auerbach, and Gokhale, as well as top staff at the Office of Management and Budget. Although official deficits declined while President Clinton was in office, the fiscal gap continued to grow, thanks in good part to a more than a 20 percent increase in Medicare and Medicaid spending as a share of GDP during Clintons eight years in office. This entailed permanent benefit hikes, not just for contemporaneous Medicare and Medicaid beneficiaries, but for all future beneficiaries, including the 78 million baby boomers now starting to retire. In the first term of President George W. Bushs administration, Treasury Secretary Paul ONeill decided to reintroduce fiscal gap accounting to the presidents budget. He chose current University of Pennsylvania economist Kent Smetters to head up a team that included Jagadeesh Gokhale to prepare this analysis. The team spent the better part of 2002 completing its task. But on December 7, 2002, Secretary ONeill was fired. Publishing the fiscal gap might have seriously undermined the chances for passage of Medicare Part D, with its undisclosed $15 trillion at present-value cost. Sure enough, two days after ONeills firing, the fiscal gap analysis was dropped. The lesson to be drawn here and from the 17 to 1 ratio of the fiscal gap to the official debt is that our politicians like to keep most of the debts they leave us and our children off the books. They will continue to do so until the public demands they disclose the truth. The Inform Act, which stands for The Intergenerational Financial Obligations Reform Act, is a bipartisan bill recently introduced in the Senate by senators Kaine (D-VA) and Thune (R-SD). Senators Coons (D-DE) and Portman (R-OH) have cosponsored the bill. In the House, the legislation was introduced by representatives Cooper (D-TN) and Schock (R-IL). This act, detailed at www.theinformact .org, would require the Congressional Budget Office, the Government Accountability Office, and the Office of Management and Budget to prepare annual fiscal gap and generational accounting analyses and also, upon a request by Congress, to do such analyses for major pending fiscal legislation. To date, 12 Nobel laureates, more than 700 additional economists, and thousands of other Americans have endorsed the bill, including many prominent business leaders and distinguished former government officials, most notably George Shultz, who served as OMB director, secretary of the Treasury, and secretary of state.18
18. See the full-page ad with endorsements that appeared on page 9 of the print version of the New York Times, October 22, 2013.
The United States has spent decades playing take as you go, in which each generation of elderly takes from the young while promising the young their turn when old to expropriate from their own children. I consider this a Ponzi scheme, or chain letter if youd prefer, that has been organized by Uncle Sam in such a way that each new generation of retirees can claim to be entitled to the off-the-books benefits that they have been promised. Economists, as a group, have been complicit in this deception. They knew or should have known that the standard fiscal indicator of the fiscal burden being left to our childrenthe official debtis a number in search of a concept, a linguistic construct totally devoid of economic content. But like the tailors in The Emperors New Clothes, they went along to get along, in this case with the measures that the politicians, media, and general public thought they understood and wanted to talk about. But things have changed. Today the economics profession is speaking with almost one voice, proclaiming that conventional fiscal accounting needs to be supplemented with, if not totally replaced by, fiscal gap and generational accounting. The over 700 economists who have endorsed the Inform Act at www.theinform include a veritable Whos Who of economists when it comes to academic achievement. All those who have endorsed the bill and all those who will do so in the coming months get the point that misleading, fallacious fiscal accounting, which is not worthy of even Enron or Bernie Madoff, must end. Fiscal gap and generational accounting are not perfect measures of fiscal sustainability, and their implementation remains challenging. But they do put everything on the books and provide at least a rough answer to the right question rather than a precise answer to the wrong question. They will permit us to adopt policies, such as those laid out at, that can close the fiscal gap in a generationally fair manner without pulling the rug out from under anyone.