Knowledge Management in ADB

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Knowledge Management in ADB


What is Knowledge Management (KM) Vision Why adopt KM in ADB Action plans Outcome

What Is Knowledge Management? fast emerging as a core strategy, that organizations worldwide [profit and non-profit] are adopting to manage and leverage the organizational knowledge [systems-staff] for sustainable growth ..Purpose of KM is to gather, categorize, store and spread all knowledge that is needed to make the organization both grow and prosper It is not as much a technology change as it is a cultural change, but technology is a primary enabler of KM practices

Why KM

(better) Informed people Faster execution of work (quality, re-use) Build capacity (institutional memory) Good Practices (lessons learned) Outreach (inform clients, demand)

Why ADB should adopt KM

ADB must become a learning institution maximizing the use of its vast knowledge and drawing upon resources, skills, and expertise both inside and outside the organization --Long Term Strategic Framework, ADB Knowledge has perhaps become the most important factor determining the standard of living. --World Development Report, 1998

Outcome of KM

Better knowledge transfer in the execution of projects (faster up to speed, quality) Unleashes new ideas and creativity Supports business drive to become a learning organization-accelerates learning and avoids reinventing the wheel CoPs better placed to identify and implement change Knowledge harvesting

ADBs Knowledge

Staff experiences Economic products (such as country economic reports) Sectoral products (such as sector and policy analyses) Thematic products (such as Public Sector Development)


Presidents speech 2005 "ADB must also assume an even more proactive role as catalyst, as well as coordinator, for regional cooperation and integration -- a special and unique mission of a regional development bank. In coming years, ADB should also work toward advancing regional economic integration as a knowledge leader." "ADBs role as a knowledge leader for regional economic integration also needs to be expanded. The research function of ADB can be further strengthened through greater synergy between related departments and offices, and with academic research institutions throughout the region."

Feedback staff and DMCs

Consultation ADB Staff 2003 Feedback from DMCs

Disseminate and share knowledge with DMCs Support transition to Learning organization Improve knowledge on thematic and Sector activities Enhance institutional capacity versus individual capacity If ADB would know what it knows..

Enablers and Barriers include



The quality of our people Public Communications Policy External drivers-client demands to get better The pool of untapped knowledge Intranet and e-mail Library KM framework Competency framework

Lack of tactical implementation of KMf Time/availability ISTS II running late Management do not walk the talk KM not seen as part of core business activity Not part of individual performance targets

Enablers of knowledge management

organisational enablers

which develop and sustain an environment where individual and organisational learning and intelligence flourishes which develop and maintain processes for the more effective creation, dissemination and exploitation of knowledge which provide tools and techniques to capture, create, structure, communicate and effectively exploit knowledge

process enablers

30% Processes Enablers

20% Technology Enablers

technology enablers

50% Organisational Enablers

KM Action programs
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KMf Action 1: Organizational Culture

Communications and training Empowerment of users Encouraging knowledge contributions KM in Work plans

KMf Action 2: Knowledge Products & Services

Departmental and divisional work plans ADB wide KPS program (incl. ADBI) Publications After Action Reviews

KMf Action 3: Business process and IT

Knowledge capture in work processes Skills and Experience database Knowledge Summaries/ abstracts Search and Retrieval Enterprise Portal Personal Homepage Statistical databases Geographical information systems

KMf Action 4: Communities of Practice

Collaboration environment External Networks/ research organizations Sector/Thematic reports/ strategic thinking Teamwork

KM Help Desk (new)

What is KM Help Desk?

Provides an information fact finding, rudimentary research service on a fast response time basis to operational and nonoperational teams Supplements the reference and research capabilities of the Librarys services with analysis provided by thematic or sector specialists or external consultants

KMf Action 5: Outreach

Research papers Improved communication to DMCs Bridging DMCs Connections to academia/ external networks Knowledge Hubs (new)

Related strategies

HR Strategy

Rewards and Incentives change management Content Management, search, smart templates, Intranet harmonization, change management Identified sponsor knowledge sharing and disseminating KM harmonization with other development organizations


Public Communications Policy

Results Based Management

KM Outcome
ADBs research (KPS) program Culture/ HRM ICT and Business processes

Dissemination and applying

Communities of Practices

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