Assessment Findings For Segmental Femural Fracture
Assessment Findings For Segmental Femural Fracture
Assessment Findings For Segmental Femural Fracture
A case of Patient R.D., Female, 43 y.o., Married, from Catmon, Cebu, was admitted to Vicente Sotto Memorial Medical Center last o!ember ", #$%3, due to com&lains of se!ere &ain s&ecifically, on t'e left arm and bot' t'e lower e(tremities. Patient was dia)nosed wit' 'a!in) *Fracture +Closed, se)mental, on t'e -eft Femur. and 'as under)one a&&lication of s/eletal traction and cast in t'e left arm in VSMMC0s 1mer)ency Room last o!ember ", #$%3.
Erik Ericsons Psychosocial S a!"# Pt. R.D. w'o is now 43 years old, is under t'e Generativity vs. Stagnation of 1ri/ 1ric/son0s Psyc'osocial Sta)e. Adults need to create or nurture things that will outlast them, often by having
children or creating a positive change that benefits other people. Success leads to feelings of usefulness and accomplishment, while failure results in shallow involvement in the world. 'ose w'o are successful
durin) t'is &'ase will feel t'at t'ey are contributin) to t'e world by bein) acti!e in t'eir 'ome and community. ='ose w'o fail to attain t'is s/ill will feel un&roducti!e and unin!ol!ed in t'e world. <ein) &roud of your accom&lis'ments, watc'in) your c'ildren )row into adults,
and de!elo&in) a sense of unity wit' your life &artner are im&ortant accom&lis'ments of t'is sta)e.
Si!$%n& Fr"%&s Psychos"'%al S a!"# Genital Durin) t'e final sta)e of &syc'ose(ual de!elo&ment, t'e indi!idual de!elo&s a stron) se(ual interest in t'e o&&osite se(. ='is sta)e be)ins durin) &uberty but last t'rou)'out t'e rest of a &erson>s life.
EYES. Patient does not 'a!e any redness or swellin) in t'e eyes. o e(cessi!ewaterin) or tearin) of t'e eye. Minimal disc'ar)es noted, )reenis' w'ite in color. ='e u&&er lid mar)in is between t'e u&&er mar)in of t'e iris and t'e u&&er mar)in of t'e &u&il. ='e u&&er and lower lids close easily and meet com&letely w'en closed. 1yelas'es are e!enly distributed alon) t'e lid mar)ins. S/in on bot' eyelids is wit'out redness, swellin) or lesions. ='e eyeballs are symmetrically ali)ned in t'e soc/ets wit'out &rotrudin) or sin/in). ='e iris is round, flat and e!enly colored +dar/ brown,. ='e &u&il is centered in t'e iris and are e?ual in si4e. EARS. ='e auricle ali)ns wit' t'e corner of eac' eye. 1arlobes are free. ='e s/in is smoot' wit' no lesions, lum&s are lesions@ sli)'tly oily. Color is consistent wit' facial color. ='e auricles are not tender u&on &al&ation. NOSE.Patient0s nose is consistent wit' facial color@ nasal structure is smoot' and symmetrical@ no &ain and tenderness noted on &al&ation@ wit' no disc'ar)es noted. LIPS. ='e &atient0s li&s are dry@ 'as a com&lete set of teet'. TONGUE. =on)ue is &in/, moist and moderate in si4e. Patient does not smo/e nor drin/ alco'ol.Patient brus'es 'is teet' 3( a day, usually after e!ery meal. GAIT. Client cannot stand on 'eels or toe. Patient 'as been on bed since s'e was admitted. TEMPOROMANDIBULAR JOINT. Aaw mo!ed laterally. Sna&&in) and clic/in) is felt and 'eard. Mout' o&ened and closed smoot'ly. Aaw 'a full RBM wit' no &ain. STERNOCLAVIC(LAR JOINT. ='ere is no !isible bony o!er)rowt', no swellin) or redness@ Coint is nontender. CERVICAL, THORACIC, and LUMBAR SPINE. Cer!ical and lumbar s&ines are conca!e@ t'oracic s&ine is con!e( +w'en obser!ed from be'ind,. ='ere is &ain in t'e lower bac/ of t'e &atient. SHOULDERS, ARMS, and ELBOWS. S'oulders are symmetrically round, no redness, swellin) or deformity noted. Muscles are fully de!elo&ed. Cla!icles and sca&ulae are e!en and symmetric. Pain is &resent in t'e left arm. Painful and limited abduction accom&anied by muscle wea/ness and atro&'y is noted on t'e left arm. WRISTS. Drists are symmetric@ redness and sli)'t swellin) and limited RBM on t'e left wrist noted, increased &ain wit' e(tension of t'e wrist a)ainst resistance noted. HANDS and FINGERS. 2ands and fin)ers are symmetric@ tenderness and sli)'t swellin) noted on left 'and. ='e client 'as full RBM a)ainst resistance e(ce&t on left &art. HIPS. Patient is unable to stand. =enderness and decreased RBM noted.
KNEES. Ri)'t /nee 'as no swellin) or deformities noted@ nontender and muscles are firm, no &ain or clic/in) sound noted. -eft /nee is wit' cast. AN)LES an& FEET* =oes on bot' feet &ointed u&ward and lie flat. =oes and feet are in ali)nment wit' t'e lower le). S/in is smoot', lesions on ri)'t foot noted.