Baking Soda and Maple Syrup
Baking Soda and Maple Syrup
Baking Soda and Maple Syrup
chapter on emergency room medicine and cancer treatment.: 4 &ll cancer sufferers and in fact e ery chronic disease patient should hold clearly in mind that p+ is the regulatory authority that controls most cellular processes. The p+ balance of the human bloodstream is recogni,ed by medical physiology texts as one of the most important biochemical balances in all of human body chemistry. p+ is the acronym for (7otential +ydrogen". #n definition! it is the degree of concentration of hydrogen ions in a substance or solution. #t is measured on a logarithmic scale from ; to <=. +igher numbers mean a substance is more alkaline in nature and there is a greater potential for absorbing more hydrogen ions. 6ower numbers indicate more acidity with less potential for absorbing hydrogen ions. 0ur body p+ is ery important because p+ controls the speed of our body"s biochemical reactions. #t does this by controlling the speed of en,yme acti ity as well as the speed that electricity mo es through our body> the higher 4more alkaline5 the p+ of a substance or solution! the more electrical resistance that substance or solution holds. Therefore! electricity tra els slower with higher p+. #f we say something has an acid p+! we are saying it is hot and fast. &lkaline p+ on the other hand! bio3chemically speaking! is slow and cool. Body ph le el changes are intense in the profundity of their biological effects. * en genes directly experience external p+. p+ differentially regulates a large number of proteins. #ncreased oxidati e stress! which correlates almost exponentially with ph changes into the acidic! is especially dangerous to the mitochondria! which suffer the greatest under oxidati e duress. *pigenetics! which may now ha e begun eclipsing traditional genetics! commonly describes how factors such as diet and smoking! rather than inheritance influence how genes beha e. The following chapter comes after <;; pages of text in the ?east and @ungi #n aders section of the :9inning the 9ar on Cancer book: 4 . 7lease note that sodium bicarbonate taken in water alone will ha e a powerful effect on entire body physiology because of the instant shift into alkaline p+ le els. Bicarbonate can be taken fre2uently throughout the day with half teaspoons amounts though for long term use lower doses are safer. @or cancer patients initial use should be hea y and fre2uent to force a greater shift because smaller p+ shifts can actually stimulate cancer growth. Common sense knowledge speaks loudly about cancer and Candida patients a oiding glucose. This is similar to the common sense of pilots who know to pull back on the stick to pull out of a di e. That works until you approach the speed of sound and at that point all the pulling in the world will not work. ?ou ha e to push the stick forward and do what instincts scream not to do. Se eral died trying until Chuck ?eager pushed that stick forward and became the first man to break the speed of sound.
Bicarbonate Maple Cancer Treatment #nternational Medical 'eritas &ssociation The bicarbonate maple syrup cancer treatment focuses on deli ering natural chemotherapy in a way that effecti ely kills cancer cells but significantly reduces the brutal side effects experienced with most standard chemotherapy treatments. #n fact so great is the reduction that the dangers are brought down to ,ero. Costs! which are a factor for the maAority of people! of this particular treatment are nil. Though this cancer treatment is ery inexpensi e! do not assume it is not effecti e. The bicarbonate maple syrup cancer treatment is a ery significant cancer treatment e ery cancer patient should be familiar with and it can easily be combined with other safe and effecti e natural treatments. This cancer treatment is similar in principle to #nsulin 7otentiation Therapy 4#7T5. #7T treatment consists of gi ing doses of insulin to a fasting patient sufficient to lower blood sugar into the B; mg/dl. #n a normal person! when you take in sugar the insulin le els go up to meet the need of getting that sugar into the cells. #n #7T they are artificially inAecting insulin to deplete the blood of all sugar then inAecting the lower doses of toxic chemo drugs when the blood sugar is dri en down to the lowest possible alue. %uringthe low peak! it is said that the receptors are more sensiti e and take on medications more rapidly and in higher amounts. The bicarbonate maple syrup treatment works in re erse to #7T. %r. Tullio Simoncini acknowledges that cancer cells gobbles up sugar so when you encourage the intake of sugar it"s like sending in a TroAan horse. The sugar is notgoing to end up encouraging the further growth of the cancer colonies because the baking soda is going to kill the cells before they ha e a chance to grow. #nstead of artificially manipulating insulin and thus forcefully dri ing down blood sugar le els to then inAect toxic chemo agents we combine the sugar with the bicarbonate and present it to the cancer cells! which at first are going to lo e the present. But not for longC DThis treatment is a combination of pure! <;;E maple syrup and baking soda and was first reported on the Cancer Tutor site. 9hen mixed and heated together! the maple syrup and baking soda bind together. The maple syrup targets cancer cells 4which consume <B times more glucose than normal cells5 and the baking soda! which is dragged into the cancer cell by the maple syrup! being ery alkaline forces a rapid shift in p+ killing the cell. The actual formula is to mix one part baking soda with three parts 4pure! <;;E5 maple syrup in a small saucepan. Stir briskly and heat the mixture for B minutes. Take < teaspoon daily! is what is suggested by Cancer Tutor but one could probably do this se eral times a dayD. FThere is not a tumor on God"s green earth that cannot be licked with a little baking soda and maple syrup.) That is the astonishing claim of contro ersial folk healer Him Ielmun who says that this simple home remedy can stop and re erse the deadly growth of cancers. +is loyal patients swear by the man they fondly call %r. Him and say he is a miracle worker. F%r. Him cured me of lung cancer!) said farmer #an $oadhouse. FThose other doctors told me that # was a goner and had less then six months to li e. But the doc
put me on his mixture and in a couple of months the cancer was gone. #t did not e en show up on the x3rays.) %r. Him disco ered this treatment accidentally somewhere in the middle of the last century when he was treating a family plagued by breast cancer. There were fi e sisters in the family and four of them had died of breast cancer. +e asked the remaining sister if there was anything different in her diet and she told him that she was partial to sipping maple syrup and baking soda. Since then! reported by a newspaper in &sh ille! Jorth Carolina! %r. Him dispensed this remedy to o er 1;; people diagnosed with terminal cancer and ama,ingly he claims of that number <KB li ed at least <B more years and nearly half enAoyed a complete remission of their disease. 9hen combined with other safe and effecti e treatments like transdermal magnesium therapy! iodine! itamin C! probiotics and other items like plenty of good sun exposure! pure water and clay treatments we should expect e en higher remission rates. #t is ery important not to use baking soda which has had aluminum added to it. The Cancer Tutor site reports that &rm and +ammer does ha e aluminum but the company insists that is not true. 0ne can buy a product which specifically states it does not include aluminum or other chemicals. 4e.g. Bob"s $ed Mill! &luminum3@ree! Baking Soda5. Sodium bicarbonate is safe! extremely inexpensi e and unstoppably effecti e when it comes to cancer tissues. #t"s an irresistible chemical! cyanide to cancer cells for it hits the cancer cells with a shock wa e of alkalinity! which allows much more oxygen into the cancer cells than they can tolerate. Cancer cells cannot sur i e in the presence of high le els of oxygen. Studies ha e already shown how manipulation of tumor p+ with sodium bicarbonate enhances some forms of chemotherapy.-iii. FThe therapeutic treatment of bicarbonate salts can be administered orally! through aerosol! intra enously and through catheter for direct targeting of tumors!) says oncologist %r. Tullio Simoncini. FSodium bicarbonate administered orally! ia aerosol or intra enously can achie e positi e results only in some tumors! while others such as the serious ones of the brain or the bones L remain unaffected by the treatment.) The maple syrup apparently enables and increases penetration of bicarbonate into all compartments of body! e en those which are difficult or impossible to penetrate by other means. These compartments include the central ner ous system 4CJS5! through the blood3brain barrier! Aoints! solid tumors! and perhaps e en the eyes. #7T makes cell membranes more permeable! and increases uptake of drugs into cells. The maple syrup will make tissues more permeable! too. #t will transport the bicarbonate across the blood3brain barrier and e ery other barrier in the body for sugar is uni ersally needed by all cells in the body. The essence of #7T is that it allows cancer drugs to be gi en in a smaller dose! far less toxic to normal cells! while building up lethally toxic concentrations in cancer cells. Both #7T and bicarbonate maple syrup treatments use the rabid growth mechanisms of the cancer cell against them. %r. Him did not ha e contact with %r. Simoncini and did not know that he is the only oncologist in the world who would sustain the combining of sugar with bicarbonate. %r. Simoncini always directs his patients to dramatically increase sugar intake with his treatments but has ne er thought to mix the
two directly by cooking them together. Because his treatments depend on inter entionist radiologists who insert catheters to direct the bicarbonate as close to the affected area as possible! or physicians willing to do expensi e intra enous treatments! # pushed bicarbonate up into the number six slot in the #M'& cancer protocol. 9ith the disco ery of %r. Him"s work bicarbonate comes back into our number three spot right behind magnesium chloride and iodine. That numbe three slot for a brief time was held by hemp oil containing T+C. The great ad antage that maple syrup and bicarbonate treatment has o er this type hemp oil is that it is legal thus easily obtainable. The two together! backed by a solid protocol of other nutritional substances makes winning the war on cancer almost a certainty. 9hen using these substances it is safer to change one"s ocabulary and not say one is treating and curing cancer. @ar better to conceptuali,e that one is treating the infectious aspect of cancer! the fungus and yeast colonies and the yeast like bacteria that are the cause of TB. %r. Simoncini says that! F#n some cases! the aggressi e power of fungi is so great as to allow it! with only a cellular ring made up of three units to tighten in its grip! capture and kill its prey in a short time notwithstanding the prey"s desperate struggling. @ungus! which is the most powerful and the most organi,ed micro3organism known! seems to be an extremely logical candidate as a cause of neoplastic proliferation.) p+ of the blood is the most important factor to determine the state of the microorganisms in the blood. FSodium bicarbonate therapy is harmless! fast and effecti e because it is extremely diffusible. & therapy with bicarbonate for cancer should be set up with strong dosage! continuously! and with pauseless cycles in a destruction work which should proceed from the beginning to the end without interruption for at least M3K days. #n general a mass of 1383= centimeters will begin to consistently regress from the third to the fourth day! and collapses from the fourth to the fifth!) says %r Simoncini. There are many ways to use sodium bicarbonate and it is a uni ersal drug like iodine and magnesium chloride. $aising p+ increases the immune system"s ability to kill bacteria! concludes a study conducted at The $oyal @ree +ospital and School of Medicine in 6ondon. 'iruses and bacteria that cause bronchitis and colds thri e in an acidic en ironment. To fight a respiratory infection and dampen symptoms such as a runny nose and sore throat! taking an alkali,ing mixture of sodium bicarbonate and potassium bicarbonate will certainly help. The apple cider inegar </= teaspoon and </= teaspoon baking soda taken 1 times or more a day is another treatment as is lemon and baking soda! or lime and baking soda formulas. 7erhaps honey could be substituted for maple syrup for those who li e in parts of the world where maple syrup is not a ailable but to my knowledge no one has experimented with this.