CO2 Utilization

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Researchers are developing new technologies for using CO2 as a feedstock to make a variety of chemicals
FIGURE 1. This miniplant in Leverkusen, Germany is being used to develop CO2-containing polymers for making polyurethane foam used in cars and furniture

n May 9, atmospheric carbon dioxide levels surpassed 400 ppm in Mauna Loa, Hawaii for the first time since measurements began there in 1958. This concentration is well above the 280 ppm levels occurring prior to the Industrial Revolution of the 19th century, according to the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California (San Diego, Calif.; Todays rate of increase of CO2 into the atmosphere is more than 100 times faster than the increase that occurred when the last ice age ended, says Scripps. Efforts to stem the flow of this greenhouse gas (GHG) into the atmosphere are becoming a priority in some countries, which are investing considerable funding for R&D projects in carbon capture and storage (CCS; see, for example Chem. Eng., May 2008, pp. 2836). Targeting the main culprits combustion of fossil fuels for power generation or cement production CCS projects over the last 20 years have primarily focused on capturing CO2 from fluegas, and then injecting the pressurized CO2 underground or into wells for enhanced oil recovery (EOR). More recently, another branch of R&D has begun to blossom carbon capture and utilization (CCU) whereby the CO2 captured from fluegas is used as a feedstock to make chemicals, such as polymers, methanol and even the key chemical building block, CO. Chemists and chemical engineers around the world are trying to exploit a variety of technologies from their toolboxes, such as developing new polymerization catalysts, electrochemical and photochemical processes, biotechnological methods and others, in order to not only make use of the CO2, but also to reduce the amount of

petroleum-derived feedstock needed to produce products. In Germany, for example, the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF; Bonn; has recently earmarked 100 million for Technologies for Sustainability and Climate Protection Chemical Processes and Use of CO2, with the objectives of lowering dependency on crude oil and natural gas, using CO2 as a raw material, doubling energy productivity by 2020, and reducing CO2 emissions by up to 40% by 2020. Among the 33 funded projects for the 20092015 timeframe are 11 for CO2 utilization and seven for making chemicals. The U.S. Dept. of Energy (DOE; Washington, D.C.;, too, has recently added CCU to its pallet of technologies receiving funding through its National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL; Pittsburgh, Pa.; www.,. The DOE is also funding startup companies struggling to commercialize CCU technologies. Some of these projects are described below.*

In February, the worlds first largescale production of polypropylene carbonate (PPC) polyol using waste CO2 as a raw material commenced. Partially funded by a three-year, $25-million grant from the DOEs Office of Fossil Energy, the PPC run was conducted by Novomer Inc. (Waltham, Mass.; in collaboration with Albemarle Corp. (Orangeburg, S.C.;, and tested Novomers catalyst technology. The batch run produced seven tons of finished polymer a PPC diol with a molecular weight of 1,000 g/
* A longer version of this article, as well as a table of more R&D projects, can be found online at

Polymers with CO2 built-in

mol that is being used to accelerate product qualification and adoption in a wide range of polyurethane applications, says Novomers executive vice president, Peter Shepard. The PPC is made by the catalytic copolymerization of CO2 and propylene oxide. Containing up to 40 wt.% CO2, the PPC can be tailored to a range of material characteristics, from solid plastics to soft, flexible foams, depending on the length of the polymer chains. Novomers homogeneous, cobaltbased catalyst is 300 times more active than previous systems developed to synthesize aliphatic polycarbonates. This enables the process to operate at much milder temperatures of 3550C, says Shepard. Novomers process takes place in the liquid phase at 150300 psi, with the monomer acting as a solvent. Novomer is talking to other toll manufacturers for larger-scale production runs, and is positioning its polymer technology to compete with conventional petroleum-based materials for applications such as flexible, rigid and microcellular packaging foams, thermoplastics, polyurethane adhesives and sealants, and coating resins for food-and-beverage cans. CO2-derived polyols are also being developed at Bayer MaterialScience AG (BMS; Leverkusen, Germany; www., as part of the three-year Dream Production project, launched in 2010 with funding from the BMBF, and with partners RWE AG (Essen;, RWTH Aachen University ( and the CAT Catalytic Center (a research facility jointly run by the university and Bayer). A new zinc-based catalyst was developed as part of a forerunner project, Dream Reactions, to enable the efficient reaction of CO2.



Since the beginning of 2011, the company has been running its Dream Production Miniplant (Figure 1), which is now operating continuously and producing sample amounts (kilograms) for internal testing of the new material, says project leader Christoph Grtler. The miniplant uses CO2 that has been captured from the fluegas of a lignite-fired power plant operated by RWE in nearby Cologne. BMS is now testing the polymers for potential applications. By mixing the CO2-based polyether polycarbonate polyol with isocyanates, the company is producing samples of polyurethane foam for testing. Initial results show that the material containing CO2 match those made the conventional way. If the new process continues to produce good results, Bayer intends to start industrial production of polyols with CO2 from 2015. Meanwhile, a lifecycle analysis (LCA) has been performed by RWTH

Aachen University, and the results were reported last month at the International Conference on CO2 Utilization (June 2327; Alexandria, Va). The LCA analysis shows that the new materials do have a better carbon footprint than those made by conventional methods. This is mainly due to the savings of fossil materials and replacing them by CO2, says Grtler. Another dream reaction is the direct synthesis of acrylate from CO2 and alkenes, says Michael Limbach, a chemist working at the Synthesis and Homogeneous Catalyst Dept. of BASF SE (Ludwigshafen; www.basf. com) and the Catalyst Research Laboratory of the University of Heidelberg (CaRLa; both Germany; www. Metal-catalyzed oxidative coupling of CO2 with alkenes or alkynes is one of the most attractive routes to acrylates, but finding a suitable catalyst has eluded researchers for over 30 years, he says.

Until now. Last year, Limbach and his colleagues from BASF, CaRLa, and hte AG (Heidelberg; reported the first synthesis of sodium acrylate from CO2, ethylene and a base. The group developed a homogeneous organometallic catalyst based on nickel as part of the three-year, 2.2-million ACER project funded by BMBF, with BASF and hte adding an additional 1.7-million for the next few years. Sodium acrylate is a key ingredient for high-performance polymers, such as superabsorbent polymers used in diapers. The project aims to further develop the direct route to acrylates as an economical alternative to current production methods, which use fossil-fuel-derived propylene or propane in a two-step oxidation process, says Limbach. He estimates the current global-market volume for acrylic acid at approximately 4 million ton/yr. Although CO2 is a cheap source of carbon, a great deal of expensive

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energy is needed for thermodynamic reasons, to make it usable. Production processes would therefore only truly consume CO2 if this energy were generated CO2-neutrally, he says.

Fermentation methods
A demonstration plant for the production of acetic acid from the CO2 in industrial offgases will be built at an operating plant of Petronas (Kuala Lumpur;, Malaysias national oil company, under an agreement with LanzaTech (Roselle, Ill.;, developer of the process. Scheduled for startup in late 2013, the plant will be similar in size to a demonstration unit for a LanzaTech process that produces ethanol and 2,3 butanediol (2,3-BD) from the CO in offgases, says Mike Schultz, the companys vice-president of engineering. That plant started up last April at a Bao Steel (Shanghai) steel mill and produces 100,000 gal/yr (300 ton/yr) of ethanol (see Chem. Eng., December 2010, p. 12). The CO2 process is similar to the CO technology in that it uses fermentation media containing naturally occurring bacteria that have been optimized to obtain a product (acetic acid in the case of CO2). Raw offgases are sparged into the solution, and the CO2 reacts with H2 at 3540C to yield acetic acid, plus water. The rest of the components in the gases are inert and pass through the reactor. Schultz says that, unlike CO, CO2 is readily soluble in water, which makes the CO2 process more effective. LanzaTech plans to recover the acid from the solution by counter-current solvent extraction (the CO process uses distillation to obtain ethanol). He notes that CO2 is present in the offgases from many industrial processes and can account for as much as 5060% of raw natural gas. H2 for the process can be provided from various low-value sources, such as coke oven gas, hydrogen plant offgas, and refinery fuel gas. Meanwhile, biotechnology is also being tapped as a method for making acetone, a widely used solvent that is also a key ingredient for making methyl methacrylate, isophorone and bisphenol A. Today, acetone is produced from fossil-based resources,

reacting propylene and benzene into acetone and phenol. The goal of the BMBF-funded COOPAF project (CO2-based acetone fermentation) is Catholyte Ion Anolyte to develop a laboratory+ exchange CO2 scale, gas-fermentation Cathode membrane Anode process in which bactecatalyst catalyst ria produce acetone diAnode reactions rectly from CO2 and H2. Cathode reactions 4OH- 2H2O + O2 + 4eCO2(aq) + H+ + 2e- HCOO- (aq) Natural acetogenic bac- 2H+ + 2e- H2(g) teria strains normally CO2(aq) + 2H+ + 2e- CO(g) + H2O Source: DNV metabolize CO2 and H2 FIGURE 2. Electrochemistry is one way to into ethanol and acetate. reduce CO into chemicals. The process shown 2 In cooperation with uni- here makes formate or formic acid, depending on the pH versities of Ulm and Rostock, metabolic engineered aceto- duce the total cell voltage by almost 1 genic bacteria strains that are able to V compared to other electrochemical produce acetone using CO2 are being routes. The electrochemical cell reacdeveloped. In contrast to other R&D tor has also been designed to reduce efforts, this project uses only CO2 as the resistive losses by another 2 V. the carbon source, says Jrg-Joachim As a result, the total cell voltage is Nitz, group leader, reactor technol- decreased by about 60%, says Rode. ogy, at Evonik Industries AGs (Essen, The lifetime of the cathode catalyst Germany: Coatings has also been increased by at least 20 and Additives BL Crosslinkers times over literature values, he says. The ECFORM process has been business unit in Marl, Germany. Already the group has confirmed tested in a semi-pilot-sized reactor that it is able to produce acetone from with a superficial area of 600 cm2, CO2 and H2. which is capable of reducing about 1 One advantage of this biotechnologi- kg/d of CO2. This unit was assembled cal gas-fermentation approach is that into a solar-powered trailer to demonpurified gases are not required as raw strate the operation using completely materials. We can use CO2- and H2- renewable power. The reactor was modrich waste gas streams, says Nitz, such eled using gPROMS, a model-based as synthesis gas (syngas) from biomass, flowsheet simulator from Process Systems Enterprises (PSE; London, U.K.; and offgases from steel processing. The model developed by DNV is also being used for Electrochemistry Over the last four years, Det Norske scaleup assessment, says Rode. The Veritas (DNV; Oslo, Norway; www.dnv. next step will be a demonstration unit com) has been developing its electro- for converting 1-ton/d of CO2, which chemical process (ECFORM; Electro- Rode estimates will emerge in the chemical Reduction of CO2 to Formate) next couple of years. Once developed for making formic acid from CO2. In at that scale, the process will be easy the process (Figure 2), dissolved CO2 is to move to commercial production electrochemically reduced at the cath- scale by simply increasing the number ode into formate ions (along with small of cells, he says. Meanwhile, Dioxide Materials amounts of H2 and CO) by a two-step, catalytic reaction, explains Edward (Champaign, Ill.; www.dioxidemateRode, principle researcher at DNVs is working on two aspects Research and Innovation Group in Co- of CO2 electrochemical conversion to lumbus, Ohio. At the anode, hydroxide fuels and chemicals: lowering the enions are oxidized into O2. ergy requirement for the primary conDNV has developed a highly selec- version of CO2 into CO or HCOOH and tive cathode catalyst, based on tin or O2; and expanding the market for the tin alloys, and a mixed-metal-oxides subsequent products to large-volume anode catalyst, which combine to re- chemicals. One of the main thrusts

Catholyte + Formate/formic acid (aqueous product) + H2 + CO (gas by-products) + CO2 (unreacted)

Positive ions

Anolyte + O2 (gas)



or the latest on CO2 utilization, readers may consider attending the 2nd Conference on CO2 as Feedstock for Chemistry and Polymers, which takes place October 79 at the Haus der Technik, in Essen, Germany. Organized by nova-institut GmbH (Hrth, Germany;, the event is expected to draw more than 300 participants from leading industrial and academic players in CO2 utilization.

is the use of bifunctional catalysts to lower the voltage needed to convert CO2 to CO or HCOOH. Bifunctional catalysts are quite well known in industry, but they usually involve two different metals or a metal and a metal oxide. Dioxide Materials advance was to develop novel bifunctional catalysts that combined a metal and an organic species (ionic liquids) to lower the overpotential for the reaction (that is, reducing the energy barrier for the formation of the CO2 intermediate). Dioxide Materials technology creates a new reaction pathway for the reaction, that does not require the highenergy intermediate so the wasted energy is much less. Research (published in Science) showed that CO2 can be converted to CO and O2 at 80% energy efficiency and 98% selectivity. The initial work was done in a 1-cm2

cell, but Dioxide Materials recently won a $5 million DOE Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA-E) award and is collaborating on the project with 3M (St. Paul, Minn.;, a sub-recipient of the ARPA-E award, and is currently evaluating the technology. Since the ARPA-E funded work started in February 2013, the team has already increased the CO output of the cell by three orders of magnitude (from microliters per minute to milliliters per minute). The final goal of the ARPA-E project is to increase the output to liters per minute, in a design that is scalable to the industrial (thousands of tons per day) scale. Meanwhile, the BMBF-funded Sunfire project was started in May 2012 with the aim to produce Fischer-Tropsch (F-T) liquids from CO2 and H2O using renewable energy. The three-year

project is lead by Sunfire GmbH (Dresden, Germany;, with seven partners from German research institutes and companies. The idea is to produce syngas by the reverse watergas shift (RWGS) reaction (CO2 + H2 > H2O + CO) using H2 generated by high-temperature steam electrolysis. The syngas is then converted to liquids (gasoline, diesel, kerosene, methanol) and methane via F-T synthesis. What makes the project unique is the use of a 10-MW prototype, solid-oxide fuel cell (SOFC) electrolyzer operating under pressure. Using electricity generated from renewable sources (solar or wind power), and by utilizing steam generated from the downstream RWGS and F-T reactions, the HT electrolyzer has an efficiency of over 90%, according to Sunfire. An integrated 159-L/d test facility will be constructed and used for validating the process under realistic operating conditions. Gerald Ondrey

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