Rudraksh A
Rudraksh A
Rudraksh A
Q: What are Rudraksha Beads ? Where are they available? A: Rudraksha beads, botanically known as Elaeocarpus Ganitrus Roxb are the seeds of the
Rudraksha fruit from Rudraksha trees, Rudraksha trees are found mainly in South Eastern sian !slands of "ava, Sumatra, Borneo, Bali, !riyan "aya, #imor of what is $nown as modern day !ndonesia and parts of South sian $in%dom of &epal, round '() of the Rudraksha trees are found in !ndonesia, *+)from &epal and +) in !ndia #here are called on the surface of the beads and they are called ,ukhisQ: What is special about Rudraksha beads ? re Rudraksha Beads used only for ,editation ? !s it meant only for people of certain back%round ? A: sians have used Rudraksha beads traditionally- sian .o%is and ,onks found that merely wearin% the Rudraksha beads %ave them astonishin%ly tremendous amount of tran/uility, concentration that helped them meditate for a lon% period of time with spectacular control over their mindBy wearin% these beads one %ets tran/uility, peace of mind, focus and concentration #his kind of state of mind is e/ually ideal for meditation as well as for any other mind related activity by modern day professionals 0oncentration and focus are the most important re/uirement for success in any field, part from + 1aceted Rudraksha Beads there are available from 2 1acet to 34 1acet Beads, 1rom 2+ 1acet to *2 1acet it is available thou%h not commonly- 1rom ** to 34 1acets it is rare 5ther Beads apart from + 1acets are more powerful and have certain specific use- #hese different faceted beads selectively alter personality and mindset in a positive way- Rudraksha is meant for entire humanityy Rudraksha can re6uvenate our ,ind, Body and Soul, make us perform to our full potential and enhance our overall /uality of life #he anti a%in% property of Rudraksha is well experienced- Rudraksha, the Electro ,a%netic Beads, are the Beads with a utility5n seein% such powers of Rudraksha beads many considered it to have some Supernaltural 7owers- 8ivine and Godsend #here have been countless menion of these beads and it9s 7owers !n various ancient !ndian and Buddhist scripturesQ: 0an one wear the combination of 8ifferent ,ukhis ?:ow do we decide which combination of beads to wear ? A: .es one can wear the combination of all the beads- #he individual 7owers of the beads can be felt simultaneously one can also wear a pendant of any specific facet of beads- Either more number of a particular facet of beads or a mix of different facet of beads can be worn.ou can choose beads accordin% to the properties of the different beads- .ou may choose to wear one bead of different facets or multiple beads as wearin% multiple beads enhances the 7ower of that mukhi -.ou could add to this, the rudraksha of specific planets for pacifyin% those planets in your horoscope that are %ivin% ne%ative influences- Rudraksha #herapy is more effective than %em therapy as rudraksha also pacify the ne%ative influence of planets and also %ive peace and comfort to the wearerQ: 0an all wear Rudraksha ?:ow lon% it takes to feel some effect ? A: .es Everyone irrespective of Sex, %e, 0ultural, Ethnic, Geo%raphical and Reli%ious back%round can wear itSome chan%es are observed immediately other chan%es take time our ancient books talk of a ;(< day period for results to manifest- Wearin% Rudraksha brin%s auspiciousness in your life and it will work continuously for you %ivin% benefitsQ: :ow to test the %enuinely of the beads ?:ow do we choose a %ood Rudraksha ? A: #ests like floatin% and sinkin% of beads to test ori%inality are not correct tests as even an unripe or dry but %enuine rudraksha may float- nd a non<%enuine bead may sink- 0opper coin tests etc do not %ive conclusive results, as nowadays fake rudraksha are made by tamperin% ori%inal rudraksha beads So the client needs to be aware about the ways !n which a rudraksha is faked and use simple procedures like observin% ttle mukh lines by ma%nifyin% %lass, soakin% in warm water to observe tampered mukh lines if any etc Best way is to procure from reliable source,any %et confused with the shape and si=e- 5ne should not seriously Worry about it- "ust see that the ,ukhi is well defined and that there re no cracks near the central hole and bead is healthy and not eaten By insects etc-
Q: 0an ladies wear ?!s it that only :indus can wear ?What is the life of Rudraksha beads ? A: .es, ladies can, barrin% those ;<+ days when nature is at work&o- ll can wear Sun, ,oon, Stars, Rivers and 7lants have &o Reli%ion>ife of rudraksha could be any number of years- !f well protected, can be passed on from %eneration to %enerationQ: !n what other way can Rudraksha control blood pressure ?8oes Rudraksha help Sudden &ervousness ? A: #ake a %lass of water- 8ip two pieces of five ,ukhis in it, preferably after sunset- 8rink it when you %et up in the mornin%, before any other !ntake- 8o not use copper $eep a bi% si=e + ,ukhi Rudraksha with you- Whenever you feel nervous due to sudden shock and feel cold, 6ust hold it ti%htly in your ri%ht palm for 2( minutes- .ou will re%ain your confidence and body will start warmin% upQ: 0an the family members keep !nterchan%in% &eck ,alas, "apa ,alas or Rudraksha beads ? Should we wear Rudraksha on body when we have to %o to cremation %round ? A: &o, #here is a relationship between the wearer and Rudraksha- Which is very private and must not be shared but it can be willed and passed on to the next %eneration&o, one should not wear it while visitin% cremation %roundQ: 0are and 7recautions? A: ,ala should be taken off while takin% bath as re%ular Soap could dehydrate the beads and clo% the pores of the beads- lso #alcum powder clo%s the pores of the beads- uthentic 7uranas do recommend takin% bath with Rudraksha on the body, so if you decide to do so, protect them from soap and powderRudraksha may be worn on a re%ular basis- #here is no taboo written in our authentic 7uranas to be followed while wearin% them- Some books state that the mala could be taken off durin% menstrual cycle- Sex, and bowel movements and in funeral times !t is recommended to take off mala at ni%ht before sleep and worn a%ain in the mornin% after bath- !f the beads need cleanin% after re%ular wear, dip them in warm soapy water overni%ht- #hen Scrub them thorou%hly usin% a plastic brush after this wash them with normal water and let them dry- #hen apply oil ?5live oil@Sandal wood 5ilA on the beads usin% a small toothbrush- #hen purify by offerin% !ncense and sandal paste and chant the Seed mantras for the rudraksha beads Rudraksha are stron% beads and have a life of thousands of years if well taken care ofB5m namah shivayBCC
Product Code: SM01 Combination Of Rudraksha :- 1 Face-1 pcs, 2 mukhi- 3 pcs, 3 Mukhi-3pcs, 4 Mukhi- 2 pcs, 5 Mukhi3pcs, 6 Mukhi- 3 pcs, 7 Mukhi-3pcs, Mukhi-1 pcs, ! Mukhi- 1pcs,10 Mukhi- 1 pcs 11 Mukhi- 1pcs, 12 Mukhi-1 pcs, 13 Mukhi-1 pcs, 14Mukhi-1 pcs,"aurisha#kar- 1 pcs, "a#esh $udraksha-1 pcs ,"uru $udraksha %eads- 1 pcs o& '(e)*e Face + 'he Ma)a co#sist o& the a,o*e me#tio# rudrakshas+'he o#e &ace is capped si)*er + $udraksha used are hi-h). se)ected top /ua)it. ,eads+ Ma)a stru#- i# stro#- thread (ith tu)asi ,eads as spacer (ith k#ots i# ,et(ee# each ,eads+'ota) ,eads i# the ma)a 2701 ,eads+%eads are stro#- i# head to head a#d tai) to tai) part co#&i-uratio#+ Benefits : 'he ke. o& career success usi#- 1ar.a Siddhi ma)a is due to mu)tip)e e&&ects &rom the di&&ere#t rudraksha com,i#atio#+ 2earer -et ,)essi#-s o& creati*it. a#d success&u) tra#sactio# i# (ork or 3o,+ %oth &i#a#ces a#d hea)th are i# the comma#d o& the (earer+ Smooth comp)etio# o& (ork is the /ua)it. o& this ma)a+ 4t shou)d ,e (or# &or o,tai#i#- success i# a)) e#dea*ors+ 4t is a)so co#sidered as the remo*er o& a)) o,stac)es, he)ps o#e to attai# siddhi, prosperit. a#d success+ 'he (earer is ,)essed (ith success i# (ork, ,usi#ess a#d a)) u#dertaki#-s he5she possesses+ 'he sadhaka (i)) ,e ,)essed (ith &u)&i))me#t o& desires, po(er, (ea)th a#d authorit.+ 4t ,ri#-s ei-ht di&&ere#t t.pes o& hea*e#). ,)essi#-s, a#d amo#- them (ea)th, a,u#da#ce, protectio#, a#d authorit.+ 2he# (or# these ,)essi#- are see# )ooki#- up, a si-# o& stri*i#- &or per&ectio# a#d accomp)ishme#t+ $emo*es o,stac)es that pre*e#t success+ 6e#-th appro7 -35 i#ches Price 4#: 8S do))ars 9 : 1 70 ;4#dia# $upees 9 $s+ 100! 0< "raha - Sha#ti Siddha Ma)a
Product Code: SM02 Combination Of Rudraksha :- =#e Face -1 pcs, '(o mukhi - 3 pcs ,'hree Mukhi -3pcs, 4 Mukhi- 2 pcs, 5 Mukhi - 3pcs, 6 Mukhi - 3 pcs, 7 Mukhi -3pcs , Mukhi -1 pcs, ! Mukhi - 1pcs ,10 Mukhi - 1 pcs, 11 Mukhi - 1pcs, 12 Mukhi -1 pcs , 13 Mukhi -1 pcs , 14 Mukhi -1 pcs ,"aurisha#kar - 1 pcs ,"a#esh $udraksha -1 pcs ,"uru $udraksha %eads - 1 pcs o& ! Face 'he Ma)a co#sist o& the a,o*e me#tio# rudrakshas a)o#- (ith the >a*arat#a semiprecious sto#es+ 'he o#e &ace is capped i# pure si)*er+ 'he ,eads are stro#- i# red thread (ith the >a*arat#a sto#e ,eads as spacer+ %eads are stro#- i# head to head a#d tai) to tai) part co#&i-uratio#+ Benefits : 2earer -ets s.#chro#i?i#- po(er &rom rudraksha a#d -ems, he)ps i# #orma)i?i#- ,a)a#ced re)ease o& hormo#es (ithi# the ,od. so it re-u)ates as (e)) as mai#tai# the >europh.sio)o-. o& huma# )eadi#- to diseased &ree hea)th+ 'his ma)a ,ri#-s hea)th a#d prosperit. to the i#di*idua)+ >e-ati*e e&&ect o& Satur#, $ahu, a#d 1a)surpa @osa (i)) ,e paci&ied immediate). a&ter (eari#- it+ @ue to its comp)ete a#d po(er&u) e&&ect i# #orma)i?i#- hea)th a#d p)a#etar. positio#s, it (i)) impro*e the (ea)th+ 4t he)ps to attract customer i# a#. ki#d o& ,usi#ess dea)i#-s+ 4t remo*es the #e-ati*e e&&ect o& #i#e p)a#ets o# our ,od. a#d )uck+ So -ood )uck a#d &ortu#e remai#s (ith the (earer at a)) times, )eadi#- to a# e*e#t&u) )i&e+ %)ack ma-ic ca##ot do a#. harm to the (earer a#d his5her &ami).+ 'o a*oid -oi#- throu-h success a#d &ai)ures, happi#ess a#d sorro(s i# *arious aspects o& )i&e i# di&&ere#t time s)ots i# *ar.i#- de-ree, "raha Sha#ti ma)a is a -reat remed.+ 6e#-th appro7 -35 i#ches Price 4#: 8S do))ars 9 : 1750 ;4#dia# $upees 9 $s+ !4500<
Product Code: SM03 Combination Of Rudraksha :- 1 Face-1 pcs, 2 mukhi- 3 pcs ,3 Mukhi-3pcs, 4 Mukhi- 2 pcs, 5Mukhi 3pcs, 6 Mukhi- 3 pcs, 7 Mukhi-3pcs, Mukhi -1 pcs, ! Mukhi - 1pcs ,10 Mukhi - 1 pcs, 11Mukhi 1pcs, 12 Mukhi -1 pcs , 13 Mukhi -1 pcs , 14 Mukhi -1 pcs ,"aurisha#kar - 1 pcs,"a#esh$udraksha-1 pcs ,"uru $udraksha %eads- 1 pcs o& 11 Face 'he Ma)a co#sist o& the a,o*e me#tio# rudrakshas+'he o#e &ace is capped i# pure Si)*er +$udraksha used are hi-h). se)ected top /ua)it. ,eads+ Ma)a stru#- i# red thread (ith ti-er sto#e ,eads a#d red cotto# c)oths as spacer i# ,et(ee# each ,eads+'ota) ,eads i# the ma)a 2701 ,eads+%eads are stro#- i# head to head a#d tai) to tai) part co#&i-uratio#+ Benefits : 2eari#- this ma)a ,)esses the perso# (ith *ictor. o*er e#emies , a)) rou#d success a#d prosperit.+ 'hose (ho ha*e di&&ere#t ki#ds o& ,usi#ess ru##i#- at the same time ,ut #ot success&u) i# a#. part o& ,usi#ess, (eari#- o& this ma)a he)p to mai#tai# their a)) ,usi#ess (ith &ruit&u) resu)t + 'hrou-hout the )i&e (earer e#3o. (ith -ood ,harmo#ious,p)easura,)e, com&orta,)e a#d )u7urious )i&e (ithout a#. ups a#d do(# +4t e#ha#ces the i#te))ectua) a#d co#&ida#ce po(er + 6e#-th appro7 -35 i#ches Price 4#: 8S do))ars 9 : 1750 ;4#dia# $upees 9 $s+ !4500<
Product Code: SM04 Combination Of Rudraksha :- =#e Face-1 pcs, '(o mukhi- 3 pcs,'hree Mukhi -3pcs, Four Mukhi- 2 pcs, Fi*e Mukhi- 3pcs, Si7 Mukhi- 3 pcs, Se*e# Mukhi -3pcs, Ai-ht Mukhi -1 pcs, >i#e Mukhi- 1pcs ,'e# Mukhi - 1 pcs, A)e*e# Mukhi- 1pcs, '(e)*e Mukhi -1 pcs, 'hirtee# Mukhi -1 pcs, Fourtee# Mukhi-1 pcs,"aurisha#kar-1pcs,"a#esh $udraksha-1 pcs, "uru $udraksha %eads-1 pcs o& "aurisha#kar $udraksha+ 'he Ma)a co#sist o& the a,o*e me#tio# rudrakshas+'he o#e &ace is capped i# pure si)*er+'he ,eads are stro#- i# si)*er (ire (ith si)*er caps &or each rudraksha+ Benefits : 'his ma)a ha*e *er. stro#- e#er-ies a#d the (earer -ets ,e#e&it o& a)) di&&ere#t rudraksha (ith ma3or e&&ect is &o))o(i#- &ie)ds: - 'o attract )o*e i#to .our )i&e+ - Protectio# B ,a)a#ce+ - 2ea)th, )o#- )i&e, -ood )uck a#d sa&et.+ - 4& .ou are su&&eri#- (ith .our part#ership, or ha*i#- )o#e). )i&e, (eari#- this ma)a (i)) ,ri#- &ami). happi#ess soo#+ >ot o#). it has these ,e#e&its, it has stro#- po(er &or stre#-th, *ictor., )o#-e*it., )o*e roma#ce, &ide)it., di-#it., i#te))i-e#ce, (isdom+2earer (i)) &i#d the u#it. a#d stro#- support &rom the &ami). as (e)) as peop)e at (orki#-, to impro*e his )i&e+ 6e#-th appro7 -35 i#ches Price 4#: 8S do))ars 9 : 1 70 ;4#dia# $upees 9 $s+ 100! 0<
Product Code: SM05 Combination Of Rudraksha :- 1 Face-1 pcs, 2 mukhi-3 pcs ,3 Mukhi-3pcs, 4 Mukhi-2 pcs, 5 Mukhi3pcs, 6 Mukhi-3 pcs, 7 Mukhi-3pcs , Mukhi-1 pcs, ! Mukhi-1pcs ,10 Mukhi-1 pcs, 11 Mukhi-1pcs, 12 Mukhi -1 pcs , 13 Mukhi-1 pcs , 14 Mukhi-1 pcs ,"aurisha#kar-1 pcs ,"a#esh $udraksha -1 pcs ,"uru $udraksha %eads - 1 pcs o& ei-ht &ace+ 'he Ma)a co#sist o& the a,o*e me#tio# rudrakshas+ 'he o#e &ace is capped i# pure Si)*er+'he ,eads are stro#- i# red thread (ith the Si)*er ,eads a#d pure pear) ,eads as spacer+ 'ota) ,eads i# the ma)a 2701 ,eads+ %eads are stro#- i# head to head a#d tai) to tai) part co#&i-uratio#+ Benefits : 2earer (ho has mu)tip)e pro,)ems (hich u)timate). )eads to *er. ,ad &i#a#cia) status i# )i&e shou)d (ear this Ma)a+ - 'o a*oid &i#a#cia) pro,)ems, a#d ha*e a peace&u) )i&e - Sta,i)it. i# 6i&e - Fear)ess#ess a,out &uture+ - 2ea)th a#d hea)th impro*eme#t+ - 6eadership /ua)it., spiritua) -ro(th o& k#o()ed-e, )uck i#creme#t, me#ta) po(er sharp#ess a#d -ood decisio# maker+
- 2ishes a#d desire comes true+ - Mo#e. starts &)o(i#- to(ard (earer, -ood &i#a#cia) securit.+ 2earer ma. i#sti#cti*e). ,e a,)e to spot ,ar-ai#s, -ood dea)s, pro&ita,)e i#*estme#ts+ 6e#-th appro7 -35 i#ches Price 4#: 8S do))ars 9 : 2050 ;4#dia# $upees 9 $s+ 110700<
Product Code: PM01 Combination Of Rudraksha :- =#e Face -1 pcs, '(o mukhi - 1 pcs ,'hree Mukhi -1pcs, Four Mukhi 1 pcs, Fi*e Mukhi - 1pcs, Si7 Mukhi - 1 pcs, Se*e# Mukhi -3pcs , Ai-ht Mukhi -1 pcs, >i#e Mukhi 1pcs ,'e# Mukhi - 1 pcs, A)e*e# Mukhi - 1pcs, '(e)*e Mukhi -1 pcs , 'hirtee# Mukhi -1 pcs , Fourtee# Mukhi -1 pcs ,"aurisha#kar - 1 pcs ,"uru $udraksha %eads - 1 pcs o& se*e# &ace "a#esh a#d Sma)) &i*e &ace ;5mm si?e< - 37 pcs Ma)a made (ith a,o*e me#tio# rudrakshas ,eads+ 'ota): 5401 ,eads+ C)) $udrakshas used are se)ected hi-h /ua)it. ,eads+ Ma)a is desi-#ed i# thread (ith semiprecious ,)ue sapphire a#d si)*er ,eads as spacer+ Benefits : 'his ma)a is *er. he)p&u) to appease p)a#et Satur# &or those (ho are &aci#- i))-e&&ects o& Satur# period i# their )i&e+ 4t (i)) he)p to achie*e $a3a .o-a throu-h ,)essi#-s o& Sa#i+ 'his ma)a pro*ides the (earer (ith i#creased po(er o& (orki#- capacit., promotio#s i# 3o, 5 &i#di#- #e( suita,)e (ork 5 3o,s+ Ma)a ha*e mu)tidiscip)i#ar. actio#+ 4t remo*es 3ea)ous.+ 'he e#emies o& the (earer ,ecome &rie#ds (ho the# start supporti#- him5her+ 2earer o& ma)a remai#s &ree &rom diseases+ 2earerDs positi*e e#er-., hi-h i#te))i-e#ce a#d k#o()ed-e attract peop)eEs atte#tio#+ 4t a)so pro*ides the spiritua) riddhis a#d siddhis 6e#-th appro7 -35 i#ches Price 4#: 8S do))ars 9 : 1550 ;4#dia# $upees 9 $s+ 3700<
Ardhanaresh%or Mala
Product Code: PM02 Combination of Rudraksha : 6 Mukhis :-2 pcs , 2 Mukhis :-2 pcs , "aurisha#kar $udraksha :-1 pcs $udrakshas are threaded e#d to e#d i# red thread+ Benefits : - Most use&u) &or (a#ti#- harmo#. a#d u#it.+ - 4#*okes -reat &rie#dship (ith others+ - Fi-h). recomme#ded &or hus,a#d a#d (i&e (a#ti#- a harmo#i?ed re)atio#ships+ 6e#-th appro7 -35 i#ches Price 4#: 8S do))ars 9 : 1!0 ;4#dia# $upees 9 $s+ 10260<
Brahma"yahn Mala
Product Code: PM03 Combination of Rudraksha : 14Face $udraksha-2 pcs, 15 Face $udraksha-2 pcs Made i# si)*er chai# (ith '(o ,eads o& Fourtee# Face $udraksha a#d '(o ,eads o& Fi&tee# Face $udraksha a)o#- (ith Spatic Cr.sta) a#d Sma)) Fi*e Face $udraksha (ith tota) #um,er o& ,eads 5401+ 'he $udrakshas used are se)ected top /ua)it. >epa)i =ri-i#+ Benefits : 2earer o& this ma)a -ets %rahma".a#, i+e+ (earer is a,)e to so)*e success&u)). e*er. pro,)em he5she is -oi#- to &ace+ 4t a)erts the (earer o& &uture happe#i#-s+ 4t he)ps i# meditatio# a#d remo*es the pro,)ems o& .o-ic practices, i#crease i# k#o()ed-e, tactics a#d memor.+ C)) the i##er chakras are ope#ed a#d impro*es i# circu)ator. as (e)) as -e#itouri#ar. s.stem+
6e#-th appro7 -35 i#ches Price 4#: 8S do))ars 9 : 2540 ;4#dia# $upees 9 $s+ 137160<
Product Code: PM04 Combination of Rudraksha : =#e Mukhi -1 pcs , '(o Mukhi -1 pcs , 'hree Mukhi -1 pcs , Four Mukhi - 1 pcs , Fi*e Mukhi - 1 pcs , Si7 Mukhi - 1 pcs , Se*e# Mukhi -15 pcs , Ai-ht Mukhi -1 pcs, >i#e Mukhi -1 pcs , 'e# Mukhi -1 pcs , A)e*e# Mukhi -1 pcs , '(e)*e Mukhi -1 pcs ,'hirtee# Mukhi -1 pcs ,Fourtee# Mukhi -1 pcs 'he ma)a is stru#- i# si)*er (ire (ith si)*er cappi#-s (ith the a,o*e me#tio# $udrakshas $udraksha are stru#- i# head to head a#d tai) to tai) co#&i-uratio#+C)) rudraksha used are se)ected top /ua)it. $udrakshas ,eads+ Benefits : %usi#ess Sta,i)it. Ma)a is a# auspicious ma)a &or success i# ,usi#ess+ 4t is used to i#crease sa)es i# ,usi#ess+ 4t #ot o#). remo*es ,)ack ma-ic e&&ect or e*i) o& the peop)e to(ards the ,usi#ess o& the perso# (ho (eari#- the rudraksha, it a)so he)ps to correct the *astu positio# o& o(#er (hi)e sitti#- i# the o&&ice or cou#ters thus impro*i#- sa)es+ So smooth a#d sta,)e ,usi#ess is the /ua)it. o& the ma)a+ 6e#-th appro7 -35 i#ches Price 4#: 8S do))ars 9 : 14!0 ;4#dia# $upees 9 $s+ 0460<
MahaLakshmi Mala
Combination of Rudraksha : =#e Face -! pcs 'he Ma)a co#sist o& the a,o*e me#tio# rudrakshas a)o#- (ith spatic cr.sta) ,eads +'he o#e &ace is capped i# pure Si)*er +$udraksha used are hi-h). se)ected top /ua)it. ,eads+ Ma)a stru#- i# red thread (ith sptic cr.sta) ,eads as spacer (ith k#ots i# ,et(ee# each ,eads (ith the si)*er chai#+'ota) ,eads i# the ma)a ! ,eads+ Benefits : 4t represe#ts the &orm o& the ei-htee#-armed Maha)akshmi i# (hom a)) the di*i#e po(ers are i#te-rated+ Fe#ce it is ca))ed Maha)akshmi, i+e+ maha ;supreme<, )aksh.a ;-oa)< o& )i&e+ 4t ,)esses the (earer (ith prosperit. a#d happi#ess+ 4t carries (ithi# it treme#dous e#er-ies a#d are hi-h). acti*e i# the area o& (ea)th esta,)ishme#t+ 6e#-th appro7 -35 i#ches Price 4#: 8S do))ars 9 : 00 ;4#dia# $upees 9 $s+ 43200<
Product Code: PM06 Combination of Rudraksha : "aurisha#kar:-1 pcs , 7 &ace:-4 pcs , 2 &ace :- 1 pcs, Face:-2 pcs, Sma)) Fi*e &ace;5mm<:-4pcs Face:-2 pcs, 13
'his ma)a is made up (ith top /ua)it. $udraksha ,eads (ith a,o*e me#tio# rudraksha ,eads a)o#- (ith $ed cora) ,eads represe#ti#- "oddess 6akshmi+ Ma)a is stru#- i# si)*er chai# (ith si)*er &)o(er as spacers+ Benefits : 'his ma)a is hi-h). auspicious a#d ha*e mu)tidime#sio#a) e&&ect to impro*e (ea)th o& i#di*idua) &rom:-Mu)ti i#come opportu#ities -4#crease i# i#te))ectua), thou-ht, creati*e a#d (i)) po(er+ -$emo*a) o& o,stac)es i# (ork re)ated areas+
6e#-th appro7 -35 i#ches Price 4#: 8S do))ars 9 : 70 ;4#dia# $upees 9 $s+ 46! 0<
Sadhana Mala
Product Code: PM07 Combination of Rudraksha : 2 &ace-1pcs, 3 &ace-1 pcs, 4Face-1pcs, 5 Face-1 pcs, 6 Face-1 pcs, 7 Face-3pcs, Face-1pcs, ! Face-1 pcs, 10Face-1 pcs , 11 Face-1pcs, 12 Face-1pcs,13 Face-1pc,14 Face -1pcs , Sma)) &i*e Face - !5 pcs ,"aurisha#kar $udraksha-1 pcs Ma)a made (ith a,o*e me#tio# rudrakshas ,eads+ C)) $udrakshas used are se)ected hi-h /ua)it. ,eads+ Ma)a is desi-#ed i# thread (ith si)*er &)o(er as spacer+ Benefits :2earer o& this ma)a is ,)essed (ith pure thou-hts a#d creati*e po(ers+ 4t he)ps i# meditatio# a#d remo*es the pro,)ems o& .o-ic practices+ 4t co#tro)s the corte7 o& ,rai# so memor., i#te))i-e#ce ,ecomes sharp+ 4t e#ha#ces co#ce#tratio# po(er i# a#. particu)ar &ie)d+ 4t is used to pre*e#t a)) ki#ds o& ,rai# tumor+ Comp)ete sadha#a a#d remo*a) o& #e-ati*e thou-hts &rom the mi#d are other e&&ects o& this ma)a+ 6e#-th appro7 -35 i#ches Price 4#: 8S do))ars 9 : 15!0 ;4#dia# $upees 9 $s+ 5 60< Fea)th Fit#ess Ma)a
Combination of Rudraksha : 1 Face-1 pcs , 2 mukhi- 1 pcs, 3 Mukhi-1pcs, 4 Mukhi- 1pcs, 5 Mukhi 1pcs , 6 Mukhi- 1 pcs, 7 Mukhi-1pcs , Mukhi-1 pcs, ! Mukhi- 1pcs , 10 Mukhi- 1 pcs, 11 Mukhi- 1pcs , 12 Mukhi-1 pcs,13 Mukhi-1 pcs , 14 Mukhi-1 pcs Sma)) Fi*e &ace ;5mm< , 13 ,eads+ 'he Ma)a co#sist o& the a,o*e me#tio# rudrakshas stru#- i# si)*er caps (ith si)*er (iri#- +'he o#e &ace is capped i# pure si)*er++%eads are stru#- i# head to head a#d tai) to tai) part co#&i-uratio#+ Benefits : 'his ma)a he)p i# #orma)i?i#- hea)th, particu)ar). maki#- o#e re)ie*ed or pre*e#t a#. dread&u) diseases+ 4t dispe)s &ears, i#&)ue#ces o& ma)e&ic p)a#ets, &ears o& -hosts, accide#ta) diseases etc as (e)) as o#e ca# escape &rom miseries a#d trou,)es o& this materia)istic (or)d+ 4t he)ps i#:- (ei-ht )oss, stop smoki#-, reduce stress, impro*e stud. ski))s, e)imi#ate procrasti#atio#, e#ha#ce sports per&orma#ce a#d e)imi#ate &ears+ Ger. -ood &or diseases )ike dia,etes, h.perte#sio#, heart re)ated pro,)ems a#d )i*er diseases+ 6e#-th appro7 -35 i#ches Price 4#: 8S do))ars 9 : 1750 ;4#dia# $upees 9 $s+ !4500< Stud. Pro-ress Ma)a
Product Code: PM0! $udraksha ma)a made i# si)*er chai# (ith three piece 11 &ace a#d &our piece o& &our &ace a)o#- (ith rest &i*e &ace ,eads + 'ota) #um,er o& ,eads:-3201+ Made i# si)*er chai#+ 'his ma)a he)p to impro*e memor. po(er, pro*ides )ots o& e#er-ies so that (earer ca# easi). -et success i# e7am + %ri#-s )uck , remo*e stress , hea)th re)ated pro,)em duri#- studies a#d ma#. more+++ Price 4#: 8S do))ars 9 : 3 0 ;4#dia# $upees 9 $s+ 20520< $o- >ashak 6a-uMahamritu#3a.a Ma)a
Product Code: PM010 Confi(uration :- Ma)a o& hi-h -rade >epa)i rudraksha o& -e#era) si?e (ith :-3 mukhi:-3 pcs , 4 mukhi :14 pcs , 5 mukhi:-4 pcs , 6 mukhi:-4 pcs ,7 mukhi:-7 pcs ,10 mukhi co))ector si?e :-1 pcs (ith si)*er ,a)) a#d &)o(er as spacer++ 6e#-th :-2! i#ches+ Benefits :-2eari#- this ma)a create di*i#e *i,ratio#s that hea)s the ,odi). pai# a#d su&&eri#-s +4t he)ps to remo*es the &ear o& death, )i,erati#- o#e &rom the c.c)e o& death a#d re,irth+ $o- >ashak 6a-uMahamritu#3a.a Ma)a re3u*e#ates, ,esto(s hea)th, )o#- )i&e, peace a#d co#te#tme#t+ 'he com,i#atio# o& rudrakshas i# ma)a -e#erates di*i#e *i,ratio#s that (ard o&& a)) the #e-ati*e a#d e*i) &orces a#d creates a po(er&u) protecti*e shie)d+2eari#- this ma)a creates *i,ratio# that pu)sates throu-h e*er. ce)), e*er. mo)ecu)e o& huma# ,od. a#d tears a(a. the *ei) o& i-#ora#ce thus puri&ies e#tire s.stem+ Price 4#: 8S do))ars 9 : 270 ;4#dia# $upees 9 $s+ 145 0< Siddha 1a)chakra Ma)a
Product Code: PM011 Co#&i-uratio# :- @esi-#ed (ith rudrakshas, sha)i-ram sto#es a#d 6otus seed ,eads ,ased o# the scriptura) k#o()ed-e+ $udraksha used are 10 mukhi-1pcs,11 mukhi-1pcs B 13mukhi-1 pcs+ Sha)i-ram :- Sudarsa# chakra sha)i-ram 6otus seeds :- 4 pcs a)) stru#- i# si)*er cappi#- a#d si)*er (ire (ith si)*er chai#+ Si-#i&ica#ces :- Siddha ka)chakra Ma)a is a *er. po(er&u) hea)i#- ma)a+'he s.#er-istic com,i#atio# o& $udraksha ,sha)i-ram a#d 6otus seeds he)ps to ,ri#-i#- protectio# o& o#ese)&+ 'he ma)a co##ects the (earer (ith te# po(ers that are ph.sica), co#sciou#s#ess, space, earth, &ire, (ater, (i#d, sta,)e, mo*i#-, u#see# a#d u#created e#er-ies thus pro*ides the (earer (ith sta,i)it. i# )i&e a#d protectio# &rom the u#k#o(# cosmic e#er-ies as (e)) as (ards o&& a)) ki#d #e-ati*it. )ike ,)ack ma-ic, e*i) e.e,3ea)ous.,3ado a#d to#a++ Price 4#: 8S do))ars 9 : 720 ;4#dia# $upees 9 $s+ 3 0<
Product Code: G@M01 4# a# Gedic astro)o-. , ka)arapa @osha &ormed (he# a)) the se*e# p)a#ets comes ,et(ee# or hemmed ,et(ee# rahu a#d ketu ;Moo#Es >orth >ode a#d South #ode<+ 2he# a)) the se*e# p)a#ets are o# the same side o& rahu a#d ketu a7is a#d #ot a si#-)e p)a#et is o# the other side o& a7is, the &u)) kaa)-sarp .o-a is &ormed+ 2he# o#e p)a#et is o# the other side the# partia) kaa) sarp .o-a is &ormed (hich is ha*i#- )ess i#te#sit.+ 1aa) sarp dosha is o& 12 t.pes ,ased o# the p)aceme#t o& rahu a#d ketu i# di&&ere#t houses + 'he harm&u) e&&ects o& kaa) sarp dosha are &o))o(i#-: 1+Furd)es i# e*er. importa#t a#d auspicious (ork+ 2+6esser Me#ta) peace 3+6o( se)&-co#&ide#ce 4+@eterioratio# o& hea)th a#d reduces )o#-e*it. 5+ Po*ert. a#d destructio# o& (ea)th+ 6+ @estructio# o& ,usi#ess a#d )oss o& 3o, 7+ C#7iet. a#d u##ecessar. 'e#sio#s + %ad $e)atio#s (ith &ami). mem,ers a#d &rie#ds !+'reacher. &rom &rie#ds a#d co))ea-ues 10+Ger. )ess he)p &rom re)ati*es a#d &rie#ds Remedy :- C&ter 1 .ears o& throu-h). stud.i#- a#d e7perime#ti#- (ith the peop)e (ho are ha*i#di&&ere#t ki#d o& ka)sarpa @oshas a#d their outcome o& (eari#- di&&ere#t rudrakshas ,.a#tras a#d sto#es, (e ha*e come to co#c)usio# to make the ka)sarpa @osha Paci&ier Ma)a (ith *arious mukhi $udrakshas, "ems 6ike ;ti-er e.e sto#e a#d CatDs e.e sto#e< + 2eari#- this ma)a (i)) he)p to remo*e a)) ki#d o& a,o*e pro,)ems thus (earer e#3o. the -ood )i&e+ Com,i#atio# :- Ma)a co#sist o& &aceH-1 pcs, ! &ace :-1 pcs, 11 &ace :-1 pcs , 5 &ace :-1 pcs ,"a#esh $udraksha H-1 pcs (ith pure ti-er sto#e a#d catDs e.e -emsto#e ,eads;2 ,eads each< +'he a,o*e said ,eads ,-emsto#e a#d .a#tra are stru#- i# 6mm si?e &i*e &ace o& 33 pcs+ 2ho)e ma)a is stru#- i# si)*er (ire (ith si)*er caps+ Price: 8S do))ars 9 : 2 0 ;4#dia# $upees 9 $s+ 15120< Cha#dra @osha Paci&ier Ma)a
Product Code: G@M02 'he Moo# is co#sidered to ,e a so&ter p)a#et i# Cstro)o-. a#d represe#ts mi#d, emotio#s, satis&actio# etc+ 4t a)so -o*er#s (ater. diseases, commo# co)d, cou-h etc+ 'he Moo# ru)es the ?odiac si-# o& Ca#cer+ 'he si-# o& e7a)tatio# o& the Moo# is 'aurus a#d the si-# o& de,i)itatio# o& the Moo# is Scorpio+ 'he Moo# i# Gedic astro)o-. is ca))ed Cha#dra or Soma+ For those ,e)o#-i#- to the Fi#du $e)i-io# moo# si-# is more importa#t tha# the su# si-#+ Cha#dra mahadasha )asts &or te# .ears+ 'he Moo# is most com&orta,)e a#d po(er&u) i# the 4th Fouse+ 'he Moo# is particu)ar). ,e#e&icia) &or the (ater si-# Csce#da#ts o& Ca#cer, Scorpio a#d Pisces+C# a&&)icted Moo# ma. mea# perso#a)it. disorders, di&&icu)ties i# re)ati#- to other peop)e a#d emotio#a) distur,a#ces+ 2eari#- this ma)a (i)) he)p to ,a)a#ce the Cha#dra ;moo# < p)a#ets i# its #orma) &u#ctio# thus the perso# a)(a.s remai# i# -ood perso#a)it. a#d stro#- emotio#a) *i,ratio#+ Co#&i-uratio# :- Ma)a co#tai#s rudrakshas o& 13 &ace:-1 pcs, 2 &ace :-2 pcs,4 &aceH-2 pcs a#d -aurisha#kar :-1 pcs each + 'hese rudraksha are stru#- i# stro#- thread (ith -emsto#e pear) ,eads, spatic cr.sta) ,eads a#d Si)*er cha#dra 6ocket+ 'he )e#-th o& ma)a is :-22 i#chs Price: 8S do))ars 9 : 340 ;4#dia# $upees 9 $s+ 1 360< Ma#-a) @osha Paci&ier Ma)a
Product Code: G@M03 4# a Gedic horoscope, Ma#-)ik dosh is &ormed (he# Mars is p)aced i# either asce#da#t;First Fouse<, Fouse o& happi#ess or me#ta) peace ;Fourth house<,Fouse o& marria-e ;Se*e#th Fouse<, Fouse o& )o#-e*it.;Ai-hth Fouse< or house o& e7pe#diture;'(e)th Fouse<+ Ma#-)ik dosha &ormed ,. Mars ca# cause &o))o(i#- thi#-s: - A7cessi*e de)a. i# -etti#- married - @i&&icu)ties i# marita) )i&e such as disputes a#d /uarre)s i# marita) )i&e + - Mismatch i# thou-hts ,et(ee# the &ami). mem,ers - @i*orce - @eath o& spouse $emed. :- Ma#-a) @osha Paci&ier Ma)a+ $udraksha :- 12 muhki- 1 pcs, 11 mukhi- 2 pcs,7 mukhi - 1 pcs, mukhi -1 pcs a#d three mukhi- 6 pcs $ed cora) :- 10 pcs o& 2 mm si?e+ 'his is a protecti*e shie)d made (ith $udraksha , "emsto#e a#d Ia#tra+Com,i#atio# o& di&&ere#t mukhi rudraksha ,$ed Cora) are se)ected proper). a#d co#&i-ured to stre#-the# the &u#ctio#a) ,e#e&ic p)a#ets i# #ata) chart thus pro*idi#- protectio# to the #ata) a#d tra#sit a&&)ictio#s o& the (eak &u#ctio#a) ,e#e&ics+ 2ith its use, the (eak p)a#ets ,ecome stro#- to protect a#d promote their si-#i&icatio#s+ 2eari#- this 1a*ach ;ma)a < (i)) thus #u))i&. the #e-ati*e e&&ects arises &rom the mars a#d associatio# o& it to other p)a#ets (he# it is p)aced i# 1st, 4th,7th, th a#d 12th house+ 'hus (earer ha*e &o))o(i#-ood ,e#e&its H- Success i# pro&essio#a) career5,usi#ess - 4mpro*es memor. a#d a#a).tica) ski))s - "i*es time). marria-e - "i*es success i# re)atio#ships - %)esses (ith chi)dre# Price: 8S do))ars 9 : 370 ;4#dia# $upees 9 $s+ 1!! 0<
Product Code: $$01 'he &ace)ess rudraksha - the o#e (ithout )i#e - rou#d a#d per&ect (ith a #atura) ho)e ,e&its its #ame o& >ira#kar $udraksha+'he (earer &ee)s comp)ete a#d (ho)e a#d the (earers charisma i#creases da. ,. da. maki#- peop)e more recepti*e a#d accepti*e to the (earer #atura)).+ >ira#kar $udaksha (orks o# impro*i#- perso#a) co#&ide#ce a#d se)&-(orth, remo*es a#. resista#ce, a#-er, i#securities o#e has (ith peop)e thus impro*i#- re)atio#ships o# a)) )e*e)s+ 4mpro*es a#d structures thou-ht patter#s so that o#e has c)ear, structured positi*e thi#ki#-+ $emo*es a#. (orries &rom the mi#d o# (ea)th a#d re)atio#ships+ %e#e&icia) &or stock-traders, )a(.ers, ,a#kers, teachers or i# those i# pro&essio#s (here co#&ide#ce, charisma, sta,i)it. a#d )o#- term ,usi#ess or peop)e to peop)e re)atio#ship is re/uired $ri e )n: 8S do))ars 9 : 525 ;4#dia# $upees 9 $s+ 2 350< >irakar "a#esha $udraksha
Product Code: $$02 >irakar "a#esh $udraksha pro*ides the three most importa#t ma#i&estatio#s o& hea)th, (ea)th a#d happi#ess+ %)esses (ith )o#-e*it. , e#ha#ced i#come ;'ur#o*er i#creases a#d .our i#come (i)) recei*e hea)th. doses o& u#e7pected -ood )uck< a#d harmo#ious p)easura,)e )i&e o& e*er. mem,ers i# the house (ithout a#. di&&icu)ties a#d a#. o,structio# +4t ,ri#- "ood &urtu#e a#d the )o#- )i&e o& the &ami). mem,ers+ $ri e )n: 8S do))ars 9 : !06 ;4#dia# $upees 9 $s+ 4 !24< 3 Mukhi "a#esh $udraksha
Product Code: $$03 "ood &or those peop)e (ho are ha*i#- trou,)e times i# studies, &i#ds di&&icu)ties i# passi#- e7am +4t he)ps to ,oost the memor. po(er as (e))+ $ri e )n: 8S do))ars 9 : 51;4#dia# $upees 9 $s+ 2754< Mukhi "a#esh $udraksha
Product Code: $$04 %)esses the (earer (ith k#o()ed-e ,remo*e a)) ki#d o& o,stac)es,mo*e the (earer i# the path o& truth a#d e#)i-htme#t ,remo*es the too much attachme#t o# the o,3ect, he)ps to impro*e the spiritua) acti*it. + 2eari#- it (i)) ,ri#- treme#dous (isdom, i#te))e-e#ce, a#d prese#ce o& mi#d+ $ri e )n: 8S do))ars 9 : 5 ;4#dia# $upees 9 $s+ 45!0< ! Mukhi "a#esh $udraksha
Product Code: $$05 $emo*es the o,stac)e a#d hurd)es that are hamperi#- the sou#d hea)th +4t he)p to ,ri#patie#ce,to)era#ce a#d stre#-th (hi)e (eari#-+ $ri e )n: 8S do))ars 9 : 0 ;4#dia# $upees 9 $s+ 4320< 10 Mukhi "a#esh $udraksha
Product Code: $$06 "ood &or those (ho are &i#di#- -reat di&&icu)ties i# mai#tai#i#- peace o& mi#d, success i# (orka#d ,usi#ess+ C#.o#e i# a corporate e#*iro#me#t &acei#- 3ea)ous. &rom co))ea-ues a#d co-(orkers (i)) ,e#e&it e#ormous). &rom (eari#- this rudraksha+ $ri e )n: 8S do))ars 9 : 6 ;4#dia# $upees 9 $s+ 3672< 11 Mukhi "a#esh $udraksha
"ood &or those ha*i#- )ots o& hurd)es i# achei*i#- the -oa) due to hea)th a#d poor (i)) po(er + 4t ,ri#-s )uck &or meeti#- .our sou)mate J it (i)) ,e a meeti#- that resu)ts i# a )o#--term roma#ce or e*e# marria-e+ $ri e )n: 8S do))ars 9 : 4 ;4#dia# $upees 9 $s+ 4536< Co))ector Si?e 14 Mukhi "a#esh
Product Code: $$0 "ood &or those ,usi#essma# (ho are a)(a.s u#success&u) i# their ,usi#ess a#d )osses + 2eari#- this rudraksha he)ps to sta,i)ises ,usi#ess a#d impro*eme#t o& &i#a#ces + $ri e )n: 8S do))ars 9 : !70 ;4#dia# $upees 9 $s+ 523 0< @ou,)e "a#esh $udraksha
Product Code: $$0! @ou,)e "a#esh $udraksha pro*ides :- Protectio# &rom e#emies - Pro*ides sta,i)it. i# 3o,s - those peop)e (ho ha*e pro,)ems )ike )ast mi#ute &ai)ure , (eari#- this rudraksha he)ps to -et pass throu-h the di&&icu)ties+ $ri e )n: 8S do))ars 9 : 40 ;4#dia# $upees 9 $s+ 2160< Si7 Face "a#esh "aurisha#kar
Product Code: $$010 Si7 Face "a#esh "aurisha#kar is rare "a#esh "aurisha#kar rudraksha+ $ri e )n: 8S do))ars 9 : 250 ;4#dia# $upees 9 $s+ 13500< 12 Mukhi "a#esh $udraksha
Product Code: $$01! 12 &ace "a#esh $udraksha+ $ri e )n: 8S do))ars 9 : 125 ;4#dia# $upees 9 $s+ 6750< 13 Mukhi "a#esh $udraksha
Product Code: $$020 13 mukhi "a#esh $udraksha+ $ri e )n: 8S do))ars 9 : 215 ;4#dia# $upees 9 $s+ 11610< =#e Face
Product Code: CS$01 4t ,esto(s happi#ess a#d re*i*a) &rom the miseries arisi#- &rom )oss o& (ea)th+ Prosperit. or rich#ess, )uck, &ortu#es -ro( (here*er it is *e#erated i# Fouse or put o# i# the ,od. i# the &orm o& #eck)ace+ C)) &orms o& i))-e&&ects re)ated to (ea)th are dispe))ed+ 4t ,oosts the co#ce#tratio# a#d (i)) po(er o& the (earer+ Cccordi#- to Gedas it pre*e#ts diseases o& head such as stroke, para).sis, etc+ $u)i#- P)a#et: Su# Ma#tra: =m >amaha Shi*a.a Price 4#: 8S do))ars 9 : 105 ;4#dia# $upees 9 $s+ 5670< '(o Face
4t -i*es source o& &erti)it. i# a)) )i*i#- ,ei#-s a#d the ,)essi#-s o& marita) &e)icit.+ Fu)&i))me#t o& materia) desires ,et(ee# hus,a#d a#d (i&e a)o#- (ith u#it. a#d )o*e ,et(ee# each other+ "ar)a#ded it e7pa#ds a#d mai#tai# harmo#ious re)atio#ship (ithi# the &ami). mem,ers+ "ood &or impote#ce, i#&erti)it., )e&t e.e a#d 1id#e.+ $u)i#- P)a#et: Moo# Ma#tra: =m >amaha Shi*a.a Price 4#: 8S do))ars 9 : 42 ;4#dia# $upees 9 $s+ 226 < 'hree Face
Product Code: CS$03 Cmp)i&icatio# o& memor. po(er a#d co#ce#tratio# o# the su,3ect are the prime e&&ect o& this rudraksha+ 4t ,oosts the po(er o& creati*e i#te))i-e#ce (he# -ar)a#ded+ 'he (earer &ee)s it ,. rea)i?i#- success i# his (ork, co#structi*e resources, (isdom a#d k#o()ed-e+ "ood &or - depressio#, retro-rade am#esia, epi)eps., Parki#so# disease+ $u)i#- P)a#et: Mars Ma#tra: =m >amaha Shi*a.a Price 4#: 8S do))ars 9 : 1! ;4#dia# $upees 9 $s+ 1026< Four Face
Product Code: CS$04 'he &our &ace $udraksha ,)esses (earer (ith creati*it. , commu#icatio# ski))s a#d i##er meditatio#+ 2eari#- it pre*e#ts diseases o& h.potha)amus, cere,e))um a#d medu))a o,)o#-ata+ $u)i#- P)a#et: Mercur. Ma#tra: =m >amaha Shi*a.a Price 4#: 8S do))ars 9 : 4 ;4#dia# $upees 9 $s+ 216< Fi*e Face
Fi*e &aces is the most commo#). a*ai)a,)e rudraksha+ 2eari#- this rudrakshas remo*es the #ature o& huma# )ike 1ama ;6ust<, 6opa ;"reed<, Mooha ;Cttachme#t<, 1rodha ;Kea)ous.<, a#d Cha#kar ;8#(a#ted A-o< thus ,ri#- sou#d hea)th+ 2eari#- i# the ma)a o& 5401 or 10 01 i# the co))ar is hi-h). ,e#e&icia) &or peop)e (ith heart diseases, ,)ood pressure, stress, a#7iet.+ $u)i#- P)a#et: Kupiter Ma#tra: =m >amaha Shi*a.a Price 4#: 8S do))ars 9 : 4 ;4#dia# $upees 9 $s+ 216< Si7 Face
Product Code: CS$06 Si7 Face rudrakshas he)ps to ,ui)d a#d i#creses emotio#a) charecter+ 'hese charecter )ike 6o*e ,1i#d#ess , Cttractio# Atc (i)) ,e -ood a#d stro#- +4t impro*e the i#te))ectua) area i# our ,rai# (hich co#tro)s ho( to )o*e a#d appreciate others+ "ood i# the pre*e#tio# o&, #ose, throat, se7ua) or-a#s, kid#e.s, a#d ,)adder re)ated diseases+ $u)i#- P)a#et: Ge#us Ma#tra: =m >amaha Shi*a.a Price 4#: 8S do))ars 9 : 4 ;4#dia# $upees 9 $s+ 216< Se*e# Face
Product Code: CS$07 Se*e# &ace $udrakshas ,ri#- p)easure,peace ,cheer&u)#esss,simp)icit. ,easi#ess a#d happi#ess i# the perso# (hi)e (eari#-+ 4t stre#-the# di-esti*e s.stem i# the ,od.+ "ood &or pre*e#ti#- co)d, cou-h, ,ro#chitis, rheumatism+ $u)i#- P)a#et: Satur# Ma#tra: =m >amaha Shi*a.a Price 4#: 8S do))ars 9 : 25 ;4#dia# $upees 9 $s+ 1350< Ai-ht Face
Product Code: CS$0 Ai-ht &aces rudraksha ha*e the e#er-ies &or success a#d o& e*i)s a#d o,stac)es+ Ai-ht &ace is a *ita) i#strume#t i# stre#-the#i#- o#eDs (i)) po(er a#d co#*erti#- e*e# a# e#em. i#to a &rie#d+ 4t uses ,e&ore #e( (ork5*e#ture to ,ri#- -ood &ortu#e i# (ork a#d ,usi#esses or ser*ices is (e)) i#&)ue#tia)+ 4t is a)so the demo)isher o& arro-a#ce, e-oism a#d pride (he# ador#ed+ 'hose peop)e ha*i#- me#ta) trou,)es, i#som#ia as (e)) as ha*i#- ha,its o& e7cessi*e e7pe#diture &i#ds ei-ht &aces the ,est remed. &or the so)utio#s o& their pro,)ems+ @iseases o& stomach are pre*e#ted ,. (eari#- this $udraksha+ $u)i#- P)a#et: $ahu Ma#tra: =m >amaha Shi*a.a Price 4#: 8S do))ars 9 : 65 ;4#dia# $upees 9 $s+ 3510< >i#e Face
Product Code: CS$0! A#er-ies &rom >i#e &aces ma#i&ests (he# e*i) &orces threate#ed the *er. e7iste#ce o& ,a)a#ced hea)th o& the (earer+ 2eari#- it stimu)ates the #i#e hormo#es (ithi# the ,od.+ 4t impro*es (i))-po(er, ,od. stre#-th, i#*okes &ear)ess#ess, d.#amism )eadi#- to a ,a)a#ced hea)th. )i&e+ 'hose (ho are pro#e to &ata) diseases o& a m.sterious #ature (i)) ,e ,e#e&ited ,. use o& #i#e &aces+ >i#e mukhi ,eads (i)) he)p to destro. si#s, i#3ustice, irre)i-io#, crue)t., )a?i#ess a#d e*i) ha,its+ $ecomme#ded &or a)) ki#ds o& diseases+ $u)i#- P)a#et: 1etu Ma#tra: =m >amaha Shi*a.a Price 4#: 8S do))ars 9 : 7! ;4#dia# $upees 9 $s+ 4266< 'e# Face
'e# &ace o#e o& the most po(er&u) rudrakshas has (ide *ariet. o& ,e#e&its+2eari#- it attracts )uck a#d prosperit., he)ps to attai# (ea)th. )i&e, (orks as di*i#e protectio# too) &rom a)) ki#d o& #e-ati*e &orces,e#er-ies a#d spirits +4t ca)ms the #er*es, /uiets the mi#d, a#d re)ie*es depressio#+4t ,ri#-s out the i##er spiritua) e#er-ies )eadi#- to se)& hea)i#- + From the e7perie#ces (ith ma#. peop)e (e ha*e see# that it impro*es ,usi#ess a#d socia) )i&e +4t (orks as paci&ier o& a)) the #i#e p)a#ets dosha a#d ma)e&ic e&&ects+ Ma#tra :- L =m >amaha Shi*a.a L Price 4#: 8S do))ars 9 : 61 ;4#dia# $upees 9 $s+ 32!4< A)e*e# Face
Product Code: CS$011 2eari#- it o#e -ets success i# each a#d e*er. (ork he5she do+ 2eari#- or (orshippi#- o& A)e*e# &aces is accomp)ished ,. the &ami). perso# &or com&orts a#d prosperit. i# &ami). )i&e, ,. u#married &or ear). marria-e, ,. o)d a#d i#&irm &or per&ect hea)th, ,. those u#der some threat &or &ear)ess#ess a#d ,. Io-is a#d Sa#.aasis &or spiritua) success o& the hi-hest order+ 4# other (ords e*er.o#e -ets &u)&i))me#t o& their respecti*e (ishes+ "ood &or diseases )ike chro#ic ,od. pai#, ,ackache, a)coho)ism, a#d )i*er+ >o $u)i#- P)a#ets Ma#tra: =m >amaha Shi*a.a Price 4#: 8S do))ars 9 : !4 ;4#dia# $upees 9 $s+ 5076< '(e)*e Face
Product Code: CS$012 4t is ,e)ie*ed to ,e the source o& *ita)it. a#d the ph.sica) make up+ 2eari#- t(e)*e &aces impro*es *ariet. o& traits i# a# i#di*idua), ,oth ph.sica) a#d ps.cho)o-ica) (hich he)ps them to mo*e co#ti#uous). (ith ,ri))ia#ce a#d stre#-th i# their )i&e+ 4t he)ps i# o#eEs perso#a) ho#est. a#d i#te-rit., a#d the a,i)it. to comma#d respect a#d authorit., to impress a#d i#&)ue#ce others+ 4t is -ood &or po)iticia#s a#d peop)e )ooki#- &or hi-her positio#s i# societ.+ '(e)*e &aces impro*es )eadership /ua)ities a#d puts the perso# i# &ore&ro#t+ 4t -i*es i#te))ectua) capa,i)ities a#d impro*es o#eEs (riti#a#d speaki#- po(ers+ @iseases )ike ,o#e diseases, rickets, osteoporosis (i)) -et impro*eme#t ,. usi#it+
>o $u)i#- P)a#ets Ma#tra: =m >amaha Shi*a.a Price 4#: 8S do))ars 9 : 170 ;4#dia# $upees 9 $s+ !1 0< 'hirtee# Face
Product Code: CS$013 4t prepares the perso# to tack)e the ph.sica) cha))e#-es .ou are )ike). to e#cou#ter i# &uture+ A*e# i# di&&icu)t situatio#s o#e ca# o*ercome (ith ease+ 2eari#- this ,ead a)o#- (ith other rudraksha ,eads )ead to &aster ma#i&estatio# o& their resu)t+ Cccordi#- to the &eed,ack recei*ed &rom #umerous c)ie#ts, (eari#- this rudraksha he)ps to attract opportu#ities &or search o& ri-ht part#er, mai#tai# re)atio#ship (hich are o# the *er-e o& ,reaki#-+ 4t har#esses the stre#-th a#d directio# o& the ph.sica) &orce that i#creases .our perso#a)it., &ires .our emotio#s a#d passio#, a#d e#coura-es .our me#ta) e#dea*ors a#d commu#icati*e ski))s+ >o $u)i#- P)a#ets Ma#tra: =m >amaha Shi*a.a Price 4#: 8S do))ars 9 : 250 ;4#dia# $upees 9 $s+ 13500< Fourtee# Face
Product Code: CS$014 4t is co#sidered as the most precious di*i#e $udraksha accordi#- to Scripture+ Fourtee# &aces i#*okes compassio#ate /ua)ities maki#- i#di*idua)s more ki#d to )i*i#- thi#-s+ 4t mai#tai#s -ood hea)th, i#creases prosperit. a#d k#o()ed-e+ 2eari#- or p)aci#- them i# cash ,o7, this rudraksha he)ps i# maki#- -ood pro&its i# ,usi#ess, sho(s the po(er a#d capa,i)ities o& attracti#- c)ie#ts to ,usi#ess+ 4t has a,i)ities o& re*i*i#- sta-#a#t ,usi#ess to speed. reco*er. a#d success+ Practitio#ers sha)) ,e a,)e to see cha#-es i# terms o& mo#etar. -ai#s, a success i# *e#tures a#d &ree &rom a)) &i#a#cia) di&&icu)t.+ 2earer a)(a.s &ee)s *er. c)ose to 6ord Shi*a a#d &ee)s his ,reath (ith M=mkarN *i,ratio#+ 2eari#- it pre*e#ts a)) sorts o& diseases a#d he5she #e*er su&&er &rom a#. disastrous situatio#+ 'his rudraksha comp)ete). protect the i#di*idua) &rom Satur# Mahadasha ; Sade-Sati @asha<+ >o $u)i#- P)a#ets Ma#tra: =m >amaha Shi*a.a Price 4#: 8S do))ars 9 : 00 ;4#dia# $upees 9 $s+ 43200< Fi&tee# Face
Product Code: CS$015 Fi&tee# Faces create e#er-ies that impact the (earerDs mi#d i# impro*i#- i#tuiti*e, a,stract a#d )atera) thi#ki#-+ 4# additio#, the (earer &i#ds hi-h e#er-. )e*e)s to put i#to actio# his thou-hts a#d ideas )eadi#- Aco#omica) pro-ress+ 8#co#scious or co#scious (ro#- doi#-s i# )i&e are c)eared so the perso# ,ecomes &ree o& si#s a#d he5she &ee)s &resh (ith #e( )i&e+ C&ter its uses ,. ma#. peop)e it has ,ee# see# that especia)). o)d peop)e (ho are de,i)itati#- a#d ha*e &re/ue#t hea)th pro,)em &i#ds it a *er. importa#t remed. to keep the e#er-. )e*e) i#tact to mai#tai# their ,od. &or #orma) hea)th+ 'he e#er-. )e*e) that emits &rom the &i&tee# &ace are -ood to mai#tai# a co#sta#t promotio# i# 3o,s &or those (ho are (orki#- i# compa#ies, -ood &or those (ho are -etti#- hi#dra#ces i# their mo,i)i?atio# due to karmic im,a)a#ce+ Ma#tra: =m >amaha Shi*a.a Price 4#: 8S do))ars 9 : 6 0 ;4#dia# $upees 9 $s+ 36720< "ourisha#kar $udraksha
Product Code: CS$016 "ood &or reu#i&icatio# i# a)) sorts o& pro,)ems ,et(ee# hus,a#d a#d (i&e+ 4t he)ps i# ,rid-i#- &ami). re)atio#ship i# a)) areas pre*e#ti#- it &rom ,reaki#- up+ Peace a#d p)easure o& &ami). are treme#dous). i#creased+ 2eari#- this rudraksha remo*es p)a#etar. o,stac)e i# the perso# (ho has di&&icu)t. i# marria-e or search &or )i&e part#er+ 2eari#- this rudraksha mai#tai#s the .i# a#d .a#- e#er-. (ithi# the perso#+ @iseases )ike se7ua) pro,)ems, impote#ce a#d ,eha*iora) disorders are remo*ed+ Ma#tra: =m >amaha Shi*a.a Price 4#: 8S do))ars 9 : 105 ;4#dia# $upees 9 $s+ 5670< "a#esh $udraksha
Product Code: CS$017 "a#esh $udraksha is a t.pica) ki#d o& ,ead i# (hich #orma) rudraksha -i*es a tru#k shape pro3ectio# i# its sur&ace+ Gi,rati#- diama-#etic a#d spiritua) e#er-ies emitti#- &rom it he)ps to protect o#e &rom a#. u#k#o(# #e-ati*e A#er-ies+ 'his $udraksha has ,ee# &ou#d to ,oost the co#&ide#ce, coura-e a#d i##er stre#-th o& the (earer si-#i&ica#t).+ Cccordi#- to the a#cie#t scripture, (earer attai#s a)) the p)easure o& this (or)d a#d o& the (or)d to come+ 2eari#- (i)) pro*ide : - Positi*e perso#a)it.+ - =ptimism+ - $i-hteous co#duct+ - Sa&et. a#d securit.+ Ma#tra: =m >amaha Shi*a.a Price 4#: 8S do))ars 9 : 45 ;4#dia# $upees 9 $s+ 2430< Si7tee# Face
Product Code: CS$01 Si7tee# &aces is used &or mu)ti-dime#sio#a) purposes+ 4# a#cie#t re)i-ious te7ts, sai#ts a#d sa-es ha*e ,ee# ad*ised to (ear si7tee# mukhi $udraksha ,eads &or e#*e)opi#- the (earer (ith positi*e e#er-., harmo#ious ,od. &u#ctio#, peace o& mi#d a#d prosperit.+ 4t has positi*e h.p#otic properties so its -ood
&or attracti#- )o*e a#d a&&ectio# a#d appraisa) &rom the peop)e arou#d the (earer accordi#- to the $udrakshaKa,a)opa#ishad+ 4t has a)so ,ee# stated that &ire, the&t or ro,,er. #e*er touches the (earer as (e)) as his5her Properties+ 4# a)) ki#d o& 3o,s, )e-a) pro,)ems etc *ictories a)(a.s &o))o( the (earer+ From the e7perie#ces that has ,ee# recei*ed &rom *arious (earers, si7tee# &aces is -ood &or the &o))o(i#- co#ditio#s as (e)): 'o (i# 6e-a) pro,)ems 'o impro*e the cha#ce o& co#ceptio# &or the )adies 'o destro. the e*i) thou-hts o& e#emies+ Ma#tra: =m >amaha Shi*a.a Price 4#: 8S do))ars 9 : 1350 ;4#dia# $upees 9 $s+ 72!00< Se*e#tee# Face
Product Code: CS$01! Se*e#tee# &aces $udraksha remo*es #e-ati*it. a#d attract a)) success i# )i&e such as da. to da. )i&e, )o*e )i&e, &ami). )i&e so (earer -ro(th (i)) ,e treme#dous i# a)) aspects o& )i&e+ Cccordi#- to the scripture, (eari#- this ,ead 1u#da)i#i ca# ,e a(ake#ed+A7perie#ces retrie*ed &rom the peop)e (ho are (eari#this rudraksha &i#d this a ,est remed. &or : "ai#i#- u#e7pected mo#e., attai#i#- propert., *ehic)es a#d a)) materia) assets+ Circu)atio# o& hi-h e#er-ies thus -ood &or )oss o& e#er-., i#a,i)it. to do hard (ork or )a?i#ess+ Pro*ide stro#- po(er to speed up )o*e, marria-e a#d re)atio#ship (ith )o#-e*it.+ Fe)p to re)a7 a#d impro*e co#ce#tratio#+ Ma#tra: =m >amaha Shi*a.a Price 4#: 8S do))ars 9 : 4750 ;4#dia# $upees 9 $s+ 256500< =#e Mukhi Ma)a
Product Code: SM$M01 Ma)a made (ith ! ,eads o& o#e &ace i# red thread (ith si)*er chai#+ Cs (e k#o( e*e# (eari#- o#e &ace o#e pieces ha*e the properties o& remo*i#- a#. pro,)ems re)ated to &ia#a#ces ;(ea)th<,so the po(er o& ma)a is imme#se as it co#tai#s ! ,eads o& o#e &ace+2earer #e*er &ee)s shortae o& (ea)th i# his5her
)i&e+C)) &orms o& i))-e&&ects re)ated to (ea)th are dispe))ed+ 4t ,oosts the co#ce#tratio# a#d (i)) po(er o& the (earer+ Price 4#: 8S do))ars 9 : 00 ;4#dia# $upees 9 $s+ 43200< @eharadhu#'(o Mukhi $osar.
Product Code: SM$M02 Ma)a co#sist o& t(o &ace ;mukhi< 2701 ,eads stru#- i# red thread (ith sa#da)(ood ,eads as spacer i# ,et(ee# the ,eads+ 'he ma)a is hi-h). ,e#e&ic &or those (ho do#ot ha*e stro#- a#d ,etter re)atio#ship (ith &ami). mem,ers, &rie#d a#d re)ati*es+ %etter resu)t ha*e ,ee# see# i# coup)es (ho does#ot -etti#chi)d i# their )i&e+ >ot o#). this &or those perso# (ho (a#t to impro*e their re)atio#ship (ith co(orkers i# their 3o, the ma)a pro*ed a ,est remed.+ Price 4#: 8S do))ars 9 : 64 ;4#dia# $upees 9 $s+ 46656< 'hree Mukhi $osar.
Product Code: SM$M03 'his ma)a ,oost memor. po(er a#d co#ce#tratio#+ 4t ,oosts the po(er o& creati*e i#te))i-e#ce (he# -ar)a#ded+ 'he (earer &ee)s it ,. rea)i?i#- success i# his (ork, co#structi*e resources, (isdom a#d k#o()ed-e+ 4t *a#ishes a#-er,e*i) thou-ht+ Ma)a is desi-#ed (ith 2701 ,eads o& three &ace rudraksha (ith sa#da)(ood ,eads as spacer+ Price 4#: 8S do))ars 9 : 2 0 ;4#dia# $upees 9 $s+ 15120< Four Mukhi $osar.
Product Code: SM$M04 'ota) 2701 ,eads o& -e#era) si?e &our &ace is used to desi-# this ma)a+ Stru#- i# thread (ith sa#da)(ood ,eads as spacer+ 2eari#- this ma)a impro*es spiritua) k#o()ed-e+ 'hose (ho are doi#- meditatio#a) practices &i#d a deeper meditatio# (hi)e usi#- this ma)a duri#- practice+"ood &or those ha*i#- chro#ic ,ackache+ Price 4#: 8S do))ars 9 : 56 ;4#dia# $upees 9 $s+ 3024<
Product Code: SM$M05 Ma)a is desi-#ed (ith si7 &ace >epa)i -e#era) si?e rudraksha (ith 2701 ,eads +Stro#- i# thread (ith sa#da)(ood ,eads as spacer+ 4t (orks o# emotio#a) traumas a#d a&&ects u#dersta#di#- a#d appreciatio# o& )o*e a#d perso#a) re)atio#ships+ %ri#-s com&ort a#d attractio# to opposite se7 +4t teaches us ho( to )o*e a#d appreciate others+ So those (eari#- it (i)) &i#d themse)*es a (e))-k#o(# perso# (ithi# the societ.+ C Si7 &ace ma)a as)o impro*es art a#d artistic se#se+ Price 4#: 8S do))ars 9 : 56 ;4#dia# $upees 9 $s+ 3024< Se*e# Mukhi $osar.
Product Code: SM$M06 Ma)a is desi-#ed (ith 2701 ,eads o& se*e# &ace ,stru#- i# thread (ith sa#da)(ood as spacer+2eari#$udraksha i# mu)tip)e #um,er (eather same &ace or di&&ere#t &aces (i)) i#creases the e&&ect+ So this ma)a is a hi-h e#er-ies pro*ider i# re)atio# to those peop)e (ho are su&&eri#- )osses i# ,usi#ess ,3o,s a#d (hose Satur# P)a#et is i# %ad psotio# + 4t (i)) sta,i)ises a#d soothes the satur# p)a#ets thus remo*i#- the dreadest co#dtio# cuased ,. ima,a)a#ce Satur# p)a#et such as )oss o& mo#e. ,sick#ess, me#ta) pro,)ems, stress, u#success&u) i# 3o,s or ,usi#ess a#d more+++ Price 4#: 8S do))ars 9 : 420 ;4#dia# $upees 9 $s+ 226 0< Ai-ht Mukhi $osar.
Product Code: SM$M07 Ai-ht Face rudraksha o& 2701 ,eads stru#- i# red thread (ith sa#da)(ood ,eads as spacer+Ma)a is made (ith top -rade -e#era) si?e ei-ht &ace rudraksha+2eari#- the ma)a (i)) i#creases t(e#t. ei-ht times o& e#er-ies o& ei-ht &ace+So a#. o,stac)e is remo*ed i#sta#t).+4t he)ps to &)ourish ,usi#ess, 3o,s etc+ Price 4#: 8S do))ars 9 : 1176 ;4#dia# $upees 9 $s+ 63504< >i#e Mukhi $osar.
Product Code: SM$M0 $udraksha ma)a is made (ith 2701 ,eads o& #i#e &ace hi-h /ua)it. -e#era) si?e #epa)i rudraksha +'he ma)a ha*e hi-h e#er-ies (ith immediate e&&ect such as impro*es (i))-po(er, ,od. stre#-th, i#*okes &ear)ess#ess, d.#amism )eadi#- to a ,a)a#ced hea)th. )i&e+ 'hose (ho are pro#e to &ata) diseases o& a m.sterious #ature (i)) ,e ,e#e&ited ,. use o& this ma)a+ 'his ma)a i#sta#t). he)p to destro. si#s, i#3ustice, irre)i-io#, crue)t., )a?i#ess a#d e*i) ha,its (ithi# huma# #ature+ Price 4#: 8S do))ars 9 : 1540 ;4#dia# $upees 9 $s+ 3160< 'e# Mukhi $osar.
Product Code: SM$M0! Ma)a is desi-#ed i# red thread (ith sa#da)(ood ,eads as spacer i# ,et(ee# each ,eads (ith 2701 ,ead +'e# &ace o#e o& the most po(er&u) rudrakshas has (ide *ariet. o& ,e#e&its+2eari#- it attracts )uck a#d prosperit., he)ps to attai# (ea)th. )i&e, (orks as di*i#e protectio# too) &rom a)) ki#d o& #e-ati*e &orces,e#er-ies a#d spirits +4t ca)ms the #er*es, /uiets the mi#d, a#d re)ie*es depressio#+4t ,ri#-s out the i##er spiritua) e#er-ies )eadi#- to se)& hea)i#- + From the e7perie#ces (ith ma#. peop)e (e ha*e see# that it impro*es ,usi#ess a#d socia) )i&e +4t (orks as paci&ier o& a)) the #i#e p)a#ets dosha a#d ma)e&ic e&&ects+ Price 4#: 8S do))ars 9 : 142 ;4#dia# $upees 9 $s+ 77112< A)e*e# Mukhi $osar.
Product Code: SM$M010 Ma)a is made (ith 2701 ,eads o& -e#er) si?e e)e*e# &ace rudraksha i# red thread (ith sa#da)(ood ,eads as spacer+4#sta#t a#d /uick resu)t see# i# impro*i#- (isdom, ri-ht 3ud-me#t, po(er&u) *oca,u)ar., ad*e#turous )i&e a#d success+4t he)ps to attai# a)) riddhis a#d siddhis+"ood &or impro*i#- the spiritua) path a#dd k#o()ed-e+ Price 4#: 8S do))ars 9 : 1!04 ;4#dia# $upees 9 $s+ 102 16< '(e)*e Mukhi $osar.
Product Code: SM$M011 Co#sideri#- the &act that t(e)e*e &ace rudraksha ha*e *arieties o& properties+4t is ,e)ie*ed to ,e the source o& *ita)it. a#d the ph.sica) make up+ 2eari#- t(e)*e &aces impro*es *ariet. o& traits i# a# i#di*idua), ,oth ph.sica) a#d ps.cho)o-ica) (hich he)ps them to mo*e co#ti#uous). (ith ,ri))ia#ce a#d stre#-th i# their )i&e+ 4t he)ps i# o#eEs perso#a) ho#est. a#d i#te-rit., a#d the a,i)it. to comma#d respect a#d authorit., to impress a#d i#&)ue#ce others+ 4t is -ood &or po)iticia#s a#d peop)e )ooki#- &or hi-her positio#s i# societ.+ '(e)*e &aces impro*es )eadership /ua)ities a#d puts the perso# i# &ore&ro#t+ 4t -i*es i#te))ectua) capa,i)ities a#d impro*es o#eEs (riti#- a#d speaki#- po(ers+ 2eari#- ma)a o& this t(e)*e &ace i# 2701 ,eads com,i#atio# is hi-h). e&&ecti*e i# -etti#- a,o*e resu)t &aster+ as the e#er-ies mu)tip). (he# the #um,er o& ,eads i#creases (hi)e (eari#-+ Price 4#: 8S do))ars 9 : 2520 ;4#dia# $upees 9 $s+ 1360 0< "a#esh $udraksha $osar.
Product Code: SM$M012 Ger. auspicious ma)a co#tai#i#- 2701 ,eads o& -a#esh rudraksha+2earer &i#d te# &o)d &aster the resu)t o& co#&ide#ce, coura-e a#d i##er stre#-th+Cccordi#- to the a#cie#t scripture, (earer attai#s a)) the p)easure o& this (or)d a#d o& the (or)d to come+ 2eari#- (i)) pro*ide : - Positi*e perso#a)it.+ - =ptimism+ - $i-hteous co#duct+ - Sa&et. a#d securit.+ Price 4#: 8S do))ars 9 : ! 0 ;4#dia# $upees 9 $s+ 52!20<