Detailed Vedic Procedure To Energize A Rudraksha
Detailed Vedic Procedure To Energize A Rudraksha
Detailed Vedic Procedure To Energize A Rudraksha
It will be better if the wearer perform this Pooja by himself, or else one can take the services of a the Guru or the priest of a temple for this procedure.
%ave bath in morning and sit on the /asan facing 6ast Direction. *etter to keep a Parad or "rystal made &hiv -ingha in front of you. +eep all the pooja items near you. +eep the container of Ganga water near you. )ash the 0udraksha with PanchGaveya or Panchaamrit. +eep the 0udraksha bead(s in the vessel containing , -eaves of Peepal in front of you. +eep on empty vessel or plate near it to pore the Pooja items in it. -it the ghee lamp and insane. "hant the Pachaakshari !antra for three times. 7.! 1/!/% &%I8/96:.
Put some Ganga water drops on your body and the pooja items while chanting these mantras$ OM APAVITRAH PAVITRO VAA SARVAAVASTAAN GATOPIVA, YAH SMRET PUNDIRKAKSHAM SA BAAHAYAABHYAANTARAH SHUCHIAH
Pore some Ganga )ater using the bunch of +usha or grass in your right palm and wash both your hands. 1ow again pore some ganga;water in your right palm and drink it while chanting these mantras$ OM KESHAVAAYE NAMAH OM NAARAAYANAAYE NAMAH OM MAADHAVAAYE NAMAH 1ow again pore some ganga;water in your right palm and pore it on the earth near you while chanting these mantras$ OM GOVINDAAYE NAMAH 1ow keep the inde# finger on your nose and perform the Praanaayaama and chant these mantras OM PRAANAAVAASYA PARBRAHMHA RISHIH PARMAATAMA DEVTA DEVI GAAYATRI CHHANDAH PRAANAAYAMI VINIYOGAH Put some Ganga water drops on the 0udraksha *ead(s using the bunch of +usha or grass and chant these mantras$ OM SADYO AATAM PRAPADYAAMI SADYO AATAAYA VEI NAMO NAMAH BHAVE BHAVE NAATIBHAVE BHAVASVA MAAM BHAVODDABHAVAAYE NAMAH 5ake some white flowers in your right hand and apply the sandal wood paste on it and touch them with the 0udraksha bead(s and chant these mantras$ OM VAAM DEVAAYE NAMAH, ESHTTHAAYE NAMAH, SHARESHTTHAAYE NAMAH, RUDRAAYE NAMAH, KAALAAYE NAMAH, KAL!VIKARANAAYE NAMAH, BAL! VIKARANAAYE NAMAH, BALAAYE NAMAH, BAL!PRAMATHNAAYE NAMAH, SARVA BHOOTADAMAPASYE NAMAH, MANONMANAAYE NAMAH 1ow offer the holy perfume of insane to the 0udraksha by directing the smoke of insane towards it, while chanting these mantras$ AGHORBHAYO ATHGHOREBHAYO GHOR GHOR TAREBHYAH SARVEBHYAH SARVASHARVEBHAYO NAMASTEASTU RUDRARUPBHAYAH /gain take some flowers in your hand and apply some sandal wood paste to them and touch them to the 0udraksha bead(s while chanting these mantra$ OM TATPURUSHAYE VIDDMAHE MAHAADEVAYE DHIMAHI TANORUDRAH PRACHODAYAAT
1ow chant these I&%//1 !antras to "%/0G6 the 0udraksha bead(s OM ISHAANAH SARV VIDDYAANAAMISHVARAH SARVBHOOTAANAAM BRAHMADHIPATI BRAAHMANODHIPATI BRAHAMA SHIVOMEINASTU SADAASHIVOM 1ow take some rice in your left palm. "hant these mantras of energi<ing (Praanpratishtha and offer some rice with right hand to 0udraksha bead(s $ OM AAM HALEEM KROM YAM RAM LAM VAM SHAM SHAM SAM HAUM HAM SAH ASYA MAALAAYAH PRAANAAH EEH PRAANAAH OM AAM HALEEM KROM YAM RAM LAM VAM SHAM SHAM SAM HAUM HAM SAH ASYA MAALAAYAH EEV EEH STHITHAH OM AAM HALEEM KROM YAM RAM LAM VAM SHAM SHAM SAM HAUM HAM SAH ASYA MAALAAYAH SARENDRIYAANI VAANGMANSHCHAKSHU SHROTRAGHRAANAPADAANI EEHEAIVAAGATYE SUKHAM CHIRAM TISHATHAANTU SA"AAHA 1ow again take some rice in your left palm. "hant these mantras of devotion and offer some rice with right hand to 0udraksha bead(s with every mantra. /ll these mantras have a different purpose of welcoming the god, offering clothes, rice, flowers, divine perfume of insane, light of the lamp, ganga water, fruits, paan and coconut etc. Perform as directed$ Welcome Mantra (keep you hands together in the form of namaskaar and pray to -ord &hiva AASANAM SAMARAPAYAAMI SHRI SHIV MAHADEVYA CHARNA KAMLEBHAYO NAMAH Offering loths (5ake )hite or 0ed "loth in your right hand and offer it to the 0udraksha *ead(s while chanting this mantra VASTRA SAMARAPAYAAMI SHRI SHIV MAHADEVYA CHARNA KAMLEBHAYO NAMAH Offering Rice (1ow take rice in your right hand offer it to the 0udraksha *ead(s while chanting this mantra AKSHATAM SAMARAPAYAAMI SHRI SHIV MAHADEVYA CHARNA KAMLEBHAYO NAMAH Offering Flowers (5ake white flowers in your right hand offer it to the 0udraksha *ead(s while chanting this mantra PUSHPAM SAMARAPAYAAMI SHRI SHIV MAHADEVYA CHARNA KAMLEBHAYO NAMAH
Offering the di!ine perfume of insane (Direct the smoke of insane towards 0udraksha *ead(s with your right hand while chanting this mantra DHUP SAMARAPAYAAMI SHRI SHIV MAHADEVYA CHARNA KAMLEBHAYO NAMAH Offering the light of lamp of ghee (Direct the light of lamp towards 0udraksha *ead(s with your right hand while chanting this mantra DEEP SAMARAPAYAAMI SHRI SHIV MAHADEVYA CHARNA KAMLEBHAYO NAMAH Offering the "anga Water (5ake the ganga water from the container using the bunch of +usha or grass with your right hand and put some drops of the 0udraksha *ead(s while chanting this mantra AACHMANIYAM SAMARAPAYAAMI SHRI SHIV MAHADEVYA CHARNA KAMLEBHAYO NAMAH Offering the Fruits (5ake the fruits in your right hand and offer them to the 0udraksha *ead(s while chanting this mantra NAIVEDEYAM SAMARAPAYAAMI SHRI SHIV MAHADEVYA CHARNA KAMLEBHAYO NAMAH Offering the "anga Water once again (.nce again take the ganga water from the container using the bunch of +usha or grass with your right hand and put some drops of the 0udraksha *ead(s while chanting this mantra AACHMANIYAM SAMARAPAYAAMI SHRI SHIV MAHADEVYA CHARNA KAMLEBHAYO NAMAH Offering the Paan (5ake the paan in your right hand and offer them to 0udraksha *ead(s while chanting this mantra TAAMBOOLAM SAMARAPAYAAMI SHRI SHIV MAHADEVYA CHARNA KAMLEBHAYO NAMAH Offering oconut (5ake the coconut in your right hand and offer it to 0udraksha *ead(s while chanting this mantra SHRI #AL SAMARAPAYAAMI SHRI SHIV MAHADEVYA CHARNA KAMLEBHAYO NAMAH 1ow lit the "amphor and say /arati for three times$ KARPOOR GAUR KARUNAAVATAARAM SANSAARAM SAARAM BHU AGENDRAHAAR, SADA VASANTAM HRIDAYAARVANDE BHAVAM BHAVAANI SAHITAM NAMAAMI 1ow chant the Gayatri !antra for three times$
OM BHURBHUVAH S"AH TATSVITURVARENIYAM BHARGODEVASAYADHIMAHI DHIYOYONAH PRACHODAYAAT 1ow chant the &urya !antra for three times$ OM BHU OM BHUVAH OM SA"AH OM MAHA OM ANNAH OM TAPAH OM SATAYAM 1ow touch your 0ight 6ye with the fingers of your right hand and chant the mantra$ OM AAPO YOTI RASO AMRITAM BRAHMA BHU BHUVAH S"AROM 1ow touch your -eft 6ye with the fingers of your right hand and chant the same mantra$ OM AAPO YOTI RASO AMRITAM BRAHMA BHU BHUVAH S"AROM 1ow touch your 4orehead with the fingers of your right hand and chant the same mantra$ OM AAPO YOTI RASO AMRITAM BRAHMA BHU BHUVAH S"AROM 1ow chant the !aha !rityunjaya !antra for 3 times. OM HOM OOM SAH OM BHURBHUVAH S"AH TRIYAMBAKAM YA AAMAHE SUGANDHIM PUSHTIVARDHANAM URVAARUKMIVBANDHANAAN MRITYOUMOKSHIYE MAMRTAAT BHURBHUVAH S"AROM OOM SAH HOM OM 1ow "hant the *eeja mantras of 0udraksha for ' time each$ OM NAMAH SHIVAYE, OM HREEM NAMAH, OM NAMAH, OM KLEEM NAMAH, OM HREEM HUM NAMAH, OM HUM NAMAH, OM KROM KSHROM ROM NAMAH 1ow pray to -ord &hiva with full faith in him$ OM PURNAMADAH PURNAMIDAM PURNAART PURMUDCHAYATE PURNASAYE PURNMAADAAYE PURNMEVAAYE SHISHAYATE OM SHANTIH SHANTIH SHANTIH 1ow you can wear the energi<ed (praanpratishthit 0udraksha *ead(s or can place them in the temple of your home, office or workplace. Donate some money along with all the Pooja items in the temple. 5ake the blessings of your elders for your higher self.
;; )ater mi#ed with Ganges water in a achamani pot with +usha grass for sprinkling and a spoon. ;;, leaves of peepal tree arranged on a plate. ;;Plate for offerings to be placed during Puja. ;;Dhoop , Incense sticks ;;"amphor and lamp ;;&andal paste , /romatic oil. ;;0ice grains mi#ed with asthagandha. ;;Ghee lamp (one wick ;;.fferings ; "loth, 4lower, 4ruit, *etel nut ; Paan , "oconut &it on an /san facing east. )ash 0udraksha with Punchagavya or Punchamrit . 5hen wash with water mi#ed with Ganges water. Place 0udraksha in a plate with , leaves of Peepal tree . Place an empty plate in front of this plate for offerings. "hant = times >.m 1amah &hivaya> &prinkle water over ourself and all items of Puja chanting$ >.m /pavitrah Pavitro 8a &arva 8astan Gatopi 8a 9ah &maret Pundari +aksham &a *ahya *hyantarah &huchih>
$ranslation: !ay all things unholy become holy, may all lower tendencies depart, just as soon as we transcend may within and without be purified? 5hen "hant$ >.m Gurubhyo 1amaha .m Ganeshaya 1amaha .m +ula Devatabhyo 1amaha .m Ishta Devatabhyo 1amaha .m !ata Pitribhyam 1amaha> $ranslation: I bow to guru, I bow to Ganesha, I bow to the family deity, I bow to my personal deity, I bow to my parents. Place water on right hand with spoon of /chamani and sip after each of these = mantras >.m +eshavaya 1amaha .m 1arayana 1amaha .m !adhavaya 1amaha> Place water on right hand and pour on ground$ >.m Govindaya 1amaha> Do three short rounds of pranayama breaths. $O% Pr&'&(&)*& P&r&+r&,%& R-),-,- P&r&%&.%& De(&.& D&-(- G&*&.r- C,&'d&,& Pr&'&*&%&e V-'-*o/&,&$ &prinkle water on 0udraksha with +usha grass from /chamani .m &adyojaatam Prapadyaami &adyojataajava 1amo 1amaha *have *havenaati *have *havasvamaam *havodbhavay 1amaha 5ake a flower and dip in &andal paste and aromatic oils and touch on the beads
.m 8amdevaya 1amah, @yeshthaay 1amah , &hreshthay 1amah , 0udraay 1amah , +aalay 1amah ,+ala 8ikarannaay 1amah, *al 8ikaranaay 1amah, *alaay 1amah *ala Pramathanaay 1amah, &arva *hoot Damanaay 1amah, !anomanaay 1amah. .ffer Dhoop to the rudraksha beads >.m /ghorebhyo Ghorebhyo Ghor Ghor 5arebhayaha &arvebhya &arva &harvvebhyo 1amaste /stu 0udra 0oopebhyaha> /gain take a flower and dip in &andal paste and touch on beads >.m 5atpurushaaya 8idmahe !ahadevaay Dheemahi 5anno 0udraha Prachodayaat> "hant 6eeshan mantra .m 6eshaanah &arvavidyaanam 6eshwar &arvabhootaanaam *rahmaadipati *rahmanaadhipati *rahma &hivome /stu &adaa &hivom "hant Pranpratishtha mantra (-ife giving mantra . .ffer rice to plate before rudraksha while chanting this . .m aam hreem krom yum rum lum vum shum shum sum haum hum sah asya malaya prana eha prana .m aam hreem krom yum rum lum vum shum shum sum haum hum sah asya malaya jeeva eha sthitha .m aam hreem krom yum rum lum vum shum shum sum haum hum sah asya malaya sarveindrayani vagmansyachakshu shodragranapadani ihevagatya sukham chiram thithantu swaha. "hant these ne#t mantras and give the offerings or give rice to the plate in front of 0udrakshas$ (.ffering AAAA to the lotus feet of &hiva !aha Devaya, I bow (Invocation /vahanam &amarpayami &ri &hiva !aha Devaya "harana +amalebhyo 1amaha (&eat /sanam &amarpayami &ri &hiva !aha Devaya "harana +amalebhyo 1amaha ("loth 8astram &amarpayami &ri &hiva !aha Devaya "harana +amalebhyo 1amaha (&andalwood or scent "handanam &amarpayami &ri &hiva !aha Devaya "harana +amalebhyo 1amaha (0ice% A0),&.&' S&%&r1&*&%- Sr- S,-(& M&,& De(&*& C,&r&'& K&%&2e+,*o N&%&,& (4lower Pushpam &amarpayami &ri &hiva !aha Devaya "harana +amalebhyo 1amaha (Dhoop Dhupam &amarpayami &ri &hiva !aha Devaya "harana +amalebhyo 1amaha (Ghee lamp Deepam &amarpayami &ri &hiva !aha Devaya "harana +amalebhyo 1amaha ()ater drink /chamaniyam &amarpayami &ri &hiva !aha Devaya "harana +amalebhyo 1amaha (4ruit 1aivedyam &amarpayami &ri &hiva !aha Devaya "harana +amalebhyo 1amaha ()ater Drink /chamaniyam &amarpayami &ri &hiva !aha Devaya "harana +amalebhyo 1amaha (*etel nut ; Paan 5ambulam &amarpayami &ri &hiva !aha Devaya "harana
+amalebhyo 1amaha ("oconut &hri Phalam &amarpayami &ri &hiva !aha Devaya "harana +amalebhyo 1amaha *urn "amphor and circle it clockwise =# in front of plate and chant$ +arpura &hivam +aruna 8ataram &amsara &aram *hujagendraharam &ada 8asantam %ridaya 0avinde *havam *havani &ahitam 1amami $ranslation: )hite as camphor and kindness incarnate, the very form of *rahman consciousness, you &hiva ever dwell in my heart. I bow to you "hant Gayatri mantra = times .m *hur *huvah &waha .m 5at &avitur 8arenyum *hargo Devasya Dhimahi Dhiyo 9onaha Prachodayat "hant &urya mantra = times .m *hu .m *huvaha .m &waha .m !aha .m @anaha .m 5apaha .m &atyam 0epeat and touch each after each mantra, right eye, left eye, forehead O% A1o *o.,- R&)o A%.r-.&% Br&,%& B,u B,u(&,& S3&ro% "hant !ahamrityunjaya mantra 3 times and offer rice to a plate before rudraksha after each round O% H&u% oo% S&, ,O% B,ur B,u(&,& S3&,& O% Tr-&%+&0&% Y&4&%&,e*,Su'/&'d,-% Pu),.- V&rd&'&% Ur(&r U0&%-(& B&'d,&'&',Mr-.*or Mu0),ee*& M&%r-.&. O% S3&,& B,u(&,& B,u O% S&, oo% H&u% O% "hant *eeja mantra '(B times O% N&%&, S,-(&*& O% Hree% N&%&, O% N&%&, O% K2ee% N&%&, O% Hree% N&%&, O% Hree% Hu% N&%&, O% Hu% N&%&, O% Kro% Sro% Ro% N&%&, *ow or supplicate, then chant this last prayer $ O% Pur'&%&d& 1ur'&%-d&% 1ur'&., 1ur'&%ud*&c,-.e Pur'&)*& 1ur'&%&d&*& 1ur'& %e(&*& ),-),*&.e
O% S,&'.- S,&'.- S,&'.