Philippine Environmental Laws

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Philippine Constitution (202K) The Philippine Constitution specifically protects the environment.

Philippine Constitution (Excerpts) (10K) Summarizes areas specific to environmental protection. Presidential Decree 704. (55K) Covers fishery laws Presidential Decree 705. (48K) Covers forestry laws Executive Order 240. (37)K Covers Integrated Fishery Management Local Goverment Code (Excerpts) (40K) Presidental Decree 1151 (5K) Covers Philippine Environmental Policy Presidential Decree No. 1152 (50K) The Philippine Environment Code

DENR Administrative Order No. 97-38 Covers chemical control order for mercury and mercury compounds. DENR Administrative Order No. 97-05 Procedures in the retention of areas within certain distances along the banks of rivers, streams, and shore of seas, lakes and oceans for environmental protection. Bureau of Forestry Administrative Order No. 1 Regulations Governing the collecting, gathering and/or disposing marine turtles, turtle eggs and its by-products Ministry of Natural Resources Special Order No. 357 Created a council of deputy conservation officers in the province of Tawi-Tawi Ministry of Natural Resources Special Order No. 201 Covers the creation of an implementing organization of the Pawikan Task Force to implement the pawikan conservation program of the Philippines.

JOA Number 3. (4K) Covers Implementing guidelines on the granting of preferential treatment to small Ministry of Natural Resources fisherfolk relative to the 15K Muncipal Memorandum Order No. 06 Water. Declares a total ban on exploitation activities related to marine turtles. Republic Act No. 7586 (NIPAS Act) (29K) Establishment and Management of National Integrated Protected Areas System, Defining its scope and coverage Ministry of Natural Resources Memorandum, September 1, 1982 DENR Administrative Order No. 25 (83K) Management Authority over Marine Implementing Rules and Regulations for Turtles. Republic Act No. 7586 Presidential Decree No. 1586 (7K) Establishing an Environmental Impact Statement System, including other environmental management related measures. Republic Act No. 7942 (Philippine Mining Act of 1995) (99K) An Act instituting a new system of Mineral Resources Exploration, Development,

Ministry of Natural Resources Administrative Order No. 34 Declare the municipality of Caluya as marine turtle sanctuary. Ministry of Natural Resources Administrative Order No. 33 Regulations governing the collection of marine turtle eggs in the province of Tawi-Tawi and reiterating the duties and responsibilities of deputy conservation

utilization and conservation DENR Administrative Order No. 96-40 Series of 1996 (429K) Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations of Republic Act No. 7942 Republic Act No. 7907 (33K) An Act Amending Republic Act No. 3844, as amended, otherwise known as the "Code of Agrarian Reform in the Philippines". Republic Act No. 6657 (99K) The Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law of 1998. Presidential Decree No. 984 (33K) Providing for the Revision of Republic Act No. 3931, commonly known as the Pollution Control Law. Executive Order No. 542 (17K) Covers the creation of the Task Force Pawikan Executive Order No. 263(17K) Adopts Community-Based Forest Management as the National Strategy to ensure the sustainable development of the country's forst lands. City of Manila Ordinance 7695 (2K) Covers proper garbage disposal. City of Manila Ordinance 7849 (3K) Amends Ordinace 7695 to provide stiffer penalties for improper garbage disposal.

officers and deputy game wardens. Ministry of Natural Resources Administrative Order No. 10 Deputizing the Governor and ViceGovernor of Tawi-Tawi, Municipal Mayor and Barangay Captain of the Municipality of Taganak of the Province of Tawi-Tawi as Deputized Conservation Officers. Ministry of Natural Resources Administrative Order No. 08 Establishment of Certain Islands in the Province of Tawi-Tawi, Palawan and Antique Marine Turtle Sanctuaries. Ministry of Natural Resources Administrative Order No. 01 Deputizing the Provincial Governors, ViceGovernors and Municipal Mayors, areas critical for the protection of Marine Turtles in the Philippines, as Conservation Officers

Fisheries Administrative Order No. 68 Amends Section 2 of Fisheries Administrative Order No. 36. Revised Fisheries Administrative Order No. 60 Regulations governing the issuance of fishpond permits and/or leases on public forest lands. Forestry Sector Administrative Order No. 03 Bans use of Highlead Yarding Systems in the Dipterocarp Forests

City of Manila Ordinance 7853 (4K) An Ordinace requiring that all Public Utility Vehicles provide trash receptacles in their DENR Administrative Order No. 20, June 1, 1992 vehicles. Created the Organizational and Management Structure for the Fisheries Administrative Order No. 76 implementation of the ENR Sector Regulations regarding the collecting and Adjustment Loan (SECAL) Program. gathering of marine turtles DENR Administrative Order No.02, Fisheries Administrative Order No. 88 Regulations for the Conservation of Turtle, January 13, 1992 Deals with the Annual Allowable Cut Turtle Eggs and Turtle Shells in the

Philippines Bureau of Forest Development Circular No. 8 Regulations for the Conservation of Marine Turtles in the Philippines DANR General Administrative Order No. 2 Transferring the Administration and Control of Turtles to the Parks and Wildlife Office and for Other Purposes. DENR Administrative Order No. 3, Series of 1995 Procedural and/or Documentary Requirements, Guidelines and/or Criteria to be observed and/or followed in the Selection of Local Government Units (LGUs). Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) and People's Organizations (POs) to the Protected Area Management Board (PAMB) DENR Administrative Order No. 5, Series of 1995 Guidelines in the selection, awards, monitoring and evaluationof host NonGovernment Organization in the Conservation of Protected Areas Project DENR Administrative Order No. 7, February 17, 1994 Revised Guidelines Governing the Issuance of Certificate of Origin for Logs, Timber, Lumber and Non- timber Forest Products.

Determination to Second Growth Forest. DENR Administrative Order No.12, April 01, 1992 Deals with the annual allowable cut computation and tree marking goal determination in the second growth dipterocarp forests

DENR Administrative Order No.34, July 14, 1992 Covers the rules and regulations to implement Republic Act No. 7076. DENR Administrative Order No.16, April 20, 1992 Addendum to DAO 42 which provides the regulations and guidelines governing the establishment and development of IFPs Presidential Decree 1067 The Water Code of the Philippines Republic Act 8371 The Indigenous Peoples Rights Act of 1997, provides for the recognition, protection and promotion of the rights of indigenous cultural communities / indigenous people. Republic Act 8435 Agriculture and Fisheries Modernization Act of 1997

DENR Administrative Order No. 04, Series DENR Administrative Order No. 13, Series of 1992 of 1992 Amending DENR Administrative Order No. Regulation governing the establishment of 14, Series of 1991 "Establishing The El buffer zone within forest lands. Nido Marine Reserves". DENR Administrative Order No. 142, Series of 1989 Guidelines on the Disposition of Confiscated Wildlife Species. DENR Administrative Order No. 30, September 30, 1994 Implementing Guidelines for NonGovernment Organization Assisted Community-Based Mangrove Forest

Republic Act 8550 The Philippine Fisheries Code of 1998 DENR Administrative Order No.96-12 Prescribes organizational and Management Arrangement of the Pasig

Management (NGO- Assisted CBMFM) for the DENR. DENR Memorandum Order No. 95-08 Clarification on the Provisions of the NIPAS Law regarding the modification of boundary of the Protected Area and its Buffer Zone. DENR Administrative Order No. 08, February 17, 1994 Additional Requirements in the Issuance of New Sawmill Permits and Certificates of Registration as Lumber Dealers, Including Renewals Thereof. DENR Administrative Order No. 32, September 07, 1994 Creation of an Office to Coordinate DENR Commitments to Inter-Agency Committees, Commission, Task Force and Special Projects.

River Rehabilitation Program DENR Administrative Order No.92-23 Institutionalizes the Master Plan for Forestry Development within DENR and Defines Functions of Offices for the purpose. DENR Administrative Order No.92-27 Covers the Management of Mossy Forests DENR Administrative Order No.92-30 Guidelines for the Transfer and Implementation of DENR Functions Devolved to the Local Government Units DENR Administrative Order No.92-34 Rules and Regulations to Implement Republic Act No. 7076 Otherwise Known as "Peoples Small Scale Mining Act of 1991".

DENR Administrative Order No.34, September 16, 1994 DENR Administrative Order No.92-35 Amending Section 13 of DAO 58, Series of Prescribes the Guidelines for Community 1983, Providing for the Rules and Reforestation Contract Under the Low Regulations Governing Narra Resources. Income Upland Communities Project (LIUCP) DENR Administrative Order No. 35, September 19, 1994 DENR Administrative Order No.92-36 Guidelines Governing the Implementation Covers the Assignment and Supervision of and Monitoring of the DENR National the DENR-Non-Governmental/Peoples' Crime Reporting System. Organization (NG/PO) Desk. DENR Administrative Order No.36, Series of 1991 Guidelines governing the confiscation, seizure, and disposition of wilf flora and fauna illegally collected, gathered, acquired, transported, and imported including paraphernalia. DENR Administrative Order No. 37, Series of 1996 Revising DENR Administrative Order No. 21, Series of 1992, to further strengthen the implementation of the Environmental Impact Statement System DENR Administrative Order No.55, Series of 1991 DENR Administrative Order No.92-37 Amending certain provisions of DENR Administrative Order No. 30, Series of 1992 Department of Agriculture Administrative Order No.98-03 Implementing Rules and Regulations Pursuant to Republic Act No. 8550 DENR Administrative Order No.92-50 Guidelines on the Disposition of Confiscated Logs, Lumber and Other Forest Products for Public Infrastructure Projects.

Declaring Dugong or sea cow (Dugong dugon) as Protected Marine Mammal of the Philippines

DENR Administrative Order No.97-04 Rules and Regulations Governing the Industrial Forest Management Program

DENR Memorandum Circular No. 16, Series of 1993 Guidelines on the Establishment and DENR Administrative Order No.96-24 Management of Buffer Zones for Protected Rules and Regulations Governing the Areas Socialized Industrial Forest Management Program DENR Memorandum Circular No.04, January 26, 1994 DENR Administrative Order No.93-60 Implementing Guidelines for the Revised Regulations and Guidelines Selection, Contracting, Monitoring and Governing the Establishment and Evaluation of NGOs Under the ENR-SECAL Management of Industrial Forest Program. Plantations (IFPs) and Management of DENR Memorandum Circular No. 01, January 18, 1994 Guidelines for the Prosecution of Illegal Logging and Related Cases DENR Memorandum Circular No. 20, Series of 1990 Guidelines on the Restoration of Open and Denuded Areas within National Parks and Other Protected Areas within National Parks and Other Protected Areas for the Enhancement of Biological Diversity. DENR Memorandum Circular No. 20, Series of 1995 Implementing Guidelines of DENR Administrative Order No. 95-9, Series of 1995, Regulation on Forest Tree Seed Production, Collection and Disposition. DENR Memorandum Circular No. 21, June 22, 1994 Supplementary Guidelines and Instructions on the Implementation of DAO No. 07, S. 1994. Anent Issuance of Certificates of Origin for Forest Products. Residual Natural Forests for Production Purposes DENR Administrative Order No.93-68 Amendment to DAO No. 60, Series of 1993 DENR Administrative Order No.93-22 Revised Guidelines for Community Forestry Program DENR Administrative Order No.93-16 Guidelines on the Implementation of the Forestry Sector Project DENR Administrative Order No.92-56 Designation of Pagbilao Mangrove Swamp Experimental Forest as Genetic Resources Area and National Training Site for Mangrove

DENR Memorandum Circular No. 22, October 7, 1994 Delegation of Authority Regarding the Republic Act No. 8041 Implementation of Foreign Assisted Integrated Protected Area Projects (IPAS), An Act to Address the National Water Crisis etc. DENR Memorandum Circular No. 25, July Republic Act No. 7161

DENR & DILG Joint Memorandum Circular No. 98-01 Designation of Pagbilao Mangrove Swamp Experimental Forest as Genetic Resources Area and National Training Site for Mangrove

13, 1994 Guidelines on the Partial Turn-over of Contract Reforestation (CREF) Projects Qualified for Forestland Management Agreement (FLMA) Issuance DENR Memorandum Circular No. 26, July 08, 1994 Flagship Program for the Indigenous Cultural Communities under the Social Reform Agenda. DENR Memorandum Circular No. 32, September 06, 1994 DENR Divers Who Could Assist in the Conduct of Coral and Fish Survey and Assessment. DENR Memorandum Circular No. 34, September 22, 1994 General Outline for the Formulation of Initial Protected Area Plan. DENR Memorandum Circular No. 38, October 18, 1994 Amending DENR Memorandum Circular No. 29, Series of 1993. Otherwise Known as"Guidelines and Procedures in the Cancellation of Reforestation Contracts and Recovery Proceedings." DENR Memorandum Circular No. 45, December 22, 1994 Clarifications on Some Provisions of R.A. 7586, DAO No. 25, Series of 1992 and Other Related Guidelines. DENR Memorandum Order No. 01, February 17, 1994 Adoption of Revised Procedures on the Issuance of Certificate of Origin Forms DENR Memorandum Order No. 04, February 02, 1995 Creation and Constitution of the National Federation of Multisectoral Forest Protection Committees (NFMFPC) Executive Order No. 192, June 10, 1987 Providing for the Reorganization of the Department of Environment, Energy and Natural Resources, Renaming it as the

Amends PD 705 by increasing the Forest Charges on Timber and other Forest Products. Republic Act No. 4190 An Act Declaring Certain Places in the Province of Lanao Del Sur as National Parks Republic Act No. 3571 An Act which prohibits destroying growing trees, flowering plants and other plants of scenic value in public areas Quezon Proclamation No. 02, series of 1913 Sets apart a forest reserve in Atimonan, Quezon

Quezon Proclamation No. 740, series of 1934 Covers the establishment of the Quezon National Park Quezon Proclamation No. 594, series of 1940 Modifies the boundaries of Quezon National Park Proclamation No. 2146 Proclaiming Certain Areas and Types of Projects as Environmentally Critical and Within the Scope of the Environmental Impact Statement System Established under Presidential Decree No. 1586. Presidential Decree No. 979 The Marine Pollution Decree of 1976 Presidential Decree No. 856 Code on Sanitation in the Philippines Presidential Decree No. 825 Provides penalties for improper disposal of garbage and other forms of uncleanliness.

Presidential Decree No. 601

Department of Environment and Natural Resources, and for other Purposes Executive Order No. 192 Authorizing the Establishment of the Clark International Airport Corporation to operate and manage the Clark Aviation Complex Executive Order No. 446 Mandating the Phase-out of Leaded Gasoline as one of the means of solving air pollution. Executive Order No. 708 Reorganizing the Office of the President and Creating the Office of the Prime Minister pursuant to the 1981 amendments to the Constitution. Fisheries Administrative Order No. 129 Ban on the taking or catching, selling, possessing, transporting Sabalo (full grown bangus or milkfish) Fisheries Administrative Order No. 125 Rules and regulations governing conversion of ordinary fishpond permits and ten (10) year fishpond lease agreements into twenty-five (25) year fishpond lease agreements and other related matters. Fisheries Administrative Order No. 144 Rules and regulations on commercial fishing. Fisheries Administrative Order No. 149 Adopting all existing rules and regulations on fisheries Fisheries Administrative Order No. 155 Regulating the use of fine meshed nets in fishing Fisheries Administrative Order No. 156 Guidelines and procedure in the effective implementation of LOI No. 1328 Fisheries Administrative Order No. 163 Prohibiting the operation of "Muro-Ami"

The Revised Coast Guard Law of 1974 Presidential Decree No. 2001 Established a program phasing-out tetraethyl lead (TEL) in gasoline. Presidential Decree No. 1899 Establishes small-scale mining as a new dimension in mineral development Presidential Decree No. 1775 Amends section eighty of the Revised Philippine Forestry Code (PD 705) Presidential Decree No. 1160 Gives authority to Barangay Captains to enforce Pollution and Environmental Control Laws Presidential Decree No. 1121 Covers the creation of the National Environmental Protection Council

DENR Memorandum Circular No. 06, June 4, 1992 Covers the implementation of Project CARE Activities After Species Adoption by Each Barangay, Municipality, City and Province Letter of Instruction No. 549 Instructs the National Environment Protection Council to establish an administrative system for the evaluation of environmental impact of projects. Letter of Instructions No.1179 Instructions authorizing the National Environment Protection Council to issue Environmental Compliance Certificates. Executive Order No. 247 Sets guidelines for the prospecting of biological and genetic resources Executive Order No. 15 Created the Philippine Council for Sustainable Development

and "Kayakas" in all Philippine waters. Fisheries Administrative Order No. 164 Rules and Regulations governing the operation of "Hulbot-Hulbot" in the Philippine waters. Fisheries Administrative Order No. 173 Banning the exportation of bangus fingerlings (hatirin)

DENR Memorandum Order No. 10, series of 1991 Guidelines for the conduct of Resources Basic Inventory (RBI) within Protected Areas.

Fisheries Administrative Order No. 18 Covers the protection and conservation of turtles in the San Miguel Islands, comprising the Manuc-manucan, Bancauan, and Bancoran Islets in the Sulu DENR Memorandum Circular No. 17, May Sea 13, 1993 Guidelines on the conduct of Protected Area Suitability Assessment (PASA). Fisheries Administrative Order No. 184 Guideline on the experimental collection of precious and semi-precious corals of DENR Memorandum Circular No. 22, the Philippine waters. Series of 1992 Guidelines on the preparation and submission of maps of areas covered by Fisheries Administrative Order No. 185 the National Integrated Protected Areas Ban on the taking or catching, selling, System. purchasing and possessing, transporting and exporting of Dolphins. DENR Memorandum Circular No. 17, October 15, 1992 Fisheries Administrative Order No. 188 Covers the delineation of functions and Regulations governing the operation of implementation of the Integrated Social commercial fishing boats in Philippine Forestry Program after the Devolution of waters using Tuna Purse Seine Nets. Functions to the Local Government Units (LGUs) Fisheries Administrative Order No. 23 Regulations establishing a closed season DENR Memorandum Circular No. 09, period for the conservation of turtles, turtle eggs, and turtle shells in the Turtle August 03, 1992 Requires Timber License Islands. Agreement/Timber Production Sharing Agreement holders to prepare and submit Fisheries Administrative Order No. 29 a Medium Term Forest Management Plan. Rules and regulations governing the gathering of aquatic turtle eggs. Forestry Sector Administrative Order No. 09 Fisheries Administrative Order No. 29-1 Covers the regulation of forest tree seed Amending Sections 8 and 9 of Fisheries production, collection and disposition. Administrative Order No. 29 Fisheries Administrative Order No. 36 To establish a closed season period for the gathering or killing of marine turtles,

DENR Memorandum Circular No. 35, November 17, 1993 Criteria and guidelines for the Categorization of the Protected Areas under the National Integrated Protected Areas System (NIPAS)

DENR Administrative Order No. 68, December 16, 1993

turtle eggs, or turtle shell. Forestry Sector Administrative Order No. 15, May 10, 1995 Revised General Guidelines in the Implementation of the Sub-classification of Forestlands and Other Inalienable Lands of the Public Domain. Forestry Sector Administrative Order No. 17, May 20, 1995 Institutionalization of the Multi-Sectoral Forest Protection Communities Within The DENR System. DENR Administrative Order No. 97-39 Covers chemical control order for cyanide and cyanide compounds.

Amendment to DAO No. 60, Series of 1993, to encourage more investors in the IFP program of the government and to accelerate the establishment of industrial forest plantations. DENR Administrative Order No. 62, October 15, 1993 Institutionalizes community organizing as an approach and atrategy in the planning and pImplementation of programs and projects in theDENR. DENR Administrative Order No. 38, August 11, 1992 Prescribes Conditions for the Operation of Sawmills and Mini-Sawmills. DENR Administrative Order No. 42, August 22, 1991 Revised Regulations and Guidelines Governing the Establishment and Development of Industrial Forest Plantations (IFPs) DENR Administrative Order No. 48, September 13, 1991 Establishment of a national list of rare, endangered, threatened, vulnerable, indeterminate, and iInsufficiently known species of Philippine Wild Birds, Mammals, and Reptiles.

Parks and Wildlife Office Administrative Order No. 1, Series of 1964 Rules and Regulation for the Protection and Conservation of Flora in Public Grounds DENR Memorandum Circular No. 24, July 13, 1994 Implementing Guidelines for the Conversion of Timber License Agreements (TLAs) to Industrial Forest Management Agreements (IFMAs). Republic Act No. 6239 An Act to Regulate the Practice of Forestry

Profession in the Philippines DENR Administrative Order 96-26, September 10, 1996 Revised Guidelines Governing the Harvest and Transport of Planted Trees and NonTimber Products within Social Forestry Areas.

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