Intro To Dystopian Literature
Intro To Dystopian Literature
Intro To Dystopian Literature
1 Class (60mins)
This lesson intends to provide students will a basis for understanding the concept of a dystopian world/dystopian literature. This will be achieved through a discussion of important terms and concepts, and an activity encouraging students to create what they perceive a dystopian classroom/society will look like.
1.4 listen critically to analyze and evaluate to formulate and refine opinions and ideas 3.1 demonstrate active listening and respect for others analyze the positions of others
Student Adaptations Can be aloud/or written down for students not comfortable sharing aloud. Materials Needed Notebook. Pens/Pencils
Begin by asking students to brainstorm any information/concepts they know are associated with dystopian novels/literature. Ideas will be shared with entire class/written on board. Clearly articulate important definitions, terms, and concepts that students should be well versed in that are associated with dystopian literature. E.g. Utopia, Dystopia, background behind Dystopian Fiction. Creating a Dystopian Classroom/Community Begin by having students (in pairs) come up with 3-5 aspects of school/classroom that would shift it to a dystopian school. After 10mins, check in with students to see how they are doing. Once all groups have 3-5 collectively post all of these on the board. Discuss the impact and effects the dystopian classroom/school they created would have on them. Extend these ideas outside of the classroom, and into society. Students can write a short reflection on which world/classroom they prefer better (dystopian or utopian).
(Give and/or demonstrate necessary introductory info to subject matter)
Give examples of Movies that students may have seen/heard of to help support the ideas and concepts. Such as Hunger Games. For students/pairs that have trouble with coming up with dystopian characteristics, provide a list OR steer students in the train of thought of coming up with the ideal/perfect school first and they can use that as a measure of creating the opposite. Other Resources Whiteboard
(Describe the independent and/or group activity for students to gain better understanding of material)
(Activities for further study into content material for students who have completed activities ahead of time.)
(Allow for questions/clarification on the subject from students reinforce original objectives and lesson purpose)
Give students an opportunity to ask any further questions on what a dystopian novel is. Wrap up by doing a brief refresher lesson on effective methods of note-making while reading novels. (This will be useful as the following class will be the start of a novel study.) Informal, formative assessment during activity of student participation in creating a dystopian school/classroom.
Students can also utilize an exit-slip to ask any questions on dystopian literature that will be addressed the following class.
Additional Notes
(Assigned work for remaining class period, homework, or following class i.e. test, project etc)