For Ortune 'Snove Ember R News Sletter R: Message FR Rom The Mr. - Nyong, Pri Incipal of F Fortune Scho Ool

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For ortunesNove ember r News sletter r

6829 Stockton S Blvd Suite S 380C., Sacramento, Cal lifornia 95823 (916) 287-447 70

Message fr rom the Mr. . Nyong, Pri incipal of Fortune F Scho ool
The Common C Co ore State St tandards for r academic instruction are here. Teachers and students are beginning to o familiarize e themselve es with this chang ge and so should s paren nts at home e. Research shows that t although 46 sta ates and the e District of Columbia have h signed d on to the common c core state standa ards (CCSS S) initiative, a shocking 60% mericans of Am have not seen, read, or hea ard anything about them m. This figur re is troub bling and cle early points to the fact that more ed ducation and outreach on this subject is s needed. And A that's wh here our res source, "Common Core State Stand dards -- Helping Your Child C Achiev ve Academi ic Success" in English and Spanish, come es in. This straightforwa s ard booklet clearly defines CCS SS in a way parents can n understand. The resou urce also:

All aboard, Fortune families!

SchoolFun ndraisers

Pleas sebringinBox B Tops!Bo ox Topsarefoundon npopularfoo od itemsatyourlocal lgrocerystore. Foreac chboxtopou urschoolear rns $$$$.

outlines th he advantag ges of CCSS and why they are important describes s English-lan nguage-arts s and mathe ematics stan ndards encourag ges parents to learn mo ore about CC CSS in their r states.

This supportive s o outreach too ol is an exce ellent way to o encourage parents' involv vement in and support of their child dren's acad demic achiev vement. To se ee a free on nline preview w, visit: http://www.chan nning-bete.c com/salesesam mples/24217 7A-15148/ I enco ourage all fa amilies to fo ollow the link above and d become as a know wledgeable as a possible regarding Common C Co ore State Standards to better ensure your childs su uccess in sc chool. he children, For th

Novem mber 22 Pick up your dinn ner at Pap pa Murphys s, 20% of you ur full pri ice purchase will go direc ctly to our school. Be su ure to tell them that yo ou are there for the Fortu une ndraiser. School Fun Pleasemakesureyour SCHOLARisatschool onTIMEeve erydayand READYto oLEARN!

Odisa a Nyong Princ cipal

donations s of supplie es are grea atly apprec ciated. Wi ith the cold d season upon us, , Tissue is a must.
Tissue/Kle eenex Pencils Lin ned Schoo ol Paper

Teache ers needs: : Teacher rs are in ne eed of a fe ew supplies. s. Your

For ortunesNove ember r News sletter r

6829 Stockton S Blvd Suite S 380C., Sacramento, Cal lifornia 95823 (916) 287-447 70

Fort tune School l Dress Cod de We usually giv W ve families a couple of weeks to make sure s they have e the needed cloth hes for our dr ress code. Co ontact the offi ice if you hav ve questions ab bout our dres ss code e guidelines or r simple chec ck pg. 13 of your Parent Ha andbook. 1. Fortune F Schoo ol daily Uniform con nsists of the fo ollowing cloth hing: Orang ge polo shirt with w the Fortu une Scho ool Logo Kh haki pants, sho orts, skirt, sco ooters, or skorts. Black, white w or brown n clos sed-toe shoes Black or wh hite socks. If f a student we ears asweatsh hirt, it must be e navy y. 2. The Fort tune School Dress Unifor rm consists of o the followi ing clothing: For rtune School Blazer B (5th-8 8th). Fortune e School navy y blue sweater r vest (K-3) Green n plaid tie White, W short sl leeved button n down dress shirt Khaki pants, or kha aki /plaid d skirts, scoote ers or skorts Black, brow wn or navy sho oes (no tennis s shoes) Wh hite or na avy knee high hs or tights (g girls) Hair must m be must be b worn neatly y, and withou ut design ns.

P Parking Lot Reminder

Ourchildre endependon ourdriving gFortune Schoolspe eedlimit5 mph.Thereasonsfor lowerspeedlimitswhen schoolchildrenare p present areobvious. o Kids s a veryunpr are redictableso o oneneverkn nowswhena c child willhas stilycrossthe e streetwhentheyarenot supposedto.Also, A thefirs st t ofthesch tier hoolparking g lotisreserv vedforstaff p parking. Plea asedonotuse e i fordropoff it ffandpickup p ofstudent ts.Thereis limitedpark kingforour staffmembers sandparent ts withspecial sp circumsta ancesand handicappl lacards.The mostimpor rtantisthe safetyofou urstudents. P Please contac cttheofficeif youhaveanyquestions.

Pare ent voluntee ers are a ver ry important t part of a Fortune F School educatio on. Plea ase ask your r childs tea acher what you y can do to help. You Y are alwa ays welc come to stop p by the offi ice to schedu ule your volu unteer hours s. If you see e a need d,filltheneed.IttakestheentireFo ortunecomm munitytoen nsuresuccess s.

November N 13 ParentMeeting 6:00 0p.m.7:00p.m.Location n:GYM Nov vember15Fa amilyMovieNight N Enjoypopcorn, p juic ceandprizedrawings! d 6:30 6 8:30p.m. .Location:GYM G November N 19 Picturereta ake Nove ember22Do oughnutswit thDads 8:00a a.m9:ooa.m.Location:Ca afeteria Novem mber22Papa aMurphysFu undraiser 4700MackRd.Sa acramentoCa.95823 November N 25Kindergarte K acramentoState S nFieldtripSa Novem mber2729Thanksgiving Th Holiday

All lost and fo ound items will l be donated if not picked up by December 6th. Be sure to stop by the e Gym and d pick up you ur missing items.

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