Dec Cemb Ber N News Slett Ter: F Fortune School L

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F Fortune School l

December 2013

Dec cemb ber News N slett ter

December 2nd W D Welcome back k! Pennies for Pa atients begins December 6th- Lost and found D d d deadline. Items s will be donat ted Dece ember 10th- Pa arenthood meeting Every Fortune fam mily should atte end December 11th - Christmas performance at t Genesis Churc ch Saturday, Decemb ber 21st- Fortu une Co ommunity even nt at Strikes in Elk Grove e 7-9pm Dec cember 20th- Donuts D for Dad 89am Dec cember 20 Ja anuary 6th-winter bre eak

Kindergarten Fie eld trip to Sacram mento State Univ versity Monday, November N 25, 20 013

A messa age from your y prin ncipal, Mr r. Nyong .

A Reci ipe for Resp pect by Mr. Nyong
Michael listens quietly when w the teacher introduce es the days le earning objectiv ve. Ohana wholeheartedly y claps for each student sp peaker during g their present tation. These students sho ow respect for others, whi ich is Rule #2 2 here at Fortune e School. Her res how you can encourag ge your schol lar to do the same.

Thank you T u for your Donat tions!

Sarai Sing gh Anthony Gonzalez G Angel Ma arkham LeRonn Nelson N Luis Gonz zalez Navneet Singh S Mercedes Overby Jasmine Smith S Christhea Villanueva TNeisha Johnson J Lola Isaac c Diana Sin ngh Avion Bro own

Demon nstrate:
Your ch hild will learn respectful be ehavior by wa atching the way w you treat others. When kids k make mistakes, for ins stance, gently y tell them wh hat theyve do one wrong and be sure to be ou ut of earshot of others. Also, A let them see you resp pect ideas and beliefs that are different d from m your own. For example, point out th hat youre happy a friend is vot ting in an elec ction even tho ough you each favor a diffe erent candida ate.

Notice e:
When you y see your scholar actin ng respectfully y, let he/she know k that youve noticed (I like the way you asked your brother b before borrowing his pencil). Your positive e words and attention a will encourage th hem to show more respec ct in the future. espectful beha avior on TV (a ( child rolling g their eyes or o talking Tip: If you see disre o a parent), te ell your schola ar that isnt okay o in real lif fe. Then, ask her to be on back to the lookout for resp pectful actions s by characte ers. How man ny can he/she identify before the program ends. Hopefu ully these few bits of advice e will assist in n supporting your y child to display Level

Novem mber Happe enings

F Fortune e Newsle letter 20 013

Tis the season n to give back b
As the season of giv ving is upon us, u Fortune e Scholars are e amongst th hose who wh hat to give ba ack. This yea ar Fortune e is partnerin ng with Penni ies for Patient ts and the Leukemia & Lympho oma Society. The organiz zation is dedic cated to fund ding blood cancer researc ch and provid ding patient service es. They exist t to find cures and improv ve the quality y of life for pa atients and the eir families. They T are savi ing lives no ot someday, but today.

Do onuts with Dad November N 22, 201 13 Pic ctured above: Ja aamal May Jr. wit th Dad and Grandpa

Donuts wit th Dad A success! Fortune dad ds had the oppo ortunity to meet m with Mr. M N Nyong and ot ther dads, to o sh hare ideas, and a visit the e classro ooms. Tha ank you to all a the Fathe ers who att tended. Mo ore pictures are posted in i the cafe feteria. ________ _______ -Parent thood W had 38 fam We milies attend d Mr r. Nyong wo ould like to see s all l families f in attendance a at a the Decemb ber meeting ________ _______ -Movie night For rtune had a great g turn out with 78 fa amilies in attend dance.

Your sc cholar will bring home a bank b box, where w they can n collect spar re change e. We are doing this for th he remain ning 3 weeks of o school. Th he classro oom that dona ates the most t will be rew warded with a pizza party.

Mr. Nyon ng takes a moment m from his busy sche edule to Zu umba with h Fort tune Schola ars

Box To ops for Educ cation

Teachers ne eeds: es Tissue boxe sors Sciss Glue e sticks s Penc cils Bott tled water

Ke eep the Box To ops ming! com

Fortu une Comm munity Ev vent

W will have our We o December r Comm munity event t at Strikes in n Elk Grove on Saturday y, December 21st from 1-3 pm. Look for a flyer co oming home nex xt week.

P Parentho ood- Date e change e!

Due to our o holiday concert, c on Wednesday y December 11th, Fortun ne S School Paren nthood meeti ing will be h held o Tuesday December 10th on 1 from 6:0 007:00pm in the e Fortune Gy ym. Mr. Ny yong expects every y family to attend. a Child dren are welcom me.

Pick up your missin ng items by December 6th 6

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