The Odyssey Response To Literature Essay

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English 1 Essay #2: Response to Literature

Name: Hour:

For the second essay in English 1, you will write a response to literature essay. The literature selection to which you will respond is the epic poem The Odyssey. Specifically, you will respond to the question, Is dysseus a true hero! In writing your essay, you will need to include an introduction which starts with an attention getter. "e#t you will mention the title and author of the poem and connect it to your attention getter. $ou will also need a thesis statement in which you declare your answer to the focus question and list the three reasons why you thin% he is or isn&t a hero. The 'ody of your paper will e#plain the reasons to support your answer to the question. This means that you should ha(e three paragraphs 'etween the introduction and the conclusion. For each reason you gi(e for support, you will also need to include specific e#amples from the story. )ithin the essay, you must cite at least two lines from the poem which illustrate your opinion. )e will practice the correct way of punctuating quotes in class. The conclusion should summari*e your point of (iew and restate your thesis. This will 'e, in effect, a fi(e paragraph essay. )e will do pre+writing acti(ities in which you map out your essay 'efore 'eginning to write it. $ou will also turn in se(eral of the paragraphs prior to the essay&s due date, and these will ser(e as your rough draft. I e#pect you to use proper English as well as proper formatting, which we will discuss in class. The chec%list on the 'ac% of this sheet shows the areas that I will e(aluate. )e will ha(e the net'oo%s in class during the wee% of ,ecem'er -nd. $ou may also get a pass from .rs. Thomae if you need to use the school computers during S/S. 0e sure to ha(e a flash dri(e with you if you want to sa(e your wor% and finish at home.

The final draft of your essay is due by the end of the hour on Wednesday, e!ember 11th"

#tudent Writing $he!%list

&o!us I use my introduction to set the purpose of my composition. I clearly state my position on the topic. I stay on the issue throughout the composition. I write a closing that effecti(ely summari*es my position.

#upport I use specific e#amples and details to e#plain each of the points that I use to e#plain my position. I quote lines from the poem to support my position I 'alance my use of detail and description throughout my composition. I use a (ariety of specific and descripti(e words and phrases. I use words correctly and purposefully.

'rgani(ation .y composition is arranged logically and ma%es sense. I use paragraphing to help organi*e my points. I use transition words and phrases to connect my sentences and paragraphs so that my composition flows smoothly when I read it. .y sentences 'egin in different ways.

$on)entions I use complete sentences. I spell words correctly 1dou'le+chec% the names23. I use capitali*ation and punctuation correctly. I ma%e sure that the su'4ect of my sentence agrees with the (er'. I use the same (er' tense throughout my composition. I (ary my sentence structure to ma%e my essay more interesting and easier to read. I a(oid using the same words o(er and o(er again.

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