International Business 1
International Business 1
International Business 1
Project guidelines
Assignment: Students will be required to apply, analyze and evaluate theoretical concepts introduced in lectures and tutorials.
Example 1: Critically analyze the Romanian business environment impact on an American company coming to start a business in Romania in retail market in 2009. What managerial factors are to be taken into account before having a subsidiary in Romania? Example 2: Critically analyze the Romanian business environment impact on a German company coming to start a business in Romania in automotive production (car) market in 2009. What managerial factors are to be taken into account before having a subsidiary in Romania? Example 3: Critically analyze the Romanian business environment impact on a British company coming to start a business in Romania in oil refinery in 2009. What managerial factors are to be taken into account before having a subsidiary in Romania? !!! Students can choose the field of activity of the company they are working for (or they did).
The written report must be eight to ten typewritten, single spaced pages, plus any additional appendix, references, charts, figures, and references that help to build your solution.
!!!Since the project relates to the personal working experience (present or past), it is recommended to be individually written. Teams of 2or 3 students are allowed
when they worked in the same company (but individual contribution to the project should be marked in the content)
1. Description of the company: history, field of activity, evolution, volume of sales in every part of the triad, use and explain the features as MNE etc (see characteristics of MNEs, pag 41 textbook) 2. The internationalization process of the company mention the way/type for internationalization chosen by your company and motivation factors (pag 42 textbook) 3. a. Strategic management elements: specify the basic mission of the company (pag 48)
b. analysis of external environment (description of the political, economic, cultural environment underlying possible barriers for the specific business of your company). Explain the competitive advantages of the company: use the diamond Porter model pag 18-21 or five-forces model application (pag 243) c. analysis of internal environment (use the FSA-CSA matrix and explain where (1,2,3,4) is situated your company pag 51 and pag 245) d. describe the goals, objectives and plan formulation for the investment in case of your company (pag 249-250) e. describe the implementation of the plan in case of your company (location, ownership pag 250-251) f. describe the methods of evaluation and control for your company (pag 254255)
5. Strategic orientation choose one of 5 types and explain the main characteristics in case of your company (pag 239) 6. Analyze the type of strategy (cost, focus, differentiation) and the value chain for your company (pag 247-248) 7. Choose the organizing structure of the company according to the objectives, field of activity, experience in internationalization, culture, strategic orientation of your company (pag 266-283 ) 8. Production strategy (description of goods/services etc): elements of global sourcing, cost, quality, production system, logistics, technology etc pag 291 9. Marketing strategy: market assessment, product, price, promotion and place strategy (pag 323) 10. The cultural impact on the companys activity (discuss the impact of Hofstedes dimensions on the companys activity, Trompenaars and Globe project) see pag 136-138, chapter 5)
References should include minimum 5 articles or scientific papers and internal sources of the company.
Format requirements Please use Times New Roman, 12-point type, single-spaced, and the A4 portrait standard page setting, justified; one standard tab (1.27 cm) at the beginning at
each paragraph; insert page numbers Papers should not exceed 15 pages, all inclusive (bibliography, annexes).
Please use maximum three levels of headings. Main headings are boldfaced, titlestyle letters, aligned left, numbered. 1.1. General strategy of the company 1.1.1. Organizing strategy Second- and third-level headings are italic, sentence-style letters, outline numbered. Use second-and third-level leadings in sets of two or more. Do not use footnotes. If necessary, use only endnotes.
Tables and Figures For each table or figure, center Table or Figure, numbered (1, 2, etc.) above (in case of tables), or below (in case of figures) it, followed by a title, also centered and boldface. Each table and figure should be referred to in your text.
Citations For citing previous research in your text, use one of the following possibilities:
c) If there is a quotation, the page (p.) or pages (pp.) should be indicated: (Edvinsson and Malone, 1997, p.23)/ (Edvinsson and Malone, 1997, pp.23-27).
d) If there are three or more co-authors, then only the first two are mentioned and make use of the expression et al: (Edvinsson, Malone et al, 1999).
f) If several works by the same author are included, they should be in date order. If more than one item is published in the same year, a, b, c, etc is used: (Sveiby, 1997a; Malone, 2003b).
References guidelines The list of references should include only the works cited in the text, alphabetized by the last name of their first author or editor. Do not number the entries.
For books, follow the form: Authors last name, initial(s). (Year) Title (italic). City where published: Publishers name. Example: Baumard, Ph. (2001) Tacit knowledge in organizations. London: SAGE Publications.
For periodicals, follow the form: Authors last name, initial(s). (Year) Title (regular type). Name of Periodical (italic), volume number (issue number), pages. Example:
Glynn, M.A. (1996) Innovative Genius: A Framework for Relating Individual and Organizational Intelligences to Innovation. Academy of Management Review, 21(4), pp.1181-1190.
For chapters in books, follow the form: Authors last name, initial(s). (Year) Title of chapter (regular type). In: Editors last names and initials (eds.), Title of Book, page numbers. City: Publisher. Example: Hauschildt J., Chakrabarti A. (1999) Arbeitsteilung im Innovationsmanagement. In: Hauschild J., Gemnden H. (eds.) Promotoren: Champions der Innovation, pp. 6787. Wiesbaden: Gabler.
For internet documents, include the authors name (if known), the full title of the document, the full title of the work it is part of, the web address, and the date when it was accessed. Example: Sveiby, K.E., Intellectual capital and knowledge management. Retrieved January 2007 Wrom: