Tajweed Qur'an
Tajweed Qur'an
Tajweed Qur'an
Tajweed Qur’an
with English translation of
meaning by ‘Abdullah Yusuf ‘Ali
and Transliteration by Subhi Taha
Dar Al-Maarifah,
Damascus, Syria
Product Code: C111 Tajweed Qur’an: Arabic-English with Transliteration RRP: £31.95
By ‘Abdullah Yusuf ‘Ali
(With Revised Translation, Commentary and Index)
– Arabic numerals replace Roman numerals.
– Surah names transliterated.
– Juz’ division markers included.
– Arabic text in Madinah script, newly reset and
– More appropriate Islamic terminology used throughout,
e.g., “Allah” instead of “God” and “Messenger”
replaces “Apostle”.
– New reset type with updated spelling and
– Extensive running commentary revised and clarified to
avoid misinterpretation.
Product Code: 0254 The Meaning of the Holy Quran - Yusuf Ali / Hard Cover (6x9) / 1824 Pages RRP: £17.9
Product Code: 0165 The Meaning of the Holy Quran - Yusuf Ali / Pocket Size (4x6) / 1824 Pages RRP: £9.99
Sample shown is from Tajweed Qur’an Mus-haf (Product Code: C111). Other Mus-hafs could be slightly different.
Includes Kalimaat-ul-Qur’an (meaning and tafseer of words in Qur’an) in the margin. Giant size (24 x 34 cm) with case.
RRP: £39.95
Arabic only. Giant size (24 x 34 cm), printed on de-luxe paper with case.
RRP: £49.95
Product Code: P104 24x17 cm Arabic Colour Coded Qur’an. Large Size - Landscape with leather case, printed in 30 separate parts
(30 juz’).
RRP: £ 31.95
Product Code: P103 25x35 cm Arabic Colour Coded Qur’an. Giant Size with leather case, printed in 30 separate parts (30 Juz’).
RRP: £34.95
Product Code: P102 8x11 cm Arabic Colour Coded Product Code: P101 17x24 cm Arabic Colour Coded
Qur’an. Small Size with leather case, printed in 30 Qur’an. Large Size with leather case, printed in 30
separate parts (30 Juz’). separate parts (30 Juz’).
RRP: £11.99 RRP: £24.95
Product Code: T101 ENGLISH Product Code: T102 RUSSIAN Product Code: T103 GERMAN
17x24 cm Arabic Colour Coded Quran 17x24 cm Arabic Colour Coded Quran 17x24 cm Arabic Colour Coded Quran
with English translation of the meanings. with Russian translation of the meanings. with German translation of the meanings.
Includes index of Qur’anic Topics. Includes index of Qur’anic Topics. Includes index of Qur’anic Topics.
RRP: £24.95 RRP: £24.95 RRP: £24.95
Product Code: T104 FRENCH Product Code: T105 URDU Product Code: T107 MALAY
17x24 cm Arabic Colour Coded Quran 17x24 Arabic Colour Coded Quran with 17x24 cm Arabic Colour Coded Quran
with French translation of the meanings. Urdu translation of the meanings. Includes with Malay translation of the meanings.
Includes index of Qur’anic Topics. index of Qur’anic Topics. Includes index of Qur’anic Topics.
RRP: £24.95 RRP: £24.95 RRP: £24.95
Product Code:
17x24 cm Arabic-
Spanish Colour
Coded Qur’an.
Large Size with
translation of the
RRP: £1.99
Product Code:
17x24cm Arabic-
German Colour
Coded Qur’an,
Large Size, with
translation of the
RRP: £1.99
Product Code:
17x24 cm Arabic-
Russian Colour
Coded Qur’an.
Large Size with
translation of the
RRP: £1.99
Product Code:
17x24cm Arabic-
Turkish Colour
Coded Qur’an,
Large Size, with
translation of the
RRP: £1.99
Product Code: P111 Product Code: P123 Product Code: P122 Product Code: P121
5x12 cm Arabic Colour Coded Quran. 7x10 cm Arabic Colour 8x12 cm Arabic Colour 10x14 cm Arabic Colour Coded
Small Size. Whole Quran. Printed in 6 Coded Quran. Pocket Size Coded Quran. Pocket Size Quran. Pocket Size with leather
Parts (every part includes 5 Juz’). with leather zipped case. with leather zipped case. zipped case.
RRP: £7.99 RRP: £3.99 RRP: £4.99 RRP: £5.99
With the circle of knowledge constantly increasing, several new 9) Imam Abu Gaqarb – Imam of Basra (Iraq)
fields of knowledge came up. The tradition of hifz also started 10) Imam Khalaf – Imam of Kufa (Iraq)
decreasing. People started concentrating on one aspect of
knowledge and gaining expertise in that field only. The common
people of those times were convinced that such experts and The qira’ats of the above Imams are being taught and recited
savants will not emerge in the future and hence they recognized through out the world today. The qira’ats of these Imams have
these experts as their Imams. They accept the patronage of these been preserved in their original form from the point of view of
expert Imams of qira’at. And on account of their kindness, their teaching and compilation.
deep preoccupation and dedication, the subject of qira’at was
associated prominently with their names. Some of the prominent
among these are:
Product Code: R105
1) Imam Nafe Madani – Imam of Medina. SFDJUBUJPO Qira’at)2VSBO "SBCJD
2) Imam Ibn Kathir Makki – Imam of Mecca 5BKXFFEVM2VSBOoWadih
3) Imam Abu Omar Basri – Imam of Basra (Iraq) Arabic only. Giant size (24 x 34 cm). Recitation of the Qur’an
4) Imam Ibn Amir Shami – Imam of Syria with Tajweed rules according to the ten famous Qira’at.
5) Imam Asim Kufi – Imam of Kufa (Iraq) Twenty eight rules of Tajweed are colour coded. Word
spacing adjusted for clarity and easy reading (Wadih).
6) Imam Hamza Ziyat Kufi – Imam of Kufa (Iraq)
Publisher: Dar Al-Maarifah, Damascus, Syria
7) Imam Abul Hassan Kasai – Imam of Kufa (Iraq)
8) Imam Abu Jafar Gazid Al-Madani – Imam and teacher of Medina RRP: £34.95
Product Code: 0474 Dr. Ashouri then leaves it up to the reader to answer, for his own,
the question, “Could these statements have been made, in the
*TMBN2VSBO seventh century, by a human being?” or as differently stated, “Is
An Introduction the Qur’an God’s word? “
Murad Hofmann About the Author
Paperback (6x9) A diplomat of the American Board of Internal Medicine in Internal
224 Pages Medicine and in Nephrology, Dr. Sami Ashouri is a Fellow of the
American College of Physicians and an honorary member of
The author has presented the dual subject of Distinguished Physicians of America. He is the author of many
Islam and Qur’an in a most non-partisan and reliable manner. It specific and medical articles and a professional book titled The
will prove to be a good reference material for all those who wish Physician’s Guide to Practice Location. He is well versed in both
to learn about Islam, currently the one and only religion on the Arabic and English languages.
rise, as well as about Qur’an, its revelation, formation, structure
and message. RRP: £7.99
About the Author
Murad Wilfried Hofmann born in Germany in 1931 studied law Product Code: 022X
both at Harvard and Munich Law School. For 33 years he worked
in the German Foreign Service and was Ambassador to Algeria and Understanding Qur’an
Morocco. In 1980, he embraced Islam and became a (Sunni) Muslim. A Contemporary Approach
He has written many articles on Islamic topics in leading magazines Mostafa Mahmoud
and has authored a number of books that include Diary of a German
Muslim, Islam: The Alternative, Voyage to Mecca, Islam 2000, Paperback (6x9)
Religion on the Rise-Islam in the Third Millennium. Presently Dr. 288 Pages
Hofmann lives in Bonn (Germany), giving lectures on Islam in many
parts of the world.
Dr. Mostafa Mahmoud, the leading Egyptian writer and television
RRP: £10.99 speaker on Science, Religion and Sufism, exposes in this book
a contemporary understanding of the Qur’an in the light of the
modern quest for a scientific understanding of the universe.
Product Code: 0351 About the Author
Is The Qur’an God’s Word? DR. MOSTAFA MAHMOUD, a physician by training, started his
literary career as a liberal intellectual in the late 1950’s and early
A Scientific Approach 1960’s when his weekly articles, Midnight Journals, on science and
By Dr. Sami Ashouri, MD philosophy, attracted large sections of the reading public in the Arab
Hard Cover (6x9) world. His articles reflected the variety of the points of view adopted
126 Pages and the open mind with which he approached all questions of science
and human thought.
As a successful author who churned out novel after novel, play after
With his scientific background, Dr Sami Ashouri took nothing for play, he relished the controversies that most of them aroused. He
granted unless substantiated by scientific means. When he first has authored over ninety books on a variety of topics many of which
studied the Qur’an, the first question to come to his mind was: have been translated into several languages. He is also the Founder
“How do we know this is not the work of a human being?” He and Chairman of the Board of Mahmoud Mosque Society, the largest
observed statements, interspersed throughout the book, which charity organization in Egypt. The Society runs Mahmoud’s Mosque,
drew his attention and carried him on a journey of scientific four specialized hospitals in Cairo, a museum of geology and
research and exploration that lasted several years. He presents astronomy, provides social support to 4,000 families, and manages a
his findings to the reader in this book wherein he has described food bank that helps thousands of needy family in the neighborhoods
modern scientific data with clarity and devoid of any complexity. of greater Cairo metropolitan area.
He takes the reader on interesting journeys through ancient and
medieval accounts to show how mankind arrived at modern RRP: £10.99
scientific discoveries. Finally, he draws specific conclusions as to
the similarity between these Qur’anic statements and modern day
scientific discoveries.
RRP: £9.99
This is the first work to appear in any language on the tobacco controversy in the Muslim world. Dr. Batran’s study analyzes the
tobacco controversy within the frame of the religious and political atmosphere of the first period of its introduction. The book sets
a new standard of research in the fields of West African & Maghribian history and comparative law & religious history.
About the Author
DR. AZIZ BATRAN is Professor of African history at Howard University, Washington D.C. He is the author of several works including Islam
and Revolution in Africa, The Qadiryya Brotherhood in West Africa and the Western Sahara. Dr. Batran’s area of interest is the spread of
Islam and Sufi Brotherhoods in North and West Africa and the role they played in cementing the religious, cultural and economic unity of
these African regions.
RRP: £10.99
This 2 Volume Translation is from Volume 5 of Dr Wahbah Al-Zuhayli’s 8 volumes of the Al-Fiqh Al-Islami wa-Adillatuh (Islamic
Jurisprudence and its Proofs), Damascus, Darl Al-Fikr fourth Edition 1997 The author covers issues in this volume that were not
covered in previous ones, including recent Fatwas related to the stock market (options, short selling, etc).. Includes a selection of
papers on Islamic Law, Economics and Finance.
Provides comprehensive Fiqh coverage including the views of all major schools of Thought (madhhab) in an easy to understand
language. The thorough indexes make it easy to locate any topic within the set.
The goal in providing this translation was to give non-Arabic readers access to the rich Islamic juristic literature on financial
transactions. A Translation of Volume 6 is forthcoming shortly, Allah willing.
RRP: £35.00
Product Code: 0432 Islamic Thought’s 1987 conference on the Islamic lunar calendar,
editor of Islam and the Discovery of Freedom by Rose Wilder Lane,
)PX*TMBN$SFBUFE and co-editor with Ahmad Yousef of Islam and the West: A Dialog.
The Modern World RRP: £10.99
Mark Graham
Hard Cover (6x9) Product Code: 7604
208 Pages
His Throne Was on Water
At the dawn of the Renaissance, Christian Europe was wearing Dr. Adel M. A. Abbas
Persian clothes, singing Arab songs, reading Spanish Muslim Paperback (6x9)
philosophy and eating off Mamluk Turkish brassware. This is the 148 Pages
story of how Muslims taught Europe to live well and think clearly.
It is the story of How Islam Created the Modern World.
About the Author
The book is a fascinating synthesis of the Qur’an and science. The
MARK GRAHAM is the Edgar award-winning author of The Black author in trying to unravel the meaning of almost 300 Qur’anic
Maria, third in a series of historical novels which have been translated verses using the discoveries of modern science, addresses
into several languages. He studied medieval history and religious mysteries of space-time, the nature of man and the expanding
studies at Connecticut College and has a master’s degree in English universe among others.
literature from Kutztown University. He lives in the Lehigh Valley,
Pennsylvania. About the Author
DR. ADEL M. ABBAS is a well-known consultant microbiologist in the
RRP: £16.99 National Health Service of England (since 1975). He has published
over fifty-five books in his field. His non-medical publications include
His Throne was on Water (USA: amana publications, 1997) and The
Product Code: 0408 Secret of the 58th Chapter (England: Toth).
Signs in the Heavens RRP: £9.99
A Muslim Astronomer’s
Perspective on Religion Product Code: 7973
and Science Science Miracles
Dr. Imad-ad-Dean Ahmad No Sticks or Snakes
Paperback (6x9)
Dr. Adel M. Abbas & Anne P. Fretwell
240 Pages
Paperback (6x9)
This book documents the scientific dynamism of the classical
Islamic civilization, its contribution to the rise of modern science, 192 Pages
and how the decline of Muslim civilization stemmed from its
abandonment of critical thinking in the worldly and religious The authors consider the science references in the Qur’an as
sciences. part of the many miracles of the Qur’an. In bringing to light the
About the Author linguistic and the scientific miracles of the Qur’an they consider
DR. IMAD-AD-DEAN AHMAD, a Palestinian-American Muslim, the latter as being given in the form of scientific allusions such as
graduated cum laude from Harvard in 1970 and in 1975 obtained a those referring to the universe, time, man and natural phenomena.
Ph. D. in astronomy and astrophysics from the University of Arizona. He About the Authors
has done postdoctoral work in astronomy at Harvard, the University of DR. ADEL M. ABBAS (See previous book)
Maryland, Goddard Space Flight Center and for private firms and now ANNE PATRICE FRETWELL has worked for 30 years in libraries and is
teaches courses in Religion, Science and Freedom at the University an author of many publications. She researched for five years before
of Maryland. Since 1993 he has been the president of the Minaret of the book, Science Miracles, No Sticks or Snakes, which she co-
Freedom Institute, an Islamic think tank in Bethesda, Maryland. authored with Dr. Adel Abbas, came for publication.
Dr. Ahmad is author of A Uniform Islamic Calendar for the Western
Hemisphere, editor of Proceedings of the International Institute of RRP: £10.99
Product Code: 771X initiated the performance of the Jumu’ah prayer on campus. Since
then he has been actively involved in Islamic work both on college
*TMBN5IF"MUFSOBUJWF campuses and in local communities. A regular speaker at Jumu’ahs
Murad Hofmann and other public occasions, Wael has served two terms as President
Paperback (6x9) of the All Dulles Area Muslim Society (ADAMS) in Northern Virginia
and is currently a member of its Board of Trustees. He has a Bachelor
170 Pages of Science degree in industrial engineering and a Masters degree
in engineering administration from Virginia Polytechnic Institute,
Blacksburg Virginia. He currently works as a project manager at
The author, a former German diplomat and a convert to Islam, Marjac Investments of Herndon, Virginia. The author wrote the book
presents the spiritual side, theory and edifice of Islam as a religion based on years of practical experience and feedback from audiences
very much alive and worth living. and organizers.
Journey to Makkah, already available in German and Arabic, is Beekun and Badawi, both professors of management and strategy,
much more than an account of the author’s pilgrimages to the holy have written this primer on leadership integrating contemporary
places of Islam, Makkah and Madinah. It is a vivid description- business techniques with traditional Islamic knowledge. The
based on personal (frequently quite adventurous or funny) leadership paradigm is changing, and a leadership model based
experience of what it means to put into practice the five pillars of on ethical principles is finally emerging, a position that Islam has
Islam in even the most mundane fields of life. taken from the start. The synthesis of the authors results in a
highly practical and inspiring manual for developing leadership
RRP: £8.99 skills.
About the Authors
Product Code: 7795 RAFIK I. BEEKUN and JAMAL BADAWI are university professors who
4QFBLJOHGPS$IBOHF have studied, taught and practiced in the field of leadership. Both
have been active in numerous Islamic and non-Islamic organizations,
A Guide to Making Effective rising to the highest levels of management, and serving on a variety
Friday Sermons (Khutbahs) of boards of directors.
Wael Alkhairo RRP: £7.99
Paperback (6x9)
96 Pages
The Friday Khutbah (sermon) being the focus of any masjid or
Islamic center, the book provides a guide on how to deliver it
effectively to bring about the desired inspiration, change and
mobilization in individuals and the community.
About the Author
Born in Mosul, Iraq, WAEL ALKHAIRO came to the United States
in 1978 to start his college education in engineering at Bradley
University in Peoria, Illinois. In 1980, he was among the group of
Muslim students who established the Islamic Student Society and
Grace Halsell changed the color of her skin and sojourned through Black America as a “soul sister”. Few whites have
had the guts to embark on such a hazardous adventure. Grace Halsell’s ordeal as a black-skinned American is a unique
and deeply moving story of what it is really like to be black in a white world. From Harlem to the Mississippi delta, her
experiences reveal the hard and bitter truth about men and women trapped in a desperate struggle for survival, identity,
and originality. Her death in Washington, DC, on 16 August 2000 was attributed to complications of multiple myeloma.
President Lyndon B. Johnson found this book to be “a book that should be read by all Americans.”
About the Author
GRACE HALSELL served President Lyndon Johnson as his speech writer for three years. She covered both Korea and Vietnam as
a journalist and wrote for newspapers in the U.S., South America, Europe, Russia, China, Japan and the Middle East. She wrote
fourteen books among them are Forcing God’s Hand: Why Millions Pray for a Quick Rapture and Destruction of Planet Earth;
Prophecy and Politics: Militant Evangelists on the Road to Nuclear War, Journey to Jerusalem and The Illegals.
RRP: £6.99
Product Code: 55554 As Muslims assimilate the English language into their rainbow
of lexicons the need for clear and concise literature grows. This
How to Tell Others About is especially true when one considers that there are millions of
*TMBN Muslims whose native language is now English. In addition, many
seekers of knowledge have been yearning for a book that would
Yahiya Emerick
present the clear and precise Islamic view of life in a format that
Hardback (5” x 8”) not only invites further study and research, but that also provides
191 Pages the path to achieve this goal.
What Islam is All About is a textbook designed to meet all of
What is good to know about Islam if these needs. In one volume is included the basic history of the
you can’t share it with someone? The Prophet Muhammad, (peace be upon him), the teachings of Islam,
manual is the first of its kind. It is a the history of the ancient Prophets, the study of the QurYan, the
guide for Muslims in north America; a manual of technique, advice Islamic philosophy of the world and life within it, Islamic law.
and inspiration on how to communicate Islam to non-Muslims; Hadith, contemporary issues and many more.
topics include, how to approach different ethnic groups, how to Perfect for Muslim schools, Sunday schools, adult study classes,
prepare for giving Dawah, how to handle other religions as well as independent learners, students of religion, seekers of truth and
many other issues. anyone interested to know more about Islam from an insider’s
It supplies a variety of situations from sharing Islamic teachings point of view. You will not find a more complete, compelling and
at school, in the military, and even to Muslims who’ve strayed. pleasant presentation of Islam and what it teaches anywhere else!
Detailed charts, definitions, and history accompanied the chapters RRP: £14.99
on varying faiths. A great tool for a comparative literature course
where there are several appendices which offer lists of the most
Hardback Product Code: 5547 RRP: £19.99
effective and readable Islamic literature currently available in
English; a first in Dawah research! Product Code: 9014
About the Author
Yahiya Emerick is the director and primary force behind the Islamic
(Revised and Expanded Edition)
Foundation of North America. He accepted Islam in 1988 while
attending Michigan State University. He has since been involved with Yahiya Emerick
many Islamic activities which include writing for magazines, serving Paperback (9” x 11”)
as a member of various Islamic organizations, writing books and 211 Pages
teaching in Islamic schools as well as delivering Friday sermons and
other speaking engagements. He is married and lives in New York.
RRP: £8.99
Product Code: 9073 The Islamic Foundation of North America, In Conjunction with
8IBU*TMBNJT"MM"CPVU Noorart, presents Learning about Islam, a Textbook of Islamic
Studies. Perfect for student of Religion in grades 4-6, this textbook
Yahiya Emerick covers all the major themes of this Belief system including
Paperback (8” x 11”) doctrines, the History of Prophet Muhammad, the Quran, Prophets
420 Pages revered in Islam, Muslim history, art and civilization, literature,
the five pillars of the faith and every life in Islam. Beautiful text
and engaging graphics make learning about Islam engrossing
Islam is the way of life for millions for young students. This textbook is part of the reading for
of people around the world. Its comprehension series of Islamic studies primes and is sure to
teachings guide people to live challenge and engage students with age appropriate material
harmoniously and in balance with and imaginative exercises. Designed for use in parochial schools,
themselves, others and the world weekend schools and home setting, this book will enrich the
around them. Everyday people come into contact with Islam and knowledge of both young and old alike.
those who practice this faith.
The need to know about Islamic teachings has become more
RRP: £10.99
important that ever.
The book offers a unique forum for dialog between Muslim, Dr. Dirks, a former Methodist minister, explores the origins of early
Christian and Jewish scholars as they discuss issues of faith, Christianity to bring out the common roots of Islam and Christianity
the nation-state as a form of social organization and the faith- and their interrelationships. The book sets a good foundation for
community as a transnational actor for justice and peace. interfaith understanding and dialogue among the followers of the
three Abrahamic faiths: Jews, Christians and Muslims.
RRP: £4.99
About the Author
DR. JERALD F. DIRKS holds B.A. and M. Divinity from Harvard
Product Code: 0289 University and doctorate in Psychology from the University of Denver.
The First and Final He is a former ordained minister (deacon) in the United Methodist
Church and is author of The Cross & The Crescent, The Abrahamic
$PNNBOENFOU Faiths, Understanding Islam, and Abraham - The Friend of God. He
A Search for Truth in Revelation published over 60 articles in the field of clinical psychology and over
within the Abrahamic Religions 150 articles on Arabian horses. He has traveled extensively in the
Middle East and interacted widely with the Muslim communities in
Laurence Brown the United States.
Paperback (6x9)
RRP: £10.99
608 Pages
The book presents a powerful challenge to conventional Judeo-
Christian theology by defining the internal conflicts that fracture Product Code: 0319
the metaphysical worlds of Judaism and Christianity calling for 5IF"CSBIBNJD'BJUIT
reappraisal of the Judeo-Christian scriptures. The work further
documents the similarities of scriptural foundation of the three Judaism, Christianity, Islam:
Abrahamic faiths of Judaism, Christianity and Islam, the sum total Similarities & Contrasts
of which suggest both continuity in revelation and commonality of
Creator. Jerald F. Dirks
About the Author Paperback (6x9)
DR. LAURENCE BROWN received his B.A. from Cornell University, his 288 Pages
MD from Brown University Medical School, and his ophthalmology The book presents the similarities and contrasts between
residency training at George Washington University Hospital in Judaism, Christianity and Islam. It shows how each of the three
Washington, DC. He served as an ophthalmologist in the U.S. Air religions shares a common core of religious and ethical teachings
Force for eight years, earning the position of Chief of Ophthalmology with the other two, although differing in places with regard to
both at Lakenheath Air Force Base in England and at Eglin Air Force specific doctrine and dogma.
Base in Florida (the largest military base in the free world). Currently RRP: £11.99
he is the Medical Director and Chief ophthalmologist of Magrabi Eye
Center in the Holy City of Madinah, Saudi Arabia. He has lived and
traveled extensively in the Middle and Far East, and brings that depth
of experience to bear in this present work. He has also authored the
Islamic primer, Bearing True Witness, soon to be available through his
website, www.Leveltruth.com
RRP: £14.99
Product Code: 0450 the remarkable progress made by the Muslims, as they enter
American mainstream politics. The book will prove to be a source
*TMBNPQIPCJBBOE of inspiration for anyone who cares about human rights, interfaith
"OUJ"NFSJDBOJTN harmony and global cooperation.
Causes and Remedies About the Author
Edited by: Mohamed Nimer After editing a rural weekly newspaper, PAUL FINDLEY served for
twenty-two years as a Member of Congress from Illinois. He lectures
Paperback (6x9) widely and frequently meets with leaders in the Middle East. Sales of
168 Pages his bestseller, They Dare to Speak Out, exceed 300,000 copies.
This book offers valuable expert analysis and activist reflections He and Lucille, his wife of fifty-four years, reside in Jacksonville,
on Islamophobia and anti-Americanism. This is the first book in Illinois.
the market to explore Islamophobia and anti-Americanism as
interrelated global phenomena. RRP: £10.99
The volume traces the effects of Islamophobia and anti-
Americanism on public opinion in America and Muslim-majority Product Code: 7922
states. It also offers an assessment of post-September 11 media
depictions of Islam and Muslims. Additionally, the book examines The Sun is Rising in the West
the impact of American government policies and the prospects New Muslims tell about their
of reform in the Muslim world on anti-American and anti-Muslim Journey to Islam
sentiments. The work also looks at how various government and
non-government actors are helping or hindering the quest for Muzaffar Haleem and Betty Bowman
remedies. In particular, the book assesses interfaith encounters Paperback (6x9)
and the role of American Muslims in bridging the growing 348 Pages
perception gap between America and the Muslim world.
The first part of the book is intended to acquaint new American-
Contributors to this volume provide perspectives based on born Muslims with others already embarked on the road. The
research material as well as personal encounters. Some of the second half provides invaluable information on the basics of Islam.
writers are leading scholars in the field of Middle East studies and The book is a good reference for developing leadership among
Muslim-Christian relations, while others are civil society leaders in American-born Muslims and to understand reasons behind the
America and the Muslim world. attraction to Islam.
About the Editor About the Author
Mohamed Nimer, editor of this book, is the research director at the MUZZAFFAR HALEEM emigrated to the United States from Pakistan
Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) in Washington, DC. in 1980 with her husband. She is active in various Muslim community
He conducts surveys and writes research papers on the American projects. She lives in Los Angeles with her three sons, two daughter-
Muslim experience and is the author of The North American Muslim in-law, and four grandchildren.
Resource Guide: Muslim Community Life in the United States and
BETTY (BATUL) BOWMAN converted to Islam in 1993 after reading
Canada (Routledge: 2002).
over 1,000 books in her search for the truth. She has a background
RRP: £9.99 in business administration, computer sciences, and legal secretarial.
Her major interest is developing materials for new Muslims.
Product Code: 0017 RRP: £9.99
Silent No More
Confronting America’s False
Images of Islam
Paul Findley
(Member of Congress for 22 years)
Paperback (6x9)
320 Pages
Former Congressman Paul Findley boldly unmasks the false
images of Islam lingering in American minds and examines
Prof. Jeffrey Lang, author of the two best sellers, Even Angels Ask
and Struggling to Surrender presents in this book an engaging
dialog with the queries of young American Muslims and converts.
The author addresses the alienation from the Mosque of the great
majority of America’s homegrown Muslims.
RRP: £13.99
Product Code: 799X current vice president of Muslim American Society (MAS) for Canada
(a society that promotes self-improvement and dedication to Islamic
5IF.VTMJN.BSSJBHF(VJEF work) and a member of its training programs to Muslim communities
Ruqayyah Waris Maqsood in North and South America in the areas of time management from
Paperback (6x9) the Islamic perspective, strategic planning, and tarbiyah. He has
traveled all over the world participating in various Islamic workshops
144 Pages and programs.
RRP: £11.99
A highly prized book that meets the need for a guide for Muslim
couples, married or planning marriage. Drawing on Islamic Product Code: 0297
sources of the Qur’an and Sunnah the author discusses the Parenting Skills
main emotional, social and sexual problems that can afflict
relationships, suggesting many practical ways in which they can Based on The Qur’an
be resolved. and Sunnah
About the Author (With Practical Examples for various Ages)
Ruqayyah Waris Maqsood, a leading British Muslim scholar, served as Drs. Ekram & Mohamed Rida Beshir
Head of Religious Studies at William Gee High School, Hull, England. Paperback (6x9)
She has written over seventeen books on various aspects of religion,
a book of counseling for Muslim teenagers and a volume of poetry. 144 Pages
As a sequel to their best seller, Meeting the Challenges of
RRP: £10.99 Parenting in the West, the Beshirs in their latest book Parenting
Skills help parents acquire positive parenting skills and provide
Product Code: 019X them with the most effective and efficient parenting methods for
their children. They achieve this by giving them strong knowledge
#MJTTGVM.BSSJBHF of both the objectives of parenting, and its basic principles
A Practical Islamic Guide in accordance with the Qur’an and the teachings of Prophet
Muhammad. This book contains a great portion of the material
Drs. Ekram & Mohamed Rida Beshir presented by the authors in one of the most successful parenting
Paperback (6x9) workshops in the world.
288 Pages RRP: £7.99
The book presents guidelines for a happy and successful marriage
from an Islamic perspective.
Product Code: 7876
About the Authors Meeting the Challenge of
DR. EKRAM BESHIR is a medical doctor by profession. She was born Parenting in the West
in Egypt and has been living in Canada since 1975.While raising An Islamic Perspective
her four children, she has developed excellent knowledge of and
experience in child psychology. Currently, she is volunteering her Drs. Ekram and Mohamed Rida Beshir
time as the director of Rahmah school in Ottawa, Canada, a weekend Paperback (6x9)
Arabic and Islamic school. She is very active with the Muslim 160 Pages
community in Ottawa in the areas of study circles, children and youth
As a minority group in North America, Muslims are preoccupied
camps, sisters programs, and marriage counseling. She has traveled
with how to preserve their Islamic identity in their children. With
within North America presenting parenting and stress management to
schools playing no role in instilling ethical norms and values in
Muslim communities.
children, it becomes the responsibility of the family to undertake
DR. MOHAMED BESHIR is an engineer by profession. He has over 20 that role. The book is an excellent guide on how to take on that
years of experience in da’wah work-having held various positions with role in a holistic Islamic tarbiyyah.
MSA and ISNA on both the national and local levels, and participated
as a speaker in ISNA conventions as well as the English program RRP: £9.99
of MAYA conventions. He may be seen regularly delivering Friday
Khutbahs in Ottawa-area mosques and Islamic schools. He is the
In this book the reader will find detailed answers to the Frequently In this book, Muslim parents will find stories to correct common
Asked Questions on the hot topic of parenting in North America. It problem behaviors that will assist them in instilling Islamic
draws heavily on the Qur’an, Sunnah and the authors’ wealth of concepts in their children. They will also discover how to story
practical experience, and their knowledge of child psychology. tell in a manner that will interest and influence their children in
RRP: £9.99 becoming better people.
About the Author
HODA BESHIR was born and raised in Ottawa, Canada. From the
Product Code: 0498 age of two, she enjoyed story time with her mother. To her parents’
Answers to Frequently Asked amazement, at three years old, Hoda began to retell the stories of
Questions on Parenting (Part 2) the prophets, may Allah’s peace be upon them, with expression and
passion, reciting the relevant Qur’anic verses within the stories.
Drs. Ekram & Mohamed Rida Beshir In elementary school, she discovered her love for creative writing.
Paperback (6x9) Throughout her life, she has pursued this hobby through schooling,
128 Pages workshops, and university courses, as well as in her spare time.
Through her work as a counselor at summer day camps and as a
teacher at the weekend community school, she rediscovered the
This book, second in the series of Answers to FAQs on Parenting, educational and persuasive tool of storytelling and all its joys for both
provides the reader with answers to a variety of topics such as the listeners and the teller. Hoda has completed a university Honor’s
building character and behavior, environment, young children, pre- Degree in Psychology and a Bachelor’s of Education. Upon graduating
teens, teenagers, and others. from Psychology, she was awarded the Governor General’s Silver Medal
The answers to the FAQs in this book represent crucial issues of for outstanding achievement. During her university studies, she placed
concern occupying the minds of many parents. The methodology special emphasis on Child Psychology and Children’s Literature.
used in answering these questions draws heavily on verses of the
Qur’an, Sunnah and events in his Seerah, as well as the authors’ RRP: £7.99
wealth of practical experience, gained from their countless
parenting counseling sessions over the years. Product Code: 768X
Beautiful Muslim Names and
Product Code: 0041
Their Meaning
.VTMJN5FFOT Fatimah Suzanne al Ja’fari
Today’s Worry, Tomorrow’s Hope Paperback (6x9)
Drs. Ekram & Mohamed Rida Beshir Muslim names are beautiful and mean much. A newborn has a
Paperback (6x9) right over his parents to be endowed with a good name. In return,
he has to live up to the spirit of that name. This book is a good
252 Pages
reference for the most common names, their meanings and how
The book offers a practical guide for parents who wish to protect to correctly pronounce and transliterate them.
their teens from the dazzle of a superfluous western culture and
help them lead a virtuous life as taught by Islam. RRP: £4.99
RRP: £9.99
RRP: £7.99
Amir represents the searching soul, the child of inquisition who This book features a collection of short stories written by Muslim
has fallen in love with the heavenly stars. He stands at the edge of teenage girls for Muslim teens. Muslim teens face unique
time, trying to ‘capture’ the inspiration from the songs he hears. struggles as a result of their identity. In this book, real Muslim
He cannot rest until he understands the meaning of the stars and teens have shared their innermost thoughts and feelings about
their placement within the constellation. This collection of poems their teenage years. They have discussed issues like Hijab (Head
is Amir’s ‘journey’ through the ‘stars’ in search of love and peace. cover), prom, peer pressure, going to movies, and identity search
About the Author: in high school.
WALEED A. MAKTARI, originally from Yemen, was born in the United RRP: £7.99
Kingdom in 1971, where he was educated, and lived most of his life.
He currently resides in the United Arab Emirates where he works as
an education counselor.
RRP: £7.99
Publisher: Generalia Multimedia
RRP: £19.99
Publisher: Dar El-Ilm Lilmalayin, Beirut, Lebanon
Product Code:
Product Code: D03
D12 Pocket Size
Cover: Cover:
Hardback Paperback
Authors: Authors:
Munir Baalbaki, Munir Baalbaki,
Dr. Rohi Baalbaki Dr. Rohi Baalbaki
RRP: £49.99 RRP: £5.99
Product Code:
Product Code: D003
D002 Pocket Size
Cover: Cover:
Hardback Paperback
Author: Author:
Dr. Rohi Baalbaki Dr. Rohi Baalbaki
RRP: £26.99 RRP: £3.99
Product Code:
Product Code: D04
D15 Pocket Size
Cover: Cover:
Hardback Paperback
Author: Author:
Munir Baalbaki Munir Baalbaki
RRP: £34.99 RRP: £3.99
160 pages describing human body, technology, cultures,
animals, vegetables, transport, sport and arts.
160 pages describing human body, technology,
RRP: £22.99 cultures, animals, vegetables, transport, sport and
RRP: £13.99
A colourful and illustrated series of books for young children to help them understand the world around them.
Publisher: Al-Maaref Est., Beirut - Lebanon
This book familiarizes the child with subject at the nursery with photos of things that they
see named in English and Arabic.
RRP: £4.50
Product Code: CB02
My First Illustrated Book (Arabic-English)
In the Market
Hardback (6” x 8”)
22 pages
This book covers most subjects that the child can see in the market. Photos are named in
English and Arabic.
RRP: £4.50
Product Code: CB01
My First Illustrated Book (Arabic-English)
In the Garden
Hardback (6” x 8”)
22 pages
This book illustrates most garden items with photos explained in English and Arabic.
RRP: £4.50
Publisher: Fine Media Group
Product Code:&7.-1
(Special Edition DVD, with Bonus CD)
Publisher: Badr International
Language: Arabic and English
Ages: 4-8 Years
Run Time: 95
The first animated feature film about Islam’s Prophet; “Muhammad
(P.B.U.H.) the Last Prophet” is now available to own on a Special Edition
DVD. The movie aims to introduce the story of Islam and its Prophet to new
generations in the appealing and accessible medium of animation. Though
the Prophet is not personified, sound and cinematography are employed
in the telling of his story. The film is directed by Disney veteran Richard
Rich, the creator of The King and I, The Fox and the Hound, as well as The
Swan Princess and is capped off with a stunning soundtrack by Emmy-
award winning composer William Kidd. This Special Edition DVD is packed
with special features including Music Video Clips of famous artists such as
“Aa’shiq Al-Rasul”, “Mesut Kurtis”, and “Qatrunada”.
The Special Edition also includes a bonus song CD, entitled “A Tribute
to the Prophet” which is a collection of popular Nasheeds (Songs) by famous artists from around the world who praised
the Prophet in their songs, like YUSUF ISLAM, AA’SHIQ AL-RASUL, and HAMZA ROBERTSON from the UK, NATIVE DEAN
from the USA, DAWUD WHARNSBY from Canada, MESUT KURTIS from Macedonia, ZAIN BHIKHA from South Africa, and
QATRUNADA from Indonesia. The Special Edition is uniquely packaged to resemble the “Kaba”-the holy house in Mecca –
highlighting the location where it all began.
RRP: £14.99
Product Code:&7
Quantity: 2
Production Company: Iqra Southall
Fatih Sultan Muhammad is an incredible breakthrough in Islamic video entertainment.
Fatih Cartoon is the first ever full length feature made in adherence to the highest
standards of hand drawn animation, produced in the Muslim world.
This Childrens Islamic Cartoon will take you back in time to admire the glory of
Muslim Civilisation and to witness one of the most pivotal events in the history of
Muslims - the opening of Constantinpole in 1453. This historical epic traces the life of
the Ottoman Sultan Muhammad II from his first ascension to the throne in 1444 at the
tender age of 12.
The project follows Sultan Muhammad through his struggles, dealing with the
plotting and aggression of the Byzantine Emperor Constantine XI, and it shows his
creative planning for defence against an inevitable clash with the crusaders. The
story culminates with the final battle to open Constantnople, the Byzantine capital, to
protect the security of the ottomans.
The siege and conquest of constantinople and exemplary events in Muslim history as the Ottomans depended not only
on their strong faith, but also on wise planning and technological superiority. So, prepare to be moved by the inspirational
story of a great Muslim leader who, at the age of 22 led the Ottoman forces and brought an end to the decadance and
injustice of the Byzantine empire. The cartoon format makes it more interesting for the younger muslims too.
An ideal Kids Islamic cartoon for the family.
RRP: £9.99
Product Code:&7
The Message
(DVD, Arabic & English, 30th Anniversary Edition)
Product Code:&7
(DVD, English)
Director: Mustafa Al Aqqad
Publisher: Bay View Entertainment Inc
Run Time: 156
Region 1
An historical documentary of Fascist Italy
Lion of the Desert is the dramatic action epic of the struggle of Omar Mukhtar,
leader of the Muslim resistance in North Africa in the 1920’s and 30’s, against the
imperialism of Mussolini and the Italian army. Despite the challenge of overcoming the
fascist Italian war machine with only faith and wisdom, the Muslims led by Mukhtar
maintained their resistance and refused to be conquered.
RRP: £9.99
Product Code:&72
(Bundle of 3 DVDs)
Production Company: Matrix For Animation – Egypt
Language: Arabic and English
Ages: Ages: 6 to adult
The chosen stories by the creator of the universe ’’Allah’’ to teach mankind. All times
example of good and evil, of life and faith and perfect role models for us and our
A high standard animation filled with excitement and suspense.
A must have in every Muslim’s home library.
RRP: £31.99
Part 1: 5 Stories Part 2: 5 Stories Part 3: 5 Stories
1. Qaroon 6. The Companions 11. The Crow of
2. The People of the of the Elephant 1 Habil & Qabil
Cave 7. The Companions 12. Taloot and
3. The Owner of the of the Elephant 2 Jaloot
Tow Gardens 8. The Believer from 13. Makers of the
4. Saleh’s Camel Pharaoh’s Folks Abyss of Fire 1
5. The Owners of 9. The Ants of 14. Makers of the
the Garden Suleiman Abyss of Fire 2
10. The Cow of the 15. The Story of
Children of Israel El Aziz
Product Code:&7
#BI:B#BI %7%
Publisher: Fine Media Group
Theme: Islamic Manners
Language: Arabic and English
Ages: 4 - 8 Years
Dimensions: (5” x 7”)
Run Time: 60
The boy and the king is the legend of Obaid, a young man who The ‘Ashbal Scouts’ travel the Islamic world and take you along
must choose either to live an easy life in this world or to struggle with them where they solve mysteries, catch criminals and do
for the reward in the hereafter. The story takes place in the time of some sight seeing along the way as they travel. Their quest is
Narsis, a tyrant who controls his people by encouraging them to earning Muslim Scouting’s highest honour which is the ‘Ummah
worship idols and frightening them with the magic of Cinatas, his Badge’.
evil sorcerer. Cinatas chooses Obaid to be his apprentice. At first, As the Ashbal Scouts travel they use their skills and brains
the boy is tempted by dreams of the power and the influence he ofcourse to outwit bumbling criminals. You will be able to see
will wield as the king’s next sorcerer. some beautiful landmarks and learn about Islamic history in all the
But, something happens t make him question his doings and places they visit including Turkey, Burma, Zambia, Pakistan, Egypt
priorities. and more.
RRP: £9.99 These funny, original stories help teach Islamic value and manners
to children. In this exciting volume, meet the scouts for the first
time and follow them on adventures in Turkey and Egypt.
RRP: £19.99
Product Code:&7
The Entire Holy Qur’an on one DVD
Audio CDs
Audio CDs
Includes Kalimaat-ul-Qur’an (meaning and tafseer of words in Qur’an) in the margin. Giant size (24 x 34 cm) with case.
RRP: £39.99
Product Code:27
Qur’an (Velvet
Product Code: G104 cover)
(PME$PWFS.VTIBG Arabic only. Small size
(10 x 14 cm), velvet
Product Code: G103 "M5BKXFFE "SBCJD cover.
RRP: £7.99
Includes Kalimaat-ul-Qur’an
(meaning and tafseer of words
Includes Kalimaat-ul-Qur’an (meaning and tafseer of in Qur’an) in the margin. (14 x
words in Qur’an) in the margin. (17x 24 cm). 20 cm).
RRP: £34.95 RRP: £29.95
The Islamic Studies books from WeekendLearning are based on a comprehensive 12-year curriculum. The curriculum
contains broad aspect of Islam based on the Qur’an and authentic Hadith. The topics in the curriculum are laid out in
a systematic manner to suit the teaching needs in a weekend Islamic school. Topics are selected based on age, grade
and learning levels of each grade. Some topics are covered in multiple grades to add different perspective, details and
additional emphasis. The teachers and director of the school will find continuity in the curriculum as it unfolds year to
year. Teachers will know how much each student will learn year to year, and how much they will have learned at the end
when they graduate out of the school.
All Islamic Studies books from WeekendLearning have age and grade appropriate lessons. Even the length and depth
of each lesson and sentences in the lessons are age and grade appropriate. The lessons are tailored for 50-60 minute
classes. Students in all grades will love the simple and child-friendly language and sentences in the books. The
language of the lessons and the treatment of the subjects are made from children’s perspective. Even English spelling of
Arabic words is age appropriate. The books do not simply disseminate knowledge, but make it relevant to the students’
life and their world. The lessons do not use a lecturing tone, but engage the students in a respectful discussion.
Each lesson in the WeekendLearning series books is followed by a wide variety of homework. Most homework can
be finished within 10-15 minutes. The homework promotes critical thinking. Many of the homework require students
consult an English translation of the Qur’an. The idea is to develop a habit of using the Qur’an as a ready reference
guide. In course of time the Qur’an will become a companion in their life. When they will face challenges in life, they will
remember to refer to the Qur’an – the ultimate source of guidance.
Teacher’s Manual
Many of the teachers in weekend schools are volunteers who do not have formal teaching experience. Sometimes they
feel lost when a text book is given to them to base their lectures. With Weekend Learning text books the teachers will
feel comfortable as the lessons are structured, resourceful and easy to teach. In Mid-2009, many higher grade books
will have optional Teachers Manual containing lesson plans and teaching guides. The manual insha-Allah, will contain
a CD. The CD has question bank, ready-to-print exam questions and homework in PDF and Word files. The CD also has
many of the lessons in PowerPoint.
Product Code: 1695 Product Code: 8341
Children for All Levels of
Supplications from Expertise
Al-Qur’an Author: Husain A. Nuri
Author: Mansur Ahmad, PhD Publisher: WeekendLearning
Publisher: WeekendLearning Publishers
Publishers Paperback (6” x 9”) Perfect
Paperback (5.5” x 8.5”) Bound
28 Pages 160 Pages
Allah said He always listens to good prayers made by everybody. t&BTZUPUFBDI
He listens to the prayers made by believers and sinners. other. Extra challenge with advanced and trivia questions.
Have you taught enough du‘a to your students? In good time and t8SJUUFOCZUIF2VJ[.BTUFSPGBO*OUFSTUBUF*TMBNJD2VJ[#PXM
bad time in life they need to know who they should rely upon for Designed to boost your student’s knowledge base. You will be
help and guidance and what to say. amazed how much students can learn in a short time.
Best prayers are those taught by Allah in the Qur’an and those t0WFSRVFTUJPOT
taught by our Prophet (S). In this booklet, 21 du‘a from the Qur’an tEJGGFSFOUUPQJDTUPUFTUFWFSZBTQFDUPG*TMBNJD4UVEJFT
are included. We can always pray to Allah using our own language. t&YQMBOBUPSZBOTXFSTQSPWJEFEGPSNBOZRVFTUJPOT
However, it is immensely better if we pray to Allah using the exact 3FTPVSDFTGPS2VJ[$POEVDUPS This popular book provides
words of the Qur’an. step-by-step instruction to conduct in-school or inter-school quiz
Each du‘a is followed by its meaning, transliteration and competition. No hi-fi gizmos are needed to conduct a competition.
significance. RRP: £6.99
RRP: £2.99