What Is Energy Medicine

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Energy Medicine is the art of healing at its deepest levels. The intent is to bring the person into internal harmony using the twelve levels of human consciousness as a road map. Rather than a healing technique, Energy Medicine is a practice of awakening the life purpose of the healer. The goals of the Energy Medicine Practitioner are to support the client in healing a condition as well as to awaken the clients passion for living.

Full Spectrum Healing

At its core, Full Spectrum Healing has the understanding that the human body and energy field, the aura, are made up of twelve distinct levels of conscious awareness, where each one is a layer or level in the energy field. These correlate directly to a sound, color, and frequency that must all come into harmony if the body, emotions, mind and spirit are to be healthy. The human body and aura can be seen as a full rainbow spectrum of light, or as a full octave of music, or both. If any color or tone is dulled or removed from the spectrum, the result is a disharmony within the system. When the system is out of harmony, it is felt at the body level as pain, or at the emotional level as anxiety, stress, anger, depression, sadness, or will be felt as conflict in relationships. If held chronically, this dis-harmony creates dis-ease, and will over time drain the system of its vibrancy and health.

Eighteen Full Spectrum Healings

In the Rhys Thomas Institute of Energy Medicine, healers learn eighteen different Full Spectrum Healings. These healings address the specific, everyday issues of life. These issues include physical, emotional, relationships, addictions, empowerment, life purpose, past life, and soul issues. Students learn to hold their own field in the twelve levels of vibration and light, which presents incredible healing experiences for the students as well. In learning Full Spectrum Healing, the practitioner is able to work directly with every dimension of the clients life and return them to harmony and energetic balance.

What makes Full Spectrum Healing Unique?

Full Spectrum Healing differs from all other modalities and techniques in that it integrates all the energetic systems rather than having a more narrow focus such as just bodywork or emotional release, for example. By focusing on only one level of consciousness in which a specific illness has manifested, the cure at that level does not heal on a more holistic level. At the Rhys Thomas Institute of Energy Medicine, practitioners are trained broadly and can release illness at the specific level as well as integrate the other eleven levels which may have been impacted. The Full Spectrum Healer will charge, restructure, clear, and energize each of the energy centers in the aura that may have become blocked or out of balance. Once the healer brings the system back into balance, the client will feel a sense of internal unity and peace that stimulates the immune response within them. The goal of Full Spectrum Healing is not simply to relieve pain but also to create harmony within the entire system.

What are the Twelve Levels of Consciousness used in Full Spectrum Healing? The Seven Chakras
These energy centers represent all the daily experiences of life. They form how you express your life purpose in relationship to yourself, family, and friends, work and spiritual practice. They are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Your body and any direct ailments, pain or problems Your feelings, sensations and emotional issues Your sense of individual self, self esteem and empowerment issues Your self-love, and love relationship issues Your ability to speak your truth and ask for what you really need in your life Your vision and the ability to see clearly both practically and psychically where you fit in the world and in your life 7. Your ability to perceive the unlimited nature of life, and how you to are unlimited in what you can do and experience.

The Five Spiritual Centers

The other five levels are subtle spiritual centers that represent your highest levels of awareness and are your deepest essential states of being that bring you joy, happiness and a direct experience of your soul. They are: 1. Your soul, also known as your essence, that is represented by your highest potential and your most beloved personal qualities and strength of character 2. Your Spiritual Life Purpose and life task that you are here to express as a person in this lifetime 3. Your Physical Life Purpose and how your body is the exact match to your spiritual Life purpose 4. Your Inner Light Point where you create and connect to your brilliance

5. Your Zeal Point which organizes your intuitions into an enlightenment moment. This feels like a physical Ahh-Haaa! and allows the other 11 levels to come into balance

What makes an Energy Medicine Practitioner Different?

An Energy Medicine Practitioner is more than just someone who relieves pain and suffering through techniques alone. Energy Medicine Practitioners are trained in the art of healing which involves awakening the sprit within a person and stimulates healing far beyond symptom relief. To become a Rhys Method Energy Medicine Practitioner, students are guided through an intensive journey in self discovery, awareness and self acceptance. This inner work awakens them to their deeper Life Purpose and Soul and is the essential element in becoming a healer rather than simply a technician. The Rhys Method Life Purpose Profile System is used at the Institute to support this awakening. This system is based on the work of Alexander Lowen and is taught throughout the 3-year Certificate Program. The Rhys Method Energy Medicine and the Rhys Method Full Spectrum Healing are the primary modalities of healing taught exclusively at the Rhys Thomas Institute of Energy Medicine.

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